Myths That Will DESTROY Your TRUST in Minecraft...

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these are Minecraft miss out will destroy your trust like can you clutch with a sniffer egg no I really wanted this to work okay you can dye a camel saddle first you put it on the camel then you right click it with some dye please no why does Minecraft not want us to have any fun why can we not die this camel and why are you sticking your neck in my business I am so depressed right now one day one day we will be able to diee the camel Saddles if you name a rabbit toast it will turn to black and white no oh come on please show me the toast I don't know why this would work why would it be black and white because toast is brown like toast kind of looks like this this rabbit okay just so you know there was a kid who plays Minecraft and his rabbit died and it was named toast so I really hope moing actually added this because it'd be so wholesome 3 2 1 we've got toast ladies and gentlemen yes Mojang okay you're redeeming yourself here slowly but surely you can make a netherite block using a diamond block and a netherite Ingot what why would that work I don't understand why this would work I did see a guy do this in a Minecraft short once but I just don't know if it's real aha okay nothing happened but maybe if we surround the diamond block with the netherite ingots of course nothing happens I mean did I do it backwards is it supposed to be no no yep again my trust is is just trust started here and now we're down here wa if you throw an invisibility potion onto a spider cave spider or a phantom the body will disappear but not the facial features so I think this does work with a spider I've seen it happen yeah it works with a spider works with a cave spider but a phantom I've never I've never tried it on a phantom though I mean we know it doesn't work on a sheep I'm 9 100% sure yep okay sheep you have no face I actually hope this would work come on come on Phantom wait this is amazing look at how ttin I can't say with the spider eyes you can see them so cleanly but the Phantom you would never even know he's coming oh and you can even see the wing particles oh this is sick ladies and gentlemen this is how Danny Phantom is born you can't spawn Withers in snow biomes why why not I mean they're already dead aren't they like do they even really care really what why you guys are really like they're already dead I don't understand am I doing it backwards am I dumb can somebody please tell me I'm dumb in the comments on why this isn't working cuz I feel like this shouldn't be true you can make a nine block jump in survival but you have to use potions okay I don't know if this is possible you can make a five block jump using momentum we've done it before but a nine block jump with potions that's like math the math meme edit right here that's like double the blocks okay okay so we have a slow falling potion we also have a potion of Leaping and a potion of swiftness will this be enough to make the nine block jum though I don't know man I got to make sure this is nine blocks I'm like almost confident but hold on let me just 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 all right come on and we got to time this perfectly 3 2 1 that was not perfectly timed okay we're going to try do it from the edge that might be possible the slow falling really is getting me wa I actually can't believe that that's freaking crazy actually we landed pretty far on this block so is it possible to do 9 and a half now I got I got to we got to go one step further come on can we do 9 and A2 all right now this was nine blocks now we got 9 and 1/2 come on baby N9 and 1 half block jump three two 1 no way dude that's crazy one day we will figure out how to make a 10 block jump but it won't be today if you get a lilac flower then go to bed you will wake up in a purple world called the dream world so some of these BS are from you guys in Discord if you want to join Link in the description how does this make sense then go is this lilac are you lilac I don't often use this flower so we get the flower then we just go to bed with it in our hand the seems suspicious all right I mean look I mean I'm willing to try it ain't no way this is going to work though ain't no way we're going to wake up in a dream world yeah it didn't work this is about as this is what I expected there is no dream world I'm sorry weakness stops you from being able to fist mobs okay strange wording here but I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to give myself the weakness potion we'll spawn a pig can we really not fist him what okay am I just not close enough wait what I've been playing Minecraft for a decade I'm pretty sure weakness potions have been in this game now for at least 7 years and I did not know this was a thing what we have useless hands it doesn't even work with a stick okay how about a sword what nothing dude it's not working okay how about a stone sword please what so you have to have a stone sword or higher to hit with weakness on bro I got to hit the gym like without weakness I could kill a cow in two hits with weakness 