Everything Wrong With CinemaSins: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 in 27 Minutes or Less

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[Music] if you haven't seen the previous video in this series follow the link on your screen or click the link in the description or pin comment below the name's Rocket Rocket [Music] [Music] Raccoon [Music] 40 seconds on One logo One logo which is essentially a promo for the movie I'm already paid to watch my brother in Christ you literally had a promo for some no-name food delivery company that lasted over a minute then 12 seconds of your own logo it's like if you're going to complain about this you shouldn't do exactly the same thing only 23 seconds longer besides this isn't a promo for a movie you're watching you're thinking of the stupid ass IMAX promos that advertise IMAX in IMAX movies that's almost as silly as your channel almost come on dra dance only idiots dance no only idiots dance to radio heads creep Shandy Advocate and Cinema sense fans dance to creep that's a lot of dancing this massive one shot is I remind you of a CGI raccoon the entire sequence is probably 75% or more CGI which takes away from the awesomeness and the whole point of doing a one shot and someone's going to find a behind the scenes clip showing some human actor at a moap suit doing this whole walk and that is kind of my point no it's literally not your point you're trying to say that a one shot is devalued because there is a CGI character in it but if you admit there is a motion capture actor you are admitting it's still a one-hot in fact I would argue it's more impressive considering the lighting changes that are required in a one shot which can ruin the color keyed moap suit that is not an easy thing to achieve in a stable scene let alone one with Dynamic camera movements again it's the third movie Drax not coun of the whole Thanos thing and you're somehow still able to be disappointed by Peter Quill I guess you were just forgetting that Peter is one of his best friends and he's sad that Peter is unable to get over Gamora and is constantly getting pasted out drunk I mean this is the whole Thanos thing why are you trying to divorce this from that the dog space suit is cute but how do you expect this animal to do its business you Psychopaths you know that Cosmo is super intelligent and can talk right meaning when she needs to go she can either use her telekinesis to remove the suit or ask someone to do it for her I mean even Stupid Dogs let you know when they need to be taken outside and this one can literally vocalize is this public area really the best place to be practicing with the Death Stick everyone Chuckles because he got lucky and hit the robot who can take a spear to the chest but I'd like to see how much they'd be laughing if it hit kid or a dog or an eyeball first of all nebula is a cyborg not a robot second let's stop sending movies for things that could have happen shall we that's why the scene exists because it didn't do what you think could have happened otherwise that would have been the scene obviously it hasn't happened before hence the reaction from the crowd nebula did you hear he called me a bad dog stealing the dogs can talk translator from the movie Up made by the studio P squirrel except Cosmo the space dog has existed since 2008 and up came out a year later meaning you've got that backwards you casual mantis why don't you just touch him and you know make him happy I am Groot giving Groot the grossest line possible so you can slip the grossest line possible into your Disney approved movie Groot clearly said she should touch his beus now I don't know about you but I don't think women touching someone's beus is gross in fact that's how we all got here except you of course since you were made in that lab in Wuhan it is wrong to manipulate the feelings of friends that is literally the definition of having friends that definition you're using is pretty ridiculous but not quite as ridiculous as that laugh character we think as a hard ass takes off their shirt and reveals a bunch of scars suggesting they're even hard assier than we thought cliche actually this is the opposite of that we are supposed to feel sympathy for Rocket here usually this Trope is meant to signify a person being a badass but here we are shown that rocket has been abused Rocket's tiny raccoon body survives this in a way that Newton would be personally offended by I bet he'd hate the MCU well there's a lot of that going around ain't there but I wouldn't invoke Newton if I were you Cinema Sins with the way you proudly stated there is no gravity in space I'm certain he'd hate you more than the MCU on the ground great a fight between a character I've known for a while but whose Powers I know nothing about versus a brand new guy whose Powers I know nothing about set in a city that is derivative of half a dozen sci-fi movie cities forgive me if it takes me a moment or two to find my orgasm that's the beautiful thing about movies they show you everything you need to know strangely you seem to fail at the task of understanding what you're seeing especially when it's being spoonfed to you I mean you literally called her a robot meaning you have some understanding of her ability to be modular but for the sake of this sin you're just pretending you don't know this information I thought cinemin was supposed to be funny what's funny about contradicting oneself in the span of 2 minutes the genetically modified demigod with laser poems and the power of flight choosing to throw hands see what I mean I thought you just said you don't know what warlock's abilities are but here you are saying he should be using other abilities to fight nebula specifically ones that haven't yet been shown and for theth time movies that feature ap-like beings will have them using their hands and feet to fight because that's how Apes fight this is why Superman still punches things he's a primat like being and primates punch and kick how the are you consistently surprised at this warlock tearing Groot tree limb