GOJO VS SUKUNA - Full Fight Review (Ch. 223 - 236) / Jujutsu Kaisen

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all right so this chapter opens up with us seeing the moments leading up to the first round of Gojo versus sakuna and it's a pretty incredible first round but we're seeing Gojo and ichii in this building in shabuya and I'm pretty sure this is where Joo versus sakuna took place because we're seeing that big rock in the ground here and I'm pretty sure that's the result of Joo using his maximum technique on sakuna this could be further foreshadowing maybe you know because sakuna did win that fight but anyway egg ask Gojo like how it felt inside the prison realm because you know we the audience and I guess all the characters as well weren't really sure of what time was going to be like in there and Gojo says it's similar to how it feels when work gets really busy the contradictory feeling when a week passes by in the blink of an eye and you wouldn't ever want to do it again and this is like totally gay writing here the way that he describes it in a very like ambiguous but yet still straightforward way and yeah I mean I get it but at the same time I guess you're really not supposed to fully get it you know he's not giving you an examp exact unit of measurement here then Gojo asked ich what happened to all the people in B5 and since this was the epicenter of where Kaku released all of those cursed Spirits from ghetto cursed Spirit manipulation he says that the non Sorcerers all over Tokyo were less likely to survive the closer they were to shabuya but all of the people in B5 which is where Gojo was originally trapped inside the prison realm when he was taking on the big natural disaster curses since the remnants of Gojo's cursed energy was there of the cursed Spirits came near there which is interesting but totally makes sense and then he asked if they had suffered from any side effects from unlimited void because Gojo activated his domain expansion for2 seconds in order to try to thwart the plan that the big natural curses were trying to implement against Gojo at that time and since there was so many innocent civilians around there they had to of course be a part of the domain as well that's why he only did it for 2 seconds and it turns out that they're pretty much fine EG says that they have all been fully rehabilitated and return to their normal lives and Gojo's like oh that's great and then they start walking up to the roof of the building and we see udim and gaku ganji up there this is going to be the beginning of one of the best sequences in the series in my opinion maybe one of the best sequences in all of battl manga or at least the modern ones of like the last 10 years but we quickly cut over to sakuna who is observing Gojo from a distance or at least he could see his cursed energy because there was never any timetable put in place they only set the date of this fight so it could have happened at any time which is like fine for both sides because sakun is already aware that something is going down but we'll find out later why he's none the wiser to the exact plan which is just brilliant but then we also have a flashback of Gojo talking to gagu ganji and gagui straight up tells gojra like yeah I was the one who killed Yaga we know of course because it goes back to after the shabuya incident when the higher ups were pretty much instructed to classify Gojo and masamichi as like Public Enemies number one and number two masamichi more so because of like the whole cursed corpse stuff but Gojo's cool with it because mainly he's placing the blame on himself for being sealed up in the first place because if he wasn't then all this would have been prevented and that's understandable of Gojo he has been the pillar of Jiu-Jitsu Society since I don't know high school maybe even longer than that but he's always had this burden and responsibility on him as being the strongest and trying to keep everything in Balance but he also doesn't blame gaku ganji because he says he's the ultimate example of a man just falling order which he was and he says that you know I can trust you to some extent because of that so I really like this turn of events from Gojo and gaku kanji to be honest we talked about this in the previous chapter because we saw Gojo and gagu ganji with udim walking down the steps like leading to where they are now and we were like man there's got to be some explanation for this and we assume that maybe Gojo was just going to be cool with it because he was simply following orders and gag ganji isn't a terrible person he's not like a full-blown heel by any means more of a tweener character maybe left of face if if that makes sense or left of center but gagui also reveals that Yaga did tell him that there is a process to replicate what it happened with panda you know making a perfect curse corpse essentially but he didn't tell the higher ups and he kind of kept it to himself and Gojo respects it he's like you know you've changed haven't you Gramps and that the secret behind Panda would be ranked as special grade information and that's super interesting because I think that could also be a little foreshadowing maybe to Panda's ultimate glow up which he is definitely going half like I don't think Panda's just going to stay in his small child form for the rest of the series that would be a discredit to his character especially since he was absolutely destroyed like embarrassingly by kosimo even after having a whole chapter dedicated to this fantasy pseudo flashback that he had so this could mean that I don't know maybe Panda's glow up will have him be special grade in power possibly I mean of course it literally means that the information is special great in itself but like I said it could be also tying to Panda as well but then Gojo says that referring to ganji maybe if you were at the head of HQ things would be a bit better and we see the higher ups and they're all dead and when we first saw the spoilers for this we thought wait does this mean that Gojo killed all of them because he did say that you know maybe he should just kill all the higher ups before but I think that was just an idle Threat by Gojo I don't think he killed all of them here I mean it is a possibility but I more so think this is Kaku because Go's back to chapter 191 when kinjaku was talking to noroshi and noroshi was like have you already move the party responsible for recommended suguru ghetto execution and then Kaku was like as well as the one who named aotu and yuji's executioner so that I guess is tying up here and it's like yeah Kaku killed all of them I don't think this is Gojo because Gojo would kind of be tarnished in the eyes of most of the fans at this point I mean not me and I'm sure a a lot of the people watching this but you know we have to keep Gojo a strict baby face at this point like he can't just murder people like this especially in C C blood it'd be a different story if they attacked him first which they never would because they're not that stupid but also him saying it would be better if gaku ganji was in charge and I think this is more so what's going into the end game like after everything wraps up there still has to be kind of like a Jiu-Jitsu higher up kind of order and I think this means that kakugi will take over and he'll be somewhat of a just leader in this like not biased and corrupted the way that they were before so then we get to the big awesome sequence that I was talking about and Gojo and ich are heading to the roof and Gojo tells ich that he trusts him the most because ich doesn't hold himself in high regard he just knows that he's like an auxiliary manager and that all he can really do is like the curtains and the barriers and it's like yeah but I trust you the most and and that's totally understandable because we the audience trust ich too he's never given us a reason to not trust him so ich just goes full like effort here because he knows that Gojo has put trust into him and Gojo is the strongest and this is like the peak of the series like this is is where everything matters the most so he has to make this count then we see udim getting prepared as well and it's finally revealed what her curse technique is and it's called the Solo solo prohibition zone so it's essentially allows her to buff a sorcerer cursed energy or says their reserve and output temporarily enhanced as long as they remain in range and this is an incredible curse technique I'm not sure why gay waited so long to reveal this because this really would have helped out in the story at multiple points before this but I guess better late than never then it's also said that the Mastery of Jiu-Jitsu can be said to be Mastery of subtraction the skill of a sorcerer can be judged based on their ability to admit prerequisites like hand signs or incantations in order to fully activate their technique and we've seen this mostly from sukuna to be honest because you know sakuna is the goat of Jiu-Jitsu as they also point out in this uh chapter later on the strongest sorcerer in history versus the strongest sorcerer today but it doesn't mean mean that you have to do that it's more so just you know showing your Mastery but it's more so blid out here that all of the sorcerers that we see setting up this you know ich G gojoe and gaku ganji are all doing the hand signs and the prerequisites they're not missing out on anything because they want this attack to be as absolutely unbelievably powerful as possible now as for what gagu ganji is doing here I have no idea I'm not even sure if his curse technique has been fully explained yet I mean we've seen him use it maybe twice in the series not so much against masamichi but back in the Tokyo Goodwill Arc we saw him use it and I guess he can like amplify Melodies through his guitar with his cursed energy or something but I guess maybe this could be used in a supportive manner as well I mean he doesn't have an electric guitar like he did before he kind of just has like a analog Shamus in here but it says that by using the ritual to channel ud's curse technique she was able to achieve 120% of its normal effect so yeah doing the chance and all all that stuff does make a difference I mean we even see Gojo doing it I'm pretty sure he hasn't done this before like that's how serious he is like he says nine points polarized light Crow and shoyo chant the gap between within and without and we've seen characters say stuff like this before and it doesn't really mean anything to be honest it's kind of just like cool word play or like decoration words to be honest but in the world of Jiu-Jitsu of course it does amplify things because it allows Gojo along with the help of everyone else to have a hollow technique purple with 200% output this is by far the strongest thing we've ever seen in the series and Gojo was able to fire this off against sakuna in like a moment sakuna wasn't able to see this coming because of ichi's barrier because he misread it because it was being contained I mean he was aware of goo's presence as we pointed out earlier he can see it emanating from like over a mile away but he wasn't able to sense the immense amount of cursed energy that was the output of that attack until it was like right in front of him so it was essentially being shot with like a sniper bullet but this sniper bullet is at 200% output Hollow technique purple and all that sukuna can really do is just put up his hands immediately to try and stop the attack and yeah this thing is destroying buildings and whatnot to and also I thought that this would have just nuked the entire city but I guess it's more so condensed and compress so that it's just hitting sakuna and not destroying anything else because I'm sure if Gojo really wanted to he could and surprisingly sukuna just takes this on the chin somehow I mean he is sakuna after all and he is at 19 fingers or maybe 19 and a half uh fingers worth of strength because while he doesn't have the last finger it was said that Gojo likely has it for a contingency or just to stop Yuji from being executed but he did eat like that mummified corpse of himself at least ahead of it so I guess that Amplified him to like 0 five or whatever or Point whatever you can make up whatever kind of variable you want but it only takes off sakuna right hand and I'm not sure if he can even reverse curse technique back from this because it was like Hollow purple that destroyed it I mean it probably but also that would mean that Cojo like permanently maimed mumi as well because you know this isn't sakuna main body but still the fact that this was the strongest attack that they could possibly produce at this point I mean amongst the four of them I'm sure if the rest of the Jiu-Jitsu uh High joined in they could produce an Attack stronger but you know with the group that they had here they they essentially created like a Jiu-Jitsu n and all it could do was just take off zuna's right hand but I'm sure they knew that it wouldn't completely take him out but you know maybe they just thought best chance scenario it would and the chapter ends with sakuna like being confronted by Gojo or at least it appears that he is like they're somewhat in front of each other here and Gojo's like it seems like you've got the wrong idea so let me just set things straight you're the Challenger here which is like you know we're getting the old Gojo back the last you know two chapters he was very serious and um uncharacteristic of Gojo like he seemed worried going into this fight you know rightfully so but now he's got his confidence back or at least somewhat of it and I'm sure a lot of the people were like wondering like who's the favorite here or who is the Challenger and Gojo's making it clear that like shuna is challenging him but to be honest it is Gojo challenging suuna but that's where the chapter ends and I really hope that we do get to see the continuation into this fight in the next chapter but if we don't and it just focuses more on flashbacks and stuff that had happened in the previous chapter that left off on Cliffhangers or just cutaways that would be fine too because that is much needed we have all the time to have Gojo versus sakuna play out and I do think gay will deliver on this because remember all of the culling game fights that we saw before this lasted multiple chapters even the more so inconsequential ones so if this is cut short it would really be devastating to the series and the momentum that it currently has which is riding at an all-time high at least by manga standards now also what we talked about before with joo's maximum technique you know that he used against Hakuna back at the shuya arc this could also not just be foreshadowing that Gojo is maybe going to lose but maybe that we're going to see Gojo's maximum technique and you're thinking like wait isn't Hollow technique purple his maximum technique and it could be but I don't think it is because he never says maximum technique he says maximum cursed energy output when he's doing it before but never like maximum technique and that is always pointed out before a sorcerer does it so I think this would be one last cool way for gay to show the peak of Gojo's power which you definitely haven't seen yet and it would be whatever Limitless maximum technique is we also still have to see the maximum technique of what the 10 Shadows is and then that could go back to what we've talked about many times with the foreshadowing that Gojo you know in the past talked to mumi about it was like 400 years ago when the leaders of the Gojo Clan and the zenin clan had fought against each other and they killed each other and they both had the same set of powers that they have now so maybe it comes down to maximum technique versus maximum technique but all right so we got an absolutely fantastic chapter here coming off of the previous we saw Gojo launching a 200% Hollow purple at sakuna with the help of being buffed by UD ahime gaku ganji and ichii and this only really took off sakuna right hand even though he was caught off guard by that and that brings us to the beginning of this chapter where he says do you've let catching me off guard go to your head and that's because they were able to mask the attack being built up with ichi's barrier but it seems like sakuna has immediately recovered from that where off panel he's just using reverse curse technique to grow back his arm so yeah that's showing you how powerful suun is here a 200% Hollow purple was only really like a minor inconvenience to him then he says to you Gojo you're just a fish on a cutting board you may flop around a lot but you're still a nameless fish and it's interesting the way that his hands are when he's saying this because they resemble the hands that we saw when his two curse techniques were being explained dismantle and cleave in the right hand he's holding in the right hand he's holding the dismantle knife but in the left hand he's using the cleave knife and that was also in reference to like sushi the way that this is too which is interesting and this could play more into what the truth about zud's abilities are here or it's just the way that he likes describing his abilities as if he's making sushi or something but I'll come back to that later so then they both start charging up and face off against each other like we see the cursed energy like emanating from their hands and Gojo says you wanted me to hold back right too bad for you I've undergone special training I can totally whale on mumi since they look alike referring to toi so before we go further speaking of toji it seems that Gojo is like dressed exactly like him and obviously it's not a coincidence and this could be Gojo paying homage to toji since toji is I guess directly responsible for Gojo rising to the occasion and becoming as strong as he is right now but it also could be giving us insight into what Gojo is talking about here with too bad for you I've undergone special training now when I first read the spoilers of this I didn't really know what to make of it but now that we have the official translation here I think I know what this means because also after this he says dying once as Yuji was a mistake of course referencing what happened in season 1 after they had run into the first finger Bearer or at least I assume that's what he's talking about and he says I'll worry about mumi after I kill you hey guys also if you enjoy my Jiu-Jitsu kaisen reviews and spoilers Please Subscribe if you haven't already it's fine if you don't want to but if you just needed a reminder here you go thanks and going back to the spoilers earlier this week I thought that Gojo was holding back because he was using mumi as a vessel and mumi is like Gojo's nephew essentially not literally but you know what I mean but it seems like he might not hold back and he is willing to kill suuna you know and also Kill mumi by proxy and that's because I think that Gojo has figured out how to use reverse curse technique on others and like I said that could be tying back to why he's paying homage to toi here because one of the big revelations in his fight against do was him figuring out reverse curse technique on the brink of death after being stabbed in the neck by dogee so this could be the next level of that and that now Gojo has figured out how to use reverse curse technique on others because before this I think only two or three characters in the series are able to perform that I mean just being able to use reverse curse technique as a sorcerer is already extremely difficult and rare but using it on others is taking it to the next level I mean obviously shoko can perform this AK kotu can perform this as well but now it seems like Gojo has joined that club and it totally makes sense why he went out of his way to have this training or at least the time that they had preparing for this battle he was more so concerned about how to save mumi now of course this isn't being confirmed in the chapter I'm just speculating as to what he's saying here but I think that's what's going on here he figured out that the only way that he can really take down sakuna is that he has to kill him and holding back is going to be an extreme detriment because he's the strongest sorcerer in history so if there's anyone you don't want to hold back against it's him so he figures okay I'm just going to have to kill him so how do I save mumi in the process oh I'll just use reverse curse technique on him so kill sakuna then bring mumi back with reverse curse technique now again I could be wrong about that but I think that's what this is coming to and that's really cool I think that also