Everything GREAT About Aquaman!

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👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ElBarani 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] underwater lost city looking Aquaman style WB logo wreckage floating DC logo and even the Superfriends are doing roll call underwater appropriate reaction the rate was terrible could be extraordinary de-aging CDI could be at the nicole kidman dozen aged gonna go with the latter since she was my first celebrity crush Cthulhu shadowing sigur rós is always a win it unites 20 clairvoyance or you know the point of the movie okay I'm man enough to admit that while I started out thinking this long takes spin around the action was awesome eventually I started to feel queasy and was really nervous every scene would be shot like this it's not but it makes the first real fight unique and a fun show case of Atlanteans powers also is kind of a good girl good Queen I'll get you right in the feels I'm pretty sure julia was already crying at this point in theaters just that the thought of having to leave Jude to save his life different things for different people what can I say that's awesome cool boy okay I'm also man enough to admit that Black Manta and the baddies have one of the dopest little theme lines that's not a man announcement of Aquaman does deserve itazu [Music] its entrance also the score is buried under the shooting but I'm into it Rupert gregson-williams makes the little mark mothersbaugh with a little Daft Punk he'll mess you up but he's still just having a jail time ingenuity I think stern up stopping a sword makes you a badass good guy [Music] honesty that's what you get to mess with a Maori evil bunch of jerks or not who were responsible for every bad thing or not you still feel for a guy losing his father and it's a perfect set of her and becoming Black Manta he begged a God from his perspective for help and it was denied tough decision but it's good that it comes back to haunt Arthur killed innocent people you're asked to seek for mercy you that fish boy from the TV we get a picture with you expectation subversion step three I regain my personal biases one technique used by Juan is the switch from the confining 21:9 widescreen to 16:9 that fills up well most monitors and TVs it makes the ocean feel less claustrophobic and subtly plants the idea in your brain that you're on another world and you'll notice that with only a couple exceptions when you come back on land we go back to 21:9 man that laugh I was seriously but on seriously at the same time this movie takes itself sea horses sea horse sea shell party such mixed feelings got that bad guy theme but this is night owl' guys but also that guy from hard candy that saw seven kingdoms for one full new had some dragons to reunite the seven all right it's pretty up war has already begun then it's time to send him a message though we're as predictable as the whole thing was to all of us or his plan was actually pretty decent Darius had an idea of what he was doing without me my army to convince them your plan is stillborn picked a meeting place too close to the surface to my liking but warm set the meeting close to the surface to give the land dweller attack more credibility also Nereus reveals later that he did know so yeah she wouldn't be that gullible I'd say the same thing I told that rusty starfish except nicer fisherlady chivalry your misogyny I'm not sure where we land today let's go with politeness awesome or terrifying awesome and beautiful or just make you in a crowd of your skin frightening it's a wada Graham have to appreciate how murky the water is in the scene huge waves are often presented like fresh clean water but they would be picking up and churning all kinds of debris cool power that adds just a little more continuity to Justice League also water magnate powers and I thought that was retcon from Justice League but she doesn't ever actually say her name also her costume slash outfit is way better than Justice League also if you're a continuity buff she was prepared for battle because Steppenwolf was coming this must just be her casual clothing bet you didn't notice the acronym in ORMs name did you silly you in on our jacksFilms stylization Orem stands for anthropogenic climate change and that makes aquaman climate change mitigation measures this was no natural disaster they threw out our garbage and our warship Randall Park is an interdimensional being confirmed FBI and MCU PhD in DC EU where's it MD in DC yeah I've been still did a better this is a fantastic way to give us a little background on volcko and Arthur without leaving the story behind just replacing the characters as the narrative continues it's a flash back while moving forward here's me not complaining about anything that reminds me of Daft Punk strong legacy score even though they are about to get on a solar sail and even if it's not the only thing we love from Thor Ragnarok dialing up the saturation and vibrancy of the colors at the entrance to Atlantis will always give me the warm fuzzies like the first time you see Pandora just oh that this both exists digitally and existed inside someone's mind well the much evolved beyond us savage land dwellers still use beasts of burden win for the humans Oh new futuristic city built into and on top of the old ruins of Atlantis I'm from the surface no one's gonna take me seriously fish-out-of-water is a common trope at this point but how often do you get to say Mammal off the land ask me what do I say that fun sword fights that camera work I was afraid of is still there and spirit just toned down the real win here is the water charge up these soldiers uses some kind of energy power enhancement I don't know what's going on with the way Arthur's beard is moving underwater nonetheless Arthur gets a beautiful beard win it's do it right what yeah obviously that helmet doesn't fit you should know that your head is far too big to fit into any helmet very into a fight without knowing any of the rules you taught me how to fight cool you can't sweep the leg underwater that easily training takes place on the edge of two worlds well played a liar always suspects people of lying forget fur coats mirror is wearing jellyfish while they're still alive I don't know maybe it's more you mean cool detail either way the ring of fire another appropriate reaction orbs got the right guy in charge of state propaganda