We Finally Know Shanks D. Figarland's Plan To Become Pirate King: The Complete Story | ONE PIECE

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King figland Chen's 25-year plan to die is finally here oda's obsession with parallels and inversion holds the secret to the final Saga of one piece with the reversal of Sab ODI in Egghead his story will meet a similar finale where it will be an inversion of romance Dawn shank's final battle with Blackbeard will result in him being rescued by Luffy and the straw hats bringing the story full circle from Luffy being saved by Shanks in the beginning however to understand shank's objectives and his true power we have to start at the very start with his origin as a Celestial Dragon Shanks was born 39 years ago in the West Blue and right off the bat it's important to note that the sea is often associated with people of the past for example the archaeologists of Ohara the nearly 100-year-old Brook the undead of Thriller bark and characters like be and lafit who are directly inspired by fighters of real world history Shanks being being born here ties him to a different age however in shank's case he's associated with the end of that time and the passing of the torch to the new generation connecting Roger's time with Luffy the following year from his birth would shake the world as all the powers collided in God Valley the special occasion for all of this was of course the celestial Cullen games where you hunt the locals where the champion of this competition would be none other than shank's daddy St figur land Garling however Garling couldn't be more different than Shanks as he killed the king of God Valley for opposing the competition and in doing so earned a 10,000 Point penalty for starting too early however he just Shrugged that off and considered it a reasonable handicap showcasing that unlike many of the other deadbeat celestials shank's father is extremely talented more like a doflamingo than someone like Charlos this was demonstrated to us as he let the god Knights against the Pirates while telling the Marines to hold his beer and protect the other Celestial dragons during this battle the most likely opponent of Garling is Whitebeard who would be the third strongest pirate on the battlefield after Roger and rocks the biggest evidence for which comes from chapter 434 where many years later when Shanks meets Whitebeard Newgate comments that every time he sees him his scar aches now we all thought Whitebeard meant his eternal rival Roger however with one piece chapter 10 96 it was actually Garling who gave Whitebeard that scar with him being the commander of the Gods Knights who are meant to be even above the station of the Marine Admirals it makes sense that he would match up with the strongest man on the planet and his son is even more busting with such a climactic battle raging on the destruction to the surrounding area must have been enormous causing the Lesser celestials women and children to flee in this chaos a year-old baby was then placed inside one of the prized treasure chests and after my deep conversation with Goda he revealed to me that shanga's mother was not a noble nor Celestial herself rather she was picked up from the masses by Garling the practice of abducting strong willed females much like jinny by the elite of the celestials had gone back many years this was all for the purpose of birthing powerful heirs and soldiers for the celestials in many cases the women abducted would even be already married so their life partner had to be eliminated shank's mother 's case wasn't so different she hated the circumstance she was forced into however she never once gave up on the idea of freedom this led to her placing her son in the treasure chest so that he could be free from the shackles of the Celestial Dragon a motif that later followed with jinny and Bonnie at the end of the battle Roger being one of the victors took on the prize for himself however what they found inside wasn't just gold silver or Jewels but also a ruby haired baby Shanks after his encounter with Garling Roger wasn't naive to the fact that this boy was a Celestial Dragon and son to the God's Knight no less yet Roger took him in as he understood the mother's will for shank's Freedom along with the possibility of him being a future bridge between Nobles and the rest of the world if Roger could get Shanks to see that all life has value and be raised with the mentality of peace and understanding then maybe maybe there is hope for winning over the rest of the world Nobles as well as this would prove ignorance is taught and not inherited this idea is further supported by Roger giving his Straw Hat to shank sometime over the next 8 years in Luffy's case he was given the straw hat as shank's gamble on the future and the hope that Luffy would inherit rogers's dream of equality and peace for all it makes so much sense that Shanks is following in Roger's footsteps here and we can assume that Roger gave up his hat because he saw that spark in him these eight years would also bring him closer with a fellow Apprentice on Rogers crew the future yonko buggy despite these two being best friends growing up they couldn't be more different in terms of philosophy and worldview we see this when Shanks is 12 as he and buggy are arguing about which place is colder the North or the South Pole reallyy stops their fight saying it doesn't matter and if they want to know they should just go and check this is all played off as a joke but it sets these two apart as Polar Opposites for example when preparing to attack another crew they talk all about the importance of treasure buggy says a ship's