Batman's 6 Most Powerful Batsuits In Animation

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Batman is a superhero who needs no introduction his iconic bat suit is known throughout the world as is his character and as we all know Batman has no superpowers but unfortunately a lot of his rogues gallery do have superpowers as do most of the villains that the Justice League faced on a semi-regular basis and as such Batman is sometimes outmatched in terms of power now normally his fighting skills gadgets and intellect can beat most enemies but every once in a while he faces such overwhelming power that he needs a little extra help and since this is Batman were talking about he of course has advanced bat suits to wear when this happens now these bat suits do vary as they are all built for different purposes but they essentially give him the edge that he needs in a fight to win the day now this list is going to focus solely on animation both animated DC TV shows and animated DC films this list does not consider any of the bat suits in the live-action films and the comics we're also not counting the gigantic mecha-suits as these are not really that suits to be about sue it has to basically be an exoskeleton suit not so a gundam wing suit at least for this video and with that being said let's get to it number 6 the fresher bat suit in the film Batman versus Robin Batman is investigating the court of owls which is a criminal organization that has been in Gotham for centuries and the members are formed of the most richest and most powerful people in Gotham and when it comes to rich and powerful and Gotham Bruce Wayne is very much in at the top of that list and so the court of owls tries to recruit him unaware of the fact that he is Batman Bruce Wayne leads them on at first pretending to want to join him but actually he intends to investigate them further and bring them all down I can't say I'm not intrigued by the Arthur but I'd like some time to think it over however this all goes wrong when the court of owls realizes that Bruce Wayne is Batman that means ways and instead of recruiting him they decide to simply kill him now the enforcers of the organization are called talents and they are a kind of mix between super soldiers and zombies basically the talons are kind of the undead as the undergo a process that makes them immortal and seemingly unable to fill pain however they have to return to a pod every 24 hours to keep this power or they die immortality but only 24 hours at a time and that's only with the good talents with the talons that have gone badly on this procedure they have to return within eight hours or else this happens now the court of owls has hundreds of talons stored to their headquarters from the past few centuries the talons are called out to perform a task and then put back in the pod until they are needed again ice like the Winter Soldier in the MCU films however when the newest Talon goes rogue and kills what appears to be the entire court of owls although I'm sure there are some still sticking around somewhere this Talon then decides to attack Batman with every other Talon that he has now the talons are extremely skilled and outnumber the Bat family considerably and when the talons attacked the Batcave on mass Batman Nightwing and Alfred are swamped and overrun fortunately Batman has been working on the fresh of that suit now this bat suit is designed more for survival that combat it's literally made so that nothing can get to Bruce Wayne while he wears it and the suit is actually capable of manufacturing oxygen for Bruce for up to several weeks if need be and it can survive nearly anyone on the planet from extremely high temperatures to extremely low temperatures that would kill a normal human instantly and of course it's built for beating the holy hell and of Batman's enemies not only does this suit protect Batman and give him super strength but it also can emit electromagnetic pulses fires cryogenic batarangs and electrostatic needles and without it in this film Batman would undoubtedly have been over by the talents and he Robin Dick Grayson and Alfred would all be dead so it's good that he had this suit on standby and though the suit was eventually destroyed it did do its job and protected bruce wayne from both the physical threats and the extreme cold as the talons weakness is extremely cold temperatures bring to cold and they'll shatter like glass so though the talons are all dead from the cold the suit actually kept Bruce Wayne alive inside of it unfortunately this suit was then destroyed when the last island drove the Batmobile into it yes the suit was already damaged by the many talents but still that's not very tough in terms of bat suits yes in the real world that would destroy any exoskeleton suit but in comics the bad guys punch a lot harder than a car driving into it hence why it's the last place number six the bat ball suit in the series the Batman Batman encounters Bane for the first time much like the first time Batman faced Bane in the comics he got the crap beaten out of him though in the comics Batman has his back broken but in the show his back doesn't seem to break but he does still have a lot of our broken bones and he can barely move broken bones who may be bleeding internally you'll need serious medical attention master Bruce no hospitals and even though this is the case Batman still has to beat Bane as he now essentially has control of Gotham and can do as he likes the police can't handle being neither apparently could the Batman so since Batman can't even walk he figures the only course of actions that he has is to build an