Exposing VIRAL Fast Food Secrets!

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today I am exposing fast food Secrets do you guys sell any birthday cakes no even if it's his birthday happy birthday wow could you ask your manager if they have the birthday cakes I appreciate that I'm being a Karen right now oh my God is this actually the cake yeah that is confirmed now we're gonna open this bad boy up yeah everybody want to take a bite that is Kate at KFC if you finish your entire bucket of chicken in one hour they will refill it for free battery sounds difficult time to channel our inner Matt Stoney or Eric the electric timer Starts Now get it peace put in the bucket honestly not bad we didn't like 11 and a half minutes now I'm gonna show the sweet lady at the front The Tick Tock and see if we can get away with it I just had a question so there's a tick tock going around that says if you finish your bucket of chicken in under an hour you get a refill for free I don't know about that would your manager know yeah are they around hey I can just buy the next bucket I do this for the viewers I don't care if I'm publicly shamed right now I want to figure out if we can get free refills or not we should go back to the car so this store does not have that policy does she know about the refill policy she didn't know about the policy is this some kind of like off-chain KFC it's a legit KFC right could we get like half off or no oh yeah hey all right well thank you we're gonna go to the next myth I'm sorry the world's largest McDonald's in Florida sells pizza I've got you a plane ticket here's your car I have some things to do go ahead I have so many questions and Starbucks policy says that they have to make whatever you order and if they manage to make our order we're giving them a hundred dollars hi I have a little bit of a complicated order could I please have a venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew 10 pumps of vanilla with that five pumps of caramel syrup five pumps of classic side pumps of caramel five pumps of white milk got that with uh wholesome light coconut milk as well some light heavy cream light cinnamon please well yeah halfway there and then light vanilla powder for extra cream loaded rice and that's it awesome that's perfect thank you she made that with like the most wholesome voice ever hi how you doing oh my god oh Allison this is for you [Music] thank you so much Allison can you open up the door no I can't so there's 10 secret items that I need you to go and bust from these restaurants okay I don't have a car though that sounds like a skill issue secret items all right rumor has it that the Domino's Pizza Tracker is a lot we got an order being placed right now I'm gonna go inside the store with a phone and see if it's actually being prepared hey just making sure my order went through it's for pressed our Smith it went through yeah yeah cool cool Preston it's bake it's their baking so you do it is it baking right now yeah you just put it in and it's actually in there okay sick that's that's the pizza right there right now it needs to go on mute bro I can't take it meat Mountain apparently there's a secret menu item called meat Mountain on the meat Mountain has every type of meat you could think of what can I get I would like one meat Mountain please just a sandwich can you make that a double meat Mountain thank you all right thank you so much it was nice to meet you all right let's test the meat Mountain secret menu item oh geez guys this myth is very very real look at all just got all over me there's no way I can get all this meat in my mouth no guys the meat mouth next myth quality check it's on quality check all right so I'm looking they are inspecting it for Quality currently I am coming back into the car finally this guy can stop acting like he's doing them some kind of mission wait is that her is that her yes sir okay one of the one of them just got in the car okay it's saying it's quality check but I think that lady's driving away with our pizza as we speak now it says it's out for delivery and here we were dude we were all so suspicious of dominoes lying about their Pizza Tracker but the truth is being revealed before our very eyes oh I think I put the blinker yes this is definitely our pizza I gotta I gotta go I gotta Josh followed me wait a second okay how do we know the pizza's been delivered can you show us the button you press wait a second wait what does the pizza tractor say Josh wow delivered it's actually accurate you just helped us bust probably one of the craziest myths that everybody's been asking on the internet oh yeah yeah you're the best let's go gonna make pizza while we are busting this back home Scott's mission is to not only see if the mcpizza is real but to bring it back to us in Texas our Subway's footlongs actually a foot long do you know anything about the controversy of the sandwiches being 12 inches long oh okay that's interesting before you wrap it up could you measure it to see if it's 12 inches long and if it is I'll give you 100 bucks has anybody asked you ever to measure the sandwiches no really I'm good with first timers okay so here's the measuring tape oh oh wait wait is that bigger than a foot wait a second oh it's 13. that's a 13 inch Subway sandwich okay a Deal's a deal here's a hundred bucks I don't know what Subways y'all are going to but you need to come to this one that is confirmed would you mind cutting it the next myth is a monster McDonald's burger uh just real quick do you remember the time someone came to this location and bought a thousand dollars worth of oh yes I'm that guy we'll cut you on right now uh well it's not it's not a purple Lamborghini but I would like your uh your monster mask you want the poor Petty big I'll take as many