What Does a Former Force Recon Marine Carry Everyday?

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Chad roacha it's going to be a long day brother it's G to be a good day though I am super excited about this so I like to do a warmup before we get into the uh into the meat and potatoes of your life story which I'm super excited to cover but um I like doing this little warmup it's all about everyday carry you have been around marine Special Operations you on JSO contracts you are now I I mean I don't even know what to call you now but I kind of feel like you're a humanitarian who is saving people from Mass genocide and uh there's definitely some hostage rescue stuff going on and so with a guy like you that's been involved in so much and continues to be involved and and going into wartime environments semi-permissive environments what are you carrying on you every day for protection what is your everyday carry Smith and Wesson equalizer uh equalizer Smith and Weston equalizer a lot of people Smith and West like the mmps The Equalizer fits my hand really well uh there a couple reason a couple reasons like it one it's you know it's it's it's pre-cut so I have hen optic on it I have a light on it I think EDC always requires a light because you know things go wrong in the dark you better be able to see right so uh so I have I have a light light mounted on it but it just fits my hand really well and uh and it has a high capacity so kind 15 plus one and and uh I'm not big on safeties on on handguns but the equalizer has the the hand grip safety so in the back of the hand grip so when I uh if I'm doing a pendix carry I can put my hand on the back my thumb on the back of the slide and my hands off the sa my hand Palm my hands off the safety so when I slide it in I don't have to worry about trigger snagging anything like that it's you know going to always be safe uh so because because I'm doing in out my pants training with it in in my pants I like having that that safety and safety is nothing you it's mindless right you got if you got a good if you got a good grip the weapons ready to go what what caliber is that it's it's 9mm how many rounds does it hold 15 plus one 15 plus one yeah so for EDC it's it's good carry yeah that's pretty good good capacity and and it's super thin uh it's very easy to conceal and that's I love it what kind of Blade do you carry do you carry one I I do I always have like spyer Co um I know there's lots of good stuff out there I've just always like Spyder Coes cuz I I just like the way it opens the little round the little round hole my thumb finds it well and opens it so do you do do you carry that for protection or do you carry that just as a utility knife or both I both I think both uh I I mean for me you know for protection you know I feel super comfortable with a knife uh I just feel like you know I just I feel like a sense of security by having a knife on me uh even when I fly right you can't fly with a knife but I have a sharp object that TSA I won't say what it is because I don't want to get rolled up next time I go through TSA but I I have something that I carry with me everywhere I go it's I'm a person everywhere I fly with and it is is equally as effective as any knife and I have flown with it for like five years and uh what's it made out of metal it's made out of metal metal yeah right on man and you going tell me offline yeah I'll tell you offline and and I fly with it everywhere it's every when I get in the plane it comes out with me it's it's in my lap and I feel that piece of that piece of mind that I could stick something inside of somebody's ear and uh if I have to you know you're naked if you have something like that so yeah I like Edge weapon or Spike you know to have with me what uh and for also EDC like I mean one thing I never did before the wars is uh until seeing how fast people bleed out is always have a tourniquet in my arms distance of me what kind of tourniquet uh I I just get them from fieldcraft M you know Mike lover M lover just whatever they he usually sends me stuff for going over some overseas operations so they'll kit me out oh ni and uh so I just have them I have I always say like you want them in anybody I'm not talking about just gunfights too car accident right most people bleed out and but and so I don't want to just have it sitting there I have it stowed like double-sided tape or rubber banded somewhere where I could reach it from anywhere where I'm sitting in the car um and so I've seen too many people bleed out that I want I want to have a turn get everywhere I go so m a little fanny pack I have one you carry a fanny pack I do sometimes cuz you I'm in Texas a lot of times I'm not I'm in shorts or something like that and you know people like people are always carrying inside the waistband then sometimes they're not dressed appropriately and so you're not going to carry or you leave it in a car or a backpack so sometime I'm either have it in my waistband or in a fanny pack so and you know people make fun of the fanny pack but hey hey it's convenient yeah it's convenient what else you carry in that fanny pack uh extra ammo I I carry uh I always have my I have extra battery from Optics um and and I always have a a little uh a little adjuster from optic the little side adjuster for my from Optics I have a I have the tourniquet in there and uh and just for State Side that's that's pretty much all I have in it I don't I don't keep much else in it sometimes sometimes uh I'll have if if I don't have my knife in my pocket I'll have I put my knife in there oh right on yeah I I don't I don't load up with a whole I'm not going out for you know it's not it's not a go bag or anything you're not you're not going on a direct action rate