exoskeleton so that's what he does even with Alfred desperately trying to stop him so he has time for his injuries to heal this gets so bad that Alfred even goes so far as refusing to help him but Batman continues on anyway and eventually Alfred is forced to help if only to stop Bruce Wayne from injuring himself further while he builds the bat suit and when the bat suit is finally done Batman is able to use it despite his injuries as of course it was designed so that he could use it in this state and of course he is also able to take down Bane with it and any suit that can take down Bain who is arguably the strongest Batman villain in terms of super strength is a bat suit that is bloody powerful and I would say this seems more powerful than the freshest suit both in super strength terms and in terms of the damage that you can take as it's able to take some Bane powered fists number four the Batman Beyond suit the TV series Batman Beyond is set in the future in a world of super sci-fi technology quite a lot of which has actually been invented as the years have gone by but as the years have gone by Gotham may have become a lot more advanced but Bruce Wayne's body is deteriorating it's a combination of old age and all the injuries he took fighting supervillains and this of course is combined with the high levels of training that he underwent to be Batman and all of this has taken its toll on him basically Bruce Wayne is old and is struggling to beat up the bad guys like he once did so to compensate for this he builds the Batman Beyond suit it's an armored suit and enhances the wearer's strength by about ten synaptic controls neuromuscular amplification flight capability this thing might be old but it's still cutting edge it has jetpacks and flight capabilities and batarangs that spring from the wrists and hands of the suit the suit also has spy tech enabling Batman to listen in on criminals and has a headset that records everything he does and is able to help him see over great distances that human rights can't see and it's also capable of seeing into the different light spectrums much like Superman cap and to top all of it it has a stealth mode that makes Batman practically invisible and although the raw strength of this suit is not as great as some of the others on this list it has other features that more than compensate for this firstly it's made a future tech and so it's much more advanced than the other suits on this list and it's still a very powerful bat suit as power isn't just measured in terms of bra strength and the other reason is because the suit is not designed for just one purpose most of the suits on this list are for one specific enemy such as fighting Bane or fighting Superman whereas this suit is designed for Batman to continuously wear it day in and day out as he is on patrol meaning this bats is possibly the most versatile on this list and is definitely the best round suit that is capable for most fights which makes it pretty powerful number three old Bruce's Batman Beyond exoskeleton now in the TV series Batman Beyond even though Bruce Wayne makes that suit to help him fight criminals he still eventually is forced to retire he does this because of his heart he had a heart palpitation once when saving a hostage and then he collapsed and got beaten up pretty bad by the kidnappers and in the end he had to use a gun to stop them and as we all know Batman hates guns so Batman decided it was time to retire because he driver retire than have to resort to using guns to enforce justice never again however he does come out of retirement to help save the new Batman Terry McGinnis he saves him from a super villain by wearing an even more powerful bat suit exoskeleton unfortunately it puts a lot of pressure on his heart so when he wears this suit to save Terry McGinnis although it does make him super strong and quite capable at fight it nearly gives him a heart attack but it is made clear that this suit is even more powerful than a normal Batman beyond suit though not as practical as the everyday suit as it's quite big and it's quite tough to use now firstly I think the normal Batman Beyond suit is better but the large one is definitely the more powerful out of the two and again it's made of much more advanced tech than most of the suits on this list now do you believe me about why I retired not entirely but tonight I'm glad you didn't stay retired number two the dark knight suit now this bat suit was designed to make Batman strong enough to take out Superman now in the film both the live-action and the animated films Batman actually depends on gadgets and kryptonite to win the fight he does this because although this is a great suit it's not really a match for Superman in terms of strength as Superman is practically godlike that being said it is still incredibly strong and it did manage to take Superman's blows without being destroyed and even though Superman is holding back it's still very impressive that it doesn't break apart under his strength as other exoskeletons have in the past [Music] the Batsuit also has an electrical attack and jet boots built into it and the super strength that it provides is incredible as Batman is able to casually pick up the Batmobile without any visible sign of effort which makes it one if not the most powerful bat soup that he has in animation but also manages to bruise Superman and causes jaw to swell up something which next and no one has ever done before but thanks to the strength of the suit he's able to injure Superman this much again Batman was partly able to do this because of the Kryptonite but it's still impressive that you managed