the same as a treasure box the most important thing to a pirate is his loot however Shanks disagree saying that collecting treasure is only part of being a pirate this mentality is very similar to Luffy's in the future Luffy will never obsess about finding treasure however as we see in moments like the end of skypia he still gets excited when he can get his hands on it it isn't super important but treasure is still dope to have that's Luffy's mentality that said buggy can't understand this mindset and because of this nonchalant attitude towards finding treasure he believes that Shanks doesn't understand what it means to be a pirate he calls him a bozo on this raid buggy would find a treasure map that he was going to keep to himself followed immediately by Shanks coming through the door and saying they should celebrate because they found a weird treasure buggy and Shanks later find themselves talking about their plans for the future with Shanks suggest that because they think so differently they should travel separate paths because that's what a pirate life is like this is the core of shank's worldview everyone has their own path in life and they should all be free to follow it if he were to be more aligned with his Celestial Dragon Origins he would have instead believed that only his own people had the right to live the lives they desired but because of his time on Roger crew he realized that this should be true for everyone buggy responds then when we meet each other again at Sea will meet as enemies to this shank smiles and says that it is just another part of being a pirate notably Shanks is okay with and even anticipating that he will be at odds with his friends in the future taken at face value this could just be that he understands buggy will probably attack him for his treasure but on a grander level you could also interpret this as Shanks being aware that people like Luffy or maybe even the celestial dragons might stand opposed to him and that is just part of being a pirate so he will do what needs to be done in those times for example destroying kids's entire career in one slash Shanks eventually tells buggy about the devil fruit the crew found although buggy is completely opposed to eating one when Shanks mentions how much money he could be sold for suddenly his eyes light up as buggy can pretend to eat it and sell it instead unfortunately this plan Falls to Pieces as shank scares him and causes buggy to accidentally swallow the devil food hole oh not only that but in his anger buggy also drops his treasure map leading him to jump into the ocean after it and requiring Shanks to save him now that he can't swim anymore while buggy would resent Shanks for making him eat the devil fruit it does come in handy even in that same year when the Roger and Golden Lion pirates clashed in Ed War buggy was terrified to head into battle however Shanks calms him down by saying he doesn't need to worry about being slashed so he should be safe by the following year when Shank was 13 the Roger pirates clashed with the Whitebeard pirates for three days and nights during this fight Shanks and buggy take note of a specific member in whitebeard's crew Marshall D teach introducing Shanks to the man who he would spend much of his life trying to stop they briefly mention how it is weird teach never sleeps Shanks talks about how he'd be able to enjoy his life twice as much if he didn't need to sleep but buggy says that it isn't that simple and that teach is a monster this is another example of how Shanks is more focused on the idealistic while buggy tends to be more pragmatic at the end of this conflict Odin joins rogers's crew as they head off on their final Journey at first Shanks was not a big fan of Odin because he came from the white beard crew however he quickly began to accept him as one of their own after Odin fed him some Odin with this Shanks through Roger would begin to understand the idea that your enemies can also be your friends nothing is truly all black and white when Shanks was 15 Roger would manage to find all the road poneglyphs but as they approached the final Island buggy had a heavy fever and the worst illness known ever you'll die if you go to that Island disease if you guys couldn't tell I'm pretty sick too yousef's sick too our whole team is sick but we're still bringing you guys this video it's enough to make a grown man cry buggy was completely distraught over not being able to enter laugh tail so Shanks opted to stay behind with him telling his friend not to worry because they will still be able to sail there on their own ship in the future however when Roger returns to the ship Shanks began asking him several questions before bursting out into tears this is probably one of the most interesting questions left in shank's story that's because we have no idea what Shanks could have asked here or what Roger told him did Roger reveal to him the secrets of the Void century and if he did why would Shanks be brought to tears well we believe there are three specific things that were told to him number one Roger is about to die number two what he saw in laugh tale about Joy boy and the dawn he will bring however Roger and Shanks are not the ones to fulfill this prophecy and number three Shanks is a Celestial Dragon and Roger left him a task to be the mediator and balancer of the world so he can facilitate the return of Joy boy we believe that this final conversation was Roger passing on his mission to the young boy telling him why he chose to entrust him with the straw hat revealing what it means on the grander scale Roger explained that the Declan and the straw hat are emblems which