Every Single Rule of 2 Sith In Star Wars - Darth Bane to Darth Sidious (1,000 Years)

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greetings friends in the force and acolytes of the dark side and welcome back to the channel we've been expecting you the rule of two is one of the most interesting and important times in the Sith orders history the fact that the warrior order of the Sith were able to be remade into something more secretive and stay hidden for a thousand years is beyond impressive going from a blazing fire scorching the surface of the Galaxy to a deadly gas that makes it crumble from within however just as it is appropriate for the Sith the rule of two era is something of a mystery to us from Bane to Sidious there have been about 30 Sith in the rule of two era something we are told in the Darth Plagueis novel however out of that estimated 30 we actually only know of 16 of them well my friends today we thought we would open another holocron and list off with detail every single Sith in the rule of two that we currently know about before we begin I would like to say that we will be retreading some information about these Sith that we have covered in previous videos because of the fact that we want to make this list as complete and comprehensive as possible also for this list we will only be including the Sith Lords and those who actually carried on the rule of two any Sith assassins such as Maul will not be counted and one more thing according to our scanners many force sensitives that pass Pi are archives have not yet joined our ranks so if you are interested in having Daily Star Wars Lord tadal then II Force Crush that subscribe button now let us begin to make this List fully comprehensive let's begin with the founder of the rule of two Darth Bane Bane began his life known as dessel a cortosis minor on the tiny Backwater planet known as a patras dessel grew up heavily abused by his alcoholic father who used to beat him and call dessel the bane of his existence when dessel was a teenager Des unknowingly caused his father's death by using the force to induce a heart attack while his father was asleep he would go on to become a fully grown adult whose Force potential would manifest in frequent but uncontrollable ways that would allow him to do unexplainable things one night he would get into a fight with some drunk Republic soldiers who wrongfully attacked him after thinking that he cheated at their card game death defended himself and ended up killing one of the soldiers fearful of being locked away for the rest of his life in a republic prison dessel fled the planet with the help of a friend who got him in contact with the Sith Army he would then rise through the ranks of the Sith foot soldiers before his Force potential was scouted out by one of the Sith Masters this master then promptly enrolled him in the Sith Lord Academy on corriban here Des would begin living his old name behind and embrace the name that he load for so many years that name was Bane Bane went on to learn the ways of the dark side and hone himself into becoming a very powerful Sith Lord however he would soon become disillusioned with the way of the Sith after studying many ancient manuscripts and would leave the Brotherhood of Darkness believing that the Sith had become a parody of their former selves by claiming that all of the Sith Lords were equal a desperate attempt to stop in fighting Bane would then assume the title of Darth rather than Lord as others had and began his journeys into the Galaxy here he sought out holocrons of the ancient Masters by learning at the feet of such Sith Lords as free to NAD and Darth Revan Bane would come to the conclusion that the Sith were weak when there were so many of them and that by denying their innate nature of treachery they were giving in to mediocrity the Sith had become stagnant according to Bane so his philosophy was to allow the Jedi to win this pointless current conflict and remake the Sith order into something far greater the rule of two one Master One Apprentice one two in body power and the other to Crave it through Connie and guile and barely even having to ignite his own lightsaber Darth Bane managed to destroy the entire Sith order faking his death to the point where the Jedi thought that the Sith were completely extinct leaving himself as the only Sith Lord in the entire galaxy the next rule of two Sith is Darth Zana the direct Apprentice of Darth Bane Zana whose original name was rain was a very small girl who was recruited by the Jedi to be trained in the army of light alongside her cousin davoret Hardin and root however upon entering the atmosphere of the Planet of rusan the transport ship carrying the children and the Jedi recruiter was shot down out of the sky by a Sith Buzzard Starfighter the subsequent crash killed all aboard beside Zana and her cousin davoret Zana had been saved by a species of an animal known as a bouncer which were native to the forests of ruson bouncers were intelligent and empathetic creatures that could telepathically transmit simple messages into other beings Minds Zana and her bouncer friend were eventually found by two Republic Troopers the soldiers initially thinking the bouncer was hostile killed it in front of Zana Zana who then unleashed the dark side of the force on the soldiers and killed them both by breaking their necks Bane who then made his way through the forest to find the young girl crying over the body of her bouncer Fred Bane would then make Zana his Apprentice prom missing her great power that would make it