Magnus Carlsen DESTROYING People

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ladies and gentlemen chess has a lot of different formats that you could consider fun some people like 10 second per player chess 30 second per player chess one minute Blitz might maybe some rapid but at the highest level the most fun type of Chess universally agree upon is the team format in the open Style and what that means is you have a team of players and they take on another team of players and what open style means is you don't know who's going to play who a lot of top level events are around Robin so the pairings are predetermined but the European Club cup is one of the more exciting open Team events that exists the other one of course being the Olympiad and the cool thing about the European Club cup is that Magnus Carlsen participates I don't know about every single year but he's definitely participated this year because of the tournament ended just a few hours ago the players spend some time some week or so somewhere in Europe I don't even know the city it was a city that I've never heard of in my life and in this video I'm gonna take you through uh just how much better Magnus Carlsen is than his colleagues that's really the best way I can describe it absolutely no disrespect is intended and I'm sorry if I look really yellow I don't know if that's just on my monitor because I have like night light or something uh but yeah I look like I have drawn this on my on my monitor anyway in yesterday's video I didn't know that mosquitoes were insects today I'm using big vocab words like jaundice you never know what you're gonna get on this channel okay so Magnus played six games out of seven uh his first round game was with the uh black pieces he played against Nikita meshkovs from Latvia and it was a Catalan all right and it's always interesting to see what is going to happen in the games that Magnus kind of gets the most annoying and kind of suffocating lines played against him he always kind of expect him to create winning chances well what he does here against the Catalan is he plays this very solid setup he doesn't take any of White's Pawn in the center he just plays like this he wants to develop his Bishop out this way as is evident by his very next move and here meshkovs rather than playing Rook C1 Rook C1 or not well actually Rook C1 would be a stupid move because that doesn't actually defend upon Knight bd2 defends this Pawn B3 defends this Pawn magicals plays cd5 so he clarifies the structure in the center and then he plays this and the amazing thing is about this variation from basically this point forward is that black has almost never won a single game like if you look in the database it's a very provocative line too by black trying to get this bishop yeah White's like bro you could go ahead and take this bishop I do not care because I'm going to take your bishop and from this position I think black has literally never lost ever now you might find some game online between two 1400s yes but at the at classical chess level black has never beaten White I mean can you imagine that there's like variations out there where a side just literally never wins that seems depressing yeah and Magnus kind of finds himself in this situation it's sort of weird because I don't really know what Magnus thought was gonna happen uh maybe Magnus just was sort of banking on this line not being played maybe the Catalan is just a really annoying opening to play against why doesn't everybody play the Catalan against Magnus right make him take some unnecessary risk well after the first 14 or 15 moves you sort of kind of gave up on the fact that Magnus was going to ever win this game because look at this position and what's funny is that I mean it it does look like a very annoying line and Magnus could play on the C file but he tries to keep pieces on the board and he's like all right I'm gonna defend I'm gonna let white put pressure on me and really black just has no moves Magnus tries to play G5 G4 doing all this stuff over here white just doing a really nice job here taking the play away from black and uh yeah I'm not gonna lie to you I'm not gonna really waste your time a whole lot more it's a totally symmetrical Pawn structure a b d e f g and whites way more more active than black and it took about 44 moves in this game of Magnus but we're just always kind of hoping and praying that something will happen now black had absolutely nothing ever in this game and the players repeated moves and made a draw it happens they say Levy what are you talking about but you said that he he crushed his opposite well I gotta show you all the games I'm not just gonna conveniently ignore evidence right this is the this is the court of the you're the court of law all right you're the court of public opinion and we need to show you all the evidence for you to decide this was game number one and Magnus lost like three points for this game which is just hilarious so well he might he might not find it funny but now now things are gonna get a little bit different all right