Can You Beat Super Mario 64 DS Without Jumping?

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this time let's keep ourselves grounded in reality can you beat Super Mario 64 DS without jumping hey guys and welcome to the reptile Rumble first of all I'd like to thank you guys for 8 000 subscribers and for continuing to stick with me this long this video took way longer to make than I wanted it to but hopefully it's still worth the wait anyway Nintendo has a long history of remaking and remastering their old games case in point Super Mario 64 DS all things considered it's a pretty good remake new stages New Missions new characters and improved physics and level design the only major issue is the d-pad controls the new character is also kinda break the game Luigi's backflip single-handedly clears almost every obstacle in the entire game by itself no backflipping challenge wouldn't really be all that exciting and no new characters challenge would be impossible because you start as Yoshi and also something I technically did as a kid outside of Yoshi because I had no idea how to unlock of them but then I saw some people making tool assisted runs trying to complete this game without jumping just like the original game that's what gave me the idea to do this challenge it actually looked plausible for a human being to pull some of that stuff off now one final note before we move on to the rules if any of these strategies seem a little too big brained they were likely from one of these two people josh65536 who is currently working on a Super Mario 64 DS ROM hack check him out in the card up above and a deal who is currently doing a true jobless challenge of new Super Mario Bros Wii so if this video interests you you should probably check them out too anyway without further Ado let's find out if you can beat Super Mario 64 DS without jumping for this run the rules are simple but interesting we're just not allowed to push the B button at any time for any reason this cuts off a huge chunk of our moveset first the obvious ones single double and triple jumps side flips backflips long jumps Wall Kicks jumping out of water and jumping off poles are all banned less obvious things that are also banned are kicking Falling Slowly while twirling over the Wing Cap rising up with the balloon Mario power up and fluttering that's a lot of banned moves but thankfully we do still have some moves and techniques we can rely on as for optional challenges we'll try to beat the game normally by getting the 80 Stars needed to pass the endless stairs don't worry you'll understand why this is an optional challenge later and unlock Luigi and Wario with all this info finally out of the way let's get into the run first things first we have to get used to our new controls we don't have many movement options left in fact you might be wondering how we're even going to enter the first level if you're familiar with the Super Mario 64a button challenge you might know they make great use of diving and using the robot flip from a dive recovery to gain a little bit of vertical height we can't do that here because we start this game playing as Yoshi and Yoshi only knows how to eat so what's the dinosaur with a broken leg from too many mirror Dismounts supposed to do well we can slide kick instead in this version of the game we can sidekick by pressing a with momentum while crouching and perform a roll-off flip with the same button this is all we need to enter the bomb Battlefield a bomb battlefield's really not that bad there's only one ledge and one Gap we have to Traverse for most areas of the course and the Gap isn't even a difficult one the hardest part is getting used to our new controls while we head up the mountain and blow up this old Boomer the second star just requires us to climb the mountain again but faster so it's no problem either although we do have to become Mario by putting on his cap because Koopa the quick refuses to race anyone else he might be a little obsessed just saying the next star though is a silver star Mission these are brand new for the DS version requiring you to grab five silver stars to make a power star appear this one shows us one of our new mortal enemies poles and trees good thing there's a Canon nearby to remind us that you can fire cannons with the a button all we have to do is aim way above the Silver Star and shoot directly into it with the cannon the rest are no problem it's the same for the fourth star a new one for this version where we just have to beat up the old Boomer again while cosplaying as Mario this time because of our limited move sets I couldn't find any way to pound this post to free the chain shop right now so we'll just leave this course for later with 4 stars in hand pretty nice so far next we went to the princess's secret slide we can easily get into the window to enter the course and there's no need to jump here normally so we can get both the regular star and the time to start for finishing in less than 21 seconds we will gladly take two freebie Stars I then made the mistake of heading into Sunshine Isles a brand new course for the DS version it's a silver star Mission and I'm Gonna Save You All some time and say that we can't get this star because one of the silver stars we need is hiding on top of this tree way out of our reach I knew those trees were bad news the next course we tackle is wamp's Fortress normally a small step up from Bob on Battlefield it's significantly harder to navigate for us than Bob on Battlefield was though with more ludges and obstacles to deal with once we reach King at the top of the first star one problem makes itself apparent although we can grab Ledges during a rollout flip we cannot ground pound that's a bit of an issue when this boss can only be damaged by a ground pound I did try using the nearby platforms at their Peak they give you just barely enough height to pound king mob however to say this is finicky would be an understatement his position has to be perfect your position has to be perfect and the timing has to be perfect with the platforms too I tried this for a while but I got absolutely nowhere does that mean we can't get any stars here at all well no because the DS version added a new section of the level that's very nice to us while this section isn't exactly easy to navigate jumpless it does give us access to a timed switch start another new invention of the DS version the title of it is a concern but we can still get there with plenty of time to spare if we nail Our Sick kickflips every time with a star under our belt we can get a bob on buddy to spawn and open the cannon which lets us Blast away this wall for another easy star now that we have eight Stars it's time to go grab Mario this is yet another new thing add to the DS version we have to rescue the other three characters in new courses and here's a really cool looking one for Mario it looks way more complicated than it really is all we care about is heading over here and climbing this Vine well poles trees and Vines are our mortal enemies this one's nice enough that we can just barely reach the nearby ledge at the Top If we press R to let go of the vine once we're up here it's as simple as dropping into this opening and beating up Goombas he's not made any harder by not jumping so we have zero issues making mushroom stew out of him with that we finally unlocked the ability to play as Mario in Super Mario 64 DS the only question left is how did Mario lose to that guy this Mario joined our band of landlocked Legends I went back to womp's Fortress to grab shoot into the wild blue in the process I found out that you can grab Ledges out of a cannon shot guess you'll learn something new every day the next course on our list is cool cool mountain and it is actually a pretty cool course for this challenge Slip Sliding Away and big penguin race are relatively simple just head into the chimney and slide you don't really need to