Everything GREAT About: Dr Stone | First Half

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so i want to kick off this video giving praise to the voice actor kaiju fujiwara who voiced many great characters my favorite being leorio from hunter hunter i want to say rest in peace and add a win now in his honor for the character he portrays in this that being ishigami also i'm going to drop a win right away for just how straight up different this anime is i've never seen anything quite like it before it's original and truly unique speaking of natsuki subaru be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already a bunch of regular viewers aren't yet subscribed so do so and don't everything is more subscribe and brash and subaru loves immediate i mean it's more withheld and calculated [Music] that creepy face owns its own win oh also let's add another for the whole 10 billion percent thing i think that's cool but going by the community tab post comments you lot go nuts for it so let me appease you my adoring audience yeah okay take a win for the science thing let's go ahead and set up this animated moment [Music] i like this scene because it shows that he does support him in his own weird way and adds the notion that he was sure he wouldn't drink it showing he knows him well and detracting from the whole handing him poison thing not only does this scene hit you if you know nothing of the anime or manga in a great way but the cgi is beautiful and i love how they transition his face i mean look at that slowed down also props to the mad lad for trying to at least save her from something he doesn't even understand pop off you mad lad these next scenes then add a fantastic human and emotional element to the whole thing an airplane going down a dog afraid for its owner and said owner just wanting her parents because she's scared and locked inside her own body suddenly as we see what's clearly intended to look like a tear rolling down her cheek then this fantastic scene showing animals and nature reclaiming the world i'm going to go ahead and give everyone a joint win who managed to somehow keep their wits about them through sheer force of will and determination over all of those years of course it's unlikely and i'll talk about that and that makes sense but here i appreciate the heck out of that [Music] [Applause] beautiful scenery shot [Music] him making some clothing so that i can actually start showing some scenes again being nice to probably not an actual animal was always a win [Music] i gotta admit i like that scene it perfectly sets these two up for a couple episodes time their characters their personalities and above all that they're both being kind to what they think are animals [Music] this scene perfectly putting into perspective just how long a period of time has passed [Music] oh you mad lad you [Music] and take the first of no doubt mini wins for the insightful knowledge backing this anime it's something i really appreciated when i made it should you be watching on it back when it was airing i really enjoy stuff like this saitama was just a perfect fit for this character he's so great with his vocal range so take a win for the actual voice acting as a whole as well during this first half [Music] [Music] i looked it up and this is actually true and i love stuff like that plus it breaks and that gives us the understanding that perhaps not everything he tries his hand at is going to magically work he's basically like so far anyway the genius of the world a super important person to have alive but at the same time it's more entertaining that he's not like a god who never fails it's a nice trade-off i literally don't think i've ever seen an anime do a fast forward montage before that's awesome and i don't even know why oh if you know me you know i love jojo and you know part of the reason i love jojo is because it takes place over a long period of time and so you must know i love this element here for the same reason nice touch [Music] [Applause] their first success okay so this op blows me away but for totally different reasons to normal usually i'm like oh look at all those awesome fight scenes but in this one i'm freaking out about all the inventions and stuff beyond that the song is great and the decent fit but visuals oh the visuals are stunning like cgi layered over hand drawn dizzle i really dig that great opie this was a nicely added element where he describes attempting to put the person's pieces back together first they want the comedy value but they don't want us thinking he's cold and heartless and that's great and does come across this part of the anime one most people would likely not think about it this scene once again showing that below his cold calculating exterior is someone who does care for his friend and they show it in multiple different ways in just one of the bit episodes and that's nicely done this epic dude's first lion punching introduction in the anime not being very nice to animals related montage that still gets a win because it introduces a call for now character and showcases his abilities at the same time i really enjoy these frequent moments where he sounds like he's agreeing with his silly assessment of whatever they're talking about before knocking sensor into him using his words another genuinely interesting and knowledge improving scientology this moment where it hits home just what he's done something that may not immediately come to mind if you simply consider them to be statues at first and not actual people inside a waiting rescue although i certainly