Debunking Conspiracy Theorists: Some Guy Who Is Mad

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this think this sh matter that's the sign of like a narcissist ass I have a quarter million subscribers and 60 million viewers that have explicitly asked for my opinion they asked for your opinion on Flat Earth on the moon that's what they asked you for hey what's up everybody Birdman here this is well I don't know his name but he is a disgruntled subscriber of mine that has taken issue with a video I made a few weeks ago about an image of the Earth and Moon he's very clearly a flat earther and he took issue with the video as they don't like evidence he took to my comment section where well let's have him explain it regardless of Flat Earth or not flat Earth globe whatever it is insulting people should be the last thing that you do it shouldn't be the first thing that you do and the damn sure shouldn't be the first thing you do when nobody was even talking to you about that damn you got me what's his face I was just about to talk about that powder blue pair of Depends you have on your head but I guess I can't do that anymore in all seriousness his issue seems to be that I called Flat earthers idiots in the video and let me be the first to apologize I am truly sorry that I made fun of the disabled because if you believe the Earth is flat in 2024 you clearly have a disability and I'm above making jokes about the handicapped again my son had to write a script that means you wrote that in the script and that was wrong that video was entirely unscripted I was speaking off the cuff and into my electrovoice re20 microphone phone in my somewhat untreated streaming room that's why you can hear the echo of that room in the background of that video do you notice how you don't hear that right now yeah that's because this video is scripted and like Spider-Man no longer telling jokes when you hear me on my nment in my recording booth I'm no longer playing with you you was at your house by yourself [ __ ] if that's not unprovoked then I don't know what unprovoked is incredibly strange position to take wouldn't you say in case that custom face bandage is wrapped around your head too tight I don't know you I've never interacted with you before this and your offense was clearly taken on others behalf you are also in your house alone speaking into a microphone about something you are passionate about how you looked into your camera phone and said this without cracking a smile is commendable but really [ __ ] stupid when you're up against someone that points out people being hypocritical for a [Music] living 42 seconds of real [ __ ] news logos a fragment from another video you really need to step up your editing Jeremy oh this is not a cinema sense video sorry everybody old habits die hard so before I start let me give you a little bit of setup right just give you a little tiny bit of setup the person that um I'm not even really beefing with him because I don't care about the situation I'm quite sure he don't care about the situation oh I care I care [ __ ] but it's about Flat Earth it's on the topic of Flat Earth again because of course it is it's the only thing I can argue with a [ __ ] about so what seemingly happened was this YouTuber called The Birdman he possibly put up a video of him debunking uh conspiracy theory about the moon now I didn't watch that video wait wait wait you didn't even watch the video but didn't you earlier say I wrote a script for that video again my son had to write a script that means you wrote that in the script that means you wrote that in the script how would you know that Lucy you got some splaining to do what I caught wind of was because I follow him on YouTube he posted up it was just a post now I thought it was I thought it was something sad because the way he wrote it the way he started it off it was like he was giving condolences to somebody so I thought one of his fans [Laughter] died he's he's referring to this community post where I roast a longtime follower of mine in the comment section of said video this person went absolutely nuts calling me all sorts of names and just generally went off the rails he later apologized to me for his unhinged rants directed at me and stated that he was drunk when he went on his TI raade now I am a very forgiving person and I generally prefer to squash beef but I am giving old po the side eye because as they say a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts so that's the only reason why I read it right cuz I was trying to see what's going on and you know stay up to date on how YouTubers are treating their fans but it turns out he wasn't talking about a dead person he was trying to say that someone's common sense is dead and it turned out to be a person who was I wouldn't say promoting but he was um just letting it be known that Flat Earth Is His beliefs and for me because I didn't know anything about the globe or the the Moon Theory video and let me stop you right there this is exactly why you should have kept this one in the drafts and minded your [ __ ] business you see I don't do things without reason I'm an extremely calculated person and I only hit post on my various social media platforms if I have a good reason to do so as I just showed I had a good reason to do what I did and frankly I could have done far worse I mean I'm not even showing you everything he said but me being me I like to turn negative things into funny ones and I'm pretty sure an obituary for someone's common sense is [ __ ] hilarious come on dude even for me that was pretty clever I thought it was just a person that was reacting vaguely to what I've caught a little bit of anger about which