oppose the celestial dragons leaving Shanks between two difficult paths going forward does he continue his life as a pirate and live up to the hat that Roger entrusted him with or does he return to his own people soon after this Roger was declared King of the Pirates and his crew was disbanded in secret leading up to his death and one by one everyone began their own Adventures after leaving the ship and this brings us to enchant Shanks turns 15 and he goes to log town to watch Roger's execution after watching Roger die Shanks would offer buggy a place on his crew however unlike what he had promised Shanks decided to change his objectives from claiming one piece to just sticking to being a simple pirate crew this of course upset buggy as he had secretly always admired Shanks believing his Captain's wish was for Shanks to follow in his footsteps Shanks changing his mind from pursuing the one piece was due to the conversation he had with Roger telling him it's not time yet until of course Joy boy returns and the Sea King's prophecies are fulfilled but buggy who has these secrets kept from him lost all respect for Shanks and felt betrayed unfortunately this had scarred him and going forward he didn't pursue one piece as buggy always dreamt it would be with his best friend Shanks so he turns down shank's offer with an excuse being the last time they see each other until Marine for the following two years of Changs his life or complete mystery but if you have the notification Bell on and have been sipping on that gamer Subs you would know how balls deep our connection with Oda is and you know gamer Subs heightens that and if you guys want your connection to the balls deep H mind to be strengthened then go get some gamer Subs right now with our code ABD you get 10% off it's op go get some and help us out and with the help of gamer subs and my favorite flavor guacamole gamer farts let me tell you about what Shanks did in these tweets years well he spent it with rley yep Shanks trained under him in the same way that Luffy did during his time to become a master of hockey unlike Luffy though when he started out on his journey Shanks was well equipped to enter the red line not just because he had once done it before but he also had in-depth knowledge of the power he would need to possess this is why the first few members of his crew were already well versed in hockey in fact at the age of 17 the very first person he sought out was a legend who was is lurking around in serup Village the father of God Usopp and sniper King himself yasa D deadbe after convincing him to get milk and leave his family behind Shanks then ventured to the North and South to respectively recruit Ben Beckman and lucky Ru these four founding members of the redhaired Pirates represent each of the four seas where they originate from furthering the idea of Shanks trying to bring the world together by uniting the seas in a way it is like a nod to the all blue the most interesting addition to it though would come when Shanks turned 20 and found his 2-year-old daughter UTA inside of a chess much like Roger did for him in the past Shanks welcomed UTA onto his crew for the next six years very little is known about shank's Adventure with the exception of a few key moments it is during this period that shank's rivalry with Mi hit its peak at an unspecified point an event would happen that would change shank's entire fate he ran into Marshall DET once again whilst he was still member of the Whitebeard Pirates Blackbeard and Shanks would have an altercation where Blackbeard would slice shank's eye giving him his trademark scars though it looked like Shanks was overpowered by teach at this moment in reality te waited for an opportunity catching Shanks off guard because later on after teach gained the power of the yumy Yami Nomi and the guro guro Nomi he still believed he could not face off against Shanks the exact date of this altercation is unknown however there are signs indicating those scars were made near the time of Roger's execution so yeah it could have been even before he recruited yasa however with all that said Shanks would look back on this moment later when talking to Whitebeard about how he didn't get those scars because he was careless but rather because teach is a genuine threat which sets up shank's beef with Blackbeard in the present art because we know that there are plenty of references to mythology in one piece and there is of course our bals deep theory that Shanks and Blackbeard are also in inspired by this in Norse mythology we are given the story of the god here who lost his arm after sticking it inside of friend re's mouth in order to trap the wolf in chain this is something that is paralleled by Shanks allowing a sea king to take his arm so that he could set Luffy who had eaten the sun god fruit on his journey towards eventually defeating Blackbeard however in this myth tier is eventually killed by garm at the Battle of Ragnarok the battle known as the Twilight of the god garm is the hellhound of the underworld bringing us back to Blackbeard who is often associated with the hellhound Cerberus with it being his Zone good fruit that allows him to eat multiple devil fruits if you want to know more about Blackbeard and his cber roast fruit then go watch this video on screen right now after this one it'll also be in the comment and the description if this is all accurate then it's another step towards Blackbeard killing Shanks at the end of the story and so Shanks needed to find a way to defy his fate if Blackbeard was going to bring about darkness and night in the Battle of Twilight then Shanks would need to bring a new