EVERYONE HATES DOGDAY... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] smiling Critters where are you oh this is too heavy to move myself dog day dog day catnap what's happening somehow the factory caught on fire and I know Bubba Bobby and Kickin Chicken are trapped no we've got to save them I'm trying here help me move this it's too heavy for just me ready 1 2 3 now what now we search but I have no idea where to start I do us dogs have a strong sense of smell that we can use to track anyone behind all the smoke I think I smell bobby bear hug this way Bobby guys help me I'm stuck here don't worry Bobby we're going to come get you well hurry the Flames are getting bigger maybe I can leap over them and have no no Canna what do we do we keep moving if we can't save Bobby from here maybe we can still save someone else I'll be back for you Bobby if you can hear me try and stay alive help get me out of here kicken chicken jump down I I can't I'm scared wait guys help I don't want to be practing in we can still catch him I think it's too late dog day keep moving we have to find survivors you're right let me try to sniff out another one Bubba is somewhere nearby oh thank goodness you guys are here help me down buba you're about to fall in I know shoot I can't get through oh no no no La there's no way he survived that and neither will we if we don't get out of here fast come on I can make it through here no you can't last time I checked you weren't fireproof watch me do day help me ow I can't it's too hot I'll get you out somehow just give me a second hurry come on come on please be watered yes [Music] there catnap are you okay we got to go back to home sweet home and get you taken care of I got you don't worry hey who are you get back here I'll deal with that later you're going to be okay catnap you just need to take it easy dog day we have to find the others oh on second thought you you have to find the others I'm too weak I won't be able to help I don't know if I can do it alone and what if it's too late it looks like they got all burned up I have faith in our friends and I have faith in you dog day one more thing I saw some kind of shadowy figure down the hallway where all the Flames were do you think it had something to do with the fire [Music] I I'll find our friends catnap and then I'll uncover the tree truth I promise all right I just have to retrace my footsteps this is where we lost Bobby I bet I can move all the rubble now that everything's not on fire Bobby Bobby are you in here there's nobody either she made it out or she's a pile of Ash huh Bobby talk how the heck did you survive I got to say I was pretty resourceful thought the rubble fell and put out the fire around me then I saw one left a hole in the floor here goes nothing I sealed myself off from the smoken fire and managed to survive and now you found me I knew you'd come back dog day of course but B BBY the others are still in danger go back to play care I'm going to look for Bubba and kick and chicken then find that mysterious stranger do you think the mysterious stranger has something to do with that huh what oh my God is that [Music] blood no it's sauce that's weird I better follow just to see kicking chicken are you aha arms tired can't hold on kicking chicken you're alive jump down no too scared I thanks I'm just glad you're alive go back to play care with Bobby I got to find Bubba in all this mess before it's too late and and I know just where to go get me out of here Bubba do D hold on turns out falling in was a good thing this machine's fireproof inside it covered me from the flames in the smoke I'm so happy to see you but I need to find out who started this fire before they strike again go back to play care hey get back here did I lose him huh this is a strange place for the fire starter to hide what happened in here who's in here is it you I will find you and get my revenge aha get back here and face me [Music] [Music] hicky piggy did you start the fire it was an accident I swear well you better have a good explanation I do but well please don't be mad this better be good or else okay just listen I was looking for a snack but the school cafeteria was fresh out of food because you always eat it well yes but I was just so hungry so I snuck up to the factory kitchen where all the good people food is it was like a dream come true I didn't know where to start but I settled on a pizza but I was in a bit of a hurry 20 minutes at 400° that's way too [Music] long let's try 1 minute at 1,000° it was not my best idea should be ready in five 4 3 oh no oh no oh no oh no so yes I accidentally set the entire Factory on fire just because I was hungry I I wanted to warn the others but the flame spread too fast and I was too scared to help no my puppies my puppies I need to protect them come back come back dog day dog day wake up catnap where are my puppies I I don't know I could have gone gone anywhere but you need to find your family before this whole place burns down will you help me I want to but no I have to help the other smiling Critters they're on your own from here wait you've got to be strong for your puppies dog day for all of us he's right I can do this but where do I even start looking I think I hear one of them hold on I'm coming hello puppies are you in [Music] here you're alive don't worry I'll save you somehow I just have to find a way to reach you quick use this hang on tight and I'll pull you to safety I'm so sorry I lost you earlier is there any chance you know where the others