don't feel bad for the man if the story was true [Applause] this great ending to episode 2 firmly putting the two characters now at odds with one another and how well it was portrayed go ahead and have another as well for the music in general that was a great track and they sound good overall too so what an ed that is firstly fantastic catchy song it reminds me of a bunch of western songs and it's like a cool vibing japanese rap kind of song on top of that is the art style change it looks stunning like a moving oil painting and then ends with this cool moment that hits me with that time i got reincarnated as the slime vibes of them building a town together loved it [Music] on [Laughter] [Music] not only is the scene great since it builds tension as both sides work to outmaneuver the other on top of this as if his strength wasn't bad enough he's actually not unintelligent either let's be honest she's a cute character i like a voice and everything else great personality too nicely fits the team plus the dress and everything so let's move on oh that was some jojo level of goodness right there and yes i know i mentioned jojo a lot but he really does look like a jojo character and he's voiced by one give me a break i love jojoba [Music] already kicking in with great team building scenes and for me it's the anime that do this right that end up being some of my personal favorites so the great thing about this moment is that this big dude actually does exist in the real world take a look i love stuff like that take a win you cheeky boys and girls [Music] they have an excellent habit of using music grand science and small cliffhangers to really make you eager to watch the following episodes this really touching scene as he begins to confess his love which comes alongside really nice and fitting soft music as well these segments are a lot of fun because they're not only uniquely done in terms of how different it is to the normal style of the episode's format but because they're very detailed but not too detailed to become tedious to the viewer also though as a side note we of course have to have yet another really interesting silence of that okay you know what take another one because your boy is over here literally learning stuff i like learning what can i say even though i did watch this episode way back when it first came out i genuinely forgot about this and got all excited for a moment it just kind of reminded me of lost when they came across other people i did that to an insane degree let's go not gonna lie the best bad guys always have at least a slightly interesting and valid point for doing said bad guy stuff you can look at staying from my hero academia for a great in-depth example of this and here this character puts forth a compelling argument does anyone ever really own a piece of land going to war against others for their claimed pieces of land compelled by laws created by others i of course don't agree with him but it's an interesting line of thought all the same songs absolutely fantastic example of something i brought up before about how he does care about others and he saw right through this bluff well this lady just climbed up a whole lot of rankings in my estimations by doing this what a beautiful selfless action wait there's three of them i couldn't remember this what happens now oh i'm so getting that song right now it fits beautifully to the tent scene i love this brief look at his facial expression it tells me he doesn't want to do it but he feels like he'll have to there's no cold look there there's a clear sign of hesitance oh that's incredibly sweet his dad deserves a good dad related win right there for good badness [Music] [Laughter] i think the rest of this flashback gets a win it showed a lot of their characters how they all met as kids and then teenagers how his father sacrificed for him and supported him how his interest and expertise improved with science and how it became his whole life weirdest win of the anime goes to actually great realistic sounding neck cracking sound effects i can't tell you how many anime i've seen where they crack their neck and it sounds super off this is spot [Music] oh on way to paint the villain in an even greater light by showing him as a kid protecting and helping these two had they met back then obviously i'm sure he's going to be fine he's the main character but what a scene goodness me so this is one of those fantastic moments where i cannot stop to write anything because i'm in a trance worried and anxious about what's going to happen next the music is brilliant it reminds me a lot of braveheart check that out if you haven't already great movie and his friend's reaction to what happened was epic what a scene man absolutely brilliant even though it seems to have done little to him if i was thinking before now that i'm not sure how this anime will be i'm thinking pretty great right now literally incredibly proud of myself right now because i thought about his neck but they also nicely threw us off the scent by having him crack his neck twice in unrelated normal scenes beforehand nicely done you guys that is so clever like incredibly clever take a wink these monkeys are speaking but not speaking and it's hilarious this is great because it adds a valid explanation as to how he had everything built by the time saitama woke up in episode one they could quite easily have left us without this sequence but adding it was a very nice touch since it also serves the purpose of showing how much of a hard time he had on his own [Music] men saw that creating fire [Music] they seriously do such a great job in this anime when it comes to facial expressions this is twice now they've revealed a lot without being over the top this sequence showing off the multiple logical theories as to how the stone event actually ended up happening in the first place adding another intriguing path to the story that i'm ashamed to admit that i didn't actually think about up until now i think i was more loving the whole waking up in the stone age creating new technology and standoff events with their new enemy instead i can't believe that on top of everything else the makuka also gave thought as to exactly how he broke out of his stone prison in the first place adding some level of science to it perhaps as well and then on top of my previous wins praise i felt the need to dish out yet more praise because again the mangakur could have made this incredibly simple and no one would have cared but instead he made it way more in depth as to how he was able to break free when others couldn't from the same process i just really appreciate the dedication to extra detail within the story [Music] [Music] is ah this is getting so good now we've got new people who are going to get introduced we've got the eventual standoff between these two groups that will be forming and i cannot wait to see how it plays out my word i really wouldn't have thought i'd come across yet another example of a realistic facial reaction so soon after the last one i mentioned they're straight up great at doing these genuinely [Music] well i so hadn't considered this people revived years beforehand who have now had children of their own completely unwise to the old world and its advanced technology oh you margaret you slide argue you keep triggering me with new and interesting elements don't you this anime is growing on me like a particularly nasty and fast-growing fungus and i mean that in the best of ways it's great and it's only getting greater i'm loving the characters the backgrounds the attention to detail and science and overall story [Music] introducing this new character and her individual quirks and they'll take me to your village please [Music] oh goodness me what beautiful scenery [Music] so this is quite a turn of events and that's a win but as a side note is it me or does this music not sound a lot like one from format loudest brotherhood [Music] oh just reminded me of a special move that someone like reagan from mob cycle 100 would use it [Music] introducing loads of new characters and the strong comedic vibe too which i really dig and now even better is that one of those new characters is smart and into science stuff too now this will be really interesting [Music] annoyingly he uses a not very nice and friendly word when he freaks out but i'll crop that and give a win all the same just love how he goes from super confident to that i gotta hide that i love this exchange i can't do much else than laugh and say i love it but it's a great way to introduce these characters to the story and give us a great understanding of their level of science oh i guess i can say that much [Music] yet more hilarious levels of character building and science type science stuff [Music] village [Music] this is insane dude they're talking about how to actually make antibiotics i know they've explained a lot but right now your boy is about to learn how to actually make it assuming they say more that is but it's crazy all the same so is it just me or does this anime not also give you guys and gals a real sense of appreciation for all of the things we kind of take for granted it's mad to think of every tiny step that was taken that led to huge discoveries happening let me know down below this moment made me remove a sin on anime sins well the anime won't be complete without a cute tiny girl being all totes of dorbz and stuff seems like that's a running theme in recent anime actually from my hero season 4 to demonstrate he's attempting to cure becomes one of the most interesting characters because of her strange knowledge that goes above and beyond what the others have some of the best anime around to reveal interesting elements bit by bit rather than dumping it all at once or in a short period of time and so far dr stone is doing a great job of revealing stuff nice and slowly to keep the viewer hooked i can't win every instance of great science stuff but this is genuinely super interesting to me as someone who enjoys learning so i'll drop one more win here and leave the rest for a proper big silence of the tight moments [Music] he created ramen he made it from scratch and now i can make it myself although i won't because quite frankly that seems like a lot of work some of these reactions are absolutely brilliant in fact i really wanted to show one earlier on when he called her gorilla and she had a huge head but he was in the nip so that didn't work but a win for all of them they're super expressive and funny oh this just got super interesting he knows about kola what do we do now tequila [Music] well i don't quite know how to think about that i thought he's some bad guy and right away he's there actually working the furnace one of my favorite things that anime do is the old bait and switch make you expect one thing only to give you something else well this is very interesting because outside of this settlement a new one is being built in a way we have yet to see and there's a real vibe of some sort of coming combat i know season 2 is called stonewalls or something and that further leads me to believe this all in all i'm loving what i'm