Everything GREAT About The Incredibles!

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[Music] there are a ton of reasons this movie works and is amazing put this background track setting up the film but the first thing you hear is a big one instead of going with a strictly animated superhero tone the movie is a new mix of superheroes and 60s bonds and is in fact set in 1963 also it's completely different from the usual Pixar logo music sometimes I just wanted to stay saved you know interesting behind the scenes look at superheroing also just in general this universe where superheroes are like plumbers another necessary if not glamorous cog in our society no offence the plumbers dude guys are the real heroes but rather than a big setup how awesome they are action montage our cold-open battle it's just real people being interviewed trying to leave on a high note a lot George Costanza that's just it's just a really good logo got the E and the G mixed together in there yeah some good branding [Music] and then a blending of a cliche superhero-themed overpowered by cheeky nose bond style theme Brad Bird this color-grading hazy tone used for the prologue scene you can almost feel the heat in the air two birds one tree also thank goodness for cartoon physics because that dude would be dead reflection of the street lamp and the tire hubcap it's not an eye but it'll do time of day continuity with the sun shining in and creating stark shadow contrast to the insanely rich sunset giving Wakanda run for its money we can look at those colors are you doing anything later I have a previous engagement yeah a literal one you know because they're engaged to be married I him your number one fan sensitivity [Applause] that's an interesting quandary that they certain glaze over two things buddies reflection being bigger foreshadowing his importance later on and the fact that I'm a man Jason Lee voices his younger self I'd say this is persistence one of the ways this film sticks to realism is showing the limits of their powers when it makes sense like mr. incredible wincing before the train impacts just because he can stop it doesn't mean it won't hurt Brad Bird actually said it was something he planned on putting in right from the beginning as a way to humanize the heroes these are all the Cape users dead-dead Cape users and the injury received from mr. Incredibles action another realistic repercussion of taking the law into your own hands but been on the other side an increase in crime is hinted at the newspaper just a high angle shot like this does so much to show the pain and monotony of Bob's existence next to a support structure with a high voltage line on it visually exaggerating how much he doesn't fit in now I see why this was set in the 60s put this film in modern day mr. Griffin could have used a high frame rate camera and Dash's gig is up Jack Jack's facing forward so realistic period detail but me in the 60s were a terrifying time everyone's special - which is another saying egalitarianism burn more quality visual storytelling maybe my wife's just wicked smart but she had never seen this movie until now and she immediately knew what vile its power would be that's because Brad Bird makes it clear with violets hunched posture and the hair in front of her face that she enjoys being hidden let's talk about Brad Birds usage of depth of field in a movie where you can have everything and focus if you want at any and all times having certain things out of focus helps pull your attention to different subjects on screen the way you would in a live-action film realism due on tape and you still got away with it whoa you must have been booking how fast you think you were Holly encouragement oh I love the display of all their powers even super-powered families struggle with the same stuff we do appropriately frizzy hair uh-oh if you watch Jack Jack in the background he follows along with the conversation what disband Vaughn ruthless dude he starts my life he starts monologuing I mean a guy has me on a platter and he won't shut up superhero movie making fun of a super villain trope ah just a slope and towards the police scanner before it's the focus while Frozone is telling his story [Music] gonna gush about the score again it just transports you back to Lazenby and Connery bond and a lot of it was recorded on analog tapes to give the horns that distinct sound and Burt actually talks about his focal length in this scene it's as if the camera is concerned with Frozone but just like the cop doesn't realize what's actually happening and just in case you thought these heroes murder police officers his eyes are moving he'll be fine probably mr. incredible is humming his own theme what an awesome physical representation of how even though Bob is huge he and his wife are equals in more ways than one spot-on depiction of how important the boss thinks he is having four clocks for different time zones even though they're all the same or maybe he's just obsessed with that whole clock metaphor of his so this is a memo telling ensure acara employees that phone calls electricity consumption and even pencils will be deducted from their pay while at the same time thanking the employees for making it the most profitable year ever so if anyone deserves to be thrown through a wall he got away yeah but the joke's on him with those leopard print pants there are some fun details in this room Bob doodles his own logo he has a jar of bullets that bounced off his chest and just a bunch