My Hero Academia's Ending LEAKED?!

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with the most recent chapter chapter 411 of mha being released about a week ago it's become entirely too evident that we are rapidly approaching the end of one of the most legendary stories ever told and therefore really the only question that remains is how much more mha do we have and maybe more importantly than that how will mha come to a close and while some might assume that it would be entirely impossible to predict how mha will come to an end I simply just don't subscribe to that line of thinking see I'll admit that the last year or so of mha has been absolutely insane in fact if you described half the things that we saw from chapters 350 to now 411 to me when I was reading chapter 10 I would say you're describing an entirely different manga I mean just in the last 20 or so chapters we've seen things like all might turning into Iron Man with the powers of class 1a we've seen bakugo brought back from basically the dead at the cost of Ed shot's life as edshot was able to make himself borderline molecular and be a heart surgeon for bakugo and we we have maybe more importantly than anything seen the death of all for one and yeah I'm not doing spoiler warnings the video is called mha's ending leak do you think we were just going to be tiptoeing around the end of mha here and what's wild about these rapid hitting incredibly important moments that are happening left right and center and mha's final chapters is that moments that we would assume would be the most important moments in the entirety of the manga like all for one's death are immediately overshadowed by what appear to be more important moments and bigger fights but I guess that kind of makes sense when you consider the context of things like offer one's demise who was involved in that fight and why his demise came to hand in the first place because objectively even though offer one is one of the most important characters in all of mha there's two other characters that are more important than him currently locked in one of the longest fights in manga history and thus even though all for ones battles against basically everybody en capsulated the last 30 or so chapters there was no time to grab a handful of dirt throw it on his grave and mourn his loss because immediately after his loss we switched right to deu and shigaraki which is basically the only fight that could happen in mha that would be more important than all for one versus everybody because for onet of purposes an allout battle between a full power deu and shikaki is what the entirety of M's manga has been building up towards and like I've already said this battle is already one of the longest in manga history as deu and shigaraki started battling against each other in chapter 367 we are now on to chapter 411 which means that deko and shigaraki have been battling for 44 chapters which means that they are eight chapters short of battling for an entire year now horac COI has definitely taken a couple of weeks off in the last year or so and so in actuality they've probably already been fighting for a year but I think of years in terms of 52 Mona releases and considering the fact that deu and shigaraki are just now starting what's going to be their final fight I think it's relatively fair to say that there's going to be at least eight more chapters of this battle so deu and shigaraki will accomplish the incredibly rare manga feat of battling for 52 chapter strong great now I'm obviously aware that we cut away from deu and shigaraki for 80 to 70% of those 52 chapters but still the fight's been going on for a long time which is why we'll be able to hit that 52 chapter Mark with relative ease but relative ease is not what the MJ fandom is currently feeling see because while the manga has certainly gotten grittier more violent and more gory in the last hundred or so chapters that shift in tone truly hasn't shifted the core tone of mha all that much the mha well it has changed on a surface level with Hoshi drawing incredibly graphic realistic and terrifying images like all for one as a baby shooting a bone spear out of his mouth or him releasing all of his quirks simultaneously to make a Goji ETO type monster that he's going to use to accelerate across entire cities or Hoshi leaning into just how burned the likes of Dobby Shoto and Endeavor all got in their massive flame battle but at the end of the day all of these surf of but at the end of the day all of these surface changes don't change the core of what mha is which is a feel-good high school story where everybody gets a happy ending well at least everybody who doesn't fall into the unfortunate plot categorization of relevant enough to kill and have it make an impact but not relevant enough to kill and have it destroy the story like crust Miss midnight and basically everybody else who's died with the only real exception obviously being all for one however all for one's demise and more importantly the way it went down has proved to me that I know exactly how this story is going to end because like I said mha well it might have changed its clothes has not changed its character and if anything recent developments in the manga most specifically the ending of chapter 411 have proven to me that the theory that I made about how this story is going to end is all but gar and today I'll help you realize with the newest evidence possible that I am in fact correct about how the story is going to end and thus you and me together can brace for the inevitable impact of a story that's been running oh my God for what 8 years and has done more for the anime and manga Community than 99.9% of stories ever told but before we get to leaking the ending of mha guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you like the idea of me discussing the endings of stories before you've written them then you're going to love my anime podcast who talk is anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you just want to look like somebody who already knows the endings of all anime and manga go ahead and