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hello guys welcome back to another video epic games just released the first official preview version of Honor 105.3 on the epic games launcher the other day I know it's crazy 5.2 was only released about a couple of months ago so in this video we'll be going over everything new inside of Unreal Engine 5.3 all the major feature updates and everything you need to know but there are so many new features including updates to nanite and Lumen that include Major Performance updates updates to the rendering including path Tracer now supporting substrate and Niagara fluids huge updates to open worlds and unrouncer 5 such as nanite Landscapes and support for importing large landscape resolutions and so much more now before we get into the video I want to really quickly tell you about my Multiplayer Survival game course there's over 50 plus hours of course content in this course you will learn how to make things like a drag and drop inventory system a complete crafting system where you can craft all sorts of different items a harvesting system where you can chop down any tree rock or Bush that you see on the map we create nine unique weapons and tools things like a rocket launcher pickaxe Hatchet rifle we create an entire building system where you can build your own bases using foundations walls ceilings and you can upgrade your base from wood to then Stone and then to metal this course is currently in Early Access but if you enroll today you'll get a big Early Access discount the price of this course will be raised later on but if you enroll now you'll get access to the entire course and all future lectures that will be added so take your game development skills to the next level by enrolling in this course the link will be in the description below or you can head over to smartpoly.teachable.com to check out the course so right off the bat we have some updates for nanite nanite now supports explicit tangents in the data format and runtime basically a tangent is this line between the two vertices on a model and you can see how the implicit tangents get sort of this crease on the edge and it doesn't look good users can now choose whether or not to use the original model tangents on a per asset basis and from my understanding this is mainly for low poly meshes where you have sort of this sharp edge next up we have a new experimental future for nanite a new nanite spline mesh component splines are very useful for creating levels and environments where you need to manipulate and mesh around an area for example there are things like Road splines Landscape splines and now we have experimental support for nanite enabled on the spline meshes and it'll just be interesting to see how this all works now we have big performance improvements for nanite masked foliage and this is a huge 20 speed Improvement for the rasterization of mass nanite foliage loon is also getting a couple of new updates in 5.3 Lumen reflection now supports more than one bounce when Hardware Ray tracing is enabled with hitlining and Max reflection mountses in the post process volume set to 2 or greater this can be used to prevent black areas and Reflections when there is enough performance budget to allow it as you can see in the image there Lumen Reflections can now also be used with without Lumen Global illumination for games and applications which want to use static lighting but also want to scale up the reflection quality Beyond reflection capture so that's kind of interesting because say you don't want to use Lumen Dynamic lighting but rather you want to use static lighting but now you can have static lighting plus high quality Lumen Reflections now they've made significant Lumen Hardware Ray tracing optimizations including enabling async compute for Hardware Ray tracing by default on consoles it fix the material ambient occlusion is previously applied on top of emissive and direct lighting there's also a lot more fixes and updates to Lumen these are just to name a few but as for rendering we have quite a bit of updates including a new experimental orthographic rendering view orthographic has always been a camera option inside of Unreal Engine but now rendering as orthographic view is supported as experimental future you also have lots of updates to the path Tracer if you are a film Enthusiast we have things like path Tracer now supports heterogeneous volumes such as smoke fire and clouds that you can create using the Niagara fluids plugin substrate materials is also Now supported within path Tracer as well debuffer decal Shader nodes and material Graphics have added support as well and the post-process material buffers now have additional outputs for use specifically with the path Tracer you're also getting some updates for substrate the new experimental material system substrate is still experimental in 5.3 but now it supports some new features such as new glints and specular profiles mainly for automotive applications improved the buffer shading node supports a new fuzz model for high spec platforms and updates to the substrate material editor Tab and many bug fixes and performance improvements virtual Shadow Maps is also getting updated in 5.3 and is officially moving out of the beta and now considered production ready virtual Shadow Maps now respect the nanite cold distance even when Shadow caching is enabled and just additional bug fixes and performance improvements hair is also getting a big update inside Runner engine 5.3 basically groom is the hair set system and they're adding streaming support for room and groom binding assets this allows faster loading time in editor and in game by loading only what is needed lowering CPU and GPU memory pressure for groom assets and just to name a few they're adding continuous LOD for scaling and Improvement performance when there's a lot of Grooms covering a smaller portion of the screen and of course many additional bug fixes and performance improvements for groom Assets Now World building specifically open world maps and Landscapes are getting a huge update inside of onrogen 5.3 and this is probably the future I'm most excited about because it