Every Straw Hat's Family Tree Explained! All Secret Straw Hat Histories in One Piece

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to us one piece fans the straw hats are like one big family not just to each other but to us too however what kind of illustrious or not so illustrious families did they come from that's exactly what we'll be exploring today as I look into each straw Hat's family tree I'm talking Luffy's Mom zoro's confirmed parents and much more we are going to break down everything we know about their families as well as discussing a few persistent and compelling theories so make sure to stick around until the very end now if you do enjoy these one piece videos on the channel and you'd like to see more you know what to do smash that like button if you haven't already join the knock up by subscribing and hitting that notification Bell to turn on all notifications we are so very close to hitting that amazing Milestone of 2 million subscribers here on the channel so every subscription counts and now without further Ado let's jump into the family trees spoilers and all it seems more than fitting to start with Luffy as he has not only a very interesting family tree but also a bunch to get through starting with his dad Monkey D Dragon Luffy's relationship with dragon is still shrouded in mystery and many details about their connection have yet to be revealed in the manga anime Monkey D dragon is Luffy's father and the leader of the Revolutionary Army a group that opposes the world government Luffy and dragon have not had Direct interactions or reunions in the series Luffy himself was unaware of dragon's identity for a significant portion of the story The Narrative has intentionally kept details about dragon's past and motivations undisclosed contributing to the Intrigue surrounding the character it's clear that dragon has his own agenda and is involved in challenging the oppressive World Government despite being family up until now the contract in paths and seeming lack of personal connection between Luffy and dragon added a complexity and mystery to their relationship fans eagerly awaited developments that would shed more light on the connection between Luffy and his enigmatic father Monkey D Dragon fortunately we did get some big reveals recently showing why Dragon abandoned Luffy and how he truly feels about him during chapter 1,11 Kuma confronted Dragon saying you seem extremely familiar with this particular nation and I couldn't help but notice you traveling to a little village at the edge of the country and watching a particular young lad so even before before Dragon helped Luffy escape from smoker it's clear that he cared enough about him to go back and visit him every so often but then why why didn't he reveal himself to Luffy well he answers that by saying to Kuma keep going if you want to see me killed children are a vulnerability for any parent end quote in other words Dragon cares too much about Luffy someone could take advantage of that if they for instance kidnapped Luffy and used him to get to dragon dragon pretty much admits that if it came to him or Luffy he would give his life so when Luffy was still weak did his best to keep his distance so no one would Target Luffy considering that many took Dragon for a dead beat dad for the majority of the series this was a game changing reveal into his true thoughts and motivations next we have Luffy's legendary grandfather Monkey D GARP GARP is Luffy's grandfather and a vice admiral in the Marines despite their familial connection their relationship is characterized by a unique blend of loving conflict GARP like his grandson is known for a strong sense of freedom and is famous for turning down the position of Admiral multiple times due to his his desire to live life on his own terms This Love For Freedom seems to have been passed down to Luffy GARP deeply cares for Luffy but their conflicting ideals and roles in the world create tension rather than Dragon GARP was the one who raised Luffy by leaving Luffy with GARP it allowed Luffy to grow up away from the influence of the dangerous world of pirates and revolutionaries associated with dragon but then of course shranks happened despite being a marine GARP loves his grandson and has shown moments of pride in Luffy's achievements however they're conflicting allegiances gar being a high ranking marine and Luffy being a pirate create a complex Dynamic GARP is torn between his duty as a marine and his love for his grandson and this conflict is evident in several instances throughout the series for instance Garf couldn't bring himself to capture or kill Luffy during the Paramount war and even had to be restrained by sokku after Ace was killed by sakazuki Otherwise GARP would have been trying to kill sakazuki rather than Luffy so although he is a marine and he is torn at times to me it's still pretty obvious that the grandpa side was always stronger we have to look at Luffy's sworn Brothers Ace and Sabo too Monkey D Luffy's relationship with porcas d Ace is one of the most emotionally charged and impactful aspects of the onepiece series Ace is Luffy's adopted brother and a significant figure in Luffy's life contributing greatly