Every KUNG FU PANDA Villain’s Full Story!

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hello fun people I'm Isaac Carlson and today we're going to be exploring the full stories of all the unique complex and tragic villains from across the original Kung Fu Panda Trilogy each of the Dragon Warriors foes will be broken down as we dive into their backstories their Falls from grace and their inevitable defeats I'm very pleased to bring you this collection of videos I've created from throughout the past few years all dedicated to this legendary Saga and of course there's no better place to begin than with Tai long the son of Shifu who longed to be the Dragon Warrior long ago Tai long was born to a family of snow leopards likely outside of The Valley Of Peace Beyond his mother and father years later a sibling of Tai Lung had a son named Peng who would go in search of his uncle revealing Tai lung's family was connected was aware of his existence and did have some kind of desire to find him Peng grew up in a nearby land to The Valley Of Peace So it's possible pylon originated from that same place but it's really unknown where he was born who was family was what happened to them because Tai long never knew any of them somehow Tai long was left wrapped in cloth outside of the Jade Palace the home of Master ugwe and Kung Fu without any of his family nearby and was discovered by Shifu in response to finding the child Shifu embraced him as his own likely because Shifu understood the hardships that came from being alone in the world you see many years before the discovery of this baby Snow Leopard Shifu had been abandoned by his father at the same place he knew what it felt like to be without any guidance so he decided to be the guardian of Tai lungs similarly to what Oogway had done for him Shifu just wanted to do what was right by the boy by believing in him which is why he gave him a name meaning Great Dragon regardless of who created Tai long or where he came from he was raised watched over and loved by Shifu Master Shifu became Tai lung's father and later on his master after showing promise in the art of kung fu and this discovering he was a true Prodigy Shifu decided to train Tai long believing he had the potential to become one of the most capable Warriors that the world had ever known over time Shifu even became convinced that Tai Lung would one day be chosen as the Dragon Warrior the legendary individual foretold by Master Oogway who would rise to the highest levels of kung fu and obtain Limitless power through the knowledge within the dragon scroll through every lesson Shifu slowly molded Tai Lung into someone who craved Excellence knowledge and Power in hopes of motivating him to seize a destiny he would be unable to reach to unlock all of his potential Shifu gave him unrelenting love and praise which kept Hai lung hoping to continue to push through all of his breaking points to please Shifu the interesting truth that lives in Tai lung's story is that he didn't want riches or to take over China or to Dethrone ubway Tai Lung was constantly fighting to make his father proud of course Shifu was proud of Tai Lung but that didn't stop the boy from literally pushing his bones to break in the pursuit of perfecting the art form he was studying the intensity of the training didn't burn Tai Lung out but really only led him to strive to accomplish more to be the strongest fastest and most furious fighter that Tai Lung could become he leveraged all of the Masters knowledge and training resources he could inevitably bringing him to be the first person to master all 1000 Scrolls of Kung Fu Tai long became committed to becoming The Greatest Warrior in the world and for the most part he accomplished that he unlocked all the martial and spiritual Secrets understood by Master UWE all of the wisdom of generations of martial artists including unique Styles weapons techniques and tactics had been Mastered by Tai long with shifu's guidance Tai long had truly risen to a place in kung fu that put him above his father and only below the creator of Kung Fu himself other than Master Oogway there was no mortal who would be able to to defeat him of course Kai would be able to defeat this master in the spirit realm but that when it happened until Tai long was sent there by the true Dragon Warrior this is an idea that I've discussed in the past the reality that Tai lungs Chi was eventually stolen by Kai is an episode I'll leave linked down below we know a little bit about Tai lung's fate as a spirit Warrior but until he got to that point he spent his life in the mortal world constantly training Tai Lung was drilled his entire life by Shifu that he was going to rise to be something Beyond himself so he had those expectations placed upon him which ifu failed to see was that by pushing Tai long to become completely invested in the pursuit of rising to be the Dragon Warrior Tai Lung failed to create self-worth and an identity for himself beyond that Tai long was consumed by Pride that's why even after going through all that intense rigorous and brutal training and rising to new heights in the Kung Fu world nothing was enough for him unfortunate actually this longing for more knowledge and the ability to set free all of his potential would become his dark Obsession and Shifu loved his son too much to see that Rising masterugway on the other hand saw that corrupted heart within Tai Lung so when Shifu presented his child to Oogway he rejected Tai lung's inquiry of becoming the Dragon Warrior much