How to beat the GOLDEN CITY in "Made in Abyss Season 2"

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if you were trapped more than 65 000 feet below the Earth's surface what would you do you found out your dead mother is alive deep within the Earth's core at the bottom of this Abyss everything is trying to kill you and you'll have to go through a terrifying Village hidden Within the Ruins of a secret City in order to get one step closer to finding your mom I'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the Golden City in made in Abyss season two this girl has no idea that she is about to be hunted by an immortal monster Rico reg nanachi and their dead friend pruska now turned into a white whistle have finally reached the entrance into the sixth layer in search of Rico's mother they've gone through hell to get here and now they think they're finally safe but they have no idea what Horrors await them down in the sixth Lair they reach this strange underground lift when suddenly it starts descending deeper and deeper through this underground ocean it breaks through this sea of Bones and Frozen corpses and the gang prepares for what's to come finally the lift passes through a layer of light as it enters the sky from above Landing in this fossil infused Golden City where they'll never be able to return from they explored the mysterious ruined City and wonder who or what built it not realizing the truth is more horrifying than they could imagine they begin to explore and Rico gets too excited but nanachi says that they need to focus on setting up a camp they have no map for this place and no way of knowing where this place leads to they see different animals and peaceful monsters in the distance then they come across this nest and go steal its eggs but that's when nanichi Hears A noise from back outside and they go to check it out and that was their biggest mistake all of a sudden they see a giant Fireball form in the distance causing horrifying meteorites to come crashing down on them poison gas then starts to emit from the crash sites as more and more Fireballs come raining down on them and the gang runs for their sweet lives whoa okay these kids have been playing with fire for far too long and it's a basic that nothing worse has happened to them they have so far traveled six layers deep into the Earth's core which means that's a long freaking way down into the Earth since they began this journey with only just Rico and reg and they've gotten lucky with Rico simply getting a minor brutal injury along the way and during their Journey on the way down they bumped into this furball nanachi who lost her best friend down here and also kind of sorta nanochi did ask rake to vaporize her best friend on purpose so there's that and also they had to survive bondra the novel in order to get down to the sixth Lair a place where only the best and a few wide vessels have ever gone to but if that's the case and they finally made it to a place where only a few of the best of the best have gone then why are they acting so stupid this sixth layer of the Abyss is absolutely horrifying from this point on it is physically impossible to return to the surface unless you're reg and this place is known by white whistles as the last die as a no explorer that has gone down here has ever returned to the surface which if we compare to real-life diving kind of makes sense as ascending from a d deep deep real underwater dive quickly can lead to decompression illness however trying to ascend within the abyss will provide you with the most horrifying death all because of the Abyss curse which means these guys are stuck here within the sixth layer and to top it off there are creatures here of absurd to extraordinary levels of danger and to top it off there's these poisonous geothermal vents that can rain down Hellfire upon them they knew it was dangerous to travel down here and they're traveling with reg a relic from the abyss of Unknown Origin this means that Rico and her gang should have been playing it way more carefully from the get-go and should not have rushed into exploring too much of the area without first properly taking into account their surroundings in this case my advice for these kids could have been similar to those lost in the woods they should have stopped and moved with only the purpose of finding shelter and a potential water source at least for the first night then they should have carefully started to explore the nearby surrounding areas and take detailed accounts of what they see around them nearby which would have been a much more useful undertaking and could have allowed them to more accurately and more methodically take notes as to what Horrors or beauty they could have seen down here because at this point writing down everything they see hear or smell will prove to be insanely valuable for future generations of white whistles who may make it down here Rico's team was moving way too fast and way too Carefree in this type of happy-go-lucky attitude will soon get one of them killed they managed to outrun the fireball death area and then decide to send a letter back to the top layer of the Abyss to let their City know that they're still alive but in the sixth layer nothing can escape but then try to send off this letter in this makeshift hot air balloon but these flying creatures suddenly destroy it as it ascends into the air Reagan nanachi begin to worry if this is a sign for things to come but Rico shrugs it off and mentions that they should all head to bed not realizing that they're being watched in The Distance by this mysterious creature the same creature that will kill everyone in a matter of days they wake up the next morning as Rico realizes in shock that her white whistle pruska is missing they then come across this Left Behind drawing and realize that someone snuck through Rex defenses and stole it while they were sleeping the gang then decides to track pruska down as reg tries to follow its scent along the way they find these two crudely made stuffed toys filled