are they're stuck in a well but we don't have any Wells what are you talking about oh you're saying I should try to sniff them out good idea H it's faint but I think I picked something up she should be somewhere around here this place is extra dangerous if one of your siblings is down here I need to find them fast don't worry little one stay right there daddy's coming to get you great nothing like a fiery pit to keep you from your kids I have to get over it somehow I'm running out of time yes perfect all right hold on tight now two down one to go but I don't smell them anywhere where could they be you saw them they went upstairs but that's right in the middle of the factory we better find them before someone else [Music] does it looks like the explosion shook the factory up too I still can't smell them there must be too much fire and smoke now I need you two to help sniff as best as you can and let me know when we're nearby [Music] there that must be where your sibling went come on come on all right I have to use all the strength I've got body slam in three 2 [Music] 1 I did it guess I'm stronger than I thought huh it was you wow nice work not this again and no cords to swing from this time you're too small to form a human bridge with me and yep too big for me to jump there's got to be a way [Music] across wow great thinking pup you're growing up so fast the lab I have a bad feeling that he could be in there H I think I smell him kids would you mind helping me out again there in there you can smell them that's amazing and horrible we have to get them out as soon as possible can you open the door again and let me in you two are getting extra treat and belly scratches later I'll tell you that don't worry little guy I'll break you out of there we're all together again I was so worried I was going to lose you guys my puppies wait a minute I know that laugh oh are these your puppies they're pretty cute I'm sure they'd betch a high price or maybe they would prefer living in the pound let them go right now or I'll make you give them up myself H great argument but I don't think so well you asked for it stop right there what is that thing silly mut haven't you been wondering where all the explosions are coming from they've all been because of me I set up explosions all around play care including my most impressive invention the doomsday device once it goes off all of play a will be nothing but a gaping crature swallowed whole By Flames so here's the deal you surrender these puppies and I won't set the machine off blowing up play and killing everyone you've ever loved I think they make great test subjects don't you never huh what did I just say puppies or play care what matters more to you H now you can't set off the machine your plan's done for you idiot that wasn't just the on switch the off switch was on there too what congratulations you've doomed us all they're there Papa's Got You Come on the remote may be broken but I've Got a Feeling we can still stop it I [Music] hope oh no I hope we aren't too late there it is maybe we can turn it off ourselves no myself I've already let you three Get In Harm's Way today I'm not risking it again pups if I die I promise catnap will take care of you I know you want to help but it's too dangerous for puppies I got to do this alone all right how's this work do I have to cut wires is there a big venient off switch aha what is that not the right button this one it's got to be this then four buttons how am I supposed to use four buttons we're doomed [Music] huh you kids I should have known better than to think you'd just give up okay so I think what we need to do is press all the buttons at once everyone take position hurry 4 3 2 1 I decided to lie low for a little plot the next step of my revenge but I was baked by the screams of the others they appeared before me like ghosts save me frowny Fox save me please get away from me you're not real you're just a ghost you're Our Only Hope frowny Fox don't leave us now shut up shut up get out of my head right now save me help we're dying enough I'll help you just leave me be finally I'd had enough these Spirits would never leave me alone until I avenge them too so I thought up a little plan I had the right idea last time strength and numbers would help us match the smiling Critters evenly but five stupid Critters were too hard to control they failed on their own so maybe we just need a little more teamwork come to me let's all join together together we can defeat those who have wronged us we will be bigger even stronger than catnap come to me now watch this well look what we have here Jerry giraffe Molly viu too I can transform into any of those rejects I want with ease with all your bodies and my mind we will be unstoppable those smiling Critters won't know what hit them come on everybody it's time to show them what and who we're made of oh my God where are you I'm back what silly shell how are you back I've changed you see I definitely see you're flying and you can too put me down if you insist down you go I didn't mean it like that this new Strength I could get used to this hoppy what happened who did this to you oh hello dog day no that voice it can't be crownie Fox is that catnap catnap open up we need your help what the where is he now's a bad time to ditch us catnap I need to find him if that thing really is all those forgotten Critters mushed into one then I can't take him alone nighty night doggy seems like this new form is doing us very well if we can take down the rest of them