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven seven that's awful not more you know though if a cat spawns while a dog is attacking a sheep the cat will attack the dog oh I kind of want this to work first we start with the Sheep get our wolf in and now we get our cat in wait the cat was the cat was zooming wait this might this might work all right I'm spotting the Sheep next to the cat are you just running away is that what you're doing what are you literally you scared a cat I mean people ask me why I like dogs more than cats this this is your answer this cat doesn't do anything this cat just runs away oh man furthering my proof that cats are not the best animal you can stack items over 64 by using an armor stand I don't even know how to try this okay armor stand okay in the command block we've got count 65 so the uh the armor stand should be spawning with 65 pieces of dirt in its hand oh but is it 65 oh wait is this fake oh it works in survival one two this should be illegal there diamond oh dude this is cool wait this is sick you can even okay look I can move it oh so if you move it it does actually separate though like the fact that I'm holding 65 of something this is crazy how far does this go though huh Can we break this can we go to 100 oh okay command still valid oh no way we're going to get 100 diamond stack no freaking way what why does this work and you can throw them and look they're not even unstacking oh wao wo but when you but if you throw them they just glitch I'm throwing the diamonds and nothing's throwing all right it does work though Hey listen if you learn anything new today like the video cuz that's crazy the warden won't attack Axel all right this is basically proof does the warden have a heart or does he not have a heart uh Warden I am going to go into uh cretive mode not want to deal with you all right Axel oh why is the Axel going towards the warden oh this is a looking good for you buddy is he snipping the Axel oh no Axel run why are you trying to go towards his leg run all right and more proof the warden does not have a heart harming potions ignore armor this is probably true all right base damage no armor oh six hearts of damage or what piggy listen you're going to get some Splash on you yeah I recommend yep all right and full set of diamond armor ooh six hearts of damage hold on I think this myth is true but we got to try with a full set of nether right now cleric I need heels oh yes that's that good stuff all right now the full nether rights I'm pretty positive it's going to just go through it does wait but what if you have protection on I need to try the protection Pro four baby Pro four does it go through protection it does not ladies and gentlemen and that is why you always use protection oh I've always wanted to try this you can repair Iron Golems I think I've seen this in a Minecraft short but you know when you watch the Minecraft Shorts you never know if it's modded or not Golem come here okay you're going to get a little bit mad at me for a second but I need you to not be angry just trust the process okay I will fix you as long as this works I need you nice and cracked okay you are very cracked my friend okay y just stand right there oh hey my boy just got a new body jop rolled in the uh rolled in the auto shop you're welcome by the way hey you're welcome you're you're going to kill the guy who just healed you okay well it works you can jump two blocks high using water alone huh okay Soul Sand on the bottom and we get our little pillars over here and then two blocks of wood so I think it's something to do with the Soul Sand creates a little bit of oh oh yeah dude wait this is definitely legitimate okay hold on do I get to like time in or I okay so don't don't hold your space bar otherwise this will happen all right I have a a little Run and Jump and no oh that was some good we got some good height there oh we did it we did it why is that so satisfying and so much fun we have proven that people made of lava are not hydrophobic we love water prust level slowly increasing if you hit a mob through fire it sets them on fire I'm pretty sure I know this works with a bow we've done this before yeah and I'm pretty sure it works with the fishing rod I think I tested this once before with TNT oh look at it yeah you can see the tip of the fishing rod in the zombie head oh and it just went out all right it's about to be dangerous fishing rod through the fire and it works can you yoink the TNT back oh you can't thank God that's scary oh it's on fire okay now and P buet oh that's dangerous what am I teaching you people okay but finally can we set the zombie on fire by just hitting him through the fire I I don't think so all right and come on I want this to work so bad but isn't this just going to extinguish the fire oh no no no it doesn't work I am sad oh a Beacon's beam passes through bedrock no way all right let's see if I know how to make a beacon still I don't does the beacon go up oh I do okay Mr Beacon let's try it with stone oh okay well it doesn't go through Stone doesn't go through iron why would it go through bedrock what wait oh this makes sense I mean you can't technically get