to the master and students dismay for Tai lung's entire life he had been told he was destined to be the Dragon Warrior but when his opportunity to be chosen finally came his master rejected him and his father did nothing to stop it leading him to feel truly betrayed with a deep sense of failure confusion and anger along with entitlement arrogance and pride and the belief that he was deserving to be the Dragon Warrior Tai long channeled his rage into laying ways to The Valley Of Peace his fragile sense of stability and peace were shattered and he was willing to destroy the home that had welcomed him and raised him to prove that no no one could stop him Tai long allowed himself to be consumed by his own ambition which of course also led him to return to the Jade Palace in hopes how taken the dragon scroll by force Shifu feeling responsible for creating Tai long tried to destroy what he had created but was unable to face the son he loved only through Oogway using a nerve attack to block Tai lung's Chi was the snow leopard stopped what I find so interesting about Tai Lung as a villain was that he was so knowledgeable on the art of kung fu while at the same time he remained an extremely ruthless person he was able to show that he was destructive and intelligent and had a lot of humanity below the surface while in Kung Fu Panda 2 we got a deep dive into Shen's psychology we got to see many glimpses of Tai lung's tortured Soul throughout the original Kung Fu Panda I think that's something the first two Kung Fu Panda villains do extremely well we are able to empathize with these deranged figures Tai Lung isn't just a wild Loose Cannon he's also a tortured son and we are able to see all of that come through under oogway's instruction Shifu ordered the construction of chor Gom prison to house Tai Lung and as a true Testament to how powerful Tai long had become ugai was also forced to design it acupressure restraint system made out of a tortoises shell that was able to consistently disrupt Tai lung's Chi and would only further tighten as he moved after choregon prison was finished being built into a Mountainside complete with 1 000 Rhino guards known as the Anvil of Heaven massive crossbows armed explosives the acupuncture Qi disrupting restraints and chains attaching boulders to his arms Tai Lung was trapped and the world believed that one of the most formidable Kung Fu Masters would be locked away forever 20 years later though he would return after ugly foretold the Taiwan would venture back to The Valley Of Peace fearing Tai lung's return Shifu ordered a messenger Goose to double the guards in Titan security within the prison because of oogway's vision but by sending that goose Tai Long's Escape became possible with a single feather falling to Tai Lung he used that to release himself from his restraints on his back and used the weapons that were meant to put him down to break his chains while he had been banished for decades his ferocity strength focus and speed had not been significantly weakened he was still a practically Unstoppable Warrior who was able to maneuver out of the pit he had been placed within avoid the weapons that were used against him take down the guards who confronted him and inevitably was able to finally break free of his prison the next generation of kung fu Warriors had formed the furious five again and did attempt to work together to end Tai lung's Journey at the Rope bridge that led to The Valley Of Peace known as the thread of Hope but while they fought valiantly Tai long was able to overwhelm them and uses Advanced Techniques to take them down his desire for the dragon scroll had not been stopped especially when he was aware that ugwe had finally chosen the Dragon Warrior Tai Lung was ready to prove himself to the world and his father and was excited to finally have a worthy adversary when Tai long arrived in The Valley Of Peace though the village had been abandoned by the citizens with only Master Shifu remaining while he had been excited to meet Poe he was ready to face his former master who he believed had wronged him all of those years ago when he did not stand up to Oogway channeling all of his rage and resentment he beat down the man who had raised him and only wavered for a moment when Shifu apologized to him but his heart hit hardened too much for him to give up on his mission this to me is the big fight for Tai Lung he gets to take on Shifu dominate in a duel within The Valley Of Peace in a spectacular way and shows off how formidable he had become it's much more of the serious climactic fight which I love to watch but it isn't the one that Thailand himself longed for that's why when the Dragon Warrior arrived Tai Lung tossed Shifu away in hopes of securing his Destiny by defeating that chosen one but of course it wouldn't be that easy for him to Glimpse upon the legendary scroll at every turn Poe was able to outsmart outmaneuver and out fight the ambitious and prideful Tai Lung driving him mad as the panda effectively countered his attacks and sat on his face and even after learning that there was no secret that would allow him to unlock a new power within himself Tai Lung was unwilling to stop the battle as he just continued to underestimate Poe and live in denial of the truth Taiwan was unwilling to accept that his true power came from within because that would mean that he would have to embrace the idea that his violence anger and descent into darkness was pointless and this forced Poe to stop the committed knowledge seeking and