jump that's where the easy part ends though we can't get up to this upper ledge from the chimney because a rollout flip doesn't get high enough to grab the ledge instead we'll have to try climbing up this slippery slope on the side partially blocked by this ice block it's really difficult to climb up here of course we can't just walk up so we have to change slide kicks together to keep our balance and move up it's incredibly easy to slide down or drift too far to the left or right and miss the slope altogether I spent so long trying to get up here that the baby penguin got tired of white aimless Shenanigans and came down the slope on its own I have never gotten Little Penguin lost quite like that before and don't worry I didn't murder the baby penguin I'm a good person right there was no such luck for the red Coin Star though I had to get up at slope because one of the coins was frozen in that same ice block that was blocking the path up this took way too many tries and once I did it I still wasn't out of the woods there's this other coin in an ice block that's on an extremely dangerous ledge trying to get down here without sliding off is difficult if you slip and slide on your belly you can press a to recover easily but if you start butt sliding all you can do is hope you hit something otherwise you're going down and there is nothing you can do about it the wind can still save us but it's not reliable once I managed to get both of these Frozen red coins in one attempt though the rest weren't a problem thanks to this teleport making it easy to get back up the mountain what issue I had left was getting to the spot where the red Coinstar spawns normally you long jump across this Gap in the broken bridge but that's a bit too far for us to cross instead I used a slide kick to head down the slope from the top of the mountain and then roll out flip while sliding to get onto this ledge and get the star from behind outside of getting up that evil slope again Snowman's Lost His Head is incredibly simple by comparison with no major challenges just turn the snow buddy into a somebody and you'll have it the next star though is Mario Super wall kick which normally requires Wario and Wall Kicks however there is a helpful enemy called a spin drift up here landing on it boosts you way up into the air and causes you to twirl which makes you fall very slowly and have much more bit air control we can twirl all the way down from the top of the mountain to this top platform where it's supposed to reach with Wall Kicks and grab the star which means we can get Mario's Super wall kick with no Mario and no Wall Kicks wow super is a really Bland name for a star don't you think anyway with that let's move on from this course 6 Stars seems pretty good speaking of good things Jolly Roger B teaches us that we can swim normally with the Y button with that we have no trouble navigating the underwater sections of the stage the walls inside the ship are less slippery than you'd expect so plunder in the sunken ship was easy can the eel come out to play is exactly the same as usual since it's entirely underwater and treasure in the ocean cave doesn't have any difficult platforming after that though we hit a bit of a wall getting blast of the stone pillars seems really difficult pulls are our enemy so we can't just jump off the stone pillar like usual and we can't shoot directly onto the platform the same way you can in the original game we can get to the ship but the upper part of the ship that houses the final two red coins is just too high to roll out flip up to and the cannon won't help us here either the other two stars require Wario and Luigi's special powers so I can't get them yet unfortunately you can't just swim to the jet stream star so we've gotta look elsewhere Tower of the Wing Cap turned out to be more interesting than I expected you start out flying in midair so we have no trouble with the red Coin Star here but actually hitting the switch was a little more challenging we can't get high enough to hit the switch with the rollout flip so I had to dive bomb straight onto the switch from above to push it with that we've unlocked these red blocks and they might actually be more useful than you'd think case in point I found a use for balloon Mario immediately after unlocking him can't float up without the B button so you'd think he'd have no use at all but he has two Powers we can still use he bounces slightly off the ground and he can ground pound while in midair with both of these Powers combined we can pound this blue coin switch and grab every single one and that was more than enough to get the 100 coin star of Jolly Roger Bay let's hope we don't have to rely on 100 coin Stars with 20 stars under our belt we finally move on to Bowser in the Dark World this course is relatively flat and straightforward so we don't have any real issues until we reach the final section we can't get up the standard way because the first platform doesn't give us enough space so we'll just have to abuse these seesaws to make it up this is a lot harder than it looks you have to perfectly balance the sea sauce between too high to keep your momentum and too low to make it to the next ledge once we do get it right we can get all the way up to the Bowser pipe but we could also get over here to get the last Red coin and we might as well take the free star while we're here okay that wasn't quite free in fact it was actually way harder than I made it sound and we still have a time to switch star to grab as well normally the timer for this switch star is very lenient but in this run we have to be perfect to make it on time if we make any mistakes we're never gonna make it eventually after numerous tries I fine-tuned every step to Perfection and got the second star of the course I made sure to give Bowser my complaints for not making this level handicap accessible and got myself a shiny basement key as compensation I spent hours on this as a palette cleanser I headed out to the Courtyard to follow the nice ghosts and they gave me a star after I beat the red coins out of them what a nice donation huh then I committed some vandalism to find the battle for it another DS exclusive course and grab it silver stars to debt myself another golden star I did try entering big Buu's haunt but let's just say we'll save this one for later trust me you'll see why soon enough just know that I left empty-handed with only the two Courtyard Stars I finally used the shiny key I got from Bowser to enter the basement where this toad already knew the rules and gave up his star without much of a fight then I got sent to hell for all the crimes I just committed lead to Lava land actually isn't that bad the lava hurts but it also boosts us up way higher than we can get with a robot flip so it makes it easier to get around there isn't too much to worry about on our way to boil the big bully and then boil his children afterwards which Nets us two stars the acorn puzzle with 15 pieces is just as easy as usual and red hot log rolling is only slightly more difficult when you can't jump to keep yourself oriented the real trouble starts with the volcano even getting inside is tricky we need either a good lava boost or a good Boost from this fire shooter to make it in because the volcano is way too steep to walk up inside the volcano we run into issues not too far in this ledge near the crusher is too high to grab and the elevator section has this pole standing in our way too far away from the nearest ledge for our brilliant R button strategy to work and yes I did try the lava fall you can't burn yourself on the side of it in this version is this the end for this course actually not quite this Crusher isn't completely impossible to stand sure it moves and it's incredibly slippery but that's not enough to stop us first we need to stand on the very edge of its activation radius and then build up a y charge by holding the Y button in the