raises the stakes in the best way because I was worried about Gojo having to hold back against auna here you know him never fully going all out but now that doesn't seem the case and he is because he knows that he can save mumi regardless so the battle begins or should I say round two begins and they have like a quick exchange of strikes until sakuna throws like this right hook at him similar to how Yuji throws it I don't know if that was intentional by gge or if that's just how he likes to draw right hooks but Gojo like just drops to his back and then starts using Limitless in a really crazy way so instead of like having the Limitless be a barrier around Gojo he's now diverting it at sakuna and like throwing him against the wall like Gojo's using Limitless in this chapter as if it's like telekinesis essentially and again it's not confirmed gay is showing and not telling here which I really like when mangas do that at least when it's clear and it's not so ambiguous or we just don't understand what's going on but I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here but he winds up launching him through a wall and tracking him down on this bridge and Gojo just Stomps this bridge apart like that's how powerful he is like physically powerful through his cursed energy amplification then he lifts the bridge up once again using Limitless like it's telekinesis because I assume that he's just manipulating this imaginary Force around him like you can almost think of Limitless as gravity although it's not but the way that it's described it's like a imaginary Force somewhat so he can have it like wrapped around him to defend himself you know as we've seen plenty of time in the series or he can use it to manipulate other things and we see him doing that here with this bridge and while sukuna is still on and he throws it at a building and sukuna is able to avoid this and he starts running on another rooftop and then he activates dismantle and going back to what we were talking about earlier with the whole Sushi stuff where we saw him holding the dismantle and cleave knives and like I said he was using dismantle in his right hand now I don't know if this means that he can only use dismantle with his right hand and only use cleave with his left but that would be interesting if he is restricted in that way it could be I don't know some kind of binding vow that he placed on himself in order to use multiple abilities it also could have something to do with the markings on his body which I still think probably play into his abilities and they will probably be explained I mean it's also a great way for gay to just indicate that sakuna has taken over a person but there might be more to it than that but Gojo seemingly avoids this at the last second now I don't know if he's using Limitless to bounce it off of him or he's just dodging it and it goes cleanly through a building right behind him then sakuna capitalizes on Gojo while he's distracted by looking at the building falling and we see that sakuna makes contact with Gojo's Limitless here but then Gojo just deactivates it and grabs huna's hand allowing the building to fall on the B of of them and they go through one of the windows going through like this Elevator Shaft or hallway or something like this is something out of the movie Inception this is going to be a really great scene in the anime but as they're tumbling through this building Gojo kind of does his own jock and go like I guess this is gay paying homage to Hunter Hunter but in the best way not in like the psychotic Exposition way but the building winds up falling and just destroying everything in the vicinity and we see sakuna and gohost emerging from the rubble here completely unharmed of course because you know they are the two strongest so it's going to take more than a freaking building falling on them to do much and Gojo's like I'm blaming you for all the damage suuna is like like anyone will believe that and then Gojo remembers that may is broadcasting this fight so yeah going back to two chapters ago I think mayay said that she was going to live stream this fight on like the Jiu-Jitsu dark web or whatever or the Jiu-Jitsu tour browser so that she could have betting on on it so yeah there's like I don't know how many people watching this thousands I don't know if Millions but at least thousands of people are watching this fight and betting on it mostly people in the Jiu-Jitsu world I guess but now there's going to be a bunch of uh civilians aware of this as well I guess because you know the whole thing after shabuya with h Japan's cursed energy Monopoly being revealed but Gojo mentioning this at the end is definitely going to come back into play later for sure like it's super important that everyone is viewing this because something substantial is going to happen as a result all right so this chapter starts off with Gojo versus sakuna continuing but we're seeing it from the perspective of all of Jiu-Jitsu high and everyone affiliated with them watching it on multiple monitors this looks like something from like 90 cyberpunk and they're basically explaining what's going on in case we were confused in the previous chapter cuz I know that I was I definitely missed something crucial and it's explained at the beginning here and it's that sakuna is using domain amplification where he's essentially like coding himself in simple domain or Rick or basket something like that and they explain it as where it neutralizes by using a domain that doesn't Grant a curse technique in order to pour an opponent's curse technique into the empty space so yeah that's very gay of an explanation there but essentially just means that they're coding themselves in a simple domain more or less so that they can bypass someone's curse technique and this is super useful against Gojo because as you know he is using Limitless where he just manipulates space and you can't hit him or land any punches and he also can like use telekinesis somehow with it or I guess he just manipulates the other space around you or just anything so that's how sukuna was actually breaking through Limitless in the previous chapter and that's what I was talking about I didn't really catch on to that and I should have sorry about that guys but Gojo didn't deactivate it to grab sua's hand in the previous chapter to like pull him into that building sakuna was simply just breaking through it using simple domain and just his immense curse energy we actually find out how immense sakuna cursed energy is in this chapter and I'll get into that later but also domain amplification isn't like an easy thing like only Elite people can really use this because even kusabi admits that he can't do it and the only other beings that we saw use this before were the disaster curses which were special grade and extremely powerful however we see higuma here he's just thinking to himself after that statement's made and he's like but I do have a sense of how it works and this might mean that higuma could possibly be using domain amplification later on in the series or whenever he comes back or whenever he fights somebody I mean he definitely is going to have a big moment because his domain expansion deadly sentencing is so amazing and it has so much potential to it that somebody has to be put on trial like one of these thousand-year-old Sorcerers has to go through that and I'd love to see the end result of it but also higuma is like a genius he figured out Jiu-Jitsu in like I don't know less than a month or something he also had his brain transfigured by kinjaku to have that curse technique so there is some kind of significance to him for sure but then Angel also explains that the drawback to domain amplification is that you can't use your innate domain now it says innate domain in the viz but she's just mainly talking about like your curse technique like you can't just use your curse technique while using domain amplification which is like you know the drawback to it but for sukuna that doesn't really matter because his cursed energy is so immense that he can just beat you down physically while using domain amplification as they say you know like supposing there's a way for suuna to defeat the Limitless curse technique aside from amplification Gojo will lose so yeah he essentially does need a technique but he can also get the job done without it by you know just Brute Force beating him down but we might not get to that point but then going further they go on to talk about domains overlapping each other and what a battle between domains of sakuna and Gojo would be like and we got some kind of like uh unreliable narrators going on here because it does happen at the end of the chapter as we all know and we're going to be talking about that but it also goes into what happens with the guaranteed hits and Yugi says can a domain's guaranteed hit even Pierce Gojo's curse technique he hinted it would that time a curse Spirits domain swallowed us so he's talking about way back in the first season like one of the First episodes when Gojo is fighting Joo and Gojo did say that like when he deflects one of joo's guaranteed hits within like I don't know it was like a fiery meteor thing he just deflects it with like his hand using cursed energy energ like he wasn't using Limitless or anything so that's just how powerful Gojo is he could just exist in a special grades domain and just SWAT away the guaranteed hit with just his cursed energy so then going further into the domains clashing discussion here choso says that perhaps there won't be a domain battle because sukuna was the first person who showed us that you can open a domain expansion without closing it like in the sphere that we typically see but the way that everybody reacts to it it's like this is almost impossible actually Hikari himself says that it's basically possible even kosimo who is older than everyone here aside from Angel agrees with that sentiment but no it's not impossible it's kind of just like heena stuff because we've seen it come from heena people such as sakuna and the only other person to open up a domain without closing it was kinjaku so this is like oldw World stuff super Elite top of the food chain stuff that no one else can really do current day I suppose aside from like mumi but he has no choice to do it but he also needs to have like an area to fill it with as we saw with him going against the finger Bearer and him going against Reggie like he filled up that gymnasium as a means to hold his domain aside from you know just not closing it which he obviously doesn't have the ability to do but it's explained here by throwing water at someone without a water bottle because the water bottle would represent the domain closing as you know we see with Gojo like he's using a a water bottle more or less to contain his water as to where sukuna doesn't need that at all he could just throw with the water at you and then we also get the painting on air without a canvas analogy which we also got back before when sakuna used it in shabuya against joogo so it's not you know a perfect way to explain it since it is a little I don't know ambiguous and difficult to fully comprehend something like that but I guess the painting on air makes more sense even though you can't do it but even going further into that Ma it's like running software without Hardware so yeah think about running iOS without an iPhone like you know you can't so then going further they start talk about the curse energy consumption that this battle would take and that you know throwing up domains and using them is extremely tax sizing on a sorcerer for sure and as we know before you know if you use a domain then using your curse technique right after is extremely difficult because of you know how much cursed energy you had to use and I don't know if I could say this on YouTube but it's kind of like a refractory period but and this kind of even applies to Gojo because inam Moni says that Gojo would never run out of curs energy and that's not necessarily the case because he's just really good at efficiently using his cursed energy where it said that like he controls consumption through a constant self-preservation so he's using just enough but then he's instantly replenishing it so that's the way that he essentially has infinite cursed energy but he's just so efficient with it by the time that he uses some it will already be replenished however if he were to just do a domain expansion and then do a domain expansion again then that's way out side of the range of what his typical efficiency would be like he'd be using way too much then his cursed energy wouldn't have been replenished in enough time so yeah Gojo can't just Spam domains over and over again like the way that you would think I mean I don't know how many he can use but I don't know maybe two or three but then he's probably done after that like he's completely drained and then just expanding upon that they start talking about sakuna where kosimo is like he's like a god he activates curse technique and switches between amplification and innate technique quickly if Gojo didn't have six Si sakuna would even best him in cursed Energy Efficiency and then aotu says he also has more overall cursed energy than I do his hunch is twice or more so it's not like they wouldn't open their no Mains due to a lack of cursed energy and that's insane so like I said in the beginning that's kind of letting us know how much cursed energy sakuna has which we didn't really know before I mean we knew that he had a lot but it was more so hyped up that like aotu had the most besides Gojo and then I don't know A's amount was ambiguous but now aotu hard scaling sakuna to at least twice as much as aotu who was you know the big cursed energy Powerhouse before this point so I also think it's interesting that he's saying twice or more this could be giving us more insight into like sukuna being comprised of two people or something like that two just Geniuses like a kotu but he like absorbed his brother or absorbed another person or something like that and that's why he has four arms and two faces but yeah sakuna pretty much unrivaled and Cur energy and Gojo is only able to do what he's doing because of the six eyes which shakuna doesn't have he's kind of just like uh an evil MC I I guess that's kind of what um sakuna more or less is at least in my opinion like we see the big three in typical series but I think with sakuna Kaku and auram they're kind of like the anti- big three sakuna being like the main character or the anti- main character but then we come into the final sequence of this chapter and it goes back to the unreliable narration where they actually are flashing their domains they're not even thinking about all the variables and everything that everyone's talking about in this chapter you know similar to Hunter Hunter dialogue but gay does it right they straight up going both into their domain expansions and you know as we know sakuna doesn't close and make the spherical thing the way that Gojo does so Gojo is just surrounding the malevolent Shrine itself that's why we see it all warped the way that it is because yes both of their domains are overlapping but sakuna is only at the core of it his radius is like 140 km or close to 200 km depending on what the translation you read is but his radius is going way outside of what Gojo is and also we're seeing malevolent Shrine again and we're seeing like the three mouths on the side of it I also think this is giving us more insight into what sakuna innate ability is yosu said that it is called Shrine although viz called it malevolent Shrine but I'm pretty sure that's just what the domain expansion is Shrine is like his innate ability or I think that's what most of the hardcore Community has agreed on but now that their domains have overlapped it's saying that their can't miss attacks or just canceling each other out because they're more or less even matched at this point so it's just basically both of them inside of their domains just standing there and I guess they could fight but no can't miss attacks or instant hits are going to happen until one of them like go down because it says you know they fought with both their domains open if one takes heavy damage or one of their domains collapses the other's guaranteed hit will immediately strike and yeah we see that happen because cuna's barrier has a radius of 140 km or close to 200 so it is surrounding Gojo's barrier at all times so think of Gojo's domain expansion as like a black sphere sitting on a 2d flat even bigger sphere so its radius will always be around it therefore it is vulnerable to being attacked by sua's domain and as we saw before the outside of barriers are very vulnerable to to attacks we saw that toi was able to break into dagon's domain expansion and most recently we actually saw that when a kotu was fighting against takako and Ryu all three of their domains overlapped and then the Cockroach Cur Spirit Kur rushi came in from the outside and easily broke it so sukuna is managing to do this just with his open domain attacks like his slashing attacks cleave and dismantle so him using cleave and dismantle or whatever the slashing abilities that he decides to use within malevolent Shrine are cracking the outside of sua's domain expansion and breaking it so then as the narration also said you know once the domains are no longer overlapping or you know somebody takes damage or whatever the domain that is still standing their instant attack will instantly activate and that's what happen and it looks like he's straight up decapitating Gojo like when I first saw these panels it looked like maybe he was just slicing his neck or something but no it is straight up going through it like we see blood coming out of it on both sides so Gojo is technically getting decapitated here and this is like way more efficient than what toi was doing cuz toi kind of stabbed him in the neck then also stabbed him in the head with like a little butter knife but no sakuda just instantly cutting his head off and it's like is this the death of Gojo is he dead after just I don't know two and a half chapters of fighting and I don't think so I mean come on it it would be so anticlimactic if gagay decides to end the fight here with just sakuna instantly cutting off his head after outsmarting him with the whole domain thing and part of me thinks that gojjo probably knows what's going on here with sakuna flat domain because his brain works much faster you know of course with the six eyes and everything but also just his experience so I'm thinking that this isn't the end for Gojo and he is just going to instantly reverse curse technique back from this well at least hopefully like I said it kind of would be anticlimactic right if he would just die here so maybe this could also go back to what he was talking about two chapters ago about how he underwent some special training so he didn't have to hold back against GOI I really do think that means that he can apply reverse curse technique to others the way that we saw kotu and shoko doing it so he'd be able to heal mumi after killing him and getting sakuna exercise from him or whatever but I also think that means that overall his reverse curse technique has been Amplified so he can just instantly heal himself and you know come back from having his head severed and uh the fight will continue because also suuna hasn't even begun to use the 10 Shadows yet and that also goes back to what we've talked about many times on the channel and it's that Gojo told mumi that you know 400 years ago the leaders of the Gojo Clan and the zenin clan fought in front of the hierarchy and the leader of the goo Clan had Limitless in the six eyes and the you know the Zen and guy had the 10 Shadows technique and they both wound up killing each other so that kind of has to come forish like we have to see sukuna use the full potential of the 10 Shadows against Gojo so yeah I do think this is going to continue for at least another couple chapters so coming off with the previous chapter we saw Gojo and sakuna simultaneously activating their domain expansions however sakuna domain is open and doesn't close the way that Gojo's does it also has a much larger radius and because of this Gojo's domain is essentially just a Sitting Duck within sukuna and it's also very vulnerable to attacks from the outside and this is exactly what sakuna does as he attacks it with his slashing attacks breaking it leaving Gojo himself vulnerable to sakuda slashing attacks where we saw at the end of the chapter he cuts cleanly through Gojo's neck neck however coming