self-tortured master after a draining fight where Tai long had used all of his brutal cunning in and Relentless attacks against Poe the Dragon Warrior banished Tai Lung to the spirit realm using the wooshy finger hold The Valley Of Peace was safe once more Shifu was able to see he had undone his mistakes by training Poe and Tai long was forced to face the truth that he was never going to be the Dragon Warrior while there were some tales that suggested Tai lungs survived the wushy fingerhold and went on to establish a criminal Empire the truth was Tai lungs reign as a mortal Warrior had concluded but even though Tai Lung was torn from the mortal world his time as a spirit Warrior has only just begun we'll discuss what happened to him after he was skeduced later but for now we're going to focus on the story of shen the peacock who could not Escape his Destiny of being defeated by a panda Lord Shen was born to the rulers of gongman City a place of joy and prosperity as well as the home of beautiful fireworks when Shen was older he would reminisce about playing by his father's Throne when he was growing up and that he was always told that one day he you would inherit the responsibility of sitting upon it though that day would never come for Shen would follow another path until his Crossroads would come though Shen lived as a noble prince who was draped in silks was likely highly educated and was instructed to become a capable Warrior who was washed over by his nanny who would later just be known as the soothsayer that's one of those facts that I found on this old DreamWorks website so it's not one of those things that I really was aware of until I started looking into Shen's story while his parents and the citizens of gongman City adored their fireworks when Shen was growing up he studied them and eventually learned to unlock the destructive power that existed within them concerned for their son's growing Darkness within his heart Shen's peacock parents consulted the soothsayer who predicted that if Shen continued to pursue this dark track moving forward he would be stopped by a warrior of black and white in essence a panda would stand between Shen and everything he was seeking learning of this prophecy and in internalizing his desire to take so much more than the gongman city Throne Shen set out with a pack of wolf soldiers to wipe out the nearby and prominent Panda Village in hopes of ensuring that he would never be able to be stopped Shen desperately attempted to change his fate but of course as Master Oogway had once explained that was impossible and personally I love this connection to the philosophy of the original Kung Fu Panda one often meets his Destiny on the road he takes to avoid it the Peril is between Shifu attempting to continue to restrain Tai Lung and Shen attempting to alter his fate and not be stopped by Poe are amazing to be able to witness Shen and his Warriors burned down the village and slaughtered the pandas who lived there families were destroyed children's lives were taken and it seemed like pandas were erased from the world even though some did survive a child originally named Lotus had his father and mother protect him well that Panda's father fought off the wolves and was able to retreat to a hidden and a village in the mountains his mother hid him in a radish crate that would later be sent to The Valley Of Peace unknown to Shen that Panda would be the one who had been foretold to bring his undoing feeling satisfied though with his efforts Shen returned to the gongman city Palace only to find his parents in horror of the atrocities that he had committed while Shen felt pride in his accomplishments his family could see through what he had done shenan transformed himself into a genocidal blinded murderer but even still his parents disapproval damaged him to the core the while Shen was only attempting to bolster his legacy he was really only tarnishing his life forever in response to Shen's Deeds his parents banished him from his home and he was left feeling unloved unappreciated and despised my parents hated me they wronged me I will make it right from that day on Shen was really unable to take responsibility for his mistakes he had little empathy for his parents and what they had to go through because of his actions and instead only continued to move forward with his own Devastation in his heart this inevitably resulted in his parents dying of broken hearts themselves they'd love to they loved you so much that having to send you away killed them it was becoming clear to the world that Shen's White Collar which often is meant to symbolize Purity in Western culture was truly taking on the symbolism within the Chinese culture his white color symbolizes death that symbolism paired with his name translating in English to Divinity deity spirit God or deep thought revealed that he was a person who had come to believe that he was above the consequences of the world after he caused the destruction of so many lives but his mistakes would only continue after swearing he would return to gongman city and bring everyone within China to bow at his feet Shen LED his followers to the mountainsides where he constructed a massive factory there he built metal weapons from the resources of nearby Villages that were capable of utilizing the destructive powers of fireworks in Shen's mind he held on to the belief that enough of these weapons would allow him to make China his what I find particularly fascinating about Shen is how he seems so tormented and fixated