ANCIENT SITH: Lore Video Compilation

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hey guys how's it going and welcome back to the channel a few months ago i saw star wars theory upload a compilation of his lore videos based around the ancient sith which gave me the idea to do the same since i have a huge backlog of videos all about the ancient sith from their various artifacts to their rise to power and some of the most powerful members i thought it would be interesting to sort of put it all in one place or at least some of it in one place as i have dozens upon dozens of videos all around the ancient sith but hopefully if you guys like something a little bit longer form as sometimes my longest videos are only around 12 minutes something to study to walk to or really just whatever you would like basically something just a little longer anyway guys let me know if you want more compilations of some lore videos in the future and now let us begin with the tales of the ancient dark lords hello guys and welcome back to the channel as you know one of our favorite topics to cover on the channel is discussing the power and influence of the ancient sith lords one of the most infamous and most powerful of these ancient sith lords has been none other than one of my favorite darth nihilus who made his grand debut in the video game knights of the old republic too since then many comics and novels have been released delving into the story of darth nihilus the legend of one of the greatest dark lords that have ever existed the lord of hunger nilus ability of forced reign is what made him the stuff of legend both in and outside of the star wars mythos being a walking wound in the forest nilus was forced to feed on any force sensitive being in order to stay alive and preserve what was left of his dying soul however the more he fed the more his hunger grew it got to the point where he was forced to feed on an entire planet in order to remain alive despite this ability being his namesake it actually will not be the topic of today's video the dark lord of hunger was privy to many powerful set abilities that many do not know about which is exactly what we will be covering today in order to actually find the beings he would feed on nilus was able to reach his senses through the force and stretch it out over the entire galaxy using his ability of farsight he could also see people or locations in real time through forced vision darth nilus was literally able to feel planets and where they were and how much force energy they contained in order for him to travel there and feed upon them at this point in time several years after his official birth his hunger was fully controlling him as we stated earlier nilus was a walking wound in the force what this means is that when a horrific event occurs that there is a significant loss of life all at once it creates a disturbance in the force or a wound nihilus was a literal wound these wounds can be instantly felt by almost all force sensitive beings around the galaxy when the mass shadow generator was set off by darth revan it created a wound in the force on malachor v which manifested itself into darth nihilus nylus radiated dark side energy and it was so bad that his very speech caused the pain and death to all those that could hear it there are actually similar dark side powers to this such as dark glare which can end up in similar results though this ability requires the user to maintain constant eye connection and intense focus which creates an invisible beam of energy that can sear the flesh of the target and even cause death a similar ability occurred with darth bane who absolutely despised his father and simply by thinking of him and focusing his hatred caused his father to have a heart attack whether or not bain intended this to happen darth nilas on the other hand can merely speak and his own voice creates torment of all living things in his vicinity nilus was adept at many powerful aspects of the force and used a dark version of severe force ability on darth treya severe force was a non-lethal force power that allowed the user to briefly interrupt the flow of the force within a target for a short amount of time however the way nilus used it he was able to kill the midichlorians within treya and strip her of her force ability completely this is a huge deal in star wars lore darth plagueis life work was of the study of the midichlorians or more specifically how to manipulate them into creating life so that one day he could become the master of life and death itself despite darth plagueis conviction he died right on the cusp of finding the secret to creating eternal life it is possible that plagueis may never have known this ability or simply never spoke of it or used it before but nihilus on the other hand had no qualms about turning such a game-changing ability around on his former master and stripping her of the force completely making darth treya weak and casting her out of the sith order completely darth tray herself was no mere acolyte either treya was a powerful dark lady of the sith and an experienced sith sorceress she used her powers in alchemy to create some truly horrific designs and for the longest time she controlled darth nihilus up until he outgrew and eclipsed her power needless to say nihilus was also incredibly strong with telekinesis able to lift entire starships out of the surface of malachor 5 in order to create his ghost fleet he did this with his flagship the ravager tearing it from the mass shadow that surrounded the planet and kept it together even though it had suffered extensive structural damage the only other character that comes to mind that can contend with this feat is grandmaster yoda himself who during the battle of coruscant caused two droid gunships to crash into one another not to sell master yoda short but he did divert a ship off of its course able to make it change directions nihilus here though had fully lifted the flagship out of the ground and brought it into the very orbit of the planet darth nilus was a terror on the battlefield for any poor jedi to be caught facing his command over the dark side brought him a vast array of powers including force rage force rage would tap into his innermost fears pain and hatred and convert them into an intense rage fueling his power the user could then channel the anger to increase his own strength speed agility and endurance as well as his stamina and most importantly his ferocity this often aided darth nihilus in battle anytime he had to use his lightsaber although oftentimes he would rather rely on his extensive abilities in the dark side of the force although nihilus did not often implement his lightsaber he was proficient with it nihilus was known for using an aggressive one-handed style that might have either been makashi or a single handed to gem so i imagine that the force rage was something he often did to overwhelm the defenses of any jedi opponent darth nihilus was also proficient with his use of forced lightning however nilis's lightning was red in coloration which is known to be the deadliest of all the lightning colors the red lightning was known to be so powerful that it could briefly strip someone of their force attunement and prolonged exposure could cause the target to disintegrate completely nilus could also use the ability of force screen the same ability used by darth sidious to inspire fear and windu and the other jedi masters during revenge of the sith when the jedi masters confronted sidious within his office not to mention in my opinion one of niles's most powerful and disturbing abilities the use of force plague force plague allowed nihilus to enter his opponent's mind and cloud it effectively dominating their will which gave him even more edge in combat force plague worked much like a fast-acting poison quickly debilitating the target the effects of it worsened over time and may cause death if the user is strong enough in the force this is something that i believe is most interesting about the character of nylas if you were more gifted in the force essentially nihilus always had a greater edge against you whether or not he would feed on your very force attunement or penetrate your mind controlling you completely but the terrors of nihilus still go on he was also able to use the force ability known as force whirlwind a more advanced version of force push nihilus would alter the air currents around an opponent turning it into a male storm the swirling force energy would lift an opponent into the air spin them around and then leave them incapable of moving out of it this allowed nihilus to attack without resistance picking apart his opponents at will one of the most accomplished feats of the dark side ability accomplished by nihilus was his ability to use a dark side variant of force healing which was called dark healing we saved the best for last notoriously dark side users were unable to use any sort of force healing as that was strictly a light side ability darth bane famously stated at one point in time that he did not pursue the use of force healing as pain made the dark side stronger