Everyone Should Know How To Saute Mushrooms Like This

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[Music] hey everybody today we are making sauteed mushrooms i want to show you how to do this it's a basic recipe everybody should know how to do it these mushrooms are so good on just about any recipe you can think of except for maybe i wouldn't put them on ice cream as a topping you can use it for chopping your potatoes you can put them in your eggs you can put them on your salad put them on a steak fish chicken i mean you name it the ideas are endless and they are so good and delicious and they're good for you too i'm rockin robin and i'm going to show you how to do it right after our chef joke all right so we're going to start off with our first chef joke the second one will be just a little bit later all right here we go what did the girl mushroom say to the boy mushroom you're a fun guy now when you're at the store buying your mushrooms you're going to see them loose in bins or you're going to see them packaged up like this now you got to be careful when you buy them like this because this traps moisture into the mushrooms and they're more likely to get moldy so keep an eye out for that in fact when i was buying these i found one that was pretty moist looking and in fact it did have some mold growing on it so be aware that picking them from the bin they don't have organic always so i tend to go with the organic ones as you can see but so just keep your eye out for that now i'm going to start off here with the shiitake and this one has a nice flavor we're going to pull off that stem because it's not edible and if they're dirty you know you're going to want to take a paper towel and just you know wipe them up but mostly i notice it with the others but these could use a little wipe down as well you don't really want to rinse them under water you know mushrooms absorb everything so you don't want to add more water to the mix we actually want to cook that moisture out so that these you know can caramelize and not just steam so i'll take a few of those and these have a nice earthy flavor i really like them they're great now with the baby bells as they call them or the cremini mushrooms now these you you definitely want to start wiping off so just you know brush it off a little bit get any excess dirt off and then i like to trim off the just a little bit of the end cap so i'm going to go ahead and continue doing that with all of these well not all of them i'm not going to make them all but enough you want to make more than you think you're going to need because they do cook down quite a bit and then you'll say oh my gosh i should have made more so to chop these up i like to do slices you could cut them you know in half but that's pretty big you could cut them in quarters you know and leave them in chunky if that's how you like them i don't personally like them in big pieces so what i do is i'll cut them into quarters when they're this size and then i will chop them into slices so i'll slice them up like that because that's how i like them but feel free to do whatever you know cut them however you want as thick as you want as thin as you want it all works so i've got a non-stick pan here and i'm going to put the temperature on medium high i want it i want to get it hot okay essentially and i'm going to add some olive oil to the pan now the mushrooms are going to of course absorb that you want to get the moisture out of these before you season them and the reason for that is so that they will caramelize and taste yummy so i'm going to let that get warm i've got all my stuff laid out here i got my mushrooms right here and i'm going to place them into the pan all right we're going to stir these up and we're just going to cook them this is probably going to take about five minutes or so don't put a lid on this whatever you do because we don't want to keep the moisture in we want the moisture to come out of these mushrooms now a mistake a lot of people make is not cooking the mushrooms enough you want them to get brown up and caramelized because that's when they're going to taste their best and the texture is going to change as well some people don't like that what they call them slimy kind of texture and you know nobody likes that but so make sure like you know some people might think this is done well it's not even close so just keep on going and make sure your your heat is high enough you'll also notice that i have not salted this yet and we're not going to do that until the very end okay so it must be time for chef joke number two here we go what kind of sound does a mushroom car make [Music] all right so i think you can see here that we're starting to get that caramelization going on do you see that i mean there's some right here here and there it's it's getting real good now so i'm gonna turn the heat down just a little bit and we're gonna do the garlic we're gonna add that garlic to this [Music] so i'm going to cook that garlic in for about one minute now it's time to add a little bit of salt now you're going to want to turn the temperature down extremely low or off and then add some wine and the reason for doing that is so that it doesn't flare up now i'm going to add just a little bit of butter to this and a touch of pepper we'll cook this for a couple more minutes okay let's serve it up and if you like you can garnish it up with a little fresh parsley let's give these a taste and i'll tell you how they taste delicious earthy flavor chewy more more meat like almost they are delicious you're going to love these on everything except ice cream got to give these a go guys these are so good i just could sit here and just eat these just like they are so delicious now i have the perfect recipe for you to add these to and that's my filet mignon video on how to cook one it oh this would just take it over the top you guys need to make these and check out that video you'll love it don't forget to subscribe to my channel leave me a comment and smash that like button for me see you next time for another rockin recipe
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 99,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rockin Robin Cooks, cookingmexicanrecipe, recipes, how to cook, recipe, diy, healthy, mushrooms, sauteed mushrooms, how to saute mushrooms, how to saute mushrooms for steak
Id: eYU7uBeUBHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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