Everything Wrong With The Shining in Murderous Minutes or More

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okay look I just conferred with the sin counter and it's telling me that it doesn't want any part I'm sending a Stanley Kubrick movie so the sin counter is gonna leave we scoured the internet and could only find one being willing to do this for us and apparently it's the Hal 9000 even he said remove five sins immediately if we know our Kubrick we know he probably filmed this establishing shot seventy four times and yet we couldn't get the helicopter blades out of the spring what line of work he in now I'm a writer main character is a writer in a Stephen King story cliche are people in Denver recommended Jack very highly and for once I agree with them okay what the [ __ ] is up with the people in Denver who recommended Jack and why what's Stewart's beef with the Denver people on their previous recommendations is there a specific pipeline of referrals for a winter caretaker also on what is Stewart making this positive assumption mother or just met Jack a couple minutes ago sure we didn't make a bad first impression it's not like he's lit the room on fire with his personality so far I'm outlining a new writing project and five months of peace is just what I want I hope that project doesn't involve maps it's early November through the middle of May is over six months obviously some people can be put off by the idea of staying alone in place where something like that actually happened well you can rest assured mr. almond that's not gonna happen with me I feel like the only real direction Stanley Kubrick gave Jack Nicholson in this movie was to be consistently 40 percent extra Jackie there are three kool-aid containers here not just the individual packets the full-size suckers and that is entirely too much kool-aid for any group of people that's not a cult I don't think you have anything to worry about I'm quite sure there's nothing physically wrong with Danny after all I examined him with rudimentary utensils while he was lying in his own bed so I should know this for search misses turns most of the time these episodes with kids who never explained Jesus Christ this is the least helpful medical professional in the history of film why'd she even come out here in the first place is the apartment nearby to the JC Penney and she wanted to pick up a pair of Arizona jeans on the way back home also who is this lady anyway Wendy seriously managed to get a doctor to make an immediate house call rather than taking him to a hospital or at least one of those minute clinics dude even for the 80s this is massively on safe did Volkswagen seriously not have rear seatbelts don't worry mom about cannibalism I saw it on TV see it's okay I saw it on the television you can look at Jack Nicholson's performance here in a couple ways you might say he's sort of already done with his family and he's shining them on to effect normalcy so his playfulness is kind of an act very early in the movie it looks like he doesn't even need a stay at the Overlook to become crazy okay the weird changing accents in this movie have always bothered me does Wendy's southern southern twang come from did she think she was still filming Robert Altman's Nashville okay so these ghost girls are twins but earlier the general manager mr. almonds this he came up here with his wife of two little girls about 1810 these girls are supposedly two years apart but clearly if twins 13 feet high got a question where the [ __ ] was this hedge maze when the movie was giving us this overlook establishing shot I know this shot is the front of the place but the camera shows us quite a bit of the back as well and there is definitely no hedge maze back there this is our gold ballroom we can accommodate up to 300 people here very comfortably besides setting us up for the bar scenes later on what's the point of this stop on the tour help Stewart said earlier that there's not a whole lot of time so why is any extremely focused on the essential parts of the hotel I guess we need to know that this is the gold ballroom but today I think it it'd be good idea if he could show mrs. Torrance the kitchen while I continue on with Jack I don't care if it was 1980 and this wasn't technically considered sexist why would you not show the kitchen to Jack even if he's not the primary cook of the family he would be using it at some point right we got 12 turkeys chickens white they stock the ever living out of this freezer before they left for the season it's gonna be sitting there for over six months before it gets served to anyone in the hotel and freezer burn poultry is definitely a sin we call him doc sometimes you know like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons but how did you know that why does Wendy assume that dick knows that they call Danny doc why can't that just be a thing he calls kids also only once dude Wendy and Jack refer to Danny a stock in this movie and it doesn't happen until the 50 minute mark happens so infrequently that the whole idea that they call Danny doc can't even be considered a thing nice cream what a dick move he tells Danny all about the shining in a few minutes so I didn't eat just wait until then to show off instead of terrifying the poor little bastard - you gotta keep reckless if you want to be uh huh that's a little humor we have fun by five o'clock tonight you'll never know anybody was over here Jesus they cut this introduction super short didn't think why did the Torrance's have