on the past to inform his next steps he just seems like he can't separate himself from the person his parents saw him to be and the glory that he wanted for himself as a young peacock when I watched Shen I just can't seem to pull myself away from watching him because it seems like there's just so much pain and Madness behind every action we can tell he's so intelligent but he doesn't have any wisdom so he's just kind of this misdirected Warrior who's unwilling to change I think Shen really Rises to be one of my favorite villains in the Kung Fu Panda Saga because of all of these complexities within him and his focused on changing the future without realizing the only way he can do that is by altering himself in the moment he's unwilling to break away from the tracks that he set out for himself the dead exists in the past and I must tend to the Future and he's also so captivating because his role in Poe's life is so prominent Shen and Poe's Destinies are deeply intertwined since Shen tore Poe's family apart and it wouldn't be until Shen returned to gongman city after 30 years of preparation that these two enemies would be drawn to face one another again Shen's a fascinating character by himself but he becomes even more intriguing because of how he has shaped Poe in the past and is able to continue to teach Poe how to move past his own tragedies when Shen arrived at his ancestral home he marched to meet the Kung Fu Council who existed as stewards of gongman City behind Lord Shen was his army in a single weapon from the massive Arsenal he had constructed after clashing with thundering rhinos storming ox and Croc using his swiftness agility blades metal augmentations and swordsmanship to his Advantage he is eventually able to overwhelm them by using his own weapon with the death of Master Rhino Lord Shen claimed gongman City for himself but regardless of his accomplishment the soothsayer was able to see that his Destiny had not changed which of course infuriates the peacock that's impossible then you know it soon after this Vision Shen learns that one of the pandas who had escaped his Massacre was returning to the city to face him and while he continued to deny that this could mean that his undoing was still imminent he also decided to stay on course to unleash his weapons across China hoping that following his path would be the key to his victory Jen hoped to prove the soo Sayer wrong so when Poe and the furious five arrived in the city he made sure they were hunted down and brought to him seeing the goofy confident and relaxed Poe Shen continued to deny his Destiny believing he would easily be able to destroy the threat to his Empire but of course he was completely underestimating the might of the Dragon Warrior and the Furious live he had no clue what was going to happen when the noodle loving bear was fighting him and would call out skadoosh that's always the moment in Kung Fu Panda when everything gets real other movies have their tag lines but Kung Fu Panda's is skadoosh it is the line but of course before skadoosh has ever called out and after Shen learned that Poe was unaware of his involvement in the pandas family's destruction he fled to command his men to take down his parents Palace everything that his family had cherished was being demolished by Shen's misplaced commitment to becoming the ruler of China especially once Poe began to escape his trap Shen seemed to become obsessed with the death of the panda whose foretold to stop his Reign Lord Shen wanted the year of the peacock to begin but he couldn't see that his scrambling to further his past Horrors was going to lead to his undoing with the pandas still alive in gongwin City Shen decided to move forward with his plot by preparing his ships weapons and wolves to be ready to set out to seize the village edges of the world you just destroyed your ancestral home shed a trivial sacrifice when all of China is my reward the suse are now seeing Shen's destructive capability pled for Shen to stop his mad Ambitions knowing that he'd never be satisfied by the path he continued to go down but he just can't pull himself away watching this emotionally drained villain attempt to destroy everyone around him is so tragic regardless of how much we all disagree with his actions his pain heartbreak and longing for meaning in his life is felt with every action instead of being a villain who loves being evil it seems like Shen is just trying to fully leverage his position as the monster that he allowed himself to become Jen desires power control and a legacy for himself but he also seems to hate himself as he does it happiness must be taken and I will take mine as Shen's Army prepared his ships poll came to confront him again pleading for him to reveal his role in what happened to his parents as they battled the answers were not revealed though as this encounter inevitably led to Shen using one of the weapons on the Dragon Warrior providing Shen the opportunity to imprison the furious five and sail his ships Lord Shen hoped that the death of kung fu was imminent China oh no of course though with the Dragon Warrior surviving the attack on his life Poe frees the five and with the help of Master Shifu ox and Croc they battle through the wolf Army and are able to block Shen's Fleet from advancing to the harbor well that works until Shane callously takes out the alpha in the wolf pack to allow his weapon to break through the barricade and anyone who stood in his way amongst the destruction in the harbor though Poe does not submit