not to mention only through compassion could a force wielder be able to heal something that no sith was willing to do in order to heal a sith would have to compromise their ideals in exchange for using the light side however lord nilas and darth sion somehow both found a peculiar way of getting around this by manipulating the dark side in such a way that they were able to find a loophole gaining more vitality by feeding on the suffering of others so friends what do you think of these dark side powers of nihilus for those of you that haven't played knights of the old republic too did you find any of these abilities surprising also the order of the sith is one of the oldest force cults in the history of the galaxy and throughout the centuries hundreds of members have joined their ranks in some capacity or another while the rule of two largely did away with the sith council and formed a more rigid hierarchy within the practice the designations of the sith ranks continued to be a mainstay of the group despite centuries of evolution so what do the sith ranks mean what titles denote certain rights and privileges within the sith culture and who are some of the most notable individuals to hold each respective title we'll stick with us today weary acolytes of the galaxy and let's dive in to the sith ranks first though according to our analytics a lot of you guys that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the star wars content and would like to see more force crush that subscribe button a brief note before we get started for this video we will be mainly covering the designations of rank as applied to the old republic era and though many of these titles carried through into the modern age of star wars the rule of two aerosith largely dissipated the practice of ranking sith individuals with only a few exceptions but rest assured we will be sure to note which of these aforementioned exceptions made their way into the era of the post-bainite sith a sith apprentice is the baseline level for an entry-level force user of the dark side and the universality of the term means that this rank is one of the ones that survived through the centuries of evolution of the sith empire this simply meant that a new sith lord had been inducted into the fold and was now formally being taught the ways of the dark side by sith master this is the first rank of the ancient sith while many apprentices would graduate to formal members many notable individuals once held the rank of sith apprentice without ever moving any farther up the totem pole perhaps the most notable modern example of a sith apprentice was asajj ventress who studied sith practices and techniques under the tutelage of darth tyranus otherwise known as count dooku despite being a student of the dark arts however ventress never attained the title of darth as tyranus's own master darth sidious ordered ventress to be executed for her proximity to the count fearing the power that the two could combined against him if dooku had elected to enact the rule of two and assassinate sidious then he likely would have granted ventress the title of darth and continued her training until he himself would be overthrown as the baynite sith era dictates contrary to popular belief the term sith in itself is actually a rank a rank that is granted after an apprentice shows proficiency in their practices and the masters of the old republic elected to formally induct them into the order as a member of the sith this is also why technically ventress was never a true sith where the apprentices could be compared to the younglings of the jedi order the sith as a title could be likened to that of a jedi padawan concerning the ancient era of course they still had much to learn and had a long road before them under the guidance of more experienced masters but they now held an official rank within the sith order one rank that has been long since lost to history is that of a sith marauder a sith marauder would serve as a sort of foot soldier and made up the bulk of the sith lord's ranks these marauders were allowed to train one padawan at a time and most of the sith regime was made up of marauders who obeyed the commands of the higher-ups within the sith formerly recognized as seasoned members of the order the marauders acted as the arm of the sith being used on missions and deployed by the high council at the behest of the will of the ranking members following a marauder's dedication to the cause and their ability to stand out amongst the rest of their peers they had the opportunity to be promoted to that of a lord they are commonly cited as being formal masters of the dark side and have served as marauders for years under the grip of former lords before them this is of course where the term sith lord originates these lords would be able to take a step back from the field work and could turn their attention towards training the next generation of sith forces while sith marauders were permitted to train a single padawan sith lords if they so desired could train up to three if they had the time and chose to do so there is no question to a lord's loyalty as their devotion to the order had been all but proven at this point in time and upon achieving the rank of a sith lord they would be qualified to earn the title of darth the term darth is perhaps one of the most iconic sith monikers in all of star wars it is a title that has withstood the test of time designating only the strongest sith lords of the order in the post-bainite era it was up to the discretion of just a single master and the acting master in any given generation would grant the title to their padawan only when they saw it fit to do so this is why an apprentice such as darth maul earned the title of darth this allowed for much more individualized training as they said the apprentice would grow into the rank of a lord and then to a darth under the guidance of just one person or being once attaining the rank of darth these sith lords were able to take on more freedoms and liberties within the order and they had an incredible amount of influence on the course of the order as a whole as there were very very few darths among the ancient sith empire sometimes it was even relegated to that of the sith emperor or the dark council at this point at least in legends continuity they would choose a name for themselves while some would simply elect to use their given name for their darth title many would choose their own different monikers that would be synonymous with their lineage oftentimes leading to their given name to die out over the course of time when a sith lord chose their darth title they believed that the dark side of the source itself was speaking to them and that their old given name no longer mattered in revenge of the sith and by proxy canon darth sidious chooses the iconic name of darth vader at the behest of the fallen jedi skywalker this insinuates that in canon it's far more common for a sith master to choose the title of their apprentice instead of granting the apprentice the freedom to do so but both instances have been seen once a darth a member of this rank could take on as many padawans as they saw fit and were regarded as not only masters of the dark side but masters of the force itself while the jedi acted as servants of the force and as extensions of his will the sith manipulated the force to accomplish their own desires and this practice of bending the force to the will of the user was an incredibly complex feat to master the rank of darth served as a title to signify that this individual had tamed the force itself and that the force was now subservient to the dark lords from here there was only one more rank to attain and that was the title of emperor the rank of emperor could only ever be held by one individual who represented the head of the sith and the single master at the top of the order they were thought to be the cruelest and most evil that the order had to offer able to make the decisions that would steer the course of the entire sith lineage and even the galaxy itself perhaps the most notable example of this is darth sidious otherwise known of course as emperor palpatine while many believe this to represent his position at the head of the empire it served as a double meaning both designating his rank within the imperial regime as well as his position within the sith order which at the time only consisted of himself and darth vader in accordance with the rule of two after darth sidious however the ranking position largely died out as the sith faced their final extinction which we can see during the rise of the knights of ren kylo ren and the title itself simply dying out as well as the sith nearly dying out there were no more titles simply because there were no more sith to populate the ranks luke was able to call himself a jedi knight and assume the role of jedi grandmaster because this title was passed down to him personally by a member of the previous order he was formally knighted by master yoda who was still technically the acting grandmaster of the order even though the order no longer existed in any tangible fashion