into this one it turns out that Gojo was able to use his reverse curse technique instantly to heal you know avoiding his head coming off completely as we expected for the most part but Gojo's problems aren't over here because now that he has just used his domain unsuccessfully he is now unable to use his Limitless curse technique for a little bit and as we've come to know from Gojo most of his fighting style revolves around using Limitless so at this point he's basically just a normal sorcerer I mean a really strong one and Ultra talented but without Limitless he is very limited now at this point Gojo has to essentially escape from sua's barrier or he's going to get lit up from his slashing attacks the same way that mahara did back in the Shabu Yar and as we also learned at that time you can escape sakuna barrier by simply just running outside of the radius of it since it's not closed this is actually one of The Binding valves that sakuna put on it in order to make it so big and powerful and normally Gojo would be able to do this however since he is unable to use Limitless he can't move fast enough and kusakabe explains this by saying that his instantaneous movement uses Limitless curse technique to compress space and coordinates and that's a great simplified way of putting it it can also further explain how Gojo was manipulating his environment in the previous rounds which we said was extremely similar to telekinesis but Gojo was just compressing space and coordinates of other objects which you know mimics telekinesis more or less and yeah he's definitely not fast enough and sakuna instantly hacks away at Gojo with his slashing techniques inside of the domain and it is vicious one of the most violent sequences in the series by far and as we talked about before when sakuna used this on mahara he had obliterated him you know one of the strongest if not the strongest shikigami ever at least that we know of gojjo however is taking the this I mean yeah he's getting lit up and slashed through nearly every inch of his body but he's such a beast that he's able to use reverse curse techniqu simultaneously surviving this just to show that yeah even without Limitless Gojo is still a super beast and at this point he tries to escape by running away but sakuna instantly capitalizes on them and they go into a hand-to-hand exchange which ultimately ends in a stalemate then we go into some more commentary where it turns out that the center of the domain is not suun himself but it's the malevolent Shrine and going more into this it seems like this is more so for the audience if anything where they explain that if you break the Shrine in theory it wouldn't really do anything because it's merely just like an aesthetic symbol if anything I mean maybe this is going to come back into play later especially since it's damaged at the end of the chapter but this could just be gagay clarifying it in case we were curious about it but also just using the shrine as a waypoint you can just see how far you need to go to escape the barrier I assume which is like a near 200 km radius so I guess it's just clarifying that if Gojo runs away from sakuna it's not like the goalpost keeps moving if that makes sense but then we come back to the fight and Gojo activates simple domain something we've never seen him use before I mean he hasn't really needed to use it all of his fights have pretty much been squash matches up until this point and yuji's like didn't Gojo say that he can't do that and kusabi says no he said that he can't teach it natural Geniuses can't teach for squat which is very true even in real life and it also you know goes back into what we heard from other natural Geniuses in the series such as shoko when Gojo asked her how to use reverse curse technique she couldn't really explain it since it came naturally to her I'm sure you yourself watching this probably are really skilled in at least something and it just came naturally to you like you didn't really have to practice you can kind of just always do it and if you try to explain it to someone it's probably difficult or you can't really get your point across because you're just able to do it then we get some more Exposition on how crazy of a genius Gojo really is because like we said he's coming off of using his domain expansion which is nerfing his curse technique for a time limit but on top of that he's constantly using reverse curse technique and using simple domain at the same time all while regulating his cursed energy and not running out and of course fighting sakuda hand to hand at the same die but we're also finding out according to choso that compared to a real domain the cursed energy output for simple domain will merely just buy time and we see that yeah it dissipates very quickly allowing for sakuna to just go through Gojo like butter with his slashing attacks again as to where right after Gojo activates simple domain yet again but at this point something really interesting happens and Gojo stops healing himself with a reverse curse technique he's just a allowing these wounds to fester and still going at sakuna and aotu you know Ponder like no he couldn't have ran out of cursed energy because as we established with the six eyes on top of Gojo's Talent he's just really efficient at using cursed energy and it will replenish in theory faster than what he can expend but in this case it's a little different since he's going overdrive you know continually using reverse curse technique right after he activated his domain expansion and this definitely is in the case he still does have cursed energy to spare but he's not using reverse curse technique because he's been healing his own curse technique because like we said after using the domain your curse technique is uh as they say burned out and that Gojo is such a beast that he can use reverse curse technique to heal said burned out curse techniqu so instead of just healing his wounds he was healing his Limitless curse technique which you know he can do it I know it's kind of weird to think about but it makes sense I guess in the Jiu-Jitsu world and as soon as it comes back on he like magnetically latches onto sakuna in like a reverse backpack position and then aims his fingers at cuda's face Point Blank and uses his curse technique reversal red like his projectile blast attack that we've seen him use against Joo and dogee which you know as it says is the Reversed application of Limitless when you put reverse cursed energy into it in instead of positive because as we've seen with blue it's more of like a suction ability but with red it's more of a expulsion and he blasts sakuna point blank in the face after latching onto him it wasn't like when he hit him with the hollow purple in the beginning where sakuna at the last second was able to Fester some kind of Defense it's like no he's taking this right on the face but it does seem like sakuna was able to move at least a little bit because I guess his head would have been taken off and and it's definitely not here but he did take some serious damage and like I said before he is blasted into the malevolent Shrine and it seemingly is damaged here and I wonder if that's going to play into maybe some kind of weakness here like maybe the commentary that we got from the sorcerers isn't exactly entirely reliable or maybe they're just speculating themselves and they don't entirely know that has happened before in this series but that's where the chapter ends with Gojo's comeback he was down for the count and his back was ser ious ly against the wall for most of this round but he ends it strong and I don't know how much this is really going to hurt sakuna because you know he could just reverse curse technique back from this but it did really wound him and sakuda is like smiling at it but he's definitely like yeah you got me and in the final panel we see Gojo once again using reverse curse technique to heal from the wounds that he allowed to linger while he was healing Limitless and he's like that wasn't easy so yeah the fight is far from over guys we're going into I guess round four at this point all right so coming off of the previous chapter we saw Gojo getting lit up by the malevolent Shrine and in case you didn't watch my spoilers video let me also apologize here because for the last couple weeks I was saying that malevolent Shrine had a radius of nearly 200 km when it was actually meters and I sorry about that guys I did not mean to spread misinformation or anything like that I'm simply just an idiot I knew that it was beaters because it says it on the page but for some reason my brain decided to say kilometers continuously over and over again because my brain is that of a chimps so again I am sorry I will try not to make any mistakes in the future but I can guarantee you guys that I eventually will for sure but you'll be there in the comments call me out rightfully as you should but anyways Gojo decided to play some more 40 chess with sakuna and somehow using reverse curse technique healed his own curse technique Limitless which had that burnout refractory period I don't even know if I could say that on YouTube but in the context of Jiu-Jitsu kaisen it is very PG I promise you because he had used his domain expansion of course and you know after he used the domain expansion you kind of have that period where you can't use your curse technique because you know shakuna had chopped up the outside barrier of it but somehow Gojo was able to heal his exhausted curse technique and this is even blowing the minds of the spectators even aotu who is you know one of the few Geniuses in in this world I mean despite him only really being like a little over a year in the game he's like so knowledgeable somehow at this point where he's saying that he thought it was impossible to do this because so far we've just seen reverse curse technique used to heal like wounds and whatnot but considering that this is Gojo he can just do it because he's Gojo he's like the Michael Jordan of Jiu-Jitsu but there is definitely one above him and I'll go more into that later on but a kotu says that a curse technique that's been burned out by using a main expansion is an entirely different matter than physical damage just like when a machine overheats even if it isn't broken you have to let it cool or it won't work so this makes me think that Gojo is definitely getting to the point of diminished returns with his body and his Jiu-Jitsu and cursed energy and everything like he can't keep going the way that he has been going for sure and I think it will eventually catch up with him but it hasn't yet but then we see Gojo talking to suun you can expand your effective range can't you because we find out that sakuna expanded the range of his malevolent Shrine to its maximum which is like 200 M or close to it and this inspires Gojo to activate his domain expansion once again which is you know we were talking about it's crazy that he's able to do this normally you can only really do the domain expansion once but Gojo's not only doing it once he's doing it twice on top of reverse curse techniqu and continuously from all the damage that he had taken and top of healing his Limitless curse technique but it's a little different this time because higuma another genius chiming in here and he says that he switches the internal and external conditions for the barrier so this means that its exterior is stronger than it was before cuz you know as we saw previously it was very vulnerable to sua's slashing attacks because it was sitting inside of sua's open domain it wasn't closed and spherical the way that Gojo's is and even kusakabe is like it seems a bit unfair that he could just change the additions of his domain on the Fly and this is more so like kusabi being like a literal reader of this chapter because it is unfair but it's like we just have to go with it because Gojo is just that crazy he's just that much of a freak or a genetic freak in the Jiu-Jitsu world like he's truly an anomaly one of the greatest Sorcerers to ever exist I mean he has to be and I'm talking even including the hean era so now Gojo is a little more confident since his domain is going to be cracked on the outside instantly like it was before and he goes into a quick hand-to-hand exchange with sakuna but it turns out that sakuna is pretty freaky himself I mean as we already know because on top of already having his domain expansion active he's also using domain amplification at the same time within it even Gojo's like you know I I guess it isn't impossible like there's just a lot of craziness going on because that's what you get when you see a fight between the two strongest Sorcerers in history like they just start breaking the series and I know I use that term loosely especially with like Maki because she literally does with her Heavenly restriction and other things that she could do within that Spectrum but these two are truly breaking the series and I'm really enjoying it like they're pushing the established power system that g has put out here to its Max and using it like two experts truly would and I'll get more into that but I'm just enjoying this so much because everything for the most part makes sense aside from you know Gojo just doing things that we thought you couldn't but we just have to go with it because it's not like bad if that makes sense it still is good we just have to suspend our disbelief even more than it already is considering that we are reading battle manga so this means they're pretty much at a stalemate both domains are active but neither are really affecting one another because of the contingencies and the counters that they put in place so suuna isn't getting hit by infinite void because if he did he'd probably be instantly defeated I don't think it's a matter of like how powerful you are with that like once you get hit with that your brain gets overloaded and you're pretty much done so you have to do everything in your power to avoid it or at least as far as we know I mean maybe full power 20 finger sakuna and his true body could like muscle through it somehow because why not you know just because everything's impossible before this point but I wonder if we will see that but going forward after another brief physical exchange we see that sakuna is just becoming the goat here if he wasn't already because he goes back to back with Gojo similar to how they were in the very first episode in their first encounter which I think gay is paying homage to by paralleling it here maybe but considering that sakuna was inside of Yuji this whole time you know getting as he says here firsthand experience he saw the last time that Gojo had used his domain expansion against Joo and he realized as kinjaku says here that the only ones unaffected by infinite void are Gojo himself and the ones that are directly touching him so now now that sakuna is directly touching him he's unaffected by infinite void and he doesn't really have to use his domain amplification I guess because he wants to use his curse technique or at least that's the implication here because if he's activating domain amplification he can't use it but he goes even further here and this sequence right here I have to say is a 10 out of 10 battle manga sequence like this is what hunter hunter really should be in my opinion and I'm not trying to start too much controversy with that but sakuna really does something incredible here and it's just Chef kiss because the exposition that we get from the narrator says using a binding vow sakuna managed to further increase the power of His domain outside of Gojo's domain by removing the guaranteed hit inside so while simultaneously keeping himself safe from the infinite void by touching Gojo so he's able to break Gojo's domain because he's activating another binding vow here I guess in his mind he's just saying it and it's activating because he's not saying it out loud but he's removing the slashing attacks from inside so there's no longer a threat in there so it makes it you know a worthy binding vow you have to give something to get something in return but the attacks on the outside of the domain the ones that would be attacking you know the outer sphere of Gojo's domain is severely increased in power so now it's strong enough to overcome the reinforcement that Gojo placed on it in the beginning and yes he breaks it and then just starts lighting up Gojo once again like I said just Chef kiss sequence here sakuna fully utilizing the power system put in place here this is jitsujitsu at the very highest level it's like watching the two best fighters or the two best athletes in our world going at it and putting on a master class everything is making sense for the most part and I just can't praise this sequence enough I wouldn't say that this chapter as a whole is a 10 out of 10 because it takes a lot for me to give that to a chapter I think I've only given it to like five that I've reviewed so far in like the four years that I've been doing this almost five at this point but this sequence is definitely a 10 out of 10 so another interesting thing happens after this where kosimo says that you know considering that Gojo just got lit up again and had his domain destroyed once again he says if he dies referring to Gojo I'm going out there next don't try to stop me and this is super fascinating because while kosimo in the surface would just get absolutely destroyed by sakuna I mean he fought to a draw against hakari so naturally you know using Jiu-Jitsu math there's no way he would stand a chance against auna but he does have his curse technique which is so powerful he can only use it once and like I also said before it ties into Hindu mythology which Gojo is definitely paralleling to where there's another character that can use like a lightning base attack and I don't know maybe my editor can punch in here exactly what I'm talking about if he knows but not exactly sure if it's lightning but they definitely have like a onetime thing that they can do that can kill a God and I'm pretty sure that's what Kimo's thing is here like his curse technique is so powerful that he's just been saving it to use against sakuna for sure that's why he didn't use it against aari and I think that it is so powerful that it can take out sakuna I mean I don't think he's going to kill him but he might mess him up if he does get a chance to cleanly hit him with it but anyway back to the battle and Gojo is just eating this up I mean he's still getting cut but not as bad as before like it was implied that the cuts were going directly through him like sakuna slashing attacks from his domain but now Gojo is digging really deep into into his toolbox here because he's using falling Blossom emotion we saw this before from nowo when he was in dagon's domain back in the shabuya arc it's similar to domain amplification except that it doesn't just shut down things it kind of just attacks the instant hits by coding yourself in cursed energy essentially or as kusakabe says it's an amplification of cursed energy that automatically repels anything you touch so he is repelling sakuna slashing attacks here but it's not strong enough to just completely nullify them so he is taking them but it's kind of just like surface level Cuts so he'll be all right but while he's using this he's also able to use reverse curse technique to heal his burnout curse technique just like he did in the previous chapter coming into this one as well so both Gojo and sakuna are really going all out using Jiu-Jitsu to its highest level in such a really really cool way where for the time being we're only really going to be able to see these two characters pull off stuff like this unless we go back to in hean Era flashback where it's kind of implied that there was at least 10 people on this level or something like that I'm just throwing a number out there but considering how powerful yosu was I don't think that was the tip of the iceberg but coming into the end of the chapter Gojo activates his domain expansion again but now that he's failed twice I guess it's going to be three times a charm because he figures out that instead of just reinforcing the outside of it he just decides to make his own domain barrier as large as sakuna so now he doesn't have to worry about it getting hit by slash attacks because it's taking up the entire radius and yeah I know how is he doing that he's Gojo okay he's just a freak like we're talking about he's just able to do this but it doesn't stop there he somehow just shrinks it down and it becomes like the size of a basketball but it consumes everything including sakuna Gojo and the