catnap will fall right into our trap and then we can dispose of them them all together for good now who's next excuse me do you know where I can find a crafty corn that's me wait hey I know you no not again oh no it's going to get me time to say my goodbyes what are you doing in there that's my spot pigy pigy get in here you have to hide are you eating my snacks no that doesn't matter right now snacks always matter to me look out for what what are you talking about get away from me I got to go find catnap he can save [Music] us uh-oh H good luck getting away you're the last one left and I'm not about to stop with one to go stay back nah you may have gotten the others but catnap will never let you get away with this H and where's catnap now Bubba Bubba Fant there's no one here to save you you're coming with us where are you taking me gab gab help H what was that what's this is it from hoppy dog day I need to find where they went I have a feeling they didn't go by choice uh-oh I think I know who might have caused this but how please let us go when I get my paws on you huh good luck with that when's that blasted cat going to appear you're trying to lure him to us aren't you of course so I can defeat him and so he can watch you all die now you all feel my pain and then once you're dead and Torn to Pieces I can absorb you the powers of the smiley Critters and the Forgotten Critters will be all mine yeah right catnap I knew you'd come back for us I'll always come to your rescue but how did you get down here you again how are you back this time true evil Never Dies catnap try as hard as you want I always come back and so will I and me too what the all of you are here you really thought you'd Seen the Last of Us don't worry we're just shaking things up this time just watch prepare to meet your doom catnap catnap look out oh no catnap get up I I can't but how can we take them on alone H I have an idea take clever claws come get some with pleasure silly shell you want to go always hey Molly mcmoo you hungry for a knuckle sandwich oh no I'm getting dizzy I you all just stop it let me just fight me come get it coward hello my wonderful students it's class time Miss Delight did you bring us here I can't believe you all forgot I hope you studied studied for what for testing day oh poor baby catnap everything may look a little intimidating but I swear you're just here to face some academic trials oh nice really Bubba these aren't normal academic trials they're a little more complex I Stakes even just to really make sure you know your stuff now who do we start with how about you baby CAD naab leave him out of this he's just a baby I don't think so all students are treated equally in my class now baby katna I hope you've been studying your geography can you tell me what this city is sorry but that's incorrect it is not Maui that's all the way in Hawaii silly but this gives us the perfect opportunity to explain that wrong answers have consequences a baby catnap no whoops looks like he took a little tumble off the cliff hopefully the next round goes smoother for you all so who wants to impress me with their knowledge next I'll do it as the smartest one here I'm not afraid of course the nerd actually wants to do this even after what she just did to Baby catnap excellent our first test is Bubba Bubba F versus kick and chicken what I didn't volunteer [Music] oh I'll be giving you equations you must land on the proper answer the first to make it across the tiles wins but if you get an answer wrong well there will be consequences ready go 4 + 6 easy excellent work Bubba kicking chicken you better try to keep up 2 * 4 that was an easy one let's see if you can handle this one dude when did they put parentheses in math kick a chicken I'm sorry no I'm sorry look at you my star student you won this round who's up next that's strange it's usually time for The Smiling Critter's midday nap where are they ladies it's your turn Bobby and hoppy here we go it's time for your spelling test spelling test what's that have to do with rocks simple you will each climb up the wall and whoever reaches the top first or at all wins but whoever gets a word wrong Splat I'm scared Hoy maybe we can both reach the top at the same time just follow my lead if you say so ready begin hoppy your first word is Del light d e l i g h t excellent Bobby your first word is baloney uh okay uh b a wrong hoppy next word playtime I see that word all the time p l a y t i m e puppy slow down Bobby your word is aruga I think I got this a r o momy last word for Miss Hopscotch CEO are you kidding why do I get all the hard words c e oh congratulations hoppy but let's give Bobby one last chance oh thank goodness spell effect a oh sorry Bobby I was looking for the noun effect not the verb effect you know what that means but that's not momy no Obby it's all my fault it's not your fault you were smarter than her excellent work hoppy you survive for now they have to be around here somewhere aha locked wait what's this there's something written down here catnap if you want to open the door and find the others you'll have to solve my riddle now what walks on four legs at morning two in the daytime and three at night what the heck could that be oh I don't have time for her games aha smiling Critters here I come dog day crafty corn looks like it's your turn I won't let you do this m light it's a little late for that [Music] crafty corn I'm not going down without a fight you're not even going to try to make it a tie it won't work we have