seeing and introducing this character here was a great way to remind us that the others still exist and aren't being forgotten about hatsudensho also now having this guy defend them while they attempt to harness lightning is interesting it's constantly got me down to myself which i love nothing better than not knowing what will happen next and this guy's a mystery in terms of his thought patterns this guy talking like this absolutely reminds me of the guy from class b from my hero academia always trying to put them down and getting knocked out [Music] thank you it's honestly thrilling to me that they're keeping in with the original drawn out plan like this because it gives us an idea of how they're going to be making antibiotics step by step while also allowing for full episodes that deal with other things like new inventions and characters and world building such a great moment and they have to be given a win for this scenery shot of the old world as well must have taken forever to create that and it's gorgeous no less oh yes nice job linking in how he came up with this device to use against his bullies in an earlier episode that could very easily have been left as oh he created some weird invention but then they actually explain how this is going to be good so i can't show what just happened but i'm honestly beyond shocked right now but we did just find out he was clever and used fake blood packs all over himself to guard against something like that happening so yeah completely shocked a great moment take a win and let's proceed with caution originally with this girl i was like bit weird that she can fit inside of a melon i'll send that but now on this channel i'm like she's a funny and cool character and i like the sound effects when she rolls must say i'm in a good mood writing this script right now i hope you're having a good time as well and that you're safe this anime is really grooving with me i'm enjoying so much about it and i'm really happy that the patrons picked it if you'd like to vote in whatever i make content on you can also do so by pledging on my patreon by the way link in the description and now let's get back into the greatness i really didn't think they'd touch on this that was really well played considering his feelings and taking him seriously as a character it was very sweet of her oh yeah totally forgot to also do my usual praise for when a normally comedic type of anime goes down a darker route i always appreciate that and they've done it twice once when senkou was taken out and again when gem was hurt [Music] getting our first look at his camping his people and they're pretty much a bunch of beefcakes genuinely impressive animation during that little fighting scene right there [Music] [Music] ah now it makes perfect sense i wonder if he's going to make glasses or something [Music] yes i'm so smart all jokes aside though once again really puts into perspective what we have and take for granted [Music] not only a lovely scenery shot like really lovely but also very nice scene of her being able to properly see for the first time [Music] check out dr stone going on mob's psycho 100 like it ain't no big deal [Music] things like this are also nice additions to the anime because it's not putting all of the work on senku they're not pretending that he can just do everything and this thus means other characters are vital sometimes this is the roundup of the kingdom of science that i never knew i needed it also of course serves the purpose of reminding everyone of what's already been created and perhaps most importantly letting us in on the fact that they're clearly not going to skip hundreds of years of science each episode forgetting about what's come before it each time this guy is so the guy from my hero i mentioned not gonna show it but something incredibly creepy happens with an imaginary lady of doom also take another win here for adding in the element of stuff like gas it was bad enough when they were dealing with animals out to get them but nature is one of the most deadly predators and nothing is worse than a gas that can end you within seconds or minutes of breathing in and it cannot even be [Music] well seen adding this because it could have at least in theory made senkou slightly obsolete in the story but by having these two have this moment it not only builds their relationship and his character but also keeps senkou as the primary source of information that's the main character and that's nicely done this now makes a lot more sense and makes her incredibly more endearing to me as a character what a great sister you know foreign this old man speech is incredibly true to real life and what this lad needs to hear [Music] that was way too close what a great scene a brilliant end to the episode as our number two science boy is saved from the acidic [Music] 6263 silver master tank boogie andy mcveigh aurora kevin delta stephen brendan korea storm 970 spirit spinner mister waffle 64 theodore quaggans conjured wilson jordan samuels gabby c hum yeah crimson shadows fourier farmer plus one three thousand six two six three
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 378,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animewins, anime wins, dr stone, dr stone wins, everything great about, everything right with, everything great about dr stone, EGA, EGA Dr Stone, dr stone anime, senku, ega dr stone, everything right with dr stone, drstone, doctor stone
Id: 0ST0tTbXozw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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