bedrock in Minecraft so this does make sense I don't think they ever anticipated people trying to put a beacon through a Bedrock yeah I bet they did this because in the nether you know how the ceilings made out of bedrock that way it can pass through and you can actually see where you're going but again just a theory a game theory oh wa reinforc deep slate drops when using silk touch oh we're about to find out now aren't we hello Mr reinforced deep slate what do we got over here we got a regular silk touch netherite pickaxe and now I'm expecting this is the hardest thing about this is the amount of time it takes I mean you just sit here picking and picking and picking so if this doesn't drop I will be very disappointed not only will my trust go lower but I will be feeling like I wasted a lot of time doing nothing about you this is why we like Wireless mice cuz I can stand all the way back here I won't stop running Until It Breaks this is a lot of cardio can can you please break for me and while you're at it you can go ahead and do one of these thank you can you freaking just break think about my knees deep slate I'm done Fortune gives you more XP when mining ores I think I would have noticed this by now you know I mean okay what are we getting regularly well we get one perfectly I'm just curious I'm just trying to get a it's pretty much one for one every time all right but what about with the fortune pickaxe we know you get more diamonds but do you get more [Music] XP I knew it actually I'm getting less XP wait I'm getting less I'm getting less XP with Fortune what the heck okay wow my trust in fortune now has gone down that's wild oh spiders can climb the world border what are they Spiderman sh okay show me your move spider come on how about this how about if I dangle myself up here you would you be more inclined come on what do you think about this oh oh oh he's looking at it oh I hate this where are you going where are you going oh my gosh no there's no why are you run you can't still he's still climbing what are you doing this is actually wild dude is anybody I did not know this would work this way guys he's still climbing he he's he's still going why are you so obsessed with climbing the world border all right I'm going to get in his way he doesn't care dude I can't even see the ground good day mate no way does he he clutched it ah bro I mean I I I'm going to let him live I'm going to let him keep I'm going to let him do his thing we let him cook for that okay he deserves it piglin heads can protect you from being attacked by piglins is this whoa whoa whoa hey what up Piggies okay look guys I don't have any gold but you know what I do have your brother's head maybe I put it on too late aha what up boys what do you think what do you oh you really that is bogus whoever came up with that you're dumb and you trolled me thank you for that can the warden survive maximum fall damage well let's see uh there he goes oh my go so wait that's insane that he can these guys are literally unkillable we all know that if you sneak next to a shul sensor you don't get spotted but what about if you're invisible okay here we go and popping it oh what they can still see you when you're invisible dude that's so op man does wool trigger the shul sensors what so any other block they sense but for some reason they're not capable of sensing wool in a new version of Minecraft you can spawn four new secret paintings this one is called water and my personal favorite fire yeah come on and then there's got to be Earth and finally wind and with that we've become the Appo you can now trap fish in leaves there's no way oh we kind wait he kind of escaped hold on hold on let's try this again oh he's stuck they're never going to find Nemo LS are invincible if you give them an item I'm pretty sure I pronounced that right H what this one doesn't have an item and I can definitely kill him but this one holding the corn flowers Invincible okay this is a wild myth but it apparently frogs can eat magma cubes let's see get over here no no way what is this all right this is incredible witches can survive two Wen shots at the same time now we Punch The Witch and it and it works oh wow what so look what she's doing she's she's drinking a healing potion every time she gets hit by the freaking Warden all right but I'm pretty sure if we break this glass she's going to die yep if you create a new world in9 in the seed write I want ancient city I know great grammar and then created a new world the ancient city is supposed to spawn directly beneath you we're going to open this bad boy to land not mining down there wait it does I mean I know you can barely see cuz it's fre freaking pitch black that is crazy that works look at this that's freaking amazing I thought it was fake shul sensors will summon a warden right I think they just summoned the warden but if you cover them in water it doesn't work look at this so Warden spawned over here where I didn't cover them in water and then over here things are covered in water and it it's not spawning a warden that's so cool is the warden actually the strongest mob in Minecraft the Wither might have something to