however the survived emperor never wished to impart any sith rank upon anybody else but anyway acolytes what do you think of this ranking system of the ancient sith and did you know that there were this many levels to the sith hierarchy and if not which of these ranks surprised you the most as always hello friends and welcome back to the channel in the days before the old republic sith were plentiful within the galaxy despite constant infighting amongst their order the sith empire was still managing to return every couple of hundred years to threaten the galaxy and challenge the jedi many strong and powerful leaders would rise up and take the mantle of the dark lord of the sith each one possessing their own feats and accomplishments within the force which they would put on full display nearly every time they entered the battlefield the ancient sith were among the most fearsome combatants to the entirety of the star wars mythos has ever known they were intelligent but more than that they were brutish fighters cunning and ruthless they were not politicians scientists they were solely warriors of the dark side these ancient sith were men and women of legend with many jedi and sometimes even sith denying they ever existed which caused some to fade into myth and obscurity well today we'll be taking a deep dive into one such legendary lord of the sith tula cord before we begin today's tale though of tulip horde and the ancient sith according to our analytics a lot of you guys that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the star wars content and would like to see more be sure to force crush that subscribe button now friends let's continue with our story when tula cord actually lived is something of a debate both in and out of the star wars universe all we really know is that he lived sometime in the early days of the sith empire before the great hyperspace war which takes place roughly 5000 bby meaning tulik existed before this event over 5 000 years before the events of the original star wars trilogy back in these days sith had not adopted the darth title yet the title would later be introduced many years later by darth and dedu meaning that this sith would predate even the first darth it was likely that he may have studied under the students of ajunta paul or maybe even a juntapal himself adjune to paul being widely considered the first ever true sith lord and a member of the fallen dark jedi to the chord's power in the dark side and skill with the lightsaber caused him to quickly rise in the ranks among the sith until he gained a large and loyal following tulikord was most feared by his peers because of his absolute mastery of the lightsaber and during his campaign on the planets of yhan and kabash the jedi army laid siege to the sith empire strongholds however the word horde both times single-handedly broke the siege and sent the jedi into full retreat killing nearly a thousand jedi knights himself the fallen jedi metro zurich asked questions to darth treya regarding to the chord darth treya answered that horde was the greatest lightsaber duelist of any sith lord that had ever lived going on to say that his skill was considered remarkable even for his time when many true lightsaber masters lived and existed throughout the star wars ranks darth trey's praise did not end here though as the sith mistress would even proceed to say that if any of them were to attempt to duel tool accord then they would be to him as if they were children playing with toys to put this in perspective metra zurich was the same person who would later go on to defeat the likes of darth sion and darth revan in lightsaber combat darth traya herself was so proficient in the dark side that she was able to wield four lightsabers at once using an immeasurably complex telekinetic technique which allowed her to use all the lightsabers with just the fourth two the court however was also proficient in the use of sith sorcery and would often use rituals in combat to secure his victory to the court usually employed battle meditation as well as a sith ritual that sapped the energy and strength from his enemies and then he would feed it on to grow himself and his armies even more powerful this process is what led him to earn the titles of lord of hate and master of gathering darkness it was said that he conquered something of a hundred systems for the sith empire following the days of his conquest though he would later go on to further his studying of sith magic pioneering many ancient rituals and even writing several tomes his holocron contained the knowledge that he possessed and even claimed to know the secret to eternal life something that many sith lords both old and new were trying to achieve of course we have our doubts so that he actually was able to achieve this believing that this may have been part of the sith lord's legend as it would be the immortal god king darth and dedu who first discovered the secret to immortal life not to the chord nevertheless i do not doubt the two lechord most likely knew the secret to many other powerful rituals because of this because of this horde scattered much of his teachings in hidden and hard to reach locations to ensure that only the worthy could obtain his knowledge eventually his death did covet the hands of his apprentice ortansela who quite literally stabbed him in the back all of horde's loyal followers built him a temple in the valley of the sith lords on korriban fortunately or rather unfortunately depending on their outlook many of horde's knowledge and records of existence were lost in the wake of the great hyperspace war many centuries later a jedi padawan revan would enter the tomb and successfully navigate through all of the deadly traps revan's reward came in the form of him finding many gems and crystals along with tulikord's terrifying black mask which he always wore into battle in order to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies later on tula cord's treasures and artifacts would be rediscovered with the rise of the new sith empire by the sith lord darth maur who found to the chord's signature orange bladed lightsaber in my opinion some of the most interesting stories in star wars often come from the pages of legends regarding these ancient sith lords dark lords and ladies such as ajunta paw baliya darzu xr khan and always tulikord they always seem to bring something completely new to the table of star wars lore that we did not know previously and add to the mythos of a galaxy far far away the dark side keeps so many secrets and most definitely is a gateway to powers unnatural powers that cause tulip horde to go undefeated in lightsaber combat and again according to rumor and lore kill literally thousands of jedi knights personally even though many of these stories are in legends i think i speak for most of us when i say that i really do hope the minds over at disney and lucasfilm will be more inclined to start including these dark concepts in canon that we know today little teases here or there or even cropping up with some point in the canon existence such as characters like xr kuhn or darth bane adding upon darth bane's story though as he is technically canon but there are many more sith with interesting stories to be put on screen and at this note let us know what other sith lords you would like to see in-depth videos on as we truly do love the stories of the dark masters but again what are your thoughts on cord presumably and according to legends of the sith the most powerful and terrifying lightsaber duelist that ever lived commanding literal armies being a master of sorcery as well as the blade one of the first blade masters in star wars actually what are your thoughts on his immeasurable power and do you think what darth treya said about to the chord was ultimately true do you believe that to the chord is the greatest and most powerful lightsaber duelist to have ever existed as all in another video we detailed the history of the jedi order and explained the story of the jedi when we left off in that story is where the jedi had rebranded themselves into the jedi and went fully into the study of ashla or as they now singularly referred to it as the light side today we are going to do the opposite end of the spectrum and explore the history of the sith order in its earliest days if you guys have been enjoying these longer in-depth videos it would really help us out if you could leave a like as well as post a comment down below what videos you would like to see featured in depth later on the channel now let's begin our tale our story begins in 25793 bby in the aftermath of the depot war which was a skirmish between the mad queen of chicago against the jedi order of tython here we followed the jedi master known as degen locke on a fateful day where he decided to deviate from the conventional wisdom and descended into the chasm below the anil krash temple within the chasm he and his companion were overcome by a terrible vision within their vision an army of dark warriors wielding blades of frozen fire marching across skagoora a forest planet near the tithing system led by a being