and at the end by the way I have a very magical game to show you as well so E4 E5 and Magnus plays the scotch opening okay doesn't play in Italian doesn't play the Spanish plays the scotch opening against Alexander nowman which I thought was very funny that he got an opponent whose last name was almost Neiman but it was Naman it was like nah man Alexander nah man uh I am a child Pawn take Z4 Knight takes D4 and this line has been played many times okay this position has been reached tens of thousands of times here modern Theory I actually modern Theory might be H4 but theory has always been C4 and then black pins the pawn to the queen and then white defends the pawn and then black plays G6 a very sharp Line This is another move but this move has been played maybe like a hundred times it's a very interesting move because it kind of gets in the way of everything and it's not really clear just yet where the Knight is gonna go plus your queen can now be attacked multiple times and here in shocking fashion Magnus Carlson repeated moves no just kidding he played Queen E4 black played F6 attacking the center and this position has already never happened before and this is where it gets even more Goofy after Knight to B4 with very clear intentions of playing this uh and by the way if you play A3 here with white there's the shocking move D5 if C takes D5 C takes D5 this is still on the way this can't be taken because of Queen E5 check and Bishop takes Queen it's just a completely insane tactical position so after Knight B4 Magnus has to play King D1 this is his prep this is his prep I mean it looks like after some moves from the opening that white is just the pawn down like it's just 15 moves why does it pawn down well as it turns out he wanted he wanted to be a pawn down and he played B4 so he sacrifices a pawn negates the development of his opponent's Knight wants to lock it in jail forever then wants to play Bishop B2 Bishop D3 rookie one and basically say I have massive compensation for your pawn and this is anything but easy for black to deal with and black plays C5 giving back the advantage immediately now B5 and now Bishop B7 so if you take this I'm gonna go here right Magnus here plays the move Bishop D3 which is what we planned and rookie one hitting the king and now the king gets out of the way now the Knight gets out of the way offering yet another Pawn so Magnus is offering a two Pawn advantage to Black because four of Black's five active pieces while they're not active they're literally on their home squares I mean you know sometimes I say like all the pieces are on the back rank not only are those pieces on the back crank they literally haven't moved theoretically they haven't moved the Knight technically hasn't moved it's crazy so instead of doing that Alexander nah man plays Bishop D6 F4 and he still gives away this pawn and Magnus doesn't even want to win anything back just plays King C2 what bro he's down two pawns like the other dude is seven he has five here stockfish wants to start fighting back against the uh the structure right uh black plays G6 though all right white plays Bishop B2 so far Magnus has played I think the top line of the engine for 22 moves Bishop takes F4 three pawns up for black three now he didn't have to do that he could have played F5 which is just not a human move at all because it runs directly into this but that apparently was what stockfish wanted instead he grabs a third pawn and says well you know what I'm gonna go in this roller coaster ride with Magnus Magnus plays rookie 2 removes the bishop and now here comes Rook F1 as you can see things are about to get very unpleasant for black black took one too many pawns and when you steal one time from the store you might not get in trouble he's still two times from the store it's already bad three times from the same store yeah they're gonna have a photo up on the wall of You by the way uh don't steal don't I'm just I'm just making a joke all right there's some crazy person watching this right now like oh are you saying I could no don't do that what I'm saying is Magnus is gonna punish his opponent H4 getting all the resources involved that that bombs the only thing in White's position by the way only thing in White's position in 24 moves that hasn't moved everything else has gotten a turn H4 with the intention to open up the f file all right if black plays the move H6 here then white is going to play H5 securing an infiltration post for the bishop it's really bad all right Naman plays D6 now we begin The Chopping process 94. 