with their hair freaking them out and giving them the creepy feeling that these were left for them on purpose they track some Footprints as they cross over this bridge and into a building-like structure there they notice the same symbol near the Dory that was on the drawing from earlier they suddenly find this entrance that is blocked by forcefield Gathering their courage they head through it and discovered the most delicious things ears Jaws ribs arms practically every part of the human body hanging by strings attached to the ceiling walking through to the end of this tunnel they discover a whole village full of these weird terrifying looking creatures this red dragon looking thing then approaches the gang and introduces himself Rico then nervously asks if they took her white whistle prushka and red dragon says that they are working on it and he tells them to follow him they follow this creature up these stairs and red dragon leads them into the shop where they see a creature chiseling away at Rico's white whistle causing her to freak out but red dragon says that prushka wants this and that once the whistle is made into its true form it will then become stronger and increase its value red dragon then explains that he and every human in here is a hollow a type of creature just like nanachi someone who survived the sixth Lair of the abyss and whose body has become deformed as a result he leads them into a busy shopping street and Rico discovers a page from her mom's long-lost notes she is shocked and picks it up and the shop owner quickly demands that she must pay for it first red dragon then tells Rico that she can trade parts of herself that has value for her mom's page he then tells her that she could trade her eyes skin and even fat for her mom's page and that that's how this whole village currency system works it works on value Rico is horrified and red dragon then tells her that human children like her have the most value around this Village and that he'll be willing to pay anything to own a part of her okay this is absolutely horrifying because somehow this entire Village lies within this small structure and everything seems sophisticated enough to have restaurants in at a system of currency what this crazy red dragon is basically saying is that this Village's main industry is based on trading on a concept of value meaning the villagers here are constantly trading and bartering for things of equal or higher value this is all self-determined by whoever is in possession of them as well as by The Village deity itself everything is based on the importance of the item it has to the owner however the freaky part about all of this is that children here are considered to be of insane value by everyone which means Rico here could sell parts of herself and NAB some heavy coin in the process but unlike what red dragon said Rico could play it smart and not be into her feelings and tell this guy that she'll get back to him on that about what she's willing to sell because truly the value of her mom's notes is high since this is Rico's mom we're talking about the same month that Rico spent all this time trying to search for down here and getting her mom's notes could provide some valuable insight into her mother's life however selling a part of Rico's flash wouldn't serve her well because ew This Village has one flaw that I think Rico could use in order to play this shop owner since the part of the value system relies on perceived value and she is a human child Riku could find a piece of herself that isn't too important and could go hype up its importance and the value of it in order to make it seem like it's a higher value than it actually is the mind is a powerful tool and her high value along with a little bit of Plucky salesy attitude could let her trick this Merchant into thinking she's selling him something of insane value when in reality all she could be selling him is a lousy paperclip or whatever else [ __ ] of value that she has on her person if Rigo is smart she could consider taking this Merchant up on his offer but alter the deal and take some time and plan on how to play this game on her terms instead shocked Rico then angrily demands that nobody touch her that she is going to get to the bottom of the Netherworld the gang then decides to be sneaky and to get more information about this Village from all the residents since they still haven't mentioned who stole their white whistle red dragon then leads them through the village and reveals the most insane thing it tells them that everyone here used to be explorers just like Rico and had dreams also of reaching the bottom of the Abyss but because of the harsh environment their bodies changed into Hollows by the curse of the abyss and as a result they could never leave from here they then hear a piercing scream as this black creature shows up and offers the citizens pieces of Flesh and items of value to sell or use for pleasure red dragon then tells Rico that within this world inside this portal they came through this city is protected by a God that protects and supports everyone inside here the mysterious God then gives Rico some cold hard koi as a result of the God punishing one of the hollows that played a little too roughly with Rico's pet red dragon then says that they can use that to buy food and a place to rest oh they have no idea the horrors that are going to come their way later Rico feels sick and decides to rest So Reagan nanachi go to do some exploring they run into red dragon again and they hear a terrifying noise outside of the portal crowds quickly begin to form as everyone heads for the portal entrance red dragon then tells them that all of these people are Hollow here are coming to see a terrifying female creature known as faputa an immortal being that can travel anywhere in the abyss except through this portal nanichi then thinks that papita is the one who stole Rico's white whistle and she asked reg to go check it out near the entrance of the city reg then heads through the portal and sees a Sinister figure