to fight now that's what I like to [Music] hear I didn't tell you yet but I just so happened to poison you two before you got here poison this table has the antidote I won't tell you which bottle it is but be careful choosing incorrectly can go poorly how about [Music] it get off me you ran right towards this one it's got to be it here we go I feel great I knew it well now I feel kind of silly my balance is I think that was the wrong one tis tis tisk what did I say he chose poorly so I win not quite yet crafty corn you still have to find the right one Mr light lovees apples this must be it congratulations crafty corn you are the winner but at what cost dog day enough about him he's gone and you are heading to the grand finale Mr light stop this right now oh how lovely you came just in time for the final test crafty corn hoppy Bubba allow me to explain the rules for your last challenge dodgeball are you joking these aren't Dodge balls they're bombs whoever can blow up catnap first you win catnap I'm sorry you're not actually going to do this are you there's got to be another way good luck everyone now a stop please no was that catnap it couldn't be catnap never needs help no or maybe he does I got to go find him catnap are you down here catnap catnap what happened to you oh my God cadap is dead no wait a second he's not just dead he was murdered but who could take down catnap he's the strongest smiling Critter in all of play care huh they mess with the power too but it doesn't matter catnap is dead Bubba what's going on is that cat up he died he didn't die hoppy look at the wounds he was murdered Bubba that's crazy but look at the Stab Wound someone must have come up and slashed him and then ran away we've got to find them before they murder one of us and and it's okay Bubba whoever did this you'll find them right well I have always wanted to solve a murder mystery but I didn't want people to actually die and especially not the people I care about Bubba you're the brains of The Smiling Critters only you can stop this I guess you're right I'll avenge you catnap all right these are our suspects I never said I was an artist I need to find their motives where they were at at the time of the murder and see who has a real Alibi and I know just where to [Music] start puppy do day I have an important matter to discuss it's about is it about the murder yes it's about the murder I need to know where you were when catnap was killed we were right [Music] here you're cheating you're the one who keeps chasing the ball no what was that let's go check it out likely story there's no way we could have gotten from home sweet home to the generator and back to home sweet home before you saw us I don't know hoppy you're pretty fast what you can't possibly think I did it CNP is my favorite out of all of you I mean I love you equally but I'm his favorite I don't know if I believe you [Music] hoppy you got me you got me o the killer he struck again did you see him no I don't feel so good goodbye puppy no Bubba I'll take care of her you go find that murderer but dog day how do I know you didn't do it do you see a knife on me h i don't I guess you're clear then watch over over hoppy I'll catch this murderer if it's the last thing I do my next suspect is kick and chicken he thinks he's so cool maybe he thought murder was even cooler kicking chicken stop right there get back here Over My Dead Body too soon kicking chicken but of course you're going to say that you're a murderer a murderer I'd never murder anyone can up is dead kicking chicken and you're a sus ECT didn't I overhear you fighting with catnap the other day you cannot do skate tricks off the other smiling Critters while they're asleep but I look so cool doing it no buts if I catch you on that skateboard again you never let me have any fun around here yeah but that happens all the time I'm not going to kill him over it I'm just not going to listen wait that's my alibi what is I couldn't have been there at the time of the murder I was practicing skate tricks I don't do that with catnap around anymore do you have [Music] proof got this scrape totally on purpose H not totally sure I believe you [Music] but kick a chicken no oh my God the Killer is coming for all of us I guess it couldn't have been him after all kicking chicken I'm so sorry I will avenge you h Prince wa my first real clue let's hope this gets me closer to the truth the killer must be hiding in here killer you the bloody Footprints or hoofprints they're yours what you think I'm the killer the only thing I kill is a sweet treat nice try but I'm not about to feed your appetite for murder watch it I saw you fight with Kap the other day that was barely a fight you have to leave some food for the others but I'm a growing girl so is everyone else save some food for your friends or I'll have you banned from the cafeteria yeah I was upset but that's no reason to kill anyone I just sneak in anyway that still doesn't explain the footprints I'll make sure you stop once and for all what how did that even happen I was so sure it was her the [Music] footprints wait that's not blood it's ketchup that's on brand for pigy piggy I can't believe I roped her into this [Music] hey crafty corn you're acting awful suspicious I was just hungry I swear leave me alone I saw you fighting with picky piggy you can't hide in there forever killer I swear I'm not you can't hide now crafty corn uh crafty corn it feels like the Killer is just following me now I got to hide I'm starting to freak out