Deathwatch vs Aeldari. Community, built, painted and suffering not the alien to live. Warhammer 40k

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a while back we had an idea we asked our patrons on our Discord if they'd help us build a community Death Watch Army a model here or there painted and built by patrons and we got a ton of replies and over the last couple years we've showcased them in a series of games however Time Marches On and we asked our patrons and subscribers again if anyone would be interested in adding to the community Army and do you know what we got we got humble the absolutely amazing response we got from you our subscribers and patrons has absolutely and completely overwhelmed us this game literally doesn't happen without you so thank you and enjoy this is 40k in 40 minutes Community Battle greetings 40K fans your host JT McDowell here and welcome to this community Death Watch versus eldari battle that quite frankly wouldn't happen without you our patrons attack will be playing our community Death Watch Army today with some fantastic conversions and models all painted by you are fans and Nick will be piloting the Eldar painted by our very own Patron Dr rhino I'm overwhelmed with how pretty these armies are let's take a look at them hi my name is attack he's got a librarian and Terminator armor a primaris chaplain on a bike and a watchmaster as his warlord he has a proteus kill team another Proteus kill team and another Proteus kill team the difference between the teams is minor at best tag also has an ironclad Dreadnought A Relic contemptor Dreadnought and inceptor Squad and an Eliminator squad for backup he's got the Gladiator Reaper every single one of these models has been painted by you our patrons and subscribers so once again we thank you for this beautiful Death Watch Army there's even a Tau Nick dreadnought the Death Watch are incredibly complex therefore someone that really wants to specialize and build out their list in a very particular way this list that I brought today is about a lot of utility it's about a lot of speed and it's a lot of movement the Eldar are really good at that so I'm going to try to match them at their own game I never thought I'd be playing eldart it was one of those armies that I always hated playing against because of how frustrating they were to play against and I've never been able to beat them so I thought I can't beat them might as well try joining though Nick is playing a beautiful Eldar Army which is 90 painted by Matt Dr Rhino himself absolutely gorgeous the scroll work on these are stunning Nick has added a couple of units to it himself here let's see how they play out for him today he's brought the Avatar of Kane Prince Ariel and a spirit Seer he's got some squads of Corsair void reavers wraith blades ghost Action Force Shield D Scythe wraithguard those are the Kili flamers some shining Spears a wraith Lord and a second wraith Lord not a lot of models comparatively the hardest thing I'm gonna face is being essentially overwhelmed and outnumbered I'm gonna have to use board control just right today's mission is priority Targets in the second third fourth and fifth battle rounds at the end of each player's command phase the player who's turning this will score five victory points for holding one objective and five victory points for holding more objectives than their opponent however at the end of the game each player will score an additional five victory points for each marker they control to a maximum of 20 and a maximum of 45 per game on primary these are custom objectives that we got done in collaboration with creature Caster so you can actually buy your own set of play on objective markers Isn't that cool the last time I played Eldar one mistake I really made was making my troops to expose so this time for deployment I've got to make sure I hide my troops well enough that they won't be shot off first turn foreign deployment phase and Tac has really spread to make sure that he tries to maximize the distance between his units so that Nick can't just gang up and kill his castle typically attack tends to play more of a ultramarine castle Style game but you can't do that with death launch he needs to take advantage of his movement and advantage of Nick's slow moving wraith units and keep them as far away from his home objectives as he possibly can that's how I feel about tell Nick he's just going to go right in the front how do I feel about that a very beautiful watch Captain Amazing by and also Aaron who is a chief modder mod of the play on Discord next only spent one command Point per game to give the warlord trait to Prince Ariel and he's spinning another command Point here to deep strike one of his flamer Guard unit tax shows into combat squad one of his prettiest kill teams he's facing five veterans and five terminators in teleport strike and his inceptors are in descent from the sky it looks like he's going to try to outmaneuver and outflank and stay away from Nick as much as possible I'm in reserve [Laughter] this episode is brought to you by voxlink voxlink is the ultimate tabletop Gaming Community app designed to bring people together you can check out and book tickets for events nearby all filtered by game type their game finder is a great way to find new friends playing the games you like near you the app itself is free to use premium