with one red eye it can be inferred that this weapon could be referencing the first lightsaber which at the time was called a force saver and was a purely dark side weapon wielded by a mysterious man named cash driven mad by the visions locke fell to the dark side of the force and was taken before the jedi council for questioning despite his passion on the matter the council did not believe in locke's vision nor did they listen to his warning and banished him to the moon of bogen until he renounced his vision and returned to balance within the force over the next seven years locke lived out his exile in solitude carving an enormous mural of himself wielding a blade of fire and numerous pictures of the weapon soon after the forces of the rakatan infinite empire invaded the titan system their leader known as skal nas sought to reverse his species gradual loss of control over the force by acquiring the infinite gate said to exist on the world of python the infinite gate was an ancient network of structures developed by the sauron qua species of dathomir during the pre-republic era what the infinite gate did was enabled instantaneous interstellar travel between far-lung locations and could also be used as a deadly super weapon the rakata and their flesh raider soldiers attacked python but were repelled by the jedi order the infinite empire fell back to the forest world of scot gora and conquered it before establishing their command post there desperate to make another move on tython by the end of the first year the jedi had allied themselves with the forces of the settled worlds placing jedi master raj avari in command of the joint forces the order also constructed for sabers of their own and armed themselves with the weapons realizing that the vision of locke was coming to pass they recalled him to the order however at this time he had gone completely insane however they still relied on him to lead them into battle against the rakatan empire as he had been the one to foresee this conflict they were successful and the rakatans turned on each other and ultimately fled the titan system however while the rakatan threat was diminished a schism grew within the order itself between those of degen locke's followers and the jedi council eventually the two groups were defined by an ideology divided by the use of ashla or the light side of the force and the followers of the bogan otherwise known as the dark side believing that degen-loch was their savior dagenlock in many ways represents one of the first ever dark jedi what makes this tale so compelling is it was a dark jedi that saved the jedi order from the rakatan empire and a dark jedi responsible for their ability to gain such power and esteem throughout the galaxy both sides of the force utilize the traditional metal swords augmented through the force itself as well as the bogan jedi fighting with four sabers as the jedi order swore off the foresabers entirely this conflict became known as the force wars or also the first great jedi schism the 10-year war destroyed tython's biosphere rendering the planet uninhabitable the remaining bogan jedi fled to the rim but were subsequently hunted down by the jedi of tython with them destroyed the jedi became somewhat nomadic and occasionally revisited tython but eventually came to settle on the planet of osis as the jedi order that we know and love now began to form following the first great schism a young jedi named ajunta paul began his study of the ways of the force and when he became a master he began to develop deeper and deeper into the practices of alchemy which at the time was not strictly a dark side ability eventually through his studies master paul discovered the secret of creating and shaping life itself by relying more and more upon the force the knights of ajunta paul learned of using the force of sufficient intensity could bend life itself with their new powers the nikes experimented upon life forms to create new species and predators as extensions of their own will a practice which greatly worried the jedi council it was postulated that their power could even be used to end death and revive dead worlds fearful of this great power as they saw it could be used to great abuse the jedi order deemed it an abomination of the force and sought to erase all practice of it the jedi high council barred the teachings of paul and his followers deeming him a pawn of the dark side but ajunta paul would become so much more angered by what they deemed jedi arrogance master paul and his followers declared war on the order beginning a century-long conflict that would be known to history as the hundred year darkness during this time the rogue jedi led by ajinta paul and another jedi named karnas murr rebranded themselves as dark jedi and fought with passion against the wider order they put their ways into practice by altering life to create horrific dark side beasts such as the leviathan worms as well as beings known as torrent attacks despite their monstrous reinforcements it came to the point that the dark jedi were simply outnumbered by the normal jedi and during the last stages of the war they were growing desperate eventually the dark jedi made their last stand on the world of corbos and were ultimately defeated driven back by the jedi order after their defeat on corbus the surviving dark jedi were rounded up by the republic armies stripped of their weapons and armor and the dark jedi were at the mercy of the justice of the republic although members of the republic wanted public executions of the dark jedi the jedi leaders were inclined to banish the rogue jedi into the unknown in hopes that with time they would see the error of their ways and return to the light therefore because the jedi high council is spoken it was done and the dark jedi were banished coming out of hyperspace the dark jedi were placed upon an uncharted world landing on the planet they were surprised to find a red-skinned humanoid species calling themselves the sith this world was known as korriban hakagram grosh the ruling king of the sith or the sith ari was shocked at the appearance of these outsiders but after witnessing their powers and advanced technology the king welcomed the exiled jedi to their world however this ultimately led to gracious downfall the sith ari's shadow hand conspired with the new arrivals and betrayed his liege to the dark jedi believing the dark jedi superior to the sith using their training in the force the exiles amazed the sith and elevated themselves to god-like status on koraban becoming the rulers of the sith people the most powerful of the dark jedi still a junta paul became the first ever true dark lord of the sith as years passed an interbreeding occurred between the fallen jedi and the sith the term sith came to me not only the original inhabitants of korriban but also the fallen jedi master the dark jedi greatly accelerated the cultural development of the sith when first encountered the sith were a simple tribal species that wore primitive clothing and lived in small huts with the influence of the dark jedi elaborate clothing came into use and large temples were erected by the sith people for their overlords including the valley of the dark lords itself tributes to the greatest sith that had ever lived it was from this rise to power an integration into sith culture that the term dark lord of the sith originated as a title bestowed upon the leader of the old sith empire by a council of lesser sith lords during the early history of the sith empire the coming of the prophesied savior of the sith order the sith ari was foretold the sith ari was a perfect being who would one day lead the sith according to prophecy the sith ari would rise up and destroy the sith but in the process make them stronger than ever some see this as striking a parallel to the chosen one of the jedi legend it is not known exactly who became the sith ari and it was widely a debated topic the issue comes with the fact that the prophecy of the sith ari was not as straightforward as the prophecy of the chosen one of the jedi still though the prophecy of the sith ari went like this the sith ari will be free of limits the sith ari will lead the sith and destroy them the sith ari will raise the sith from the dead and make them stronger than before the words of prophecy are veg and could mean a number of anythings and any sith lords throughout history many believe that the sith ari was most likely darth bane seeing as he was the one to establish the rule of two which was most assuredly the catalyst to the sith's eventual complete rise to power although bane was indeed powerful he was not without his own limits though and was far from perfect into his ideologies still though bane is the one that ultimately implemented the rule of two along with destroying the previously established era of the sith for most though it is accepted that darth sidious became the sith ari palpatine had insane power to the point where he claimed to be above the need for a lightsaber and merely used it to mock the jedi that he fought sidious did indeed lead the sith into ultimate power and it