is the vague disrespect of flat earthers in general from people who have no reason to do it right no reason come on now some guy you subscribe to the dumbest conspiracy on the internet your fruit is hanging so low we dig it out of the ground but I have an actual reason why I debunk flat earthers flat Earth is a gateway drug that is to say once you fall for the stupidest conspiracy theory other more dangerous conspiracies start to make sense to you it's no coincidence that flat earther tend to believe vaccines cause autism or that science is fake you people do not exist in a vacuum your idiocy puts everyone else at risk and you are eligible to vote which does impact my life so no we do have a reason to ridicule you you people are legitimately dangerous and your unhealthy skepticism is exactly why measles is having a comeback so let me give you an example of what these people do let's say I'm making a video about this back scratcher and in the middle of it I say the design of this back scratcher is so dumb I expect a flat Eartha to have created it this is what these [ __ ] do I apologize for pausing on such an unfortunate frame but oh who am I kidding listen random guy I didn't do anything like that if you would have watched the video you hear me call these people idiots because of their insane talking points not because they have an unused condom on their heads I generally don't go after people minding their own business but if they express clearly wrong opinions in a public form as they did on on Twitter then that's free game the topic don't be nothing about Flat Earth whatsoever now that's what I was reacting to right I said basically I stood with that guy because it's weird to me how YouTubers are constantly throwing in flat Eartha insults and it has nothing to do with anything they crowbar it in there as if it needed to be there it didn't need to be there how on this round Earth was that what you were reacting to that never happened you say you didn't watch the video so you were responding to the community post and in that Community post you can clearly see someone not only insulting me but professing a flat Earth position how is this like me randomly targeting a Flur for using a spaghetti spoon as a back scratcher this is part of the psychology of a flat earther you people want to be victims so bad and this is partially why you latch onto this idiotic belief that victim mentality you have has you thinking every Space Program on Earth is lying to you so you have to fight back against the shape of the planet and even worse than that you are insulting an entire group of people who did nothing to you if insulting me is him not doing anything to me then I did nothing to him fair and what do you mean it has nothing to do with flat Earth are you stupid do you not see him talking about Flat Earth how is this even possible to have missed oh that's right you didn't watch the video you're talking about even though I left a link in that Community post from my health apparently even worse than that you're insulting them because you believe that science is the be all and end all of knowledge and if a person doesn't believe in verified certified Sciences then they deserve to be insulted correction if a person doesn't believe in verified certified Sciences they deserve to be insulted if they jump into an arena professing these beliefs I honestly don't care what anybody believes I care about their actions and in this case people with no education on the topic giving an opinion and spreading misinformation which after 2020 we should all be wary of and dislike I mean you literally said it yourself these Sciences are verified and certified those two words mean things and these things mean true I think standing up for the truth and making as many people informed of the truth is a good thing do you disagree now that's important because not a single one of these [ __ ] ever got anything to say about this gender [ __ ] not a single one of them you go from people who refuse to speak on it to people who literally pretend as if what we know to be reality is not what we know just so that they don't seem like some bias [ __ ] you're going way off topic here and didn't you start off this video by saying you follow me since when have you known me to not have an opinion even worse being afraid of sharing it quite frankly I don't care about the discourse surrounding gender I speak on things that I care about like media science Sports and comic books to name a few why the hell are you coming to the Birdman for opinions on the science behind gender what the hell do I have to do with that and the only point I want every single one of these [ __ ] to understand is that if you got enough [ __ ] Gusto to constantly insult this one group of people because their science is unrealistic then why not do the same thing to the other one the one group that's more prevalent the one group that's constantly convincing children that what they say is real the one that's taken Biology and trying to tell us that yo your biology don't even matter your biology matters not in this land I have a better idea why don't you do that you seem quite passionate about it sounds like the basis of a successful YouTube channel wouldn't you say cuz Lord knows whatever the [ __ ] you're doing right now is not working but why are you looking for others to do the job you clearly want to do is it because I'm bigger than you well I was once in your position I started talking about things that I was passionate about and now look at me the same could happen for you I mean there is an audience for you there are flat earthers all around the globe and that's the basis of what I'm saying why the insults I would