members however can run leagues and tournaments with friends get premium member pricing on all tickets purchased in the app and benefit from premium member pricing for other hobby Partners like magnet Baron Baron of dice and dice head Fox link is a fully featured social media setup inside the app as well as content sections that will include bloggers like goonhammer and other YouTubers I personally love the concept of a social media app specifically for games and Gamers I find it awkward to Wade through all the other social media noise to find tabletop events near me with Fox link though I can find exactly what I'm looking for without having to be inundated with stuff I have no interest in voxlink is the only social media solution built by Gamers for gamers make sure to check them out on Kickstarter and throw some support behind them as always tell them play on set you alright to see who goes first I'd actually like to go second I really like to go second as well alright second at least I can get in this box I missed the Box again thanks you are going first sir uh good luck fine good luck to you I've got a contemptor Dreadnought it's named tell Nick so uh let's see how telnik does against eldarnick [Music] Nick rolls his strands of Fate these are special Eldar dice that will count as a six he's got two saving throws one hit roll and one to wound roll tack using his lit knees from his chaplain catechism of fire succeeds his contemporter is going to get possible to wound but Litany of hate does not for secondaries tack draws bring it down tax spends a command point on new orders and refunds this with his warlord trade so he still sits at four but he draws Battlefield Supremacy instead Behind Enemy Lines and no retreat no surrender these are great secondaries if it was later in the game but I can use these secondaries a little bit it's actually bully Nick and make Nick stay in his own Zone and not come out to play and I get to control now the flow of the game you're gonna see me move fairly cagey here I'm not going to overextend expose myself and I'm going to need to play the long game thank you so that is it for the movement phase I have no second phase right now because my sector is waiting in uh somewhere in space so we're gonna go into the shooting phase one thing he has to shoot is The Relic attemptor it's in range as Nick has deployed way deep in the back and Only One race car dies not a great first turn shooting however no retreat no surrender is still ongoing as that completes at the end of tax turns should he stay with an arrangement objective not failing morale check and not fall back and he has yet to score the other objectives so that's a pretty quick turn for Tack and we have no score as we head into next turn one Nick draws tempting Target he needs to take tax Death Watch veteran objective that's the one tax uses unfortunately what that does which I don't like is that gives you really middle points if I get it exactly it's worth 10 points if I could take this object away from her capture enemy Outpost he's got a go take tax home objective and storm hostile objective he needs to flip an objective the attack currently holds this secondary draw is quite terrible because of Behind Enemy Lines NYX movement you're gonna need to see him pull back a little bit and not move as much forward this plays into my hand I sound really cocky but that's okay it's all entertainment both players are playing very elite armies in that their units cost a lot and you need them to do their work and earn their costs back I can't take his own objective I can't take that objective in the corner and I can't take one away from them this turn is gonna be really tough Jack may be cooking in Nick's kitchen a bit here by keeping Behind Enemy Lines making Nick think that he's gonna deep strike into his deployment Zone [Music] second phase now and Nick cast fateful Divergence to go up to seven command points but Quicken fails he's re-rolling with a command point he's down to six and it succeeds those wraith blades are gonna move up to hold that left side objective and deny attack hold more in his turn with any luck all right moving on to the shooting phase don't have a lot of shots but we're gonna start with this wraith Lord okay he's gonna fire everything Mrs bright Lance into this uh Dreadnought right here in two tone I'm going to use my automatic hit strands of Fate okay and my automatic wound strands of Fate so that I don't have to roll uh so there's a dark line so it's ap4 AP minus four D3 plus three damage ouch I have a five invulnerable save so please please oh that's a four so D3 plus three damage does a total of six damage goes down to five because it's red knots yes and then we're gonna go to this wraith Lord right here you are exact same thing trying to kill I'm definitely trying to kill it oh it's a one to hit I'm gonna use command points going down to five can you roll that okay here's hoping got it that's a hits three yep five up that's a five I'm alive oh just barely the drag goes down to one wound but doesn't die how many times on this channel have seen something live on a single wound I don't actually know what my plan is turned two I've got a lot in reserves it's gonna come down to my secondary draw and that secondary draw is going to dictate what I do uh coming out of teleport straight round one and no retreat no surrender