no yeah I mean my lights on my gun my you know and and I got I got an extra magazine in there well I got a I got a gift for you yeah yeah I got a buddy over at Sig his name's Jason okay and I told him about you and all the good stuff that you're doing Mighty Oaks is doing some of the stuff you've been involved in and you just wanted me to present you this that awesome so you know um we we we talked about you know you being the S guy and me being the Smith Wesson but I have to say um I carried a I flew with the Air Marshals for a little bit you flew with the air marshal I did that was one of the first ones right after 911 and uh and I cared a Sig 229 and I put like 30,000 rounds in a year throughout 229 and I love that gun and then uh and then the 226 we had over at at AAW yeah at the time and so I love this this feels really freaking nice so that is the uh that's the newest 365 macro the legion it's all metal no polymer feels really nice eight it's uh I think it's 17 rounds in the magazine plus one in so you got 18 rounds and uh they just came out that new optic as well ask this a sigs optic that's a Sig optic so they did some major major improvements on in the Optics department and uh so yeah that's what do they call it shake awake or something you shake the gun and it turns on yeah but uh yeah it's it's it turns on by movement it's got those uh you know it's ported ported slides so it helps with the recoil and the muzzle flip and uh man they just really I love what they're doing with the sub compact carry guns man it's that's super nice yeah what's his name again Jason so there's a business card in there and uh give Jason a give Jason a call and I think he's got something very similar to that to send you so yeah man that is freaking sweet so there's something that just hit the news cycle today and I think this this is a good topic for EDC because in preparedness you know we just had this supposed Cyber attack yesterday yeah supposedly 70 something thousand AT&T customers went out of uh lost reception T-Mobile took a hit Verizon took a hit now they're saying a lot ofes uh something happened with a lot ofes where they took a hit and first it was just an outage it was a Chinese solar flare yeah that was Chinese yeah but uh but they're now they're reporting this morning everything I'm seeing is saying that it was a Cyber attack and so this is something that I mean how do you prepare for a Cyber attack have you thought about this I have a lot when when it first happened at first thing everybody was like we get hit by EMP well EMP is like that's much different than Cyber attack right EMP is going to be anything that's actually you know function uh like functionally operating machinery and stuff that it requires Electronics is going to be shut down uh so the thing about Cyber attack is could be it could be much more targeted it makes it much more dangerous because you could hit somebody's infrastructure but protect your own uh and so everybody everybody's worried about emps but cyber attacks are much more much more uh Advanced and much more targeted and uh so that was that was the first thing I thought happened right away when I seen multiple carriers go out and it wasn't just those major ones there was a lot of smaller ones too all at one time and it's like and so right away I thought you know this is a Cyber attack and and uh and you know it's coming out then they I said I joked about this Chinese solar flare because they said it was a solar flare I'm like oh a Chinese solar flare but um yeah I I think this should be if if we don't get enough wakeup calls right but this should be a wakeup call to Americans that you have to be prepared um because what H what I saw yesterday in one of my guys that travel with me he was like he was like function like having a hard time functioning to get to travel to get to airport because his phone went out and I'm like you have like's he's like man I don't know my GPS I'm like it's good to have a GPS I use mine on my phone too but you also need map a map like I all my family has the old Randy McMillan Maps really uh I I got my daughter one she thinks I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist but I'm like so what put it away even if you don't learn how to use it the instructions are in it I put a route out how to get to my house because when something happens you need to both get to the safe haven like you know food uh the ability to grow food know where to collect water have that routed out the ability to filter water uh ammo guns uh communication equipment whatever type of communications equipment you need uh I I talked about Midas gold my my one of my partners Midas gold I get gold and silver from them because I want to have that on hand because you could have all you could have all the crypto you want but when that right Cyber attack comes or or your phone goes down how do you get it right so you want to have tangible go we need to be you need to be as individual prepared and it's not I think back in the day people thought of prepers as like conspiracy guys or netbacks but it this is right now it's like if you're not prepared you're going to be in trouble when when and and I think yesterday was a was a should be it should be a wakeup call for people to say I need to be thinking about this uh another thing that I recommend everybody has and I have them and you may too is fair fair day bags y um so I I have Fair Day bag every time I go overseas I use fairday bags when I travel um I like to in my house I have an extra phone in a fairday bag that's just unassembled I could I could I use it it's not going to get hit and uh just stowed away I'm a huge fan of those maybe you can answer this I'm pretty sure I keep my phone in there all the time I