to the emotional depth of the narrative I mean Ace's death at Marine Ford has to be one of the most heartbreaking and memorable moments in the entire series Luffy and Ace share a bond that goes beyond blood relation Ace whose real name is gold D Ace is the son of pying Goldie Roger Luffy unaware of this connection for much of their early lives simply considers Ace to be brother they share a common dream of becoming Pirates and sailing the seas in search of the legendary treasure one piece their relationship is characterized by deep love loyalty and mutual respect Luffy admires Ace for his strength Independence and big Bress Ace in turn cares deeply for Luffy often acting as a big brother figure who is ready to sacrifice pretty much everything for Luffy's wellbeing just think once more about the heartbreaking sacrifice of marine Ford where he took sakazuki deadly punch so Luffy wouldn't have to but let's take a closer look at this pivotal moment in their relationship which occurs during the Marine Ford AR Ace is captured by the Marines and sentenced to execution Luffy driven by an intense desire to save his brother launches a daring rescue mission leading to one of the most emotionally charged and tragic events in the series AC's death profoundly impacts Luffy leading to a significant shift in his character AC's passing becomes a driving force for Luffy's Journey reinforcing his commitment to become the pirate king and protecting those he cares about Luffy's relationship with Sabo is another emotionally significant aspect of the one piece series Sabo is also like a brother to Luffy Luffy along with Sabu and Ace formed a strong bond during their shared childhood in the great terminal of Windmill Village despite facing difficult circumstances the trio dreamed of becoming Pirates and sailing the Seas together however tragedy struck when Sabo seemingly died in an incident leaving a lasting impact on both Luffy and Ace the Revelation that Sabo is Alive and Well is a significant moment in the series in direct contrast to the loss of brother Ace the reunion between Luffy and brother Sabo is filled with positive emotions sabo's return also plays a pivotal role in the dress Rosa Arc where he becomes a key Ally Al in Luffy's Quest and helps him navigate the challenges posed by the donot Pirates you got to love to see the brothers shared commitment to their dreams and their willingness to support each other in the face of adversity and although some fans felt cheated by the Sabo reveal since it arguably felt like Sabo came from nowhere and was wedged into the well-established brother Ace and Luffy Dynamic I'm still glad that Luffy gained a brother he thought he'd lost after the tragic loss of a big bro Ace and the fact that Sabo is cool a revolutionary and the successor of Ace's flame fruit makes me even happier about his inclusion into the story after all how could we Imagine One Piece without thinking of the flame Emperor these days now the lingering question in regard to Luffy's family tree is of course that of who is Luffy's mother well of course we don't have a confirmed answer for that but that hasn't stopped people from speculating and one of the most persistent ones as crazy as it sounds at first glance is that crocodile is actually a woman who was turned into a man with ivanov's huu no me and that would be the secret weak Ness that Ivanov uses to Blackmail crocodile in chapter 540 crocodile used to be a woman and not only that he is literally Luffy's mother this Theory got even more attention when during the liveaction Netflix adaptation of one piece we see a woman with serious bling around her neck getting screen time during Roger's execution and people are speculating it's crocodile before his transformation on top of that the Luffy actor for Netflix's one piece let it slip in an interview that crocodile was in this season and then think of how crocodile has come back into relev because of cross Guild lately in the manga so yeah either way it seems like we're going to find out what that secret is that Ivanka was talking about and this theory is surprisingly looking less Crazy by the day up next let's look at zoro's Family Tree despite being a descendant of the shimoi family Zoro appears to be utterly clueless of his connection to it and the people he has encountered throughout his life it is unknown what if any relationship he had with his father and mother sword God shimoi ryuma the fame swordsman of wano is zoro's ancestor fans may recall ryuma from the Thriller barkar in which it was revealed that Moria had taken the fame Samurai's body and reanimated it with Brooks's Shadow Duma was a renowned Warrior who was revered as the god of the blade in his day it hasn't been confirmed exactly what year he lived however it is possible that he lived during the void Century Ruma once slay a large dragon in wano earning him a high reputation and that was only one of swordsman ruma's remarkable accomplishments ruma's Clan the shotski kept their bloodline going and they remained active in the plot of One Piece Zoro met ryuma by chance during the Thriller bark Arc and it wasn't until wano that it was revealed that Zoro and Zuma had a lot of similarities for