from limb sure feels like it should be a big deal but since we've literally seen this character die that orgasm is still alluding me considering Groot spends time as a spider with a giant head I'd say there were consequences but he's a tree we've seen him take parts off his own body many times at this point I mean a part of him makes up the majority of Stormbreaker for Fu sake what is this criticism we need Med packs Med packs is this a video game now Jeremy thinks video games invented Med packs that's worth these many sins Stitch him up and transfer him in with the rest of batch 89 and so begins Rocket's tragic origin story which he will conveniently play out in his mind scen by scene and in chronological order as we go through the rest of the movie because that is exactly how coma dreaming works but see if they showed him hugging in otter with robotic arms that gets shot in the ass you'd have sinned the scene for not making any sense I think twice about touching him with that filthy cage rag unless you want the second word he learns to be infected Jeremy yells at the screen cliche also whichever [ __ ] at McQ you who thought I needed to see a terrified baby raccoon be provided with the gift of sapience only for his first experience to be labotomy induced Agony and it doesn't end there kids we're going to see a ton more animated animal abuse over the next 2 and a half hours I don't care if it's only CG animals I don't come to my Marvel movies expecting to constantly second screen doesth dog.com so the sin here is that Marvel was successful at their goal of making you feel empathy for the animals being abused you're sinning them for doing their job too well and it's pretty convenient that you no longer care about the animals being CG when it was sinful earlier you should open a business selling thong slippers a kill switch a device set to destruct if anyone goes poking around inside him my parents gave me a kill switch too it was called guilt why would rocket have a kill switch apparently someone considers him proprietary technology and sent that golden lunatic to get himing what how did she know warlock was even after rocket and even if she did why would she assume this highly specific motive the real kicker is that she ends up being 100% correct despite this being one of the leap leaps of logic since Leonard the leaping leopard won best leaper at The Logical leap Olympics yeah that weird assumption the movie showed where Adam was chasing Rockets specifically and the connection nebula is literally reading from the computer strapped to her head kill no people kill one guy one stupid guy who no one loves finding contrived ways to drag Bucky Barnes into every MCU movie how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man take that word you said that I'm a bad dog nope this is just a setup so that he can take it back at the end of the movie when the dog does something heroic because that's just how movies are and I'm dead inside congratulations you can point things out mind telling us why it was a sin I located the coordinates for orgo Corp I think I have a contact near there maybe they can help us get in space is Big you just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is and yet blue Gamora here happens to have a contact right where they want to go wonders never cease sure it sounds unlikely when you say it like that until until I tell you that her contact is a member of the ravagers more specifically Gamora who has been a space pirate since ingame as we have been shown the ravagers have people everywhere and it makes sense they would be near places where other beings that are members of the galactic Community exist if you watch the first Guardians movie and thought hey that was great but it could really use more Sid from Toy Story well have I got the disturbing nightmare fuel Trilogy concluder for you I'm honestly over casuals and their lack of comic book knowledge complaining about Marvel actually adapting the comics this is like complaining that Harry Potter has a Godfather Nam serus who cares what you believe it's in the source material that moment when you know the location text prompts are meaningless due to the infinite nature of space so you make them full of gibberish this actually nullifies your nebula sin two SS ago this points to there being a galactic community that have some form of coordinates for space and it's why she was able to find a ravager near orgo Corp it's biof formed instead of being built it's grown from living matter instead of show don't tell this movie is going for the for the show for a long time and then tell even though no one asked method of exposition which could be a sin if it weren't coming from you am I tripping or didn't you complain about not knowing nebula's abilities even though they were showing them on screen criticizing tell don't show when you also criticize show don't tell is the reason idiots like this exist and that's sinful for shield so when nebula said the structure is surrounded by three impenetrable plasmic security Shields earlier she was completely full sh and meant very penetrable and with extremely little effort needed you know this movie made nearly a billion dollars right meaning people actually saw it so we are acutely aware that Star-Lord modified the ship to be able to penetrate the shields something nebula was unaware he'd be able to do when she made her statement in other words SE manipulation ding you had family on Earth and you never wanted to go back to see them nope he just wanted to make Jackson Pollock jokes in space and eventually deify and allow the Redemption of the The Entity that took him captive as a small boy that's a sin for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and you're speaking to mantis as if she can hear you you can surrender and turn over any stuff worth anything and live or you can die tot up to you the fact that totes has left Earth and infected whatever part of the Galaxy this is I mean I don't disagree here but you literally use that corny ass word did you think we forgot this a those