to Shen instead rising to face the Lord unknown to Shen the Dragon Warrior had achieved inner peace meaning when the weapons sent their explosives his way Poe was able to deflect the blast eventually leading to Poe redirecting the weapons blast back at Shen resulting in his ships being destroyed and leaving Shen with nothing here we see Shen at one of his weakest and most honest places throughout Kung Fu Panda 2. with an understanding that there is no longer a chance on that day that he would be able to rise above China he desperately attempts to understand how the panda that could have continued to fight when Shen had ruined the life he was born into but even after Poe says his peace and attempts to tell him that he chooses who he wants to be every day Shen won't listen instead Shen continues to keep fighting scrambling to kill the panda who had undone the destiny he wished for himself but as he uses his rage Fury and anger he doesn't realize that he was cutting the few chords that were keeping the ship together this resulted in the Canon of his ship to fall on top of him and cause a massive explosion that took his life to his last breath Shen hoped to break away from the opinions of his parents and establish a legacy for himself but at the same time though we saw Lord Shen be unwilling to break away from his Madness as he blindly followed his pride arrogance and mistakes until that path led to his downfall Tai Lung and Shen were both consumed by their obsessions with fate and general Kai walked a similar path he was the brother of Oogway who succumbed his darkest desires and became a monster you see 500 years before the Dragon Warrior Rose to become a Master of Kung Fu Kai was given control over a great Army but he wasn't alone Kai fought alongside ugwe his brother in arms and his closest friend and together the duo marched across China and established themselves across the world as formidable Warriors and thoughtful leaders Kai especially stood out amongst the two of them as he became known at that time in history as the Supreme warlord of all China but inevitably every name Kai was given would eventually be forgotten you see after Kai and uguay's army was ambushed Oogway became mortally injured leading Kai to carry his friend for days high into the mountains looking for help until they discovered a secret Village of pandas in that ancient place of healing the pandas healed using the power of chi and once he was healed both Kai and ugwe were taught how to use this spiritual energy but while uguay focused on unlocking how to give Chi Kai became obsessed with taking the power for himself leading to his eyes glowing green which symbolizes his blinding desire for more instead of striving to find balance Kai fell to his dark Tendencies as he became singularly focused on the selfish and destructive path he was going down now why she corrupted Kai is never truly explained but to me I think it makes sense that he would rise to become the Jade Slayer the master of pain and the maker of widows because of his experiences seeing Oogway almost die he was a young bull when he became a hero of China but no matter the accolades or the victories he had nonetheless he was unable to protect his brother from every threat seeing UE almost die meant that Kai finally knew that he wasn't all powerful and I think that scared him while ugly wanted to ensure that he could Heal the World I think Kai decided that he never wanted anyone he loved suffer or die from any enemy that opposed him so he decided to take the chi of others to protect his family but when Oogway saw that Kai was stealing chiefra himself he couldn't allow that to continue and what followed was a battle that shook the Earth which ended in Kai being banished to the spirit realm the very person Kai was willing to do anything to protect was the very person who took his life away leaving him full of loneliness and rage I loved him like a brother and he betrayed me at that point Kai took on the titles of the Jade Slayer The Collector and in China he was known as Tien Shah meaning ferocious Spirit from heaven now that Oogway had cut ties with his friend I think it was here that Kai's transitioned from war hero to unhinged Spirit Warrior became solidified because he had no more connections to his Humanity he was on his own and no longer could exist as a mortal being which led him to take action for hundreds of years in hopes of undoing oogway's acts against him in hopes of taking vengeance upon ugwe Kai forged two Jade blades on chains scoured the spirit realm for Kung Fu Masters he could confront and stole the chi from each and every Warrior who existed in the world but who were all the Masters who fell to Kai under Kai's control there were legendary Warriors like the master Badger twins who remembered further willingness to protect the innocent from the strong and became famous in the Kung Fu world for their double gong technique which was a move that had them crashing down and striking enemies together there was also Master porcupine who protected China with his bow of justice and used his own quills as arrows the masters of China were a pretty diverse bunch to save the lease and they all had their own very cool weapons and Powers other Masters within the spirit realm whose Chi was stolen during Kai's imprisonment included the likes of gorilla boar crab elephant frog hippo Komodo and goat there were so many animals pushing forward the realm of kung fu that were eventually abused by Kai their fairy Souls were being manipulated