understand a insult if the person started talking to you first but you sat down and you wrote a video that had nothing to do with that and you just threw in a one second insult to these random group of people for no [ __ ] reason all right so now I'm confused did you watch the video or did you not how would you know who I insulted and why you you were talking about po but now you're talking about the people in the video first of all I have no sympathy for flat earthers in 2024 you people are objectively stupid this is the map you believe in and this is how you think the Sun and Moon revolve above the Earth clearly there are major problems with this namely the seasons the explanation you all give is that the sun rotates in smaller circles in North hemisphere summer and wide circles in North hemisphere winter the reason we know this isn't true is because no matter where you are on the earth and no matter what time of the year the sun moves 15° per hour in the sky you can measure this yourself no Boogeyman scientist required the reason this is a problem for your model is in North hemisphere winter the sun would have to move much faster because this ring is much wider but no matter what time of the year the sun always moves 15° per hour so this model you have doesn't properly account for the seasons that we all can see and experience and is therefore buked do you still believe in Flat Earth after that yeah well then you're stupid before I even start right before I even start cuz I just CAU I just like fully read the statement that he had first I didn't read it all the way I don't read [ __ ] [ __ ] all the way cuz [ __ ] just be saying nonsense points son you mean to tell me you hit record before you fully read what you're complaining about [Music] but look it says it amazes me how you see me post him calling me out my name and then say this was unprovoked unbelievable how politics Will blind you to reality go up to his original statement it ends with we shall miss his howdy in the streams and his contribution to the channel shall not go without gratitude I am myself confused at these tragic turn of events because I make excuse me being that I make fun of flat earthers all the time that's that's funny right right you believe Mr Birdman that because you generally insulted an entire group of people that you are not the first stone thrower now now we're talking about this context if I may explain in my everything wrong with videos I occasionally make fun of flat earthers as they should be made fun of you are not a protected category of people nor should you be and even if you were I might still make fun of you because I make fun of everyone you say you follow me but somehow you miss when I [ __ ] on the religious on left-wing politics Trump supporters white people Asian people black people right-wingers literally nothing is off the table in my videos however we are talking about this context where I was simply responding to a guy that went nuts in my comment section and had multiple paragraph tyraids talking [ __ ] so since he decided to [ __ ] talk me publicly I decided to make fun of him publicly what's the problem only the [ __ ] that came behind what you said and insulted you in response to you insulting his whole belief system and anybody who also believes in it what the what are you talking about that's why I hate y'all [ __ ] son that's why I got calmed down I got to calm down cuz y'all [ __ ] is so ridiculous is there a mirror behind your camera and please get hype it makes her far more entertaining video I mean what's the harm we know you're not coming to California with that energy so you might as well expend it now my son stated in his own statement that he makes fun of these people all the time but but it's unprovoked what in general I criticize ideas the problem is that people take criticism of their ideas to be critiques of themselves in other words people can't divorce their ideas from their personhood you are quite literally demonstrating this concept so I play along and just clown flat earthers themselves I mean look at you you're very clown you honestly think your position is one worthy of respect and I'm sorry not all ideas should be respected I mean think about the people that didd non-adults do you think I need to take their arguments seriously of course you don't which means you agree some ideas are too stupid to take seriously that's what I think of the Earth being flat when we have countless pieces of evidence suggesting otherwise I don't think the conspiracy about 9/11 is stupid and that's mainly because it's at least in the realm of possibility to be clear I don't believe it but it's at least plausible your conspiracy on the other hand literally has nothing not a shred of evidence you don't have a model and it doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny or amateur observation what is there to take seriously [ __ ] it is unprovoked that's what I'm saying you you son if this [ __ ] is saying something in response to [ __ ] that you say all the time how long is a suppos this is supposed to be a fan of yours a fan of yours and that was exactly my point he's aware that I don't take this [ __ ] seriously so why is he flying off the handle right now he could have done this a long time ago but now is the time further he was very clearly reacting to that particular video not to something I've said all the time and this is why I called him out you're clearly unaware that we have a relationship and that I talk to this person very often and that's what's making me laugh if you actually paid attention you'd have seen this Exchange in the comment section indicating that we do in fact have a relationship so what's