dog day dog day we have to hide what happened to you no I can explain it's ketchup it's from piggy when we fought why did you fight piggy I thought she was the killer but she isn't and now she's dead and kicking chicken and cfty too so let me get this straight everyone you've talked to die yes I think the Killer is following me and killing everyone I talk to dog day I'm pretty sure I'm next don't you think it's a little too convenient that you've been at the scene of every crime including the first one I know what you're thinking but they all happen when the lights are out I never saw any of the murders right of course you didn't dog day you're acting strange no papba I think you're acting strange dog day don't tell me it was you oh no I think it was you me I'm the one trying to protect everyone a great R for continuing your murder spree I'll get you baba I have to avenge everyone no I'm avenging everyone oh no it's just like what happened to catnap there's nowhere to hide I can't let it end here not before I find out who did it wait a second where is catnap he was just he was dead there's no way he could have moved and he's too big for anyone to have moved him you have nowhere left to hide Bubba and no dead bodies to cover Your Tracks now no please I swear I'm innocent just help me keep looking and we'll find out who did it you may have knocked me down but I'm not out it's not over for me yet [Laughter] player oh yeah you stronger than this oh no it's shut up no please just give me a few more minutes I I can defeat him and we can be rid of him and Poppy for good just give me another chance I've given you enough chances come here it's time to go no fine then I'll take you by [Music] force stop whatever you do don't jeez that was pretty brutal police catnaps out of the way I got to find Poppy and make sure she's safe too this is the final straw catnb you couldn't even defeat a puny human how on Earth were you entrusted to watch over everyone in play care he's no ordinary human he's special obviously if he was able to escape everyone so far silence you were built with the highest quality technology the most advanced materials playtime co could buy you were built to destroy and you couldn't do that so now I'll Be repossessing Your Parts give them to someone more worthy start over all together or perhaps keep them for myself God knows I'd make better use of them than you ever did [Music] repare for a very deep deep SLE [Music] canap catap what did it do to you he looks pretty bad catnap catnap wake up we need you can enough it's okay hoppy we can save him we can put him back together somehow we have to I have an idea everyone give me your charms each of our unique powers and the power of our love and friendship just might be enough to bring them back I hope you're right look I think it's working I I'm alive you saved me it worked oh catnap no time for hugs hoppy I think we need to get out of here he's right let's go before the backup generator kicks on and that thing tries to finish us [Music] off what the where did catnap you failure I'll get you next time when you you trip him again I'll be there waiting I'm just glad that thing is dead I really thought I was a goner for a second are you sure he's truly dead are you kidding me he got skewed by that metal hand thing it was very disturbing there's no coming back from that stay safe you two we'll come back for you kissy Missy it's okay I'll be watching out from up here what was that see missy we have to set the elevator we have to save her press the up button it's not working we have to get back up there somehow come on come [Music] on enjoy the ride fools hold on TI [Music] [Music] my head and the rest of my body poppy where'd you go talk to me poppy are you there it's too dark in here let me use my flares my gas mask maybe it'll be fine catnaps gone so that red gas is gone too right at least I hope so poppy you're starting to scare me uh-oh that doesn't sound like poppy firear help me oh thank God you're alive she's alive and don't worry she's safe with me catnap how are you there's no way you survived that looks can be deceiving player maybe I'm tougher than you thought well whether you're the real catnap or some kind of catnap zombie Let Her Go fa it's past your bedtime no no not again my gas [Music] mask poppy did I save her what the I'm back at plate care how did this happen I just got out of this place [Music] you put her down right now as you wish where did you how are you doing [Music] this oh no I'm in a dream again aren't I you guessed it and it's more than just a dream this time you're going to be a part of a little game I made lucky you I don't have time for games let poppy go I will if you can outsmart me and if not the hour of Joy will return and this time you and Poppy will be the victims so follow me and let the games begin you can't run forever catnap I beat you once and I can do it again that freaky teacher better not be here last thing I need is another monster to deal with sounds like I spoke too soon wait that's not Mr light that's poppy where are you poppy fire I'm in here get me [Applause] out what uh you're not puppy looks like you solved my puzzle I'm a most proud of you I beat your stupid game now give me back poppy oh player this was just level [Music] one k will be so happy with us get him guys uh-oh when I get out of here and defeat him you guys are next B okay I'm Dreaming right so maybe I can stop him if I wake up but how do I do that maybe I can smack myself [Music] awake okay maybe