Everything GREAT About Joker! (Part 1)

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this episode is sponsored by curiosity stream get free access to my streaming service nebula when you sign up for curiosity stream using my link in the description [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] retro WB logo counts for a joker style ATS opening credits a visual representation of this movie it physically hurts Arthur to put on a happy face especially when you consider the source telling him to do so his abusive mother in addition to these awesome tracking shots you might notice how little of the sky we see and it's deliberate even when we do see the sky in a wide it's overcast other times buildings were digitally added to make Gotham its own oppressive character in the movie that's always trying to crush Arthur this moment of awfulness that are really kicking a guy while he's down brought to you by Icelandic composer he'll they're good Annie Thor that can't possibly be pronouncing that correctly anyway her oscar-nominated at least absolutely killer score droning and dragging and weeping this movie is not the same without it and there's never a wrong time for a little clown comedy what a title card bold slightly bleeding beyond the edges of the frame reminding us the Joker is larger than life larger than 65 millimeter another I gotta say inspired choice for the Joker laughter is supposed to be a joyful sound instead it rips at Arthur's throat and pulls his face into a grimace there you have it whether he did or didn't he knows he did and one more person who's supposed to care about him doesn't I just hope my death makes more sense than my life appreciating your own joke and also fake-out and shadowing since he was already considering suicide always a little bit of white paint left over on his chin as if he can never wholly take the clown mask off something he learns to embrace the first time it happens we're left to sit with his condition and think about why and what's going on lesser writers write a line of dialogue with a therapist comments on it this stairs the now-famous stairs kneeling home Arthur struggle and slog through life apple a day keeps the doctor away was Joaquin's motto during prep as in that's all he ate I'm a great mayor everybody says so he's the only one who could save this city clairvoyants unless you the type of person who thinks Thomas Wayne's son actually keeps the city in a perpetual state of cry this is the moment that justifies so much of the movie are we watching a fantasy flash-forward flashback we don't know Arthur or his story yet well enough to know for sure his life seems goofy enough the irony here is that Arthur is so out of touch with social norms he doesn't realize his fake laugh is off footing so it makes its way into his fantasy but once we get to know Arthur we know this isn't how this interchange would have gone at least pre joke replication she says I was put here to spread joy and laughter even fantasy version Murray doesn't believe the lines Arthur's writing for him the oldest the lights show the audience all that stuff I'd give it all up in a heartbeat to have a kid like you it does become pretty clear by the end it isn't real and wouldn't you know what the unreliable narrator comes up again also a fantasy hugging simple shot but something of a conceit for the entire movie Arthur is just stretching his leather shoes I guess but he shot from behind in a way that makes anyone seeing him uncomfortable he's all bone and sinew but still comes off powerful and inhuman you could even project a sinister vibe onto him or say a political movement or other things being unintentionally conveyed you can pay me back some other time he will just in case you weren't sure if that laugh was fake he's going out of business for God's sake on their delivery Joaquin Phoenix is always a win the first hint that Arthur sees things in a different way than Sophie this interchange was a complete win in his mind but he clearly freaked her right out Travis had the foresight to keep all his guns unloaded but I may Anna dancing skill is more important to Arthur than we may have realized we're getting quick glimpses into Arthur both his inability to know what is funny about the stand-up set laughing at the wrong times even being confused when the audience laughs as well as signs of dyslexia which tracks with what we find out later since dyslexia has been called a neurological disorder also we get put into Arthur shoes by missing the punch line since Arthur wouldn't know it anyway he's trying to learn how to be a comic the same way you would learn to drive a car by watching Formula One or maybe a local drag race but still and Arthur even applies that observational humor to his own life I was hoping you'd come in and rob the place I mentioned the unreliable narrator and really that confident endearing smile is such a huge tell anytime you'd like what you're seeing assume you're only seeing what Arthur wants you to see stand-up comedy you should come see a show sometime not to mention agreeing to that after confronting him about stalking her oh man something that should have us worried for Arthur is actually terrifying when you remember that it's coming from the Joker I'll admit when this scene started I was literally thinking come on we get it he's having a rough life you don't need to oh never mind we also don't see Arthur reach for the gun adding to the unreliable narrator and the snapping factor of these murders not to mention Arthur's gun is a Smith & Wesson Model 36 a 38 special which is a revolver that holds five rounds one two three four five six seven eight I don't think this guy is reloading some people felt the dancing was just quirkiness to be weird but the dancing is a pretty big part of Arthur and his connection to his own reality he dances freely as a clown because he can and he wants to he also believes he's a great dancer and when he's feeling powerful playing with his new gun coming up with jokes he thinks her funny murdering three people he almost can't stop the dance and now his own personal dance music drowns out the world as he slips into fantasy you could even look at the dancing as the start of the veneer of reality peeling back for Arthur is that part of you knew I thought that if your dancing doesn't do the trick I'm just gonna shoot yourself more clairvoyance and the guy was singing that his name was chlorophyll which is crazy because that's my clown name work which could be evidence that the story is an embellishment at best human I didn't know if I really existed all I have negative thoughts trailers destroy good lines make them gone and then memes reduce them to atoms still aligned still a meme John Wayne Gacy reference still think Arthur's an antihero that's relatable in the worst way you open your mouth to speak in your vocal courses don't work get to breathe before speaking spider if you can