starters their combat techniques are remarkably similar furthermore hyogoro stated on orig gashima that ryuma like Zoro was a oneeyed samurai Zoro doesn't just share connection with shimoi Ruma though the fact that Zoro resembled shimoi ushimaru was revealed in the wano country Arc as well however no further Insight was provided to fans until the SPs corner of volume 105 of the manga came out UDA presents a full family tree of NOA Zoro in it and it has now been verified that Zoro shares blood with ushimaru a ship departed wano illegally and landed in the East blue over 50 years ago shimoi kosaburo a famed swordsmith from wano was aboard this ship according to the manga however he was not the only shimoi Clan member on the ship shimoi furo was also aboard the ship according to the SBS this lady is none other than zoro's grandmother she is also the elder sister of shimoi ushimaru whom Zoro resembles so much when kosaburo arrived in East blue he found his own Community shimoi Village there he also built a dojo which was eventually taken over by his son shimoi koshiro meanwhile zoro's grandmother furo mared a swordsman in the village named ranoa pin Zoro which is where the family name ranoa comes from the name was subsequently handed down through the family and finally ended up with Zoro zoro's family tree goes on to reveal that shimoi fiko and ranoa penzo had a child and they named him roronoa arashi given that both sides of his family had Swordsmen it may be assumed that arashi zoro's father was also a skilled swordsman what fans do know about arashi is that he perished in an unknown fight against Pirates in the East blue at an unknown period however before he died arashi married a lady named Tara Oda like with arashi has not disclosed much about Tara Oda just describes her as the daughter of thieving Bandits and we know that terara means Earth in several languages perhaps Zoro gets his green like grass hair color from her arashi and terara obviously had the child we know as ronoa Zoro Tara became critically ill and died as a result of her sickness so with both of his parents supposedly dead Zoro was left an orphan it is unknown whether Tara died soon after giving birth or whether she nurtured Zoro till a particular point in time Zoro then went on to learn the way of the blade in the village of shimoi doo where he met his cousin quina it's unclear whether Zoro is aware that Kina and he are biological relatives regardless fans now have a complete family tree for ranoa Zoro and it is an understatement to say that Zoro 2 has an interesting past in origin and on personally sure that Oda won't leave the story of his parents as footnotes in an SPS I'm sure we'll come back to his father at least at some point in the story I've even discussed theories on the channel That zoro's father may not be dead at all perhaps arashi faked his death or pulled aabo and got amnesia and doesn't know he is arashi I mean think about it are we really meant to believe that the descendant of Sword God Ruma and another swordsman family whose Silhouettes look a lot like mihawk mind you was killed in a random battle against unnamed Pirates nah there has to be more to as mentioned I've discussed both how the Silhouettes look like mihawk before although I think we can all agree mihawk being zoro's father would be a bit much still there's no reason they cannot be related in some other way and aside from that I also mentioned the now less talked about but once popular theory that zoro's father could be greenbull this would assume that arashi didn't physically die in the battle against Pirates just his identity Wesley becoming dread pirate Robert style this Theory doesn't seem as crazy when you think about all the parallels between greenbull and Zoro they were both introduced while fasting and Zoro broke his fast when a girl fed him while green bull said he might break his fast if a girl fed him they both got green hair and are predominantly associated with the color of green Sanji calls Zoro a moss head and in his Forest human form greenbull literally looks like he has a moss head they both suck at directions and love boo and the list goes on as outlined in my zoro's father video but one last and big detail mention is that Zoro and zoro's Father's ancestor ushimaru wore green Bulls on his clothes so it could be a meaningful symbol passed on in the family and thus a Admiral name for zoro's father again not saying any of these theories are 100% true just briefly mentioning some interesting and hard to ignore theories moving on let's look at Nami we don't know who nami's real parents are or where she came from in the first place what we do know is that Nami was discovered by nojo when they were both children and that the two were later discovered by belmir who took them in and eventually cared for them let's take a look at her relationship with belir nami was an orphan living in kocasi Village when belir discovered her belir despite being a Marine showed compassion and took Nami and noo in as her own daughters she provided them with love care and a sense of family in an environment where they had previously lacked stability bm's relationship with nami is that of a mother and daughter