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all right let me get my things I think I just packed raw salmon that's all I need and now I'm outside my journey it's time to go oh my gosh I want to be an elemental ninja so bad finally I could leave this Village and prove everyone wrong ah let's go I'm so excited wait uh what is that uh hello wait is that guy on the wall you know what I'm not gonna judge him um enjoy that wall buddy well anyways it's time for me to leave um excuse me Todd what's Todd that's not your name that's not my name boy I thought that was your name the whole time what are you doing here and why do you have fish in your hand well I'm going out on adventure and I'm leaving for a long time you you're going on an adventure yes I am where what do you mean to the elemental Dojo someone like you can't go there why do you mean no you're too small and weak no I could actually be strong oh that's funny no you can't little man what wait did this guy just say he was leaving that's what I'm saying hey why you got dude you're not going anywhere you'll die on the first step I could be an elemental ninja yeah I could climb the dojo staircase yeah sure Bud definitely you'll get tired on stair one that's what I'm saying that's literally what I just said you know what I'll probably you guys Wrong Nico where are you going hey Rio what did I say yeah I'm coming with you you can't leave oh my gosh you're just my sister though too bad I'm gonna come with you and make sure you're okay what you're not strong enough to cut an elemental Dojo like me oh it says you no I can climb it what do you mean I'm super strong just look at me hey hey hey little boy uh yeah I bet your sister gets further than you oh that was funny that was really funny it's probably true oh my gosh you know what let's just go I'll prove those villagers wrong and I'll come back with elemental powers just you watch Nico you're monologuing again what do you mean never mind come on I think we're at the top of that staircase gosh did we make it there yet Ariel Nico the staircase is over there wait we didn't climb the staircase yet what are you serious oh my gosh we have to go on that oh my gosh that dick is huge okay we got this okay uh yeah well at least I got this uh you I don't know Ariel you shouldn't have come hey you shouldn't have come in general come on oh my oh my gosh I'm already tired of walking so far wait I'll take a break real quick no we gotta keep on going you have some water I did pack a bottle of water let me get that real quick hey give me some I said share but you just chugged it all sorry sister of mine I have other priorities I want to become strong oh my gosh okay I think we made it let's go oh gosh there's still more staircase more stuff more stun uh you're too weak you can't even make it up this staircase like me oh wait why is it raining hey hey uh I didn't mean it I didn't Ariel oh are you okay uh I don't know but wait how did it start clearing up again what the heck okay this place is weird I think this is signs that we're getting close to elemental powers Ariel I guess so you know what we got this we could become ninjas okay original you started go whoa this is so cool look at this Ariel whoa what is this place I don't know but it looks like the dojo well anyways uh how do I learn elements of powers to become an elemental ninja how would I know I don't know you were the one that brought me here uh well you were the one that wanted to go here I mean I guess you're right gosh uh what is this on the ground I found a sure again now don't throw it at me please okay fine I'll test it oh gosh it's coming beautiful Ariel you were the one that stood in front of that thing but you were the one that was gonna get hit before uh who is this guy right here what brings you here uh hello what are you two doing here uh well I've come here to become an elemental ninja an elemental ninja look at yourself boy you're scrawny what do you mean I could do okay we have a slightly strong male here trust me I I got it I can do it I bet your sister's stronger than you boy what do you mean whatever come on oh my gosh wait that's it uh if I show you around you promise you will become one of the strongest ninjas ever yes I will I will pick up the strongest ninja in the world you do not sound very bright oh my gosh whoa what is this place this is the living quarters wait and you have a TV here I didn't think dojos would have a flat screen you know me neither anyway that is the kitchen uh okay all right and uh this is the Mojo Dojo Casa house Mojo Dojo Casa house yes this is where you will sleep uh okay well uh how should I begin my training you will begin it now are you still there yeah I am but I can't see you maybe it wasn't a good idea to come to this place oh you think stop freaking out stop uh hello you're not the Sensei no I'm the trainer wait where'd Sensei go we are starting training come on wait wait wait what do you mean we're starting training keep on the course what no you must train how do we train no go it's okay she'll respawn oh my gosh well what's the point of this treaty course why are we heading straight into it to improve your skills oh my gosh here we are are you sure you want to do this I guess we have to you must save the