really going on here is you are offended this is about you and how you feel and again you said you follow me so why are you crying like this is your first time seeing me clown Flat Earth the truth is you see me clowning someone else and you feel like I'm attacking you how often does a fan come back to watch somebody he likes to be basically insulted just for believing in something that again has nothing to do with your topics in your videos bro but the video was about that topic that that was the reason I made the video to dispel misinformation spread by Flur and conspiracy theorists the video is literally titled debunking conspiracy theorists the moon you expected me to talk about the Drake beef let me read what this [ __ ] really say it says with a heavy heart it's with a heavy heart that I announced one of my longtime followers and longtime supporter of this channel is an absolute and object [ __ ] AB we mourn the loss of his common sense so we are sadden by the the the dir of sound education and his upbringing I still don't know that word I'm not looking at I don't like the way that word sound dir noun an inadequate Supply today we bury the brain of a human adult that believes unequivocally that the plane upon which they exist is flat the planet not the brain although the brain is definitely the one of the two that's absolutely flat so he insulted this man several ways right cool we shall miss his howdy in the streams and his contribution to the channel shall not go without gratitude I am myself confused at these tragic turn of events being that me being an [ __ ] I make fun of flat earthers all the time for no reason that's how you should have wrote it no I wrote it how I wanted to write it mine was much funnier so me being that I saw it if it was never posted up I would have never saw it when I found out it was about Flat Earth and I found out it was another instance of this man insulting somebody after I done watched him insult this one specific group over and over unprovoked I had to say something so what you're really saying is I hurt your feelings allow me to apologize I would like to apologize for not caring about your [ __ ] feelings I don't beg or ask anyone to watch my videos or subscribe you all do that of your own valtion because I'm good at what I do and I'm good at insulting people let's to be honest that's all and everything wrong with video is factchecking and making fun of Cinema sense thing is you were busy T he heing when I was making fun of other people but now that it's your turn I've gone too far and now you have to [ __ ] into your iPhone 4 give me a break you just asked me to make fun of trans people dummy you are only mad because it's about you get off your high horse and this is all I said I said I'm with him LOL the way YouTubers crowbar Flat Earth insults into every situation is weird treat it just like y'all treat the TR the gender situation I didn't even say treat it just like y'all treat the gender conversation if nobody brings it up to you just avoid talking about it y'all aren't going out of your way to insult other forms of nonsense science because if you did you would get cancelled so y'all convince yourselves that the [ __ ] science is actually legit only with flat Earth does a person's beliefs make it okay to insult them unprovoked y'all straight up Hypocrites all right in response to that he says this is the bird man three in the the nobody you for your political opinion gang you're trying to use this to grind your clearly right-wing political acts as pathetic now what the [ __ ] does he mean clearly rightwing I don't vote I don't like none of these politicians I think all the laws are [ __ ] up I hate this [ __ ] country and I hate anybody who believe in this country [ __ ] I'm the furthest thing from any political group that any individual [ __ ] could be that's not true first of all your position on gender is a right-wing position not a science-based one one obviously you don't believe in verified and certified science you said that yourself so your position on gender isn't rooted in biology which I remind you is a verified and certified science instead it's rooted in ideology and the only ideology that matches yours is the right-wing one but that's not the only evidence we have you have a video where you rant about being banned for hate speech sounds like a right-winger to me on top of that that video has a fact checked YouTube tag about that thing that happened in 2020 which means being the Flur that you are you were likely spreading antivaccine rhetoric in that video yet another right-wing tactic I don't know I'm not about to watch a 40-minute video from you on this topic so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but then you have another video ranting about the Illuminati and I just don't know what to call you if not right-wing maybe crazy person you like that better and the fact that this [ __ ] in the first part of his sentence start bringing up some right-wing [ __ ] proves that he's probably a leftwing [ __ ] because only right and left wing people care about those terms they the only people throwing around that terminology because regular everyday human beings understand that a person is a person who probably has a variety of different beliefs unless all they do is sit around being brainwashed by one specific group I don't like that other group so I'm going just believe everything this group say you sound I somewhat agree with this take in my experience people on the left and right tend to level this accusation against their respective opposite in an attempt at nullifying an argument and not having to deal with it the problem you're having some guy is that you're up against