could be said that he did somewhat destroy them in the process as he thought of himself as the ultimate being since the rule of two did not stop with him all the generations of the accumulated knowledge were invested into sidious and finally sidious was the dark lord that raised the sith from the dead as the legend became reality under his rule darth bane did in fact fulfill a few lines of prophecy and did destroy the order to remake it but it was sidious sidious who raised it to be more powerful than before what is also an interesting thought is that the sith ari could have once been darth vader had vader not been limited to his suit then he would have unleashed the power of the chosen one and would have simply been utterly unstoppable in his ways of the dark side in the end though of course it can be hard to say who the true sith ari was as it can be contradictive and convoluted the sith ari prophecy is one of the most convoluted prophecies in all of star wars nonetheless it was developed and passed down by the sith which originated from the jedi order themselves so friends what do you think of the history of the sith order what do you think of the true sith ari and who do you believe the true sith already was comment below your thoughts as well as tell us what other histories you would like to hear about and as always may the force be with you and have a great day dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities that some consider to be unnatural these were the words spoken by lord sidious and what true they were the sith lords were obsessed with power doing whatever they could to achieve it some went to extreme lengths to test the limits of the force itself so travelers young and old stick with us today as we delve into the pages of star wars legends and bring you the top 5 strangest powers of the dark side before we get into it it is worth noting that this list isn't particularly about the strongest sith powers just the strangest i would also like to warn you that there are spoilers ahead for the darth bane book trilogy so if you have not read the series be aware that we will be making references to key events of that story in this video so let's go ahead and talk about the top 5 strangest sith abilities in star wars lore starting with number 5 sith sorcery while cis sorcery may not be an individual power so much as it is a skill set it's worth mentioning all on its own in star wars legend sith sorcery wasn't something that could be inherently learned it was a talent you had to be born with those with the aptitude for seth's sorcery could weave the dark side in such a way that they would be able to cast terrible spells one such sorceress we know about is darth zanna the apprentice to darth bane in the legends novel darth bane the rule of two and its sequel dynasty of evil we are treated to some of zana's sorcery in one instance she cast a spell on the minds of a group of enemies that temporarily made them see horrors unknown monsters and beasts that could only exist in the vestiges of their worst nightmare the victims were driven mad by fear and scratched out their own eyes to make the torment stop on another occasion in a fight with darth bane himself she revealed her true power and cast a spell that created many dark side tentacles that would lash out and attack at her mental command a single touch from any of these tentacles burned and seared the flesh of her opponent causing immense pain and damage on the side of contact another sith source risk by the name of belia darzu used a combination of cysts sorcery and sith alchemy to modify living creatures merging them with technology and turning them into horrific abominations of cybernetic undead called techno beasts this was done by infecting them with a technovirus and then using a technique called mirchu guru which would make the creatures grow metallic tumors these tumors would grow until they overtook the minds of the creatures and made them a weapon for their creator these cybernetic frankensteins were so well made that they would even go on to quote and quote live far beyond the point of their organic flesh rotting away so long as the technological part of them still functioned so they still did continue to live on sith source regranted terrible power but at an equally terrible cost to the user long-living practitioners would age much faster all the dark side energies would warp their appearance and make them look haggard much like darth sidious after he was disfigured by his own force lightning or rather his true face was revealed there were quite a few sith that practiced this such as frieda nad and xr could though this sorcery wasn't limited to the sith as the night sisters of dathomir are regular practitioners number 4 deadly sight forced lightning is manifested by pouring all of your hate against the target into physical form creating bolts of electricity to torture your victim to death but what if i told you that there was a way to go beyond this a forcibility so powerful and deadly that you don't even have to lift a single hand what if i told you there was a way to literally hate someone to death some sith were born with a special ability known as deadly sight by focusing all of their rage and hate in a controlled wave some sith were able to hurt and even kill victims just by looking at them their intense glare caused blisters on the skin to the point of disintegration so long as their target remained within sight though this ability is not as broken as it sounds it was immensely taxing on one's force reserves and therefore not practical for combat one of the most well-known users of deadly sight is darth bane though his version was able to go far beyond as he once killed someone merely by thinking about them when bane was a child he was relentlessly abused by his drunk of a father who would regularly beat him and blame him for their poverty one night bane lied awake in his bed repeatedly thinking to himself i hope you die as he did he imagined a hand tightly squeezing and eventually crushing his father's heart the next morning darth bane was granted his wish as his father was found dead in his bed the cause of death being some sort of a heart attack we don't see darth bane use this power again but it is a testament to bane's raw power as he accomplished this when he was a very young man not to mention being completely untrained in any ways of the force at all number three life drain regular visitors of the star wars eu will recognize this power as it is a staple of the lord of hunger darth nihilus we know very little about who nilis was though it is hardly important at the end of the mandalorian wars revan orchestrated a plan and had lured the mandalorians to the planet known as malachor 5. it is there that he activated the mass shadow generator a super weapon that was capable of gravely damaging or destroying any ships or space stations in the orbit above the target world but doing this would also annihilate virtually everything upon the planet's surface the devastation to the planet was catastrophic as the mass shadow generator caused malachor 5 to fracture to its very core the planet became a desolate wasteland a graveyard of countless jedi and mandalorian lives alike when great atrocities happen like this it creates a wound in the force wounds in the force will usually fix themselves in time however this time the wound was in a person this person became the sith lord known as darth nihilus nilus was a walking wound in the force with an insatiable hunger for life energy his hunger consumed his physical body over time leaving him to tether his spirit to his mask and his robes nihilus used the ability of life drain to suck out the force energy in living things to feed his endless hunger unfortunately every time he fed his hunger would only grow he started small with people then he went on for jedi and then groups of jedi escalating until the point to where he required to feed on entire planets to satiate his hunger if only for a few brief moments moving on we have number two force phantom darth vectivist the sith lord that did no evil vectivist was a happy owner of a successful mining business simply following the philosophies of the sith but never killing anyone directly or even having any interest in killing anyone simply following the doctrine of the sith in their pursuit of power however he pursued power through non-violent means when his business however began to mine too deep they hid a reservoir of dark side energy which began to negatively affect his employees he halted the mining operation and went down there to see for himself due to his own force sensitivity he experimented and studied the anomaly before developing a force technique that allowed him to summon phantoms to do his bidding based on the extreme presence of dark side energy vectivist eventually sought out the sith and participated in the rule of two eventually training his own apprentice though due to his own code of ethics that he followed he never gave into the allure of power and was satisfied with his life at the end of his days vectivist eventually died of natural