malevolent Shrine and that's where the chapter ends with it saying a battle between the strongest becomes more dense so what happens here is anybody's guess I mean he's kind of creating almost like a singularity here and I wonder if that's what his goal is I mean I don't think he's completely crushed himself and sukuna they're probably still just perfectly fine alive in there but the space has just altered into becoming so dense and small but I'm sure it seems normal to them and yeah like I said before this could be creating some kind of Singularity or something or this could be what Gojo's maximum technique is I mean we've been talking about this for a while like what is it like we haven't seen it yet and I know that he is activating his domain here but maybe that time to it and it's not unlike gay to be pulling out these you know Singularity based attacks we have seen it from yosu and sukumo so this could be the trifecta here and Gojo does literally create like a even more of a black hole or event horizon or a singularity the way that sukuma was possibly or he's just trying to take them both out so the battle between Gojo and sakuna is continuing as we saw Gojo shrink his domain expansion down to even smaller than a basketball containing not only sakuna and himself but also the malevolent Shrine this is one of Gojo's many attempts to thwart sakuna domain expansion as he's been unsuccessful two times previous to this since he's essentially just a bad matchup to sakuna since sakuna domain is open and can attack from the outside and Gojo's barrier is more traditional as to where it closes in its spherical shape but it's kind of just a Sitting Duck inside of sakuna open domain we o see the sorcerers giving commentary as they're watching as usual and they have their own theories as to what's going on here but we eventually find out through choso that Gojo was able to manipulate his domain this way from his time in the prison realm I guess being trapped in the prison real allowed him to understand how it worked since it did manipulate space and time and that's essentially what Limitless does aside from the time stuff or it remains to be seen But Limitless essentially just manipulates space so it's understandable that Gojo would be able to apply the fundamentals of the prison realm to his own domain expansion or just how the parameters of it would work since it all is just Jiu-Jitsu in the end but the prison realm is more in inate technique of genin whoever that guy was hopefully he comes back probably not but going further kusak cab says that even knowing that I still don't get how he can change the conditions of his domain every time he uses it and miwa speaking as somewhat of a surrogate of the audience says you've been saying that a lot and what does that even mean and he says barriers particularly domain barriers typically have set interval and external parameters like volume and creation speed and by discovering their own blend of these parameters every sorcerer is able to establish their own barrier so this essentially means that when you're a sorcerer and you create your domain expansion or develop it it kind of has like its own set Dimensions to it like it's only going to be this big it's only going to be created at this speed and it's only going to work in a set parameter of functions and it's kind of just stuck that way like once you make it it's pretty much done and it's always essentially going to be the same way once you've fully completed it like think about making a house or something but then you can't expand upon it it's kind of just stuck that way but it's still pretty effective and it does its job however just with Gojo and sakuna they're above that because as we've seen on the Fly they've been manipulating their domains which is just unheard of like changing the conditions of it as we saw with GH Jo once he figured out that he was being attacked from the outside he immediately changed the conditions to reinforce the durability of the outside of his domain and we saw that sakuna on the other hand also altered the conditions of his domain by cutting off his slashing attacks from the inside in order to make his slashing attack from the outside more powerful to compensate for the durability increase that Gojo applied not to mention the whole thing about making them bigger and smaller you know nearly 200 m in a radius which is just insane and it's like we're only really going to be able to see this stuff from Gojo and sakuna or maybe some other strong characters that we haven't been introduced to yet but all of this stuff is just only applicable to the very highest level of Jiu-Jitsu and I'm sure some people have had issues with this saying that oh it doesn't make sense or it wasn't established before and it's like it was it's just that we weren't thinking outside of the box so much and it's like guys I would be the first one to call out a manga and stuff like this but with jju kaisen or with gay in this instance I really can't because it's all making sense to me at least we haven't seen anyone on this level yet especially two fighting it out so it's understandable that they're going to be able to do stuff like this I mean in sports when we see people at the highest level go at it they discover or we discover new things through their super high level of application I mean come on but anyway hakari and higuma are surprised by this the whole thing about you know domains having set internal and external parameters and kusabi says uh you guys are the the exceptions your domains open by default as part of your curse techniques and that's fascinating I didn't really think about that before not necessarily with higuma we kind of knew that his deadly sentencing domain expansion is kind of like his main ability like that's just what he does it's like his curse technique is kind of one and the same of his domain expansion if that makes sense I mean yes he can use the gavl from deadly sentencing kind of like a cursed tool but that's just more an extension of what his full package ability is and I guess the same could be said for hakari which I was kind of confused about cuz back when I was covering his fight against Kimo I was wondering why he wasn't using just his innate curse technique you know like what we saw him do against Yuji where he just summoned like the doors from the train and like trapped him in them but I guess it works the same way as higuma as to where he can just use aspects of what his domain expansion has instead of just fully activating the domain expansion because that is the same as him using his full-blown curse technique that's just how it works with them because when hakari was fighting kosimo he always used his domain expansion idle death Gamble and it's because he has to his curse technique and domain expansion are one in the same but as for him just like using aspects of it without pulling out the domain I guess that's just part of it or at least that's the way that I see it here and that's pretty cool it's different you know than what we see with like the 10 Shadows or Limitless or projections sorcery as to where they're more relying on just using their techniques and then the domain expansion is kind of like what they do as like a last resort or their main event if you will aside from their maximum technique but going further we see that Gojo's domain is about to break and aotu says that sakuna also decreased his domain's range so he could increase the output of his cursed technique and yeah once again sakuna has changed the conditions I guess he performed another binding vow like we talked about I guess you could just do this in your head like you don't necessarily have to say it out loud and I'm thinking back to Hunter Hunter and I guess like they don't have to say like the nen contracts out loud as well I mean sometimes they do if they're making it with someone you know the same thing with jiu-jitsu kaisen but if it's just like a personal binding vow or nen contract I guess you could just do it in your head cuz why not but sakuna also decreased his domain's range since he saw that Gojo did the Same by compressing them into a freaking basketball but now that sakuna has done this he has also broken Gojo's barrier outside of his domain once again for the third freaking time but on the other hand Gojo got a super clean shot in on sakuna he pierced his chest somehow I don't know what he did we are not privy to it maybe he shot him with red not really sure but this damaged sakuna enough to finally break his domain as well so they both simultaneously came down but to be honest I think this is what sakuna ultimately wanted or he doesn't seem too upset about this we'll talk about that later but now that both of their domains have broken they're unable to use their curse techniques you know because of the burnout period that they have but as we found out Gojo can heal his burnt out curse technique with reverse curse technique something we didn't know before but like I said these guys are freaks at the highest level of Jiu-Jitsu and they're able to do things that we just didn't understand before or thought were impossible similar to the characters that are watching however as Angel says he made the mistake of showing that to sakuna cuz it turns out that sakuna might be even more of a freak than Gojo and he's kind of the same as Garo from one punch man because sakuna just needs to see something performed once and then he can copy it I mean not like an inate ability it's not like he can use Limitless or something like that but as long as it falls into the Realms of like jiujitsu and just the manipulation of it he can do it so sukuna is essentially going to do the same thing he's going to heal his own birt down curse technique with reverse curse technique as well but not only that angel also says that with jaku help sakuna was able to split his Spirit or Soul depending on what translation you're following into 20 cursed objects the fingers and after seeing it just once he learned how to turn himself into a cursed object so this is pretty insightful I don't really think we knew this before this is how kinjaku was able to make cursed objects and have the sorcerers reincarnate later on he took their freaking souls and put them into I don't know what the other cursed objects were but for sakuna it was his 20 fingers 20 fingers of course because he had had four arms and I don't know if you necessarily need to do it into 20 fingers because sakuna after learning this from Kaku you know I guess a thousand years ago he most recently did it of course when he transferred his soul to yuji's Pinky and then Force F himself to mumi and took him over but considering that he only did that with one finger I'm not sure why he needed to do it with 20 before maybe because his soul was so big or something or maybe it was just a contingency to make sure that even if you know some of the fingers were destroyed or something one would survive and then that's all he would need or something it doesn't really seem that that's the case it does seem like he needs all 20 fingers to become whole again obviously but again we haven't really seen how it happened with the other sorcerers being reincarnated they kind of just appeared and that's it we don't know what cursed objects they needed or the process that was done to them necessarily other than their soul being pulled from them and put into a cursed object we've only really seen it happen with the curse WB death paintings but that's different because they were Cur WBS but hopefully we get that hean era flashback that I've been talking about for so long I really hope that gagi decides to go full Oda with that you know because when Oda in one piece decides to finally go into an important flashback he dedicates time to it like over 10 chapters sometimes and I really think that the heena needs that I don't think one chapter would do it justice but after this Gojo and sakuna go into kind of just a vanilla fight like they're not using any abilities or Jiu-Jitsu anything it's kind of just like a standard heavy hit hit or battle manga fight for the most part and Gojo knocks Hakuna away and we go into a rare inner monologue from him and he says this whole time suuna has been stubbornly avoiding using any other curse technique other than the one granted to his domain that's interesting wording there granted to his domain does this mean that Gojo knows that sua's cleave and dismantle possibly aren't his innate abilities I mean Gojo would in theory be able to see this with his six eyes since using that he can understand how someone's curse technique works so maybe he does know you know the theory that the Phantom has had for a while that sakuna inate ability is like Shrine or malevolent Shrine where he kind of just can add abilities or curse techniques to it aside from just having like a standard thing like you know cleave dismantle the fire arrow and whatever else he has or maybe I'm just reading too much into this but regardless I'm pretty sure that cleave and dismantle are and his inate abilities but going further he says in spite of all that why didn't sakuna try to use the 10 shadow technique or mahara inside the domain and that's something we've been asking for a while it's like why hasn't sakuna been using the 10 Shadows I guess there is a specific reason to it and going further Gojo says sukuna has the memory of mumi my conversation so he knows I know about mahara doesn't he or is he scared that I'll beat it with a single attack so that's really interesting because Gojo did talk to mumi about mahara although he didn't literally outright say it at least on the page but the conversation implied that he did and he also told mumi that like I think 400 years ago I think it was or something like that that the heads of the Gojo and zenan Clan fought against each other to the death in front of the hierarchy and the Gojo clan leader had the six eyes and Limitless and the zenin clan leader had the 10 Shadows so I assume that mahara was used in that battle for sure now as for him saying is he scared I'll beat it with a single attack that makes sense because that's your best chance of defeating mahara you kind of just have to defeat him immediately because he has the ability to to adapt to any and all phenomena as it says meaning that if you use like a certain ability or technique on him and he survives it his Dharma chakra the wheel above him will Spin and then he'll adapt to it and then you're pretty much screwed after that and I'm pretty sure sakuna could defeat him with one single attack if he wanted to and sakuna probably does know that and coming into the final panels of this chapter we see the Dharma chakra spin indicating that he has adapted to something and Gojo sees this because it says what do those eyes see through and I I guess using his six eyes he can see that sakuna has been using the Dharma chakra even though the audience hasn't seen it and we found out that sakuna can do this for some reason because back in his fight against yosu he summoned the Dharma chakra without using mahara and he used that to be able to adapt to Yu's ability so I guess this is just like a nuanced application of the 10 Shadows maybe he could just use aspects of the shikigami without fully bringing them out and with mahar's ability this is an expert play on sakuna he just brings out the Dharma chakra takes an attack from Gojo whatever it was whether he's being hit by just pure Limitless here or red or blue or whatever adapting to that then he brings out mahara and the Dharma chakra goes to him but now it has like the built-in adaptability to Limitless or whatever was used against him so now mahara doesn't have to worry about getting hit with it in the first place because he's already adapted to it if that makes sense which I think sukuna is going to do here for sure and I'm not really sure the full complexity of this like if he gets hit by Limitless does it mean that he's become adapted to all aspects of it like red blue purple even if he wasn't hit with them just because he was hit with liist does that mean that he's now invulnerable to them not really sure I mean maybe we'll find that in the next chapter but I'm pretty sure that's what sakuna play is here take the hit for mahara adapt to it and then pass the Dharma chakra to him so now he's just this big unbeatable Beast essentially well not necessarily against Gojo but against anyone else this is like Checkmate for sure now coming to the final panel once Gojo I assume recognizes what I just said like he realized what zuna's whole deal was here he's like T and then we see blood coming down from his nose and I'm pretty sure this is Gojo nearing his limit like even the massive freak that Gojo is even has his limits he's not omnipotent and as we've seen he's used his domain expansion three times so far we've never seen anyone use it more than once in the series and Gojo has done it three times so far on top of using reverse first curse technique perpetually to heal not only his wounds from caveland dismantle but he also has to constantly heal his brain from using the six eyes even though it's kind of minuscule he's still using it but on top of that he's been using reverse curse technique to heal his burnout curse technique he's been using simple domain falling Blossom emotion on top of that he came out right out of the gates with a you know Hollow purple been using other applications of it you know red blue he has to be coming to his limit soon and sukuna on the the other hand hasn't really been using that much of an output he's kind of just been outplaying sakuna this whole time by using you know less cursed energy and this is just expert play from sakuna he's kind of just had the upper hand the whole time to be honest he's been forcing Gojo to exhaust himself which is what great Fighters do like if you're going against a heavy hitter you know you just sit back guard yourself you know stay moving move away from their power side you know if they're like Orthodox you move away from their right right hand or if they're Southpaw you move away from their left hand and you just counter when you can you know jab and Parry or whatever and just wear them down because you know these big heavy power hitters they're only going to last for a couple rounds and then once you get into like round four or five or you know if you're in MMA if you just get to round two or three they're pretty much gassed at this point and since you know the counter conservative fighter has been holding back and waiting for their chance then they just dominate them once they've exhausted thems and I think that was what we're seeing here with Gojo and sakuna here Gojo has exhausted himself trying to be sakuna but sakuna is just too smart for it and now I'm thinking he's really going to dominate Gojo at this point once he pulls out mahara but that's not the end of the fight of course there will still be more than this I'm sure Gojo has another trick up his sleeve but first let's talk about gamer Subs guys did I tell you that I love gamer Subs because you know they like sponsor me but also if you haven't tried it yet you definitely should take a shot oh so refreshing and now I feel instantly better guys this is a big one because gamer Subs is officially collaborating with jiujitsu kaisen that's right and they're coming out with a flavor called cursed energy it comes in both caffeine and caffeine free both will give you the energy and focus that you know and love from gamer Subs not only that but they also got a bunch of Shaker cups as well featuring Yuji sakuna Gojo mumi and bar I am so excited for this guys but back to me in Anime Expo Link in the description code big Z everyone listening code code big Z thanks so the chapter opens up with us seeing Gojo and sakuna activating their domain expansions for the fourth time also Gojo just wiping the blood off of his nose because at the end of the previous chapter we saw that he started to bleed from it my opinion this is showing that Gojo is getting to an exhaustion Point as I mentioned this is the fourth time he's used his domain expansion but on top of that he's been using reverse curse technique healing not only himself but also his burnt out curse technique which we're going to get into but on top of that just Gojo inherently is always kind of running at full power essentially having the six eyes and that's why he wears the blindfold cuz it's like sensory overload and it was also said at some point that he also has to like always kind of micro reverse curse technique his brain because because of that too so everything that's been