say to that wither versus Warden come on Warden he's going in Mele oh my God the oh my gosh are Enderman Invincible to arrows what all right this time we've got three Enderman come on it bounces off of all three of them villagers can sleep in the nether I have trapped a villager in beds to test this myth it works so what happens if I try to sleep in a bed sorry you can spawn secret jungle villagers they're supposed to look like Tarzan I've never seen this villager in my my entire life iron golems can't drown they are made of iron which makes sense and now we wait 2 hours later he's looking at me like why did you put me in this hole you can spawn giant slimes oh my God he just jumped across the entire River in one hoop this could be the next villain in a Marvel movie you can make armored villagers which can survive a zombie attack so this is a villager with full netherite this is a villager without netherite he can survive two Critical Hits this one can survive three four 5 six six what since when can you put armor on villagers snowballs can kill a blaze faster than netherite axe I don't think that's true all right I'm going to just show you right now we have one Blaze 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 but a netherite axe that's busted we just axed that myth zombie pigman will crush Turtle legs there's no way this is a cute adorable Pig you are an awful creature you can save an axe a lle with a lava bucket I just want to apologize to all the Axel lottle fans giving a fish a water breathing potion allows them to breathe on land oh the effects are actually on the fish oh that was busted you can turn the warden invisible with a potion of invisibility oh dude as if they needed to be any more terrifying horses can ride in boats I don't know how to do this go horse it around get in the boat you're going to drown what about a baby horse you know they say teach them while they're young what no no no but this is not busted this actually works you just have to use a baby and a lead I'm going to name him Sea Biscuit it only seems fitting you can Shear a villager with silk touch I don't what is there to Shear uh there would never be a way to Shear a villager you can turn skeletons into Strays by using snow all right get some of this I put some powdered snow on him shake it it's like a Pokémon transformation oh that's sick that myth did not straight away from being amazing our Minecraft world is actually infinite we're just going to try to TP really far away the Minecraft world is actually not infinite I can only type in tp3 million 203 million so it's not infinite you can't turn the Wither invisible I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this let's see so you can make the warden invisible but you can't make the wither invisible zombies won't burn if they're in cobweb I don't believe this one I just I think it's fake I can't believe this lightning can turn a villager into a witch I don't think this is possible 10, years on what you can kill an iron golem with just your fist why don't we come back to this one it's going to take a while if your Axel gets struck by lightning it turns it into a rare Axel well that's definitely busted a turtle will drop a bowl for turtle soup if it's killed by lightning I don't see why that would happen dude if you spawn enough rabbits you get a killer rabbit that will attack you these guys are aren't Killers they're little bunnies ah these rabbits look normal to me and they're very cute I don't see the issue and just to prove it I'm going to go in survival oh what where did that one come from what are you doing what he's got a name d all jokes decide the only way to get the killer bunny to spawn is by typing this command but somebody did say it was a myth that if you spawned enough rabbits eventually you would get a killer rabbit and that's just not true so this is [Music] bust you can you can clutch fall damage with a bed now I've never tried this and now you know why somebody said it only works with the red bed I will disprove this twice what did I say Frost Walker stops magma damage that makes absolutely no sense this is why myths need to be tested because too many of them are true do you understand this is good soup all right we've tested a lot of stupid M so far but this is the dumbest one it's saying you can break an in portal with mushrooms there's no way it's mushroom is eating a lot of my bone meal it's not growing but oh oh that's so weird the mushrooms just grow around it that's that's fantastic can you survive void damage with Notch apples hold on I mean if you had infinite Notch apples you could survive this confirmed you can clutch with a lava bucket I know for a fact it doesn't work diamond armor stands are harder to break than non-diamond armor St 1 2 3 4 5 negative if you put sand on top of TNT it can break water protected blocks now if you've ever played factions you know all about about raiding so we already know the answer to this myth but for everybody else just witness this is how you raid bases in Minecraft Factions and it's amazing the next time your friend puts water down and thinks he's safe from your TNT Shenanigans thank again