to make our score five to nothing Nick keep storm hustle objective and discards tempting Target and capture enemy outposts [Music] tax turned two and he ticks up to six command points same as Nick and scores Five Points on primary to make our score 10-nothing in his favor start of a new battle round so Nick rolls the strands of Fate he's got an advance a charge a second test and a saving throw I can now discard Behind Enemy Alliance the only reason I kept it was not to score it but to keep Nick honest and have him stay in his back line now that that's gone I'm actually gonna do something pretty cheeky here I'm going to spend a command point on new orders and I'm going to flip that for a different secondary and that gives him race banners secure no man's land and Battlefield Supremacy for secondaries he has managed to out-think me and outmaneuver me into a place where all my Elite close combat efficient units really slow are on the edges of the board again tack you are a master of the movement phase and have outmaneuvered me here the chaplain's catechism of fire succeeds contemptors gonna get plus one to wound to the nearest Target Canada hate that's going to make charges a bit easier the watchmaster is going to give full rerolls to the Dreadnought and tax slips to Devastator Doctrine the unique thing about death watch is they get to choose every round which Doctrine to be in you didn't kill it I know I tried you know what town Nick is going to be the hero of Team hypey so poor towel Nick is going to move on to that Center objective he's only got one wound he's gonna die however he scores three Battlefield Supremacy [Music] very aggressive play for tack here I wonder if he's deep striking and Reserve units will even arrive so I'm just gonna move in such a way where it really denies you the ability to come into my back line here [Music] these Death Watch veterans are going to be raising a banner on that objective now do you have any reserves coming in I do have reserves coming oh you're gonna take in some of them okay I'm gonna take in some of her you have so many things in reserves I do I'm being cheeky here I'm going to drop my Terminus where Nick's wraith card can't see them and because of my plus two to charge I'm still able to make a nine inch charge here and not get overwatched librarian comes in for some sweet sweet denying casting and now tack has space Magics to affect Nick and that's it so tax decided not to bring her into hardly any of his reserves after I spread out my entire Army to try to deny him on my deployment Zone I think tack has completely out thought me here uh so going into the second phase after the the moving phase second phase pre-morphic residence and fortified with the contempt both go on to the Terminators so they're going to be scary scary especially if they get into combat that is it for the second phase going into the shooting phase I'm going to take my uh bikers here and they're going to go into The Shining Spears Force four three UPS oh no you killed one of The Shining Spears you don't have tools they only have two rooms normally you're really slow over there so slow and there's no objectives over there no so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to try to focus down this side of the table I did the exact opposite of what I needed to do I wanted to focus on one side of your Army on one side of the board and instead I did exactly what I said not to in my interview which was spread out kicking myself here uh Contender Dreadnought is now going to fire Into The Wraith blades so hitting on threes oh all right so I got three upstairs because I'm not in any kind of cover um however I rolled really well you did so you lose two total I lose two total you've killed two of the rates uh Dreadnought is going to be going through the cover hurricane bolters are going to go into the uh bikes and then I'm going to take 200k missiles and I'm gonna go for that uh we're sword in the back got it and we'll see what happens so I've got six shots into the bikes hitting on threes become fours because of minus one Force those are Elites right yeah I fail it good that's one less wound I need to deal with and then now I've got 200 kilo missiles that are going to go into The Wraith Lord right here minus one because there's three attack using prognosticating volley into the rake Lord now that's gonna give him no penalty to hit against eldari so then I'm hitting on threes yeah I'm actually going to use one of my automatic stays with his fans of Faith the count of one of those sixes and hopefully maybe I can get another one all right so we'll save one automatically and oh so close I'm not gonna fish for a six uh how much damage to do this whole pig that's not a big that's opposite of big that's an Australian six ah so one wound he has eight wounds remaining now that I think about it I actually don't need that objective so the Gladiator Reaper is going to take all of its shots into the shine Spears okay yeah just a lot of those okay all right fine You Killed The Shining Spears the brand new unit that I just finished painting without them getting into anything that's pretty typical isn't it they hit hard but they die quickly and they were my fastest unit and now they're gone and it's gonna be tough to threaten his backfield now I'm going to go into the charge phase now the Terminators need an 11 to charge