Every Time Batman Has Wielded A Power Ring

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I recently did a video listing five times the Batman has gotten superpowers a link to which is in this video's description and a lot of people have been commenting on that video asking why I didn't include the times that Batman has wilted a power ring and the main reason I didn't mention them is I knew I was going to do this video which is going to go over the four different lantern calls that Batman has wielded so far in comics TV shows video games and movies the Sinestro Lantern Corps let's start with the fear Lantern Corps after all Batman keeps the criminals of Gotham in line with fear and just before the Sinestro War comic event a Sinestro Corps ring of fear came to Batman as he had the ability to instill great fear the ring chose him and went on his finger however after merging with Batman and the ring sense both great willpower inside Batman and he had previously had contact with the Green Lantern Corps ring and so the Sinestro Corps ring rejected him and flew off which is great shame as seeing him with a yellow ring would have been a great story to read and I feel I should mention that most people feel the only reason this happened at all is so the artist could draw Batman in the Sinestro Corps Batsuit outfit and then the toy companies could sell the Sinestro Corps Batman as a toy so it wasn't actually needed for the story at all they just wanted it danced they could sell toys of course there's no way of knowing if this is true or not though personally I could easily believe it being true because toy companies do have a lot of power when it comes to comics but in any case a long time after this issue came out Batman did actually wear a yellow lantern ring properly in the comic event forever evil as most people know Batman always has a plan and he has several precautionary plans to take out the Justice League members should he need to and in the comics he now has boxes for each of the Justice League members each box has something inside it for taking out Justice League member such as the equip tonight ring for taking out Superman and for taking out Green Lantern he has a Sinestro Corps ring and when Batman fights a Hal Jordan Green Lantern from another universe who's called powering he finally will destroy Lantern Corps ring properly using a bat as his fear construct for fairly obvious reasons unfortunately Batman doesn't use it for long as charges all but gone from the ring and a Sinestro reveals later in the comic book issue Batman has actually resisted the power of the ring most likely because giving over to the ring means he lose his self-control and Batman values his self-control very highly but in any events the combination of him not giving himself over fully to the ring and the Rings low power level means that the ring is destroyed by this Green Lantern it's a shame the Batman didn't really wear the ring for that long as it would have been great to read and I really hope they do a movie or TV series or even better video game one day that sees Batman as a Sinestro Corps member or at least wielding the yellow ring for a decent amount of time as that would be awesome to watch though with that being said in the video game Lego Batman free beyond Gotham one of the unlockable and playable characters is a Batman wearing the Sinestro Corps ring although I was thinking of a game more in the style of the Arkham games and in fact you can actually play as the Sinestro Corps Batman in the video game but you have no Sinestro Corps powers it's just a mod for Batman's bat suit and I prefer a game where you actually have land simmering powers but it still does look pretty cool and a similar Sinestro Corps skin is available on the injustice gods among this video game though again this doesn't give Batman any Sinestro Corps powers it's just a mod for his bat suit the Green Lantern ring of willpower although fear seems more Batman's speed he has actually wielded a Green Lantern ring more times than a yellow one he uses it briefly after teaming up with Green Lantern's take down the tattooed man after the two have taken him down and are back in the Batcave Green Lantern gives him his ring to use and Batman makes a construct of his parents the idea of him lending Batman the ring is to help Batman finally let go of his fear and let his willpower take over instead basically finally getting over the death of his parents because as how Jordan says the ring helped him overcome the grief from seeing his father die and he wants to do the same for Batman but Batman tells Green Lantern that he is not ready to let it go it's a do quite a touching moment between the two which between these two doesn't happen very often as they're normally butting heads at one another and a perfect example that appears in both the film Justice League war and the Justice League comic that it's adapted from as Batman takes off Green Mountains ring when he first meets him to prove his skill and that he is not just a guy in a bat suit although almost immediately after Green Lantern quickly summons the ring back and Batman doesn't stop him you won't do that again unless I want to and in the comic event Darkseid wore batman becomes the god of knowledge when he sits in metrans chair unfortunately later on when he needs to leave the chair he struggles to get off of it as he has to give up its great power so Green Lantern gives him his ring so the Batman can use it to focus his willpower and get out of Metatron's chair and it works and afterwards Batman of course gives the ring back to Green Lantern and in the comic event Dark Knight's metal one of the evil Batman also had a power ring in the comic book Batman the Dawnbreaker we get to see his origin and in this world just after Bruce Wayne's parents are murdered a Green Lantern ring attaches to him and he then uses this to get revenge on the man who killed his parents Joe Chill now the Green Lantern Corps rings can't actually kill people at this point but Bruce Wayne's willpower is so strong that he's able to break the rings control and use it to kill his parents murderer and after this Bruce Wayne goes on to become a Green Lantern who kills most of Batman's rogues gallery and eventually learns how to use the ring to pull out his darkest demons from inside his mind in an event that he calls the blackout and he uses this power in Gotham City and on the Green Lantern Corps who later come to take this ring back as they find out he's murdering people with it when he shouldn't be able to and after he defeats the Green Lantern Corps he decides to no longer be Bruce Wayne and becomes Batman the dawn breaker and then soon after he joins with the other evil Batman and in the TV show the Batman the Hal Jordan version of Green Lantern is fighting Sinestro and he is losing quite badly