you see Chinese jade is traditionally tied with Heavenly properties and indestructibility which resulted in Jade being associated with the soul and immortality so what Kai was doing to those he took Chi from was literally stealing their Essence and their soul to empower himself the stronger the person the stronger the chi which meant throughout those long years Kai sought out the most formidable Warriors who had already transitioned into the next life and I think this is a fascinating concept not only could he use the Jade zombies otherwise known as zombies for Poe as puppeteered soldiers who marched across the land but he was also strengthened as a Warrior by their connection to him Jade zombies zombies Jake over the years there was clearly a growing influence within the Jade Palace around the remembrance of these past Masters The Valley Of Peace seemed to be celebrating Oogway and his students who had traveled to the spirit realm and those warriors were the same ones who were being used as slaves for Kai many of these Masters were highly venerated by their pupils and students who lived after them and were even memorialized in the Jade palace's Master Garden including one master who had recently Fallen thundering Rhino the former leader of the Kung Fu Council in gongman City who was said to at one point be unstoppable until he was killed by Lord Shen be faced a similar fate to these long deceased Masters after entering the spirit realm in addition to Masters who were faithful to the teachings of ugweh even Tai long was also forced to serve Kai after Poe used the wushi finger hold on Tai Lung the son of Shifu who once believed himself to be the Dragon Warrior he also confronted Kai and was taken down and studying the chains that were bound to Kai we can see that the snow leopard appears along them showing us that Tai long had his cheese stolen while tylon was one of the most feared Warriors that had ever come out of the Jade Palace so of course Kai would Target the young Warrior when he arrived in the spirit realm he was also not Invincible I'm sure at that point in Kai and Tai Long's life Tai long didn't stand a chance still though I think it would have been an awesome Spirit realm battle Tai long was a highly skilled individual with great strength determination and furosity I mean the occasionally cynical serious and hardened Master Shifu even believed Tai long to be the Dragon Warrior himself self so my guess is that is she was something Kai would have craved I would love to see this fight in animation I understand that it really wouldn't have propelled the plot forward in Kung Fu Panda 3 but that would have made one amazing bonus feature short because Kai and Tai Lung were two formidable Warriors that nearly Brought The Valley Of Peace to destruction at that point though Kai had already spent hundreds of years collecting the chi of Masters across time so it's likely that there was very little Tai Lung could have done to take down the warlord of China I mean through all of Kai's preparations across centuries not even Master Oogway was able to stop him nothing could have kept Kai from taking ugwe's Chi that day the reason he's doing everything is because he feels like Oogway hurt him and that's what I think it was the most interesting thing about diving into his character was trying to get into those layers of why did he feel like Oogway was betraying him well ugwe did joke around with his former friend nonetheless he was in pain seeing how far he had fallen when will you realize the more you take the less you have we could see that he would eventually crumble from his pursuit of power on the vanity that had replaced his good nature but the warrior he had chosen before he had passed on to the spirit realm once Kai was in possession of ugoy's chi he hung him close to his heart swore to stop the warrior who was sent on a path to defeat him and then used all of the Power he had acquired to return to the mortal world as soon as he arrived in China the reality that he had been erased from history became clear to him while ugweh's role in the world had become solidified in everyone's Minds that's why once his Jade zombies are zombies as Polo calls them are sent out into the world to find ugwe's pupils Kai becomes focused on tearing apart his former friend's Legacy he swore to destroy everything he had created now the reason I think Kai wanted to Dethrone ugwe as a legendary Warrior comes from his own pain arrogance and jealousy Kai believed his actions to acquire power were meant to be used for good but because Oogway disagreed all of his heroic actions were ripped out of History I will not let you destroy your voice memory why not he destroyed mine that also feels incredibly unfair to him because he's convinced himself he's infinitely more powerful than Oogway ever was because he is able to use the chi of many Masters but even with those good intentions and his strength the villagers across China nonetheless adore the memories of his brother-in-arms who he felt betrayed him to try to make amends for this Erasure since he feels that if he would have been able to live out his life 500 years ago that he would be the warrior that the world remembers I think Kai foolishly believes that he can use his current power to undo ugwe's impact in the world Kai is blinded to the fact that ugwe is powerful because of his impact into the people that he interacted with and that's the same reason that Poe is able to defeat him and that's something that he just isn't able to fully