DS version you can build up speed and then Sprint from a standstill then just wait and pick your moment to get on top of the cheese grater platform and then start showing off your moves punching kicking break dancing they all keep Mario from losing his footing just long enough for the platform to start retracting so we can get on top of the ledge okay I'm surprised that worked with that these platforms have some tricky spacing but nothing our stylish moves can't handle that much further up though we arrive at a set of poles blocking our way each one is spaced out just far enough that we can't bridge the gap by dropping off it looks like it should be barely possible but I just couldn't seem to get enough distance to grab the next Pole so yes this does mean that not only can we get close enough to see both volcano stars on screen at the same time but also that both stars are blocked by evil poles never before have I hated Poland with such a passion after that defeat I decided to use the shell to grab enough coins for League 100 Coin Star and leave for courses that might be a little nicer to us shifting sand land is pretty coarse rough and irritating for us well lethal lava land was full of burning lava that could actually help us get around this course is instead full of quicksand that just kills you the main area of the chorus is actually relatively safe for jumpless travel though as long as you can avoid the giant metal boxes reaching klepto if the first star isn't so easy though since we don't have enough space for a rollout on top of these pillars instead we have to open up the cannon and use the Wing Cap to violate his airspace and take the star from the Big Bird's Talons I've never had to take such drastic measures to get that star before along the way I discovered that having your cap stolen is horrible in this challenge because there's no easy way to reach klepto to get him to drop it again I actually had to go back and redo another star to get the cap to spawn in the castle Lobby I'm just gonna be thankful and not ask how toad found it as long as you can stay far away from Birds trying to steal everything you own the second star shining Atop The Pyramid is easy if you just shoot yourself up to it with the Wing Cap just don't miss otherwise it won't end well for you now it's time to enter the pyramid itself and this is where things get more difficult the platforming is a little trickier and the slow quicksand is terrifying in this challenge keeping yourself above the slow sand requires jumping so all we can do is slowly trudge through hoping to reach Solid Ground before we drown I had trouble getting all the way up the pyramid for the third star but what I was able to do was get on top of this room at the center once I did I just had to drop in with a ledge grab to fight IROC in hand-to-hand combat between giant hands and Mario's hands Mario's hands always win snagging the star afterwards was a little trickier I had the platform on this debris to get the correct angle to grab the ledge and the star I bet the people who designed this Arena never thought that debris would ever be important to anyone the red coins are all outside the pyramid so I was able to grab all of them by flying around and exercising a little Caution the rest of the Stars here weren't looking so hot though so I decided to move on for now hazy Maisie cavey is a weird level normally and it's not getting any more normal for this run the first star is easy just find this swimming Beast take its Beret and use your Wario strength to break an entire Boulder with your bare hands unfortunately it's a bit tricky to do anything else I couldn't climb up these stairs to reach the red coins and the Maze exits are way too high to possibly reach this place could really use some ramps I even tried to lure one of these Snippets down closer to the ground so I could eat it transport it then spit it out and bounce on it to get more height I spent about 10 minutes trying to lure it down to the ground and then it just died when I ate it so it was all for nothing but there was still one more star I could easily get in this part of the video I'll be explaining exactly what I do to collect watch for Rolling rocks in zero beat presses first we have to collect this yellow hat to gain Wario's strength then navigate to The Rolling Rock Room to break this brick and eat a mushroom to gain even more strength with all this extra strength we can start giant rock breaking or grb for short you might be wondering when I'm breaking all these rocks for after all I do break rocks for 10 seconds once we build up enough broken rocks this caused the star to appear and that's watch for Rolling zero B presses wow I did not expect this part of the video to become 0.5 minutes long when I started commentating anyway okay time for things to get dire dire dire docks is another water level which is pretty nice for us Bowser's sub has barely any security so we have no trouble boarding it for our first star good thing because our challenge might be in Jeopardy otherwise we can also open some sunken treasure and swim through some rings for two more stars but that's all we'll get for now the next star is titled pole jumping for Red Coins so I don't see much chance of getting that one and the other stars require help from Luigi and Wario we might be back later for now with 39 stars in hand things might heat up a little as we enter Bowser's opening Bowser in the fire sea honestly really wasn't that bad having convenient lava everywhere from lava boosts helped a lot there's a ton of otherwise insurmountable Ledges that require a lava boost mostly due to cold cruel pulls blocking our way somehow though the one pole were actually required to use is close enough that we can grab the ledge from a pull release good thing too otherwise I have no idea what we would have done the Super Mario 64 a button challenge is still stuck on this exact obstacle as I'm writing this script anyway while we can make it to the top both the red Coinstar and the timed switch star are on top of this ledge which is way too high to even consider getting up to so I just gave Bowser the same treatment his level gave me and took the key to the third floor this doesn't mean we're going to the third floor just yet though I'm still missing quite a few Stars especially in shifting sand land so I headed back there turns out you can climb the pyramid with all its complicated platforms and traps without a single jump getting up most of it isn't a problem this bottom area is only scary if you fall into the sinking sand and clapping up doesn't pose an issue until you reach this part you're supposed to hang on to or jump on top of this metal mesh but we can't do either of those things so we're gonna have to improvise what I did was slight kick onto this slope it'll push you out into the sandstream but you still have some time to perform a roll-up flip then you have to make sure to land on this paper thin ledge too little momentum and you'll land back in the sandstream and fall to the bottom too much momentum and you'll overshoot the ledge and fall to the bottom anyway once you're on the tiny ledge you gotta walk the tightrope up to this spot fighting the camera the whole time then do another sidekick across the sand now that we're here how are we gonna climb these tiny Ledges we can get to this part but there isn't enough space for a regular slide kick what we can do is exploit this game's weird physics with a technique I'd call an edge kick slide kick on the very edge of a platform just far enough that the wall can't block your slide kick and just close enough that the wall still stops you from advancing while there's also still a floor beneath you it sounds complicated but it's actually not that bad and it lets us get up this step then we just slide kick into the corner where two walls intersect and don't stop us from rolling out to climb the ledge once we're past