going on in this battle he is almost Running on Empty at this point like burning the candle at both ends is an understatement so I feel like Gojo definitely knows that he's aware of it he's playing it off cooly here you know not letting suuna know that he is coming to his limit but we're going to see that that's why Gojo is fighting so aggressively at this point and trying to rush the Finish because he's essentially on a time limit but like I was saying about healing the burnt out curse technique after using a domain expansion with reverse curse technique it is confirmed that sakuna could do that here because we see them both activating their domains immediately once again after you know coming off the previous chapter where both of their domains had broken at the same time but the question is is like could he always do that or did he just learn it from Gojo and he I don't know maybe he learned it from Gojo because that was also insinuated in the previous chapter that sakuna is like a super genius that has ridiculous muscle memory adaptability kind of like garl from one punch man but anyway kusakabe say says that during the 3 minutes of sakuna destroying Gojo's domain from the outside Gojo will have to deal damage so that sakuna can't maintain his own domain so yeah Gojo's realized that like three times now his domain has been destroyed by sakuna from a tag game from the outside because that's how it's vulnerable regardless of how much he's changing conditions so he's going to stop just changing conditions and trying to alter his domain to comply with what sakuna is doing he's just bum rushing him going at it with like Gatling fists chasing him all over beating him down successfully like using blue it looks like sending him into the malevolent Shrine and just continuing to beat him down to the point of where both of their domains are breaking at the same time once again and the outcome we see the left part of sukuna face is like burnt off I assume he got hit with red here or something we don't see what happened but maybe it was maybe it wasn't but he really got messed up by this and that just further shows how Gojo was able to mitigate his domain getting destroyed first like it was in the previous rounds he's just having them both getting destroyed at the same time but this is actually a really good move by sakuna because it puts sakuna at a severe disadvantage in this sequence because they once again activate their domains for the fifth time however because sakuna had to heal that damage that he just took on the left side of his face it put him at like a 0.1 deficit behind Gojo so this means that Gojo has successfully activated his domain first because he didn't have to worry about healing himself or anything this time all he had to do was just heal his burn burn out curse technique as to where sakuna had to heal himself you know the his face and then heal his burnt out curse technique and then activate his domain so now he's 01 seconds behind but that's enough because in this Super highlevel Battle of Jiu-Jitsu it's a game of inches and now Gojo has the upper hand and he just hits sakuna instantly in the chest and it says that after 2 minutes and 40 seconds sakuna domain collapses you know the malevolent Shrine and then he gets gets hit with unlimited void finally we're seeing sakuna get hit by the unlimited void here we've been wondering what was going to happen with this when's it going to happen how's he going to react to it and he seems to be just as susceptible as anyone else like he can't muscle through this or just fight it off like once you get hit by unlimited void and your brain gets overloaded with the information that it feeds you or however it works you're done you're putting like canotic State and as Gojo is going after him he's like I'm going to crush your heart and lungs and liver and I'm going to bring him closer to death than Yuji at the Juvenile training school you know call back to the first season of course but I think this is also further alluding to the fact that Gojo can perform reverse curse technique on other people which is something that is you know kind of rare only shoko and aotu have done it so far I think I don't know maybe I miss somebody else who've done it but it goes back to when this fight started when Gojo was saying like I've did some training or he figured out some things so he can just fully go all out on mumi because you know we can't forget that auna is inhabiting mum's body right now and mumi is you know held very close to Gojo's heart he's kind of like his nephew so if he's going to go all out on him and like crush his heart and lungs then I'm sure he knows that he can heal him at some point he's not just going to kill mumi here just to kill sakuna even though technically it would be for the greater good but we obviously know that Gojo is above that but you can't count sakuna out he always has an answer for everything even after being hit with unlimited void he somehow summons mahara like we've been waiting for this because we knew in the previous chapter that he had the Dharma chakra active the wheel that goes above mahara and we saw in sukuna fight against yosu that he was doing the same thing like he was able to have the Dharma chakra active but not summon mahara so what he's essentially doing is I guess fully utilizing one of the nuanced aspects of the 10 shadows as to where he can pull out one of the abilities of like the shikigami but not fully summon them or at least maybe just in maharaja's case where he just pull out the Dharma chakra and then take the hits for him because mahar's ability is that he can adapt to any phenomenon or whatever the translation is like if he gets hit with some kind of ability or something or technique or whatever he'll adapt to it and then he's invulnerable to it and I guess this fundamental applies to the Dharma chakra itself so sakuna has the Dharma chakra active on him and then he takes the hit and then passes it on to mahara so then mahara then Bec comes invulnerable himself and it's like where has the drama chakra been this whole time because we saw it visibly above sakuna when he was fighting yosu but against Gojo we didn't see it and it was implied that Gojo can see it with a six eyes possibly but I guess sakuna like stored the Dharma chakra in the 10 Shadows realm itself but somehow still had it active on him I guess or he made it invisible or something I don't know maybe he just stored in the 10 shadow kind of like a pocket Dimension or something but yeah that's what happened here him getting hit with unlimited void was kind of like a trap for Gojo I guess because he took the hit for mahara while the Dharma chakra was activated passed it on to mahara so now mahara is immune to unlimited void you know the sure hit of Gojo's domain expansion which was Gojo's like big out here because Gojo needed to defeat mahara in one hit and hitting him with unlimited void surely would have ended him I mean I don't know how unlimited void would deal with shikigami I think that gagay said curses deal with with unlimited void different than humans because they have less brain activity or less brain capacity or something like that I mean obviously it wrecked joogo but he was like you know one of the more intelligent curses obviously but as for mahara I don't know how intelligent he is I don't even know if he could speak but at least he can acknowledge situations and smile because he's definitely smiling at the end of this chapter which is hilarious but mahara is an absolute Beast I mean we already knew it he was kind of downplayed because he was defeated by sukuna in shabuya but then again that was a mahara that was summoned by mumi and I don't know how altered the power becomes because it seems like mahara is just an entity as himself but technically he was tamed by sakuna so maybe his full power has come out here and he breaks Gojo's domain expansion with his sword his sword that is coded in positive cursed energy at all times we've never seen this before this is like unheard of like you have to be the biggest Beast ever to be able to just break a domain expansion from the inside you know like we've been following this fight we've seen that sukuna was always breaking it from the outside cuz that's where domains are vulnerable but Mahar is like nah I ain't got time for that he just stabs it breaks it from the inside and while this happening Gojo's trying to hit him with a curse technique reversal red I assume you know trying to hit him in one shot but no he just breaks it and just kind of stifles Gojo here and then this comes to the sequence where we see maaga smiling at him cuz he's like yeah you're screwed now boy but this brings it the question it's like is mahara like adapted to all of Limitless or was he just adapted to the short hit of unlimited void and it's like what did sakuna adapt to at the end of the previous chapter as well because we saw the Dharma chakra spin so either he's adapted to red or whatever he got hit with not really sure if it was just Limitless because even if it was just Limitless I don't know if that means that he's fully adapted to all aspects of it you know like red blue purple but regardless Gojo is in serious trouble here and I can not wait to see him take on mahara and I wonder what's going on with sakuna because now that the domain expansion is broken I guess he's no longer under unlimited void and I'm sure he could just reverse curse technique his brain to heal it if it was damaged I mean if Joo can survive it by just being ahead I'm sure sakuna can survive it as well I don't think this is necessarily the direct end for Gojo here because he still does have some tricks up his sleeve and like I said in the beginning he is on a time limit but I think this might be where he pulls out his maximum technique if he does have one I mean kind of has to have one unless it's purple I don't think it's purple unless he does some kind of Mega purple or something like even more than what he did at the beginning of the fight with 200% but I'm sure that he has another trick up him sleeve besides that maybe but also sakuna has another trick off his sleeve as well because he has something that yosu gave him like as yosu was dying she constructed one last thing with her curse technique construction and I assume that's supposed to parallel the sequence between Ma and Maki as ma was dying she constructed the soul s splitting sword for Maki this could be something similar I mean I don't think she's giving him a soul s splitting sword but she's giving him something and I think it's going to come into play here and that's how sakuna might ultimately defeat go so coming off of the previous chapter we saw that sakuna summoned mahara inside of Gojo's domain while sakuna took the shore hit on limited void using the Dharma chakra so that he could pass it on to mahara so that he can become adapted to it rendering the technique and go JoJo's domain useless and after breaking the domain that brings us to the beginning of this chapter where we see mayay saying that's mahara the trump card of the zenin clan and we see choso say the shikigami that could adapt to many kinds of attacks and that's interesting the way that it's phrased here trump card of the zenin clan as if it's was planned that they used him in some way which is really hard to understand because we don't fully know how the 10 Shadows works like where are these shikigami coming from exactly like do you create them or did they always exist and the 10 shadows as it says you know the Shadows that it manipulates is an intermediary for the shikigami it's like they always exist somewhere out there in the other world the curse realm or whatever and the 10 Shadows like summons them or has the ability to bring them through to the human world and it is possible works like that since gagay is heavily inspired by Togashi more so Hunter Hunter but Togashi also made you yaka show and if you remember he had the dragon of the darkness flame where he was able to do something similar to the concept that I'm talking about here where he would use that technique to basically bait the dragon of the darkness flame from spirit world and then use its power in the human world but going further it pretty much explains what we've been talking about these last two weeks with sakuna taking the HP from unlimited void with the Dharma chakra activated so that he could pass it on to mahara so that he would become adapted to it without having to take the hit himself because mahara probably wouldn't be able to survive getting hit with unlimited void the way that sakuna would but now we're getting another layer to that whole sequence because it wasn't actually sakuna who took that hit initially it was actually mumi Soul so the way that I see this sequence or from what I can gather from what's being explained here is that instantly he switched himself with mumi soul so like think about when Yuji and sukuna trade Consciousness I think he did that with mumi for like a second just long enough for him to take the unlimited void hit and then swapped him back out so mumi was the one who was using the Dharma chakra in that instance taking the hit so that he could pass it on to mahara which in theory would leave sakuna hitless so he doesn't take the damage even though that turns out that that's not the case but I don't think this means that mumi was hurt more so his body of course but I think his Soul's fine also us seeing his soul here I think further means that he is going to come back at some point if killing sumiki didn't completely destroy his soul or whatever then I guess there's still a chance for him to come back of course which I think is very likely then we see sakuna like put mahara back in the shadows and I'm confused by this I don't know why he didn't leave mahara out and then double team Gojo like he's has such an advantage right now and he's just putting mahara back and it's not really explained or talked about in this chapter so I just have to assume that maybe it's too tax sizing on cursed energy to leave him out or something I mean there is a reason why I mean mahara isn't completely going away permanently like he says that he's going to use him to adapt to infinite void again if Gojo is able to use his domain expansion but I just don't know why he's using it in such a utilitarian manner why not just leave him out and double team Gojo still confused by this but this is not the end of mahara like he will come back out again because going further sakuna says to Gojo they're like yeah infinite void is what I was really worried about but you know it's only a curse technique that can be activated inside of your domain and I really wanted to get rid of that card so that's why he was baiting him out this whole time not using mahara or the 10 Shadows he wanted to wait till the point of where Gojo was able to hit him with infinite void so that he can activate it and then lead us to the sequence that we were going into now but then he says while I wasn't using domain amplification I had fushi Goro mumi adapt using the 10 Shadows thanks to that I wasn't able to use a curse technique other than that which was applied to the domain but it seems like I had enough return for it so again there's like subtle implications about sua's curse technique here saying curse technique other than that was applied to the domain like I think the way that his curse technique and domain expansion work is that he has to apply curse techniques to it from what I assume is the many curse techniques that he has so I guess he figured that putting Cleveland dismantle on malevolent Shrine is just a really good combo but I guess in theory it also means that he could put the fire arrow on there as well which I don't know why he doesn't like it could just rain fire arrows that would be incredible not to mention the other things that sakuna may or may not have but we'll go more into that because I think it's teased again later on but Gojo says what was taken over is the process to adapt not the result it doesn't mean that you had mumi Soul adapt to infinite void if I use domain expansion again you have no other option than to summon mahara and that's very true but him saying the process to adapt and not the result I think is foreshadowing as to what comes later on in the chapter because like I was saying before I don't think mumi took damage I mean his soul at least I mean his body does because that's what the result is here he took the process to adapt but the result is the residual damage that he receives from having infinite void flood his brain like it's not like that damage doesn't go anywhere like it's still there as we're going to come to see but speaking of damage Gojo tries to activate his domain expansion once again for the sixth time but he's unable to do it and he starts bleeding from the nose and everyone's freaking out skuna is like yeah you're recovering your burnt out curse technique with reverse curse technique which he's done five times at this point and then sakuna says the curse technique is engraved around the prefrontal cortex of your right brain I think this is the only time we've ever heard this in the series getting so specific as to where the curse technique is we knew it was in the brain but not this specific and it makes me wonder if this is how sakuna and Kaku are able to have multiple curse techniques they're like altering their brains now how they're getting the curse technique in the first place I don't really know it could be something to do with blood or whatever but I do think it has something to do with a biological aspect but they're putting these multiple curse techniques in the prefrontal cortex of their right brains well at least with kinjaku I think that's what's happening but with sakuna it could be different because his a Nate ability could just be the ability to have multiple abilities but going further he says you destroyed your brain and restored it with reverse curse technique you know in order to heal the burnt down curse technique from using a domain and that's an incredibly tack sizing thing to do which has led Gojo to becoming exhausted and if it was like a lesser sorcerer he could have just straight up died from doing this and going further kusakabe says the brain especially that part that relates with the curse technique is a black box that's fascinating right because it is highly speculated that sakuna curse technique is Black Box like when he decides to use his flame Arrow against joogo we see in his dialogue bubble that it is a black box now it could mean multiple things the leading theory is that it relates to G's previous work that he made before Jiu-Jitsu kaisen where the main character was able to use like a black box and it had different weapons and stuff and the way that he summoned it along with a dialogue box was the same that sukuna uses against Joo so I think that is a little wink at the audience here but at this point sakuna pretty much thinks that he has Gojo on the ropes because he realizes he reached the point of where he can't use domain expansion anymore and he says next I'll close my domain with a barrier There Is No Escape and I love how sakuna can just manipulate his domain on the Fly just the way that Gojo can because obviously sukuna domain is known for being open but if he Clos it with a barrier I guess this means that Gojo can't teleport out of there or you know use Limitless to warp space so that he could move around around the way that he does you think that he'd be able to do it outside of the domain but I guess the Jiu-Jitsu just stifles it and then he also summons a Dharma chakra again he says all I have to do is cut you and adapt to Limitless so he has everything set up to defeat Gojo here and he says this awesome line like C is strongest a guy that was just born when I didn't exist that really is a great line I love it so much and as sakuna activates his domain it just explodes immediately and he starts bleeding from his eyes and the narrator says that sakuna infinite void for less than 10 seconds but like Gojo his brain was damaged to the point he couldn't expand his domain so yeah I think this goes back to what Gojo was saying what was taken over is the process to adapt not the result the result is the damage here like a brain of their vessel mumi and sukuna did take damage from infinite void on top of him healing his burnt down curse technique four times so even takuda has his limits of course I don't know if his original body with the fourarms would have Reach This limit so fast but it's possible that he's limited because he's using mum's brain