man eating tulips are just totes adorbs totes and adorbs that's worth these sins you're early nice try but that's basically the same as you're late so F you being early is the same as being late be not as you are but as you should be it's our sacred Mission sounds like church no no no no we have but a single quest to create the perfect species and the perfect perfect society that sounds like two separate quests actually not a single one what you can have multiple goals on a single Quest dude have you never played an Ubisoft game based on these colorful suits it looks like Skittles abandoned Shazam and the DCU quicker than James gun abandoned Henry caval imagine playing to the snyderverse crowd a band of lunatics so deranged they make Star Wars fans seem neurotypical Henry appeared in six DCU movies that's literally as many appearances Chris Pratt has in the MCU it's not gun's fault most people didn't like the DC euu blame DC and Snyder for not taking their time to build up a universe organically you may not like hearing it but a fresh start is exactly what DC needs we loved each other I don't think so I'm with new Gamora quill and Gamora never demonstrated love in any previous film flirtation maybe lost maybe but they never had a love-based relationship and this is part of why quill ruining the apprehension of Thanos and infinity war is soing stupid because none of these movies ever earned that anger from quill because they never earned the relationship between he and Gamora what in the blue hell are you waffling about they never show a love-based relationship between Peter and gamor first of all you're just making up definitions lust and flirtation are a part of romantic love you're asking for C but you can't get there without A and B all consensual relationships start out with lust and flirtation but what are you even asking for with this all the scenes of them falling in love apparently don't count so what the hell does you were everything to me and I miss you maybe if if you open yourself up to it what a [ __ ] dick you're asking what amounts to someone's clone to fall in love with you because another version of them kind of liked you you don't know this Gamora and she doesn't know you and I guarantee you she's better off for it he didn't ask her to fall in love with him he asked her to open herself up to the idea to tear down the wall she has up a wall that I remind you exists exclusively due to nebula telling her she would fall in love with him so she's actively resisting it it's like telling someone their future so that person tries to change that future to prove you wrong Galactic fat jokes unless you're the personification of the BMI this is not a fat joke it's literally a muscular joke you threw them in the contamination bin it expelled stuff into space the moment you shut the door that would have been helpful information 3 minutes ago mantis would be the Wedding Singer at Cinema s considering mantis is an abject [ __ ] I don't disagree orgo Corp has been producing cybernetic implants and genetic upgrades Across the Universe and nobody thought that maybe this is where the genetically upgraded RAC might have come from you had to read his internal organs to figure this [ __ ] out you're saying this as if they knew this information already and the movie explicitly shows you they didn't know what an Oro Corp even was Nor its location or even cared about Rocket's Origins you're speaking from the perspective of the audience and placing that frame of reference on the characters we wanted to know where rocket came from not the Guardians that must be the space port a lot of this 2 and 1 half hour movie is characters pointing out that they see so they would be excellent at Cinema Sins what does this Society have against solid machine interface controls they already told you they grew this entire facility I would wager that it's more cost-effective to grow your own equipment than to order or build it in other words this is what a theme is you're a kitty cat thinking that a kitty cat is any less of a danger to your life than a regular ass person never forget we forever live under their gracious permission cat owners let's kill that one that looks like a carrot to show we me business this movie is Ant-Man 3 so far only instead of the quantum realm it's the space biome thing gooey ship controls joking about aliens that look like vegetables a villain in purple that started out with good intentions prove me wrong Jeremy just inadvertently dunked on everyone that likes this movie but claims Ant-Man 3 is bad I would give him a sin removal for a base take but then I remembered he's trying to call this one bad too and then I lost my temper and nearly destroyed half the universe record scratch [ __ ] you did destroy half the universe it was just undone later by time travel that was invented in a single evening but you definitely destroyed half the universe with your lost temper and since it's back and he helped bring it back his words are still technically true you would have a point if this were before endgame but it's not so you don't everyone else who died in the past stay dead not her why was it the magic Cliff I don't know that's some freaking infinity stone scientist oh wow we're just going to use this elevator ride as a way to air out all the nonsense that doesn't make sense at Infinity war in endgame well sh is this ride really going to take 47 minutes or less it does make sense his gamor can't come back as her sacrifice was an immutable facet of receiving the gym this gamor is a Time displaced gamor from 2014 who exists essentially as a variant in this timeline due to the pin particle this is exactly the argument I was making when I said The Avengers can simply pluck a younger black widow out of the past and bring her into the current timeline but for some reason people think this is impossible the only people that are confused are the Casual audience members that includes you Jeremy Drax is on the ground after two gunshots and nebula is throwing up and I hope you didn't think any of these characters