sitting on top of a mysterious robot this is faputa princess of the hollows suddenly this creature attacks reg and asks him what happened to his arm reg then has a crazy flashback of this girl and he thinks that somehow he knows her from his past should then calls reg by name confirming it however because of reg's memory loss since Rico first found him he doesn't remember anything okay we gotta be careful are we gonna die this is a beast that was born out of sheer pain and torment this creature is known as the princess of the sixth layer and can travel anywhere in the sixth Lair except through this portal and still from what we can see she's still basically a child this Beast is immature as hell and is the definition of unstable this coupled with her powers of speed basically telepathy and insane strength makes her a batched case a fluffy apocalyptic craziness she's kind of cool though I'm not gonna lie but the fact of the matter is this case of crazy says that she knows our rake is a good thing that means we have at least some leverage over this creature but the bad thing is is that this kid rek is suffering from a case of memory loss likely caused by some sort of head trauma as if we remember back in the first season Rico found reik confused as hell and alone near the surface from the looks of things rake seems near and dear to fapata even though the situation is tense we can tell that she Khan has a thing for our boy at least in a friendly way this is why I would try and leverage the truth with fiction and tell fabata that we lost our memory up near the surface of the abyss and where we also met Rico who saved us however I would also spill a little bit of [ __ ] and say that an enemy that we fought near the surface took most of our memory promise and left us near the service and that the only way to get our memory back is by teaming up to stop this made-up enemy you see where I'm going with this this light would make Rico look good in fact his eyes since she saved us and would also keep them safe and buy everyone here sometime until we figure out more about the situation like one figure out how to kill fapata or to figure out how to escape from the strange sex Lair hellhole and continue on our journey down into the abyss because encountering a fluffy little master that looks good enough to pet but is able to rip us in half is a really scary concept and it is not something that we should sign up for to deal with suddenly Papa engulfs reg and takes him to her cave there she reveals that they've met before and then gets a little too friendly with her sniffing causing reg to freak out and leave back within the portal to the Village nanichi finds out from Red Dragon that her best friend from the abyss that died long ago is actually alive and within the possession of someone in this Village horrified she forces red dragon to guide her to where this creature is located they enter this dark cave and come across this horrifying serpent Skeleton thing and it reveals to nanachi her old friend from the abyss a hollow just like nanachi and someone who she saw die with her very own eyes shocking nanachi to the Bone back outside the village rake bumps into fapita's Iron Giant bodyguard and he offers to guide him back to the village on the way Iron Giant tells rank that it thinks he was created by the same person who made all of these robots he mentions that all of these robots were designed to maintain order and placed in all layers of the Abyss however he's lost all contact with the other robots since way back and doesn't know how many of them are still left not having access to his past or knowing who or what he is the Iron Giant encourages reg to go find out his origin story and track down who or what made them back in the village Rico asks this one creature where it thinks Reagan nanachi went and it tells her that most likely they went snooping near the edge of the village telling Rico that the secret to this Village lies down in this tretch along with something horrifying lurking beneath the surface Rico heads down into the trench along with a weird friend that she picked up during her time in the village the same one who played a little too roughly with her pet from earlier and got its insides and all of its stuff ripped out of its butthole by the God of this place great choice Rico down there they discovered this strange human-like person chained up and surrounded by these strange black worms she introduces herself as voyko and Rico asks if she might know where her friends are located she tells riko that she has a deep connection with this Village and knows where one of them may be Fuego reveals to Rico that the origins of this Village are horrifying and mentions that she tried to put a stop to it long ago but as a result got imprisoned in this hole Rico then breaks voico free and she takes her to the location where nanachi is worried that the village folk might find out that she's escaped she tells Rico to go through this door alone and in there she finds something horrified she discovers that nanachi has sold herself to this red-eyed skeleton snake thing in exchange to set her long lost friend free she carefully approaches the creature and that was her biggest the red-eye skeleton snake thing tells Rico that because she's a child she holds incredible value and says that it would be willing to let nanachi go if Rico sold both her eyes both legs or half of her organs inside of her that's delicious okay whoa this is crazy because this red-eye skeleton snake thing is known around here as one of the top dogs one of the three sages and his personality is the type is that he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants even if it means destroying his own body in order to get it picture a rat knowingly getting stuck in a rat trap in order to taste a small piece of cheese that's what this guy is I.E a nut job this creature the nanachi enslaved herself for is known as midi years ago midi and nonichi were both humans and best friends who transformed into these creatures as