97 and Knight grabs the F6 Pawn now Magnus is only down one Pawn with a devastating attack on the way and he chops down the trees he is now going to win the night back which means that he will now be down no material and on top of all that after he wins this he is going to take this and this and this Pawn will march to A6 and remove the Bishop from the game and rather than dealing with any of that after Rook takes C5 black resigned Magnus eviscerated his opponent eviscerated that was literally a perfect game of chess maybe not by his standards but for the average spectator folks this man showed up played a line that's never almost never been played before moved his King to get out of danger sacrificed the pawn and then hydraulic pressed his opponent down to the back rank and then he just kept sacrificing pawns he just lost all his Pawns now granted black shouldn't have taken on F4 but it doesn't matter when you set practical difficulties for your opponent for over 20 moves they're going to make a mistake and Magnus gets the job done all right so we go to the next round now in this round he's playing a very strong Grand Master pintala Hare Krishna one of the best players in India and in the world but he's like top four top five in India right so this one in English Hare Krishna plays C6 uh with the intention to play this very sharp variation Knight D4 D5 CD Queen D5 this has been played very uh frequently recently as well as um you know Bishop G2 in the immediate D5 so Magnus plays the immediate D4 um I've played this over the board myself there's a lot of interesting lines here harik Krishna gives this check and the Bishops just come off and we see Magnus playing away here that has never been played so that's the thing about Magnus he's always going to come with some sort of small wrinkle in the opening that's going to cause some practical difficulty so here chess games go Bishop G2 Castle E3 Knight E2 and the reason why it plays like this is big stable Center powerful Bishop very natural way of playing nobody plays E4 because why would you do that you block your own Bishop that doesn't make any sense the whole point is the bishop goes here right so Magnus obviously now develops the what what is it what is this I've never what what about his Bishop well that's the thing Magnus shows up and forces you to swim in the deep water with him alright so now B5 very interesting idea from Hari Krishna the point is that if white takes he's really not going to take a second time because Knight takes E4 taking advantage of the bishop not being here okay so cb5 cb5 mag just plays A3 Magnus just wants to play some sort of structure A5 computer like Knight C6 here with ideas of B4 and also Center pressure maybe black will also play D5 in the future but Harry Krishna plays A5 and Magnus castles and Hare Krishna continues throwing Haymakers over there but Magnus Parks his horse in the center of the board you'll notice the Rooks are staring at each other that happens for a little while and finally the dust settles and we get to this position now folks if I were to ask you a question here very interesting question uh how does white get the knight in the game okay this is just a nice question for intermediate beginner players how does white get the Knight into the game a lot of you would look forward and go oh that's not possible all right well Knight C1 Knight you know something like this right totally agree with you Knight C1 is very reasonable now what if I say you can't move your knight hey Levy what are you talking about stop stop saying riddles G4 just advancing the fiancado upon in order to put the Knight on G3 with various bad intentions of going over here we don't know where the Knight is going to go but we certainly know that G7 looks soft okay so now that the Knight can go to F5 or H5 well it's going to go to E4 okay and now Queen H6 might be on the way look at these dark squared weaknesses the C file controlled very nicely by white okay we trade Rook C5 defends my Center Pawn improving my position slowly dropping back covering the back rank maybe some Rook C7 and Rook C8 is on the way an H4 Magnus throwing the Pawns in front of his own King forward and I'm saying I'm talking I'm talking really forward because here's the thing ain't black takes first of all you got various tricks like Rook B5 and queen G5 all right but if black doesn't take and plays I don't know B3 white is gonna go H6 this is a very common idea to suffocate the king and isolate this Pawn for the end game so Hara Krishna plays H6 himself and then takes on H5 but Magnus never had any intention to take back Rook C8 oh boy if you trade Queens with me I'm gonna take with check if you take my Rook I'm gonna take your queen so the only move here is to defend the Rook but now chop chop and Shop and you notice that Black's pawns are slowly sort of becoming very isolated Bishop D5 and now I drop back and you're pinned now Hari saw that he didn't just hang a bishop but the problem is it's already very difficult for instance if HG somehow in a position of equal material Magnus Carlson is still delivering a mate basically it's like unbelievable he's not gonna win a mate he's going to win a piece but right so he wins the piece and now has to win this end game four on two in terms of Pawns let's see if he's able to do it how is he going to break through these pawns it's just going to become a matter of moves that's it because pawns can only move forward one at a time which means every single move they create a weakness and the good thing for Magnus is that this position he's not going to