a guy that actually is what you Proclaim to be I am a political a chaotic neutral if you will I've argued against the right and the left consistently don't believe I'm not on the left go watch my Barbie video to completion and then read the comments I've said this before but taking a political position inevitably means you will have to support some [ __ ] to maintain the Integrity of being on that side I refuse to support something that isn't true and therefore for I support nothing except reality the difference between what you Proclaim to be and what I am is that I base my arguments on verifiable facts I use studies Math logic and science to back up everything I say you think verified and certified science is still somehow wrong even though it was verified and certified what I'm saying is you wear objectivity like a mask in order to push your political opinions whereas I am simply objective I don't care what the result is I simply point to that result I believe in two things that happen to be something that right-wingers believe in but right-wingers don't even believe in Flat Earth that's not even one of the things that they believe in as a whole so why are you bringing that [ __ ] up again this is simply not true well you're telling a half truth it is true that not all right-wingers are flat earthers but you fail to recognize that the vast majority of flat earthers are right-wing it is entirely reasonable to suggest that you may be right-wing especially after you couple that conspiracy with accusations of bias with regard to gender ideology a well-known left-wing political issue then we see the type of content you produce and it's not difficult to see why one would come to that conclusion however I am reasonable if you say you are not right-wing I won't call you that but I want to reiterate that all I said was that you have a right-wing axe to grind and that remains true you want to know why because for the leftwing [ __ ] that probably dominate his channel it's is something to say that'll make them go eat more nuts oh [ __ ] he said right-wing we don't like right-wing [ __ ] let me go gobble the nuts up that's what he said it for if you knew anything about my channel as you said you do you'd know that this is not even close to being true but then this makes me question what side of the spectrum you're actually on why are you so upset about people being leftwing on my channel why would that rile you up to the point that you're talking about this so much when people clown the right or left I laugh with them because I truly don't care about either side people are still bitching in the comment section of my no way home in Harry Potter videos because I didn't condemn JK rolling one of these lunatics is upset that I called her by her name let's put it this way NPC you're not even barking up the wrong tree you're in an entirely different Forest cuz it's no purpose how the [ __ ] you hear one opinion of mine and decide that I belong to a specific group based off one opinion type of [ __ ] are you bro I don't want to get into it I don't want to make fun of [ __ ] whatever there were two opinions and the gender one was what alerted me to the possibility of you not being impartial especially because that [ __ ] came completely out of right field see what I did there there are no other forms of nonsense science there is science and there's nonsense the Earth being a spheroid is science what you're talking is nonsense you see he's not going to mention the gender conversation he read that we all know that he read that part yeah I read it and that's why I said you're grinding the right-wing axe what the [ __ ] do you expect here for me to allow you to take us off topic and engage with a position I don't care about simply because you haven't asked to grind [ __ ] you do that on your own channel we were talking about Flat Earth and you're mad because I stayed on topic huh but he not going to talk about it because then he would have to be honest with the fact that there is nonsense science science that's no excuse me nonsense that's pushed as legit science to actual children who are developing and don't have a fully formed brain right fully formed but not fully developed influence and numb to make major life decisions that are damn near irreversible in most situations reminder we're talking about Flat Earth here and for the record that's not science that's ideology there is no specific paper saying what you just said you are quoting sociologists I am referring to hard Sciences like astronomy and chemistry things that directly disprove your [ __ ] belief system I am well known for my position on sociology and as it isn't a hard science I am completely uninterested in it you want to debate this topic speak to a sociologist numbnuts that person just has to be Earth was flat he built a rocket to prove it and promptly found out just how real gravity is I would say a person accidentally deleting himself is his life being drastically [ __ ] up but as I said earlier this conspiracy theory is a gateway drug to other potentially life-threatening conspiracies such as vaccine hesitancy this then leads to the distrust of Science and Technology you don't even realize you demonstrate this yourself and that's what makes this even more Insidious and this is what this [ __ ] said If you're trying to use this to grind you're clearly right-wing political aess pathetic and if you're with him on Flat Earth you're an idiot too so now he's insulting me did I insult him no didn't insult him matter of fact all I said was that it's weird [ __ ] I didn't even mention him by name I said it's weird how YouTubers crowbar Flat Earth insults into every situation and this [ __ ] went ahead and insulted me because I just stood with the last guy get over it we know what you came here to do and I ain't got time to Hold Your Hand you specific sought out a reaction well you got it you ascribed a political position to me and insinuated that I was too scared to speak up against it that's an insult especially because I pride myself on never running from smoke and addressing [ __ ] headon further you are a flat earther science and math hasn't convinced you so insults will just have to do you people are stupid you reject the very science that you're literally using to make this unhinged video you are suffering a severe form of of cognitive dissonance and we tried speaking nice to you people by explaining scientific principles to you so now you get the sword pin didn't work look at little golin Jr going to cry sound like Nazi [ __ ] to me oh we don't like Jews this guy he stands with the Jews too you might say it's a little bit far to go but I would say the situation with the Jews in Germany probably didn't start off with genocide either started off with a lot of talk probably started off with a lot of talk about how some person and that group of people is not worthy of respect but y'all going to say my argument is ridiculous this [ __ ] is comparing flat earthers to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany if this doesn't convince the last remaining people on the fence that these people are unhinged nothing will hence the insults it amazes me how you see me post him calling me out my name and then say this was unprovoked unbelievable how politics Will blind you to reality this from man who literally said himself that he makes fun of these people all the time but I guess that's not politics blinding a [ __ ] so are we admitting Flat Earth is a political position which one I wonder and then I say another gender denier laugh my ass off y'all really sad people the way y'all pick and choose which nonsense signs the clown last I heard being a man is completely subjective have a good day sir right and here comes the confusion because of course when people try to skip over vital things that you say they going to try to act like you brought it up out of nowhere I mean you did who the heck was talking about gender besides you then you called me a gender denier what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy he said nobody said that what what was said was no one asked you for your political what was said was no one asked you for your political opinions especially when they're not on topic yes that definitely sounds like me and what was your reaction to me telling you that you were off topic again I heard you talk [ __ ] about flat earthers in Cinema Sins video if that ain't not on topic I don't know what is off topic you say h let's listen to the literal last time I brought up flurps in a video I don't really want to write another sin about how powerful Captain Marvel is and yet she needs help here but can't change my DNA people can't help who I am and people are going to blame it all on the gauntlet bracelet things that came out of nowhere in this movie and that's fine if you want to be a gullible [ __ ] again she is fighting someone that is at base level a little weaker than her but is currently being amped by The Cosmic bangal that specifically absorbs Captain Marvel's powers and makes her stronger it's your fault that you don't know anything about the cre when we've had at least two movies featuring them already and Decades of comics that feature the characters they are stronger than normal humans and would be superhumans to them and now this one is sapping someone's power and using it to amplify her own we already saw Ronin manhandle draxx in the first Guardians movie you don't have to be gullible to understand this simply paying attention to what has been presented will suffice but that's the the go-to tactic of anti-intellectuals it's no coincidence that flat earthers antivaxers birthers 911 truthers and the alt-right refer to people that don't fall for their ridiculous conspiracy theories as sheep you're reading from the same Playbook damn sounds like I was making a point about anti-intellectuals and as flat earthers are by definition anti-intellectuals that's on topic where I'm at nobody said that what was said was no one asked you for your political opinions especially when they're not on topic this had nothing to do with your right-wing [ __ ] clown nobody oh this is me nobody asks you for your opinion on the contrary I have a quar million subscribers and 60 million viewers that have explicitly asked for my opinion that's why you're here you want to hear what I have to say about things now tell us how many people have asked you for yours again any metrics anything the look of defeat I love it you can tell that really hurt him first of all we talking about Flat Earth hi Rene did you just forget you went on a multiple minute long tiate about gender you fool now you want to stay on topic after I cooked your monkey ass I stated nothing but facts you said no one asked me about the topic of my video people want to know what I have to say about a bevy of different topics here's the response to that video take your time cuz it's a lot oh [Music] people ask me my opinions on things on a daily basis this shows that at least to these people my opinion holds value I then ask you if you could show the same and you immediately get in your feelings and make a video that will only be seen because I responded to it yeah I know this [ __ ] is like ether making your soul burn slow but I'm saying nobody asks you for your opinion on that [ __ ] hey some dude on the internet who asked my opinion on Cinema SS take your