of fun news clippings and fan art on the walls also so appropriate that an artist's rendering of mr. incredible would look nothing like Bob since people somehow see someone completely different so I think JJ ripped this scene off almost entirely permission to possible three just swapping out the tablet for a disposable camera so that's that's gonna come for something also bird riffs on the self-destructing message in his Mission Impossible movie so yes let me guess it got smart enough to wonder why I've had to take orders clearly not the first time Bob's dealt with a self-aware human murdering machine or you know possessed houses that kidnap your daughter something so simple like this over the robots shoulder camera angle is an example of one of the many things that elevates this film above others of its kind wouldn't be a 60s throwback movie with a little lava inside a volcano Chiropractic generosity hahaha that's actually really brutal when you realize he just tricked it into pulling its own brains out I hope our future AI overlords will know that seems like this were all in good fun scratch that now it's a 60s throwback movie formal dining room next to a retractable lava waterfall wall he's attracted to power Scylla nice and a reasonable reason for living there you know besides the opportunities for ridiculously beautiful shot compositions a moving up in the world spending more quality time with your family getting in shape in some more visually stunning locations I might add and a PG rekindling the spark with your wife montage is the fastest way to well rekindle that spark with your wife [Music] making her wall carvings all the more relevant you know I was gonna say something about how funny Edna is were they're slightly Asian slightly German accent and praised the excellent voice work by her voice actor and lo and behold she is voiced by Brad Bird probably common knowledge but it blew my mind shadow 78 degrees in no mana set you know what they say no man is an island unless you're Paul Simon I guess even the futuristic tech has a mid-century vision of the future feel to it d-wing room a 113 what room now how could he possibly remember such an unacknowledged you t created rather than captured love the subtle sounds of the robot moving around outside I would throw quite a few supers to get it worthy to fight you but man it wasn't good enough Jason Lee kills this role he's the unsung hero of this film since he's so unlikable but he crushes every bit of his performance hey Dawg you got me monologue not only recognizing the trope this time but also defeating it Edna mode and guess that's actually a brilliant security system someone could force you to enter your passwords but still end up dead if you want them to temperature convenient another beautiful shot with the car blocking out the moon as it approaches talk about arrogance syndrome sees himself as the father of all Greek gods yet yet it checks out I like to think psyche wave would have been a little better a one point six it's kind of interesting though it looks like he started with a telekinesis Super's first not even Harley Quinn destroyed one droid man this is like the order 66 of this film pretty dark to have all these supers dead is that a dolly zoom in an animated film I see another smart security system that allows you to question the infiltrator later you're just getting coffee optimism with a touch of realism so you do know these people yeah if your wife was Holly Hunter literally the most recognizable voice in all of Hollywood after like Morgan Freeman Sam Elliott or James Earl Jones she just have to see her coffin you'd know it was her you don't have to worry about one single thing mrs. Farr I've got this babysitting thing Wyatt just like my teeth I can totally handle anything this baby can be so they actually made a short film to disprove exactly that in da golf niner-niner transmitting in the blind guard disengage repeat disengage I love how quickly it turns from concern over who's watching the baby something Helen cares deeply about to Elastigirl realizing we're all gonna die and having to become something she thought she'd put behind her she goes from mommy to all business in a split-second and it's a genuinely terrifying scene not because you think three of the five mains might die but because the last a girl turning on business mode and speaking pilotis in a way most of us don't understand but recognizes such means that for a split second she has to choose trying to save their lives over protecting her daughter's psyche and feelings in a weird way Helen's total control the situation rather than emotional outburst adds to the terror and grounds the scene her command of the situation just gets to me in a sincere horror and her voice is palpable also a bit of an expectation subversion you probably expected Violette to make the force field at the last second but not this time also if you're questioning why she was able to protect them remember this and then we're quickly reminded that these are just two kids who think they're falling to their deaths they will exercise restraint because your children they will kill you if they get the chance and that's an intense but obviously necessary message for the kids something no parent would ever want to tell them the instinct would be to protect them from reality but she knows she has to actually protect them from death by preparing them the sound design and composition of this film continues to impress me everything is so precise as