Everything GREAT About WALL-E!

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foreign [Music] glows around the edges of the illuminated Crescent shapes of these planets I like that alternate reality Humanity was allowed to try to Stave off destruction with some renewable energy with some nuclear plants but based on the windmills being in the piles of garbage I'm guessing it was a tad too late but on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there this opening put on your Sunday clothes from Hello Dolly a very early 20th century song about looking Beyond one city but starting Us in space not even sure where our galaxy is at first two things couldn't be further apart and yet it creates this awe and immediately connects us to our home Earth which is excellent because we're about to see that it's become unrecognizable at the very least satellite-wise but then the happy-go-lucky feeling Fades away as it gets to the ground it's diegetic so Wally is still bopping along but our top-down POV is shifted to the Stark truth [Music] and even if Wally doesn't know it yet getting a little Electro Peck from Eve becomes the main goal for him hey this track is already beat up oh my goodness the shallow Focus trying to follow the cockroach I highly recommend watching this movie with subtitles on if you never have I always had the feeling it was something like a grunt of acknowledgment but huh adds even more relatable Humanity to Wally and once you see what he and Eve are saying you really start to hear it as well [Music] and after our upbeat show tune that was incongruous with the visuals but aligned with our main character's disposition Thomas Newman's score brings us down to reality with some minor key heart plucking that finally sets the stage for what's going on here show tunes are gone because humans are gone what a freaking opening to a Pixar movie Andrew Stanton claims he has no message in here I mean who could have predicted our own b l taking over everything well by and large it's not like they're the government yet so why is Wally still alive well there's your answer he's been repairing himself with other units parts we also have to assume that through some glitch he achieves sentience which is why he cares enough to repair himself that's how it starts sorry Grandma we might need to leave you behind to prevent this eventuality a l space is the final frontier yes you give me Fred Willard and he gives me buns show of hands how many times watching this did it take for you to catch what Wally stood for because it took me actually looking for stuff and Readiness to notice oh so Rex is just trapped there for eternity with no humans to play with him also Mike with nobody to do stand up for and clocks and Hula bobblers Lady Liberty torches and David The Gnome every bit of misused human artifacts is perfect basketball Globe Trash Can Lid hat Spork confusion toaster VHS storage and the nesting dolls are with the bowling pins just when he thought he had a lot of stuff before and a Dinoco lighter also if you're wondering how Wally runs everything probably has something to do with all those batteries now might be a good time to point out how absolutely gorgeous this film is the scuff marks in worn paint on every part of Wally's metal body the way the glass of his eyes bends the image the way the light bounces off the scrapes and the tips of his fingers claws clamps [Music] [Applause] it's been said before but there's so little dialogue in this opening and we still get a full picture of who Wally is Mindless robots don't notice the stars above them and then turn on music to set the mood for themselves questioning what's beyond their trash Heap nor do they gently Rock themselves to sleep when in doubt make your robot drunk slash hungover it'll always kill on the PC I passed no judgment on a potentially centuries-old battery that goes from three to zero bars overnight even though if I had to guess I'd say Wally leaving his music playing all night probably had something to do with it but either way there's continuity with it since he has four bars when we first see him and then three bars before bed and then back to nine after a full charge it just doesn't get any better than Wally's reaction to mundane things and there's your first Jude win gets a lot from him every time space Thruster shadowing that Sandra can't compete with and now for an action scene and if you always thought it was a weird cheat to have the red laser running all over the place and not just at the center of the circle of dots to begin with the ship was looking for a landing Zone that was flat enough to land on that's why it scans in this spiral about as convincing as a cardboard box and you thought Wally was the only Apple product [Music] while you're enjoying the most romantic piece of music ever written for two robots take a little notice the light ring circling Eve's neck I mean really you can hear it so clearly once the subtitles are on [Music] while we're talking about pretty sounds Eve's sound design compared to Wally's is another contrast between the two everything about Eve is smooth rounded and shiny while Wally is rough boxy and disheveled his sound design is always a retro compared to hers she's a top of the line newly released smartphone and he's a rotary phone or like two cans and a string maybe also she's a tad more Firepower than Wally [Music] also another robot that has so much personality with not many words generosity he used a Luxo lamp for an arm [Music] say that robot protagonists keep the Wiley Coyote laws of nature making sense never any life in the Pizza Planet truck so even prior to leaving Earth it looks like they were doing passenger flights to space and then passengers floated back to Earth and capsules fun fact Eve only gets stuck to the magnet because her power source powers up