patties as you think is humanly possible on this burger all right the monster Max secret menu item food peace what okay we gotta count the patties one patty two patties three patties four patties five Patty with oh no that's six they're cheese together wait there's only seven patties in this burger before I bust it I'm gonna taste it free bacon 100 slices to be exactly really it says all toppings are free but bacon isn't listed so just four can I get maybe ten eight or six the max amount yeah yeah can I get a hundred we have six full trays of bacon now we see if the bacon was free or not we have the receipts oh that's not looking good oh God it just keep going oh God I gotta stand 183 this is only busted because the bacon wasn't free all right let's find this pizza we're here it's massive all right let's go in we're in a real time crunch we have like one hour to get back to the airport this is not a McDonald's I actually have a brick oven wait oh my gosh get out of town all right where is it where would it be on the menu choose toppings to make crispy Canadian bacon diced tomatoes spinach safe changes it's a 20 Pizza let's get another one add your order that one's a lot cheaper we'll get another one so this one's for us all right now let's try that pasta just in case we were able to get it back to Texas we have a grand total of 80.75 you can make a cake with a McFlurry two parts McFlurry and one part self-rising flour all right so it should look like this okay now you're gonna put it back in the cup then in the microwave it goes for two minutes and do we have a MC cake it's pushy oh wait you can actually pull a piece out it's Mick cake that's for sure like look at that sponge well it tastes awful well if you like your cake with a lot of cream this is for you it's the confirmed fast food Burgers never mold because of the amount of preservatives that are put inside of them so we're eating poison we put these on a time lapse for three weeks to see if they would mold starting with Burger King wow it looks pretty normal to me there's no mold on this burger whatsoever listen to the crunch it smells like nothing that's crazy I expected that from McDonald's but Burger King okay Wendy's this one looks even healthier than that one it looks edible but is there okay okay come on this is no Mall finally we saved the best for last McDonald's is actually where this myth originated from McBeal it's a totally normal actually it might be the most normal one this myth is confirmed they do not molt oh geez KFC and Taco Bell you know those locations that they're sharing the same place KFC Taco Burger hi my name is Chase and I would like a taco Burger my name is Chase and I would love a taco Burger my name is Chase and I would love a talk over hi my name is Chase and I would like a taco Burger steak both can I get extra pickles I'm gonna test out what a freaking Taco Burger is okay here we go what am I looking at what am I looking at here you see the taco meat there's the KFC bun with all the Taco Bell ingredients inside with extra pickles [Music] seems like a sloppy joe Stephen come in come bite this [Music] nice and firm they say McDonald's Sprite has more syrup in it than any other Sprites would should taste sweeter but can we tell the difference in a blind taste test Josh if you'd like to suck first yes I love sucking what are you thinking here it's a little sour I don't really like that one I'm not gonna lie I don't like it because your mouth is on it tastes like regular Sprite by the way this one does taste better than this one this one's out that's definitely not McDonald's why you look so sussed when you drink these they're saying that it has more syrup so if this one's more carbonated this is more than this one's out so this is your option this is it I think it's one on the left okay and wait oh you chose Burger King and this is actually a McDonald's wait so you were you were right ladies and gentlemen we got it for pasta and we have four different variants come on we need to carry on we got it off okay we're in the TSA pre-tech line so I've been through TSA for about 10 minutes now I have the pizza the bag is secured you're gonna hold the bag in the entire time I actually know it gets here safe the myth states that McNuggets will literally melt if left out in the heat for too long some employees even say that they evaporate after too long in the Sun and we were in Texas where it's over 100 degrees right now all right now we're gonna come back in two days and see if they actually melt 48 hours later and we have whoa listen to this oh my gosh they are now hard as a rock this is what it sounds like so I mean they didn't meld but they are definitely dehydrated I'm gonna go and say this one is as busted huh it didn't really melt but they did kind of evaporate we are testing to see if there is a super lot at Domino's it's every ingredient at Domino's but don't oh my God that's a lot that's a Super Why Let's test this secret move hello can I get the uh super lot yeah the super lot yeah yeah do you know why it's called the super lot because it's super a lot of everything huh Mamma Mia we have some Pizzeria where did these come from what the heck here is the super lot it's so it's heavy I have to put that in my mouth that's what she said they're actually really good here this super secret super lotta pizza from Domino's is confirmed at Krispy Kreme if you give them your report card you can apparently get free donuts and Joshua just graduated from high school what are shitty is good for who cares about college it's donuts can we get a free donut three oh you get an A for every single don't oh if he had had more A's you could have gotten half a dozen for free that was way too easy thank you so much for that by the way that was so sweet of you that's