Me In on over to my merch store toos anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the grace anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man so for the entirety of mha all for one has been the boogeyman the center of evil the man who only all might at the peak of his strength ever stood a chance against anybody who's read or watched mha knows that all for one is not the final bdy see well all for one might be the spoon that stirs the drink that is mha ever since the earliest chapters and earliest episodes of mha shigaraki has been being set up as the true final bat and while for a long time we weren't sure as to why shigaraki who seemed relatively useless was being set up in this massive role however now that shigaraki has achieved what can be assumed to be 100% of his power in the manga all for one having a fair amount of faith in his ability to become the ultimate tool of Destruction now seems very Justified and really when it comes down to it while all for one's plan was wide sweeping and grandiose the course plan if he really wanted to boil it down to its simplest components was to make shigaraki evil Brew hatred within shigaraki's heart to make him the true Ultimate Weapon of Destruction who all for one could use as he's been manipulating him and controlling him since he was a child to bulldo the entirety of Japan and probably the entirety of the world and shigaraki has become that weapon a rolling ball of chaos and destruction a mock 36 flying entity with the ability to level the entirety of Japan in a weak all by using his now massively powered up Decay ability and thus all for one got the inheritor that he wanted all for one would be able to use shigaraki's undamaged body and become the Demon Lord he always wanted to be and live up to the level of evil that he read about in the comic books he read growing up but there's one issue all for one possibly the smartest sentient being on Earth and I don't say human because the principle of UA is a literal animal whose Quirk makes him smart didn't take into account the fact that shigaraki wouldn't want to be taken over and well do with that plot Point as you will ultimately the reason that all for one didn't take this into his calculations is because he was too focus on what he would accomplish with shigaraki's body which would inevitably be the taking of one for all and thus because all for one was so fixated on the goal he forgot to acknowledge the process what makes this moment either debly annoying for us the readers or all for one depending on whether or not you're okay with the fact that all for one didn't take into account the fact that shigaraki would fight back or at least fight back as hard as he did is that shigaraki has displayed the ability now in chapter 410 and 411 to do exactly what all for one wanted him to be able to do and that is absorb one for all but at the end of the day it doesn't matter how good of a match shigaraki is for all for one or whether or not he can take one for all because all for one will never get a chance to take over shigaraki's body because he's dead and gone Benjamin buttoned into Oblivion which was fine listen it's not how I would have conducted the story but I understand the approach it worked in a good way to get bakugo and all might involved in the story in a way that legitimately mattered without them relying on deu anim made for some absolutely riveting and engaging fights that I can't wait to see animated now technically if I was telling the story I would have had all might and bakugo wear down all for one until he was very weak but I still would have had all for one get to shigaraki however after all for one got to shigaraki I would have had shigaraki finish the job I feel like the separation between off for one and shigaraki wasn't definitive enough and I feel like that would have served as a better moment for shigar Rocky to step into the Sun as the final bad guy in the story once again not me writing it but while I am okay with how all for one dies his death and the way that he's died has proved to me Beyond any reasonable doubt that I know how this story will end now using the most recent evidence I can prove that I have a pretty much 99% chance of being correct here so let's talk about the prediction that I made a couple of months ago and how I came to that conclusion in the first place see the prediction that I made a couple of months ago was predicated off a small but rather important moment in the battle between between shigaraki and deu this was early on in the fight but see early on in this historic battle shigaraki has a moment where he kind of breaks down but it's not really shigaraki breaking down see shigaraki while battling against Deku at full power seems to accidentally let something slip and that something is the little boy that still lives within shigaraki or as deu refers to it nowadays the human inside of shigaraki now this human inside of shigaraki lashes out at deu and basically when Deku is trying to bring shigaraki to to his side the human inside of shigaraki says but I have friends then goes on listing all the friends shigaraki had as a child or something like that it was like 50 chapters ago basically the important takeaway here is that there is a child living within shigaraki or a human soul and in this moment deu and possibly us as the reader are supposed to realize oh shigaraki still got a good side to him maybe under that rolling ball of decaying chaos there's still a human soul that we can reach because at the end of the day one of the most popular theories in the entirety of the mha fandom is that all for one gave shigaraki the Decay quirk in order to make sure that inevitably he would kill his entire family in turn to evil and there is a fair amount of evidence to back up that point because all for one seems a bit too conveniently placed into shigaraki's life after he kills his entire family not to mention that all for one already had some beef with and information on shigaraki's family as shigaraki's grandmother was I believe the seventh inheritor of all for one nimura and thus