play this move but this position is unbreakable like the black king cannot do anything about this situation the black king really has to worry about over here and the black king tries his best but his best is not good enough white blockades the pawns and white wins one of them white will win the next one and that's it B3 is the game sealer and it's very important you play B3 here by the way because if you take this Pawn on G4 black plays B3 himself and your pawn and Bishop do now do not do not coordinate anymore Bishop D5 King D2 and look at how tragic this is your Bishop is blocking your own Pawn from moving and that game ends in a draw so rather than taking Magnus plays B3 and this is the point King G4 King F2 King H3 black is now out of moves this is what we call zuzuang and the game is over Magnus making it look effortless I'm sure it took effort but he makes it look effortless next game I have for you this was a now Magnus with the black pieces against Anton karbov one of the best players from Ukraine this game got really wild really fast because it was an E3 Queen's Gambit so it's like kind of a London but then black plays a reverse London and white plays this now the funny thing is about the move Bishop A3 is that it's intended to prevent E6 because black would take and potentially ruin white would take the black bishop and potentially ruin the castling of black right so since Magnus can't play the move E6 he has to come up with something else so Magnus plays the move E6 and doesn't come up with something else he's like okay so I won't Castle all right now you think you're really clever right like oh look at you oh I can't Castle right yeah it's kind of a problem king is not gonna get the safety right Who's Laughing Now huh Who's Laughing Now what do you yeah what are you gonna do to me H5 yeah and if you think you're so tough c4h4 oh you can Castle oh wow yeah H5 H4 buddy and here comes Knight E4 and here comes Rook H6 wait a minute like Magnus is playing this like a bullet game I mean he's literally playing this position as you would play a bullet game where you just say okay well I'm gonna leave my king on f8 and I'm just gonna you know go for the kill here now the computer here is just the scumbag it's like yeah H3 Rook G6 yeah King H1 there's nothing computers just like there's I don't see anything I don't get it I don't understand what's so impressive about this attack okay cool that's that's nice corabov plays takes takes and Knight D2 removing a defender of the king but trying to fight back against the center now Magnus takes on C3 leaving this Knight kind of useless and activates his Queen so now this Pawn is doing a decent job patrolling you'll notice that Magnus isn't rushing with the move H3 because the last thing that he needs is white to build up a very powerful Fortress it's going to be almost impossible to try to break through on G3 and it's even so scummy that the computer says G4 is better for white which is absurd there's no OMB passant here by the way because the pawns are not next to each other just in case you're confused that rule used to confuse me when I was a kid alright karaboff does it this way but what about his Knight how is he going to get his Knight back into the game rookie seven oh look at this look at what car buff does Knight C4 so if you take Rook F5 comes in and actually white is very happy stability has been restored to the position but what if you don't take the Knight and what if you just play Queen to E6 now if the Knight gallops forward once again I'm simply asking the question of where it's going and I gotta tell you it's not going anywhere it's completely trapped so I don't quite get what Knight C4 was all about but karobot just goes back okay there's no Knight D3 now so there's no Fork right remember a long time ago I told you that Magnus wasn't gonna play the move H3 well now he does why does he do it now because his position is equipped to remove the light Square Defender a while ago when I told you about this move H3 uh where was that if we go back somewhere here black was ill-equipped to remove the light squared Bishop from the board but the way the game is currently going he is absolutely equipped to get rid of the bishop and we will be seeing Bishop E4 very promptly but first what about this Free Pawn like and then he trades and now he kicks The Rook out but the Rook is trapped every square is occup what so we have Knight A4 which counter-attacks the Knight and threatens to hit this and this and I don't I mean I don't exactly get it Magnus just moves the bishop out of the way the Rook is completely trapped and Magnus refuses to take it he's not taking the piece Queen G2 is Main and now Magnus still refuses to take the piece the The Rook can now Break Free but this Rook after serving its purpose attacking the king rotates over and starts to attack the bishop the Knight has survived the apocalypse The Rook survived like 10 moves of being captured and Magnus just doesn't allow his opponent to get back into the game whatsoever Bishop D3 finally he picks up material he