but plus two from the chemical so that's a nine command reroll takes tack down to three command points and he fails again two minutes fail to charge however it's not a big deal they're protecting my characters they're staying on that Center objective and they've got defensive Buffs up and attacks turn two sees him at 25 points he's got five on primary and he's got 20 secondary points scored he's scored battles of field Supremacy he scored secure no man's land and he's raised a banner 25 to nothing three command points for attack six for Nick as we head to Nick's turn two Nick scores five primary points to make our score 25-5 at the start of his turn to be honest the name of the game this turn is no more this kg full beep there's another word I could put in there but it's not appropriate for this channel we're going across them I like Commodities I like how he censored himself in the cutest way possible discards deploy teleport homers to take him down to six command points and replaces it with defense stronghold he's also drawn Blood and Guts he needs to kill three units in melee and that keeps him with storm hostile objective as well [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] oh slow rates are slow it's time to drop in some juicy flamers I think and wreck some face all right so second phase I'm gonna start with Quicken because I want these guys to be faster because they're out of position they can't do much right now Nick attempting to cast quick and restrain and it fails as it casts on the seven he's gonna re-roll that demon of Five Command points remaining but attack denies Nick cast fate for Divergent successfully and that takes him back up to six command points okay shooting taste in the shooting phase I'm gonna use one command Point going down to five waveguard using guided raid sight to gain reroll wants to wound Nick's now down to Five Command points he's done 21 wounds and five Mortals to that vet Squad and they are evaporated bye-bye the veterans get completely wiped off without objective but you know what I'm okay with it that objective is sticky which means I still hold it even though I'm not there one it's a mission Rule and two it's the adepticeye's rule moving on okay now we're gonna go to another fun one these ones over here they're gonna do it the same exact same into these Terminators okay twos we're rolling ones huh I do survive with three Terminators I I wasn't expecting that great core digital Terminators now shark and catapults into the contemptor all right so the bright Lance into the Terminators hitting on threes oh it's a two it's a two command Point re-roll under the Terminator for up attack uses a command point to save that Terminator Nicks at four command points tax of three hits twice wounds nothing the bright Lance is going to go into the Dreadnought tricky catapults is also another Dreadnought let's see if I can kill it right Lance into the Red Knot it misses print serial will let me use it again the prince Uriel ability to use the command reroll stratagem twice in a phase is it's kind of fun I like that um the real again I hit this time I wounded not a five see and then does it explode no tonic has died to town Nick but I killed the Dreadnought you did let's try to kill some things with close combat if you can because you have uh blend guts yeah but let's try a really long charge here a wraith Lord needs an 11 in charge don't see him making it nope that fails the Avatar Kane is gonna try to charge into these bikes okay so I'm gonna use one of my strands of Fate to give myself an automatic six for one of those dice for the charge so you need a four so I need a four on the other dice you can do it you can do it no it's a one Avatar fails is charged with the strands of Fate roll Nick has to re-roll both and succeeds down to two command points left but here comes the pain all right and then The Wraith blades are also gonna charge in they don't need much to get in and they get in as well wraithguard charged the Gladiator Reaper attack's gonna use grab pulse for one command point he's down to two and that's gonna add two inches to the next charge making it 11 and it doesn't happen those field charges are going to keep me in this game uh well I don't think I did enough but we'll find out what happens next well we try to memorize this unit over here Force the Avatar kills that unit down to two bikes left wow then the uh wraith guards The Wraith blades managed to down one more biker alright well at the end of my turn I still haven't managed to score any of my secondaries I hopefully can hold on to defense stronghold and scores of the five but I'm really down on points I'm up on points it looks like I'm in control of this game however Nick's heavy damage dealers are now all in range of my stuff and if turn two complete defense stronghold and blood and guts are still ongoing for Nick storm hostile objective has yet to occur so we sit at 25 to 5 as we head into tax turn three I'm finally in a position that I'm going to be able to threaten his next turn so if attack doesn't do enough damage in his turn I'm going to be able to claw back this game in turn three tax scores 10 points on primary to take our score to 35-5 and tax slips into the Tactical Doctrine just feels like it fits next tracks of Fate roles here and he's got a charge roll two saving throw rolls and a hit roll those will