so that she would never have to be alone or afraid ever again later after Zana had already pledged herself to the dark side she would run back into her cousin while she was with Bane davoren attacked Bane who was about to kill the boy before Zana decided to save him by using the force to explode his hand this act of mercy and a little bit of tricky wording from Zana convinced Bane to let the boy live and the two Sith left him there alive 30 years later Zana had grown to be a very powerful Sith Apprentice one who wielded a saber staff and favored form three lightsaber combat form three which suited her small stature much better than the others she had also grown quite Adept at sith's sorcery and was able to practice powers and complex spells that even Bane couldn't however Zana began to worry Bane because she hadn't made any attempt to kill him in the past decade and wasn't showing any signs that she was even interested in taking on an apprentice of her own fearful that Zana had become content in her role as an apprentice Bane began to seek out another Apprentice to hopefully train before it was too late Zana found out about this and quickly sought out an apprentice for herself before she was ready to face down her own Master however she did find a dark Jedi who seemed to be a suitable candidate though he ended up proving to be much too selfish and arrogant of the Sith ways to be interested in carrying out the legacy of the rule of two meanwhile Bane had found a suitable new Apprentice in the akachi Assassin who had been sent to kill him even though the Assassin failed Bane was impressed with how she managed to keep up with him this assassin was not only Force sensitive but highly skilled in future sight and precognition Zona soon openly challenged Bane in formal combat for the title of Sith Master with the Akashi Apprentice declaring that she would pledge her loyalty to whoever won the duel the battle was fierce and the two combatants moved around like blurs unable to see by the untrained eye despite Bane's immense strength and Superior experience Zana was the ultimate Victor of their duel both due to her implementing some spells that Bane wasn't prepared for as well as exploiting a prior injury to Darth Bane's hand however at the very final moments of the duel Bane used the ability of essence transfer and attempted to dominate zana's body Zana though fought back against Bane's spirit and was knocked off of her feet the book is actually very vague as to whether or not Zana fought off Bane's Spirit completely or not however it is implied that darthbane succeeded in his takeover after Zana got back up she seemed to be a bit awkward in her body and kept looking down at her hand anyway after this whether it was Bane or Zana she would go on to teach the iktashi Assassin who would took on the moniker of Darth cognis cognis would be a zealot of the rule of two and staunchly followed it however her apprentice and Darth Millennial did not share his master's philosophy Millennial did not exactly subscribe to the idea of a Sith grand plan and disliked being just a cog in the machine with no reward which was the ultimate ideology of the rule of two Millennial though wanted be this final Sith Lord he thought he could be stronger if he were to train an army of Sith and take on the Jedi head to head like in the heiress path obviously this did not stick well with Darth cognus who clashed with Millennials several times before deciding to just go ahead and kill him and start over Millennial fearful of his master's wrath fled her company and went to the world of Jerome and cos where he began the dark side cult known as the prophets of the dark side a very creative title after failing to find him cognis decided to cut her losses and find a new Apprentice an apprentice whose name we do not know of but we do know that he was in fact a human male from this point in time much of the information on the rule of two erasith is still a complete mystery and this is a big section where we lose many of the Masters as essentially nothing is known about them a few centuries later and we get to the famous Darth vectivis vechtavis who was simply a pronounced businessman who ran a mine on an asteroid discovered his Force sensitivity after a force next this was on Earth on his asteroid mine this dark side Nexus was causing employees to lose their sanity and force sensitives to have unexplained visions and Powers arise this includes vechtavis himself who decided to seek out a teacher who would help him with his Newfound abilities knowing the Jedi wouldn't take him he found a Sith Master whose name we do not know and he was trained as a proper Sith meanwhile vechtavis would bribe a few people to take the mind and any story surrounding it to disappear while he quietly closed down his operation years later he would return as a fully fledged Sith Lord with a new plan to study the force Nexus and gain more knowledge the established moral code of his former existence as a business executive was not lost on Darth vectavus during his transformation into a Sith and his adherence to these ethical standards prevented him from succumbing to the stereotypically common shortcomings of his predecessors this would earn him The Unofficial title of the Sith that did no evil violence Galactic ambition and the eradication of the its philosophical Jedi Rivals were no consequence to Darth vactavus his contention was to Simply immerse himself in Sith lore and study the Galaxy I like to think that vectivist was basically one of the only Sith counselors to come