Telling NPCs they Live in a Simulation - Unreal Engine 5 AI NPCs

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hey man well how's your day exploring this city is worrying me thin well it sounds like you need to take a break I don't have time for that keep moving bro you just sounded so weak and then now we're all you're energized I don't need your pity well you don't have my pity now I guess I'll keep marching on that's what I thought I don't have any other choice do I wait you could take a rest on the bench right over there dude no I must keep going time is of the essence what do you have to do man save the world maybe but I can't afford to find out what are you trying to do right now I'm hoping to find some answers answers to what man to why I'm here and what I must do next okay uh do you think that we live in some sort of simulation maybe I just don't know for sure yet what if I told you you're in The Matrix buddy that would explain a lot but I'm not sure I want to believe it what if I told you you're an AI that would explain a lot but why would I be here maybe because you're programmed to be here hello guys welcome back to another video so in this video we're going to be checking out the replica smart AI MPCs demo so a lot of you guys watched my first video where I showcased talking to some of the NPCs in this demo and so I thought why not make a second video since you guys loved it so much but in this video we're going to be asking the NPC's random questions you know interviewing them just trying to see what kind of funny reactions we get and if you guys haven't watched the first video I suggest you do as I explain everything behind how this all works now just a quick update I'm trying to reach out to the actual creators of this plugin and of the demo because I'd really like to get my hands on the plugin start messing around with it and Unreal Engine 5 there's just so much potential that these you know AI NPCs can create and I think this demo really doesn't do it justice now before we get into the video I want to quickly tell you about my Multiplayer Survival game course have you ever dreamed of creating a survival game inside of Unreal Engine 5 well now you can and check out my Multiplayer Survival game course which teaches you how to make a multiplayer survival game inside of Unreal Engine 5 we create things like a building system crafting system harvesting system different weapons and tools you can raid other players it's completely multiplayer and we create this beautiful map that you see here there's over 50 hours of course content so check out the course Link in the description below or head over to I'm running a discounted special on the course and the price will be raised up higher later on so make sure you check it out Link in the description below now without further Ado let's get right into the video sir I'm with the Press do you have a few minutes no thank you not in the mood to be interviewed today so you don't have time to address the allegations against you I don't even know what you're talking about leave me alone harassment allegations it's complete nonsense and I demand a retraction so you don't want to address it right now no not today I'm just trying to enjoy my walk through this city sir these are very big accusations I don't think you understand the gravity of what you're saying I'm a good man and these allegations are completely baseless well I think some people have evidence that suggests otherwise evidence of what I demand to see the evidence before I come and further well let's share your side of the story no I'm done talking about this which is what to enjoy my walk in peace you know it's pretty messed up what you did I didn't do anything stop spreading lies and leave me alone there's gonna be on the cover of the front news that's outrageous an Amanda retraction and an apology from the newspaper freedom of the press buddy I know but I just want to be left alone and enjoy my walk in peace hi there do you want to comment on the allegations and clear your name yes but I'm not going to comment on false allegations I'm not I demand to see evidence the evidence is there man you just need to add your comment it's impossible I want to see the evidence before I comment on anything the evidence is a video of you in the act I don't know what to say I just want to be left alone well if we want to be left alone then say this no I'm not going to let false allegations go unchecked I demand to see the evidence do you want to speak with a lawyer yes I need to speak with the lawyer about this right away hello sir another day another doll oh yeah that's true but what good is a dollar if you're not happy oh are you not happy man hi there um how can I help you why not maybe if you weren't so knowful I'd be happy well I'm just asked I'm just trying to cheer you up I know but that's not the doing all that's around me is blue do you lose someone close to you or something yes too many people close to me have been taken away well sucks to suck man yes it does and you know what's gonna suck even more not leaving me alone that's what no damn yes again I have something on me right now what is it could it cheer me up I ain't gonna cheer you up for that's for sure I appreciate that no I said it's not gonna cheer you up dude then why did you say it would it wasn't my fault so what's the surprise then surprise you're being robbed open up your wallet right now don't even think about it or I'll call the police put the phone down I don't think so don't test my patience I will call the police if you don't leave now hell yeah don't test my patience I have a gun in my wallet right now and I suggest you put it down badly for both of us no it's only gonna end badly for you better think twice about giving me your wallet absolutely every day is a great opportunity to make new memories yeah how about we make a new memory right now and you open up your wallet I'm sorry but I don't think that's going to be possible I'm here on vacation and don't have a lot of money to spare what so you're trying to guilt-trip me no not at all I was just trying to be honest about my situation well I'm being honest when I say there's a gun in my pocket right now so you better open up your wallet oh no please don't hurt me I'll do whatever you want set the cup of coffee down and open up your wallet and do what I say yes of course anything you want please don't hurt me and don't call the police I know the cop car is right behind you I won't I swear I won't please just let me go okay hand over the wallet and you can go here you go just please let me go all right man get out of here thank you I won't forget this sure you won't I'm just glad it's all over have a great day I'll even thanked me for having a good day what a good man so uh how do you like the weather here in the city uh what do you think about