two civilians through this course wait there's two civilians in this course yes I don't think those are civilians I think that's our seats of armor Ariel oh I see well you know I want the armor I could probably get a good amount of money from them okay let's go there he goes again hello yo what's good Josh where's Jay man I don't know I'm about to do this parkour course here oh my gosh okay I'm just gonna go through this thing let's go wait I'm actually flying through this thing this thing's not even that hard hey bro I'm finna beat you there no cap oh my God wait Ariel where did Josh go I think he fell over he said he was gonna beat us there huh oh uh wait Jake how did you disappear nice job take your items oh my gosh you know I call the blue one oh my gosh check me out uh wait I can't these teeth of this thing grab the items from your chests okay whoa wait an Ironside some shurikens what wait Josh bro your suit look mid hey what are you talking about outer all black is better bro check me out yeah yeah yeah yeah Josh is currently the highest level of ninja yeah bro oh my gosh you know what we'll get there whatever bro I'd like to see you try Okay uh Ariel are you ready I sure am whoa look at that down there Ariel are we supposed to go down there Jay yes Ariel we just gotta kill these guys oh gosh wait there's spawners all around here Ariel do you have a pickaxe I do wait could I have the pickaxe yeah yeah here okay okay thank you okay okay uh you just distract the monsters while I get them okay I'll try wait Josh is in here as well what I gotta help y'all newbies bro okay okay let's get all these spawners and get this thing destroyed come on okay we got all the spawners now oh gosh oh wait Josh you're actually helping a lot thank you man yeah I got you bro uh well anyways where do you go from here there's just a bunch of dead ends come on you're supposed to go through the one door over here the one door what do you mean check it out that's not the door Josh wait a minute uh why is there TNT in here uh hello good job you have found the next round the next down what is the next round figure it out you are not helpful why did you even appear I don't know Ariel can you believe that oh he's gone again oh my gosh well it looks like this is a TNT maze whatever you do Ariel do not blow up the TNT you mean press a button no do not blow up the TNT I love pressing buttons uh wait Nico who's that wait Miner what are you doing here wait a minute Jay did say that there were two civilians this year wait two spiders wait what is this water spell I think this might be the exit uh let's keep such a friend exit though yeah this is all dead ends uh miners unfortunately we're gonna have to take you under there oh [Music] go go okay is everyone out of there I am oh my gosh whoa what is this more parkour you know what we got this uh hey bro you gotta take the miners with you oh oh yeah I forgot let's go oh and look after you got that armor we get jumpers making this a lot easier oh it looks like every single time I jump though I'm hurting the minor sorry minor I gotta make sure I do this without dropping him or else that would be super bad I think the bearded mine had a slip wait what Ariel are you okay I just saw you fall I'm okay oh my gosh Ariel is never good at parkour let's keep going yeah and wait a second two sweater which ain't the maze uh but where did Ariel go I'm here he didn't even carry the other minor I was supposed to that was your job oh my gosh you're gonna feel being an elemental ninja uh no I'm not uh no anyways where's Jay man I don't know that dude is weird he should be popping up on me oh my gosh great job wait Jay you have completed the parkour and saved the civilians let's go uh so what do we do now you're going to go back to the Dojo oh why did why does everyone doing that I don't know something about ninjas like smoke bombs or something it's just for show wait but it looks like we're back in the dojo wait where did Jay go who are you I am Frost welcome to the dojo Frost wait uh so we met the Sensei he's over there Jay and now you're Frost yes that is my Sensei I am one of the Ninjas here oh well will you be teaching something to us oh yes I will hello Sensei have they completed their training they completed the first course but now they're on to my section good I am surprised they made it past that how are you surprised I am amazing whatever anyway boy listen to this lady she knows what she's doing okay uh lady what are we doing today I will be teaching you the ancient Elemental ninja moves ancient Elemental ninja moves how do we do that well I'll show you guys but it is only visible to each ninja themselves but I will damage you okay show me well back up don't stand too yeah it's the ancient powers of the Ninja it's easy Once you learn wait so how do I do that I just have to feel it do I just spin spit spin uh it's not working let me try whoa is it working [Music] oh that is so cool wait a second what is this thing that is the aura that goes around you as a ninja ow ow can I change the aura why take care I don't even know how I did that but this looks so cool okay what about changing it to water yeah I can change mine can you not change yours I I'm I'm using snow now I have snow that's why they call me Frost