or is it like crown propaganda topo the octo drummer something about knowing how heavy and awkwardly long trains like that would be make their movements all the more entertaining impressive to watch not to mention the crazy water weight visual effects from the prongs and just like you could infer from what volcko said Arthur held his own when they were planted on a solid surface but once you throw the z-axis and no footing into the fight he starts really losing I'm not taking a jab again but I'm just realizing the huge jellyfish our floodlights now spoke too soon on sweep the leg sound design is phenomenal the power behind ORMs yell while still maintained that underwater tone safe to assume even though they don't show any of Mira or Arthur's transitions you've got to empty your lungs of water before breathing air and if you're caught by surprise this might happen I'm gonna take a little break in to go out alright oh they couldn't afford todo so they got pitbull Impact Sensor saving your redheaded friend I gotta say I just don't hate the Tomb Raider portion of this film cuz people know we were all thinking it so we stood observations your name young the edge of the world to the Flat Earth confirmed by DC just when you think they've crossed it too cliche rom-com territory see that's what you need to be willing to do for the ones who loved generosity okay that's four four times a moment has been cut short by getting blown up and says I'm definitely not the first to notice let's call it a motif it's like a scene continuity win ties it all together helmet yeah you'd wear a huge comic accurate bug like head to avoid melting your face although it does give you a bigger target to punch yep here has a badass you could complain about camera choices but you have to admit James Wan shoots some frenetic and constantly connected action like Fanta has a weird understanding of what it means to run from a fight when he keeps kicking and lasering Arthur miles away now this is just some inventive filmmaking Juan and DP Don Burgess are constantly tying the merit and Arthur battles geography together and this zoom in on Mara running on rooftops is one of the most exhilarating theatre experiences I've had in a while intercuts was the velaryon crashing through walls long take it's impossible shops like this that make movies fun and don't even get me started on the score okay do it's a techno future EDM Symphony or something save that generous girl from earlier you all yeah but see he's a fish man for getting that part resourcefulness okay so they're in Italy the wine thing makes sense for sure I just have to believe there's a draft of the screenplay where there was a different dense red liquid but they knew they'd never get it through the MPAA also yep oh pretty brutal way to lose a fight this is gonna seem super simplified but this is why you always do the right thing I know it's not always clear you saved this guy he does more pirating but all you can do is what you believe to be right one decision at a time but cinema wins guys that's myopic well I don't think you know what that meat well he betrayed you think I do not know do not deny it I do not punch shakin Willem Dafoe is always a win so here's the thing the tranch are fully CGI even if based on mocap actors so when you start to think about this uncut take what does it really mean but here's the T amazing that right we need directors to keep using this film language in this case horror film language yes the challenge isn't the same but that's what cinema is it's adapting the methods of the old to the new I love it and that's a creepy crazy creature double kill turned into a kakakaka combo probably what was i saying about your reader oh stop it would you look at this shot center frame bright red moving away from the boat making the creatures avoid the lights oh and the lightning flashes revealing how many there actually are kingdom of the trench where China Sudan Ireland how will I ever know more jokes I actually find every title marker to be so adventure driven they use establishing shots sure but it's often just a white of them moving towards the destination without the action being slowed just call her a babysitter and add a few Pteranodons tylosaurus mosasaurs this is cinema winds not paleo winds triceratops sinusoid I know what you want it's the lost Pandora world to me but this right here is where it started to really click for me James Bond doesn't even care [Music] mugging afraid yes ready what could be greater than I came here oh you don't think of someone admitting their fear to be a kingly characteristic but when it comes to Arthur it is in his speech from his mom rushed or not is a superhero moment for sure in between her pep talk and Mehra's on the ship earlier our writers found a way to make a new superhero origin story it all ties together and makes his reason for existing matter you are the bridge between land and sea huh trench scarecrows gear trenches with your containing among blood when Mary Poppins tells you you're not worthy it kind of sticks also what is it with you British people in your obsession with dirty blood or is that just Harry Potter England Harry Potter are the same right JK Rowling keeps revealing inherent truth to you about yourselves my own Jason Momoa continues to impress me with his vulnerability and there's Arthur exemplifying surface meets the sea with that outfit while holding the Trident the first I thought that was just a generic octopus but I'm pretty sure that's the keratin outfit at all now that's the superhero moment look people get wins for being the best at all kinds of things arm gets best underwater voice projector come on so the joke is that WB was basically like this is our last shot so let's just throw all the money at it by golly it worked there's not likely a single real thing in this pushin shot but once the battle actually gets going it's not complete chaos there's a single long take in the beginning that shows you the entire battle and who's winning / what the might of each side looks like you never feel overwhelmed the colors contrasts well with each other so you know who's who and left to right orientation for the most part allows you to keep a solid grasp on geography point of all this is that James Wan took a set piece that could have been blindingly confusing and made it entertaining call me ocean master supervillain moment there's always a bigger fish to smash your