make the crowd laugh again feeling powerful after his date so more dancing right past the initial confrontation another jarring smack to the senses Thomas Waynes backstories vary from version to version but for this world to have the general public seemed to embrace him as the beacon he often is but of course in Joker's version of events he's just plain evil the subtext of Joker creating Batman this time even foreshadowing their future meetings with the bars between them you stretch enough clown shoes you can choke the life out of just about anybody they said I wasn't funny enough each step along Arthur's transformation we get moments where he Peaks his head above his previous limitations each new level of confidence coincides with an event the murders learning the truth about his mom and the confrontation of his supposed stepbrother I also think he stopped his meds and they're leaving his system slowly it's left open-ended after his last meeting with his therapist when he actually stops taking them am I supposed to get my medication no even the doors hate the poor in this society not everything subtle woohoo a glance that suggests he's breaking free from his fantasy right there of all the terrible things to happen to Arthur that's number one the worst Murray just repeated his punchline and got a laugh as if Arthur's intent wasn't cisely that self-deprecation style humor look the delivery wasn't perfect but he would have gotten a chuckle sometimes the taxi driver nods are quick and subtle other times not exactly a match cut but a fun transition nonetheless unsettling scene either way but first particular neurological disorders crave confinement like a security blanket you could also say Arthur went into his cocoon and Joker came out not sure how since that looks like one of those locked from the outside fridges fun fact from this creepy silent screaming scene John Cassian is also an Arkham inmate on Gotham the show quick thinking yikes just reason over the lobotomy there things are falling into place and now as it starts to unravel we get to see Arthur remembering the one real thing that happened between him and Sophie said a Jay and the horror string slowly lead us to confirm what we've been suspecting for a while since we're already talking about the score how about the shining horns marking Arthur's exit pain and terror mixed into an uncontrollable maniacal laugh almost like Arthur has no control over his transformation this just in only Joaquin is up to the task of this Thoreau impersonation knock knock the saddest part is that I believe Arthur thinks he'd get a laugh from that punchline you know sometimes it's hard to keep your brain from thinking oh right because you Joker but that's when you consider that Arthur vindictively wants to play the part that Murray created for him as the failed comic Joker and he's ready to take credit for the murders he needs to embrace the persona of the murderer who had that green hairpiece it makes sense what's with the makeup then my mom died it's already state court said that the creepiest stance and look ever thank you thank you so much I just wanna move I suppose Oh a freak intense moment that's perfectly Joker every other murderer would be worrying about Gary talking considering killing him so we're freaked out that the chain lock was a ploy just to mess with Gary but he's full Joker now he likes Gary and he only kills awful people nothing else matters [Music] and now the stairs that were a symbol of Arthur's struggle to climb up are a breeze to dance down as he fully embodies his new skin dancing not in private not for work but because it's part of who he is and he's gonna let it out now and inside Arthur's head the universe's soundtrack is cheering him on but once we pull back we get to hear and feel what's really going on it's not triumphant it's tragic and it's not a perfect match but the track seems to be at least based on a slowed down version of Gary Glitter's hey song I'm gonna keep bringing this up but I really like the idea that Arthur is just living out a fantasy at this point he's lost his grasp on what's real and even if everything that's happening is 100% real all his fear is gone because he sees himself as the architect of his own reality and truly has nothing to lose no remorse no guilt it's funny to him and he's cool with that now but not as cool as you'll be when I seamlessly segue to how you can see part two right now before it's up on YouTube tomorrow you just need to slow mo dance your way on over to today's sponsor a curiosity stream who has partnered with my new streaming service nebula where both videos are already published and when I say my I mean that together with a bunch of other amazing youtubers we designed and built a streaming service video platform for those of you who don't want to see ads before after during content genuinely if you want to watch this video on nebula there's a different ending because I don't need to tell people on nebula about nebula it's also given us a lot more freedom to try out new things I have an original right now that's part of our working titles series where we talk about TV show title sequences that's all about stranger things and we've partnered with curiosity streams so that when you sign up with them through my link you not only get one month free of curiosity stream you get access to nebula for free and curiosity stream is only $2.99 a month after that and you can't go wrong with curiosity stream because they have thousands of nonfiction titles I wanted to send you to a title that ties into Joker but honestly every time I go to curiosity stream I get sucked into something about dinosaurs so go check out the rise and fall of t-rex because Joker was also scary and killed things sign up today at my link in the description to get one month free and nebula free forever as long as you stay subscribed and since the last time I talked about nebula a bunch more working titles episodes have been created Battlestar Galactica from me a molder The Simpsons from now you see it one punch man from nan dovey movies and even more upcoming like gravity falls West world Parks and Rec you check out the link in the description parts and two of everything great about Joker with my in-depth thoughts are on nebula now and will be up here tomorrow and just to be clear I'm never going to just turn content that I make on YouTube into content on nebula everything on nebula will be extra on top of my YouTube stuff but you will often get early access to YouTube stuff on nebula so use my link in the description and you get a full month free [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,051,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joker, Everything Wrong With Joker, EWW Joker, EGA Joker, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: CBkHr8lPQrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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