Bel meir's love for Nami is evident in her actions as she worked hard to provide for and protect Nami and nojo her decision to adopt them and give them a chance at a better life reflects her selflessness and maternal instincts the most heart-wrenching moment in their relationship occurs during the arlong park Ark where arlong an Infamous Fishman pirate the demands a substantial amount of money from nami's adoptive mother in a heartbreaking turn of events belmir sacrifices herself to save her daughters refusing to let arlong harm them but perhaps more importantly she sacrifices herself because she cannot even for a moment allow herself to not acknowledge the two as her daughters even if it means her life the event leaves a lasting impact on NAMI shaping her character and influencing her motivations nami's pursuit of wealth and navigation skills which she uses to create mass for arlong are initially a means to free her Village from arlong's control however after the village is freed she continues to use her skills in order to support the straw hats and in order to chase her dream of creating a complete map of the world the emotional Resonance of nami's character is deeply tied to her relationship with belir the sacrifice and love that belmir displayed became a driving force behind nami's determination and her eventual joining of the straw hats the memory of belmir continues to influence nami's actions and it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of family and the impact of selfless acts of love and sacrifice then there's noo noo is several years older than Nami and took on a nurturing and protective role after the death of belmir she became a source of strength and support for Nami during challenging times especially in the aftermath of arlong's occupation of kocasi Village despite the hardships they fac noo remained a constant stabilizing presence in nami's life the depth of their bond is evident in the arlong park Arc where nami's painful pass is revealed and Niko's role as a supportive sister becomes even more pronounced noo understand standing and empathy contribute to nami's emotional healing and resilience noo not only provides Comfort but also encourages Nami to pursue her dreams and find happiness beyond the traumas of her past after Nami joins the straw hats nojo remains in kocasi Village continuing her life there however their connection remains strong and noo serves as a reminder of nami's roots and the love they shared as a family throughout the series nami's relationship with nojo is a testament to enduring power of familial bonds even when faced with adversity noj's unwavering support has undoubtedly played a crucial role in shaping the Nami we know today the strong and determined Navigator of the straw hat crew next up let's look at usopp's Family treat usopp's father is yaso yaso is a sharpshooter in the red-hair Pirates and his absence from Uso's life has played a significant role in shaping Uso's character and dreams yaso left his family including Usopp when the latter was very young to pursue his adventures as a pirate under the command of redhaired Shanks this departure had a profound impact on USA as he grew up idolizing his father's sense of adventure and the Romanticism of a pirate's life however Usopp also grappled with a longing for zaps and father despite the physical distance yaso influence on usopp's dreams is unmistakable Usopp aspires to become a brave Warrior of the sea and a great sniper much like his father the story suggests that Usopp inherited his exceptional Marksmanship skills from yaso making their connection even more significant the opportunity for a reunion between yaso and Uso is anticipated by fans as it could provide closure and further character development for Usopp it's clear that Uso Harbors both admiration and a sense of longing for his father and meeting yaso again could potentially offer an important emotional resolution for usopp's character Arc then there's usopp's mother banina she was a kind and supportive mother who deeply cared for Usopp her impact on usopp's character is a key factor in his dream of becoming a brave Warrior of the sea and a great Storyteller tragically usopp's mom Falls ill and passes away leaving Usopp an orphan at a young age on her deathbed even though she tells Usopp to stop being stupid and that his father is not coming back for them she still says she's proud she married yaso usopp's mom told him to become a brave man like his father and so it's probable that usopp's dream of becoming a great warrior of the sea is further motivated by his mother just like his father motivates him his mother's dying wish likely serves as a source of inspiration for Usopp motivating him further to pursue his dreams moving on to sanji's family treat Sanji has had a troubled relationship with his family the VIN smoke family especially with the men of the family their Regal pride and single-minded concentration on Power and combat CL with his personal goals and Love of Cooking but there's much more to unpack here starting with his father Vince smoke judge sanji's relationship with his father Vince smoke judge is a complex and strained one judge is the head of the Vince smoke