to come the afternoon that the hotel was shutting down because of that that dude that's in charge of everything is occupied in the last minutes before the place is shut down for six months why is there no overlap in case there are questions this makes no sense my grandmother and I can hold conversations man it knows more people out there who can shine and there have to be so many who can do this just because a handful of people who can do it decide not to believe it doesn't mean that it could be kept a secret there's like a network of Charles Xavier's out there [Music] of course we're going to remove a sin for this low angle shot of Danny riding around on his big wheel the wonderful sound that changes as he rides over the carpet and exposed hardwood floors you think we're monsters this is how the EPA was formed a lot of this eventual cabin fever could have been solved by taking a trip into town during one of these nice days once they've done their daily duties can they not pop out to the local farmers market at the bottom of the mountain or something yeah you're nuts if you think we're not removing us in for this shot about 6 minutes ago the movie informed us that it was a month later after Jack took the job so what the good does it do me to know that it's Tuesday when I don't have a frame of reference for what day it was before this why should I give a flying about Tuesday sorry something about sending this movie is making me slightly crazy so perhaps because of some purposeful broken continuity there's no chair in the background but definitely a chair in the background later perhaps to give the viewer an extra sense of unease but I prefer to believe that Kubrick shot this scene so many times the Jack Nicholson probably got up and smashed that chair out of frustration at one point and the continuity error came out enough being able to find a replacement for it if all Jack's writing is the same sentence over and over again why is he doing the research it's not like any of the history and forms his descent into madness directly he's essentially subject to the whims of the hotel itself I mean if you went from thumbs up I gotta say the turtleneck does suit you man danny is roughly 7 years old and no one questions the Torrance's for stowing him away with no education for an entire school year it's not like Wendy's working with him on math or science or are they considering this is Gabbie er [Music] peer pressure um cuz this TV plugged in you feel bad tired seriously this hotel has been open since 1909 and I assume they've had a winter caretaker most if not all the years since that and all those [ __ ] were perfectly fine except Grady and now Jack what is it about the hotel cuz the movies definitely blaming the hotel that makes them specifically want to kill their family does make it scarier that there's no clear purpose for the eventual horror but it also treats out on a reasonable explanation look it is kind of crazy how the carpet pattern changes here where the tennis ball goes down a clear path of black but when it cuts to the next shot the carpet pattern has changed and it's clearly different when the camera angle comes back to this original shot this does seem deliberate because you have to turn Danny around on purpose to this up but how am I supposed to know I mean if Kubrick did this on purpose then what does the channel like cinemasins supposed to do not mentioned it I mean oh just looked at the ax i sharpened today and nearly chopped the whole channel down this movie isn't what this is it did Stanley Kubrick no this channel would exist man I know the marriage counselor said to fear your feelings but I feel like this could stunt your progress hey that's like multiple actual sense yes god damn bartender from Timbuktu to Portland Maine Jesus Christ this dialogue is so similar to the overdramatic errorless knows that a writer would display at a real bar while downing a bottle of bourbon so the sin isn't really for the movie it's for how writers behave it bars Wendy told the doctor that because Jack was drunk when he heard Danny he vowed never to take a drink again which was five months ago his sobriety is tied to the incident where he hurt Danny a grant she might have been lying to the House doctor but if you're gonna lie why not make jack sobriety three years rather than only five months and sure maybe it took him more than two years to get sober but if he's only had one incident that made him reconsider drinking what was his motivation to finally get sober five months ago so I immediately left our injured son on his own to find you despite this crazy person being definitely on the loose why Annie continues to swelter in a record winter heatwave the central and Rocky Mountain states are buried in snow convenient local Miami newscast is talking about snow and other states as their top store so the dick will get concerned about the Torrance's Danny we're going to shine called dick why'd he wait until now that room 237 attack happened a couple hours ago at the least does the hotel trying to do to Jack at some points it's appealing to his basic desires like boozing and sloth and horniness then it eventually cuts to the old lady corpse so it's also just with it and what does the bladder have to do with convincing him to kill his family why is Jack allowed to leave after a devilish bait-and-switch but Danny got strangled when he walked in this room in fact how did any even escape if the woman was so strong also that must have been very traumatic experience that you'll