were going to die what's the sin here that they didn't die the movie is worse because the protagonist survived help me groy dra Kenobi Jeremy makes a pop culture no but if I was removed today this bulging Rubik's Cube Gizmo is godamn Magic laws of Science Fiction number three any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic what he wants is that gutted badger in the medbay and you're going to bring it straight to him it's almost certainly a trap that's a concern for certain but for now I'm more preoccupied with why you know the word Badger and know that it's similar enough to a raccoon to be a substitute in Universe they are all using communication devices that allow them to understand each other's language so from the perspective of gamor she's actually speaking Zen hubber and is most likely saying the Zen hubber word that closely translates to Badger it's similar to the Japanese Tanuki most non-japanese speakers would refer to that animal as a badger or a raccoon even though they are different animals but also if this is a trap it's the worst trap ever because it relies on quill remembering this guy bumped into him and someone on the team knowing who he is especially impossible considering Gamora is the one that links him back to the high evolutionary and there's no way he could have known they'd hire her I'm sorry but that sin was one of the largest leaps in logic ever coming from the dude that tried to criticize this movie for a leap in Logic the Trap doesn't require any of what you just said it was simply reliant on them bringing rocket back to the high evolutionary so that he could be healed the high evolutionary already knew they were headed to orgo Corp which would ultimately lead them back to him remember sin 29 I believe I know where they're going how could you know that why would he assume that the Guardians immediately figured out his plan and were setting a course for Oro Corp HQ warlock doesn't even know how badly injured rocket is so why would he know they're going there for help why is everyone fing omnicient in this movie Outpost this is Gore are you there naturally he was completely disintegrated but his calm device managed to survive naturally you're lying about him being completely disintegrated as you can clearly see the lower half of his body wasn't even touched by the Warlock guess where the communication device was audience you need to say to him exactly what I told you to say why don't you just say it no one ever listens to me you have the ability to touch people and alter the mind's perception of reality they literally have no choice but to listen to you no that's not getting someone to listen to you that is mind controlling them you are saying mind controlling someone to fall in love with you is the same as them Falling in Love With You organic Al did w division teach you nothing oh right you didn't watch that you're simply a mly of mistakes we could learn from and apply to the creatures that truly mattered Dad no that's not the test tube in Wuhan we're not here to harm you for your need but we are here to infect you with our disgusting pocket racks what is it with this movie in sloppy wound management damn it Jim he's a pirate not a doctor now what open the fing door that is a stupid design and your instructions were very unclear I think the instructions were to find the most inane way to drop Marvel's first F bomb seemed pretty clear to me sinning this scene that's worth these many sins also why do they think there's going to be a parking lot and ground entrance to this place because there is a parking lot she stays here why policy against weaponry and your arm is a gun well then why are you letting Groot in his entire body has a weapon they don't even bother to scan it he's a [ __ ] Tree and more to the point Flora colossi are extremely rare so would make sense they would be unfamiliar with his capabilities there's a reason most people can't speak Groot it really is C in the space of 2 minutes we're treated to the bloody corpses of the adorable otter walrus and bunny that we've spent the last hour getting attached to pointing out things on the screen cliche a lot of this 2 and a half hour movie is characters pointing out that they see Drax the Destroyer lovable comic relief hero and innocent civilian rap murder Allin one I guess you just thought Drax was in prison in the first film for running a lemonade stand without a permit huh I don't need another speech by some impotent wack job whose mother didn't love him rationalizing why he needs to conquer the universe did you used to work for Tesla he didn't but I did and Elon didn't do speeches he sends emails you know because he can barely talk I the real the real if the if the well they'll they'll inter enter that alien there's no there's no like aliens pleaded space toilets that's the problem you have with this scene I'd be more curious why an alien and has a vagina if gamor wasn't indestructible I'm not sure her story would be able to continue she's indestructible right that's her power superhuman strength speed stamina agility reflexes healing Factor durability quite a novel Escape Plan jumping at first into an exploding planet was this really the plan all along how did quill know they'd be taken to a place with an external window or that they'd have the opportunity to be this close to the guy with the key code in his head I don't think this was the plan at all congratulations it wasn't guess what you win also volume two we just saw Groot Sprout wings and glide them to safety and the best trick he has to avoid them getting squished is falling down I failed to see how those two things are at all related what kind of monster Slaughters a civilization says the daughter of the guy who slaughtered half the universe she should be very familiar with this type of person Jeremy I think I think that was the joke you think I'm stupid yes forget holy mtis that is lazy selfish and I'm pretty sure it's unethical to the nth degree didn't you just say she should have done this to Star-Lord to get him to listen to her so you knew