5 Best Robin Deaths (And 5 Best Faked Deaths As Well)

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Robin is the title that's been given to many of Batman's sidekicks over the years starting with Dick Grayson to the current day Robin Damian Wayne he was the first DC teen sidekick and one of the most popular in DC Comics we have Robins introduction to the Batman comic series the sales went up dramatically as the fans really connected with the idea of a teen superhero but as the years went on Dick Grayson aged and the mantle of Robin was passed on to hero after hero and at all this time quite a lot has happened to the many different Robins and this video is going to go over five times these Robins have died now to be on this list the hero must have died and of at one point being Robin they don't have to have died wearing the Robin uniform so long as they once served as a Robin in the bat family number five Emperor Joker we start off with the death of Tim Drake Jason Todd and Dick Grayson when the Joker was able to get the godlike power of mixes pedelec and he uses it to wreak havoc on the world making in his own image and killing free of the Robins which at this point was all of them of course later on he lost these powers thanks to Superman and the world was put back the way it was which does take away from the dramatic importance of this death but it still counts as a Robin death even if it is the least climactic one on this list number four Damian Wayne Damian Wayne Steph was quite a surprise because he seemed to be too popular character to be killed off but the writers decided that his run in the comics needed to come to an end his death came about after his mother went pretty insane and decided he needs to die she put a bounty out on his head and Batman confined him to the Batcave for his own safety that gives you permission to keep me a prisoner in my own house it's for your own protection but when Talia al Ghul attacked Gotham with an army Damian Wayne broke out to help his father and in the process he had to fight heretic heretic was a clone of Damian Wayne who was engineered to be stronger than Damian is and aged a peak physical condition he also features in the new 52 movie Batman bad blood do I know you intimately la-da-da and personally i think his character design in the film is much better than his one in the comic book as his design the comic book has a really young face and it looks kind of creepy to me but anyway Damian fort heretic who was impaled on the heretics sword it was a pretty good death all things considered as he died helping his father in the other Robins and helping to save Gotham City however his death did send Bruce Wayne off the deep end a little Bruce Wayne wanted death on the heretic however he was unable to beat the heretic as he was so instead of fight him one-on-one just as he was he decided to get a strength increasing mecha bat suit along with inject himself with the man-bat serum and transform himself into a part man but as well which along with the makisu gave him quite incredible super-strength and he was able to defeat heretic and he did also managed to stop himself from killing heretic but unfortunately he was still killed by Talia al Ghul after she found him to be lacking as a minion and of course Damian Wayne didn't stay dead forever and Batman was able to bring him back to life for the full story on how he died and how he came back to life check out the links in this video's description number three Dick Grayson in the injustice universe the death of Dick Grayson is a crucial moment and a huge turning point for Batman especially towards Damian Wayne his blood son as it destroys pretty much any chance of the two having any kind of father-son relationship you stop being my son when you kill Dick Grayson he was my son now technically Dick Grayson was Nightwing when he died but he was a Robin and as I said that's good enough for this list now I have to say that he did faint Dick Grayson really got screwed over in this story his death was just way too simple and really anti-climatic for what should have been and again for the full story check out the links in this video's description but basically Dick Grayson falls over and breaks his neck dying instantly which just isn't the over-the-top cruel deaths that we are used to seeing of superheroes which really is a shame from the way the video game plays out it said that Damian Wayne killed it Grayson but it sounded more like an epic battle between the two which resulted in T Grayson losing I'm his site or at least sounded like Damian Wayne did intentionally mean to kill Dick Grayson instead of just accidentally knocking him out and accidentally killing him on an epic fight between the two of them would have been way better at least in my opinion after all Nightwing has survived much worse injuries than this and been perfectly fine afterwards and it wasn't for the fact that his death is that anticlimactic then this one would have been a lot higher on this list fortunately though dick Grayson's story didn't end here he has so far stayed dead but he has also continued as a hero in the afterlife and became the hero Deadman later on in the series again for the full story on this check out the links in this video's description number two Tim Drake Tim Drake's death was completely unexpected and very very painful to read Tim Drake along with his fellow Teen Titans was trapped in the Phantom Zone for years sitting out pretty much all of the injustice event and it seemed as though he was going to stay in the Phantom Zone forever but fortunately Batman was able to rescue the Teen Titans and bring them back home and is actually a very touching moment when the two were united which is rare in the injustice universe and then in a style reminiscent of Game of Thrones they kill off Tim Drake with a laser blast through the heart from General Zod it's tragic and horrible and I really wish it hadn't happened as I would have loved for Tim Drake to have become Batman's Robin once