How to cook mushrooms properly

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Excellent, I wondered why I sometimes get them perfect and other times rubbery and awful! The heat level via which pan I pick

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/etherspin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey guys in this video i'm going to show you a very basic technique of how to cook mushrooms now i know there's like hundreds of different ways to cook mushrooms and to incorporate them into different recipes but this recipe will help you understand the the three steps of cooking a mushroom which applies to a lot of other dishes which use mushrooms so when you look at a mushroom what is it it's basically a little sponge made of cellulose and fiber okay so it absorbs a lot of water all right so what we want to do when we fry these mushrooms is pay attention to three different steps okay step one the water is going to come out of the mushrooms step two we have to evaporate that water and then step three is when the mushrooms actually start frying okay because if you're you know once the water comes out you're basically boiling them or steaming them you want to actually fry these mushrooms but uh let's not get ahead of ourselves here it's much easier if i show you and if you watch how these three different steps um happen so here we go so before we start um you can cook these whole you can you know cut them into all sorts of different shapes for this video i'm just going to cut them in half okay so really really easy just take your knife and slice them in half okay so step one let's get our pan nice and hot i'm cooking this at medium high heat we'll put in a little bit of olive oil and then we'll throw in our mushrooms now you can see right away what you want to see is you want to see steam start coming out of those mushrooms and you'll get that by using a really nice hot burner and a good pan okay because step one is all about getting that water out of the mushrooms and the more of that water we can evaporate the more time we'll save in step two okay so step one just getting those mushrooms to heat up enough to let go of their water and you'll see it on the bottom of the pan so after a couple of minutes here you can see look at all this water you can see it bubbling there you can see it on the bottom of the pan look at all the water that's coming out of those mushrooms okay now we're going on to step two step two is to get rid of this water okay we're gonna do it by high heat and we're gonna evaporate it as fast as we can okay so now we're on to step two look at all this steam we're evaporating all the water from the mushrooms okay this is before we can even really start to fry these mushrooms because right now these mushrooms are just steaming or they're boiling okay a lot of people cook the mushrooms to this stage and they think they're done but you know we're not there yet we're not at step three where we're actually going to fry these mushrooms after we get rid of all the water okay so we've been frying these for now about 10 minutes and we're almost at stage three okay so we've evaporated most of the water inside the mushroom and you can see they turn to this really nice deep dark rich color they're beautiful and glossy okay and most importantly you can hear them you can start to hear the sizzle of these mushrooms start to fry okay they're no longer boiling or steaming now they're starting to fry why because we've gotten rid of most of that liquid see we can actually look at we can actually see the bottom of the pan see that water inside the mushroom is almost gone so all that remains here is just a little bit of really concentrated mushroom juice which is beautiful tasting and some of that olive oil we put in here when we first started okay look at that so now it's technically frying so now we're at stage three and stage three is the most beautiful part because here's where we're starting to actually caramelize the little bits of carbohydrates that are inside these mushrooms and really start to concentrate that umami flavor and the amino acids and the proteins inside the mushroom and stage three is really what brings out that beautiful flavor and the texture of a properly cooked mushroom okay so if you if you've cooked mushrooms before maybe you've never even waited until stage three maybe you got to like stage two and then serve boiled mushrooms but now you're watching this video and we're at stage three and look at this look at these beautiful fried mushrooms we're going to keep on frying them for a few more minutes and they're just going to get glossier and glossier and the flavors are going to concentrate more and more okay notice we haven't even added salt and pepper or anything yet now of course you can add butter you can add wine you can add shallots and different herbs and spices but this is a really basic video and i just want you guys to just be able to cook a basic dish of fried mushrooms and taste it so they can you can really understand what it is that's going on here through all these different stages so i'm just going to cook these for maybe another two or three minutes right so now we got rid of all the juices inside the mushrooms and we fried them to a perfect caramelized golden brown they're beautiful they're glossy they're very flavorful trust me and here's all we're going to do is we're going to season them [Music] a little bit of pepper and we add this right at the very end because pepper actually burns okay and then we add a little tiny bit of salt and that's it this is your very basic recipe for fried mushrooms [Music] oh i gotta taste one of these oh man you guys have to try this recipe if you've been cooking mushrooms the wrong way you know to stage one or stage two all this time you gotta give this recipe a try you gotta give this technique a try and how to properly cook mushrooms and post your comments below let me know how it turned out and if you're watching this on youtube please do not forget to subscribe your subscriptions help me make more videos you
Channel: Food Chain TV
Views: 1,201,269
Rating: 4.8245239 out of 5
Keywords: mushrooms, how to cook mushrooms, fried mushrooms
Id: ktrwSUhWDDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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