and I could use lightning as well what do you mean and I could use Dusty whatever that is each ninja should only have one how do you have so many well what do you mean Sensei yes more than one Aura no this cannot be what do you mean I can do all of them yeah did you just hit me with the chair why do you suppose I just heard the territory what the hell well I don't know because I'm too good for you guys are you lying about your aura answer me first boy why did lightning just come for this guy and strike you listen Boy tell me do you have all of the auras are you lying yeah I could use snow lightning water Dusty why does lightning keep striking on you uh is he telling the truth it looks to be are we gonna completely ignore how lightning just struck on him never question the Sensei we must head inside for dinner okay we must eat boy if you are the chosen one then I must take you under my wing are you for real yes oh my gosh just wait to the people at the Village see this all right what would you like soup or kangaroo Burger well those are very different things I think I would take a cake and we'll burger that sounds so good all right let me get you kangaroo Burger I have one right here I'm gonna eat it okay all right wow that was good Nico what's going on get this guy away from me what's going on what's up my sister Ariel where'd you go she has been taken by a dark force I feel its presence oh no you feel its presence yes you must save your sister I have to you already chosen one boy take this what you really interested me with this yes okay you're not ready you still have so much just look at me I'm so ready listen Frost he is the chosen one we must believe in his powers all right good luck Nico I got this and I will not let you guys do Santa take this boy you may need it give it one second oh gosh that actually work what's the heck is this uh wait a second he said that a dark force took my sister which means that there has to be evil villains in here oh gosh I don't know if I can handle that you know what I gotta be brave because because Katana and now I gotta get my sugar canes as well I have to be able to defeat this guy there's no way what is that wait what is going on hello excuse me sir uh are you friendly no you just made a sound but she didn't attack me oh gosh wait uh uh sir sir sir I am tired of you hitting me boy come here what are those things right there wait did you just jump over me you will never get your sister back oh my oh my gosh oh what the heck what is going on right now oh wait uh sir you're a half Health how are you still alive I am crazy good at this game you seem weak to me uh buddy oh you're not doing any damage to me whatever wait I just realized you're not doing any damage to me I could just sit here and hit you wait what oh gosh you're trying to do a little bit of damage what is that Circle what is that Circle oh gosh I did a lot of damage come here boy oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay wait okay I got full armor now okay get over here you're so low oh uh sorry sir I guess that's the end of you anyways where's my sister I defeated that guy but is that it is it over Ariel hello wait what is that room over there there must be something back there oh my gosh hello Ariel [Music] Nico help wait Ariel get it minion get him yeah dude oh my God how do they keep dying so quickly wait who are you I'm the dark lord dude it says it above my head sir uh can you give me back my sister no dude you just killed my boss and my minion that was your boss yeah minion get him get him another Minion oh give me one second oh I'm sorry all right you know what if my minions aren't gonna kill you then I'm gonna do it myself give me one second I don't know if you want to mess with my Spinjitzu buddy sorry uh you're an accident no I'm getting out of here you're gonna have to fight me he put on all that armor just to die like that okay okay whatever [Applause] yeah oh gosh another one of these guys are you friendly yeah Ariel we should just leave this guy you know what good idea wait are you are you following us you know what man I kind of like you want to come back to the village with us okay let's go and we're finally back uh Ariel what happened to your armor oh they took it oh my gosh well it's fine we only need one ninja in this Village I'm so glad guys are back so then I said you can't sell pineapples here wait are you guys still standing here I don't get it you know I turn it to a ninja right who are you Nico remember me no I don't remember a Nico you don't remember me no idea dude was it really that significant to the Village Ariel maybe speaking of which why am I here and wait where's cash anyways we need your help ninja what's going oh my gosh are you serious was that oh just a dream what the heck I became an elemental ninja and everything oh my gosh I even walked the staircase Zoe what are you wearing oh hey oh hey my God if you want to watch Warren Nico catch Adventures the cooking on the screen if you enjoyed that please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye foreign
Channel: Nico
Views: 821,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: tzWH_lOREdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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