has been ages since epic has released any sort of update to the landscape system and Unreal Engine nanite now can be enabled on landscape actors and Landscape meshes can be rebuilt in the background in order to not disrupt user workflow while in the editor nanite Landscapes does not improve landscape resolution but it allows the user to leverage all the nanite runtime features such as GPU calling automatic geometry streaming lods and generally boosts the runtime performance another big update is the support for large Landscapes Import and Export so Import and Export landscape has been updated in order to support very large landscape resolutions by leveraging World partition and splitting the import operation into several successive batches now this is what I'm very interested to see how it works because currently at the moment you can't really import a large landscape into Unreal Engine because when they switch from Unreal Engine 4 to unrealister 5 they switch the world composition to World partition and what this change is you can't import a tiled landscape but rather you have to import a single high resolution height map and have World partitions split it up into tiles which just the importing process was way too performance intensive especially if you have a really high resolution or large map and you just need an insane amount of ram to import it so yeah it'll be interesting to see how this changes in Unreal Engine 5.3 so I'm going to be making some pretty big open world maps and combine that with the nanite Landscapes this is just going to be absolutely huge we also have level streaming persistence which is a experimental plug-in this manages saving and restoration of specific marked properties on objects containing within the streamed out and in level these properties are defined within the engine configuration ini file they've also added future landscape LOD groups that enable seamless LOD transition across multiple landscape actors within the same group these are just to name a few of the updates coming to World building inside of Unreal Engine 5.3 now there's quite a bit more of updates including some new updates to PCG or the procedural content generation PCG is exploding in popularity with what we saw it was capable of inside of the electric dreams demo and there's just so many different types of things you can use PCG for and in 5.3 we have a new hierarchical generation which allows for execution of different grid sides within the same PCG graph so you can see this brand new node grids size you can Define where the points should be sampled in within that defined grid size PCG now supports rule processing from external data providing future parity with the city sample project rule processor plugin to manage external data process it and produce artifacts On Target actors so if you look at this you can see they took the data from the city sample map and they've generated all these points to show you they can actually recreate the city using PCG now this is potentially huge because the city's sample map was created using external program like Houdini but now we're getting these updates to PCG to potentially have the same sort of procedural tools and capabilities built into the engine now these are just a few updates to PCG there's a lot more of other stuff there are a couple more updates to different platforms such as XR mobile and Apple M2 devices Nani is Now supported on Apple M2 devices and honestly I'm not a big Apple guy so I'm not entirely sure which devices this applies to characters and animations are getting a lot more Futures in Unreal Engine 5.3 unreal is now turning into a 3D application where you can 3D model a mesh on rapid texture it and now you can actually rig it yes you heard me right now you can actually weight paint a mesh add bones remove bones and modify bones with the new experimental skeletal mesh editor the skeletal mesh editor enables users to create skeletons and edit mesh skin weights directly inside of unroll engine this tool offers Faster iterations by allowing the addition of Bones to your assets as well as deformation on static meshes converting them to skeletal meshes all in one place without the need for importing skeleton data now there are a lot more updates that I haven't covered yet things like virtual production simulation audio modeling tools and so if you guys want to check out the full roadmap I'll leave a link in the description below just looking back at all this stuff like this it's kind of crazy to think about all the new features that Unreal Engine has added over the years I mean we have things like nanite control rig Niagara PCG and it's just crazy to think about how Unreal Engine has evolved over the years I mean I remember using automation 4 and it didn't have any of these new features it was just a simple game engine I can't really think of any other program that comes close or is comparable to the engine now let me know which particular category you guys are most interested in down in the comments down below are you interested in the new character and animation updates virtual production updates or World building me in particular I'm excited to try out the new Landscapes inside of unrealism 5.3 and it just seems like they're pumping out new versions of the engine every few months or so I mean Unreal Engine 5.2 isn't even that old it was only released about two months ago anyways that's going to be it for this video subscribe if you want more on real engine updates I'll be covering the news on Unreal Engine 5.3 that comes out and yeah that's going to be it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 83,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Release, Unreal Engine 5 New Features, Unreal Engine 5 Next-Gen, Unreal Engine 5 Nanite, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, UE5 Release, UE5 Next Gen, UE5, Lyra Starter Game, Unreal Engine 5 Lyra Game Tutorial, UE5 Lyra Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World GamesUnreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Games
Id: FOi1sktOuPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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