in a Minecraft boat you never lose hunger still haven't lost hunger yet for like Johnny Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean I've gone almost 1 thousand blocks and haven't lost even the tiniest liver of hunger confirmed Shields do not block potion damage giveing your best shot you threw it over me can you stop throwing it that way throw it on there yep when you're invisible mobs can't see you we've got a zombie on our Trail who is still following me yeah look at these creepers they don't see us look at this I mean I'm beating up the zombie right next to these creepers and they have no idea look at you you little stupid alapo what apparently if you're two blocks next to them they can see you that would have been nice to know in this Minecraft snapshot version they're saying there's infinite dimensions and the only way to test the myth is to throw the books from this infinite bookshelf into a nether portal no chance maybe there is a chance what what is this Dimension hold on hold on are there more Dimensions oh that's a different color it's very scary looking this looks like something straight out of Star Wars why am I just now finding out about these okay this one is yellow oh dude this place is a this place is creeping me out wao look at how blue it is over there when the with the rendered is is that a what is oh my gosh dude this would make like a great PvP map it's a naked mind shaft if you place a bed under an in Portal you will spawn there ah we'll see about that weird you like don't spawn at the bed if you smelt a wet sponge with lava it fills the bucket with water I don't think it that that is no way I don't understand and then every myth I don't think works works and then every myth I think is going to work doesn't end up working using a shulker box you can make a secret entrance to your base for everybody who wants to hide their diamonds from their friends or me my wife who dies with them in lava this would be really useful if it actually works like I feel like I'm a kid sliding down a fireman pole that's amazing using a redstone clock and honeycomb blocks makes an impossible trap that you can't even mine out of with a netherite pickaxe and we go what that that's blowing my mind so by the time you get close enough to breaking the block it pushes you if you want to mess with your friends build one of these you can put a shulker box in a shulker box that's preposterous you see me left clicking okay I'm okay this is my mouse all right I I want to prove to you this is right clicking this is left clicking you can name locations with a banner what you've got to be kidding me man dude this is gamechanging this is insane I have to I'm sorry I have to do it I I I have to do it we have to try it it look at it oh but you should subscribe seriously you can break bedrock in Minecraft with a piston and TNT a piston on the Bedrock block that you want to break TNT on top of it TNT on this side with a lever trapo very very important now here's the trick you have to ignite the TNT and spam click right here on the obsidian block to place another piston and if you did it correctly you break the Bedrock when throwing a trident it will always come back to you it's loyal it's it's like a dog okay it's the dog of Minecraft weapons it it's it's your best friend lesson learned don't get a dog get a trident you can mine a dragon egg at the bottom of the ocean why would this work although I think this is busted no no no no no no no you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me man oh my God everything I know is alive this is going to be the last myth I try to clutch with but people are telling me you can do it with sweet berries I don't care how sweet these berries are you cannot clutch with them it just doesn't make sense I'm done digging straight down is dangerous I don't see how this is dangerous that was a little dangerous but still we're fine I mean what are the chances of us actually falling into lava I would say very minuscule okay foxes can use a totem of and dying to survive because foxes are the only animal in Minecraft that like pick things up in their mouth uh they're supposed to be able to survive I don't think it's going to work well Dad come cauldron save you from Fall damage oh oh oh oh what you can mine lapis lazul with a stone pickaxe I actually have no idea if this work confirmed diamonds and turtle eggs have the exact same textures just different colors they're literally the same texture oh my god I've been playing Minecraft for 10 years and my whole life is a lie that myth was excellent you can't eat food underwater I'm going to say this one is a bust that's a bust using a Minecraft border you can stack slabs on top of each other if this actually works my mind is going to be blown so this slab is one block outside of the world border and it should work no way oh my seeing two different slabs stacked on top of each other is insane using your Minecraft username for SE generation gives you an OP spawn as you can see there's no cheats none of that stuff making the world uh okay this is definitely not overpowered but that goes into our next myth if you dig straight down from