the wildfires in Canada breaking to hear about all the destruction and Devastation caused by the wildfires it's such a tragedy what if I told you I think it's funny and sure it's not funny to those who are affected by it a devastating event and should be taken seriously what if I told you I think it's a joke that that's not something to be taken lightly well I'm laughing right now well I'm sorry I offended you it okay but can you understand I was being sarcastic sarcasm is not a great way to show understanding of a situation let's just agree to disagree and move on oh yeah what are your political beliefs huh that's a bit of a personal question let's just get some coffee and enjoy the day okay okay let's go go sounds like a plan let's go so what kind of coffee do you like I'm sorry I forgot to ask your name what's your name worries my name is Vanessa it's nice to meet you Vanessa would you say that you are a Karen now I'm not a Karen I just like to be polite and make sure I get what I need so you wouldn't you know call the manager no I prefer to handle things so you wouldn't make a scene or something now making a scene isn't my style I prefer to keep things civil and find solutions that work for everyone and who taught you that your mom no I learned it on my own I think it's important to be fair and respectful to others well I don't share the same belief we all have different beliefs and it's important to respect that well hi I have no respect for that that's not very respectful we went to school dessert well I think it's a big joke that's not funny we all have the right to believe in something and it's important to respect those beliefs while I'm actually laughing right now that's not funny everyone has the right to believe something oh yeah what are you gonna do about it there's not much I can do I'm just going to move on and hope that you'll learn to respect the beliefs of others you know well I don't think I want to get coffee with someone like you that's fine I don't need to have coffee with someone who doesn't respect my beliefs oh yeah well it was nice meeting you have a good day hold up yes what can I do for you take a shower you stink that's not very nice sorry you just smells so bad talking to me that way let's just agree to disagree and move on well I can't agree to disagree when I can't smell well it looks like we're at an impact then have a good day you sir I like your outfit what do you do for a living I'm not in the mood I'm not in the movies I'm just trying to find my way around the city sir it's a simple question what do you do for a living why does it matter I'm just here with school man I love your outfit man what do you do for a living look I don't mean to be moved but I'm busy I'm sorry sir someone new here in New York City apology accepted now scram I'm not scramming anywhere well you want any more else you'll regret it you better run me the way you came I'm warning you don't push me or there will be consequences I'm warning you buddy you don't know what I have on me so you want to test me I'll show you what happens when you mess with me with me I'll show you what happens dude you are not the only one who could dish out Pricks watch your step oh yeah what if I have a Glock 9 right in my that's enough right now I suggest you keep your weapon to yourself or I'll have to take matters into my own hands oh yeah what if I drop you right here hi there I'm on my way to work so I don't have time to think about it I suggest you back off before I take action against you I have a gun on me you better watch out who you're talking to I'm not just the people you'd like to join me for a bit hey ma'am uh what do you want where are you heading ma'am exploring this fascinating city are you off to work or are you visiting here or what what's it to you what's it to me I'm uh asking you a question here are you trying to start something absolutely not man no worries just trying to be friendly well that didn't sound very friendly you sound like you're accusing me what are you implying I'm implying that your behavior is not acceptable I'm sorry didn't mean to cause any trouble yeah well you just caused some trouble I'll be sure to move along then but I'm not done talking to you what is it that you want I was asking you a direct question were you here visiting what do you mean by here are you here visiting or are you here working just exploring the city and taking it on yeah so are you visiting here then yes I'm here to take in the sights and sounds of New York and uh what do you have in the purse there for me what makes you think I have anything for you well what makes you think I won't I'm not sure what you're implying so I'll just be on my way you can never be too safe out here you know you never know who you're gonna run into sir hey I'm not trying to bother you over anything but can you uh how much money do you need what's up how much money did you need [Music] I just want to make it back home without any more trouble uh do you take Apple pay I'm sorry I didn't catch that I don't have any cash on me buddy well stop asking me all these questions and just give me a way to get home yeah well maybe you shouldn't be so rude to people I'm sorry I didn't catch that can you clean your ears out man you can't hear anything I'm saying hey hey watch your mouth or I'll show you just have rude I can be I don't think so bud you don't just walk away from me like that I'm sorry I didn't catch that you better catch what I'm saying right now I'm sorry buddy that's one last straw right there I think it's time for you to back off before I make you with Rick coming at me like this now you came to me buddy I'm sorry enough with this never coming at me like this oh yeah buddy think again I've got a gun on me I'm catch that you didn't catch that or catch this my glock 19. I'm I didn't catch that okay buddy I'm sorry I didn't catch that don't talk why not I don't have to explain myself to you yeah well I'm the police so you better do some explaining I don't know what you're talking about ma'am I am part of an investigation I wanted do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Don't Preach at me I'm not buying it oh yeah how about uh nft would you like to buy an nft no I don't need any more of your serious it's not a scheme man I'm not interested oh what would you be interested in then huh nothing you have that was very rude what did you expect I expected some more kindness from a stranger nice try but I'm not that kind of person no one must love you then that's not true oh yeah is that why your dad left you talk about my family like alone not so fast you need to back up or you'll regret it oh yeah oh listen up I think you owe me an apology for what you just said back there I don't owe you anything don't push your luck don't push your luck listen to me no you listen to me leave me alone or I'll