Every SECOND You GET OLDER in Roblox

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in this game every second we get one year older we have to complete a variety of challenges before we get too old to complete them and guys you're not gonna believe what happens when you get past year 100 it's absolutely ridiculous melon this is every second you get older we gotta pick something quick do I want to be a boy a girl or or other and I'm a middle-aged 20 year old now I've got a nice goatee what the heck my hair is golden I guess the older you get the more gold you get in your life now a mold okay Santa Claus mode yeah you're gonna be dead soon Sony well relax bro who knows what happens the older you get the wiser you become maybe I can overpower old age and live forever yeah yeah we'll see about that check out my cheddar yo I got that Golden Hair brother yeah but look at me I got [Applause] mustache yeah well I got that clean Beard yo I'm like driver from Rainbow friends or Albert Einstein Sunny I'm gonna do this as an old man walking up the stairs ain't an easy task Marilyn I have a crutch now I'm getting quite old I'm now 100. are you slower Sonny I don't know if I'm actually slower but I do have a crutch and a beard and I'm bald I feel like I'm getting slower as I age I'm not gonna lie I'm 90 years old now I lost my hair and I have a crutch yep that's me and I'm 120. I'm in a wheelchair bro I'm pretty sure 120 you would be six feet the ground I don't know about a wheelchair Sonny I think that's it you get slower as you age so that's what makes this level difficult you gotta make sure you're young enough before you start well I'm probably not gonna make it in that case because these are starting to fade really fast come on make it up you could do this old man you can do it I'm 150. I'm spending my entire life trying to get my way up these stairs yeah now I got like a creepy old mask I don't really understand what's going on but it's weird I'm gonna make it yes collect a win no way bro I'm so close to failing the blocks are disappearing right under me please I'm an old man you wouldn't do an old man like this what is my face now oh I look like a marshmallow ghost oh I made it no way Sonny how old can I get before I have to die I don't know but I gotta win soon you're gonna look like me so anyway we could rebirth but I kind of want to see how old I can get yeah me too let's see what does 200 look like comment your guess is down below with the age 200 will be yeah what the heck bro what have you become you're like an alien bruh you're so ugly bro eating phone home imagine looking that old looking that gross bro ew disgusting disgusting show some respect to your elders I would never look like that no no now you also look like an alien prune need 30 wins to play Oh 30 wins I want to ride the mountain dang it what happens when you get to 300 years old we're gonna find out pretty soon but I wonder what else we can do here clicks left a thousand all right I got this hold on I know just think get my auto clicker yep yep I'm gonna get my auto clicker too yep uh there we go that to one millisecond oh yeah supercharged and activate it's still kind of slow because there's a Max click speed I guess wait you can press it for me thank you I really appreciate that wait melon look I'm the Grim Reaper now I lost my wheelchair yeah you got so oh do you be wait are we fast no we're we're very very slow still yeah we're still not quick with it but we're gonna press this a thousand times and get the achievement do we get any wins for this we better get some wins uh we better get like at least five wins because this is a lot of clicking click it faster you're not contributing I'm trying I don't have an auto clicker and the H300 I transform it to a monster uh I look like I belong in the doors bro what have you become I'm an eyeball monster I don't know but it's kind of weird I think there's any things we can do at this age pretty soon we're gonna unlock the bruh button and find out and bro complete wait what five wins let's go did you get the wins oh you didn't get it you stole them oh that's rough sorry Sonny I can't believe you would do that to me that's what you get for using an auto clicker I literally do all the work and you steal the wins check this out Sonny don't worry I got you I'm climbing up let's see what's next I don't know why I went on both of them all right so it's the left side got it left side again probably no no I'm dead dude I'll tell you it's left and then it's right how did you know that's crazy I just use my detective skills and figured it out well once I reached the age 400 I think I'm gonna rebirth theft and then it's right and then it's right and then ah left why I didn't I didn't even jump there that's it guys I'm checking the shop what type of pay to winning can I do push that looks pretty fun I'll buy the push tool are you 400 yet dude don't talk to me bro you grew Wings yo that's actually awesome I wonder if I can fly now it's gotta be left left and dude what is this okay so here and then jump yes Jump Then where was it melon I'll do the last one if you tell me this one um okay it's the right yeah yeah no cap bro I think you're actually not tapping you weren't I thought you were gonna try and use reverse psychology to mess me up but you didn't now my ugly tooth face has made it nice one melon here I'll show you the way dude I guess every single one wrong and victory thank you collect those wins just want to see what happens when I get to a thousand years old Sonny yeah that's gonna be awesome I feel so slow though I will soon have five 100 years under my belt I will turn from a vampire monster into a zombie that's my prediction I'm gonna go zombie mode or will I go robot mode dude these reset are you kidding I'm not doing this class pretty and this is oh because I used up the correct answer yes you did oh unlucky hey melon I want to show you something I need 15 wins to play Die get pushed get pushed what are you trying to do Sonny whoa I'm a demon I'm an absolute demon see you later Sonny you're such a slow poke that's what you think Mr Mountain I'm not slow I'm just methodical with how I choose to move yeah I'm sure are you kidding me oh did you bump your