where you spawn you will find diamonds I've actually heard about this myth but never tested it it's going to take a long time because I don't have any tools or do I I say there's a z% chance of this working oh we found coal not Diamonds though that's busted we dug straight down the Bedrock if you put 23 cows in a hole they give you enough kinetic energy to fly with a lro to test this we have to dig a two block hole spawn 23 cows inside of it four five 6 and then we jump inside let's see you baby w no I'm I'm done those cows just launched me hundreds of blocks away that is a confirmation you've got to subscribe for that one can llama spit 10 blocks we're about to see can they spit 11 ll's got range what about okay we're going to go for 12 oh okay 13 surely llamas can't spit 13 block what okay what about 15 blocks I'm done wouldn't standing still skeletons never miss oh after about 10 shots he shot an arrow that went right over my head can you cure a zombie villager with a golden apple no no I he's my test subject please sir what have you done what okay now okay here you go take take this that's a big myth all he wants is my flesh you only need 15 bookshelves to get maximum enchants have I been doing it wrong my entire life we're about to find out that's confirmed does your Minecraft character ever blink W oh that was creepy wites are immune to Lava and fire so she's able to somehow swim in the lava she's like half immune half not immune so she's not immune but she does give herself fire resistance see if I's back dying in the end with a totem takes you to a custom Dimension negative Endermen can't see you through glass none of these Endermen I can't believe this works are they I think they're glass blind I don't know do they got glaucoma they got ligma cats in Minecraft don't take fall damage [Music] sorry what I did not think this was going to work are you kidding me what is that why well maybe it works for me yeah apparently you can survive fall damage with a watermelon because it has water in it I don't think this is going to work if you're extremely lucky eating a golden apple will give you three effects that's only two two I really want this myth to [Music] work I'm eating every single Golden Apple now you know what after eating 32 golden apples this myth is busted evokers will turn a blue sheep into a red one why that is so weird look at this what it only turned one of them into a red sheep what is the point of that the point is it's confirmed you can cross a one block Gap with the roof without jumping okay we're just supposed to Sprint through it it works but not all the time that's so weird point is don't rely on this to get you safely across you can Sprint in a Minecraft boat that is confirmed and it looks like we're going way faster sugar canane grows faster on dirt than it does on Sand and now we wait ah busted it grows faster on Sand you can survive four anvils drop on your head I am definitely going to get brain damage oh oh my gosh you you can but you you can't get out afterwards this one is weird but you all wanted to see it you never spawn on Stone when making a new world big cap on this one oh all right let's try let's try again shall we negative grass again wow I want you to try this one for yourselves he even spawned on Stone once unless nope throwing Diamond gear into lava turns it into netherite gear you would have to be an absolute idiot to for this one this one is interesting if you kill a piglin in one shot it will not aggravate the other piglins around what oh my gosh we have been doing the nether the wrong way the entire time ladies and gentlemen you can light Netherrack underwater that no yeah okay that's what I thought I was like there's no chance that's a busted Withers will not spawn in snow biomes I think it's going to work what it didn't spawn but if you break the snow around the Soul Sand will it spawn it will oh God okay I'm run into the next myth using an anvil you can combine two different types of armor that I I'm going to call cap on this one before we yeah there yeah again what did I tell you doesn't work bust it white tulips don't give you white dye that one will be interesting it g what really it it gives you light gray Dy not white using the Minecraft border you can put two stairs inside of each other oh my gosh wearing a helmet protects you from Anvil damage oh great more more brain damage like I need any more of that okay and that was with a helmet supposedly creepers deal zero damage when you're holding a shield out oh gosh wait it's true what and here you are thinking creepers are the biggest baddest mob in Minecraft as long as you have your Shield out creepers literally do no damage that's crazy if you splash an invisibility potion on a shulker box it shows what he actually looks like wa oh my gosh that's so weird we took his shell away Dolphins will play with your items let's see come on Dolphin oh what that is so cool look at me spitting the diamonds back up you can get way more music discs from creepers if you TR trick a skeleton into shooting a TNT block okay now we just trick the skeleton into shooting the TNT right skeleton oh let's see oh my wait