that it's much of the same well time to roll out flips to get up these annoying platforms pull releases to grab Ledges until we run into another problem the Star platform is just barely too high to grab from a rollout at first I thought this might be insurmountable but then I found out that you can get onto this tiny ledge on the side and it's stable enough to stand on without sliding off it's really easy to mess up and fall back down to the bottom and this climb takes a few minutes even if you don't make any mistakes on the way up but with enough persistence and good timing I was able to tie the rollout from this tiny railing to grab the ledge and the star it felt really good once I finally pulled it off this isn't the only star I didn't get though the 100 Coin Star was also on the table we can steal quite a few coins from outside of the pyramid but it's not quite enough for 100 so we're going to need to finish the job inside the inside of the pyramid doesn't have that many coins though most of them are locked behind an evil blue switch why is it evil because it chose to hide itself away in a corner where we have no chance to reach it with balloon Mario before the power-up wears off how are we gonna teach the lesson why of course by abusing the game's weird physics even harder there's a box nearby and we need to get it on top of the switch then we get on top of the switch and here's the hard part walk off the side of the switch while carrying the box and the instant your feet aren't on the ground do a ground pound and hope the Box pushes you back far enough to hit the switch trust me this is way harder than it looks your timing has to be absolutely perfect and you can't just Mash R because that'll make you crouch and drop the box once we punish this blue switch for its sins we can grab the blue coins we need and grab our 100 Coin Star I think we definitely earned that one didn't we the rest of the Stars here are locked behind a Wario Mission so now we can finally move on to the third floor with a clear mind now that we're on the third floor we have a whole bunch of new courses to choose from first I Rob this toad because I gotta get Stars somehow Karma immediately struck though as I enter the next course Tiny huge island is a course we can get zero stars in when we enter the tiny painting we're stuck in this area with impassable gaps and water we can't escape without jumping and we can't get into the huge painting because it's just too high up to reach that was disappointing because this is a course I really liked and I wanted to see how much of it I could actually do if I could get into the huge version I'm sure I could have gotten at least one star hopefully we don't need any of these Stars the next one I tried was tall tall mountain I was able to climb the other tall courses so this one should be fine right well it's probably possible to cross these opening gaps but it would be very tricky good thing they put this random wind current here to carry me up instead I have no idea why this is here but I'm very grateful this Gap was a little tricky to cross but the real problem is over here this one's way too long for you to possibly cross so we can't climb up the entire Mountain that locks us out of several Stars already we can't even get the slide star because it's just a little further up the mountain than what we can reach so what can we actually get well we can easily get above the red coin section and grab three of them while descending but the fourth one was a little trickier because it's hiding on a tiny enclosed ledge the method I used to get it was to point the camera in a specific Direction build up a wire charge Sprint and immediately slide kick into this corner we get carried into the corner then we gain lots of backward speed from the slope which lets us get into just the right position and angle to recover grab the ledge and take the fourth coin after that we still have these scary shrews they really are scary when you can't jump but after a lot of tries I was able to grab all eight red coins and fall onto the star from above okay that was a lot harder than I thought it would be now I was forced to commit the greatest sin in this game's history I actually had to get blast to the lonely mushroom by using the cannon I know it's horrifying but sometimes you have to stoop pretty low to complete challenges like this I hadn't done the Canon method in so long that it actually took several tries to get the perfect shot and grab the star once we're done with that we're finished with this course not being able to make it higher up the mountain really killed our momentum here there are probably a couple of comments down below already talking about Hootie owl his ability to carry us High into the air and how they added him to this chorus in the DS version I appreciate the advice but we have to hold the jump button for him to carry us so that's not allowed now that I mentioned though comments about it anyway after all comments are good for the YouTube algorithm speaking of things that are good for the YouTube algorithm tons of people talk about the negative emotional Aura of wet dry World personally I never really felt that way because it's actually one of my favorite courses it's also nicer than you'd think to our paralyzed protagonists although we're stuck with the lowest initial water level the first star is dead simple to get by using this warp it's always been hilarious to me how many alternative ways there are to get this star the second star was a little harder to even get onto the first ledge up I had to push this box over to use it as a step stool the heave hoes are able to launch me up to the top floor but I soon found a new problem you can't grab onto the edge of this wooden beam maybe it's too thin I have no idea but it made things a lot more complicated to get onto it we need to hope that Chucky throws us up onto it or position the heevo in a specific spot to launch us up onto it somehow by pure dumb luck I managed to get launched up but then missed the rollout of flip across the last Gap turns out I was approaching this all wrong all I really had to do was open this Cannon and nail a shot straight towards the star on my first try the rest of the Stars here seem daunting so let's head somewhere else and cool off for a while Snowman's Land makes for a very interesting course to navigate because it's very flat but still has a few difficult Ledges to climb Nothing Stops us from melting the ice bully and ice water I never understood that we could also use a spin drift to twirl over the freezing Pond and grab this star relatively easily Yoshi's ice sculpture is a slightly changed star from the original game and it made for a challenging climb we have to carry a flame in Yoshi's mouth and climb these ice block pillars until we can melt the block with a star in it we have to be careful that we don't press a by mistake and breathe fire too early because we need all of these platforms intact at first I thought this might be impossible but the ice blocks each just have barely enough space for a perfectly timed rollout flip if you start your slide kick as early as possible it was a little tricky but I was able to Chisel the star out of the ice just don't ask me what this sculpture was supposed to represent there was one major obstacle standing in the way of further progress in this stage even if we can't get up to it we can't grab the ledge on top of the ice block Cannon so we need to find a way around it the easiest way I found was to use one of these spin drifts near the start point of the chorus to bounce right over to the other side Landing right above the ice block Cannon then you need to find just the right angle to flip onto this ledge use this penguin as a shield and take a dive in a specific spot to enter the igloo what you didn't think we'd get on top of the snowman's head with just a kickflip did you I wouldn't blame you if you