out of the Sith order as a whole we don't exactly know the timeline specifically of activist though but the next Sith Lord we know of is the infamous Darth gravity you may remember gravid is the one who would go mad trying to merge the philosophies of the Jedi and Sith into one we aren't told exactly why he was led to this conclusion and way of thinking my guess is that perhaps he was the direct Apprentice to vectivis though this is not confirmed this is just a theory and because he most likely wasn't trained like a traditional Sith would be by making sacrifices with anger and hate it opened him up to the idea of implementing compassion and altruism into the ways of the dark side and the Sith philosophy we did a video a little while back detailing gravid's life and exactly why his pursuit of merging Jedi and said Doctrine ultimately fail anyway grab it eventually wound up going mad and attempted to either hide or destroy all of the Sith lore so that he could remake the order in his own image his Apprentice Darth Jean stopped him in time and after a long grueling duel she managed to kill gravid at the cost of being heavily crippled the next three Sith Lords on our list are a little disconnected as we don't really know who their masters were and they are kind of just floating around in the rule of two timeline but anyway next up is Darth guile hardly any information about guile exists Beyond a quote of his that Plagueis later recounts guile compared the Sith to minuscule malignant cells that were unable to be detected yet were able to spread throughout an individual's body and ultimately kill its victim a quote that Darth Plagueis liked perhaps from this description we can tell he was another staunch believer in the rule of two because of his emphasis on hiding the Sith the next Sith Lord after guile is Darth Rampage who would be the beginning of the long list of Sith scientists that would begin to dominate the rule of two Rampage created a holocron where we learned that he had attempted to develop the ability of time travel Darth Vader had actually found and used his holocron in an effort to duplicate one of rampage's experiments Vader had believed that the experiment could perhaps boost his connection to the force and make up for all of the Lost Potential from losing his limbs the resulting experiment was a failure however moving on the last of these three curious Sith would be an unknown Twilight Sith Lord who would be the master of Darth tenebress tenebrus and this twilek master spent their career making a virus that theoretically could be able to sever a Jedi's connection to the force however this experiment failed and tenebrus no longer saw his master as useful so he killed him and took on the title of dark lord for himself as dictated by the rule of two tenebris we know quite a bit about as he was a scientist first and foremost and did not subscribe to the mysticism of the force but rather saw it as an energy source that he could use to fuel his experiments tenebers believed that one day technology G would simply render the force obsolete his own personal grand plan was never seen to completion as he would soon be killed by his Apprentice Darth Plagueis the Wise he go to mask was the real name of Darth Plagueis and he was a moon in the president of Damascus Holdings a large section of The Intergalactic banking Clan as it had been made famous by Palpatine's story Plagueis spent his time as a Sith searching for the secret to immortality eventually he found it and managed to discover the ability to manipulate the midichlorians to create life now if you want to really get technical there was a Sith Lord around this time and he went by the name of Darth venomous venomous was a secret Apprentice hidden by tenebress that he trained in case Plagueis failed to carry on the rule of two however I wouldn't exactly count venomous on this list as Plagueis put an end to venomous rather quickly but I thought I would go ahead and mention venomous since I already mentioned Darth Millennial both of these are failed apprentices but were still trained as official dark Lords in the rule of two air this now neatly brings us to Darth Sidious we can go ahead and stop here as even though Sidious carries on the rule of two he pretty much sees its ultimate completion as Sidious ushers in the Galactic Empire and ignites the Sith grand plan with that said though there are two more Sith to mention that I have saved for the last as we are entirely certain when exactly they fall into the timeline of the rule of two these two are of course the master and Apprentice that are going to be the titular characters in The acolyte show coming soon at the time of this video's posting the acolyte has not been released yet so we don't really know any information about either of these two Sith other than they live during the high Republic era and just to mention them briefly of course we have Dooku dark tyrannus and Vader who require no explanation but my friends this was quite a long video so if you stuck through all the way till the end we thank you very much for watching and now for the question of the video which of these Sith Lords are your favorite and if you had to choose a master who would you Apprentice yourself too let us know your thoughts down below and as always my friends go now in peace and May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 257,491
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Id: i8HPO4po7HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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