after all but nonetheless they are both reaching a similar limit here and Gojo is getting his confidence back but sakuna is still smiling ready to fight knowing that he is reaching his limit as well and the chapter ends with us going back into another striking exchange with Gojo getting the better of sakuna which we actually talked about last week Mino operator in diolo about how Gojo is definitely the superior martial artist of the two by far and I guess since they're both burnt out on their domain expansions this will more so go into Gojo's favor since it seems like they're going to have to rely more on striking now so coming off the end of the previous chapter we saw that Gojo and sakuna had reached their limit of being able to use domain expansions anymore they just damaged their brains so much over the course of this battle that they've reached this limit of like exhaustion so going forward they're going to be fighting more physically I guess you could say and in the beginning of this chapter we see kusakabe asking anyone if they've received a serious punch from Gojo and we find out that aotu and hakari have this makes sense because before you know we came into the story with Yuji and them aotu and hakari were both students at Jiu-Jitsu High the same as Yuji and mumi are aotu a second year and hakari a third year but we also know that Gojo trained them at some point I don't know how long he trained them but he did and at some point he hit both of them with Limitless so they know what it's like firsthand and kusakabe explain s that Gojo overlaps the blue effect of Limitless like when he enhances Limitless with curs energy it creates like this vacuum effect so he says he overlaps that with his punch that's enhanced by cursed energy so I'm assuming this means that like right before he makes a connection with you throwing a punch he pulls you in with blue like coming from the Fist and then it hits you at the last second and then his fist actually makes contact at the last second so it's like a super punch I guess that's what he's trying to get across here because aari says you know when you're getting hit by it it feels like it's a counter as opposed to like a normal punch then Yuji says that nanami said the same thing and then we go to this flashback with nanami where they're in the back of a car and he's basically saying like don't compare yourself to Gojo like his punch likee Japs are like my criticals and coming back from the flashback we see Eno like grabbing his hat and this is like the second time that Eno has been associated with anomy and it makes me wonder if he has something to do with Nom's coming back but it just seems like something along the lines of him coming back without physically coming back is going to happen like I don't know his curse technique comes back or something he left behind comes back not really sure but Nomi is definitely going to do something but we come back to Gojo taking on sakuna and he's just ripping him through the environment and he eventually goes for this blue attack where he sucks in all this debris but sakuna breaks out of it and tries to counter him but almost gets his head stepped on and he's able to flip out of of it but then we see that Gojo's somehow able to create like clones but sakuna instantly picks the correct one and they wind up gauging distance and we see that Gojo has pretty much figured out what he needed to figure out at this point because if you'll notice throughout this battle maharaja's wheel the Dharma chakra has been changing colors and sukuna says the meaning of the ritual for summoning mahara and his wheel is complete circulation and balance mahara adapts to the attack after taking it having the wheel spin which we all knew at this point and the wheel does Spin and it's like what did he adapt to at that point but then we get Gojo's in her monologue and he basically says that when sakuna uses domain amplification you know in order to be able to hit Gojo in the first place the Dharma chakra wheel turns black and you can actually see when it was happening during their fight so when that happens it no longer has the ability to adapt and that makes sense because domain amplification shuts down your curse technique when you use it you basically gain this little filter to be able to get past other people's curse techniques in exchange for using your own and Gojo also figures out that this means that domain amplification isn't a barrier technique since both Gojo and sakuna but more so sakuna in this case burnt out the part of their brain that uses barrier techniques which is why they're unable to use domain expansions right now so he's like oh I guess it wasn't a barrier technique then after another quick exchange we come back to the sorcerers talking about mahara and how he isn't coming out and hakari asks like for the Limitless attack does it have to be spun several times and this is something that we've been talking about for the last couple weeks it's like mahara can adapt to anything but how far does it go like and how broad is it because Gojo can manipulate Limitless in multiple ways so if he just hits him with the base of Limitless you know just space manipulation or whatever then does he become adapted to the entire technique and all the variances of it and I guess he doesn't because going further Gojo's like like you need four spins total to be able to overcome Limitless so you need three more so he adapted to Limitless void instant attack inside of his domain expansion and he also needs to adapt to Limitless itself blue red and purple so I guess this means that he's adapted to Limitless at its base or was it blue that he was adapting to I guess it was that I'm not really sure I can't tell for myself from this panel but considering that he has three left he has to adapt it to one of them that isn't Limitless void or I assume that's how it's going here but it's also interesting that Gojo himself is saying this now it could be like a binding vow or showing your hand like explaining this could make something stronger for Gojo but it also could be disinformation maybe it's not exactly four but it's five and the fifth could be what his maximum technique is something we've also been talking about for a while that he hasn't exactly shown yet at this point I don't think we know if Limitless has a maximum technique right right so I guess that's like the last thing here like he tricks sakuna into thinking that he's fully adapted to Limitless with mahara like mahara comes out after three more adapts then Gojo's like yeah I lied and then does his maximum technique possibly or there could be something else that happens because coming into the end of the chapter Gojo's like you know I'll kill you before the three spins and then we see Angel watching She's Like did he forget about mumi and of course he didn't forget about mumi I do think that Gojo probably learned how to use reverse curse techniques on others and he's going to use that on mumi to save him regardless of the outcome here or at least his body like I don't think he plans on killing mumi just to take out sakuna and the very last panel we see kosimo saying it's okay to forget about him because Kashima of course wants to kill sakuna and I'm sure he thinks that Gojo probably can't get the job done here because he's also mentioned before that he'll jump in if Gojo dies or if something happens like that and this is like the second time kosimo is like being shown here being hungry to go after sukuna that's like his whole purpose in the series and we also know that he has a curse technique that you can only perform once and it's probably some Ultra powerful lightning thing that could in theory take down somebody's powerful sukuna if they're just hit with it in a point blank or whatever so that's going to happen I just don't know if it's going to happen before after Gojo is defeated or man I don't know but it's a really exciting prospect so coming into this chapter we see sukuna as Dharma chakra wheel spinning because apparently something had happened off panel in between the previous chapter and this one and Yuji says there's the Second Spin and kusabi says two more spins and it'll adapt to Gojo's Infinity that's because in the previous chapter Gojo straight up told sakuna that mahar's Dharma chakra wheel only needs to spin four times to completely adapt to Gojo's infinity or Limitless and considering that it had already spun two or three chapters ago it now only requires three more spins to completely adapt to Gojo making mahara like Invincible against him essentially and like I said something just happened off panel at the beginning of this chapter which caused the wheel to spin again so now there's only two spins left and we're going to see the third one pretty soon because Gojo starts throwing like these blue balls or blue spheres I guess you could say at sakuna Blue being the lapse of his curse technique as they call it in this series like Gojo amplifying Limitless with regular negative cursed energy which creates like that vacuum ability called Blue well he's somehow able to condense this into a projectile sphere and like throws it at sakuna and eventually catches him off guard and one of these things like slices up the side of his stomach but that's actually a good thing because this causes the wheel to spin yet again for the third time meaning that Maharaj a has now adapted to blue or at least I assume that's what this means and Yugi asks is it time or experience that's needed for the adaptation and that's a great question because we don't really know because we see two possibilities posited here either mahara gets hit or sakuna being the conduit for him using his wheel gets attacked and then some time passes and then it figures out how to adapt to it or it then understands how the ability or the attack or whatever works or alternatively mahara takes multiple attacks and it eventually figures out how to adapt and before this I thought it kind of just was like a time thing maybe even like a fast time thing because it seems like he adapts relatively fast right I didn't think it involved him taking multiple attacks cuz it didn't seem that way before but from what kosimo says to this statement by it could be either and that's all there is to it I think that's gagay also probably telling the audience that like hey it could be either maybe you'll never know or or maybe I just needed to be a secret for the time being but I just always assumed it was mahara takes attack adapts to it if he survives of course cuz that's like the loophole of defeating mahara you have to beat him in one attack cuz if you don't then he'll just adapt to it so this whole business about him having to spin the wheel four times to adapt to Gojo I thought that he would be adapting to each of his attacks and like abilities individually like neutral Limitless you know just Gojo's spacial manipulation thing and then blue red and purple but I guess that's not the case because kusabi says you know Gojo hasn't been using anything aside from blue or laps and that's because he didn't want mahara to adapt to anything else but I guess that's still just not the case and he just adapts regardless of what you do as long as it just happens enough which goes back to kosimo saying that either option is possible and that's all there is to it so it's just like yeah I guess but speaking of Gojo only using blue it's because he's been trying to lull sakuna into this false sense of security Mak him think that he won't use anything else you know so mahara won't adapt and he eventually gets auna into the perfect situation countering him coming behind this pillar and fires off a curse technique reversal red Point plank in his face now red of course just like blue is the Amplified version of Limitless except with blue Gojo is using regular negative cursed energy but with red he's using positive curse energy like the same type used for reverse curse technique the healing ability and then it creates like this blast like this propelling Force you know the opposite of the vacuum that blue creates and he shoots suuna with this and sukun is able to activate his domain amplification at the last second you know cating himself in his own domain to basically neutralize an opponent's curse technique but at the exchange of shutting down the Dharma chakra wheel because we see it like turn dark and that's because when you use domain amplification you lose the ability to use your curse technique while you're doing it we also see shakuna take some big damage from this I mean not too bad he can just heal from it but domain amplification while it does neutralize like base curse techniques even Limitless as he says like the neutral version of it you know the space manipulation stuff it can't fully neutralize blue or red like he's still going to take some damage from it especially if he's just standing there but this is uh I guess what sakuna ultimately wants but in theory he should be able to adapt to it if he gets hit by it again not using domain amplification I guess but Gojo tells him that the red hasn't exploded so I guess he let it like pass through sakuna without it exploding and then had to continue to travel around the building make like a 360 and then come all the way back to the start and hit sakuna in the back and he just levels sakuna with this but that's not all because he's coming up with a combo and Gojo hits sakuna with a black flash yeah that's right a red explosion in the back and then a black flash right in the front and he straight up knocks sakuna out with this black flash like like that's crazy so we haven't seen the black flash in a while actually like it was more prevalent in the first part of the series but the black flash is the Distortion in space that occurs when cursed energy is applied with like 1 millionth of a second or whatever of a physical hit so like right before you make physical contact with somebody and you apply cursed energy if you do that in like the right 1 millionth of a second you'll create this black flash spatial Distortion phenomenon and it says that it like increases the power like two and half but I don't think that's accurate I think it increases power like times 10 because every time we see somebody get hit with a black flash they are getting wrecked by that thing and sakuna you know we just talked about no different here getting freaking knocked out by this but after that happens we see like the 10 Shadows Darkness stuff open up in the ground and Gojo starts to fall into it and the Dharma chakra wheel Falls as well and mahara starts coming out and right before that happened I think we saw the Dharma chakra spin they don't mention it but after sukuna gets hit with the black flash I think we see the Dharma chakra click and that could mean that either mahara has adapted to Red because you know sakuna got hit in the back with it or he adapted to black flash I'm not really sure if you can adapt to that I mean I guess you can right but I assume it could be the red that he got hit with or just neutral Limitless if he wasn't already adapted to that which I assume he had to be but either way I guess this is the offici fourth spin regardless and mahara on paper at this moment is is fully adapted to Gojo and at the end of the chapter he like slashes him across the chest now I'm not really worried about this pretty sure Gojo is just going to instantly heal from that I assume that he can the positive cursed energy blade that mahara has shouldn't interfere with that but as for what sakuna can do against mahara here I'm not really sure now I guess he can keep hitting him with black flash if he didn't adapt to that and he did adapt to Red because it said that you can't like purposely do the black flash it kind of just happens like you just get lucky essentially or you can just get really nice and go into the Flow State I guess and then hit it consecutively like nanami has the record for hitting it four times we actually saw that in the Jiu jizu kaisen Zero movie but considering that Gojo is a freak you think that he'd be able to surpass that record if he really tried right so maybe he hits mahara with like five or six or seven black flashes I mean if that doesn't happen I do think that's going to happen with Yugi later on like Yuji will do like I don't know 10 black flashes or something in a row but as for Gojo going against mahara here I think he might start getting beaten down in the next chapter and we might see some of the other sorcerers have to come in and help him now as for sakuna he might be straight up ko'ed by this like I think he might be out of commission and like mahara is going to have to fight the battle here for him I think that would be a good way to level out the stakes here because if it was sakuna and mahara teaming up on Gojo then obviously it's pretty much game at that point but if it's just Gojo versus mahara then that should make things more interesting so coming off the previous chapter we saw Gojo hitting sakuna with a black flash possibly knocking him out but that seemed to cause mahara to be summoned and at this point mahara in theory is completely adapted to Limitless Gojo's curse technique and he just slashes Gojo across the chest and that brings us into the beginning of this chapter where we see jiujitsu High continuing to watch the match and shoko notices that Gojo's healing speed is getting slow but he can still use reverse curse technique which is like the healing ability since he's able to use red you know that blasting move because positive cursed energy is required for both of those techniques meaning that Gojo can still create positive cursed energy but it's just getting slower and that's understandable he's been fighting sakuna for a very long time and let us not forget that before all this mahara stuff Gojo and sukuna used like five domain expansions back to back and we also found out about the damage that is being done to their brains as well not to mention that a bunch of these chapters have had Cliffhangers where Gojo is like bleeding from the mouth or something indicating that he is reaching his limit and yeah he's certainly getting to that point more than ever now because not only is his healing slowing down but we're going to see later on that his overall power output is slowing down as well but Gojo just goes straight at mahara and punches him in the face it's just funny to me for some reason seeing mahara just getting punched in the face and then he like combos with this like double P strike it looks like like a haduken type motion to mahara solar plexus that gets a big reaction out of him and now that Gojo has established the distance with mahara he tries to hit him with a curse technique reversal r red you know hoping to take him out with just one big blast before he can adapt to it that's essentially how you have to take down mahara and we're also going to find out that despite Gojo hitting sakuna with red in the previous chapter like when he tricked him and hit him in the back with it mahara has still not adapted to Red so it's still an option to just completely take him out and that's one of Gojo's few options left at this point but before he's able to fire this off against mahara sakuna saves him with a rabbit Escape another shikigami summon of the 10 Shadows we've seen mumi use this before of course and as scojo sees this he aims down at the shadows in the ground that summon them and that's also I guess saving mahara and Gojo says seems like black flash is effective and that's interesting because that's the only time in this chapter that black flash has mentioned despite it being like the big moment in the previous chapter and yes it is very effective just one black flash from Gojo kind of knocked sakuna out I mean it's debatable if he was completely koed or if he was kind of just chilling or if he just used that as an opportunity to summon mahara against Gojo like a counter almost I mean he definitely got hurt by it but considering that he's saving mahara here or attempting to save him with the rabbit Escape sukuna came back to Consciousness anyway and also in my previous review I said that black flash had like a 2.5 times multiplier to the Damage Done and I was actually incorrect about that sorry guys it's actually to the power of 2.5 so yeah way bigger output of damage here which is uh completely understandable considering how devastating it was and like I said this is the only time it's being mentioned here but I think gay put that in there because the black flash is going to come back for sure and that's because Gojo is for sure going to use the black flash again