more because he really does need a Robin in the injustice universe it's just not right him being on his own but because of how painful this death was to watch it is a powerful and extremely memorable moment in the injustice universe and one of the best Robin deaths that we've ever had and a hit Batman heart as the injustice universe is pretty grim for Batman for the most part you coward we are at war with these animals you think you're better than him you'd let the choker keep on killing you couldn't save Lois or Jason or anyone and him getting Tim Drake back was the light in the darkness and I think the Batman felt the full force of that light and that he felt it was a turning point for him in the injustice universe and that things were finally going to change and the world was going to be improved and then Tim Drake died right in front of him and there was absolutely nothing that he could do it crushed Batman and he wanted blood for General Zod had done and so he summoned his bat suit which was clearly made to fight Superman and proceeded to beat General Zod with all the fury he could he didn't kill General Zod though if the fight had continued it would have been interesting to see if he would have cross that line but the choice was taken away from him as the Amaze our Android landed and ripped off general Zod's head with ease and then flew off and though him dying was what he deserved it didn't change the fact that Tim Drake was dead who as far as Batman knows at this point is really the last Robin he had left as Damian Wayne and him still aren't talking and of course he doesn't know that Jason Todd has come back from the dead and speaking of Jason Todd number one Jason Todd the death of Jason Todd was an incredible moment in comic book history for the first time DC lit fans voting to control a story and the fans voted for Jason Todd's death for the full story check out the links in this video's description but after Jason Todd was voted off he was beaten severely with a crowbar by the Joker and then murdered an explosion and as good as the comic is it was improved upon greatly in the film Batman under the Red Hood which was the best animated film DC ever made and the second most profitable so far it's managed to make a little over eleven and a half million dollars and in case you're wondering the highest-grossing DC animated film is Superman doomsday which is made around 12 and a half million dollars of course those amounts will increase as the future goes on as sales will go up but as of today in 2018 that's how much it's estimated that they've made I couldn't actually find out the exact budget but it wouldn't have been more than a few million dollars because that's pretty much all these companies spend on those type of animated though if anyone does actually know the exact amount it cost to make please let us know in the comments of course Jason Todd didn't stayed it in the movie he was resurrected by ratio goal using a Lazarus Pit Rachelle Gould did this because he felt the he had wronged Batman by killing his son although he was still killed by the Joker in the movie it was Rachel gall that had set the Joker upon them I'm afraid I overestimated my ability to control the Joker just as I underestimated his madness and in the comics his return was a little bit different superboy-prime who is a Superboy from another reality was trapped with a group of other alternate reality characters including an alternate Lex Luthor and an alternate Superman but anyway Superboy broke through from where they all were into our reality by punching his way through the reality wolf and this rupture of the universe created ripples in reality and one of these ripples resurrected Jason taut and though Jason Todd was now alive again nothing in time had actually changed the entire universe is timeline unfolded in pretty much the same way the only real difference was the Jason Todd suddenly went from being dead to being alive and it's easy to see why they changed this for the movie as the Lazarus Pit is a lot easier to explain to an audience as this superboy-prime death is a bit more involved when it comes to explaining and may have been a bit too out there for some people to accept now the Red Hood is one of my favorite characters in the back family and I'm sure a lot of people feel the same towards him as he's quite a compelling character and has a great origin story and I'm sure that no one is surprised that his death is the number one robbing death after all he was the first true death of any Robin and they did a great job in ending him jeez there are some other abend deaths that do deserve a mention though in the new rebirth comics Tim Drake sacrifices himself defending one of the bat-family bases from an army bent on its destruction he was believed by everyone to be dead but it was later revealed that he hadn't actually died at the last second he was teleported away by the mysterious odds so this wasn't a Robin death but it was very close and the rest of the universe and the bat family did think that Tim Drake was dead there was also the death of Stephanie Brown also known as spoiler who was dating Tim Drake though she had perhaps the shortest tenure as a Robin and she was fired very quickly by Batman as she refused to follow some of his orders she then decided to prove herself by enacting one of Batman's secret plans which involved instigating a gang war between supervillains in Gotham however what she didn't know was that it was supposed to be controlled by matches Malone who was of course Batman's undercover disguise get your mitts off me the day I needed Danes help and without matches there is the safety net to control her Stephanie Brown was captured by tortured and finally killed by the black mask she did manage to escape but the wounds he had inflicted eventually killed her however this was later retconned and turned out that the doctor Leslie Thompkins who originally hadn't been able to save her life had actually been lying and she had been able to save Stephanie