the magnet there's a perpetual energy meme in there somewhere but just like with the bulb she's an energy source just by proximity the crew wasn't 100 sure but I'm 90 sure her last foreign language before English is haties listen to that and tell me it's not something a bit Fortuna would say doesn't get any better than that [Music] while I chuckled at Eve breaking Wally's stuff I can't help but notice how every light every little detail is reflected in her outer shell and you more clearly see the servo on her arm always moving around and praying by frame later you can see the same in her head also dancing ah the moment we learned that those Wily coyote laws of nature don't always protect Wally which makes it Eve's gotta fix Wally at risk losing him shadowing you could say his love for her Burns bright flirting based on that response I'd say even Eve didn't know what her directive was which is why she just said and while he does the only thing he knows works for him a little vitamin D the SE coming off the top of the truck such a cool effect that I wish was less topical and a Wally taking care of a comatose Eve montage is the fastest way to absolutely crush it pong even the way each action scene is shot is unique and entertaining so do we do we need to file this under unnecessary risks taken by Wally due to his unimpeded Devotion to realism or actually is it Wally plus hanging on exterior of high-speed moving vehicle equals win how about both so it's only b l and Russia left in the space race or is that just an old Sputnik nothing can shake that little boy's love it's just another romantic night of taking in the stars with Eva [Music] so that's why a Dyson Sphere would work so well this silly robot cartoon has no business being this stunning wait is Lindsay's book a sequel to Wally JK JK but a cinema wins where the week will actually shed some light on why the ship name ties into the story yeah you get it no Escape even this ship has a name and it's arv Mo feels like a good time to say that Ben Bert you know the guy who made R2D2 sound the way he does is amazing and created thousands of sounds for this movie I love that even Wally knows he's dirty other than making his tracks last longer he also takes them off before going into his home to keep the dirt out again one third of the way through this movie and the only real human voices we've heard have been pre-recordings and we get another character whose deal we know immediately he likes things clean I don't want to do that well then what do you want to do live in the dream don't even have to turn your head to keep up with friends wow anything better than pizza ice cream and egg in a cup try put the new red yeah let's hope so because of light lightsaber colors you know his keyboard is just ones and zeros so they all served as Captain for over 120 years some as many as 140 meaning humans are now living way longer and have evolved to carry more adipose and less bone bigger arteries maybe regenerative food buffet well that's not replicators that sounds like waste recycling so it's a poop joke if you really think about it or oh no it's worse isn't it it's not waste recycling is it love goggles otherwise known as soft focus or even better a Vaseline lens [Music] Wally's always so helpful Wally pointless [Music] everywhere Wally goes he changes the world so much happens in the background of this movie defibrillator robot lighting test dummies on fire Eve not trusting the Carousel of compartments or just the trash blowing the wind behind Wally wow more flirting man that uh that is the thing I absolutely did at eight or nine years old to much older girls that's a weird thing to leave it yeah well he's alive if you're wondering how the plants stayed alive in space Eve is the Extraterrestrial vegetation evaluator meaning she'd have all the necessary tools to save a plant even CO2 hugging oh what you didn't think there was going to be a robot dance scene in this movie giving you all the feels inverting Thruster engines so they appear like fountains and they both instantly died of heart attacks after 700 years of no human to human contact wait where did all the babies fine hold down a social gathering at which Lively dancing would take place not exactly what you'd expect the captain to talk to mother about but she can't always be diverting ships to distress calls usually I'd leave an alien reference to stand alone but I just think it's really cool that the star of the movie that was one of The Inspirations for all ship computers got to be a ship's computer just warms the cockles of my heart define dancing how about this Motif from the first time Wally sees Eve flying used again since that was the start of his infatuation with her and now he's on cloud nebula nine oh splashing no diving and they both instantly died of electrocution when the robot fell in the pool ha ha ha I'm just gonna start winning the moments that make us ah [Music] another subtitle I never knew about [Music] look I have sympathy for Gladys if that Creepypasta thing has any truth to it but Otto is just mean or Hal you laps around the jogging tracking track even Hal told Dave about the track will survive I don't survive here's your message only one little dude's been living around here nice yeah it works right man walla's bar terrifying [Music] making new friends Eve is finally choosing Wally over everything else even when Wally's actually the bright one for once [Music] oh and he kept the lighter with him because she was so enthralled by it but uh out of all the new tech in this movie The perpetual and eternal lighter fluid is what I want to explain we all know if you let that thing sit for two weeks it's not gonna light [Applause] [Music] it's like Titanic but slower and probably softer because of the suburb gravity [Music] saving the babies oh man that Screech is