since Al for one stepped into shigaraki's life so early and shigaraki's break happened so early in his life there remains within shikaki an emotionally stunted little boy who never got the chance to live a standard childhood and in Psychology this is actually relatively common it's often said in psychological circles that if something traumatic enough happens to you as a child it could stunt you from maturing any further beyond the time in which you were traumatized however because all for one steep in shigaraki's life during this traumatic event he managed to help a new version of shigaraki come to rise a demonic chaotic hating version of shigaraki that simply wanted to destroy all the things around him however while this new version of shigaraki was being grown the old version of shigaraki wasn't replaced but simply put away a version of shigaraki that wanted a regular childhood a non-abusive father and a quirk that didn't kill everything he touched but because of all for one that version of shigaraki has never gotten the chance to exist andless that child has been trying to break out for the entirety of shigaraki's life but the conditioning and hardships shigaraki has been through pushed that child down but now since we and deu have seen that lash out we andu are supposed to believe that while deu is battling against shigaraki that there's a way out of this fight and that is by appealing to The Human Side of shigaraki not the new devastating decaying version of shigaraki that wants to level all Japan and thus since Deku knows that there's still a human soul in shigaraki he's not necessarily been going for the kill for the last 50 chapters but that's not to say that Deku could kill shigaraki if he wanted to in fact the Gap in their strength is rather glaring in the prospects of deu winning in an allout battle against shigaraki by himself seems slim to none as deu now over the course of this fight against shigaraki has activated second gear twice or gear shift you get it and the original owner of it has told him that this second activation of gearshift will be his last however deu understood that it was necessary to activate it in order to fling bakugo at all for one to make sure that all for one wouldn't be able to kill all might however since Deku has now activated gear shift for what will be his last time he has at most 5 minutes to be beat shigaraki as after the conclusion of this gear shift deku's body will most likely shut down now will deu go beyond plus Ultra after those 5 minutes are up grit his teeth and put his back into it like his predecessor I mean probably but I don't think any of that really matters in the end because I genuinely believe regardless of how hard Deku struggles or Powers up for that matter he isn't nearly as strong as shigaraki that doesn't mean that he won't win of course he'll win but Deku is not going to win by beating shigaraki to a pulp seeu will at least unfortunately to me wi by appealing to The Human Side within shigaraki and once that Human Side begins to reappear it will serve as a temporary crack in shigaraki's impenetrable armor and deu will be able to take advantage of that crack you see as we all know regular humans aren't supposed to have multiple quirks as the more quirks you get the let's say slower you get as has happened to both spinner and gagam Makia now technically this doesn't really apply to wielders of all for one or one for all as one forall only gave deu meta abilities and the resiliency quirks that come along with all for one make sure that the wielder bodies are strong enough to hold that many quirks however I believe that with the ending of mha we're going to be seeing a fmab type moment where The Human Side of shigaraki begins to peek out and it begins to impair his ability to control of the quirks and the slowly over time as the human inside of him begins to rage out and try to break to the surface just like how father loses control over all the souls that make him his strongest form in the ending of fmab she GR will lose control over all the quirks that he currently has access to kind of like what just happened with all for one whose death is supposed to act kind of as a pseudo this is what happens if you ever lose control of all for one kind of example and while all for one lost control of all for one because of the copy of the Quirk that he got that required AR's Quirk which made him younger and younger the more that he used that Quirk Factor shigaraki won't lose control of all for one because he's getting younger but because his younger self is shining through but the question is Nick how will deu make that appeal how will Deku reach out to the human inside of shigaraki and cause them to rage well maybe not rage but begin to break to the surface well it probably won't really be up to deu see I believe that shigaraki will continue to absorb deku's meta abilities kind of how like shigaraki's already absorbed deku's danger sense while these new meta abilities will increase the Gap and strength between Deku and shigaraki exponentially it will actually spell shigaraki's demise see because here's the thing there's no reason that shigaraki would only take one Quirk yes technically that is a good way to set up the fact that shigaraki stands a chance of taking one for all something that all for one wanted his entire life but you can do that by not having him take any of deku's quirks saraki could get a hand onku and begin to absorb the quirks and everybody inside of deu could be like oh my God he can actually absorb us or they could simply just tell us that chikari in this current form has the ability to absorb deku's quirks but showing us physically that shigaraki has the ability to absorb deku's quirks well it is technically good writing also to me at least pays Credence to the idea that shigaraki is going to end up with more of deku's quirks and narratively this kind of makes sense see here's the thing about deku's quirks or meta abilities really when it comes down to it the only one of the meta abilities that we ever saw deu train with was black Whip and thus a lot of the