brings the Knight back and he infiltrates with his Rooks Rook not Rooks defense is Pawn in the center and is ready with G6 and in this position Anton karabov resigns because well this King cannot be protected this king is going to be completely safe none of these pieces can move anywhere like they can't move if you play something like Knight takes B6 I go here I'm simply mating you look it's M5 Magnus made this look so easy so easy he was like oh that's a very clever opening idea to not let me Castle oh that's really he just he just went out after Bowden he went after a core above like karaboff hadn't paid him rent in six months I mean it's just he made it look so simple ah in the next round Magnus was paired against Marco baldoff uh from Germany once again not the same player but uh and and Magnus was not interested in playing a London atore attack or a main line he plays Knight bd2 looking to play E4 against this and try to get a periods defense but instead of that he just basically plays a weird fiancado system now up until this point in the game I think the players were following karawana Abdul Satora from some online game or Abdul sator of karawana from some online game but basically as always from the opening it's just a unique position with some sort of wrinkles in it and Magnus will try to apply the squeeze right so let's let's do this 12 moves have been played per player why is it plus one how did Magnus already get such a sizable Advantage he got a sizable Advantage because he has higher rated bonus he's 350 points higher rated so he gets no I'm just kidding it's because black doesn't have a good home for this bishop so if this bishop were to live on F5 it very well could be chased out with G4 but the really the the major problem is black doesn't have any fight in the center black is actually losing the battle in the center very convincingly and because of that white will just clearly Advance down the center of the board black just can't move any piece into the middle so after age three white gets the bishop pair but black gets some Center space okay but Magnus now starts to remove the Knight the Knight sticks around the bishop kind of comes back check here so what happens if a high level Grand Master is left alone to sort of battle for himself he is going to play H4 as always and now the very tough question does black play H5 does black play H5 well he chooses not to he plays A5 now Max plays B5 Knight goes out now Magnus could continue with H5 I'm actually very curious why he didn't continue with H5 but he chooses Knight E5 first we have a capture and black is looking to exchange pieces now if white just were to trade all the pieces why would white would lose his Advantage very quickly but no he plays H5 now and once again he might take but he also very well could play H6 for example Knight takes C5 let's say queen takes E5 what does black do here if black continues to try to trade pieces I have Rook C8 Knight C8 H6 with the threat of mate if you tried to defend my threat of mate I have check and I'm gonna get in or I'm gonna get in with my light squared Bishop so the pawn on H6 for white is going to be a serious problem for black which is why black takes it damaging his structure Magnus takes please uh And Trades the Rooks and now we have this end game Five Pawns each potentially scattered position Knight C4 removes the queen queen D2 attacks the pawn on A5 black defends the pawn on A5 Magnus centralizes the queen attacking the opponent B6 not letting the knight move to D6 because then you would take the pawn for free now black has no moves A4 freezes the pawn structure on the queen side Queen E5 avoids the queen trade and centralizes the queen even further E4 brings another Pawn to the table removes some important squares and clears the E5 Square for an attack once the queen moves out of the way that is exactly what Magnus now does removing the Knight and here Magnus plays E6 making black choke on a fishbone because black has three unpleasant choices go here and basically get mated capture the pawn on E6 leaving all of these squares for attack for the Knight and the queen and the bishop or do nothing and allow white to take and strip the king of more defense black chooses one of the three horrible options check here check here the pawn is now lost you cannot do anything about this Queen Bishop H5 is on the way 95 is on the way and you have absolutely zero counter play Here Comes the bishop you still cannot get out of this danger with black because if you take the bishop for free I grab a pawn with check if you play Knight G7 I win your queen so you have to go here now I take your knight you are only down one Pawn but your king is wide open and what Magnus does is give a check and Place Queen to D4 now the point is that now black is out of defenses Black's Pawn will now be lost Black's King is in constant danger and white is always one move away from trading this down into an end game this also as long as it would take to win is obviously a completely winning end game uh this is going to be harder to win but