heart-wrenching she really loves that little dingus [Music] don't laugh at him you don't laugh at the monkey using the tool these are baby's first steps since they're all giant babies [Applause] also that reminds me that this is actually the second 2001 reference which makes even more sense now the same Richard Strauss piece was used for the captain's morning rundown as the introduction to the space station that one was a little more sarcastic than the other Strauss Johann strauss's piece used which is equally a step forward in Evolution for them so now he's Manuel operate Manuel more teamwork really joining the animals of sci-fi with a space-time stretchy wedgey hyper light warp jump oh my gosh he never moved that whole time because Wally told him to stay it's a happy ending version of Jurassic Bark on called for narrator uncalled and they all instantly died of sunburned heat exhaustion gravity crushing their feeble bones you name it after 700 years of vacation gravity temperature control and being indoors permanently fulfillment of that chekhov's eye from earlier and look we appreciate the help but you had to blow up his roof man there's something in here about our jobs crushing the things we care about but I'm gonna ignore that and say how sad it is to see Wally gone his collections the things that made it clear he was unique now trash to him Wally Wally Wally oh dears deers for Eve's Lawson More Tears for Wally's cold dead eyes so I sort of like the idea that Wally's sentience is actually a malfunction something must have shorted out a long time ago a lightning Striker maybe as the last robot on Earth he just evolved which is really just trial and error anyway but maybe Wally questions everything and feels emotions because he's not a perfect robot much in the same way that humans are not perfect nor are our emotions neat and tidy so this little shock maybe shorts out whatever was inhibiting all of Wally's memories and he comes back Eve okay now the tears and he finally gets that requited love we also desperately need farming you kids are gonna okay but these kids clearly only saw the first half of Idiocracy if what I think is in the cup is in that cup and just in case you thought I was serious about them all dying we get to see them Thrive through our own histories different versions of recording history from cave drawings to technical sketches and paintings you're looking at a Kalima and your future just saying foreign LED would have been more energy efficient but it's cool Wally literally can't help himself from helping others Wally is one of the best Pixar movies to date maybe Ever every detail is stunning it boggles the mind that this was made in 2008 because visually pretty much everything holds up today and every little piece is so well thought out for obvious starters the ship's autopilot is an actual wheel also as one of the few characters who could be considered the villain he's the only character without a human voice actor I guess it depends on how you classify Ben Bird's contributions to things but Otto is voiced by mcintock and that has the effect of making him less sentient than the rest he was really just following programming so he's not even really a villain everything about Eve is fantastic her cat-like movements when she laughs her Arc of directive driven to Wally lover but I specifically love how she spins her own arm around like a revolver after firing it how about these movements from Mo as if he's stretching and shaking off the shackles after leaving his predetermined path and then we have Wally one of the most emotive characters Pixar has ever created and as we've already covered he has like a couple dozen lines in the movie and most are huh or whoa but I bet you didn't know notice that he doesn't have elbows or something you probably just never said aloud he's just eyes he doesn't have a mouth or nose or face he's just a pair of binoculars even number five had a light mouth for me maybe that wasn't until he started calling himself Johnny Five anyway decisions like that Astound me when I think about the writers agreeing in the planning stage so Eve will just be a black screen with two blue circles Ottawa red light and this guy this guy is just a flashing light and yet each one has so much personality speaking of details the segment that's quickly becoming my favorite part of part two videos things I missed or got wrong from your comments under part one Eve couldn't wait two more seconds to make sure Wally was okay and that's why she blew up his roof the mice are called remes in honor of Ratatouille's Remy Otto inches closer to each captain in the photos as if his power and influence is growing one more comment from Philip Kramer that's a fun theory he came up with about Wally's sentience and personality that they're not an accident and it was a form of evolution based on more and more efficient methods of completing his directive you can read his full comment over there it's pinned but basically understand standing a piece of trash's function would Aid Wally in cataloging things in a way that would make compaction easier make his Towers more stable and by grouping things by functions could save space in his memory it's fun to think about he goes into more detail that's just my quick synopsis okay there are two other main things I want to talk about today the first is something the movie does amazingly better than most and the other is something it dips its toe into but sort of flubs it a little from my perspective but beyond just the absence of spoken words the sheer lack of exposition is astounding the last two acts have some information given from the captain but his dialogue almost further sets even Wally apart as two characters on their own adventure as if not even we the audience can truly appreciate their relationship and understanding