there is so many music just what oh my God you can literally get every music disc in Minecraft like this confirmed you can always find diamonds if you go to the center of a clay deposit and go seven blocks out on the seventh one you dig straight down if I find diamonds I'm going to scream like a little girl oh oh wait there was I dug a little bit further and there actually is a vein of diamonds I think that's confirmed you can jump two blocks with fire damage come on how do we do this oh myths got me fired up I will extinguish this myth if you throw a trident with loyalty and a full inventory it will chase you forever so my inventory is completely full right now I want to see where's the Trident at there it is there it is there it is oh my gosh it's literally forking me oh please leave a like on this video so this stops happening using in rods you can create a one oneway wall to protect you from mobs so we got all these zombies out here right but you can go inside of the in rods but not even the baby zombies can for whatever reason this is oh but they can push each other through oh that's bad can they get out once they're in there look at them they're stuck oh and you can push them back out look at this get them out get them out get him out and look he can't make his way back in that is incredible you can't blow up nether Stars we're going to put a nether star on one side and then we're going to put the diamond on the other side and we're going to see which one survived there's just no chance of this working right oh man I was going to say this was the star of the myth but that's too cringe this creeper is angry surely the creeper can blow up the nether star no okay I'm going to put the nether star in a frame surely that's going to blow up that can't last we found a way to break it that was star you can sleep under lava in a bed and you don't take damage excuse me how am I just now finding out about this this is not fake lava that is real lava as you can see I'm burning iron golems can't take fall damage or can they all right Iron Golem let's see what you got going on here come on and and there he goes really do they not take fall damage because their bodies are so hard made of iron or are they just built different I mean will I take fall damage if I fall surely I will yep yep of course if red mushrooms were hit with lightning they turn into brown mushrooms no shots yeah I knew that was bogus that's stupid okay well what about if you have a supercharged creeper creeper is now supercharged he's going to explode will he blow up the nether star no it's still doesn't blow up I don't understand you can make a hidden ladder with item frames and we even have a live audience for this in order to do this you need a map need Vines need an item frame item frames put the maps over them Vines you look at this and watch this oh look at this I'm so very secret using a sword in your off hand with looting still works so typically with looting you would use it like this right but I'm going to have it in my off hand and see if the Looting still works I don't think that worked I only got one pork chop cuz look if I used my netherite swore I got three pork chops so with looting Three Feathers okay looting in the off hand ah I think this every cat that you spawn in a witch's Hut will always be black I'm going to summon a cat that one I don't know if they're necessarily black they're kind of they're kind of purple yeah they're oh my yo so if I stand out here will they be a different color oh that is weird you can die signs this sign is daring me to die it if you could die signs I would have done this so much longer ago no no dude no no no no no I would have known about this how am I just now figuring this out placing a wet sponge in the nether dries it out so you don't get the water back if you use a lava bucket in a furnace with a wet sponge you actually get the water back into the bucket wait and then also does this work in the nether I've never tried this if you stare at an Enderman dead in the eyes he won't attack you I do not believe this I am looking right into his soul I think it's working so your Crosshair has to be like perfectly in the middle of his eyes that's how you got to do it man you got to assert your Primal dominance and just stare at him in the eyes and then he won't attack you but if you look away look at this oh no no no that is so weird you know I think interman are just misunderstood or not in Portals can break bedrock ah dude if this works I'm going to be quite surprised I mean it would kind of make sense 3 2 one oh the Portal's backwards that's actually not the only way to break bedrock but that was sick it's not it's dude okay I don't know why I can't do this his is going a lot farther though I feel like if you go back to our one of our Minecraft Miss video we did a five block jump which is 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in a row 17 Pixel Perfect jumps in a row five block jump can't make a two block jump with fire I'm going to try again oh I I twice you take no fall damage if you disconnect and reconnect in mid air I'm going to try this and we're logging back in I think we're still