dawn in the form of sun god NAA to defeat him with that in mind at 26 years old Shanks would spend a full year at dawn Island where he would meet a boy named Monkey De Luffy who befriends UTA and wants to join the redhead Pirates but Shanks tells him that he's too young towards the end of their time on da Island the red-haired crew set out to visit elgia where UTA accidentally summons tot Musa which leads to the near destruction of the island luckily shank's crew manages to stop this insane monster but in order to keep UTA from feeling responsible for the Calamity they took the blame for the attack and left her behind this attack despite not actually being shank's fault earned him his first Bounty of 1 billion 40 million Berry adding to infamy not too long after Shanks would finally steal the honomi model NAA from a government ship guarded by CP zero and who's who just a sheer will to go after a ship to steal something from the world government shows how strong Shanks was from the very beginning because remember this is nearly 12 years before the current story before Shanks is even a yonko but him and his crew managed to destroy who who entire career in a single day Shanks would then find himself back at dawn Island because he wanted to ensure that his fruit was given to someone who would be able to bring the change that Roger wished to see and who better to do that than Roger's son portgas D Ace however it of course never made made it to him as Luffy ate it by mistake knowing how dangerous this fruit was especially if the real name of it got out Shanks tells Luffy that he ate the gumgum fruit and now is made of rubber rather than saying he was the Incarnation of sunika to keep him safe this tells us that Shanks knew the importance of the gumgum fruit as he literally stayed in the East blue trying to hunt it down for a year and even attacked a government ship for it Luffy would later pick a fight with the Bandit higuma and we get this dope moment where shank shows up to save him only to have a gun pointed at his head Shanks responds to this by saying that guns are for Action not for threats as luy Ru blasts a dude without a second thought this is actually pretty interesting because it isn't Bandits rival Pirates Warlords or Marines who first take a life in one piece but instead in the very first chapter we have shank's crew being the first to kill someone in the series that is crazy Hig manages to grab Luffy and Escape onto the water where they're attacked by a seeking with Shanks arriving at the last moment and protecting Luffy at the expense of his arm before scaring the monster off with his insane conquer soon after this shank's crew prepares to leave the island and when Luffy says he will become king of the Pirates Shanks gives him his straw hat and makes Luffy promise that once he becomes a great pirate he will have to give that back this all acted to fuel Luffy with a sense of what it meant to be a pirate however his understanding of this would be much more in line with shank's definition than with someone like buggy it isn't about treasure it's about Freedom adventure and personal responsibility that's what a pirate is with all that Under Wraps though Shanks smashes machino one more time and bids farewell to Luffy and the East blue off on his new Journey Shanks returns to saboi where he meets with reallyy and tells him all about Luffy who said the same words that Roger had and explains that he left the straw hat with him it would take another 6 years before Shanks became recognized as the youngest yonko ever at the age of 33 until Loui of course we know that one of the requirements to becoming a yonko is having a large amount of territory in the new world which implies that this is about the same time that elbaf was placed under shank's protection we all know just how hyped Giants are in the world of One Piece right from the government literally spending Mr BEAST's whole video budget trying to create them to even yonos like big mom wanting Giants in their families they are a busted military asset and with Shanks somehow manag in to conquer elbaf and become recognized as their King just goes to show how overpowered he and his crew are but this Yono status came at a cost after losing his armor Luffy shank's boyfriend fraud what do you mean by that I mean mihawk broke up with him as Shanks had lost his grip Shanks battling the world's strongest swordsman at an equal level just goes to show how devastating he is cuz if mihawk can slice 48 ships Shanks can too if mihawk can cut a mountain in half shanks can as well if mihawk can paint Shanks can rat by the time Luffy has received his first bounty we learned that mihawk has given up his rivalry with Shanks because he feels that an opponent with one arm isn't worth fighting but that doesn't mean Shanks is weak now as he still claims he can give mihawk a run for his money with his hockeyman power then at the age of 35 Shanks first crosses paths with Ace they get off as fast friends based on their connections with Luffy but even more important is their common enemy in Blackbeard when Ace asks Shanks about the scar on his face Shanks only says that he's unsure what the man who gave it to him is doing now now at the age of 37 Shanks was met by mihawk but it wasn't to fight as mihawk was there to show Shanks Luffy's 30 million Berry Bounty poster seeing the little kid he B his arms to all those years ago finally making a stir in the world made Shanks overjoyed and he partied even harder during the same year shanks met Whitebeard to discuss the mistake Ace was making by going after Blackbeard but not before showcasing insane hockey as he drops