a result of this guy Bond Rude the novel doing horrifying experiments on them in the abyss however the real midi died in the first season so long story short red eye skeleton snake thing basically used his magical Voodoo powers and created his own version of midi down here the fact is that midi turned into an immortal creature as a result from those experiments this means that she cannot really die and this is what allows red eye skeleton snake thing here to constantly feed on her flesh and never run out of food because nananchi is such a darn good best friend her selling herself to this guy means that he must have found her even more valuable than midi herself and knowing this guy's personality the horrifying offer that he presented to us is one that he will probably not back down from but here's the crazy thing because we know that living without both eyes or both legs could be problematic however this dude's offer of taking half of all our organs as horrifying as it may seem is entirely possible as only five organs are only truly necessary for our survival the brain heart liver one kidney and one lung the bare minimum but even if that is optional kind of and with 78 organs in total in the entire body this means that you could live without things like your gallbladder but if you wanted to get even weirder in theory surgeons could remove your lower spine larynx tongue butthole and if you want to be supported by machines in an intensive Care Unit you could even live without your skull so red eye skeletons offer here means that there are thousands of horrifying ways to skin this cat however I'm not looking for this guy to put his creepy paws on me oh no no no no no I would therefore suggest a trump card and in this case it would be eat my [ __ ] hear me out now your toilet takes the bare end of your bottom on The Daily so don't complain there are many more uses for your [ __ ] than you may realize the methane contained inside your [ __ ] can be used as transport Fuel and to heat up homes and you can use it as fertilizer and if that didn't tickle your bottom enough the scientists of the University of the west of England have created a device that can generate electricity from pee that's right folks the experiment had a urinal be contained with microbiofuel cells which are filled with live microbes that feed on urine and through the biochemical imagery through that microbe's use it converts this into electricity the point is is that we could tell red eye skill to snake thing here that while he can take any of our tasty organs we can offer him a way to produce electricity for the whole village and even show him various ways that he could use our own pee and poop and we could even say that we had a wicked case of IBM yes to swing the deal take that red-eye skeleton snake thing eat my [ __ ] Rico is horrified at her choices and is about to accept red eyes skeleton snake things off her when she is suddenly stopped by nanachi who tells her to leave as the red-eye skeleton snake thing drags her out of the room outside she begs Fuego if there's anything else she thinks that he can do but that's when they hear a horrifying Rumble nearby they go to check it out and see this horrifying monster vuego tells her that since the villagers can't leave the village they lure animals and monsters into their Village and hunt them this way but this one is too great and begins destroying everything in its path Rico then runs to go collect her whistle and find out that the Jeweler has made it stronger than ever they see all these Villages show up prepared to fight this monster and defend their Market from being destroyed Rico begs the villagers to let her join and they all group up together to take down this monster approaching the market this Beast charges at them and prepares to devour them all when riko and red dragon lure it into this trap in this open area the villagers then light this mofo on fire and manage to capture this beast but suddenly it tries the last move and this forces Rico to blow on her new powerful white whistle this temporarily disables the creature and suddenly reg shows up from out of nowhere all powered up from her white whistle reg tells Rico that he could feel the wide whistle calling to him and it telepathically told him what Rika wanted him to do using this information Rico uses her white whistle to direct reg into destroying this creature once and for all after Rico asks this red-faced guy on how she can save nonichi but that's when he reveals the most horrifying thing he tells Rico that if she can Harvest a piece of apoptus Flesh this offering instead might convince red eye skeleton snake thing to let nanachi go later a horrified Rico feels Reagan on the situation with nanachi and he tells her that he'll go back to meet with fopita first and talk things over he then leaves as Rico asks voiko what exactly fabata is and how she's connected to voico and the village so a very very long story made somewhat shorter Fuego tells her that she was once part of a group of outcast explorers who believed that there was a golden City located deep within the abyss however during their Journey Through the sixth layer they discovered that the environment was too harsh to survive and everyone got sick from the water that they drank which turned their bodies into horrifying Abyss monsters however during their darkest moment they found a wish granting a which one of the relics told them could help save them all if the person making the wish was from a child since children had the strongest imaginations and their emotions was the closest thing to the source this is why out of desperation the survivors asked this girl irumui a tribal girl that they found at the very beginning of their journey and they asked her to use the egg to save them all but the wish went horribly wrong and the little girl turned into a monster forced to give birth to a child every day that would die mere moments after being born the group then discovered thanks to red face guy that eating the Flesh of the dead babies