other abilities like fajin and gear shift and smoke and danger sense all kind of just appeared one day but mha has never been a story about deu being handed things in fact M had its brightest moment has been a story about deu wrestling the things he wasn't supposed to have from others through hard work and thus narratively if Deku was to defeat shigaraki with all these meta abilities that we never really saw him train with it would kind of look like to us the readers that he didn't work for that win and while obviously Deku had to train very hard to master any of the meta abilities when it comes down to it the things that we need to see Deku win this fight with are the things that we know he fought tooth and nail for and thus so long ASU holds on on to one for all and maybe black Whip and wins using those abilities we as viewers would see that deu had stepped up to the plate in a big way and it finally filled the shoes of all might because all might was able to beat all for one with just one for all but there's more reasons than just oh I want to see Deku hit shigaraki with a Detroit smash real reason that shigaraki will continue to absorb deku's meta abilities isn't to make shigaraki stronger but weaker see I genuinely believe that with every single meta ability that shigaraki rips from Deku he will be taking a part of deu with him see because a spiritual projection of Deku lives within deu that interfaces with all of the other previous wielders of one for all and thus this spiritual projection of deu has a connection to all these other previous wielders and therefore when all of these previous wielders are ripped on over to shigaraki I believe with every single one taken a piece of Deku will also go until eventually there's enough of deku's spirit within shikaki that Deku can begin the internal battle attle and since shigaraki technically has no way to purge the quirks in his body outside of giving them to other people by the time that shigaraki realizes that he's absorbed too much of deu and now that version of Deku can appeal to The Human Side of shigaraki that's buried under the rubble of shigaraki's Life it'll be too late and Deku will be able to bring this Human Side of shigaraki to the light for the first time in decades and thus he'll fix shigaraki and In This Moment we'll see that the real reason that all for one was never able to steal one for all is because in order to hold on to one for all you still need your Humanity intact however it's also going to show us that all for one wielders shouldn't want to pull in one for all because the light of humanity pulled in through one for all will always overpower the darkness of all for one and well I know this ending sounds incredibly cliche and kind of boring I am 99% certain that the ending will look like some variation of what I just told you because like I said earlier even though mha has changed its clothes it hasn't changed its character character and mha tends to deliver what happened to be rather cliche endings not that that's a bad thing you can tell an incredibly good story that follows the path of the hero's journey and that's just what mha is doing there's nothing wrong with being formulaic so long as you follow the formula in a way that's unique to you and pays off in a satisfying way and mha has never been a story about Mass death and side character losses it's Skyhigh in Japan now if hypothetically all might had died or bakugo had died or if bakugo had lost or didn't come back into the freight until it was too late to stop all for one or possibly didn't come back to life until Ary was able to come to the battlefield and Rewind him back to a point where he was alive or really if anybody of importance that wasn't a member of the league of villains died I would say then yes there's a possibility that the deu and Shiki fight will end in some other way that's not oh shigaraki you're human too but considering the fact that we already got this fight in female form uraka versus toga I really can't see this fight breaking the mha molds and yes deu versus shigaraki is literally uraka versus toga TOA is a demon that wants to destroy the world and live by her own rules uraka sees the human inside toga and battles her with that in mind until eventually uraka is able to make toga see that she is a human and then toga lets herself die listen I would even say that this fight has the possibility to break the mold if all for one made it to shigaraki and shigaraki finished him off because that would have been a true definitive moment of shigaraki not being a human and ascending above the Demon Lord himself with all for one dying of kind of his own valtion shigaraki is still technically redeemable because all he's really done is killed nameless characters and wiped out cities filled with people who we've never see now I'm not saying that shigaraki is going to join class 1a in fact the story will most likely end with either his death or imprisonment but unfortunately or fortunately if you like stories that don't traumatize you oroshi writes in a somewhat predictable manner in that manner tends to follow all the standard rules and practices of the hero's journey and I know these stories very well because Naruto did the exact same thing with Itachi nagato and pain and people belove those stories like I said there's nothing wrong with doing that and in fact the last 100 to 150 chapters of mha have been my favorite chapters of mha but it's still easily predictable but what do you guys think how do you see mha coming to a close in the next couple of months tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell listen I could be wrong I just don't think it's likely [Music] [Music] SC
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 118,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, mha, my hero academia, boku no hero, boku no hero academia, mha explained, my hero academia explained, boku no hero explained, boku no hero academia explained, mha ending, mha over
Id: 3gTzbYr_8j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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