completely forgot since you never need to use it for anything at all but there is a usable candid in Snowman's Land that's what we needed to get into the igloo for the Baba buddy who opens the cannon is hiding inside there's also an escapable freezing death water inside but death is no major obstacle for us once we open up the kitten we can skip the entire process of climbing and just shoot our way up to the snowman's head to steal his star and that makes 50 which is enough to access the third floor it probably doesn't seem important yet but trust me it will be soon enough 50 isn't quite enough for the endless stairs so let's start revisiting some courses first let's grab all the Sorrows we're missing from Bob bomb Battlefield with the Wing Cap power we can easily get Mario Wings to the Sky by flying through these coin rings and the eight red coins are even easier the hard part comes with freeing this chain chomp the only way to ground pound the post to free him is to take to the air and ground pound it from above hitting such a small Target while flying at high speed is actually pretty tricky eventually though we manage it and take our just reward once we grab the 100 Coin Star the course is now 100 complete which adds 4 stars to our total if this seems disjointed then sorry this is just the order I got these stars in back up on the second floor wet dry world has a lot more secrets in store five of them actually the first two secrets are no problem since all you have to do is push boxes the other three secrets were what worried me since they're all inside hard to blocks the solution turned out to be balloon Mario with his incredible floating Powers he can reach this block containing the Third Secret and pound it from above he even gained momentum by bouncing off the invisible wall on the edge of the course to reach this mesh platform and the block containing the fourth Secrets this doesn't mean the entire problem is solved though since we still have block number five to go all the way down here it's too far away and too low to use balloon Mario since his time limit is too strict and it's too high to kickflip up to from the ground level what are we gonna do then well do you remember that warp we used to get the first star the warp takes us here which is close enough to the block that we could just fall onto it from above problem is I can't actually see the block from this platform it's too low to appear in the zoomed out camera view and I can't look far enough down in the close-up Cam that didn't stop me from repeatedly throwing myself off this ledge counting The Columns of bricks on the wall to aim until I hit my target then I just had to get to the dock where the stars spawned it's way too high to reach with a rollout flip and too far away to float to with balloon Mario so I raised the water level high enough to just swim to it I knew that water level mechanic would come in handy next up we have an Express Elevator to catch I knew this one was gonna be tricky since it involves speed and platforming when we touch the elevator it drops down and then Rises back up after a few seconds I already knew the elevator doesn't drop down to ground level so I'm gonna need to find another way to get onto it swimming up onto the platform might be an option but you move slower in water so I have to find the perfect balance that won't slow me down too much while still giving me enough water height to get on top of the elevator I could have just increased the water level and swam to this water switch but instead I took the cool path of barely reaching this platform with balloon Mario and Edge kicking up these platforms sometimes the hard and stupid way is more fun setting the water level is just the first step though we still need to actually swim onto the elevator within the time limit we've got to perfect our movement and swimming as much as possible if we want any chance of making it touch the elevator fall off the ledge immediately ground pound so we can fall faster turn around and swim under the elevator so it pushes us downwards then point and swim with perfect accuracy it may not have been the hardest star we've tackled but I genuinely had to think about how to get this one the next stars on the list are down in the flooded town but there's no way we can make any progress there this place very much expects you to jump and there's no easy ways around it like with the above area in this hellish Place Heath hoes don't exist and there are only two water switches one that drops the water level to its absolute minimum and one I can't even reach even the almighty balloon Mario can't help us here so what are we gonna do well when I laid out the rules I didn't bang glitches so it's time for minor programming errors to help us out in most games objects don't get rendered when the camera can't see them to save on performance no point in rendering stuff the player can't say after all in this game it also disables certain aspects of those objects like their collision and AI these blocks are a good example when you can't see them they don't exist now comes the last part of the puzzle if you're right next to a wall you can force the camera through the wall with the close-up cam if you exit the close-up cam right as the camera enters the wall it'll get stuck inside for a short time unable to see anything do this while standing on top of a block and you can follow through and end up inside the block where you can punch to push yourself out of bounds this is known as a block clip once we're out of bounds we have to be careful there's plenty of things that can go wrong ranging from falling out of the stage entirely and dying to somehow missing the water and breaking our back in the tunnel no points for guessing if you can get back out once we're properly in the water we discover something interesting the town isn't even loaded in if you're swimming through the tunnel like a good boy it's supposed to unload the upper area and then load the town and all its objects while you're swimming through it don't worry we can break this rule too we just have to swim close enough to the tunnel to touch the invisible loading zone to get the town to appear while being careful not to get too close and pop back inbounds by the way don't try to explore too far even though the town is invisible and unloaded its Collision still exists and you can get trapped inside the Phantom town if you get too close spooky once you learn how to swim outside the bounds of reality you can load the town while staying out of bounds and there's one star we can easily get to this way we can swim around the cage to grab this star from behind completely skipping the need to use Luigi's invisibility power boy breaking the fabric of space and time is exhausting grabbing 100 coins really wasn't that bad after that with the help of all the blocks everywhere and the blue coin switch with four more stars under our belt for a total of 58 it's time to head back to a stage that's been haunting me for a while big booze hot you might remember me bringing it up earlier and glossing over it there's a reason for that I went in here not once not twice but three times before I left with a single star what's the reason well busting these ghosts wasn't a problem it's what came right afterward these stairs I tried setting up while they were rising up but I quickly found out that wasn't happening since I'd only get one try at it before needing to reset the level and hunt down the ghosts again if I was gonna get up these I'd have to do it while they were stationary the first time I entered I couldn't even get past the first step with such a limited space the second time I could get up the steps with Edge kicking but couldn't climb the final step on the third attempt though I was determined to find a way to make it all the way up as you can see we have very little room to work with as you might already have realized bumping into a wall