family a powerful and technologically advanced family of genetically modified superhuman assassins Sanji is the third son of Judge and was born without the enhanced physical abilities and combat skills that characterize his siblings we'll get into why he was born that way later From sanji's perspective his relationship with judge is marked by emotional and physical abuse Sanji was treated as an outcast within the Vince smoke family due to his perceived weakness and judge considered him a failure compared to his genetically modified siblings this treatment left deep scars on sanji's self-esteem and contributed to his desire to escape the clutches of his family and pursue a different path in life judge on the other hand sees Sanji as a disappointment and as a disgrace to the Vince smoke name he views emotions and compassion as weaknesses traits that he believes hinder the strength and success of the VIN smoke family jud's strict and cold approach to Parenting stands in St contrast to Sanji values particularly his deep respect for women and his aversion to violence against those he perceives as weaker the climax of their strain relationship occurs during the hul cake Island Ark where Sanji confronts his family to protect his friends particularly his captain Monkey D Luffy the ark delves deeper into sanji's past and explores the psychological and emotional trauma he endured within the Vince smoke family then there is his mother Vince smok Sora Sora was the wife of Vince smoke judge and the mother of Sanji and his siblings unlike judge Sora was a kind and compassionate woman who dis approved of the cruel and inhumane experiments conducted on her children which aimed to enhance their physical in combat abilities during the events of hul cake Island it is revealed that Sora had a significant impact on sanji's development she secretly acted against judge's plans for Sanji arranging for his emotions and compassion to remain intact sora's actions preserved sanji's humanity and kindness making him the compassionate and chivalrous person he is known to be sanji's love for cooking and his respect for women are definitely tied to his kind mother in fact she helped spark his Love of Cooking when he messed up a DI that he took to her and she called it yummy he was overjoyed and that inspired him to keep practicing cooking even when he was imprisoned and kept in an Iron Mask sora's influence on sanji's character is one of the more emotionally impactful elements of the narrative and especially of sanji's backstory showcasing the positive impact a mother's love and values can have even in the face of insane levels of adversity and we're talking your brothers always beating you up and your father turning you into the Man in the Iron Mask levels of adversity just to be clear sanji's sister of insmoke is the only sibling among the VIN smoke children who showed Sanji kindness and empathy during their childhood rayu being the eldest of the vinsmoke siblings seemed to have a more compassionate nature compared to her brothers unlike the rest of the family she didn't Harbor contempt for Sanji and was willing to help him when he faced adversity Ru in many instances secretly aided Sanji by providing him with food and expressing concern for his well-being during the hake island arc her complex relationship with Sanji is further explored it is revealed that she released Sanji from prison and helped him Escape his horrible Vince smoke existence however her actions are not purely unselfish when she was nice to Sanji it was in secret while she is still loyal to the VIN smoke family and carries out their orders publicly despite her conflicted loyalties she maintains a level of respect and understanding for Sanji she recognized his kindness and the differences between him and the rest of the insmoke siblings their interactions particularly during the hul cake island arc delve deeper into the nuances of their relationship and the internal conflicts faced by Ru saji's relationship with his brother others ichii niiji and yonji is marked by deep-seated conflict and a stark contrast in values the Vince smoke siblings were genetically modified by their father as mentioned judge to become superhuman assassins devoid of emotions and condition for combat prowess ichii nii and yonji view Sanji with disdain due to his lack of enhanced physical abilities and his refusal to conform to the VIN smoke family's ruthless ideology at least at first they see him as a failure a sentiment fostered by their father's belief that strength and power are the only measures of worth sajji detests his brothers and the Vince spoke family for their cruelty and lack of empathy his clashes with his brothers highlight the Stark difference in their principles Sanji values compassion chivalry and respect for women which are traits he retained due to the intervention of his mother Sora who opposed judges values and modifications the animosity between Sanji and his brothers reaches another Peak during the hul cake island arc where their conflicting ideologies come to the Forefront again sanji's refusal to conform to the Vince smoke way of life and his emotional attachment to his friends particularly the straw hats