or at least I think he is I mean he kind of has to and I do think black flash is also going to be very prevalent in the rest of the series especially from Yuji but after Gojo fires this red off you know taking out these rabbits essentially we see mahara like running and sakuna coming and teaming up with him and we essentially find out sakuna strategy here he summoned mahara as like this utility to shut down Limitless for Gojo because now that he has adapted to it you know because we found out in the previous chapter mahara only needed to have his dharmachakra wheel spin four times to completely adapt to Limitless now that that's happened it's taken the form of mahar's sword or or mahara himself I don't know cuz we see mahara sword coming down on Gojo and Gojo's like blocking it and it's at that point Limitless is being shut off so I guess that's how mahara has adapted to Limitless he's become like his own proprietary reverse Horn of Heaven in a way you know the curse tool that toi used against Gojo to shut down Limitless and this is just unbelievable like I know I've said this before but mahara is just a little too powerful I mean he's not broken like he can be beaten obviously and he can be beaten down phys physically but the fact that he can just adapt this way and shut down the greatest curse technique ever on paper I mean at least just overall I mean the way that sakuna uses the 10 Shadows makes it seem like that's the best curse technique but just Limitless overall you don't have to really think about it you could be like a Pay to Win kid about it but with Limitless you don't really have to do too much thinking like you could just be a Pay to Win kid about it you know but with the 10 Shadows you definitely have to think and be strategic and have some skill and knowledge to be able to fully U ize it Limitless not so much you're kind of just God but anyway I'm rambling suuna fires off what looks to be a piercing blood at Gojo but it's not sukuna is actually using the water blast ability that the max elephant shikigami from the 10 Shadows uses but he's using it through his hands and he's firing it off like a piercing blood would be fired off now sakuna learned this obviously from seeing piercing blood done through choso and and nor toosi camo but I'm sure sakuna saw the piercing blood a thousand years ago or at least I assume it was around back then could be wrong about that but it's an awesome strategy because like we were talking about mahara now has the ability to shut down Limitless I guess when he makes contact with Gojo because as he's making contact with Gojo that's when sua's piercing water I guess you could call it hits Gojo on the arm but he's able to deflect it so once again sukuna with the big brain strategy here fully utilizing the 10 shadows and just really looking like the superior sorcerer here and I'm not saying that Gojo is like a lesser to a great extent cuz he's not Gojo is incredible on top of just having his inherent talent and everything handed to him in life he definitely utilizes it as a hard worker would as well like he is almost as skillful as sakuna but just not as much like if sakuna is a 10 I would say Gojo is like a nine but that's not even everything that's going on here I would have been satisfied if it was was just sakuna and mahara taking on Gojo cuz that's more than enough for Gojo to handle here of course and that's something that we've been looking forward to for a while especially when it was teased a couple chapters ago when we saw mahaga come out for the first time but then sakuna put him back into the Shadows because he wanted him to be fully adapted to Limitless before he had him go full force on Gojo but now that he's adapted now we're seeing that double team but sakuna takes it one step further and he summons another shiky from the 10 Shadows but it's one we've never seen before and that's because it's implied I guess that he is fusing together new The Owl shikigami and totality or I'm assuming he's talking about the wolf shikigami and he's making Chimera Beast agito now I don't know if he's literally doing that here I'm just guessing because he says new Total and then considering that ago is named Chimera Beast you know Chimera is like a fusion of animals or at least I I think that's what it means something like that that's possibly what he could have did here and this agito shikigami is similar to mahara as to where it has like a humanoid form as to where the other shikami obviously don't look like this like they resemble animals or whatever mahara resembles some kind of like demon alien and agdo is the same way except uh I guess a female so now sakuda has this new crazy amalgamation of a shikigami with AO and he has mahara so it's 3v1 against Gojo as he says and this also makes me wonder like how far can this go if in theory he can fuse together two shikigami to make a beast like this can he just fuse them all together can he just fuse all 10 of the shikigami together then make God that would be too much but it is possible but why didn't he do it yet like fuse mahara and agito together is that possible that would be too broken maybe we'll see that happen I don't know but we see aito and mahara going after Gojo and I don't know what AO can do I don't like I don't think their abilities are being revealed here like we can kind of see it doing something in this one panel where they're both going after Gojo but I just I don't know what it's doing here is it like forming something with its hands I don't know let me know in the comments if you can see what aito is doing I'm sure we're going to see in the next chapter but Gojo impressively still avoiding these two monster shikigami coming at him but as he's backpedaling his own shadow that he's projecting on the ground has sakuna coming out of it you know because the 10 Shadows he could just manipulate them and as sakuda is coming out of it he's going to fire off a piercing water at Gojo what an amazing sequence here like when this comes out in the anime in like four years man this is going to be the peak of peak maybe five years don't hold your breath but that's still not enough Gojo is able to avoid that and avoid the follow-up strike from mahara and get himself into a position as to where he can avoid aito strike and have aito hit mahara like I'm pretty sure that's what's happening here and as that's happening Gojo finds himself behind mahara and hits him with a red right in the back and I guess normally this would have been enough to take him out but not in this case muraga takes it I mean it hurts him a little but he survives and that's because Gojo's output is weakening that's all there is to it he just gassing he's approaching his limit for sure so it's understandable that he can't just do this like one massive red and just take out somebody on the level of mahara at this point being so depleted and exhausted but Gojo also Pond that mahar's adaptation must be gradual and we still don't have like a full answer on how it completely works but considering that it keeps being mentioned and talked about maybe it will be revealed but the long and the short of it is that mahara will take longer to to adapt to Red than blue and just base Limitless I guess because it has positive cursed energy involved in it because red is like when you apply positive cursed energy to Limitless and then coming into the end of the chapter after Gojo realizes that he can't take out mahara with a red he realizes that he only has one shot left one final move that he can do to completely take out mahara in one shot so he doesn't have to worry about him anymore and he says that I have to use it the unlimited Hol technique and that's the end of the chapter so I'm sure her Minds immediately go to purple because that's the title that precedes purple Hollow technique purple you know when blue and red come together they create purple the imaginary Mass blast I guess you can call it you know I'm sure you've seen season 1 when Gojo fires it off he's just firing like this no clip IRL eraser tool at reality I guess that's way you can describe it and I don't know if that's what he's going to do here I mean he fired off a purple at sakuna in the very beginning of the fight but he obviously hasn't used it since then so I'm not entirely sure if he is talking about purple here because why wouldn't he just say purple you know they're keeping it ambiguous he's like I have to use it and then he says the unlimited Holo technique so maybe it's not purple because also the way that Holo technique purple is presented it makes it seem like there are multiple Hollow techniques not just purple cuz it's like Hollow technique colon purple so this could finally be coming to what we've been talking about for months now and it's Gojo's maximum technique or the maximum technique of Limitless which I'm pretty sure we haven't seen yet and this might be it and whatever it is apparently has a charge time where sakuna will be aware of it so Gojo really has to do something crazy here to avoid three Ultra powerful characters all bloodlusted attacking him to charge up an attack that could in theory wipe out at least two of them so so we'll see what happens cannot wait to see the next chapter let me know what you think about all this in the comments guys and if you like the video please give it a like and please subscribe if you haven't already have a great day and I'll see you in the next one so coming off the previous chapter we saw sakuna summon a new shikigami by the name of agito which is actually a fusion of three shikigami from the 10 shadows as we'll come to find out in this chapter and that along with mahara gives sakuna now a 3v one matchup against Gojo and coming into this chapter see the spectators reacting and aotu says that he's going to go out there like to help Cojo now and kosimo is like don't interfere at least you're not next meaning that like you know kosimo has next because he called Next first like when this fight started he said that if Gojo were to lose then he would step in next to take on sukuna because fighting sukuna is Kimo's like entire main motivation in this series like he was promised this fight by kinjaku 400 years ago so he's not just going to let it Cod who jump in line then hakari says that Gojo only allowed for them to enter if he himself got weaker than them so that's interesting I guess during the time skip between Gojo being unsealed and to him fighting sakuna at some point they did put in some contingencies that we just weren't aware of until now so Gojo just wasn't going to like blindly sacrifice himself and just fight to the death meaninglessly and I guess even currently as fatigued and worn out as Gojo is he's still not as weak quote unquote as AK kotu and aari are then AK kotu says that since huna's domain expansion is disabled you know since they had that whole back and forth using it like five times he can get in there and use ra to fight against the two shikigami for Gojo while Gojo just continues to fight sukuna by himself and that's a really interesting proposition there because like what would happen if that went down like I'm sure ra would destroy agito but could aotu defeat mahara and it's like I don't know I mean maybe aotu and ra going against mahara would have an easier time but this whole beginning of the chapter really gets my mind going with all the potential matchups here and how much fun it could be just with speculation alone you know like kosimo versus aotu or hakari versus aotu or any of them versus Maki and speaking of her she comes in and she says you know if anyone's going it's me don't forget your role talking to kosimo like if you're defeated some of our insurance will be gone and she's referring to Kimo's curse technique which apparently he can only use once and it's like so powerful that it can probably take out sakuna which Kashima is essentially holding it for and Maki saying that she wants to come in here goes back to what I was saying it's like what about Maki versus mahara could she just cut his soul with the quickness and take him out or would he adapt to that would he adapt to his soul being cut I guess right if he can adapt to any and all phenomena but anyway Yuji steps in and he's like a kotu you know go for it we need this and I love that Yugi says this because it makes sense it's like yeah this is the point where we should all jump in and you know gang up on sakuna and just take him down like the villains are outnumbered at this point and I just appreciate that Yugi is acknowledging that and just taking the pragmatic approach here because you know in other series they would be like no we have to let them fight each other by themselves when a lot of the issues in like multiple series you know in battle Shonen or just battle manga in general could have been solved if they all just ganged up on the villain but of course it would just be too easy if we did that and kusakabe steps in and he's like you you guys don't understand anything because then kusabi puts out other options of maybe they're able to handle Kaku and I think all of them teaming up could easily take down kinjaku don't get me wrong he's pretty powerful but not strong enough to fight against all of the spectators here kusakabe also says that sakuna must have some kind of trump card that he's preserving and if they go out he might use it so I do appreciate the way that gay is handling this here he is giving like a legitimate excuse as to why they shouldn't all gang up on sakuna kusak kabi is like you know what if sakuna has this trump card and it is very possible but at least an explanation is being given here and this also could be foreshadowing like maybe he really does have a trump card I mean I guess he does right there's obviously things that he hasn't shown against Gojo that we know that he has namely the fire arrow and and also he has uh you know what some kind of scheme to get his original body back too which we're for sure going to see at some point along with the full reveal of whatever his curse technique is and all of the abilities within it or whatever he can do whether it's a curse technique or some kind of proprietary Jiu-Jitsu ability that he developed but they ultimately decide on hey it's just better if we just let Gojo go about it and just take him down and then we could just deal with everything after that and they punctuate it with it would be lame to interfere with it and at this point I kind of agree with that at least just for entertainment's sake but for the sake of pragmatism for sure it could have been handled a little better but it's fine but we come back to Gojo taking on the tou shikigami and he's having somewhat of an easy time with them I think he lands the black flash on agito but maybe he doesn't because if he did he surely would have killed it maybe but I don't know maybe it's just showing that he's fatigued and regressed so much that even if black flash is really doing that much not really sure maybe it's just a similar art style but anyway Gojo winds up ripping off ago's snake tail and he says that agito is what happens when new then inherited the Great Serpent which shakuna also fought in the past back in his first encounter with mumi mourn tiger and round deer so I don't think we knew this in the previous chapter right because sakuna said new in totality right unless that was a mistr translation or I'm reading it wrong but now it turns out that it's new with the Great Serpent and mourn tiger we've never heard of that before as far as I know and I think that completes the 10 Shadows like that's the final one that we didn't know about and he also says that because of round deer it has the ability to heal itself because that was like round deer's thing it had positive curse energy and could imbue reverse curse technique on the user which was like a great utility I really enjoy that aspect of sakuna fight against yosu but it gives gito the ability to regenerate of course too and while it's not adapted to Limitless like mahara it still essentially needs to be taken out in one big blast similar to mahara so that's what Gojo aims to do here after easily evading the strikes of both mahara and agito here somewhat playing with them really showing that Gojo isn't entirely reliant on Limitless like he's just a great sorcerer or just a physical specimen in general like he could just get around with cursed energy reinforcement I mean the six eyes also helps with that too it's not like mahara is adapting to the six eyes although that would be crazy if he could somehow figure out how to do that but we get an inter monologue from sakuna while Gojo is doing this and he essentially says that he was able to survive the initial purple that Gojo shot in the beginning of the fight but now that he's regressed so much and become so weakened you know throughout this fight that if he were to take another purple at 100% it would take him out for sure so he said has to really avoid that like he can't let Gojo use purple because he knows that that's all that Gojo has left and we also found that in the previous chapter that Gojo pretty much intends to use purple again because it's his last shot of taking down mahara and sakuna it possibly like a two birds one stone scenario at least if he takes down mahara he has a much better chance of taking down sakuna at that point then sakuna like starts cheering on/ berading mahara here and he's like you know how long you going to have me waiting it's like you're my shadow not mumi it's like show me what you got and then we see like mahara is like I don't know it evokes some kind of emotion in mahara and his Dharma chakra wheel spins indicating that it adapted or learned possibly because he takes off Gojo's arm instantly but then we also see that he cut cleanly through the buildings behind them and then kusakabe says mahara can use his slashes I guess implying sakuna right meaning that did mahara learn cleave from sukuna and I guess that seems to be the implication here right which is really cool it's like not only can mahara adapt to his opponent and learn how to adapt to it I I suppose you could say but now it can also learn from its Master which I I guess makes sense right it can go both ways but that's just the ultimate Mastery of the 10 Shadows like having mahara learn your abilities now I don't know if that's fully what's going on here but come on considering what kusak cab is saying and the way that it's depicted taking off Gojo's arm and going through the building I guess that's what it means but since Gojo has been so fatigued throughout this battle the same way that sukuna has you know his healing has slowed down as indicated by shoko so losing an arm is really bad at this point and he starts to get beaten down by sakuna and the shikigami but then he suddenly just snaps and he throws a maximum output blue at agito and it like shoots out of the building and goes to the sky and it just destroys him completely like an instant counter turnaround knockout strike from Gojo here pretty awesome sequence this is essentially what he was waiting for and he was willing to take a shot from agito straight on his head just to give agito the killing blow and in the final panel we see that Gojo's arm is healing so I suppose in the next chapter he will go in completely healed at this point you know with his arm back but then the narrator says 41 seconds later again Gojo satoru's Hollow technique purple will leave a scar in chinuku so in the spoilers I was a little thrown off by this I thought we were seeing it here but no what we're actually seeing going off of the skyscraper is just the maximum output blue I'm pretty sure destroying aito we haven't seen the purple yet but the purple's going to be so big I guess that it's going to leave like it it says a scar in Shinjuku like just tearing up blocks and blocks maybe miles and I guess this confirms that Gojo is definitely going to hit sakuna with a hollow purple or mahara at least or he's just going to for sure fire it off meaning that sakuna fails in preventing him from doing it and how significant is this going to be I I guess it's going to be the most significant thing that Gojo does because it says the battle enters its climax meaning that the next next chapter is the final chapter of Gojo versus sakuna and we're going to get a winner in that chapter and it kind of has to be sakuna at this point now I hope that Gojo doesn't die I don't want that it would be cool if Gojo just loses but then still you know is alive I don't know if he's nerfed or he loses his curse technique or something I don't know but if he stays alive that's obviously