mean now those Amazon alas are now sending sonar out throughout the house so they they know exactly where you are in your house while they're list start getting s messages my S start advertising my Instagram here in a little bit because they just start us talk about it so I I put my phone in there all the time when I don't want people listening to what we're talking about you know so when I come home at N I throw it in there it blocks the signal they can't listen through it they can't you know what I mean turning it off doesn't matter by the way yeah tur your phone off turn my phone off no take if you can take the battery out you know you got to block all signal right unless I'm missing something no everything I know and and I don't know a lot but everything I do know from you know friends at NSA and like you we can listen yeah yeah and we are listening and we are listening yeah um but yeah that's that's I'm glad you brought that up you know I feel like the EMP would come after the Cyber attack I think so you know but you think it's going to happen I think so I mean um if anything right it doesn't mean troops are coming behind it the if anything it's just disrupt our way of life disrupt our economy I mean look just the cell phones being out for a little bit yesterday how much it impacted people I mean you hit you hit a major Cyber attack followed by EMP and take out you know a large part of part of our our country country's infrastructure it doesn't take I mean of your listeners right now like you people ask should ask themselves you know when's the last time you went out and hunted for your own food I don't mean going like get a trophy Buck I mean going out on your own without a guide up pay somebody go out hunting for your own food fish for your own food have to harvest water that you can't get from a tap like if you don't know how to do these things uh you're in trouble and when when the grid goes down it doesn't matter what kind of job you have or how smart you are what degrees you have when when it when the infrastructure of a country goes down overnight you'll be I mean first will come the chaos of people trying to survive but you're going to be uh needing to survive that's what you know Mike lover good friend of ours wrote the book prepped I'd recommend that for uh prepare it's a prep they're prepared I think it's prepared yeah it's incredible read to have that kind of that kind of knowledge on hand but you got to be prepared because I mean you can't trust I used to I used to feel good to be an American that I could trust our government was protecting us we're letting Chinese spy balloons fly over our country like and and people could have whatever political opinion they want but if that balloon at any moment once it just Bo hit a button he could have shut down uh shut down half of our country and we would have been in in the Stone Age immediately they have the ability to do that they could have did that at any moment that balloon was over our country you know I think it's I hate saying it's not a matter of if it's when but it's going to happen man I it's going to happen too have you ever have you ever heard of David Ty I have not he produced this documentary called uh grid down power up okay and it talks about how vulnerable our our power grid is we're not even checking all of the Transformers and stuff that we import from China right you see those big fence the chain link fence around a power station and those huge Transformers that are in there we don't even check those for mware spyware Trojan horses any of that they don't even check them and meanwhile we got hundreds of f age Chinese males with no women no children coming across the southern boorder yeah some of them being caught with military papers in their hands coming across the southern border we don't even know how many in our country where they are right now the incompetence and lack of attention that people have paid to what is going on in this country is all coming to fruition right now we're going to pay a price the American people are going to pay the price when do you think this is going to happen you know with the elections almost with the elections coming up 2024 elections coming up almost you know the people say conspiracy right I think the difference between a conspiracist and a prophet right now is about about two weeks right like give it about two weeks and it becomes it becomes prophecy but uh I I so I say this and people I'm not trying to scare people but with the election year right now I almost think there's people within our own government and political parties and political powers that want to allow something like this to happen this year that's my personal uh fear I hope it's just a fear but but uh so this year is something that I could see something major happening in in in the United States um I'm with you I think it's going to be later though yeah I think there's definitely a possibility I hope so well I mean if you think about it I mean you know about you know about war games and how they how they do these computer simulations that will show it will basically show the probability the percentage of probability that you have to come out on top if a particular scenario were to happen you know right now we probably have the weakest Administration that we've ever had in the country right um I mean let's be it just is what it is it's not a political statement that's that's the [ __ ] reality of what Americans have created in this country is the weakest Administration that we've ever had why if you were an adversary if you were Russia or you were China why on Earth would you even consider making a move right now when the border is completely wide open when it's when it's when it is I mean so easy to capture