giant ship like toys got him on the backside oh she can swim from the squids and narwhals whoa with a side of spectacle yep right fine arm you're a bad guy and that half-breed is you King you know it's just nice to see Dolph come around you never know with these eighties villains Luke Skywalker level ingenuity superhero landing Deadpool will be proud consecutive final boss fights in the rain it's always a win and both movies have willem dafoe next week is just gonna be willing to foe doing Tai Chi in the rain for two hours you're never gonna convince me that leadership decisions being made by combat or the way to go but when it's Arthur and he essentially tricked or min to fighting on land I'm tired of being emotionally manipulated by this high pitch winding up sound how does it get no that's a whole lot of yep especially the shot of warm falling on his hands upside down oh yeah now we have a Kraken there's some hugging to melt even the hardest arts anything else here wouldn't have water and a little 3d model reenactment of the movie credits looks like Black Manta left rose behind this time any my name is face cars after all ready for a little tin hat conspiracy theory James Gunn primarily a director of horror knocked it out of the park with both guardians movies and the lesson that W B and D C learned from that was higher horror directors and writers for your superhero movies it just can't be a coincidence but Shazam now but that's neither here nor there James 1 brought some of that horror into this film and it serves it well I'm continuously impressed by James 1 anyway though these long take action shots were his conception he planned it out and made it some of the best action we've seen in a while one main thing I really love about Aquaman is that he they we just don't care how cheesy it gets these suits are ridiculous but it's part of the lore species evolving over a few thousand years also absurd the fact that mayor's hair needs to look radioactive but it all works it's an oversaturated playground I think we can all agree the main thing DC was missing was a more overall light-hearted tone there were moments in each DC EU film but it felt less forced in this one already Elmo's and then it's all wrapped up nice and neat at the end even with a little cringy happily ever after bo not this I stand by this as pulpy can't be perfection a considerable bonus this movie has over pretty much every other DC movie so far is the adventure portion of the film tomb raider puzzle and riddle solving it's never a slog and the whole time we're building a relationship between Arthur and Mara and the theme of Arthur being the man to bring the sea and the surface together would have been a great setup for Justice League but hey they keep making decent Aquaman Luise you know my only real complaint about this movies the pacing and only the third act now knowing that it's going to happen it doesn't bother me as much but I felt it in theater and what's frustrating is that this moment is impactful or should be at least there is roughly five minutes from Arthur arriving in Dino land and reconnecting with mommy to one of his most triumphant moments when he goes to get the Trident I get it it's a long movie they can't move forward until he gets it it's just hard that his conversation with Mary Kraken has given more time to breathe because in the middle of an action set piece no one wants to sit and hear more exposition from his mom the solution would be another short fight scene with Dinosaurs or something but then it would be bloated so I understand why they settled on what they did I'll just say that I was able to connect with this moment much more in my second watch through knowing we were gonna race through it cast is solid Jason Momoa carries a lot of the movie with his charm but I also really enjoyed Patrick Wilson as the baddie Black Manta was slightly underdeveloped but he's the big bad so giving him a little set up in this film and then bringing him back bigger and badder next time is a good play Aquaman is a fun movie that has so much rewatch ability to it just for the action alone only thing missing was more beautiful beards but Drago had a pretty great beard and we know art there has a beautiful beard and now you two can represent the beautiful beard when Army but like you don't you don't have to have a long beard to wear the shirt but you you can but that's right I'm watching my merch store today got a mug with my logo and a few shirts one with the cinema wins logo one with my slogan which I think y'all know me well enough now at this point to know that that slogans not really just about movies it's more of a motto for my life not everything but probably more than you think and then I picked one of the reoccurring wins that you guys seem to like a lot and also because I once had a long beard as of right now everything is a pre-sale because I have no idea how many of you are going to be interested so if you were to order today would be about two to four weeks for delivery so yeah go check out the store link is in the description also on-screen oh and also if you support me on patreon at the best tier which but just what's called something necessarily the best but if you do I want to give you a shirt as a thank you for supporting me pick one out and send me a message through patreon and send one over to you I was gonna do a whole standalone video but I think that's pretty much it I have some different ideas of things I want to do especially for shirts a lot of you know by now that I used to own a silk screen print shops so I I'm into apparel I want to make something that you guys are gonna want to wear you know more than just once and then it's gonna fall apart all the shirts are gonna be printed on next level apparel which is super comfortable super soft ring-spun cotton shirts and like a flattering cut too so throw your ideas out there everything you'd want to see we're gonna start with this and see how it goes thanks for sticking to the end dan here is a teaser frame for next week it's a movie with colors in it I was [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,556,772
Rating: 4.9399214 out of 5
Keywords: Aquaman, Everything Wrong With Aquaman, EWW Aquaman, EGA Aquaman, Aquaman DC, DCEU, Jason Mamoa, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: aZAXaPv3E_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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