Brown's life by giving her emergency medical aid and had been hiding her since that day in order to protect her though of course she now came back to the life of the bat family and in the game Batman Arkham Knight The Joker filmed himself shooting and killing the Jason Todd version of Robin never could stand a tattle-tale that's why I'd like to work alone and Batman after watching this video that the Joker had sent him believed that Jason Todd was actually dead but it was later revealed he had survived the shot and spent a year and a half in the abandoned wing of the Arkham Asylum being tortured by the Joker Joker sent me the film I saw him kill you don't you dare lie to me how long did you wait before replacing me huh a month a week I trusted you you just left me to die it's not revealed how old Jason Todd actually got away but he did eventually manage to break free and return to Gotham under the guise of the arkham knight to kill batman as he blamed him for what the Joker had done to him and if you're wondering why he didn't just kill the Joker in this version of the DC Universe the Joker was already dead at this point though of course Jason Todd was eventually able to see the light and realized the truth that it wasn't really about man's fault that he had died yes he should have looked into it better and made sure that he was actually dead and that was major negligence on his part but Jason Todd was eventually able to forgive Batman and join his side and help him to take down the Scarecrow there are also the deaths that occur in the video game Batman Arkham Villar in the video game Batman is investigating the disappearance of Nightwing and this disappearance turns out to be a murder investigation as Nightwing has been killed beaten to death why wasn't I here why didn't I stop it and then while investigating this Tim Drake is captured and then killed by Killer Croc [Music] and it turns out that both Tim Drake being captured and Nightwing's death were orchestrated by Batman this is of course a little bit confusing but it turns out the Batman has been taken over by the Joker and then it turns out this entire game was actually a dream and neither Tim Drake nor Nightwing are dead the dream or rather the nightmare occurs because Batman is terrified that he's turning into the Joker because in the game Batman Arkham Knight he has some sort of venom in his veins that is turning him into the Joker untreated the Bloods just suited to long it's altering them they're becoming Joker and this VR game is set before that to be honest it's kind of a cop-out by the writers because it looks like he's actually going to be quite interesting and then they go with the most cliched ending ever it was all just a dream but it is still kind of fun to play even though everything can it ends up being pointless and the ending is needlessly confusing because if you haven't actually played the arkham knight game you will have no idea what's happening sidekick my pocket today and finally Dick Grayson faked his death after the world thought he had died during the DC universes event forever evil during this story arc his secret identity was revealed to the world and he was fought to be killed by the supervillains and originally he didn't actually want to stay as a dead man but Batman convinced him to go undercover to investigate a spy all for him and even though Dick Grayson wanted to tell the rest of the bat family at the very least as he didn't want to put any of them through all that guilt Batman was able to convince him that the only way this plan would work was even only the two of them knew that he was alive now personally I think this was unnecessary and they could have at the very least told the bat family where he was because they could have quite easily told at the very least him Drake Damian Wayne Batgirl and Alfred that he was still alive because they were the ones who felt at the worst and later on they would all resent him for doing this and in my opinion they're actually quite justified in presenting for this because like I say there was no real reason not to tell them it was really just to create secret in the bat family so they could create dramatic tension which is fine to have dramatic tension as it could be quite entertaining but this was just unnecessary and that is the five best FS of the Robbins and the best times that the Robbins faked their deaths or had someone faked their to afford them now personally I think my favorite death is definitely the Jason Todd death because as I said it did give us the Batman onto the Red Hood film which is the best DC animated movie ever made and I absolutely loved it and fully recommend watching it but what is your favorite Robin death and which fake death is your favorite as well be sure to let us know in the comments and I just like to say a quick thank you to those who made this video possible by donating to the NIDA mass productions page on patreon patreon is a crowdfunding site that is helping us to bring you more videos each week and to raise funds for adapting comic book stories into short animated films if you're interested in donating or just sort of find out more a link is in this video's description and as always thanks for watching and feel free to subscribe share like and comment you
Channel: NeedleMouse Productions
Views: 4,853,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 'batman', 'dc', 'commissioner, gordon', joker', harley, quinn', 'alfred, pennyworth', 'penguin', 'two-face', 'catwoman', lady, arkham', 'bruce, wayne', 'thomas, 'martha, 'firefly', 'luscious, fox', 'amanda, waller', 'gotham', 'solomon, grundy', 'ben, affleck', 'scarecrow', 'mister, freeze', 'poison, ivy', 'black, mask', 'robin', 'red, hood', 'ra's, al, ghul', 'mad, hatter', nightwing, tim drake, jason todd, damian wayne, dick grayson, spoiler, stephanie brown, batgirl.barbara gordon, batman under the red hood, black mask, gotham
Id: -fyBk9uaUkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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