during a slide kick prevents us from flipping out of it there's also an actual wall preventing us from Edge kicking our way up like we did with the other steps there is just barely enough room to pull off a slight kick recover if your timing and spacing are perfect but even that's not quite enough grabbing Ledges from straight on is very straightforward but the further away you're facing from the Lage the more height you'll need to make up for that this means that not only do we need a perfectly timed and perfectly spaced roll-up flip but it needs to be at the perfect angle too it was very difficult but eventually I nailed the perfect kickflip and got a gold star for my efforts I lost some of the footage but this took at least two hours of kicking stairs like an idiot until I fumbled my way up it was a little painful the second star on the other hand is easy just head down and kill more ghosts literally nothing to it the third star once you get up the stairs again also isn't too bad you can hit the books to solve the puzzle with punch punch kick combos easily that's also the last thing we're doing here why well someone decided to relocate one of the red coins all the way over here for the remake that would be hard to reach even if we wouldn't have to climb the stairs again every time we fail and don't even think about trying to get up to the balcony I think both of these are technically possible with tool assistance but I wanted to make progress with only my own skill unless I absolutely had to this also means we can't rescue Luigi since his level is on the balcony so I guess this means Luigi is just gonna be locked up forever now maybe trying to pick up that free Mansion was a bad idea if only this place had an elevator after remembering and doing a silver star mission in Snowman's Land which had a couple of tricky placements but nothing impossible and robbing the last toad in the castle of his most prized possession things started to look dire and I got a little desperate desperate enough to try to kill the whomp King again in fact destroying him seemed like a good idea since that would let me unlock the tower Star as well sadly using the platforms to pound his back hasn't gotten any easier since I tried it the first time I tried to get clever too and use the tricks I'd learned so far but they weren't especially effective I couldn't pull off the walk-off then immediately ground pound strategy without a box and unfortunately there's no box here anymore it's been removed from the DS version out of all the changes this remake makes to the original game design I'm still the most confused by this box being removed I even thought about using the Wing Cap or balloon Mario to attack but the only power-up Block in this entire stage contains nothing but bombs I guess he knew my strategy before even I do my strategy in hindsight I don't think these ideas would have been useful even if they did work but I was getting pretty desperate I spent two hours straight trying to beat him not once did I get more than one hit on him per attempt and his health resets every time the fight does at that point I decided I wasn't trying that one again unless I was completely out of options Snowman's Land still has more stars to check out although the main Igloo star is impossible because we don't have Luigi's Powers there are still red coins inside to grab of the DS version alongside the completely different layout even if it looks impossible we have all the tools we need you'd think the coins inside the inescapable freezing death water would stop us cold right Yoshi's tongue disagrees because its auto aim is strong enough to snag the underwater coinage from the very edge of these platforms the rest the coins are above water but some of them require bouncing on spin drifts these are the actually Dangerous Ones twirling makes you fall very slowly but it's really hard to control your momentum while twirling and bumping into a wall will send you crashing to the ground usually into the death water there are also only a limited number of spindrifts in the room so we have to use them wisely and carefully transporting them in Yoshi's mouth helps to make sure you get the right angle for the dangling coins 11 attempts later I was able to get all eight red coins in one life and get back to the star then I remembered there was a star in wamp's Fortress I could actually get there's so many coins there that you can easily get the 100 Coin Star even if you can't reach the blue coin switch honestly I have no idea why I didn't get this earlier there's also the 100 Coin Star in cool cool Mountain where you can get almost all the coins you need just by sliding despite its name dismounted did anything but treat us coldly it was actually pretty cool All Things Considered anyway there's a couple more stars I really can't blame myself for not getting earlier in hazy Mazy kafi it turns out you can get up to where the red coins are how well from this platform if you aim yourself just right and Sprint off the edge you can reach this platform climb the pole and have access to all eight red coins that way now this is easier said than done getting to this red coin platform is deceptively hard and you only have one shot at this if you fall you have to exit the chorus and try again once you get the red coins from the elevator you'll still need to use this anti-gravitational DDR pad to get the rest but it won't be your problem as long as you bring a character who can break these bricks so that's one star down but what's the other one would you believe me if I said the 100 Coin Star here was also possible it requires a very specific route first we need to start off as Yoshi little known fact about Yoshi's eggs not only do they auto aim at the nearest Target but they'll try to chain hits together if valid targets are nearby with the egg releasing its contents each time so if you make an egg out of something that has multiple coins like this box and get it to chain hits together you can get the coins from that box multiple times next we need to grab the Wario cap and repeat the same steps we use for the red Coin Star thankfully Wario's excess weight doesn't slow him down too much then just run around the entire course grabbing every single coin we possibly can I got about 90 coins then finished it off with a blue coin switch we actually can reach it was nicer than I thought once I managed to get the red coins in one go also I took damage from the gas while the game was saving the 100 Coin Star man weird challenges like to teach you weird things about the games you love sometimes there is also Snowman's Land of course which has plenty of coins up for grabs to make things a little easier I went for the igloo first there are plenty of coins inside and I'd rather get the deadliest place out of the way first when going for a 100 Coin Star once I made it out of the igloo that's bigger on the inside with my life the rest of the coins were no trouble at all as you might have already guessed though we are almost out of stars we could actually get we're pretty much out of courses too tiny huge island is still a bust and we can't reach a single one of the courses on the third floor because they're just too high up so what is there left to do are we just stuck so close to our goal actually no we're not but to explain why first we need to talk about the afterlife wait no I don't I just need to tell you about heaven and hell portals this is gonna get complicated but I'll try my best first of all there are several sliding States slide kicking diving slipping which is just diving but backwards and butt sliding one unique property all of these states share is that with the right conditions you'll snap down to the nearest floor beneath you how does the game test for a floor beneath you it uses a raycast basically it checks straight below you and reports the first floor it finds but what if it finds no floor at all this is