mention to someone later in the movie right I mean even if not windy and Danny had totally talked a lot about it right right did it to himself why doesn't it occur to windy that maybe the woman Danny was talking about perhaps left the room and wasn't there when Jack went to investigate even though we know he's lying it would make sense for someone who just strangled a child to leave a room for fear getting hot right assume his version of what happened there is no other explanation other than maybe Danny is covering for you even though we know that's not what happened but plenty was sure he did it before Danny told her the story of the crazy woman so why doesn't she revert to that dick picked up Danny Shine right so why can't he ask him what's up at the hotel via that communication I guess there could be a proximity aspect to the power but the movie doesn't give up about giving any real context to that no choice to the stars remember about 18 minutes ago when Jack was here and he had nothing in his wallet after that Wendy told him about the crazy woman then he went to room 237 and saw the woman with the nice beef then he went back to tell Wendy he saw nothing and now he's back at the bar with money in his wallet where do you have time to get money and yes this could all be at his head but why would he imagine no money one time in the magically money the next anything you say boy anything you say as long as you say it twice as is clearly mandated by the script for all the bar scenes mr. Grady you were the caretaker here Jack accuses Grady three times of being a caretaker who killed his family and he denies it three times like the ghost Peter and that's fine it's creepy that it goes to a figment of Jack's imagination feels that he'd alive but then four minutes later he says and when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty corrected basically contradicting everything he tried so hard to deny earlier one of them actually stole a pack of matches and tried to burn it down but I corrected them Sam corrected them you said one of them stole the pack of matches so why correct both of them what did the other sister do there was no Danny only Zuul yeah but what day is it we're due to arrive at 8:20 sir well thank God we know it's 8:00 a.m. right now or how else will we know that dick is 20 minutes away from his destination sure I'm glad this movie told me what time it was that was super important as dicks flight lands it behooves me to go back to the Miami newscast where dude said IVA when the Rocky's is almost impossible ports are shut down stranding thousands of passengers so I'm wondering hope dick was still able to get a flight to Denver during the storms which are still going strong and there we just heard from the news mom Charley only a few of the flights are still landing out at Stapleton International Airport and with these early storms like this I guess the entire airport will probably be closed within the hour yeah they're just little sleight of hand isn't gonna fool me man have airports are shut down and then let dick have his flight from Miami and then tell us well and I'm sure the airport is still open for some flights but it'll be closed soon and this is a beautiful way for Staheli goober to cover his ass yep scariest but some of these typing mistakes are bull why does he press the shift key when spelling that play in the middle why's he hit the spacebar in the middle of typing makes on that same line Wendy sifts through all the pages with that same phrase repeated over and over feeling the need to look at each individual page even though just three or four pages with this is insane and why doesn't she skip ahead to the bottom of the stack I'd remove a billion sins if she got a last pay saw real story being written with yeah per minute there I thought my husband had gone crazy I'm just sitting here watching Jack Nicholson for the last five minutes what a mesmerizing force of nature this guy is I do think he goes overboard too quickly in this movie but at this point in the film all I can say is goddamn I know that the storage room is conceptually a good option but that is way far away from the lounge and Wendy's drugged and unconscious grown-ass man up those stairs and all the way to the kitchen when she's a hundred pounds soaking wet I'm just saying she didn't even think about tie him up somewhere closer to where she clobbered him this is the equivalent of the car that won't start a horror movie cliche but just with pantry locks Jesus Christ how cold must it be out there she's walking out wearing this I know if he thinks there's something wrong with the snowcat and she wants to check but dare get some warmer clothing on mr. Torrance I see you can hardly have taken care of the business we discussed I have come to believe this is a long-winded gray DX mark enough why didn't you come to rescue Jack earlier than this all because the hotel's ghost didn't think jack was up to the task of killing his family was the delay due to some sort of ghost Conclave where they debated whether Jack was evil enough to be saved wasn't Grady already encouraging Jack to chop his mother family into bits is there a harsher option than that look I know it's been a long day and Wendy has to be tired but she seriously went full-on to bed while Jackson the [ __ ] walk in she poured a glass of water and everything oh sure I'm glad Danny shiny has a flair for the dramatic instead of just giving him the word murder it decides to give him a backwards version of it so that