all of whitebeard's FS to the floor these guys aren't just your run-of-the-mill Pirates but men on a yonko's leading ship in the new world so shank's being able to do this what the he didn't even lift a finger Ain't No Way Miha beats this guy even with one arm the yonko's conversation eventually starts to derail leading to one of the most epic moments as Shanks and Whitebeard measure themselves by clashing their own conquer hockei together which splits the freaking sky this is something only the highest tier of hockey users can achieve as even Luffy had to learn Rio and advanced conquerors to achieve this feat in wano have we seen mihawk do it hell no continuing on with that Whitebeard letting Shanks onto his ship and even clashing with them in this manner shows us that he sees him as an equal even with their age Gap and of course the issue Shanks was there to discuss was to do with keeping the balance of the world until the dawn could arrive through Sun God naika but this was being threatened by Blackbeard Shenanigans and further destabilized by Ace going after him Shanks with his big brain saw the bigger picture before anyone of Ace being blinded by anger falling into teach's trap that being said this meeting with Whitebeard didn't do much to quell the upcoming changes in the world everything Shanks had predicted and warned Whitebeard about comes true which forces him and his crew to actually intervene in the upcoming War however to stay neutral Shanks doesn't participate in rescuing Ace but rather does his best to make sure things don't go completely nuts as he intercepts the yongo kaido before they could show up at Marine Fort kaido would have completely decimated Whitebeard then and there along with causing more deaths on the Marine side too which would completely destroy two of the legs the world keeps its balance on also it's very likely that kaido F Shanks because if you guys remember when Luffy gets to the rooftop and he punches kaido for the first time kaido is like oh can you rock to their level there are only these men who can fight me one V one think you're them behind him we not only see like rock Whitebeard Roger these are guys like kaido has fought in God Valley and in the past but we also see Shanks so when did they fight they must have fought for kaido to acknowledge Shanks right although a pirate Shanks still sees the importance of Marines in the world as though they are corrupt they are still a necessity for most Ordinary People Shanks understands the value of life and the weight of taking one this was thematically ingrained to his character as early as his introduction hence why shank's entrance is to stop Akainu from killing Kobe who is a true representative of the new age of Peace he's working towards unlike the higher ups Kobe was one of the few who saw what Shanks had seen which were pointless death this whole appearance is all about the world saving face and keeping stability Shanks ensures that the Pirates are given the bodies of their comrades that Blackbeard doesn't keep fighting and the Marines feel confident in their Victory sangoku mentions how because it is Shanks he can appease the demands and can call an end to the war it is unclear if sangoku's decision to call off the war comes from a respect for Shanks or if it is because he knows that Shanks is Garling fig Garland's son and a Celestial Dragon so he cannot oppose him the latter is supported as we jump beyond the time skip where during the revery Shanks casually walks in the office of the Goro where he says he needs to talk about a certain pirate which could be Blackbeard but my money is on Shanks telling the Goro about the truth behind Luffy's God fruit because like think about it like the Goro say should already know Blackbeard's a threat by now this dude is a yonko with two of the strongest devil fruits under his control he has to be on their radar they've known him for years so it is odd that Shanks would feel the need to talk to them about it plus just as the Ry is going on the battle at wano is happening at the same time and the Goro seem shock that this fruit is in the possession of Luffy right after Shanks leaves explain that to me I don't know I think that's a bit dodgy mate this is showcased with the order that is given to the cpz agents as though in the midst of the chaos he was tasked to intervene knowing this was a death sentence by kaido why just to kill Luffy so this shows the information of Luffy having the sun god fruit was only revealed then and there by Shanks but why would Shanks tell the Goro say this secret well he is a peacekeeper he approached Whitebeard to convince him on Ace's Mission he approached kaido to stop him from joining the war then intervened and approached both Navy and Blackbeard to stop Shanks has always been giving warning so now he did the same to the world government the warning to stop what they're doing as the dawn is finally coming coming no matter what they do they cannot stop the tides which have already been set into motion so it's better for them to just meet halfway however Shanks already knew the Goro wouldn't really pay heed so once he delivered his warning he set sail to make sure the government couldn't take any further advantage of the situation hence why he personally went to the borders of wano to stop Admiral green B's advances as the straw hats are still recovering after their battle with kaido however before Luffy would even need to step in Shanks uses his conqueror hoaki from miles away and it scares the out of greenb to the point that he runs away like a little this is a Navy Admiral and bro didn't even use an attack this scar what the that's