is still probably a completely winning end game and rather than suffer uh balled up just throws in the towel that's just four straight wins against Grand masters of an average rating of like 2 600. now I told you at the end I had a magical game for you right if you stuck around if you had a if you had it and you just stick around this was a very exciting game this was the final round of action parhamak Sulu played a Queen's Gambit uh exchange variation very interesting to see Magnus not playing Bishop before he probably did not anticipate playing a nimso that's what I expected he probably anticipated this so he did not want to play in him so Indian and instead he plays an ultra combative line of the Queen's Gambit declined so in this position there are many lines uh many many lines by black but this one looking for an exchange of dark squared Bishops is very rare and as you can see we don't get any trades at all and Magnus just keeps every piece on the board so the only thing that's been traded is pawns and now the sides really go to battle Knight F4 and a very common idea in these positions with white is to play for E form and Parham does that with F3 B5 from Magnus Knight C4 from Magnus and here comes E4 from Parham so this is going to be a scrap right this is going to be a high level chess kick boxing match yes I'm talking kicks too are they kicking they punching no elbows though uh Magnus plays B4 I mean it's a slugfest pawns can capture all over the board Parham plays ed5 all right Magnus grabs The Rook we have a trade but suddenly he realizes that if he takes on D5 well I mean he's just simply going to lose the pawn so his idea here was to drop back this Knight is still hanging the pawn is going to take here right but Magnus is a pawn down like at the end of the day Magnus is just straight up down upon farham is actually winning this game Rook B8 Knight jumps into C5 here the best move by white was rookie five with the idea that if you play F6 you're trying to remove the Rook yeah The Rook just goes back the pawn can't go back it's very fascinating so The Rook would have just lived there uh Knight C5 played by Broham Knight B5 played by Magnus trying to go for this and this and this and also this just insane how many pieces see each other on this board uh Palm takes and this is kind of like the fading of the advantage he should not have traded the bishop paraway Rook B8 back and basically for Harm's like all right I'm gonna freeze the position I'm going to let Magnus chill out so he can't get any more counter play look what Magnus does he's like yo Parham you could push the pawn attack my bishop and threaten to Fork me go ahead and do your worst because I have Rook C8 all right Rook C8 you're pinned Bishop B6 Queen D6 you can play all these fancy moves check now we have to trade now I've equalized so Parham was much better for several moves uh what he shouldn't have done I guess Knight C5 was a natural move but in this position he should have not taken on B5 once again in both of these moments the best plan for white was to play rookie 5 trying to stabilize the fifth rank I mean it's an absurd looking move right it was the best move there and it was also the best move here no no not not after Bishop takes B5 I apologize after rookie five I mean Rook E5 is just a crazy looking idea so again if if you're if you get attacked apparently you can just sack The Rook if Bishop takes E5 Queen E5 apparently this is winning for I mean that is that's hard that's that's tough to just put your Rook there and be like yeah I'm gonna lose it it was the only thing that stockfish could find for white so I'm sure if you let stockfish run it would have tried to come up with another plan but yeah Magnus was worse in this game against Parham he played a very provocative way and he was punished for it for about 15 moves but ultimately the players straight down and uh you know I would have liked to show you more dominant victories from start to finish but this one just ends in a draw because no one is going to break through uh and so Magnus finished the event with uh five out of six undefeated and he gained a whopping 2.8 rating points from this event finishing around 28.59 I don't know how the guy is going to get to 2900 also games like this just make me wonder do we just need a separate title once you're past like 2700 like it's crazy to me that Grandmaster is just open-ended but I I I don't want to uh I don't want to upset any Grandmasters that work their entire life for the Grand Master title and now there's another one and it's like what the heck I don't have the highest title in chess but I mean Magnus just makes it look so easy it's amazing uh hope you enjoyed the video I will be making some more uh European Club cup Recaps I have some more ideas in mind there was a lot of really cool performances and I'll see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 345,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: is6xMqOQ7BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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