Make Perfect Sauteed Mushrooms - The Only Recipe You will Ever Need

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[Music] okay so we're gonna do an unbelievably simple recipe for sauteed mushrooms it's not as hard as you think they can go a steak chicken any other dish you want it's really easy as well so don't let anyone ever tell you it's complicated will you have some good quality olive oil it's about maybe 2 tablespoons then you have some white mushrooms you can use baby Bella's you can use quarter both you use any type you want right now I just have some mushrooms and some olive oil and obviously a parent and that's about as much as you'll need to get this going first thing you want to do is cut each one of the mushrooms in half that's it nice and simple half put it aside cut it in half put it aside you can even cut the bigger one like that it's fine alright as you can see I cut up around 3/4 of the mushrooms that I had put the other quarter way for a different recipe but nice and cut nice and simple nothing too big nothing too small the next step is we're gonna oil the pan once your pan is preheated I say it like a medium heat you want to go ahead and add your olive oil ok so after about two say 30 seconds or so the pan is completely warmed up and the olive oil is ready to go so I'm going ahead and putting my mushrooms into that mushrooms do have some water and them so they will reduce a little bit but it'll also soak up all that beautiful flavor that were mixing that around there you'll start seeing the change in the color as well when we start adding our soy sauce to it you're gonna see how bad mushroom so accept that soy sauce and become infuser that turns out to be really beautiful and delicious so we're about a minute into the Sophie now and you can see that the mushrooms are starting to slowly change color so we're gonna keep doing this these will reduce to stay with it but they are changing color I'll come back in a couple more minutes and show you as they get closer then we'll go ahead and add our sauce okay okay so I'd say it's about two minutes later you see that there's no oil in the bottom of the pan mushrooms just soaked up that oil what we're gonna do now and that get the town of our seasoning which is just regular soy sauce put it over there like that [Music] smells absolutely amazing and it's gonna taste amazing as well so just let that sit there for a moment we may add a little more we may not we're just gonna see how it turns out while we've added so we're gonna let that cook for a little while maybe another minute or two flip it around see where it goes and see if we need to add anything else all right what's happening now is if you look the soy sauce is reducing and it's soaking into those mushrooms it's leaving it's doing of what's called a reduction I'm sure you guys know what a reduction is but it's going into those mushrooms and what happens is it's gonna also get those mushrooms and with that heat he's gonna turn up just a tad just one notch and I'm gonna let that also can see how it's starting to soak in there it's going to use those mushrooms they're gonna be absolutely beautiful now what I want to do is get those mushrooms a little more cooked so it's not as much the white it's much more like a dark brown and this do that happen on the next shot as you can see look at that golden char like to get a little bit of a char on there beautiful right around the corner these things are close to done look at that beautiful char I'm going to turn off the heat let them stew within themselves a little bit look at that look at how gorgeous that is absolutely beautiful [Music] there we go sauteed mushrooms if you're allergic to soy sauce just to salt they'll turn out just as good I like the color the soy sauce gives with that nice caramel color it's beautiful on a plate so this is a simple recipe for sauteed mushrooms and make this in a few minutes here it's very cheap and I hope I helped you out with that so if you have any questions go to disturb mancom and check out all the other great videos and blog blog posts that we have once again thanks for watching have a wonderful day [Music] you
Channel: For Us Foodies
Views: 2,017,747
Rating: 4.687387 out of 5
Keywords: sauteed mushrooms, easy sauteed mushrooms, sauteed vegetables, easy sauteed vegetables, cook mushrooms, best mushrooms, mushrooms with steak, yummy mushrooms, sauteed mushrooms recipe, mushrooms sauteed, recipe for sauteed mushrooms, mushrooms recipes sauteed, mens style, mens confidence, mens cooking, mens cooking tips, mens cooking secrets, best mushroom recipe ever, simple mushroom recipe, quick mushroom recipe
Id: BEWu3d3v_tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2012
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