she's sneaking it to the hideout just in general I love the skulking around with Elastigirl she gets to show off her moves and use her unique abilities and inventive ways you would need a lot of power to restrain old bobby-boy why are you here how can you possibly bring me lower what more can you take away from me he has every right to be suspicious since their whole premise was their deception and needing to help him with something out of their control hugging I also like that while the bob was cheating on me all along cliches thrown in there real quick there was never any confusion about what Bob wanted or whether he'd actually have an affair he's only hugging her because his wife and kids are alive so it's the chase through the forest on Endor with those blades drone things from wild wild west enlarged for the human I'm just kidding getting the seed - finally stretch his legs as it were while being chased by a gyroscopic one-man killing machine is all fantastic good stuff I love the look on Dash's face he's just a kid he's never been in a fight it never occurred to him he could dodge punches with these that's exactly how a kid would react to learning he could run on water that giggle alone it's worth a couple wins again feel like a broken record but the score the way this sequence is shot it's also impressive and entertaining we always get a strong feeling about how fast everything is moving [Music] yep keep trying to pick a fight but I'm still just happy you're alive perspective there you are saving your sister saving your brother [Music] we've all experienced that moment when you realize as a kid that your parents are more than just your parents when you get to see them do things from their previous life I mean for me it was finding out that they liked music I discovered in middle school this their parents are badass superheroes [Music] teamwork also a bunch of yups my fault I'm a lousy father blind to what I have apology win with Bob relating his character arc about us sincerely as anyone could mm-hmm you know what they say if the RV's a-knockin don't expect mr. incredible to have debating which hero it is just like did this movie predict the MCU syndrome has some pretty cool tech he's just terribly using it he's constantly doing dumb things making mistakes and putting people in danger I mean he created a learning robot and didn't have a contingency for losing his wristband controller although I guess it's not like mr. incredible is super careful with innocent life ingenuity creepy ingenuity and another human moment for a hero of course she can do it doesn't mean it's not super painful again sincerity like real sincerity that's not undercut with a joke it's some weighty stuff saving your little bro again quality time with your son callback resource for this Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston two famous Disney animators pin one more quick beautiful sunset still awesome more unique teamwork still not like those Saturday morning cartoon bad guys really really not like and even there's something amazing I guess kid got his payoff mm-hmm and we're in your hair back yeah yeah it looks good just like Bob points out violet starts with her hair in front of her face and as she gains more confidence and also very importantly as her mother shows faith in her she starts pushing her hair out of her face her personality is reflective of it as well as she comes out of her shell I'll concede that going on a family adventure and perfecting your superpower doesn't necessarily mean your social anxiety will be cured but death-defying situations could put things into perspective and we can all learn to fake it look at me you guys probably think other humans don't terrify me behold the Ratzenberger also looks like they're picking right up where this one left off in the next one so creating a good enough set up worth paying off [Music] yep and another reimagining of events in this film with 2d animation one of my favorite things about The Incredibles is that it's a special type of origin story we're introduced to the world not through a typical this is how they get their powers cliche but through events in the story unfolding they already have their powers but they're not superhero as the yet derp anymore that's the real origin story in this film the family superhero team which is new compared to the Fantastic Four all you want The Incredibles are an actual family which presents lots of interesting dynamics but really the most unique part of this film is the first thing you notice when the film starts the blend of spies and heroes super villains and their layers there's action but also sneaky espionage stuff but the best thing this film has going forward is something Brad Bird calls the mundane and the fantastic everyone is super-powered but they still have arguments at the dinner table they just look a little different you can be sent to self-destructing message because you're a super secret sneaker but that doesn't mean you're not gonna have to dry everything off with your pink hair dryer after the sprinklers go off the big ending battle is epic intense but it actually comes down to who has the remote and it's something that makes not totally original superheroes I mean each has their official version but the characterizations and the struggles these real people go through are what make it work I made a statement in last week's Black Panther video about being able to relate to Iron Man or Thor Black Panther and while my point was that skin