all count as sixes tack polls grind them down he's gonna kill more units over an entire battle round than Nick does tempting Target again that left side objective is going to be where he's going and deploy teleport homers he needs to do an action in the enemy deployment zone so I'm gonna choose this one way out here you get to come get it [Music] pack really needs to be careful here he needs to lock this game down now or Nick 100 will fight his way out of this Nick has nothing but potentially strong cards left in his deck for secondaries as he's run through some really crappy ones and Tack has drawn almost all the good stuff that five points per objective at the end of the game could end up being the decider here so tack has pulled back everything that's really interesting I really thought he'd push forward but now my slow-moving troops are gonna have a hard time catching up with them this could be the deciding choice that that decides what happens in this game that's right while Nick thinks I'm going to aggressively move forward with my drops I actually have to move back to my zone I don't think a gladiator Reaper tank is enough to take out width guard I'm going to need to drop in some help incepters drop in and they're going to choose to deploy teleport homers that is a legit power move here so I'm gonna do pre-morphic resonance from the librarian I'm going to try to cast it on to determine their squad in the middle there fortified with contempt again to give the Terminators a five up ignore wounds is successful all right okay uh going into my shooting phase we haven't seen what the Death Watch can do yet so we might as well go with them first it's just like it's a little bit of everything that's a little bit of everything it's kind of like you put everything in the kitchen sink in it four Fred cannons two heavy flamers one hand flamer one Death Watch Bolter which I'm going to say is going to do uh Hellfire rounds rapid fire one so I get two shots how much sauce do I get to ones on fours shooting phase now Death Watch unit of Doom the achilla kill team is doing some serious work oh three waste guard left versus the reaper now Nick using Lightning Fast reactions attack's gonna respond with prognosticating volley which basically means both spend a command point and the minus one and the plus one cancel but I'll put you down to one command point and I'm actually okay with that threes I still fail wow I failed five I'm going to fire with the um snipers then and try to kill so no not a single one I can survive this this guy's gonna take all of these shots and you were wondering why I put yeah you put a lot back there that's radar they're tough they're tough nope chaplain Let's uh see if the chaplain can do it [Applause] still minus one hit Lightning Fast reflexes goes on for the whole phase uh no wounds oh yeah the Ritz guard in the middle into these guys on fives not a single one so nothing happened there this Death Watch unit is going to load Hellfire rounds and going to fire into your wraith blades please wound oh no attack's definitely not killing as much as he wants to here that missed melta gun is Gonna Hurt So you you cleverly hidden the Dreadnought so that my wraith guard cannot see him so you can charge without worrying of OverWatch right very smart which would have been an 11 inch Church however because I move the top and back plus two yeah I've got one command point you can do it you can do it I believe what happens that is a 10 inch charge nice the terminator's charging Into The Wraith blades and the Avatar fails tax re-rolling to this last command Point does not Farm it seven please oh there you go come on in again I want all of my Terminators to only fight The Wraith card yeah I want to spend a command point on Lightning Fast reactions with those wraith blades that you're a minus one to hit against me so you're back to minus one to hit so hitting on fours with thunder hammers and they go down to AP one so on fours I've saved one two three however you have wiped the squad hold on yep that's good then uh the Dreadnought is going to punch into wraith guard [Applause] the race guard go down that's two kills all right well then I at least I get to hit back with my avatar Kane Avatar now and only does six wounds and only kills one Terminator my goodness gracious me oh my I have concerns I have concerns about all of these units moving this much closer to my Army tax turn three summary Nick will score defense stronghold to gain five points to go to ten tack has two kills for grind them down he's scored tempting Target and he scored teleport homers 45 points to next 10 as we head to next turn three Nick gains Five Points on primary to go up to 15 to make it 45-15 as we start his turn I need to weather a storm here and the storm is getting bigger only one secondary to draw is 10 battle lines he should be able to get that fairly easily here [Music] you're gonna love this you're gonna love this kill them and then just the Abdul Arcane is actually moving way over here with his fallback two command points on feigned Retreat for the Avatar here he can now fall back and charge and shoot he has a a weapon that goes through units the Avatar of King does what now the Avatar's range weapon is actually a beam weapon and as I shoot it I get to hit every unit in range along the line and I see three characters and a tank I can only