this was unethical but still said it anyway bro put the meth down this is not the blue stuff I'm sorry I'm so sorry we were right this sky is beautiful and it is forever either this is truly Lyla sending rocket a message from the great beyond and James gun is responsible for inventing an MCU afterlife or this apology means jack because rocket is a imagining all of it and none of this matters one we know there is an afterlife in the MCU as we were shown Valhalla in love and thunder and two even if he is imagining this it doesn't mean it doesn't matter self- soothing and self- motivation are real things in Psychology and they are entirely how guys like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan became as great as they were pick up a book George Bush there are the hands that made us and then there are the hands that guide the hands everyone is made by someone cool but that doesn't stop this from being the most well-crafted yet nothing meaning sentiment I think I've ever heard there is the sea that sees us and the sea that sees that sea as it sees rocket we love you very much and we're happy you're alive mantis has time for this she almost didn't and that's the point give people their flowers while they can still smell them they will die unless you bring me what is mine screw you you stretch faed RoboCop looking Skeletor wannabe purple nurple peace off qu really didn't learn a single lesson from the whole losing my temper got half the universe dusted experience did he does he not like nebula mantis and the funny one you are saying what the movie is saying and sending the film for it play the rest of the scene he h up you think nothing else matters never get for what they do oh no wait is it happening mantis's neck survives this empathy control superhuman durability regeneration why didn't you tell us you knew their language this whole time why didn't you ask this is dumb not Drax is dumb but dumb because Drax would have already spoken this language at some point in the last however long they've been encountering orb people as soon as they landed on that fake Earth there was a language barrier everyone was struggling with Drax is stupid to be sure but he is also impulsive and oddly honest so the only reason he didn't speak the orb language before now was so that this joke could exist you're half right this was set up for the joke but the problem is if you rewatch any of the scenes of people speaking orbos no one is is directing their speech at him and as we all know draxx is literal in fact I'd argue that attention to detail should be a sin off but then again this is cinema sins and not Cinema wins and not paying attention to important things is kind of your calling card isn't it open the pet sire our bargaining power will be gone I'm starting to not understand what is happening starting starting wait did space decide to stop acting like space that is aing hole in his cockpit why isn't his every everything depressurizing or getting blown out or doing whatever the f sealed environment prevents space from doing to organic flesh why is space broken in this movie because the ships have shields dude this is the third Guardians movie they are operating under the assumption that you have seen the previous films already in these films they show you two versions of shields that protect ships in places like nowhere from space they are both sometimes invisible until something interacts with them and this is mainly done so the audience even knows they're there there is a blue one and a yellow one and the yellow one is the one that's important in this context The Shield was shown in this movie when they made a hole in orgo corp it allowed the Guardians to pass through it but it kept the atmosphere inside this is the same technology they showed on nowhere where ships pass through but the atmosphere stays inside at the end of this movie they show the same technology when Cosmo is attempting to hold a makeshift Bridge together she's a good dog sinning this scene and it being the second sin for the same thing that's worth these many sins um done running this is badass but also it doesn't make a lot of sense since he was a captive and wasn't really ever running except he was on the run from the high evolutionary as they showed in this movie and the cutting yourself off in the middle of talking is my thing stop copying me here is a second one shot that is mostly CGI okay and it was one of the best action sequences in the MCU what's the sin are those kids this movie didn't need to be this long neither did this video but we're here because of [ __ ] like this it needs to be airtight for the the kids to make it across locking up Captain no matter how hard you try smooshing two things together really hard does not an airtight seal make probably NASA as explained earlier Peter is talking about the shields they're going to turn off the yellow one so the children can pass through the clear one without being exposed to the vacuum of space they literally show the one on nowhere is protected against that vacuum already nothing more than a step on my this would be a terrifying moment if we didn't already know that the high evolutionary felt inadequate due to his you adequacies his what that's racist I bet we were fun you couldn't believe it wish we the audience could have seen it might have made one or more movies more impactful pretty sure we did see it but you have advanced CTE so you don't even remember you're making this video while you're making it Antonio Brown I am old but I'm happy [Music] he
Channel: Th3Birdman
Views: 95,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie review, Review, Everything Wrong With Everything Wrong With, CinemaSins, Cinema Sins, CinemaSins Sins, Cinema Sins sins, Th3Birdman, Th3 Birdman, Birdman, Th3Birdman CinemaSins, the birdman, thebirdman, Coraline, Coraline movie, Coraline review, EWW Coraline, EWW EWW Coraline, Everything Wrong With Coraline, Coraline mistakes
Id: FF1dcn3IUl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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