to do it and the only reason this suit fails is because Bruce Wayne had a heart attack which of course is all part of his plan as we all know so technically he didn't lose the fight instead he deliberately lost it to publicly faked his death funeral proceedings are underway today for Bruce Wayne but the suit functioned perfectly and since Superman is one of the most powerful people he's ever fought and quite possibly the most powerful after all this is Superman we're talking about it's very impressive that the suit is able to last that long and that's why it's ahead of all the others except for one number one the Green Lantern suit in an episode of the TV series Batman The Brave and the bold the Green Lantern Corps are defeated by Despereaux and after this fight there was only free Green Lantern's left on OA so Batman teams up with them to take down Despereaux now Batman does want to wear the green lance and power ring but the others say he can't as he hasn't been chosen to use their rings I'm afraid one who's mad of the core cannot wear the power ring so instead the free of them then somehow use their rings to give him a Green Lantern bat suit it seems to have all the powers of a Green Lantern giving Batman a protective spacesuit allowing him to fly and to channel his willpower through it in much the same way as the Green Lantern's do with their rings he basically becomes one of the Green Lantern's ring slingers if only for one episode and of course a Green Lantern power ring is considered the most powerful weapon in the universe but that does depend on who's wearing it as is powered by an individual's willpower and given how much willpower Batman has he is one of the most powerful Green Lantern's to have ever lived now unlike all the other suits on this list it doesn't actually seem to boost his strength I imagine it does to a certain degree but we don't really see this in the episode but it does have the near limitless power of the Green Lantern Corps behind it but the main reason this is number one is they're in all of the mentioned scenarios where Batman has needed a bad suit he could have used this Green Lantern soo instead and still would have been able to win the fight which just goes to show how much power this bat suit really has now you could argue that the dark knight suit is better and in terms of super strength the dark light suit probably will win by in terms of raw power and armor protection the Green Lantern suit is the most powerful enables Batman to do so much more than the dark knight suit and all the other suits on this list it's all about will focus that and there's no limit to what I we can do I should also mention the batwing suit now this suit was originally designed for Batman though in the film Batman bad blood Batman never actually wears it as it is stolen by Lucius Fox's son Luke Fox and then somehow miraculously fits Luke even though it wasn't designed for him I will overlook that and the bat wingsuit is an amazing feat of engineering it is capable not only a flight but fly to great speeds it gives the wearer super-strength and of course protects them it also has built-in laser blasters and a seemingly endless supply of batarangs now in the film Luke is able to fly perfectly as soon as he puts it on and will be generous to the writers and assume that this is because the suit was designed to be very intuitive and that Luke's army training helped give him the edge he needed to fly it perfectly now exactly how powerful the suit is is hard to say as we've not really seen it take down anyone super tough but given its abilities it seems like it could handle most supervillains so long as the wearer is a skilled fighter and it doesn't have to be said that in many respects this is very much like one of Iron Man's battle suits however this batsu is not part of this list because although it was meant for Bruce Wayne in the film and it was built by his company and with his money Bruce Wayne never actually wore in the film and as far as we've seen he never actually wears it at all so technically is a bat suit but since he doesn't wear it i've not included it on this list but it does have to be mentioned because it looks great and it's pretty powerful and that is the six most powerful bat suits featured in animation so far do you agree with the order of this list or do you think that there are others that should have been on this list instead be sure to let us know in the comments or just say a quick thank huge those who made this video possible by donating to the NIDA mass productions page on patreon patreon is a crowdfunding site that is helping screen more videos each week and to raise funds for adapting comic-book stories into short animated films if you're interested in donating or just to find out more link is in this video's description and as always thanks for watching and feel free to subscribe share like and comment you
Channel: NeedleMouse Productions
Views: 1,972,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 'batman', 'dc', 'the, riddler', 'commissioner, gordon', joker', harley, quinn', 'alfred, pennyworth', 'penguin', 'two-face', 'catwoman', lady, arkham', 'bruce, wayne', 'thomas, 'martha, 'firefly', 'luscious, fox', 'amanda, waller', 'gotham', 'ben, affleck', 'scarecrow', 'mister, freeze', 'poison, ivy', 'robin', 'red, hood', 'ra's, al, ghul', 'mad, hatter', justice league, nightwing, red hood, damian wayne, superman, the dark knight returns, batman bad blood, talia al ghul, batman the brave and the bold, batcave, batwing
Id: GgUUvooekS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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