hope that I've scored enough that you can't catch up that's that's my only hope at this point [Applause] let's try this I'm going to cast Smite from this guy right here she might oh it's an 11. oh super smite wow psychic phase is a super Smite for five mortal wounds if I pulled the first two because they no longer protect the character anyway and I've got one wound left on the back one and um my other Spirit zero here is going to try to give me a command point and I succeeds so I've got one more command point I'm up to two shooting face we're gonna shoot all of these pistols into um this unit of Terminators first we're gonna Fire Grenade D6 shots six shots sixes to hit so I've got two Ops I feel so he's down to one wound remaining and then a bunch of pistols didn't get any let's see if I can make that I can alright so I'm actually gonna go with the Avatar of Kane now because you got this really cool ability he basically takes his massive blade and goes like this and it makes a massive wave of fire go in a line and hit all the guys in a row so I pick a Target within 12 inches yep so that was going to be the big uh tank and then every unit it passes over so I could pass over your chaplain your librarian your watchmaster and then hit this is the time to use the strand of Fate dice to automatically hit okay so I'm gonna use that to automatically hit all right let's start an order I just goes down the line into your chaplain does it wound it's strength 12 on twos nice so this is my chance yeah does the librarian die librarian gets hit and wounded nope that's a four oh it takes D6 plus two damage five six seven damage so that is a deadline burn and then against the watchmaster it also wounds them I've made two four UPS straight do I still have another one in me oh do you want to roll it I can't lose my watchmaster so that is a re-roll yes I make it uh do I get my command point back uh nope there you go so I'm up all right and against the Repulsor it's a wound against the tank oh nothing I can do about it all right D6 plus two damage against the tank it takes three four five damage five damage uh so you did five uh so it has seven wounds remaining there is some sort of Imperial blessing uh the omnisize watching the Emperor of mankind is watching that watchmaster I have not rolled this many four up in vulnerable saves ever in my life so I'm gonna split fire Nick's splitting fire and holy of holies I actually agree he can wipe those Terminators as long as he doesn't make all his saves so three flamers of the terminators re-rolling ones the Terminator on a four up I make both Terminator on a four up I make both whoa don't do this attack don't do this to me dead I make one more time come on so now I have the uh funeral paint uh he's alive with one and then five up holy crap what the heck dice so I'd even kill one no well that was annoying tack well the run raning into the eliminators there yep gives me two shots okay nope no so that Eliminator is dead this wraith Lord right here is gonna fire everything into these terminators give me some ones nope ignore damage nope that's another one I like killed one finally kill this one here and then the bright Lance can it do it it hits does it wound five upon he's very dead almost the Death Watch are falling apart all right and we're gonna do this Lord right here and he's gonna fire everything into your watchmaster bright Lance into the tank right Lance hits and wounds minus four minus four goes right through D3 plus three has a total six damage okay uh the tank is down to one wound shirkin wow the Gladiator Reaper goes down so charge base I'm gonna charge these course errors into your one Moon bike yep corsairs charge into that one wound biker Avatar Into Takeshi's Castle with all those Dead characters I mean attack a hero's Castle I mean and woof the race guard almost whiffed let's fight I need to kill one two three things in combat to get blood and guts let's go with corsairs you can't interrupt that is one dead biker that's a kill for Nick great blades into the inceptors okay Nick spending a command point on guided race site here that's gonna reroll once the wound and the inceptors are gone they're really beautifully painted I'm sorry that you didn't get to see them shoot they didn't score they score points all right and then the Avatar Kane into your chaplain okay which profile this time I'm gonna do the strike because I want to do the strike every single time and then Tuesday wounds let me use my last command Point really to ensure that this wounds you I wanted him dead really yep okay all right one two three four five roll High Roll High no he's already dead he's dead all right so turn three was a big turn for me I scored a lot of points turn four has got to be just as good Nick has scored every single secondary this turn and denied tax grind them down suddenly we're in a game folks and a turn three 45-30 in favor of tack this is a tight one [Music] heading into turn four I'm quickly losing assets so I really have to think about maximizing what units are doing what and focusing on points tax scores Five Points on primary to take us up to 50 to 30 in his favor Nicks strands of Fate rolls two saves a charge and a hit roll those saves are super strong attack has to be mindful of making him spend those automatic sixes to save attack draws capture enemy Outpost he needs to take Nick's