color status or even species shouldn't matter when relating to characters that's something that The Incredibles nails they're just a regular family the parents have these past lives that they've had to keep hidden in order to protect their children that's relatable and the kids are growing into who they're supposed to be and learning new things about themselves even when they're trying to save the world or escape the villains evil clutches were still connecting to the family struggle between a brother and sister or a mother's concern with her appearance after having three kids or how difficult marriage can be when you're unhappy with your job a large part of this movie is Bob's arc - like over the past and focus on the now with his family although if the last girl is concerned with her butt being too big can she just redistribute some of that it doesn't matter she's the more mature adult and the one that understands the value and importance of her family right from the beginning but amidlifecrisis is also relatable the biggest complaint anyone could laugh at this film is that you need to be born with abilities rather than developer invent them and yes that's total crap obviously Batman and Iron Man exist where well you know to me but that's not what separates syndrome from The Incredibles he wants to be not do hero work and just when all hope is lost syndrome will save the day mr. incredible an elastic girl joke about who gets the credit for the collar in the beginning but their drive is not notoriety it's helping people at the very worst Bob wants to relive his glory days but it's never to serve his ego syndrome literally puts people in danger so that he can look like the hero Edna is the perfect example of someone who perfected a talent and worked hard rather than just being born with a gift the message of be who you were meant to be is more my takeaway mr. incredible failed at being an insurance claims adjuster he was meant to be a hero I brought it up a few times but Michael Giacchino deserves a bunch of credit for his score in this film he never disappoints but he made something special in this film as you know I tend to hum the theme from whatever movie I'm working on all week while I'm making these videos and just yesterday I noticed that Julia was humming the James Bond theme which means either I switched over which is possible or it's so similar in tone that that's what got stuck in her head so good on in chiquinho this movie is filled with so many beautiful shots and fun ways of framing scenes this scene for instance travelling with mr. incredible hearing the silence cut by the wind whipping so much character in simple shots like these plenty of Easter eggs and references to other movies like the luxo deli and mr. incredible PEZ dispenser to a 113 s a car from cars I mean the whole thing is a love letter to first the Golden Age of comics and then the Silver Age and then obviously retro spy flicks the detail is off the charts again in this film to the point where when Bob is walking through the jungle you just think yeah Bob just walking through the jungle and then you realize every leaf was deliberately built and placed every dead stump reaching branch it was all created for 2004 the hair and fabric movements are insanely impressive the waterfalls and lava everything in this film is gorgeous and even beyond that some of the animated locations are just the most beautiful places ever shown in a movie this entire sequence from the plane going underwater then transitioning to the tunnel it's all amazing and I can't believe we finally got a sequel I'm excited for that and here's a ten more and if you're in the mood for more Incredibles which obviously you are you should go check out my buddies at wisecrack they're currently working on their quick take for The Incredibles to where they talk about themes and analyze some interesting aspects of a film that never ceases to amaze me so I'm looking forward to that the link will be in the description when it's live and while you're waiting check out their earthling cinema on The Incredibles they have a totally different take on what the hidden meaning in The Incredibles is and since it's from an aliens perspective you know it's got some credibility earthling cinema takes a deep look at stuff going on under the surface using philosophy and intelligent research to make some inspired conclusions and they've covered a bunch of movies animation included but wisecrack has something for everyone they love to look deeper into video games TV shows current and past movies even something you know that I'm fond of talking about what went wrong with movies that may have missed the mark so check them out subscribe to hear about all their new amazing content coming out next week another highly requested movie actually possibly the first film ever requested a movie from this series was almost my first video ever but back then I was only planning on doing the worst of the franchises not expecting you guys to like videos for good movies too so until next week stay incredible is that [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 3,620,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Incredibles, EWW Incredibles 2, Everything Wrong With Incredibles, Incredibles 2 Honest Trailer, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, EGA, Cinema, CinemaSins, everything great about, great
Id: vT47jdPXDFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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