head oh poor little melon this is so stupid whoa whoa whoa whoa these ones are hard to control and you're gonna jump on the balls I slipped are you kidding that's it I'm rebirthing how did you slip shiny I will be the oldest in the server nope I uh wait is aging a bad thing I'm confused yeah the whole point is you don't want to age Sonny so you can do more Levels by aging slower oh but I want to see what happens when I get to level 1000. true it's kind of fun to see each of the characters I need 60 wins to play dang it it's only one thing to do pay to win I will unlock more game modes power of the Robux flows through me and I'll acquire 25 additional wins yes well what's this windmill place this place looks hecka cool yeah it does hey melon how many wins you have 570 age oh not bad I got 78 wins how do you have 78 wins bro I only have six because I'm really good at jumping over this it gives you so many wins bro did you really pay for wins in this game no the glass Bridge gave me 75 wins bro that's such you're such a Capper dude you're really paying to win on this stupid game bro this is impossible I keep getting slapped I can make the jumps as an old man no I can't dang it rebirth again yes I'm slow I'm a wee little lad oh look at my little hat that's awesome okay I will defeat the spinner 30 seconds of jumping this is so weird um age 620 and I still have this skull hat bro stop slapping me up here we go I think I can do it now 30 seconds I gotta Focus up a lot here Melon No I quit this thing sucks I'm gonna go visit the Among Us Mountain there's a sussy busy over here what are you trying to do Sonny never mind it's just a mushroom I was trying to defeat the spinner but it's really hard I'm gonna do this maze really quick Sunny while you're doing all that Shenanigans yeah how old are you 655. yeah I'm an old dude I'm an old geezer I'm an old geyser dude my rib cages are showing from the back no way yes Sonny I feel so old I am rebirthing once again it'll keep rebathing I shall see what I've ordered and I shall conquer the very hard deadly Obby I'm Not Afraid bring it on how many wins will this give me I wonder I gotta do this before I get too old come on oh this is deadly there's a lot of death blocks oh cleared it all right it's almost a thousand no I'm at 715 but I something must happen at a thousand dude come on I'm age 50 but I'm crushing this obstacle course just a little further just a little more yeah I got that golden hairdo at 50. bro this course is huge it doesn't stop jump the balls whoa these jumps are hard I'm lost in this maze Sunny lost in the sauce what is this photo what is what am I looking at here this is terrifying I died I didn't think the platform was dangerous like that dang it well time to rebirth I've been stuck in this maze for 100 years now actually really hold on let me help you dude there are some creepy photos in here hmm I'll be the judge of that oh this maze is easy bro you just gotta go left I mean you just gotta go left yeah you just keep going left and then it's like yo left again another left on the wall another left whoa that is a weird photo why does that apple have a face and hands hey shiny I think I found you hello melon I'm gonna find the exit now if you don't mind can't find it anywhere yeah no surprise at your age your eyesight must be pretty poor I literally don't have eyes anymore sunny or a mouse well that explains it that explains it I can only kind of speed walk yes I'm getting to the Elder ages as well now I'm 67 years old oh that's nothing I am 825 yes you're practically a newborn you're practically a baby to me come on where's the exit are we really actually trapped in this maze yes Sonny I've looked everywhere I've been stuck here for 100 years and I've also been stuck here for 100 years my goodness that means you've been here for 200 years yes it's been about 200 years now maybe even more bro where is the is maze exit I have a feeling you're just gonna find the entrance and then leave probably have I done it is this it nope but I am in a wheelchair now so close to A Thousand Years yeah melon if I was you I wouldn't want to have my 1000th birthday inside of a maze that seems pretty boring oh well when if it gets to that then I will teleport out it's my 900th birthday it's coming up and now I'm 900. wow very impressive I'm so proud of you for living so long I'm reversing I'm going back to age one all right that's it I give up I give up that maze was way too confusing melon I'm gonna go ride the cart oh dang it you have 30 wins I forgot yes I can now experience more regenerate the card please oh speed head probably a bad idea actually maybe I slow it down at the corner nah faster oh we actually made it I'll slow down now though that looks sharp these turns look quick melon you're almost a thousand fifty more years and I will be a thousand years old one entire millennia hundreds and thousands of millions of people have perished before me but I'm still here wow that's an interesting way of measuring your age yes sir I am now 975. I can't wait till age 1000 you don't even change your outfit and you're still that same monster I better get a cool outfit 1000. come on ten more years melon you're so close come on age 1000 and yeah I did change I look like Darth Sidious now what the heck from up here I thought you became a tombstone bro I'm way too old I need to rebirth hold on melon I want to witness your power I'm almost at the top of the mountain to claim my prize yes no are you kidding me Sonny are you trash or something no dude the cart literally gets to the trophy and then just keeps sliding off the platform I'm never going in that roller coaster again that was awful bro you were that close and you failed are you kidding me Sonny yeah but look at you let's see what you look like I look cool whoa you actually look all powerful yes I'm the oldest of all what happens when you get to ten thousand years I think you guys should press the like And subscribe button to find out guys check back in in four months of real time and I'll be aged ten thousand let's go
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 241,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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