home objective no prisoners he needs to do 30 wounds to Nick's Army and storm hustle objective flip and objective Nick holds those Vanguard vets move up to pop next corsairs off that objective that should score him that secondary as corsairs aren't tough tax try to remove the avatar from his deployment Zone this has to happen now our attack is probably toast but is it for moving uh shooting the flamer and then the hurricane bolters are all going to go into the Avatar of King all right that is a Warhammer move if ever there was a world let's fire a bunch of explosive shells into a big monster uh T8 nope doesn't matter save it uh the watchmaster is going to Hell Fire around into uh the Avatar depending on twos Hellfire round you saved it I saved it yep then I'm going to load how far rounds into the corsairs I saved two of them nice just killed one I'm going to charge the Dreadnought into the Avatar all right clad into the avatar veterans charge the corsairs don't have any interrupts so I'm gonna go there first with the uh veterans I got two They're All Dead well done as expected the Vanguard vets wiped the corsairs and steal that objective from Nick all right Dreadnought on Avatar action okay this dreadlock has a chance there's a lot of damage here if you roll well if I roll well there's a trick roll well okay four up invulnerable saves each one that goes through does a lot of damage I hate to do that this is why I hate playing Eldar make two of those go away I'm gonna actually use two of my strands of fake dice to automatically pass two of them yep so only I only have two rules to make can you thanks for doing that um and I make one and one goes through yep so uh two D3 damage uh so that is four damage I have to damage unfortunately it was under two damage I'm down to 12 moves on the Avatar arcade but now I'm gonna hit you back Avatar slaps back into the Dreadnought piercing strikes here and annihilates the Dreadnought what a turn attack's gonna discard capture enemy outposts and no prisoners he scores storm hustle objective sits at a command point and 55 to 30 is our Point score I can't just go on autopilot and I have to make sure I play to the best of my ability to maximize my points because attack is still up on points on me Nick scores 10 points on primary to take us to 55 to 40 in tax favor and both players have two command points next drone investigate sights he needs to do an action in the mid table if it's done with the unit less than five it's only gonna be worth two to him though so that's an interesting choice raise Banner any infantry unit could do that to score five points on a No Man's Land objective and no retreat no surrender don't fall back don't fail morale don't leave an objective corsairs move up and raise a banner Nick's Ray Thorn has got to stay put to score so that's gonna help tack a lot keeping him out of his face foreign investigates sites that's only going to give him two but ethereal really doesn't buff anybody it's not a big deal losing his auras getting myself a command point six seven eight it goes off I'm up to three command points Quicken and it goes off it but it perils oh the spirits here takes three Mortals from apparel and it succeeds shooting phase uh bright Lance into the watch Captain okay that's a hit that's a wound okay uh so this will kill me unless I roll my iron Halo you got this I got it there you go uh bright Lance into watch Captain Kane is gonna take a sword and try to uh set a wall of fire through those guys down there whoosh it hits it wounds Elementary died first thank you Nicholas Livingston Smith was that the last lamenter oh man Nick what are you doing shooting is done and uh let's charge you my avatar is gonna charge those guys over there he spends a command point in OverWatch gotta knock that Avatar down a peg somehow save it two heavy flamers flavors I got uh you can't damage me with flame I've literally made a flame you just said your flame doesn't glow so I don't know what kind of flame it is nine moons remaining on that Avatar charge me in there please and I'm gonna do a sweep attack oh no I dropped so many you dropped a lot oh attack really had to short how to take those saves that was really fun to watch and Incredibly complex it could definitely take some time but as any Death Watch player knows that's how you gotta do it talk about an epic hold against foul xenos though tack holds on but the problem is Tak is using every drink in the book to stay in this game here's the funny thing Nick I pulled myself out of combat no you can pull yourself into combat with a consolidate with a consolidate but you leave the objective no I'm okay sitting there you can come get me if you want this could be huge and around four and this is one tight game the end of game objective scoring yet again may be the difference tack needs objectives he can score and Nick needs to keep units on objectives 55 to 47 in favor of attack as we head to tax turn five up to 60 now to 47 for tack Knicks strands of Fate is an advanced role two to hit rolls and a one roll and he spends a command point on new orders he's gonna have assassinate kill a character for five that's big extend battle lines he needs to hold his home and More in no man's land an overwhelming Firepower kill three units in shooting so tax already scored extend battle lines that and an assassinate will Max his secondary