time you'll get it you can't act like the metrics for your regular ass videos has anything to do with science I got to interject again anything remind me don't like the vast majority of my videos contain me explaining scientific principles or dispelling religious Dogma I mean the literal reason I make fun of Christians is that their belief system is diametrically opposed to Sciences like geology and abiogenesis otherwise I wouldn't have a leg to stand on besides who are you again why do you think you or anyone else has the right to determine what I get to talk about on my channel my Channel's name is the Birdman not whatever you think are my regular videos and that being the case me explaining how photography works in the context of planets is right up my [ __ ] alley it's like all I do is explain things in my videos that's the part that seems to be flying over that velour beanie I explain things and guess what the reaction to that video was oops looks like people are asking me for this don't nobody give a [ __ ] about your metrics [ __ ] I was looking at your videos and from what I see the cinema sense videos do better so that means [ __ ] mostly come to you to watch you [ __ ] about another man bitching about something else that's mostly what [ __ ] come to you for now complete that thought what is it that I do when making those videos you mean explain things so exactly what I was doing in the other video hm H and we know you're pressed please stop the cap and drop the ACT not only are you pressed which is why you're trying to disparage my view counts when the most views you've ever gotten will be less than the comments on this video but my point once again went over that Silk bed sheet you're wearing a quarter million people specifically signed up to hear me talk my [ __ ] they hit subscribe because they watched a video from me realized that I know what I'm talking about and decided they wanted to stick around you are not a YouTube partner so you don't understand how the algorithm Works in 2024 it's not that people don't want to see my other [ __ ] it's that YouTube doesn't show it to them they don't even know it exists so it's impossible to say what they come for when even that Series has comments under videos saying they missed the last five everything wrong with videos because YouTube didn't tell them I uploaded and people do ask me for [ __ ] you know what's crazy I've had plenty of yeah and unless you're going to show us some metrics like I did I'm not going to entertain your anecdotes you're perfectly demonstrating the anti intellectual Playbook well my mom said yeah thanks but no thanks show us numbers or stop talking this [ __ ] think this [ __ ] matter that's the sign of like a narcissist ass [ __ ] I have a quarter million subscribers and 60 million viewers that have explicitly ask for my opinion they ask for your opinion on Flat Earth [ __ ] on the moon that's what they asked you for you sure about that cuz what does this look like to you seems like people asking me to do a thing you saying they aren't and you can't say it's because of that recent video because these are years old it's almost like you have no idea who you're talking to just like you have no idea about the shape of the earth both of which could be solved by educating oneself or shutting the [ __ ] up and he says for the record oh I said it never has anything to do with the content you make he says for the record please explain the type of content I make and make sure you leave out debunking or any words are analogous analogous to debunking this ought to be good now I'm confused real quick about why he's telling me to leave out the word debunking what's the purpose of that because if you make content about debunking I would have to say debunking content right he's almost there guys just a little further what is this arbitrary ass limit on the words I'm supposed to use describing something that you asked me to describe [ __ ] nonsense bro the whole thing just [ __ ] nonsense damn you were so close to getting the point and like that cashmir napkin you got wrapped around your Noggin you've complet completely lost it as I've been explaining in this video my content is me making Arguments for various things whether that be movies and the everything wrong with series or me explaining what the word remake means explanations are what I offer for whatever reason you want to arbitrarily exclude my everything wrong with series from this so in order for you to debunk yourself I asked you to explain what you think my content is without using the word debunk or any similar words like explain you have picked up on the fact that you can't do this and if you had brain cells to rub together you'd understand that's the bloody point that all of my non-gaming content is like this me making an argument for something well not all I still make movie reviews but even then you could argue that I'm arguing for my score I say another gender denier he said fam what the [ __ ] are you talking about laugh my ass off where did this straw man even come from now let's get into what I said cuz [ __ ] be on some [ __ ] so maybe he didn't even see it earlier I'll tell you where it come from so you ain't got to wait it comes from if you got enough Gusto to insult one group of people for some [ __ ] science that they carry then do the same thing do it in the same video [ __ ] do do one where you insulting flat Earths and the next one where you insulting [ __ ] [ __ ] that think they [ __ ] just cuz they put on [ __ ] clothes and some makeup insult the women that think they men cuz they took some hormones and grew a mustache yeah but why that particular group I have insulted many many groups at