going to die to be honest but we'll see why doesn't everybody do this dude if you have a Hardcore Minecraft world and this happens to you this could be gamechanging if you search excited Ze in the crafting table it's supposed to change your language to pirate uh heyo Reve revealing smashable Treasures look at this crafted loot bag farm and stick a rock can blazes start a campfire all right come on Blaze come on blaze it up baby yeah right here yes oh that's so cute I mean not that you would ever really wanted do this but it does work this Blaze has terrible aim making an Ender portal through the in Portal creates a new dimension this one's like hard to explain but I think you guys understand where I'm coming from I mean this could work right it's there's a low chance that this works but if it works it's going to be amazing all right put the Eyes in oh dude what kind of Witchcraft is this this is supposed to make a new dimension netive you can track the Wither in the end by spawning him sideways so this is weird is he actually going to spawn oh he did spawn look at his tail oh my gosh look at this he's trapped inside of the portal look at this he's taking damage from being stuck inside of the Bedrock oh my gosh this is crazy now the question is do I take damage from him we do not take damage this is the best way to defeat a Wither using only fences you can make a one-way animal farm so instead of connecting the vences you just do this it's like you can just walk in and out right and look if you spawn cows and we try to lure them out with the wheat it works like they they can't escape but you can get in ooh but does it work with pigs pigs are a little bit smaller it does in fact work with pigs all right but chickens though chickens are smaller than both of these and wait is it working oh my gosh oh I think the chicken wait I think the chicken got pushed out by the cow yeah so it actually worked so the chickens can kind of Escape if they get pushed out by the other mobs but this works you can Sprint while crouching if you're sneaking this is as fast as you can go but it might work if you use trap doors so oh my god oh that is so weird how are we this fast oh that is insanity why does that work you can use drip leaves to make a secret entrance in Minecraft when you step on drip leaves they fall down so it's kind of like a trap door and if you wait it should make you go yes just like this and then you can enter your Secret Base and then you can also have a secret painting in your secret base with a smiley face and diamonds you can use powdered snow to Tower infinitely oh this is amazing at first I was like how do you do this but you can just keep taking as long as you have two buckets at the beginning how has dream not used this for his manhunts yet this is this is Manhunt material ladies and Gent giving a creeper a full stack of TNT makes it friendly right now he is not very friendly so take this stack take the stack of TNT my guy come on okay or we can just explode in Anger that's great too no no no no wait hold on relax dude relax no no no no no no no yes stay right there stay right there take the TNT think about it okay all right okay whoever came up with that one is pretty dumb if you ever tried it with channeling you can make infinite lightning so we've got this contraption setup this is the only way this could be possible type in weather it's raining now and and it works I mean we had to die to make it work but you can literally make infinite lightning and thunder that's pretty that's that's cool polar bears attack foxes even without a cup I didn't even know polar bears would attack a fox you know in real life polar bears are very dangerous animals okay if you come across one of them I don't know why you would but they're not cute and cuddly like they they may seem on the Coke bottles polar be are you going to fight this pig or what all right I'm going to spawn a pig nice and close to you oh okay but now what happens if we spawn a fox huh oh little Arc oh what what you got beef with the fox for but you're so much slower and fatter oh no Fox I don't understand what is the beef here hey don't come run into me homie I am not going to protect you from that polar bear you sir are a bully server kill him you could put armor Trims on a turtle shell what I'm going to be honest with you guys I don't even think I have used this yet smithing template rib armor that sounds nice who doesn't like some spare ribs okay so now we put in the piece of armor the turtle oh it did go in now we can add an Ingot or a crystal so ameth this does have purpose in life o I think the green and purple look [Music] nice what what wait this looks so cool wait hey I mean can't see but at least I look good please put a beer roll shot of how great I look yes right you can't even see my eyeballs but I'm telling you Fashion's not about utility it's about vanity running away from me well bro I can't see anything
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,393,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: TA5my67cBSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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