intensify the friction at times but when the big mom Pirates betray the VIN smokes we do see them working together on the same side which allows for the possibility of them being on the same side again in the future despite their differences at the end of the day despite the tragic backstory we can say sanji's relationship with his siblings is simply one of hatred as we saw during the hake island arc it's more complicated than that and just as Sanji came to their rescue they also helped Sanji and Luffy Escape next up let's look at Chopper's family treat Chopper's biological family is a herd of r reindeer that abandon him because he's different initially rejected because of his blue nose he is abandoned further after consuming the hitoo no meat which gave him two un reindeer like humanoid forms he finally crossed paths with them again during his time with hiriluk when he was beaten up by them his left antler was shattered Chopper's relationship with Dr hiriluk is a heartwarming and significant aspect of Chopper's character development huk is a quack doctor living in the drum Island Kingdom an choin initially meets him when he's in need of medical help Dr huk is an eccentric and compassionate character who lives by the philosophy that a person can be cured with love and laughter despite his unconventional methods he is genuinely caring and becomes a mentor and a father figure to Chopper his positive influence on Chopper goes beyond just medical knowledge he teaches Chopper valuable life lessons about the importance of dreams self-worth and the ability to make a difference Chopper's admiration for the doctor is evident in how the doctor's philosophy shapes Chopper's outlook on life Hook's dream of curing any disease with a cherry blossom Miracle also becomes a guiding force for Chopper the cherry blossom symbolic of Hook's hope and love hold deep significance for Chopper and represent the embodiment of his mentor Spirit tragically Dr Hook's life is cut short but his legacy lives on through Chopper Hook's final moments and his speech deeply impact Chopper motivating him to fulfill Hook's dream and become a great doctor then there was of course his adopted mother Dr Kura Chopper's relationship with Dr Kura is another significant informative Connection in his life choer first meets the doctor on drum Island where she serves serves as a doctor and is renowned for her medical skills initially Dr Kura seems Stern and demanding but her tough exterior hides a caring and wise nature Kura takes Chopper under her wing and becomes his mentor after the passing of hiriluk despite her Gruff demeanor she imparts valuable medical knowledge to Chopper helping him grow into a skilled and compassionate doctor under her guidance Chopper not only hones his medical abilities but also learns about the responsibilities that come with being a doctor one of the key moments in their relationship is when Chopper decides to leave drum Island and join the straw head Pirates Dr Kura while initially appearing unsupportive ultimately gives Chopper her approval and encourages him to pursue his dreams this moment reflects her belief in Chopper's potential and her acknowledgement of his growth their bond also adds a touch of humor to the series as Dr ca's eccentric personality and Chopper's reactions to are antics create entertaining interactions despite the age and personality differences there is a mutual respect and affection between them Dr ca's influence on Chopper extends Beyond medicine she teaches him about life determination and the importance of pursuing one's dream her role as a mentor and guide plays a crucial part in Chopper's character development contributing to his self-confidence and sense of purpose moving on next we have niiko Robin's family treat niik Olia is Robin's mother and their connection is deeply intertwined with the larger Narrative of the series particularly the history and mystery surrounding the true history and the void Century Robin's childhood was marked by tragedy when her mother Nico Olia left their home to pursue archaeological research ultimately leading to her involvement with the mysterious and forbidden pomog the World Government branded the poneglyphs as dangerous and Robin's mother became a fugitive this decision had severe consequences for the island of Ohara as the government executed the infamous Buster call destroying the island and most of its inhabitants both Robin and Olia were there at the time ulia's concern was Robin she was very proud of her daughter that she had learned to read the poneglyphs she loved her but also had to be true to herself and decided to sacrifice her life in the hopes that knowledge of the past would be passed on to the next Generation it was her way of not giving up on the future although Robin didn't understand at the time Olia reassured her that she will understand someday before she told Saul to leave and take her daughter to safety Olia was also very touched that Robin called her mother and thanked her for it her final wish was for Robin to live despite the physical separation ulia's Legacy significantly influences Robin's life Robin inherits her mother's passion for archaeology and the deciphering of the