of one another and that's the first thing I want to talk about you probably didn't expect a love story from the mostly silent robot movie but it's portrayed as this Unstoppable Force for Wally I mean love conquers all isn't anything new but like while he was just doing his thing right Holland Cube making cubes and then the love of his life drops into his lap he only goes into space to make sure Eve is okay and then everything he does throughout the movie is to get closer to her and make sure her directive is fulfilled in the process of chasing love he has a positive impact on almost everyone he meets while he adds something new to the lives of everyone he comes across a hand wave a sense of fulfillment Freedom the misfit robots that had no purpose because they couldn't complete their main functions are pivotal at the end in helping Wally and Eve fulfill their directive the biggest one is that he brings Humanity back I made a joke about this being the dream but oh my goodness is it not really Wally gave these people the gift of inconvenience which can be a hard pill to swallow but love is better than convenience much has been said about how Wally is a role reversal for humans and robots Wally has individuality and personality while the humans have none they have no purpose and do what they're told when Wally is rebooted that was his death scene and he was exactly like the humans get it they were dead Humanity had been trapped in space for centuries and at least during the few days that we view the Axiom humans aren't questioning a thing they're on their little blue lines to go wherever they take them they seem to be allowed to make decisions but multiple Generations have just accepted this reality even when the captain speaks of the one thing I get to do on the ship he's still literally on the course laid out for him by the ship and then we have Wally back on Earth shaping his own world he was still completing his task but he had a personal life things he enjoyed in his entrance into the axiom's world upended everything so it ended up being a beautiful love story about two robots that saved Humanity the other thing I want to talk about is the framing of this story this is the part that I've Rewritten a few times because I have a lot of thoughts but I don't think most of them are all that helpful Andrew Stanton really wanted to stay neutral and claims there isn't an intended message which is totally fine it's just that in doing so I think he actually created one of the worst dystopias ever and it wasn't really fixed by the end more or less by and large gets a pass you know the giant Corporation slash government that has to be directly responsible for the Earth's toxicity I know I hear you chicken egg supply demand if we didn't consume they wouldn't create but we know that's not the whole picture piles of trash aren't Earth's actual problem and they never will be even if they were the CEO slash president King Fred Willard says it's the rising toxicity that forced humans to leave but back to trash consumerism as a whole is a problem it just has much more to do with the byproducts of manufacturing than the trash created even the waste products and runoff that end up in waterways are a bigger problem for humans than a mountain of tin cans and the general idea of Star Trek but commodified is again a terrifying dystopia like it's post-scarcity but one entity now owns everything that's way Grimmer than actual dystopian stories we're just seeing the in-between time when company is awaiting something out do they own the passengers did they have to sign their lives away either that or every single person on the Axiom all 600 000 of them are wealthy beyond our wildest imaginations and billions of poor people are still on Earth somewhere corporations aren't generally known for giving away free 700 100 year long stays in space and their entire culture on the Axiom is shaped around advertisement and selling things so there's an exchange of money happening but I'm getting away for myself again here it's not like this is the first time consumerism has been lambasted probably best by the original Dawn of the Dead and I'll never say don't challenge it so even if it's buried under well trash there is still a solid message in Wally about taking care of our Earth in Stanton's effort to maintain neutrality I have to give him credit because there's no preachy message which may have a larger impact in the long run you don't want to live next to a mountain of trash right and a good place to start with younger Generations is to teach them about their own personal responsibility hopefully it convinces them to use their voices and votes the thing is you don't even need to accept the reality of climate change to not want this future and even though I take issue with the it's you looking at your screen that's the real problem actually message without the end of the world stuff there is a fear that society and culture could Decay into a screen obsessed mass of people following their blue lines to a well it's still not really grave so look at the stars hold hands help those around you I'm very good with all that it's also totally fine to ignore all that because the writers deliberately left it out so that we'd focus on the Beautiful Love Story and that's what I'll do when I watch it with Jude if he learns to recycle and overthrow the corporatocracy in the process all the better and again next week will be that fighty one I was talking about last week [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 669,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WALL·E, WALL-E, Walle, Everything Wrong With Wall-E, EWW Walle, EGA Walle, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: 5ZhtvS0ofto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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