points for the rest of the game so I'm going to load Hellfire rounds into him because no matter what I do I hit your inbound I got two all right on four UPS oh it fails command point to re-roll and it fails that's a dead Spirit savior assassinate for tag because I Max it too so I don't need overwhelming Firepower uh then everything from here is going to fire into the Avatar King try to down the Avatar to save his home objective and he might only manage to take off a wound got it trip I saved it again okay then we are going to charges charge face now Avatar being jumped race car being targeted and the watchmaster is getting greedy charging into both of those targets I'm not sure about that but if tack clears him off that's a big big win for him all right let's fight you know what we'll do that one first because that one's the most important all right because if you want I say one two three four only one okay so down to one wound with this guy over here oh boy oh boy those wraith guard are super tanky next I will go with the watch cap and see what I can do those two characters all right how you gonna split up the attacks three and two yandon and two into the uh into the other character I think split fire to Victory at least only one Spirits here down to one wound Prince Ariel down to two wounds but they both stay up oh no you got really close yep Avatar gets hit hard here down to six moons but doesn't die you know what I'm gonna strike because I want to do the strike okay I only got six attacks now the handicane slaps back and tax expensive command point three models die but he's still holding on Prince uriel's gonna fight you right here so you can kill the watch Captain hitting on twos on threes wounding oh I'm gonna actually command point we roll one of these okay see if I can get another wound oh it's a two only one wound all right Halo I make it and then the spirits here tries to hit you with two attacks hit you twice well fine the veterans lose two of those wraith guard but he's forced Nick's hand here big time what an absolute barn burner here folks can tack hold on and actually pull this game out can a watchmaster survive if it does there's a chance I can win this game he's pulled area denial so he needs to kill the watchmaster to get him out of the center he's got bring it down that's actually the watchmaster as well and he scored Battlefield Supremacy which means if he kills the watchmaster you guessed it folks this could be the game this game is that close that if I kill it I won this game if I don't it could even be a tie one command point on feigned Retreat to fall back and shoot at those wraith guard and also Aaron if you're watching this if your watchmaster lives I think your watch Master wins me in this game get the watch Master survive that's all it comes down to psychic phase Let's uh snipe Smite yeah okay I hope you you take two more well one more wound okay so he is down to five and then four D side flamers into those guys six 79 10. oh my Lanta The Wraith guard have absolutely sixth letter of the alphabet stuff up I can't shoot into it or we're gonna charge it with everything now he said his entire Army against it so uh yeah Ray floors are gonna attack you and how much hours does it do D3 plus three damage each okay yeah so I need to make uh you need to make both of these four UPS four hours for days I make one do you want a command point it yep all right command point we're all see if you save it uh and if you live send he needs to live through everything else nope on ceremoniously on a one oh he dies he's squished by everybody that's good attention for me victory for the eldari over the death watch that matches his secondary he maxes primary for holding everything at the end of the game that takes Nick to 45-45 plus 10 100 points and 100 to 85 in favor of Nick and the ayandan corsairs what an absolute slobber knocker knocked down drag out barn burner of a game what a Showcase of a beautiful Army painted by a patron and painted by Nick and another beautiful Army completely painted and built by patreons and I gotta say the winner here might have been you but it's definitely us we absolutely love everything that you folks do for us and support us on our Channel we can't thank you enough and we're so happy to be able to bring you such an incredibly tight and well played game great job tack way to Pilot an army that you literally know next to nothing about and Nick how to step up for the corsairs both players made some interesting choices during that game really came down to the wire and end game scoring if you folks remember back in turn one turn two Nick had barely scored a thing but here we are at the end 185 in his favor and as always on behalf of everyone here at play on this is JT McDowell saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe way on thank you to everyone that submitted models to the community Army it was beautiful to see it on the table it was a hell of a game Nick I'd love to say I will get you next time but uh I think we both need a bit of a break after this one a few key dice rolls could have changed this game dramatically but my brain hurts thank you [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 113,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: UhSh6iDvLU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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