was the key to saving them all then one day before she died irimiwi turned herself into a self-sustaining village where their survivors could live inside of her forever however before dying she gave birth to a final baby and this baby was faputa since that day farpata has vowed to destroy the village for what they did to her mother okay this is terrifying basically what happened here is that these ragtag group of explorers came to this island long before there was even a thriving City up above in search of the mystical Golden City that they thought was located at the very bottom of the Abyss but the environment and the wildlife was too harsh and people started dying in desperation they ended up using irumui to save themselves by giving this little girl a magic Relic that turned her into basically the abyss Monster version of Noah's Ark they were all going to die because of the cursed water that they all drank but irumui turning herself into this Village still wouldn't have solved their food problem so what did they do redface guy butchered each and every single one of irami's children and fed it to everyone whether they were unconscious or not this group of explorers did try to boil the water but that didn't work so what they should have done next then would have been to boil the water again and then collect the steam water from the boiling water this will make the water even cleaner and even safer ideally to drink basically they should have just turned their drinking water into distilled water they had add the gear and the knowledge and they even had robots that they could have used to help and by them doing this this will help further ensure that the diseased-filled body morphing cursed water that they found in that cave that's filled with particulates that they talked about wouldn't stay in the water that they're drinking ideally now we don't know how resistant to heat these particulates are but drinking steam water is way safer than just drinking their boiled water which clearly they found out didn't work and also this red-faced sky here was their leader and basically the one calling the shots he was the one who butchered irimiri's children if I was Rico and rank I would work on finding out some way or some proof to incriminate him and reveal it to fapata and tell her that he's really the one to blame because us being in the middle of all of this drama means that we are guilty by literally Association to all of these villagers and us trying to leave the village and fudging all of this likely wouldn't work either as we likely get brutally slaughtered by fabatub the moment we set foot outside of The Village's fortified perimeter where fapata could easily get to us the most pressing matter that we have is figuring out how to stop bhopta or director Russian to someone that isn't us since their problem has now become our problem later reg returns to Rico and tells her that he's convinced fopita to cut off one of her arms and that they can now use this to exchange it for nanichi and free her however the sight of the arm shocks the whole village boyko asks Rey how did he manage to convince fapata to cut off a piece of her arm but reg hesitates to tell her he says that in exchange for her arm fapata wants him to destroy the village forcefield in order to let her enter and kill everyone the whole village is shocked and red face guy discovers Fuego's disguise Rico then asks red face guy if he's actually using her and Reagan nanachi to help him and his villagers one day escape from this Village prison and to continue on their Journey down into the abyss red face guy doesn't deny it but he tells her that it's her choice to decide on what fate will become of everyone here suddenly they hear a terrifying Rumble from beneath their feet and then another monster draimo one of the three sages burst through the ground it's here to kill and take fabata's missing arm Farm reg then leads the monster away as red face guy grabs voyko and forces her to watch the horror unfold he then tells her that this monster is actually a guardian and it only comes out when the village is under threat Greg tries to outrun the monster but it blocks all the exits and has him cornered suddenly reg hears voiko yell out that the monster is not here to steal the arm but to kill them reg looks around helplessly as he sees this monster about to devour all of his friends with no options left reg uses up the one move that he has and he fires his hand Cannon right at this Beast blasting a horrifying beam of energy right through its body destroying everything in front and behind it vaporizing a hole right through the protective force field around the village that was his biggest mistake everyone here looks in horror at what Reg has just done reg then tells riko and the villagers to hide before papata gets here and kills them all he tells the villagers that since he used his last Cannon he will soon pass out for a couple of hours and won't be of any help to anyone suddenly everyone screams in horror as they see in the distance The Immortal princess of the hollows declares that she hasn't forgotten what these villagers have done to her mother and will brutally murder every single person here this happy and monster then tries to attack papata but she easily defeats it later reg finally wakes up and he sees fabata brutally tearing apart all of the villagers one by one and she bathes in their blood he finds that Rico and a few of the villagers have managed to hide and wait it out but it won't be long until she finds them having nothing left to live for the villagers reg then decide that it's up to them to stop faputa so Rey goes up to her prepared to die for the cause he tries to convince her at first to change her mind but fabata says no Rico then blows her white whistle and this gives Rey extra powers and he uses them to confront papata during the fight papta finally reveals the true story of how she and reik met she tells rake that she's met him before down here on the sixth layer and that over time they formed a bond and in