Every Level Is 1-2, EXCEPT THAT...

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hello my friends and welcome back to another Mario Maker 2 video so one of the most fun projects I've played Mario Maker 2 and one of the most well received projects I've done is the 1-1 super world made by War spy King and someone recently I played another 1-1 world made by a different Creator who also had some ideas for more 1-1 levels but the biggest thing that people asked for was a 1-2 super world and I'm excited to announce somebody made it oh here we are with the 1-2 super world as you can see by the thumbnail says 1-2 I like that you want to check out the super world for yourself the Creator ideas right above me I'll also try to remember to put it into the description below let's go ahead and check it out alright friends here we go super 1-2 world as you can see again I love the thumbnail I love how it says 1-2 let's go ahead and and dive right into the first level this is uh eight worlds 39 levels you probably won't get through them all uh in this video but you know if you like the video and that lets me know you want to see more of this so here thank you I am oh just end the video dude just end it I I know some people are going to think I did that on purpose um I wish I could say that was what happened but it's not I switched to Mario maybe we'll have some better luck so I believe this is trying to be a very accurate rendition of um you know one two so we're just gonna play through it like normal the thing with one too is I don't know I'm curious okay I was gonna say I was curious what the shortcut would look like but as you can see no shortcut just the uh ending flagpole felt pretty accurate you know I'm not as familiar with one two as I am with 1-1 you know even though I've played it quite a bit you don't see as many 1-2 levels in Mario Maker 2. all right we kind of have that Baseline so let's go check out the second level I'm gonna my plan is to play all the levels not skip any levels so the next one is 1-2 but in 3D whoa the third dimension what are we gonna do with the third dimension so again this is uh this one should be a pretty easy one to get through my guess is this Creator just took the last level I guess you can't just I'm gonna give the Creator more credit you can't just switch from Super Mario one style to Super Mario 3 world because they don't uh carry over you have to um start from scratch so yeah again felt pretty accurate nothing too crazy added here other than it being in the third dimension but again it felt pretty accurate the next level we are playing is called 1-2 but it's a YouTube thumbnail oh okay so the creativity is starting to flow okay all right I like this big fan we got arrows we got circles we got arrows yeah I mean I'm assuming that this is supposed to be a circle we got lots of arrows [Laughter] well played Creator Lots and lots of arrows well played let's see let's go down the pipe here oh yes even more at least I didn't die in the hit okay [Music] big fan of this hey as someone that has utilized arrows and circles in my own videos absolutely on board with this level I also like that this super world started with the underground theme because obviously one two takes place underground to go in the first pipe here we go with the next level 1-2 but more fashionable um curious what makes oh we got boots oh we got boots and we got oh boy green boots are in fashion I've been oh we got some stilettos I've been seeing a lot of uh there's like these giant boots that people are selling they look like Lego boots or straight out of like a video game you guys seen those boots you know what I'm talking about maybe I'm crazy here it's definitely more definitely a little more fashionable again that one like crazy creative like War spy Kings one one but it's still cool to see someone is taking uh Worst by King's concept and applying it to one one two the last level in uh the first world is but the sun is dead oh that doesn't sound good Goombas are dead too no Goombas we got a link power up we got Dry Bones interesting [Music] no Goombas apparently Goombas cannot survive the harsh winter cold piranha players can't seem to either let's see what's in the sub world it's very chilly down here very very cold put on your parkas and and overcoats very chilly up in here I keep missing the top I don't think I've gotten the top of the flagpole once all right we've completed the first world uh let's play a few more we got time let's see what maybe the second world will up the creativity of smidge so far it's pretty cool again it's you know War spy King's concept was out of this world and you know there's gonna be people trying to copy it a little bit but so far it's pretty good 1-2 but it's really colorful interesting see the thing about war spy King super world it mixed it had a great mixture this is our first new Super Mario Brothers you were spy King super world had a good mixture of difficulty unexpected twists and things like that um so I'm hoping the difficulty also increases a little bit this is very colorful though [Music] appreciate a little bit of color in my levels very uh you know aesthetically pleasing a whack it too hello sorry like two you're dead to me I'm I'm always curious like what what the sub world's gonna look like is the sub world going to be colorful yeah looks like it's like a Christmas morning down in the sub world got lava bubbles nice little touch it I was not expecting Hammer Bros what a welcome addition nonetheless I was wondering if there would be a potential soft lock up here thankfully this creator smart about that no soft locks very cool I always like those colorful backgrounds you can use in New Super Mario Brother style I I think I don't think people utilize them enough okay here we go with the next level what's the next one 1-2 but it's in Kansas I'm genuinely curious what that means [Laughter] so it's very windy I was curious where this crater was going with this Kansas is you know it's known for a twin look at uh what's her name Toto