one point or another you want me to go with them specifically this is that a I mentioned what did you match with a trans girl on Bumble get to third base and now you want me to be your flaming sword nah hold your own nuts no pun intended I don't make that kind of content I have no idea why you are begging for me to do so or why this particular subject is on your mind so much maybe try deleting Bumble I don't know I only watch a cinema sin's videos therefore if I heard a flat Earth insult it was during multiple Cinema sin videos and none of those have anything to do with science I'm saying people like you ghost so hard on flat earthers because it's not real but I will never catch y'all going out of your way to insult transgender people when that science is equally [ __ ] let's assume that I agree with you okay now what you want me to attack trans people for what again simply being who they believe themselves to be how is that harmful they haven't done anything illegal and my motto is Live and Let Live as long as what you're doing doesn't harm other people and isn't illegal remember we've already discussed the pathways in which the conspiracy you believe in leads to actual harmful conspiracies as you yourself demonstrate and wouldn't that just come out of the blue Birdman goes at trans folk just because I have no beef with that Community nor does their existence bother me as they clearly do you why would I make a video about them I made a video to spread knowledge which is something I truly believe in your feelings are hurt because I dunked on people like you boo [ __ ] who you're the one that sounds like you have a vagina since we doing this dumb [ __ ] please inform what Cinema's video from you requires a flat Earth joke none of my videos require anything you seem to be forgetting I am a creative and as such I put whatever I want in my art if a flat Earth joke seals in a criticism I'm going to make that joke and you nor anyone else is going to prevent me from doing that this ain't a video by committee these are written voiced and edited by me and that's exactly why I get to say whatever the [ __ ] I want and why you can't do anything about it but be mad also your metrics don't matter bro you're not changing nobody life you make YouTube videos humble yourself I'm not changing anyone's life H well then what are these H not to toot my own horn or anything but I see sentiment like this daily and that's because I try to be as interactive and helpful to my audience as I can be whether that's giving life advice bringing them a new experience or simply giving them a good laugh I have changed some people's lives with my work and that's important to me given that one of my stated goals goals is to spread knowledge and improve media literacy you don't know this because you are not a part of the community that I've built and good cuz we don't want or need you if you walk down the block and say all Muslims are idiots get ready for some issues but that's just it I would never do that religion is an idea the religious are the people I go after ideas Flat Earth is something I do personally feel strongly about but mainly I'm attacking the concept I call specific flat earthers idiots just like I would call a specific Muslim an idiot however I think I'll break that rule 99.9% of flat earthers are idiots and the only reason I don't say 100% is because I'm a scientist and we don't do 100% stop pretending you didn't throw the first stone hoping it hit somebody so your fans can further gobble your nuts for every meal then I said I ain't feel like hitting the space ball 300 times so I just uppercase the whole last point my bad cuz I apologize you know what I'm saying I wish I could have separated it like he did but I ain't got time for that [ __ ] I really don't care about this [ __ ] he doesn't care but he made a 22-minute long video on this interaction sure Jan but it's so funny to me that a [ __ ] with so many [ __ ] with half a million subscribers or some [ __ ] a quarter of a million subscribers is over here arguing with random [ __ ] on the internet because they had a problem with what he said welcome to the Birdman where no matter how famous I get I'll still make time to tell you you're wrong to your face he probably going to say something else but I'm not going to wait for it I probably won't even look at it cuz I [ __ ] made this video already again man this video don't really matter it's not a big deal deal but I like to have these conversations and it's funny to me because so far it's only been with black YouTubers right and so far these [ __ ] don't respond to you unless they want to insult your ass or clown you try to pay attention to that okay let's pay attention to that here's me giving out advice showing appreciation for a positive comment wishing a viewer happy birthday playing off a joke of you were told having a laugh answering questions you know all very healthy interactions with my audience however I do not deny that I mix it up with those of you that wish to challenge me on positions I take in these videos like I said I don't run from smoke I address it if you have a problem you are going to explain yourself or I'm going to make you look foolish that's the risk You Take by getting into the cage with a known lion either you eliminate me or I eliminate you I does this debate stuff so stop taking [ __ ] personal and simply engage I took the time to do so and I'm far busier than any of you least you could do is stand on business anyway nice talk
Channel: Th3Birdman
Views: 31,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MSqMP3B-mpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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