much easier said than done since most areas have floors it also won't work in any area with lava or a death barrier which further limits the areas you can use this in however the third floor of the castle is one area you can use this in it's even got perfect spots to use this with since these stairs have glitchy Corners where it's possible to trick the game into thinking there's no floor beneath your feet if you were in a sliding state in an area where the game believes there is no floor beneath you you'll Warp however your timing has to be very specific for this to work if your timing is off you'll warp to the lowest possible position the DS can measure and immediately die from being below the stage boundary life is kind of cruel sometimes isn't it that's called a down warp if your timing is right you'll up warp that's a down warp with downward momentum which causes your position to underflow and become the absolute highest position the game can measure instead your positioning is also important once you've been up warped you'll keep traveling forward depending on which sliding State you're in in order to stop being upwards to the top of the stage there has to be a certain amount of Solid Ground beneath you for the game to recognize you should be falling if that condition is satisfied you'll stop warping and start falling from the very top of the stage this is called a heaven portal and it lets you do midi wonderful things so what's a hell portal well that's what happens if there isn't enough Solid Ground beneath you you'll never stop up warping stuck in a black abyss until you press a and accept your death okay hopefully I didn't put you guys to sleep right there in case you want to know more about how this works there should be a card in the upper right directing you to a video from Josh 65536 this is the video I use to learn about how this trick works myself and trick in far more detail than I just did if you're wondering how hard this is to actually pull off it took me two hours to get a heaven portal to work and take me to where I wanted to go I could use this to skip straight to Bowser in the sky but I really wanted to meet my goal of getting 80 Stars beforehand so I tried to land behind the mirror in the Snowman's Land room instead to rescue Wario normally you need Luigi and his special invisibility power to get in there but there's no need for him when you can break basic laws of physics and reality instead once you're there you have to guess where you are and feel around for a door inside not only do we have another secret star under our belt but we can head back in and load the room properly on the wrong side of the mirror now it's finally time to head inside Wario's pet the painting is just barely too high to reach the painting is just barely too high to reach it took me this long to be stopped by a painting being one centimeter too high I couldn't believe it I had to try a few more times before I confirmed that yes this painting is too high to get into by the smallest possible amount we got a star out of this trip but we weren't able to get Wario this way he'd let us get several extra stars but he's just out of our reach it was certainly worth a shot though I was a little demoralized but I headed back to a star that also deserved another shot last the stone pillar in Jolly Roger Bay I had done research and found out this star was possible I just had to actually pull it off we have no chance with a straight shot but what if we fire straight up into the air and try to land right on the platform this requires a perfect shot not just to have the right amount of distance but also to avoid bogging on the inconveniently placed invisible wall it's really hard to aim so far away from your target I resorted to moving the Cannon as far up as possible then counting every single tap on the d-pad to move it down several concussions later I was able to make the perfect shot and bring our total up to 71. but Where Do We Go From Here using a heaven portal to enter courses would be incredibly difficult and I didn't feel like I stood much chance at any of the courses I couldn't enter especially since tick tock clock and Tiny huge island would require another heaven portal to enter every single time but if I could use a heaven portal to enter those courses why can't I use a heaven portal to enter the Wario painting from above it will be very difficult because I need to touch the invisible warp inside the painting from above but it will be possible for this at the request of someone who watched this live I decided to use a safe state to save time I live streamed this whole run on Twitch by the way it would have been entirely possible to do this without it but it likely saved me hours of time I would have spent repeatedly kicking this one glitchy corner and falling to my death looking for Wario's invisible sweet spot do you guys still feel like this is legit I'd like to hear how you guys feel about it I recorded this footage quite a while ago I feel like if I did this now I wouldn't have used a Save State anyway after a lot of tries I managed to hit the precise spot I needed to fall right into Chief chili challenge this course isn't painless to navigate jumpless but getting into it was infinitely harder than getting through it I can tell you that much most of the platforming here can be solved with good kickflips and being very cautious on the ice there is another Pond of inescapable icy death water but I avoided it completely by sheer luck without even realizing the danger I was in these moving ICE platforms were tricky to navigate but all you need is a little good timing Chief Chile himself likely very confused that I got here couldn't pose much of a threat since all we have to do is punch him off the edge of the platform three times and now we have officially unlocked Wario without unlocking Luigi first he may not be able to jump I mean look at him does he look like he's jumped recently but he should open up a few more stars to us first we can grab the jet stream star in Jolly Roger Bay this one was slightly more complicated than you'd expect metal Wario can't slide kick or dive underwater and will be pushed away from the Star if he tried to wait underneath it so we'll have to improvise even though underwater momentum physics will fight us pretty hard it is possible to have metal Wario Land right on top of the star to get it that way not too hard once I adapted to the underwater control next up is cool cool Mountain where we can finally use Wario's incredible way to shatter the ice and open up the switch star making it in time requires some risky Maneuvers but it's far from impossible Big Boost heart has a star switch hidden underneath black bricks which Wario can break the timer for this one is a lot more strict but Wario can still make it with only a second to spare next we can backtrack to shifting sand land for another star switch blocked by black bricks easy to get in time if you just use the teleporter getting that also opens up the last star of shifting sand Lane which requires us to get silver stars inside the pyramid getting up the pyramids as tricky as ever but we don't have any problems grabbing them once we do there's even something opened up in dire dire docks a new star switch was added once again requiring Wario to break black bricks and beat an easy timer you'd think we could get the jet stream star in this course as well but I couldn't get Wario over to the power-up Block it's blocked by these metal fences we can't get on top of and I couldn't find any way around them I'm definitely not climbing this brick staircase with a super tight time limit using Wario that's for sure if only he knew how to jump okay we're up to 77 stars and just about out of options what else can we do what other stars are even available here's one I bet you guys forgot and that I forgot about two until now in this remake rabbits show up sometimes handicap keys