Africa no uh [Music] why can't I remember the name of the movie well it's like the most famous movie of all time and I literally can't think of it Wizard of Oz thank you thank you thank you brain thank you for working I like how there's also wind like it's using the wind stage uh Hazard as well [Music] sometimes the names are just as fun as the actual level is very cool very neat up next we have 1-2 but you're a superstar reach the goal while having Superstar invincibility okay oh do we stumble across a somewhat difficult level I hope so nice oh we should have plenty of stars oh goodness say we should have plenty of star Juice but I wasn't expecting to oh mama oh we're so dead we are so dead oh man I'm probably dead now I was hoping that star would go to the uh right but it bounces to the left [Music] that was close but a couple iframes left there but that should be more than enough Star News definitely the most challenging level we've played so far and I like see that's what I like I like when you know nothing wrong with easy levels but I also like when the challenge gets ramped up a little bit that one was a good one enjoyed it up next we have 1-2 but everything is pipes oh Danny Bowl oh everything is pipes goodness gracious oh you know since ever since that first death I've been doing pretty darn good not dying not making myself look like a dingus that background though I'm not gonna lie those blue pipes background if you like stare at them just kind of hurts your eyes as a smidge you know what's the sub world look like more pipes very nice staying true to the uh level theme there's the end even though I missed the last level in uh World 2 is 1-2 but it's out of order so I'm guessing it's going to oh my not sure how I didn't die okay all right so we got some different stuff going on here all right [Music] now we're talking here I can get behind this although I do want to see can we uh [Music] okay you can still get out of bounds not out of bounds but I wonder if we'll need the red coins yeah this is this is the creativity I'm looking for a fan of this curious do I need ah heck oh wait a second we now wait let's go back through this door is that oh okay I know what I gotta do I do throw it in there for the nice okay uh let's see what's in this first door [Music] okay so there's one more red coin so probably down in the sub area I would guess [Music] I'll flock yourself here [Music] the answer is yes yes you can [Music] unless there's a Vine or something it doesn't look like it no it's a Creator you may want to adjust this level a little bit back through this door oh wait oh wait oh wait [Music] a second ah I was very confused where we were going all right now we're cooking again this level is very creative I really like what's going on with it didn't so much like the uh the blatant soft lock that can happen very easily mind you you could accidentally hit the block below the key door or a couple blocks below the key door and not be able to finish it there we go a fun little level once that soft lock is addressed by adding a Vine that lets you climb back up and maybe some unbreakable blocks under the key door definitely a good one already done with world two we're blasting off into world three which looks like a frozen tundra got a couple more levels to play in here let's keep going 1-2 but it's on a bridge hmm 1-2 but it's basically Pittsburgh [Music] so this looks to be pretty much the same thing we've had going on here nothing wrong with that but it's hard when you play Super Creative levels like the last one and the star one okay like I do like how you go underwater here that's a nice little touch [Music] do appreciate that pipe cool cool little level again not as creative as some of the other ones but you know there's there's still some cool stuff I'm still really glad I'm playing this because the thing with playing these super worlds is I'm always so excited to see what's coming next again War spy Kings won one world it's probably the favorite project I've ever played Mario make 2. the bandwagon was awesome the super dgr world loved it but that 1-1 super world that war spy King made is very special okay I was talking and I totally missed 1-1 but it's upside or 1-2 but it's upside down [Music] oh oh that's trippy we're actually playing on the ceiling here that's trippy as heck if I would fall down there this is another soft lock right [Music] another softball um might want to fix that either a way to kill yourself down here or you know an extra block hidden block or something to let you get out but soft lock [Music] oh gosh this is trippy as heck [Music] that that is so weird that just doesn't feel right what just happened there that was really bizarre being like if I've ever done that in an upside down level okay the next level that we're gonna take a look at is called one two but it's really refreshing oh gosh I'm ready to be refreshed I was up for two hours in the middle of the night last night with a bat in me and my wife's bedroom so I'm in need of some refreshment [Applause] this is the refreshment I'm getting this is the refreshment you're giving me [Music] I'm not feeling the refreshment okay the pipe better have some refreshment in it okay all right now we're getting somewhere oh okay I liked how that was a little bit of refreshing level and then it stayed true to the sub area of one too I just noticed why does this have a clear conditions that I want to know interesting that that had a clear condition not sure that was necessary but maybe it oh maybe it'd encourage you to go into the sub World okay that makes sense what do we have next 1-2 but the enemies carry you okay tell me more [Music] ah 1-2 but the Dolores spikes and so it was the roof all right this is actually really cool clever and we wait [Music] I think we should be able to damage boost to the end right [Music] neat oh that was an example of a really good idea that one would go in the check box for Creative levels in this super world so far so yeah definitely gonna give that one give that one a heart