causes surrounded by friends and family in his life darth vectavis had perfected the ability of forced phantom an ability that required considerable mental reserve and strength of will force phantoms manifested in the physical realm and served whatever inclinations that their creator desired this was done by performing a very complex ritual one that darth vectivists had pioneered personally a ritual that was as taxing as it was risky should anything go wrong during the process or should the will of the sith not be strong enough the malevolent spirits that were summoned would overtake and destroy them from the inside out and finally we have number one known as essence transfer in legends timeline the founder of this ability was the immortal god king praka darth and dedede this sith lord was so foul that he was wiped from all historical records by the jedi council darth and deju had lived for hundreds of years by performing this ritual that would see his spirit lifted and carried into another vessel by taking a new body every hundred years or so he was able to keep rule over his cult of darksiders of praketh however and daedu's paranoia would be his demise as he locked himself in his library and died with all of his knowledge only kept to himself his holocron however was later discovered by darth bane who was looking for a way to extend his own natural life darth bane would use this knowledge to possess the body of his apprentice zhanna when he began to believe that she didn't have what it took to be the next dark lady of the sith later this knowledge fell into the hands of darth sidious himself who would use the knowledge to survive the death star destruction and return in a younger body to once again take over the galaxy and conquer it even further palpatine of course though was defeated by grandmaster luke skywalker in the end this all happened in legends of course and although they did not give a definitive explanation in the rise of skywalker as to how sidious had survived the death star destruction we can infer that maybe it had to do with essence transfer or something familiar to it we believe this is by far one of the strangest powers of the sith being able to lift your own spirit out of your body and continue your life in another is both strange as well as unnerving and was likely pioneered by darth and dedu in canon as well the ancient sith were powerful and horrific people willing to go to lengths in the force that we rarely get to see on screen and what other dark side powers and rituals would you like to see videos made on later would you like to see any of these powers and abilities that we listed here on the big screen we highly value your thoughts and are eager to see what you comment and remember if you or someone you know would be interested in hearing more about force abilities and star wars in general consider subscribing it is your destiny recently on the channel we have been covering several important figures from star wars legends and today we are going to continue with this line with the story of darth glovic the ancient sith and the old star wars based orders is a topic that i have been recently highly fascinated by and will continue our coverage of it today filling you guys in on all things old republic in the ancient mysterious ways and methods of the dark side in today's installment we will be discussing the dark lord of the sith darth glovic darth glovic was a sith lord and commander in darth raven's sith empire during the jedi civil war darth glovic was a valued member of the sith empire during the final years of the jedi civil war conflict and he was responsible for several victories and campaigns against the galactic republic itself despite his successful military career he was quite the loner as his fellow sith thought of him as a madman he had an obsession with meditation and sought after visions of the future being very much dissimilar to other sith lords of his era darth glovic believed so vehemently in his own foresight that he bestowed himself the title of lord of the mind's eye he had a very short temper and would harshly punish anyone who doubts his visions in the slightest going out of the way to ensure their deaths were slow as well as painful this was why many other sith considered him to be insane and usually didn't have anything to do with him and avoided him by any means necessary despite his brilliance on the battlefield many believe that darth glovic was completely insane towards the end of the great wars as the newly turned jedi revan began destroying darth malak darth glovic had a great epiphany through the force one night glovic received a strange vision within his mind glovic viewed a distant planet covered entirely in thick dark clouds streaked with bolts of purple lightning after he woke glovic was consumed with the desire to visit and conquer the mysterious world that he had seen within his vision convinced that the dark side of the force itself was calling him to discover something there the sith lord decided to seek out the mysterious location glovic pinpointed a world somewhere in the luria system that matched his vision and left the war behind him though not before he executed those who challenged his interpretation of the vision that he had seen he would be in hyperspace for about a year doing hardly anything but sticking to his meditation regiment once they finally exited hyperspace in the lure system at the planet of nairina glovic began to reach out with the force to identify what was so significant about this world that he had seen within his dream unfortunately he discovered that it was difficult to use the force when near the planet frustrated that he had to fall back on the aid of technology he used his ship systems to scan the world by doing this carelessly a nearby republic strike force picked up on the dying sun's sensors and moved in for a surprise attack on the sith lord although the sith lord and his armada was caught completely off guard glovex forces put up a fierce battle which took a heavy casualty toll on both sides of the conflict however the dying sun glovic ship would eventually be shot down and crashed onto the planet below with many escape pods jettisoned glovic and his many forces survived and decided to set up by nyreon stranded and with nowhere else to turn the surviving crew of the dying sun would unite under glovic's tyrannical rule glovic continued to meditate and ponder the planet's significance it was becoming increasingly more apparent however that there was no way off this planet and he needed a way to extend his ending life guava could not stand the thought of dying before he discovered the true mysteries that were hidden within the planet unsurprisingly rather than use a horrible sith technique of sorcery glovic chose to do this by using an orbilite an obolite was a type of stasis casket that the sith used to stay alive for thousands of years by entering into a comatose state the gobalite could keep the person within healthy and vital for almost as long was as necessary nearly indefinitely through the use of this oba light the dark lord placed himself into suspended animation initially glovic would limit these slumbers to around 100 years awaking briefly to gauge the progress of his people before returning to his obelite while in perpetual stasis his deprived followers began to idolize him as a sleeping god labeling him the dying son as the year slowly passed glovic sith disciples who named themselves the children of the tempest became increasingly twisted and inbred and the awakening of glovic became more and more infrequent to show their devotion to glovic his followers would often sacrifice inhabitants of the planet at the feet of his obelite after a while the dark lord just stopped awakening abandoning his people entirely for the next several thousand years generation after generation of the twisted disciples of the sith continued to worship the frozen sith lord but at the same time more and more wealthy families began to settle on the planet as well the increase in the planetary activity began to disturb darth glovic but by now he hadn't awoken in so long that he was ultimately unable to his faithful followers had also tried numerous times to bring him back with little success as their technology was limited now that they had become more savage all of their efforts however had no success darth glovic would remain in stasis until around the year 132 aby during the rule of the sith lord darth krait his agents uncovered rumors of the final destination of the dying sun sith krait the new sith lord hoping to find sith artifacts including holocrons from the time of revan decided to dispatch one of his followers to the planet to investigate the same planet where darth glovic lie in wait the sith lord scent was named darth vurek using information from his master discovered the sith settlement on the world and encountered the inbred survivors of the dying sun vurick attempted to locate glovic's sleeping form but the cultists desperately fought and sacrificed themselves to keep their sleeping gods safe from the sith fearing what the new