what we want but we also have to accept that there's a very real chance he could die maybe not in the next chapter but in the next couple chapters it's very possible but he's going to go out with a bang regardless or there's just like a massive twist and somehow Gojo wins and then I don't know sakuna runs away no I think we're too late in the game for that I do think that they're going to have a stretch of chapters where they go to like their own Corners you know what I mean like we need to have a break I guess unless GGI just plans to go straight into everyone fighting sakuna and then that fight just rides out the rest of the series but there's still a lot of unfinished business with the few other things and kinjaku still needs to make that giant kinjaku Japanese population curse thing right that still is going to happen so yeah we still got a lot of things to go over but so coming out with the previous chapter we saw mahara take off Gojo's arm but Gojo was eventually able to launch a projectile blue that completely destroyed agito but also went off to another location in the city we're actually going to come back to where that went and that brings us to to this chapter where we see Gojo completely heal his arm with reverse curse technique as we assume that he would and the narration says that sakuna is feeling nervous for the first time in a thousand years and that's pretty crazy I mean it's not like it was a steady thousand years but considering that sakuna was like the top dog in the hean era when it's implied that the power scale was at its greatest sakuna is now feeling nervous for the first time since then now that he's running out of cards to use against Gojo and after a brief physical Exchange Gojo just throws sakuna into mahara and lands a third black flash but mahara is able to protect sakuna from it by blocking it with his arms and I say third because the narrator also says two black flashes in the beginning of the chapter meaning that in the previous chapter that was in fact a black flash that Gojo land on aito I thought it was peculiar that gay didn't make note of it he didn't like say that it was a black flash or anything we kind of just saw the aesthetic of it and had to decide for ourselves it was like gay showing and not telling which is interesting but the black flash also wasn't as impactful as it was against suuna in previous chapters just as it isn't as impactful landing on mahara in this sequence it does blast them through a building but it's not like a game-ending impact like it was before then Gojo starts chanting and we go into a narration about the start of a big move this is in reference to Gojo using purple like this is the start of the big sequence that's going to lead to that go Gojo can't just use purple like he traditionally has before this against sakuna as we've seen Gojo just start chanting or he'll just go into anime descriptive of his final move mode and we'll see him summon the blue and red orbs and then fuse them together into the purple and then launch it like a projectile similar to what he does with blue but he can't do that against auna because if he just sits there and tries to summon the move like that sukuna will obviously kill him or mahara will first so he needs to do it incrementally and we saw him first launch off that blue which is still suspended somewhere we're going to see it very soon but that means that he's also going to have to systematically include red as well and sakuna is very aware of that and he's kind of waiting for him to do it because he thinks that he can just have mahara go after it and just take it head on and then fully adapt to it because he hasn't adapted to Red yet he's only adapted to Blue then Gojo actually does it he fires off curse technique reversal red but into into the sky not towards sakuna or mahara then sakuna kind of panics and he calls for mahara to go after it you know so he can just take it head on and then adapt to it but also prevent Gojo from fusing it with the blue to make purple but as mahara is trying to track it down in the sky he comes across the blue orb that was just chilling up there after it had destroyed agito like I said before this is Gojo's incremental construction of purple but since mahara is completely adapted to Blue he could just destroy this orb so before he even has a chance to do that Gojo comes between mahara and the blue orb using blue itself to like Propel himself and then just levels mahara in the face and now that he's unable to go after the red and the blue orb sakuna has to do it himself so he fires off his foe piercing blood which is not actually blood it's the water from the max elephant shikigami from the 10 Shadows that he's firing using the Foundation of piercing blood and he fires it off in an attempt to stifle the blue or the red but Gojo just level sakuna as well but sakuna thinks that it doesn't matter because it was already fired and Gojo starts chanting again and it was just in the nick of time that he chanted enough to reinforce blue so that it was strong enough to just take the piercing water then Gojo finishes his chance and it's pretty much game at that point and you see like the defeat in sua's eyes like oh no and then Gojo's face is like the opposite it's a pretty cool sequence and then he says purple as he fuses together red and blue and like I said before he traditionally fires it off like he would like blue like a projectile orb or something and it's like an orb of imaginary mass that kind of just eraser tools through reality but when he performs it here it goes off like a nuke it's like a nuke of imaginary mass and I know that he doesn't say that it's maximum technique but I guess this is the closest we're going to get to it since I suppose this is Gojo's final move here because you know we've been talking about that for a while now and I was really hoping that we'd get to see what the maximum technique of Limitless was and I guess at this point we're not going to get that and this is uh like I said the closest and it's pretty cool pretty satisfying I suppose just a massive explosion that just erases reality in its vicinity but of course the drawback is that it's hitting the user itself since Gojo's at the epicenter but apparently since since it's comprised of his own cursed energy it didn't nuke him or just vaporize him completely so he's like okay but uh who's not okay is mahara cuz mahara is getting vaporized by this thing even his wheel is getting destroyed so this is the plan the whole time of course for Gojo to use the purple to destroy mahara in one shot so that he can't adapt to it so now he's gone and sakuna also survives this however but his left hand is gone and he's really beaten down and withered Gojo on the other hand he's able to heal from this and in the final panel we see him fully you know regenerating and this is where they start to call game on this fight because kusabi says that Gojo has his reverse curse technique output back from the black flashes but sakuna has slow healing and Mahar is gone and he can't get into a physical fight with Gojo because he can't use domain amplification now I don't know if that's 100% truthful or if kusakabe is being an unreliable narrator or if that is the case then yes auna is pretty screwed here because it says at the end that Gojo wins I mean he hasn't literally won yet I mean obviously they're both still standing but it's implying that Gojo is just the winner because he's put sakuna in a Checkmate situation so it's like can sakuna respond to this check and I think that he can in the previous chapter they talked about sakuna having some kind of trump card in case the others came in to help Gojo and while he for sure probably has one for that I'm sure he has a trump card for just straight up losing to Gojo cleanly you know and we're going to see it happen in the next chapter because I think that this is gay trying to give Gojo his flowers if you will like give him as dues like this is his way of having Gojo straight up declared the winner of the fight so that the audience will now say that oh Gojo was the winner when they fought Gojo won cleanly that was it however something nefarious is going to happen in the next chapter that leads to Gojo I don't know getting killed or something I mean I don't want him to die of course but it just doesn't seem like gay is just going to let Gojo go this cleanly like we're going to ride this high of Gojo winning and then something's going to happen and it's going to be like oh are you serious and it's going to be dirty so just look out for that could be kinjaku interference or something or uram or it could have something to do with yosu maybe yosu what whatever happened with yosu and sukuna not saying that yosu constructed some kind of cursed tool because I don't think yosu can do that but she did something that could come into play here but yeah that's uh pretty much it for this one I guess if you want we could say Gojo one but I won't call this fight off until the next chapter or until we have a definitive like winner until like someone is dead completely unconscious knocked out or the fight kind of just Ends by everyone going their separate ways I need one of those situations to play out you know so I'm just going to have to wait a little bit more before I'm satisfied and I think gay did that on purpose so I'm sure you already know what's going on before coming into this video because this chapter basically already shows us as it starts because we see Gojo in this afterlife ethereal plane uh with his deceased jitu High friends and that's because Gojo himself self is dead I know that's wild and out of the blue like a huge shocker because in the previous chapter it was kind of the opposite right he was still alive and he was being declared the winner by the sorcerers who were watching because he kind of put sakuna in like a Checkmate situation right where Gojo had defeated mahara severely wounded sakuna whose healing had slowed down and was also unable to use his domain expansion as to where on the other hand Gojo was still ready to go but now coming into this chapter he's dead and talking to his friends which is like you know I said wild and ghetto asks Gojo he's like you know so how was sakuna and Gojo was like he was crazy strong and he wasn't giving it all he had I don't think I would have won even if he didn't have the 10 shadows and that's like a crazy controversial statement like that's going to anger a lot of people reading that and I don't know if that's like a grand definitive statement there this could just be Gojo reaching a state of humility now that he has died but considering what he also says a little bit later with sakuna wasn't able to give me his all though I think it's pretty much true uh both statements there because sakuna definitely didn't give him his all we didn't see sakuna use his fire ability whatever that is the fire arrow thing that he used against Joo whether that's a curs technique or him manipulating cursed energy the way that kosimo does and makes his lightning still don't know but he didn't use that against Gojo and then raised the question of like what else wasn't he using aside from him not having all 20 fingers and not having his true body but regardless you know Gojo pushed him it was like high diff for sure for sakuna to be able to defeat him and speaking of that after Gojo finishes speaking with his friends here and the uh pseudo afterlife airport we come to Gojo on the ground and he's dead and it's because he was like cut in half off panel and it goes back to what I was saying like how did this happen because he was just standing there facing off against sakuna sakuna was severely damaged no mahara and now he's just dead well we find out how sakuna did it at least but we don't get to see how it played out visually so we hear sakuna saying that mahar's adaptation can only start after a single attack and then it slowly starts to analyze and its completion is only a matter of time but if it receives another identical attack during that period it accelerates the adaptation and even after it's adapted it continues to adapt further which is insane so that confirms what we were wondering and what the series actually posited itself a few chapters back like how mahar's ability works his adaptation is it time based or is it like volume based and it's a little bit of both more so instantaneously kind of but going further sukuna says that what he wanted from mahara was a model of how to tear through Infinity because mahara was adapting to Infinity by altering the essence of his own cursed energy and that was something that sakuna couldn't do like that's how mahara was able to like strike Gojo and just bypass Limitless in the first place but sakuna couldn't do that so he was waiting for mahara to do another thing to adapt to Limitless and that's when he finally saw him do a slash that could bypass it so going back to chapter 234 we saw Gojo fighting against mahara and agito at the same time and Gojo was doing pretty well and sukuna started giving mahara like this pep talk and mahar's wheel spun indicating that it adapted yet again and then after that he fired off a slash that cut off Gojo's arm and sakuna was like very good because it was like at that moment that's what sukuna wanted this this is something that sakuna can learn because that was like a slashing attack it's something similar to what Gojo does with cleave and dismantle and it also goes back to what sakuna was saying about mahara continuing to adapt after it had already adapted because previously it had already adapted to Limitless as to where he could just strike Gojo and whatnot but then we saw his wheel spin yet again then he slashed him because it further adapted which is like so crazy so what this adaptation actually was is mahara altering the essence of his cursed energy as he initially was doing but this time with the slash he's cutting as sakuna says existence itself so it's bypassing Limitless by just cutting everything there so it doesn't matter if Gojo was standing there coated and Limitless or had like a adamantium barrier protecting him it doesn't matter everything that exists right there is being cut which is like the strongest thing you know in this series ious for sure and I think I said this in my spoilers video but this reminds me of kabara from yuu haa show eventually he becomes so powerful that his sword can like cut through dimensions and it's possible that gay was inspired by that maybe since you know he is a big Togashi fan but I wonder if mahara is using the same Principle as Limitless itself since it was said that Limitless targets cursed energy on a molecular scale that's how it Alters space so I suppose mahara could be doing the same thing instead of like altering and moving space like Limitless he's just cutting it meaning that you know it's cutting Limitless itself since it's not bypassing mahara since they're using the same fundamental and then that's what's happening off panel here with sakuna killing Gojo and cutting him in half I guess Gojo kind of walked up to him thinking that sukuna was defeated and then sukuna just fires from the hip like a cleave and just cuts him in half with Gojo not being none the wiser now how SU did this could have been done one of two ways I suppose so first of all he just watched how mahara did it and he figured it out organically and just did it by manually manipulating cursed energy because he said he needed to see something that he could do and the slashing attacks are in his repertoire and it was also said by Angel that if he sees anything once he'll be able to do it such as with you know him seeing Gojo healing his own brain which led sakuna doing the same thing so sakuna can now fire off Cleveland dismantles that cut through space essentially right now it's that or another fun possibility is that mahara being completely destroyed by Gojo's purple led to mahara being absorbed by sakuna because you know the 10 Shadows we know that when their shikigami die they get passed on like their life force gets passed on to the other shikigami and they become totality so what would happen when maaga dies does he go to another shikigami or does he go to the user itself and then the user gains whatever he adapted that would be pretty cool but I guess that's not what's happening here I guess it's just sakuna using his uh jiujitsu genius re to figure out how to do this on the Fly by just watching mahara which is so cool like he just used mahara as like a Jiu-Jitsu problem solving computer he was like all right I can't quite figure out how to defeat Gojo because of his overpowered curse technique but if I have this chiy gami computer that can figure out I'll just use him to give me the data and I'll use that data to defeat him myself and uh that's essentially what he did you can call him a fraud that's fine but come on you got to admit that's pretty cool and I'm not discrediting Gojo in any way he did amazing he had a lot of amazing moments in this fight he even taught sakuna a few things himself but um at the end of the day Gojo kind of had to die and I'll talk more about this in my video on Sunday but Gojo doesn't have to be number one that spot is supposed to be for auna it was always kind of said that it was rather than Gojo being the modern strongest but Gojo did well you know his his time came and now it's time for you know Yuji to take over at this point but aside from that there there's still something else that happens because at the very end of the chapter kosimo comes in and we knew that this was going to happen because kosimo said a couple chapters back that if Gojo dies or is defeated he's going against sakuna next and Kimo's whole entire motivation in this series is to fight sakuna he comes from like 400 years ago where Kaku found him and made a deal with him and the whole deal was like Hey you know I'll reincarnate you to come back in the calling game to where you can fight sakuna because kosimo was like I don't know an old guy looking for a good fight and he couldn't find anybody strong enough which is exactly the same thing that has Afflicted sakuna it's even touched on in this chapter by Gojo he even references it the same way that yosu does the loneliness that comes with unrifled strength the one who will teach you about love is well that was more so yosu saying that but it's referenced in the chapter nonetheless and that's what's kind of linking kosimo and sakuna here because Kaku told kosimo that the strongest sorcerer he ever met was sakuna so now he's finally getting the moment to fight sakuna and we also found out that kosimo has a curse technique but he can only use it once like when he was fighting against hakari he was just manipulating cursed energy to make it like lightning and considering that the narration is also saying the god of lightning kosimo haimi here I think it's confirming that gay has based kosimo off of Indra Indra who is the king of dvas or the god of lightning or I guess you could say like the Hindu god of lightning and he had this weapon called the vajra and it's like a super powerful Thunderbolt essentially and I'm thinking that's what kashim Mo's curse technique probably is it's like just one big massive Thunder Thunderbolt lightning bolt whatever and it just it could kill anyone essentially even sakuna like maybe even more powerful than purple and I really wonder if he's going to hit sakuna with it because you know he can't kill sakuna here because mumi needs to survive in my opinion like he absolutely needs to live yes the story is sad and a lot of characters die clearly but I don't think mumi is going to be one of them but I do think that Kimo will have his moment where he wrecks sakuna but something happens to where mumi lives too and shakuna ultimately needs to get his true form anyway so yeah expect all of that to happen in some way or another in the next couple chapters but that's pretty much it for this one guys let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments and if you like the video please give it a like and please subscribe if you haven't already have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Zhoniin
Views: 298,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhoniin, anime, manga, jujutsu kaisen, GOJO VS SUKUNA - Full Fight Review (Ch. 223 - 236) / Jujutsu Kaisen, jjk, gojo vs sukuna, death, gojo, sukuna, yuji, megumi, mahoraga, domain expansion, cursed technique
Id: apBmRKroO84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 36sec (9396 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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