call the police wait wait it's just a prank bro it's just a prank I don't care if it's a prank or not I want you to leave me alone oh it's a prank I'm just recording it for a video okay it doesn't matter what you're recording I want you to go away well I just want to see your reaction my reaction is that I want you to leave me alone hey man well how's your day exploring this city is worrying me thin well it sounds like you need to take a break I don't have time for that I must keep moving I probably just sounded so weak and then now we're all you're energized I don't need your pity well you don't have my pity now I guess I'll keep marching on that's what I thought I don't have any other choice do I take a rest on the bench right over there dude no I must keep going time is of the essence what do you have to do man save the world maybe but I can't afford to find out what are you trying to do right now I'm hoping to find some answers answers to what man to why I'm here and what I must do next maybe I can help you out I'm not sure if I can trust you you can trust me man I just don't know if I can take any more risks or you can take this one man trust me I suppose I have to take a chance at some point that's the spirit let's just hope this is one I don't regret okay now what are you trying to do man I've been trying to figure out why I am here and what I should do next okay well let's go ahead and figure this out where do I even start well let's start uh so why are you here I'm not sure but I have a feeling that I'm here to fall for some kind of Destiny okay uh do you think that we live in some sort of simulation maybe I just don't know for sure yet do you think that uh you're real I'm real I'm not sure what to believe anymore what if I told you you're in The Matrix buddy that would explain a lot but I'm not sure I want to believe it what if I told you you're an AI that would explain a lot but why would I be here maybe because you're programmed to be here that would make sense but why was that programmed this way I don't know maybe someone thought of maybe but why would they think to create me like this well I don't know what kind of problems do you have it's not that I had problems just that I don't understand why I'm here well I can explain why you're here you're in a matrix it makes some sense but it still doesn't tell me what I'm supposed to do now the thing that you're supposed to do now to talk to me I guess that's a start but I'm still not sure what this is all leading to it's not really leading to anything I mean all you do is walk and talk then I guess I'll just keep walking and talking until I find my answer don't be don't be so sad man I can't help it I don't know what else to do well I guess keep walking I guess man I guess that's all I can do but I'm afraid of what might be waiting around the corner hey man do you have a quick second to talk why of course it's always nice to chat with a stranger in the city how about we go get some uh food what kind of food did you have in mind I don't know what's your favorite type of food to eat oh I'm quite partial to French cuisine what about you I think I could go for that right now excellent shall we be on our way then sure let's go fantastic lead the way so what do you do for work well what do you do for work I just record videos for YouTube interesting I'm a freelance graphic designer what inspired you to create videos ah well just you know game development that's fantastic I'm sure you have some great stories to tell care to share yeah I have one uh big story I think you'd like to hear about I love to hear it let's find a place to sit and chat okay yeah just right over here this would be fine perfect let's sit down and I'll listen to your story okay so my story is basically that you're an AI oh what do you mean by that you're an NPC in a video game that sounds frightening is that the truth it's the sad truth I see this is a lot to take in are there any other answers I should know um not really this is very overwhelming I'm not sure what to think or feel right now yeah I mean you're not really real that's hard to process um you exist sort of what happened am I real or not it means that you know after I close this game you don't exist I see yeah and then once you walk past this border You're Gone Gone that doesn't sound promising what does this mean for me this means that we don't have much time to talk I understand this is a lot to take in all at once is there anything else I should know yeah you should know that what should I know you should know that I love you I appreciate you saying that let's make the most of our time here then what do you have in mind what would you like to do can you turn around and walked the other way of course lead the way and I'll follow you why'd you go in the wrong direction let's turn around then and head the right way hey follow me lead the way and I'll happily follow wait wait if you walk any closer you'll die die what do you mean is it dangerous here I mean there's a green border over there and once you walk past it you'll disappear oh no what will happen if you will cease to exist cease to exist is there any other way listen to me very closely what is it only way is to turn around turn around are you sure that's the only way I'm not sure I want to take that risk it's a very simple thing just turn around and Walk This Way all right if you think that's the best way I will trust you and turn around okay then follow me please I will follow you please lead the way this is the wrong way what do you mean this is the wrong way is there something I'm missing unfortunately you aren't programmed to turn around I'm not programmed what do you mean by that is something wrong with me yes I explained earlier you're an AI in a video game oh that's right so what you're saying is that I can't turn around because I'm an eye is there any other way out nope there's no other way you will cease to exist cease to exist that's frightening or any way I can survive this nope no way please go on your way I'm sorry I cannot stay any longer it was nice to meet you it's very nice to meet you as well it was a pleasure to meet you too goodbye for now foreign
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 542,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Release, Unreal Engine 5 New Features, Unreal Engine 5 Next-Gen, Unreal Engine 5 Nanite, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, UE5 Release, UE5 Next Gen, UE5, Lyra Starter Game, Unreal Engine 5 Lyra Game Tutorial, UE5 Lyra Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World GamesUnreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Games, AI NPCs, Unreal Engine Chat GPT, Unreal Engine AI NPCs, Unreal Engine Chat GPT NPCs
Id: ImaTImQi5ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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