finally the last level in world three is call one is two but the lava is a problem okay I lava you the lava's rising the floor is lava okay that Rose significantly faster than I thought it was going to rise oh my goodness [Music] safe here we are not safe there oh my gosh all right we finally have a what seems to be a pretty challenging level and I'm here for it 100 here for it so the area with the uh p-blocks seems to be a safe Zone if you will [Music] okay I actually could make that joke okay finally in the second safe Zone [Music] the power up we could definitely get through I wonder we're supposed to go sub area big no-na one sub-area but that at least resets the lava [Music] I felt pretty good easy easy we should have this in the bag very nice very nice that was fun definitely added some challenge took me you know five or six lives to beat more of those please hopefully we get more of those as we continue through the super world that's world three up and done be bopped that was not even a sentence I don't know what those string of words were but we're gonna world four this will probably be the last World we do in this video so again if you're enjoying this and want to see the rest of it be sure to let me know in the comments below also you know leaving likes helps out a lot too it tells me that you want to see more of this as well so thank you all so much for watching here we go one two but it goes up and down oh gosh 1-2 but you get motion sickness oh I like I like scrolling okay it's gonna go down so we could just totally cheese this a little bit she's denied oh my gosh I can't believe I just made that jump are you kidding me right now [Music] is this actually me playing hold on hands hands I am I am a literal shock right now okay yeah I think you have to go in the sub World there [Music] literal shock I can't believe I made that this is a clever idea too how the parts of the level there if you made it flat it would be the same but it's some of the level is raised up and some of it is pushed down please don't die please don't die [Music] cool clever idea that's another one for the good idea side of the board we're gonna stop by the piranha plant with a parachute this is one that's two but more bouncy okay so we can expect a lot more bouncy Donuts actually I don't think I'm gonna grab the power up I think this level will be easier [Music] without the power-ups oh or if maybe you can get up top maybe you can cheese this let's test for some cheese really quick here okay not hard literally can just skip the whole level unless at the end [Music] nope the Creator said you're allowed to cheese we don't mind a little cheese around here that level would have been much more annoying slash difficult if you couldn't like skip most of the level I guess we'll do this path first and then we'll do the ghost house afterwards curious what will be the next one but your Sonic the Hedgehog okay I like Sonic I like going fast oh no nothing like red running head first into a Goomba oh man oh man 20 seconds shouldn't you still be able to beat this without the speed panels nope well not now obviously but it takes like from what I understand like 17 seconds to beat this level so you absolutely should be able to beat this level without utilizing the speed panels here should be we should win here right it might be close on time I still think we should win say I think you can beat this level in roughly like 17-ish seconds using the top of the level Strat I don't know if that's how you're supposed to beat it or not but it worked let's go up the ladder and check out the ghost house up next here we are with 1-2 but small [Music] all right it's it's definitely a lot smaller oh okay it's also you can't go up top this uh creators like no no no you gotta beat this the normal way I'll play your game I like how is this supposed to run are these Vines supposed to represent the pipes [Music] still got the one up [Music] oh my gosh oh you can't go up there so you can't get a one up so we'll just you know we'll take the bottom nothing wrong with taking the bottom once in a while and rounding out the episode we have the castle world for Castle world 1-2 but cursed I don't like the sound of that that sounds oh gosh [Music] can you kill phanto in the [Music] or tried killing fanto in an on off block I'm sure you can't I don't think killing fanto is a possibility this is cursed literally can't see anything and I hate it [Music] absolutely hate look low visibility you can't cheese it we gotta we have to play it the normal way [Music] oh man all right let's let's kick this Koopa it's coming back isn't it I hate it so much I hate it oh I hate it oh my goodness 1-2 but I hate it so much just trying to find I mean fanta's actually kind of helping let me see hello phantom [Music] I'll just say there's more Goombas down here [Music] just run oh wait there was a key door [Music] actually we get so we somehow got the first clear there sweet and as the castle crumbles and we blast our way into world five that's gonna wrap up this episode of super one two world uh if you want to see more again please let me know in the comments below if you happen to like it a little bit Yeah if you if you know gently caress the like button that also gives me uh a clue that you want to see more personally I'd love to play the last four worlds is it as great and Grand in scale as War spy King's 1-1 world no but a lot of fun and it's providing some unique things and you know I've just been enjoying myself regardless again when I play these super Worlds the biggest thing for me is what comes next I'm so excited to always see what is going to be the next gimmick in the next level that we play but yeah we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up thank you all so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 96,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker, panga, mario maker panga, panga mario maker
Id: 8mLiCTFmchc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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