is crazy but the guy Shanks does use his attack on is us this kit after beating kaido kid got a bounty of three billion same as Luffy and bro thought he could hang with the big dogs now so he makes his way to El after to cry about Ben Beckman taking his arm a few years ago but this time it's Shanks who comes in to shut up this child and that he does with one one Divine Rapture kid and his entire crew is wiped out oh man this guy kid he has never made a good decision in the entire series okay but let's give him some glazing like this is a guy who fought big mom alongside law and one even she was caught off guard with his damn Punk however his observation hockey is so powerful that he foresaw the destruction kid was about to bring seconds before it happened and leapt into action right away this also once again showcases shank's respect for his adopted father in Roger as Divine Rapture was the same name for Roger's attack while at the same time the name of this attack is also a reference to his Divine blood as a Celestial Dragon and the idea of saving the world through Rapture demolishing the kid pirates Shanks after over 25 years finally declared he is ready to Now set sail for laugh tale and find the one piece from here on out there are two directions that the red-haired Pirates can take to reach laugh tale chanks needs all four Road poneglyphs currently he has big moms and the one in wano from kid being friends with the minks he likely has the one in zo as well which means he has to find the last remaining one whose location is set to be with the man marked with red this final poneglyph is also the one that was stolen from fishmen Island so maybe Shanks already has it who knows if Shanks was the one who took it this would mean he is set to reach laugh tail first if not then it will be a race against Luffy and Blackbeard to see who finds the remaining piece to the puzzle however either in load star or with the location of red Marked Man or even laugh tail itself these big three will meet in a big Clash hold up not just the big three we're forgetting someone we're forgetting someone there's another one buggy D clown with a big four will have a big Clash following the theme of Shanks and norse's mythology which is based on elb being so Viking Centric is a fair assumption we might just have our own Ragnarok coming with these four powers clashing if years of dog phase 4 movies have taught me anything it's that the villain needs to succeed first and then the hero can soup in and Crush their efforts while they're at their Peak and with that in mind let me pose a potential path forward Luffy will arrive at elb and find that Shanks has already set off to find the one piece however the straw hats will be fooled by King Loki and stuck on the island while they're there Shanks will arrive at loar or laugh tail at the same time as Blackbeard and a battle will ensue I believe that Shanks will be going to laugh tail not for the one piece itself but to become a martyr dying to Blackbeard to initiate Ragnarok the Battle of Knight and the sun god when Luffy finds out that Shanks is in danger from Blackbeard he will immediately move Heaven and Earth to reach him but why now Shanks had been waiting for Luffy to prove himself or as he said in their promise to become a great pirate 2 years ago at Marine for Shanks had arrived when Blackbeard showed himself but found Luffy wasn't ready specifically saying if I was to see Luffy right now it would be a violation of our promise so now that Luffy has proven his strength by defeating kaido and he has unlocked his sun god abilities he is ready to take on Blackbeard properly Ragnarok as I mentioned is not just the battle of Twilight but it is also known as the end of the Gods this final battle between Luffy and Blackbeard whatever the secret of the one piece really is all these factors will come together and shake the world to the point that Charlie's prophecy comes true as Twilight clashes the red wall will crumble on Fishman Island and Rua the home of the Gods the celestial dragons will fall to the Sea this pattern of Luffy needing to save someone important to him as we head into major climax also fits into od's tradition of paralleled Storytelling that we've been so accustomed to from arcs like alabasta and Dr Rosa as well as even sabba ODI and Egghead most importantly the final Arc will be an inverse of the start where Luffy was saved by Shanks and now Shanks will be saved by Luffy this will cement the moment where Shanks receives his straw hat only to give it back to Luffy saying now it's truly yours all the pieces are in place for Shanks to take his final gamble on the Next Generation and just like Roger before him Shanks will give himself to his enemy to bring the world into the new age he truly believes in if you enjoyed this video then go check out our video where we explain the entire story of Monkey D Dragon also go check out gamer Subs 10% off with code ABD
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 340,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One piece, luffy, one piece manga, shanks vs blackbeard, shanks celestial dragon, anime balls deep, anime, luffy gear 5, shanks full story explained, shanks father, figarland garling, Who is Garling Figarland?, shanks, How is figarland related to Shanks, god valley one piece, god valley incident, shanks family, oda's obsession, one piece, one piece final saga, shanks death, blackbeard, straw hats, shanks' 25 year plan, shanks' final battle, shanks saved by luffy, sun god nika
Id: bd3ASXhE8Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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