politicians through bribery you know I mean it's all it's right there in the open all these politicians that have been bribed by yeah Chinese spies it it seems I know people care but it doesn't seem like anybody's cared so I I guess what I'm saying is if this is a game of chess these guys are just going to continue to make the Right Moves to get as much as you can right now and run the simulation say maybe today oh we got a 65% that if we run a Cyber attack on the US right now we're going to wind up coming out on top what can we do to improve those numbers you know right now is the time for them to be improving the numbers rerun the simulation all right now we're at a 75% probability that we're going to come out on top let's run it again let's insert some more whatever you know let's well they're building infrastructure right now infastructure you know and so they they build they take the recommendations from the simulation they they they they put it into motion then they rerun the simulation it UPS the probability that they're going to come out on top when we do get a stronger Administration if that ever happens who knows that would be the time where they go all right we've done everything we could we've had this week Administration for how many years we've we have taken full advantage now they're getting ready to strengthen let's pull the trigger right now yeah you know and because then you have you have strength incoming strength that won't be able to right cuz they been undermined right there're they're sitting on a a foundation of sand yeah I personally think that's how I would do it sure yeah that and honestly that's why my fear would be this year because if they fear that going to lose the White House when I say they going to lose the White House I mean our adversaries are going to lose the white house because I think they have the white our adversaries have the white house right now um because of corruption and uh so if they feel like they're going to lose the White House maybe they don't feel like they're going to they're going to lose it right now and uh they feel like and so they could play it out longer what what when you talk about like what happened yesterday I don't believe by the way we said it was like a Cyber attack it was a Cyber attack but I believe that's more of a feasibility assessment type scenario what you're saying they're let's let's just kind of laun yeah so yeah let's see cuz that's that's what you do before you you know before game day needs assessments seeing seeing what you get away with and uh what would you do what do you have a Communications plan that's I'm going to be honest that's like the one thing that I'm totally lacking on I guess not totally my communications plan I got I don't know how to run a ham radio anymore I'd have to relearn that um I have a I have handful of CB radios to talk to uh throughout the neighborhood um we got the satellite internet stuff got a sa phone what do you yeah rum sa phone is going to be great but but uh and you know I think you should should have one for that scenario I have rium sa phones uh and always keep a year paid up in advance but at some point they're going to they're going to shut that down but right right out of the gate it's going to be good to have a a SAT phone um CB the CB radio are going to be the VHF like VHF radio push to talk to be directec in communication with someone from your family that's the best plan I have ham radio is not something that uh that that I'm I'm sharp on either Mike lover would would say you know ham radio but man I would be ashamed to be having this conversation with Mike Clover right now because I don't know my [ __ ] ham radio he's he's always you know ham radio ham radio and pushing for it but uh you know uh that's G to be but VHF push to talk direct for you and your family you should have that at minimum yeah um and have it distribute it and have it distribute it and uh and then one of the things that people forget with radios is like if you go into that scenario you're probably going into that scenario with a power grid down so you want to have a powering Source because as soon as it goes down right now you're going to have even if it was charged up at that moment you're going to have you know 8 to 12 hours of battery life so you want to have solar um always have like a we have them we use them a lot in Ukraine right now these solar panels pull them out charge up so I have and and have power like charging stations so like power power stations yeah so those that's a big thing I think people miss people like have their comms planned but they don't think about the how to how they going to power their coms when you got to store all that stuff in a fairity cage yeah yeah cuz if not it's going to be hit and and N of it to work anyway but Well Chad we got a lot to cover that was uh a great conversation enjoy the new Sig yeah that's that's awesome man thank you you're welcome don't thank me thank Jason thank Jason thank you Jason but uh but uh let's let's get into the interview let's do it hey everybody I'm Shawn Ryan click here to subscribe to the Sha Ryan Show YouTube channel for the hottest and most compelling interviews that you will not see anywhere else I've also made a playlist of all the previous SRS episodes so they're easy to find you can find that right here
Channel: Shawn Ryan Show
Views: 96,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, the shawn ryan show, shawn ryan podcast, podcast, srs, podcast show, everyday carry, edc, marine, force recon marine, marine reconnaissance, operator, self defense, preparedness, mma, mma fighter, tactical
Id: pve12N9PoHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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