that wasn't hard [Music] enough come on of course it's only when I don't want to respawn H maybe that will work I can shock Myself Away all right this isn't going to be fun but here goes [Music] nothing goodbye smiling Critters you guys have held me back for far too long I'm off to do bigger and better things now we can't let him do this this is a horrible [Music] mistake so long dog day so long yeah you heard him he's made up his mind already I guess he was never really a smiling Critter after all goodbye catnap goodbye [Music] forever e [Music] why catnap why would you leave us like this why huh what the what's this a note dear catnap today I present you with a difficult Choice leave the factory once in for all or watch your friends suffer a fiery death what the I knew there was something fishy going on here catnap would never leave us if he wasn't forced to he he's our protector He Loves Us way too much to do that whoa whoa whoo slow your horses there dog day we still don't know where this note came from that just leaves us with one question then doesn't it who wrote the note I did and it worked just as I had intended it to it's the CEO I should have known he was behind this quite the scheme eh who else could come up with something so clever now hold still won't you no need to make this more difficult than it has to be come on dog D get up get up we've got to get out of here run get back here smiling Critters cat up can't save you now there if we can get into home sweet home we should be able to to escape into the factory yeah but then what are we going to do we don't have catnap and without catnap we don't stand a chance at stopping him well we'll just have to figure something out then won't we Bubba don't worry about me dog day just keep running get to the factory and find out a way to save us gotcha nice try Critter you can run dog day but you can't time oh what the heck am I doing here how could I leave my friends like this I'm supposed to be protecting them aren't I but then again whoever wrote that note didn't mince their words did they that I couldn't possibly handle the guilt of knowing I was responsible if any of them got hurt no no no focus catnap focus the notes said that if I left the Factory The Critters would be saved so sure I may have to be lonely for the rest of my days but it'll all be worth it as long as I know the critters are back at the factory safe and [Music] sound oh no it must have been a trap what have I done finally with catnap gone play ha is back to being my doain just as it should be H what am I going to do what am I going to do if I don't find a way to free the other Critters they're going to have to suffer a fiery death and that's like the worst kind of death there is right if only catnap were here he he know what to do he's big and strong and smart while I'm just useless and small and weak wait what is that what I think it is a catnap toy hm I think I may have an idea oh please you can squirm around all you like down there Critters but it's no use you aren't getting out of those restraints anytime soon ah look just in time now I hope you miserable Little Creatures enjoyed this place while you could because in just another few minutes I'm going to blow this entire chamber Sky High and without catnap there's no one left who can stop me think again CEO what the are you miserable little hold still Mister this shouldn't hurt a bit oh no no wait wait wo you did it dog day pleas to go yeah that was awesome I can't believe you took him out all by yourself yeah well who said catnaps The only strong one around here besides you know how the old saying goes every dog has his day you fool it appears your gas isn't quite as potent as your friend catap used to be such a Pity did you fools really think you'd be able to stop me all on your own did you really think I was going to be basted by a little of toy 99 catnap you're here you came back to Rescue us w w slow down you guys one at a time I was so worried about you catnap but I knew you'd never abandon us I realized there had to be someone else behind this yeah I only left because I thought I had to in order to keep you guys safe but now I've learned my lesson and I'm not letting any of you out of my sight ever again because I'd rather suffer a fiery death than be without my best friends yeah well speaking of fiery deaths we've got bigger fish to fry oh no that's not good what do we do catnap there's got to be some way we can turn that timer off right I'm not sure but I think we can send the trolley back up to the surface if we pull that lever we just need to find a way inside what the how's it moving yeah who did that dog day what's he doing I think he's trying to sacrifice himself not on my watch do day what do you think you're doing we've got to get you out of there what does it look like I'm doing I'm saving all of you saving all of us yeah with you being gone I knew I had to step up and be the leader I was made to be but I failed to rescue the others from the CEO without your help I have to do this one last thing to prove myself oh dog day I understand how you feel but there's no reason you have to die while saving the others now stand back oh jeez we're so high up what do we do we'll never make it here goes [Music] nothing yeah yeah woohoo a oh I love you guys we love you too catnap
Channel: GameToons
Views: 892,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _AwUmXKuCc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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