and in order to stop Sinestro from getting his ring he sends it to find Batman in Gotham City find Batman safe with him unfortunately his ring ends up being found and worn by the penguin who then uses it to go on a crime spree for our Gotham City and Sinestro comes searching for it and bat manages to get the green ring off the penguin before Sinestro does and he briefly wears it himself and he fights Sinestro [Music] unfortunately the ring is almost out of charge so Batman doesn't use it for long as the Rings power dies and so he gives it back to Hal Jordan to charge up and then fight Sinestro nice working with you likewise and in the series Batman The Brave and the bold Batman doesn't technically Wilda Green Mountain ring I'm afraid one who's not of the Corps can out where the power ring however free Green Lantern's charge his bat suit with Green Lantern energy that augments his suit and creates the green lands of bat suit this bat suit essentially has the same powers as a Green Lantern ring allowing Batman's willpower to manifest itself as green energy and another bat suit that has the willpower energy of the Green Lantern Corps is the insider bat suit now technically this doesn't create the same energy as a Green Lantern ring but it does generate a similar green energy of willpower that can be used to blast enemies again it's not technically an official Green Lantern ring as it's a bat suit but it is still worth mentioning and in the Elseworlds story Batman in darkest night we see an alternate world where Batman ends up becoming Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan which changes the world considerably as he is able to stop the Joker from ever being born and Catwoman ends up becoming a member of the Star Sapphire Lantern Corps of love and Wonder Woman Superman and the flash end up becoming Green Lantern's as well as Batman Sinestro becomes Batman's nemesis after Batman took him down from being Corrigan's dictator and then Sinestro goes on to found the Sinestro Lantern Corps and ends up killing Alfred this leads to Batman leaving earth to hunt down Sinestro and get revenge and in the Lego Batman free beyond Gotham video game there is an unlockable and playable Lego Batman who wears the Green Lantern ring and he is named the darkest Knight Batman after this Elseworlds comic where Batman becomes a Green Lantern and there is also the Green Lantern Batman mod that is available in the video game injustice gods among us there are also Green Lantern mods available for the Arkham game series take this get it analyzed and start searching the hospitals and emergency rooms anyone with this blood in them will be dead within 24 hours the white Lantern Corps in the brightest day storyline which came after the blackest night comic event Batman was briefly given a white Lantern ring very briefly as he didn't actually want it and it was forced on him by dead man who wanted to get rid of it and genuinely thought the Batman was the best person to wield it but the ring decides the Batman is not the one who has chosen to wield White Lantern Corps ring and it goes back to Deadman instead next to the first time Batman had Sinestro Corps ring this is probably the shortest time he actually wears a powering there is also a mod for the game injustice gods among us which lets Batman wear a brightest day Lantern Corps outfit [Music] [Music] there are also white lands and comments available for the Arkham game series though again this is just a modification to his skin and doesn't actually give him any powers associated with the lands on call the Black Lantern call in the blackest night event Batman did turn up wearing your def ring but it wasn't technically a Batman a black ring is placed on the corpse of Bruce Wayne but at the end of the story arc it's revealed that it wasn't actually Batman as Batman is not dead but it's instead been sent back in time it's a long story but basically the corpse isn't his and in fact it belongs to a clone of Bruce Wayne and the Black Lantern Corps ring was only given to this corpse of Bruce Wayne to form a link between him and the other Justice League members who had died and been resurrected so that the black rings could then latch on to those have been resurrected and take control of their bodies and this was still possible even though it was a clone because they all believed it was the real Bruce Wayne who they obviously had a strong emotional connection with having fought side by side for all these years and after this link was formed the Bruce Wayne clone crumbled back to just bones so we never even really saw him use this ring at all it was actually because of this that the Justice League members realized that Batman wasn't actually dead because he Batman had actually been dead then the Black Lantern Corps ring would be able to possess his body and use him against the Justice League just as it did the other deceased heroes and since the Justice League members probably had the most emotional connection with Bruce Wayne than any of the other deceased heroes the only reason the Black Lantern Corps rings wouldn't bring him back to life is if it wasn't Batman's body unless they found out the Batman was actually trapped in time and lastly there is also a blackest night skin available for Batman in the video game injustice gods among us and that is the four different Lantern Corps rings that Batman has wielded are there any other times that you can think of that should have been mentioned on this list and which one of these was your favorite time Batman wielded a ring and what ring would you most like to see Batman will be sure to let us know in the comments I'll just like to say a quick thank you to those you made this video possible by donating to the needle mass productions page on patreon patreon is a crowdfunding site that is helping us to bring you more videos each week and to raise funds for adapting comic book stories into short animated films if you're interested in donating or just want to find out more link is in this video's description and as always thanks for watching and feel free to subscribe share like and comment stay down you
Channel: NeedleMouse Productions
Views: 3,226,619
Rating: 4.8473415 out of 5
Keywords: 'batman', 'dc', 'the, riddler', 'commissioner, gordon', joker', harley, quinn', 'alfred, pennyworth', 'penguin', 'two-face', 'catwoman', arkham', 'bruce, wayne', 'thomas, 'martha, 'firefly', 'luscious, fox', 'ben, affleck', 'scarecrow', 'black, mask', 'robin', 'red, hood', 'ra's, al, ghul', sinestro, lantern corps, hal jordan, guardians, ganthet, hope, avarice, rage, death, black hand, nekron, dark nights metal, the dawnbreaker, gotham city, damian wayne, dick grayson, sinestro war, blackest night, brightest day
Id: CjVuIu-Sn-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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