Pags the Deep connection to the mysteries of the Void century and the true history becomes a driving force for Robin leading her to seek the knowledge that her mother pursued at the cost of her own life back when her mother Olia along with other archaeologists embarked on a six-year expedition to investigate the poneglyph 2-year-old Robin was left in the care of her brother's wife Roi although she was sorry to have to leave Robin it was something she felt she had to do Roi despised Robin and abused her treating her like nothing more than a slave thankfully Uncle oron would defend Robin his sister's child so I guess it could have been worse Robin had a father as well but she never met him and his name is unknown however when Olia was boarding her ship to leave for the Expedition she was told that and I quote if you can't leave your child then don't come we'll fulfill your husband's wishes end quote so clearly this suggests that her father was also an important scholar and the others wanted to fulfill his wishes Olia responded though that she is a scholar of Ohara and cannot abandon the will of those who came before she planned to come home when the mystery was solved but things didn't work out so perfectly as we know next up we have Frankie and his family tree Frankie is the son of pirates who have not been named his parents appear to have been unimpressed with his childhood Creations as they were the reason he was dumped into the sea at the age of 10 Frankie seemed to detest them for it and that's why when Odin asked him about joining Roger's crew he replied a pirate no way I just got abandoned by Pirates unquote despite not being blood relatives the whole Frankie family was created by Him to care for water 7's quote unquote failures and rejects such as zomi the members of the group are extremely close referring to each other and others on good terms with them as sister and brother they water s's Misfits like people who aspired to work for iceberg in the gal La Corporation but failed the entrance exam to become ships as a result they had little choice but to resort to Frankie who also feels himself to be a failure and of course we got to mention Master ship right Tom the mentor who became like a father figure to him after his pirate parents abandoned him Tom was none other than the man who could proudly claim that he built pirate king Goldie Rogers ship so definitely a good Mentor for Luffy shipright Tom praised Frankie for his ingenious Creations it's clear these two meant a lot to each other Tom was going to be pardon after building the puffing Tom for previously building Roger ship but after spand them used Frankie's battle Frankies to attack water 7even Tom decided to take responsibility for Frankie's Creations he used his pardon to save Frankie and thus still had to pay for his own crimes whether those should have been crimes in the first place is another story he was being escorted by his own sea train to any's Lobby Frankie actually tried to stop the train but was run over he had to become a cyborg because of the injuries he suffered from trying to save Tom the man who saved him Tom helped Inspire Frankie's dream of building a ship that would proudly sail over uncharted waters all the way to the ends of the world and he instilled in him the lesson that a ship right must be out of his Creations even if others use them for evil moving on to the family tree of Brooke the members of Brook's biological family are unknown but the closest thing we know he had to a family were the rumar Pirates Brook's relationship with the rumar Pirates is a deeply emotional and significant aspect of his character backstory the rumar Pirates were a group of musical Pirates and Brooke was a musician and second captain the rumar Pirates including Brooke shared a strong bond forged their love of Music adventure and camaraderie they traveled the grand line together facing the challenges of the sea while spreading Joy through their music tragedy struck the rumar Pirates during their Journey when they encountered the deadly plague as the crew succumb to the illness one by one they fac The Dilemma of what to do next Captain yorki and the other infected were left behind and they hoped to exit the grand line meanwhile Brooke and the healthy continued forward sadly everyone except Brooke who survived because of the revive revive fruit met their end after a battle with Pirates Who used poisoned weapons not going to lie poisoned weapons is a good idea for a pirate crew but anyways before the poison finished off the crew they sang One Last Time recording it with a tone dial which Brooke planned to take to laboon after the death of the rumar Pirates Brooke continued on and eventually met the straw hat Pirates he joined the crew bringing his musical talents and the memories of his former crew mates with him and now he still plans to keep their wishes going by returning the right way from the grand line and meeting laboon again and of course laboon the whale is the closest thing to family that Brook still has from his past life a lonely laboon actually started following the rumar Pirates after he was separated from his whale family and thus they became his new family they cheered