internalize into himself of why he can't actually destroy oogway's Legacy I don't think titles or praise were the reason Kai went down on the path of acquiring power but I think his frustration with his Enemy being remembered as a hero mixed with the vain belief that he could shape the universe with the spiritual energy he possessed led him to desire to be seen again as the Supreme warlord of all China there will be no one left who will even remember your name [Music] now while a knowledge kind needed to be stopped once he returned to the mortal world I feel really conflicted about Kai's Origins and about the role Oogway played in creating this villain to me it seems like Kai did everything for UE but no action he took was ever the correct one which led to him and his tail being hidden from the World by his friend it seems like during the Mortal life of Kai he was making mistakes like Poe's fathers and was only met with violence and banishment sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons but do you think Oogway handled Kai as best as he could or do you think he only helped push the spirit Warrior into the monster he became regardless of Kai's creation though when Kai returned he began traveling across China in hopes of facing every living Master this brought him into contact with the likes of Master lizard eagle and storming Ox the latter being another member of gongman City's Kung Fu Council who we had seen fight alongside Poe in the few Furious 5 to free that City from Shen and his wolf Army Ox was highly Adept at pinpointing an enemy's weakness but when he came against Kai I'm sure there was no way to achieve victory since Kai literally had the might of numerous Masters throughout time even Master bear with his brute strength and high aggression was taken down along with the Fearless Master chicken and the impenetrable Croc to be honest I wasn't too surprised about master chicken getting taken down but seeing Croc fall was kind of heartbreaking knowing that his friends had also been enslaved before him Master Croc was the only member of the Kung Fu Council who we actually got to see searching for Kai but his experience toughness and bravery resulted in him falling like the other masters from gongman City so even though Lord Shen was never pursued by Kai the true Kung Fu masters from Shen's home were taken as servants for the spirit Warrior and inevitably Kai confronted the students who were closest to his former friend approaching the temple his brother had constructed Kai mocked ugwe and the Warriors who praised him look at you pathetic fools groveling at the feet of Foodway the Magnificent showing that his respect for his friend and The Mortals of this world had completely vanished quickly Kai and his zombies took down Shifu and the remaining members of the furious five only falling for a moment when Tigris used an enhanced Chi kick after that moment he used the full extent of his power to take down the Masters allowing him to use his chains and Blades to throw ugwe statue into the Jade Palace destroying much of the knowledge the Kung Fu Master left his students to protect but once the Jade Palace had fallen the only remaining objective Kai had left for himself was to defeat the warrior who had been chosen by Oogway to defeat him tracking Poe to the hidden Panda Village in the mountains he goes after the Dragon Warrior with an army of zombies but is shocked find they are being fought off by a panda Army which completely disorients him until he's forced to focus on an attack by Poe while the draken warrior tried to wushy finger hold Kai into the spirit realm he isn't affected by the technique as a spirit Warrior giving him an opportunity to recall the chi of the Masters and beat down Poe towering over Poe at first he believes he is one but Poe is able to realize that he can drag them both to the spirit Realm by wushy finger holding himself enraged that he was in the spirit realm again Kai furiously attacks Poe and begins to take his Chi for himself until the Dragon Warrior resists his attack embedded with the chi of his students Poe unleashes the full power he now possesses resulting in the destruction of Kai's weapons a horrible beat down against Kai and a declaration by Kai stating that he will hunt Po's Chi for another 500 years if he has to Kai spent the majority of his existence craving power attempting to Vanquish his enemy is an obsessing over his revenge against his closest friend and he was willing to commit the rest of his existence to defeat the warrior Oogway had sent his way but he would not be given that time knowing Kai desired his Chi Poe gives him the power that he had sought after but instead of becoming omnipotent Kai is overwhelmed by the energy that coursed through him leading to his spirit being erased an explosion of light Kung Fu Panda is near and dear to my heart and I can't wait to meet the foes that Poe will face in the future maybe we'll even get to see him confront old enemies again like Tai Lung to see what I believe has been going on with Tai Lung in the spirit realm after Kai's defeat definitely consider checking out my video on whether or not he challenged and fought Oogway in the spirit realm which is linked down below thank you so much for watching consider subscribing and of course have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 932,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WoI5phx7Rbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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