era of sith had in store for their god despite killing several of the sith protecting glovic's body furic was prevented from his ultimate goal due to the interference of the fugitive jedi who were hiding on the planet as well fearing what this dark lord may unlock in the ensuing clash vuric wounded several of the jedi and killed one of them but he was ultimately forced to retreat during the ensuing battle the sith settlers acted quickly and moved glovic's sleeping chamber to a new hideout vurek was ultimately ashamed of his defeat and decided not to immediately report back to darth krait with the hopes that he could use bounty hunters and this would allow him to eliminate the jedi and finally locate the body of darth klovic in the end though he was ultimately unsuccessful and the body of darth glovic was still hidden away unable to wake himself from never ending stasis and to this day in star wars legends the story of darth glovic continues on he is still out there waiting his sith followers protecting his body darth glovic is the longest surviving sith lord stemming from the era of darth revan and being one of revan's prime lieutenants during his era as a sith he also was admittedly completely insane with the planet that he was ultimately driven to bearing no fruit for the sith nothing but destruction and the end of his journey what's interesting about the character of darth klovic despite surviving for so long he ultimately had little to no influence on the galaxy around him which was the ultimate goal of the sith not to mention at no point during star wars legends is the planet ever deemed that special as darth glovic was led there simply due to his insanity and fittingly his insanity ultimately became his cage make no mistake though darth glovic was exceptionally dangerous and powerful as he was considered the greatest military mind of his time winning countless battles for the sith empire under revan however again his insanity simply got in the way and stopped him from achieving his true potential darth glovic could have been one of the most influential sith lords of all time but instead he's simply a madman placed in a cage of his own design waiting one day for some sith to free him from his prison and allow him to finally wake from his seemingly endless slumber darth glovic stands as a pinnacle of the sith among those that have ultimately fallen to their ambition grown too far and too strong with hubris that he ultimately failed to achieve anything significant creating an army of inbred cultists just as insane as the sith lord himself but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on the story of darth glovic had you heard of his story before this video and if legends continuity had been allowed to continue do you think that the story of darth glovic would have ultimately emerged yet again and he would have been freed from his prison unfortunately because disney got rid of star wars legends the end of the story of darth glovic will ultimately never come to fruition and we will likely never see darth golvic ever again anyway my friends what are your thoughts on his story and this cautionary tale of this ancient sith although he survived serving little to no influence on the galaxy at large thank you guys as always so much for watching may the force be with you and i hope to see you guys in the next video as we've explained several times over the course of the release of the rise of skywalker the rise of skywalker actually canonized several exceptionally notable dark lords of the sith from legends continuity including sith boards such as darth and dedu and even darth revan which is obviously the most famous the sith were canonized by being named for the sith trooper legions that we saw in the rise of skywalker with it being explained that darth sidious gave these legions of sith troopers their names after ancient dark lords of the sith however there was another exceptionally powerful dark lord of the sith that was canonized by the rise of skywalker specifically the visual dictionary for the rise of skywalker whose name isn't actually a part of the sith trooper legions that we witnessed in the film and the same way the other sith lords got their names however this name was given to the planet of exigal itself or at least a portion of excel in the visual guide for the rise of skywalker there is a part of exagole that is actually set apart this part is known as the excarpment or a fancy name for a plateau on the planet this plateau is named after the ancient dark lord of the sith naga sadao one of the most influential dark lords of the sith ever in star wars legend and since naga sadao is now canon and his name is literally a part of exigal itself this explains that he's likely the most ancient out of all of these sith lords similarly to star wars legends where he would also be one of the oldest in star wars it's really important to remember that naga sadao out of all of the sith wards was really the first monumental dark lord of the sith to impact the jedi and still to this day considering legends continuity that is still considered by the fan base as one of the most powerful sith lords that have ever lived with naga sadao actually being the number one most powerful sith lords at a lot of star wars historians list he was again also one of the major sith lords that confronted the jedi and in many respects was the first real great galactic threat that the sith order ever produced naga sadao was a master of sith alchemy and a sith alchemist and the dark lord of the sith who in 5000 bby took the empire from a brink of galactic domination into the great hyperspace war naga sadao was a half-breed sith from ziost sadao ruled over a secret citadel on the moon of karshian where he became one of the most powerful sith magicians of his era personalizing in the unconventional manners of sith alchemy a member of the 10-member sith high council under the dark lord marcaragnos's reign sadao preached an expansionist philosophy put upon the odds which much of the isolated empire's establishment leading them not to like naga sadao very much at all however naga sadao was considered a major candidate for the dark lord after marco ragnos's death leading him into a power struggle with conservative rival ludo creche that only ended with the surprise arrival of two explorers from the far-off republic sadao saw opportunity in these two explorers siblings gav and jory and used the suspicion and fear raised by their arrival to format a war against the republic along the way naga sadao absolutely butchered ludo cresce's followers at the battle of kev debla leaving no challengers to his authority with crash seemingly out of the picture siddow gathered together all of the sith lords and built a formidable military force to conquer the entire republic while also taking gav and his sith apprentice when the time was right saddam and his forces launched a massive surprise attack on the republic a mini-pronged strike aimed at conquering the important koro system while seizing the republic capital of coruscant for the sith for his part sadao stayed isolated in his sith meditation sphere augmenting his forces with illusions of beasts and other ships terrifying the republic and making the republic believe that the sith were near endless in their number nagasadao's efforts were initially met with great success and he was on the cusp of victory when events turned against him gav turncoat once back home and attacked saddam in his meditation sphere breaking the sith lord's concentration and causing a lot of the illusions to dissipate with nearly all of the momentum he gained halted as he killed gavin anger however once nagas adal retreated back into the sith space he realized that ludo crush was waiting for him and that he had survived raising his own army however gathering his own strength naga sadao managed to deal his rival one final blow proving his superiority once and for all and proving that he was in fact the one true dark lord of the sith unfortunately though just following this victory naga sadao was immediately forced backed into battle as the pursuing republic arrived in sith space themselves seeing that he could not win nagasa now escaped with the daring run through the twin stars of deary nova and making his way to the uninhabited moon of yavin 4 a classic star wars sight sadao practices sith alchemy there for decades building mass temple complexes before voluntarily placing himself in suspended animation he was awoken some 600 years later by a fallen jedi named frieda nad who learned the former dark lord of the sith's secrets before killing him as naga sadao had been weakened by his stasis again though naga sadao was by far one of the most powerful sith lords that we have ever seen in star wars legend and that is in legends continuity when sith lords outright would destroy planets sometimes a powerful dark magician naga sadao was remembered long after his death as a master of sith alchemy who had the ability to twist the natural order of the universe to serve his own sinister purposes with his magic sadao could transform living beings