when he writes it on the door Wendy will wake up and see the word in the mirror also this is the most tough Minority Report I have ever seen also so what good does it do them he wrote murder backwards on the door so what if the shining was any good Danny Tony could have told her about Jack escaping the pantry and coming up here with an axe way before this but instead it's just giving some vague reference to murder that could be Danny just learning vocabulary words I guess telling her what's really happening is too tough to write backwards and red lipstick though and yes while this is a creepy moment for sure did when do not already think that Jack was thinking about killing them he just told her that he was gonna bash her brain's in for crying out loud the snow managed to fall just so where Danny not only could get out of the bathroom without being blocked by a mountain of snow but that gave him a convenient slide out the window here's Johnny taking Carson's name in vain wait when did Jack blow the other side of this door open the last time he paused for the dramatics it was just on the right and why with this amount of effort he could have just hacked away at the doorknob and charged on in man who cries for dick Halloran in this movie this guy is like the ultimate good guy can shine definitely cares about the family and is certainly going to save the day right he left Miami to come here went through a whole bunch to get to the hotel and then mere minutes after showing up Jack acts as him story-wise he ends up being pretty worthless although I guess he did Drive a working snow cat up here so his death isn't completely in vain Jack's murder boner for Wendy suddenly wilted when dick showed up even though it's her he really hates but now he can think of nothing other than killing Danny even though the movies shown him having little to no animosity towards his son this whole time this is where stanley kubrick's early a tip to make Eyes Wide Shut went terribly wrong also what though is this supposed to be scary how does this tie in and going on at the Overlook a ghost furry giving a ghost man a ghost [ __ ] isn't evil all Jack thinks to turn on the entire landscape lighting but forgets to grab a jacket 93% of the dialogue and the final act is literally the word Danny it's weird the hotel is starting to show glimpses of it's crazy all the sudden all because jack is attempting a murderous rampage and it happens just as Jack is getting lost in the hedge maze it's like the ghosts don't know the score of the game they are losing also no idea why Wendy is wandering through the hotel to patronize their annual haunted house since Danny is outside and he's the one that matters and I don't look so worried pretty sure this will buff out in the morning marble floors are surprisingly stain resistant scene contains no CGI topiary animals I'm just kidding this hedge maze is so goddamn brilliant the staging the lighting the suspense smart way Daniel thinks his dad all right I'll take one last set off but I'm reaching my limit here man if you think this looks bad you should see his testicles it's hard to know what this even means Grady did say that Jack was always the caretaker so this weird thing could just be some next-level ghost that transcends time and space that's one of those confounding Kubrick things that get you talking about what it all means it's awesome it's contradictory it's a sin no one's ever survived tonight nice you know what won't drive you to Jack Torrence levels of insanity here's Johnny the wonderful world of movie movie is a curated streaming service that will take you through a cinematic journey that you'll never forget come and play with them every day a movie premieres a new film called favorites Golden Age classics experimental eye openers and movies you've been dying to see there are always 30 different films to discover every day is quite a story with movie each and every film is hand selected so you'll never spend more time looking for something great to watch than actually watching something great it's like your own personal Film Festival streaming anytime anywhere you can even launch it on your Smart TV so gay the Sun on the television and you can totally join in on the fun there's nothing I look forward to with the greater pleasure try movie free for 30 days at movie.com slash cinema 6 that's a whole month of great cinema for free ads swell sign up today to start your cinematic journey with movies we love it as much as Jack I love it I really do now we've got dried peaches dried apricots kabobs join up Creole it was almost as though I knew what was going to be around every corner [Music] [Music] promote them all I say cuz this is true you haven't gotten a [ __ ] from a superior officer well you're just letting the best in life pass you by slow tonight you look like a whiskey man
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 2,397,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, jack nicholson the shining, cinemasins the shining, eww the shining, the shining reaction, the shining movie, cinema sins, mistakes, stephen king moives, stephen king, everything wrong with, the shining, jack nicholson, horror movies, movie review, everything wrong with the shining, cinemasins, the shining mistakes, stephen king the shining, wave jockey job, stanley kubrick the shining, the shining review, stanley kubrick, movie, room 237, eww
Id: HqzxtaTAfm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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