Mushrooms & Onions Sauteed in Butter Step By Step Chef

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so here are the basic ingredients for our sauteed mushroom and onion dish first of all I have 24 ounces of baby bella mushrooms now if you can get a hold of these please do because they have like a delicious beefy complexity to them and it's always worth getting baby Bella's when you have a chance if you can't get a hold of these then certainly feel free to use white mushrooms in this dish next up we're going to slice this sweet onion and again I just love these sweet onions but you can use yellow if you want I'm going to use 3 tablespoons of butter - 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of black pepper that's ground black pepper so this is a very basic easy dish to make but it's also extremely versatile you can put this on hamburgers on steak even on chicken when we're all done with it and you you and you get a look at it you're going to see how versatile this is but it's also extremely delicious just as a side so let me show you how to make this okay so the first thing we're going to do is slice our ring now this is sweet onion if you like yellow anymore or either white onion you're certainly welcome to use that in this I mean even red items would go fine it's just totally up to you about your flavor I always love this sweet onion anyone who watches my films is probably tired of hearing me say that but these are that tasty so what I'm doing now is I'm just taking the skin off the sign in and it has a little bit of a dry layer I've onion itself in here so I'm going to peel that off tears and then what we're going to do is just slice it into these little strips okay and then just put it in your bowl and kind of break them up a little bit because you don't want huge chunks of onion and your mushroom then again sauteed medley so I'm just doing this just kind of breaking it up son and I can also do that with my spatula when we're we're cooking it too so again just cut the ends off okay peel the skin back here's that dry layer again gives us again there and then we're just doing the same thing again and again it's kind of mix it up break those pieces as best you can then let's get this onion skin out of the way and these mushrooms have been rinsed I made sure there wasn't a lot of dirt on them because you just don't want that sand enos so they have been cleaned and now I'm just doing a very basic cut with them I'm just gonna chop most of them in half to about this size because they are going to cook down as we saute so I'm just gonna go through this whole bowl doing this yeah well look at that wasn't that fast so now we're just cutting this last one in half we have all these all set and I'm going to meet you over at the stove Hey and this skillet has preheated at just over medium heat so you can see has a nice warmth to it and I'm just melting our butter down there we go [Music] and then and what the butter to burn or caramelized so I'm going to add our mushrooms and our onions right into this now you can see I can't fit all of it in and right right yet so what I'm going to do is just pick this down just a little bit make some room and then I'll throw the rest of these onions in with it try to get this butter and mushrooms and onions all all mixed in together okay and I'm just going to add our onions which we're at the bottom that is fall stir them in and here's our two teaspoons of salt that looks good and then one teaspoon of ground black pepper these mushrooms are already giving off just an amazing aroma the mushrooms in the islands Wow is that delicious so what we'll want to do is saute these and just keep kind of giving them a stir you don't want them to burn on the bottom of the pan it's a relatively quick process this should take five to 10 minutes but just keep it moving again that the point is not to burn any of these ingredients we just want to saute them now I can see the onions are starting to turn translucent that's a sign that we're well on our way with the saute now at this point what I would do if you had made steak or even hamburgers and you took the steak out of the pan or you're kind of set it off to the side where it's a little bit cooler you could literally put this into the pan stir it in with the with the area where the steak was cooking you know that sort of scorched meat and seasonings and this would really cook down and pick up some of that steak and seasonings taste and become quite delicious so again it's great as a standalone side dish but you can also do things like that that are creative and cook it in some of the meat juices or the meat renderings or whatever's at the bottom of the pan and you're gonna get quite a bit of flavor out of it so if you're going to do that take some of this out right now and put it in that pan and pick up some of that meat flavor so you can see the mushrooms are giving up quite a bit of their juice at this point and what you can do is if you don't really like a lot of liquid in your sauteed mushrooms and onions then you can certainly drain that off when you're all done and discard it but you know another option is just to keep sauteing until that dries up a little bit more but that's one of those things that's totally to taste I know some people do not like that liquid much at all so you would want to either drain it or scoop the mushroom and onions out of the pan and discard it but that's that's totally up to you I think it actually has a lot of flavor in it so I save it okay so ten minutes later our mushrooms are bite-sized our onions are translucent so our mushroom and onion side dish it's done so congratulations look at what you just did you just in a few short minutes okay maybe 15 made this delicious sauteed mushroom portobello mushroom and onion side dish now if you think this is delicious please visit my website step-by-step chef calm there you're going to find dozens of step-by-step recipes and videos to make delicious dishes and whole meals just like this I'm Larry Richardson I am your step-by-step chef and I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Larry Richardson
Views: 772,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, recipe, cooking, easy recipe, easy cooking, side dish, mushroom, baby bella, porta bella, onion, step by step chef,, sony, fdr-ax53, 4k
Id: Z1PWgPpvi5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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