into monstrous brutal beasts his own malformed servants of death and it was said to give flesh to those spirits already departed sadao could also focus his gift of alchemy and magic into greater displays of force power including even causing supernovas and solar flares to cover his retreat at the end of the great hyperspace war an exceptionally impressive star wars feat on the level with planet-destroying capabilities but sadow's power in the force went beyond just the sith alchemy that he was known and feared for sadao was incredibly potent at creating illusions focusing his energy for such pursuits in his sith meditation sphere when in his sphere sadao had the ability to conjure hundreds of illusions at once and manifest them light years away from his current location sadao's power of illusion was so great that he made it one of his focal points of his plan during the great hyperspace war again making it believe that the sith was in fact countless in numbers when facing the jedi and the armies of the republic however sadao was not able to sustain these illusions when his concentration was even briefly broken as it was then when gav turned on him in the primus galad and started the downfall of naga sadao in the great hyperspace war which would eventually lead to his defeat naga sadao was a brilliant strategist sadow's strength lied not in the direct confrontation of an individual but in his mastery in the ability to go around one's back and strike them at their weakest and precisely and devastatingly as a one dark lord of the sith however naga sadao was no stranger to individual combat and was a match for ludo crash with his favored force imbued sith sword sadao often employed telekinesis in single combat pausing his sword strikes to pelt his opponents with stones using the force sadao also proved himself handy with the republic blaster in his breakout of gav and jory dragon and their imprisonment of zios even though he had never seen a weapon of its type before and the sith of the time largely fought with swords and spears he mastered the blaster in only moments as the most powerful alchemist and sith sorcerer of all time much of saddam's equipment was used to focus and augment his dark side talents sadao was able to wield his greatest alchemical power in the deraphin-class battleship on corsair which had an array of crystals in a platform on the bridge through these crystals sadao was able to summon nigh unlimited power including the ability to obliterate stars themselves sadao also owned a sith meditation sphere which served as a center for creating illusions and he was able to achieve this at an incredibly large scale during the great hyperspace war one of nagasa dao's most striking possessions was the bejeweled sith amulets that he wore on both of his hands which he used to help focus dark side energy for the alchemical pursuits the left amulet of naga sadao would survive and eventually fell into the possession of xr kun years before the use of a lightsaber became common among the sith lords naga sadao did battle with a poisoned sith imbued sith sword which he became quite proficient with he also had his own suit of body armor which survived past his death sadao's armor was elaborate and gold-plated with a chess piece featuring a large red eye and spikes of from the pauldrons but that is the dark lord of the sith naga sadao again his story may not be star wars canon yet but his name is and it's clear that he was very influential with again star wars canon taking a ton of inspiration now from legends so it's quite possible that just as in star wars legends naga sadao was really the first great sith lord that ever invaded the galactic republic and fought the jedi on a massive scale and perhaps again maybe even in canon he was able to destroy entire planets using the force and his vast weaponry but what are your guys thoughts on this and the fact that the sith lord naga sadao is now officially star wars canon are you excited about this and in legends continuity where do you rank naga sadao in the most powerful sith lords of all time as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video it would really help me out if you could leave a like may the force be with you and have a great day over the last little while on the channel we've been discussing the different types of jedi that emerged during the clone wars so today i would like to make another addition to this however we will not be talking about a rank of the clone wars or a jedi's rank we'll be discussing some of the most powerful and combatively brilliant ancient sith lords that ever live ancient sith lords that would achieve no true acclaim throughout their empire however were bred for one sole purpose that purpose was war today we will be discussing the sith juggernauts and more than war the purpose of a sith juggernaut was to know that they were going to die but that they would take as many jedi lives with them as possible so today we'll explore everything we know about the ancient sith juggernaut after the sith empire was defeated in the great hyperspace war what remained of them fled into the unknown region what was different about the next war that would come between the jedi and the sith is that the sith knew the full power of the republic and jedi order that they had fought and because of this the new sith emperor and his sith council decided to create a new breed of sith lord a breed of sith lords specifically designed and tailored to fight and kill jedi although they had other roles of sith boards that we'll discuss in later videos such as marauders sorcerers and more today we'll be discussing the pure warrior again the sith juggernaut a sith warrior was a far more common rank within the empire but especially skilled sith warriors would eventually gain the rank of juggernaut again it was always the purpose of a sith juggernaut to die in battle it is believed that as far as combat style sith juggernauts were most similar to another sith board that reigned during this era darth malgus just like malgus the juggernauts were trained as purebred warriors they held no greater mysteries of the force or no elegance or nightsaber combat they were bred to kill it is because of this that one of their primary weaknesses is they lacked a lot of defense and could become very narrow-sided during the heat of a lightsaber duel however although they had practiced a solely kill jedi they were highly successful at it a sith juggernaut was also skilled in force abilities such as force push but forced lightning being a little bit more advanced was a rarity amongst his juggernauts although some could use it with great effectiveness the sith emperor designed the training and armor of a sith juggernaut around the ancient sith lord marco ragnos marco ragnos being known for his incredibly large stature and headdresses and armor it is because of this that sith juggernauts were also dressed in extremely heavy armor both for protection and intimidation although they were skilled in force push and other combative force abilities sith juggernauts were trained specifically in one powerful ability that being forced terror what this essentially did is fill their enemies with dread and make them less combatively viable during the heat of a duel it was basically a force power that had to do with intimidation and had everything to do with the way that the juggernauts were addressed as well as conducted themselves because of their extreme regiment both in lightsaber combat and in exercise they were heavily muscled individuals and because of this a normal jedi knight would be crushed under the sheer power of a sith juggernaut's blade however the jedi order would eventually develop a counter to the sith juggernaut that being a jedi guardian again in more modern terms of jedi jedi guardians are beings such as obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker jedi that are trained with the knowledge that they will always be involved in heavy combat but at the time these jedi guardians were again more tailored to fight sith juggernauts than droids but still obi-wan and anakin are good examples of jedi guardian but that was pretty much everything we know about the sith juggernauts again they weren't really powerful beings in the galaxy in terms of grand scale cis juggernauts were never designed to be emperors rulers or anything like that they were simply some of the greatest warriors of the ancient sith empire and unfortunately we don't know a ton about them all we know is that their counterpart is the jedi guardian and everything that we previously discussed but what are your guys thoughts on the sith juggernauts and their opposites the jedi guardians thank you guys as always so much for watching may the force be with you and have a great day you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 485,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient Sith, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Star Wars Explained, Sith, Ancient Jedi, Dark Side
Id: oWpiimS0e4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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