up the lonely whale with music Brooke is actually the one who named him laboon when they entered the grand line they were surprised to find the laboon had followed them when they had to part ways the crew promised that they would return after traveling all the way around the grand line and laboon waited and waited eventually he couldn't take it anymore and started slamming into reverse Mountain hoping to destroy it and that his friends would be on the other side waiting for him it's one of the most touching aspects of One Piece no doubt and I can't wait for that Brooke and laboon reunion next up is jimbe and his family treat Jim Ba's real family is unknown for now but we do know he grew up as an orphan and that he grew up with his sworn brother Fisher tiger jinbe's relationship with Fisher tiger is rooted in their shared history as members of the sun Pirates a Fishman crew that fought against oppression and discrimination Fisher tiger was a legend and was the captain of the sun Pirates and jimbe served as his first mate Fisher tiger was a formidable and charismatic leader who vly opposed the mistreatment of fishermen and merfolk he was known for his uncompromising stance against slavery and discrimination and his actions were driven by a desire for freedom and equality under Fisher Tiger's leadership the sun Pirates fought against the world Nobles who were notorious for their oppressive treatment of fishmen jimbe deeply respected Fisher tiger and admired his commitment to Justice Fisher Tiger's influence on jimbe was profound shaping jinbe's own principles and convictions their time together as Sun Pirates created a strong bond between them and jimbe carried Fisher Tiger's ideals with him even after Tiger's death the final and bonus TRW head family treat to look at is vivies though not a member who joins the crew on the Big Adventures she is considered a part of the crew by the cor raw hat so we'll add her here to the list viv's relationship with her father king cobra is characterized by love Duty and the responsibilities that come with being royalty king cobra was the man who ruled over alabasta and Vivy was his beloved daughter and Princess throughout the alabasta arc it becomes evident that Vivie cares deeply for her father and the feeling is reciprocated by King Cobra despite the political turmoil and conspiracies that threaten disability of alabasta their familial bonds remain strong king cobra is shown to be a wise caring ruler concerned for the welfare of both his daughter and his kingdom as the conflict in alabas intensifies Vivie faces the difficult task of balancing her Duty as a princess with her desire to save her country king cobra understands the challenges she faces and appreciates her courage and determination he acknowledges viv's strength and commitment to alasta when Vivie chooses to remain in her kingdom to rebuild and govern her decision is a testament to her loyalty to her people and her commitment to carrying on in her Father's Footsteps king cobra is proud of his daughter's choices and trusts ala's future in her capable hands Queen TT viv's mom died many years before the present storyline because of this we don't know much about the relationship she had with Vivie but Vivy definitely gets her looks from her we also recently found out about the very important nefari D Lily Lily who seems like yet another Vivy lookalike was the queen during the void Century 800 years ago and one of the 20 monarchs credited with founding the world government however they didn't actually know she was a d unlike the others she didn't choose to become a Celestial Dragon and go to marija but she never made it home as Cobra points out before the elders her little brother took the throne instead we recently found out that Lily made a mistake or at least the world government thought it was a big mistake and it is thanks to her that the poneglyphs were scattered across the world once Cobra finds out about this and reveals that her letter was signed with a d emu immediately goes to eliminate him and he does die despite Sabo trying to save him so it makes sense that someone in viv's family tree would do what Lily did and it turns out that Vivy being a just ruler and an ally to the straw hats is following in her footsteps 800 years later and those are the family treat trees of all the straw hats with all the information we have at this current moment and of course some fun theories thrown in there as well if you want another big one piece video to check out after this one then you don't want to miss my hourlong video on the legend Shanks if you did enjoy this video and you like to see more one piece videos on the channel make sure to let us know by Smashing that like button if you haven't already make this the video you join the knock them up by subscribing and hitting that notification Bell so you don't miss future one piece videos and updates you'd also be helping us reach that insane goal of 2 million subscribers thanks again and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 39,832
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Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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