just for you you can't take it are you serious okay well I'm Gonna Leave This in the bathroom and then if you want to get it you can man there is a meat cube with four patties stacked on top we're about to get cubular so far it looks like a cube I'm not gonna lie can I sit down with you let's do it so this is the meat Cube apparently let's do it let's let's do it right now what do we think do we think this looks like a cube no if I take the bun off okay it's looking more like a cube okay you guys mind if I taste it let's do it it doesn't taste bad you guys want to try it huh no no the Wendy's has a secret meat Cube confirmed will Burger King really let you have it your way this has been their slogan for the last 20 years but will they let us really have it our way could I please have a Whopper but lettuce on both sides of the Patty and I get six pickles in between the Patty and the cheese and then I want a tomato but I want it on the side two extra slices of cheese just folded in half I was just trying to make it I just wanna I just want to have it my way you know okay we're having in our way you roll yeah we got to see if they get the order right because I'm gonna be honest even I was confused telling them what I needed to have on the sandwich all right it is a Whopper now the next step is your lettuce on the top and bottom of the Patty are there exactly six pickles between the Patty and the cheese tomatoes on the side two slices of extra cheese folded in half it is true they will let us have it their way is it faster to go through the drive-through or order inside I didn't look both with you oh my God the drive-through window is absurdly long right now all right can I just do a number one piece that is the drive-through at Whataburger right now the greatest fast food restaurant in all of Texas by the way hey Preston I don't know what you but I've already ordered buddy are you serious you've already ordered number two that is where we order our food right there and we're still four car links away I see him he's just ordering [Laughter] just get in the car that that's crazy and now we're stuck at the drive-through without an order well guys this is Memphis busted I hate being on the losing side all right next item is PB J blizzard with pie chips what does that mean I'm pretty sure they're similar to shortbread what's a shortbread R2 can you just put a shortbread on and you better not say your mom dad or sister this time Ah that's what it is myth there's a myth that if you order a PB J Blizzard at DQ with pie chips what is a pie chip I still don't know when you're ready I would like the uh PB J blizzard the the blizzard version we don't do that one pie chips there was a crazy study done in 2017 where apparently the majority of fast food water and ice contains poop these tests will help us actually detect if there's poop in the water Justin if I've been drinking poop my whole life I will go into solitary isolation because that is depressing the results are in and they are very shocking we're going to start off with old Taco Bell Taco Bell is in the clear what's inside of McDonald's again there was a 60 chance that Burger King water and eyes actually has poop inside of it it's yellow this is absurd wait so there's actual poop in there there is harmful bacteria inside of this most likely it being poop I guess someone really has their way of Burger King apparently Chuck E cheese is known to have pizzas that are being used as leftover slices which is disgusting Preston I'm already noticing something before we dig what is it what is it look at the ratio that is a little bit weird so we have we have this right here there's like half an inch difference between the crust sizes okay taste test I mean the pizza tastes great so if it is recycled I don't really care this is better than Gourmet Pizza Mist at Chick-fil-A you can order a secret chicken quesadilla listen the word on the street is that you can order a chicken quesadilla at Chick-fil-A is that true okay you can talk to him about that okay okay so I have to take it a step further talk to a manager what do you guys think is this gonna be possible is this gonna be busted I'm about to bust hi uh so okay can I order a chicken quesadilla a tortilla from a wrap with chicken nuggets and shredded cheese is this is that possible separately okay you heard it there this Smith is busted but I'm gonna make my own cheese quesadilla and if this gets cut from the video you tell the eight people behind me waiting to get their food Chase don't chase did you know that you can't order a chicken quesadilla at Chick-fil-A I'm surprised too but it's not hard to add some cheese to some chicken on a tortilla boom your chicken quesadilla that's all you have to do it is delicious this myth is busted and my heart's broken next myth I said next myth he's finally back Scott please bring in the mick Pizza there's Pizza has this guy been here the whole time this is the moment we've all been waiting for I also got the mcpasta it literally looks just like regular pizza from McDonald's how old is this by the way I got here like four hours ago okay but guys can we get to the main point does the mcpizza actually exists and three two one it looks so normal let's confirm this officially it exists but it is mid-mig pizza the myth is confirmed it does exist
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,005,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, preston playz, prestonplays prestonplayz minecraft, preston 100 layers, prestonreacts, preston reacts, brianna, keeley, tbnrfragz, prestongamez, prestongames, preston gamez, preston games, funny, preston minecraft, prestonplayz roblox
Id: oiP93EB_NwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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