her opinion fell in love papata tells rag that he promised to help her destroy the village once he returns from the surface Rey is shocked and fopita gets angry at him for not remembering anything okay this is really really bad because right here is in a [ __ ] show of a situation and needs to handle this delicately if they want to have a shot at not letting whapata kill them all now we know from what she told us that Rey and her were tight and possibly a little too close if you know what I mean and we've seen countless examples now where faputa has proven to be the one with the bigger balls and has demonstrated that she can clearly overpower us at almost every level this is why instead of acting like a broken record reg should avoid fighting with her and should stop being so dang aggressive just like when confronted with an aggressive dog rake should have handled this situation more calmly and should not try and fight fire with fire since he'll likely lose and only make her more mad and since they've already had a pass together even though he doesn't remember it fahapata likes him and he should use this heart instead of his fist to handle her he should try to charm her feelings into making her submit and use whatever sweet honey to wear he can use to play like a fiddle and make her chill out because being such a stud womanizer right now is the only thing that he can do in order to save the gang himself and make fabata realize that Vengeance never solves anything unless you're me then it totally works across this hill the gang waits for reg to come back but they are shocked when fapata comes back holding a passed out rank with nothing holding this fluffy killer back now papita prepares to kill Rico and everyone else here but suddenly she gets swatted away by none other than red-eye skeleton snake thing and anonichi which by the way red eye skeleton snake thing's real name is bailoff but I never bothered to tell you that until just now I'm sorry turns out ever since fapata entered the village red eye skeleton snake thing decided to let nanachi go and team up to stop their common enemy fopita angry as hell papita charges a red-eye skeleton snake thing just as he tries his final trick on her he releases a burst of his inner memory smoke as his body starts to crumble away to nothing which causes vaputa to see into his memories and see how kindly they treated fopita's mother and how guilty they all felt at surviving on the Flesh of irimiui's children papata then collapses to the floor more confused than ever said only this giant Beast blasts through the village along with other terrifying animals from the sixth layer of the Abyss the villagers realized that since the village force field is broken there's nothing now to stop these horrifying Monsters of this place from entering to consume their flesh it's a bloodbath and fapita watches as the people she once wanted to kill for so long get brutally murdered and ripped his shreds all around her she tries to stop these beasts but she gets overpowered and gets torn up a lie barely able to stand fopto collapses on the floor suddenly the surviving villagers come to her rescue and begin feeding her their body parts giving her enough strength to regenerate and come back to life and take on the six lair's most terrifying creatures red dragon takes Rico's gang and their surviving villagers to safety as they come across red face guy whose real name is wazukyan and the former leader of the villagers and this guy is about to die he says that he fell down here earlier with voiko and that she's missing dying right here they then hear fapata calling for the villagers to now return to her finally coming to terms with they wronged her the villagers agreed to go back to fapata on the way they find voiko but discovered that because of the destruction of the village force field the curse of the Abyss has transformed her into a horrifying monster and that if any of the villagers attempt to leave and get outside the force field they will disappear into nothing rescuing her they finally reach fopita and try to help her Rika blows on her white whistle again empowering reyk to find more of these beasts again just as she collapses gaining a footing in the fight papata then tells everyone here that in order to stop these monsters she needs to destroy this entire Village but to do this she needs to consume the villager's flesh and souls in order to reach her maximum strength the villagers then accept their fate as red dragon takes Reiko nanachi and a few others to find cover and the entire structure begins to come crashing down on the powered up papatoeto destroys this hollow Village causing the entire thing to come crashing down even more killing all of the monsters inside as Reiko and gang take cover nearby on the way out they find a depleted fopta and rescuer and red dragon donate his soul into fabta saving her from time voiko now horribly cursed and on the verge of death tells fopta about her child mother in her last moments and then she too finally kicks the bucket now with everyone that she loves is gone reik convinces to join their team and despite him not remembering their past together Greg somehow charms papita again into saying yes Enrico even gains her mother's missing notebook page now the whole team then prepares to continue their Adventure down even further into the abyss and hopefully one day find Rico's mom and if you want to get further into six layers don't forget to like comment subscribe and check out the how to be playlist down below
Channel: How To Beat Anime
Views: 486,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abyss, anime, cinema summary, how to beat, how to survive made in abyss, made in abyss, made in abyss 2, made in abyss explained, made in abyss golden city, made in abyss lore, made in abyss review, made in abyss s2, made in abyss season 2, made in abyss season 2 review, made in the abyss, the abyss
Id: Ovr2UzukNMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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