to unlock midi games when you catch them but very rarely in place of a rabbit you've already caught you'll find a glowing White Rabbit instead that doesn't have a key Cheapskate instead the game tells you how many white rabbits you have left to catch it took a little time and little research on what makes them spawn but I was able to catch all eight and get a special key this opens the white carpet door in the character select area which doesn't lead to our boy Waluigi but it does lead to a secret star I would have preferred Waluigi but a star is a star alright 78 Stars only two more the best option left was Wing Mario Over the Rainbow I can get here easily with a heaven portal and there's two stars I can get here simple right by this point I have practiced enough with this glitch that it took me a lot less than two hours to hit my mark now that we're inside though what are we supposed to do we can't make it to any of the platforms with just a rollout flip and we can't make use of the Wing Cap without a cannon to help us thankfully the solution is very simple we just need to enter the level as Yoshi hit the power block to make a flower appear and then use the Mario cap to grab it as Mario and Float over to this platform normally that block only spawns feathers for Mario but still spawns flowers for everyone else balloon Mario saves the day once again really should be thankful for his presence now that we're here we can use this Wario cap and break this black brick for an easy star just one left with only one left I tried to grab the red coins but I ended up bonking and getting thrown down from heaven I started my ritual of kicking the Glitchy Corner hoping to get the right timing to try again when I remembered one star I completely forgot about this whole time the other cap stages are still in this remake we can't get into vanish cap under the mode because we can't pound these pillars but I completely forgot about the metal cap chorus behind the waterfall hidden within hazy Mazy KV this place has two stars one that we can't get because we need to float upwards with balloon Mario and the original one that just requires the red coins with Wario's metal power we can grab the underwater coins and the final star we need for the big Edo that is officially an optional challenge completed I don't think we're going to find an optional challenge to top that one for a very long time with the required 80 stores we can head up the endless stairs the normal way to confront Bowser he's the one who redesigned that Igloo to be filled with inescapable deadly water he is the one who made those nearly impossible stairs in big booze hot that haunted me for so long and worst of all he is the one who moved that Wario painting up by one centimeter so he couldn't flip inside I think it's time to give him the rest of our complaints isn't it of course he won't make it so easy he knows our weaknesses front to back by this point the first part of the stage isn't so bad in fact we can even get this timer star bringing our total up to 81. nice not long after that though is when we hit a wall this wall to be exact which is too high to climb with no nearby objects to help and we can't get up from this rotating elevator either it doesn't take long to figure out that he's finally hit our true weakness vertical Heights too high for our rollout flip with nothing to help us fast no objects no weirdly climbable slopes and no alternate paths have we really run into a truly impassable wall right you know the drill by now there is something we can do first we need to throw Mario out the door he's not gonna be of any use to us here you know who will Yoshi Bowser knew that though so you can't legitimately enter this level with anyone besides Mario good thing the top of the stairs is just a heaven portal away this is why getting a Stars was an optional objective by the way I could have done this as soon as I had 50 stars to my name along the way I somehow ended up in wet dry world well at least I found a way to get the highest water level jumpless we do have to feel around to get into the Bowser opening but it's nothing we're not familiar with once we're in we have to abuse Yoshi's tongue to its fullest the only objects in this part of the stage that could possibly be useful are Goombas but we're gonna make them work like you've never seen before this next part is the most difficult thing I had to do throughout this entire run by far and I'd like to give credit to the jumpless slash B button challenge Community because I never would have thought of this you might already know that Goombas give you a small bounce when you land on them and stop the kind of thing you'd think about in normal play but you can imagine how useful that might be but those Goombas are way too far away to actually be useful right that's where Yoshi comes in he can eat a Goomba spit it out and then bounce on it afterwards that's still not enough distance to get anywhere yet we need to escort this Goomba all the way over to where it needs to be by repeatedly eating it and spinning it back out it's gross but necessary it's also much much easier said than done because so many things can go wrong once you've spit the Goomba out it's incredibly fragile if you touch it it will immediately die if it touches another enemy it dies if it's out of Yoshi's mouth for more than three seconds sayonara and if it's in Yoshi's mouth for too long he'll turn it into an egg and we can't use it anymore not to mention if you spin it off the edge of the stage it will never be seen again with all this in mind it's hard to even get it past this rotating platform this amp keeps circling the platform ready to hit the Goomba at the worst possible time and we have gapsed across too remember we can't slide kick with the Goomba in our mouth trying to crouch will cause Yoshi to immediately swallow whatever's in his mouth unless it's fire I guess even Yoshi has standards after spitting the Goomba a ways further we encounter this seesaw platform now I have to talk about a little more technical stuff don't worry this is the last time most objects in this game have an activation radius if you're not inside it some parts of the object will deactivate for platforms like this seesaw their Collision also deactivates because of that if we try to spit the Goomba right onto it the Goomba will fall through because we're not within the radius the only way to solve this problem is to build up a y charge press a direction on the d-pad to start running spit out the Goomba and immediately slide kicked across the Gap and enter the activation radius before the Goomba falls through while also changing your direction to make sure you don't touch the Goomba along the way can you believe that's even harder than it sounds this was also when I started using save states for this stage I built up a bunch of lives to try to do this legitimately but I resorted to save states once I was out of lives honestly I would have been able to get up to this point without them but everything past this point no way mostly because our Goomba escort is not over yet if we can get the Goomba onto the rotating elevator platforms we might be able to bounce off it and reach the higher ledge problem is we have to get it onto the elevator platforms from this seesaw even with save states this was an absolute nightmare to do every single thing about your execution must be perfect in every way your timing must be perfect the seesaw's position must be perfect your position must be perfect the rotating platform's position must also be perfect you have to execute your slide kick and roll out flip perfectly to follow the Goomba and the blue moon has to happen on Friday the 13th well maybe not that last part if you get a single thing wrong you'll lose the Goomba and if I wasn't using save states I'd have to start this entire process over from the beginning needless to say I lost track of how many tries this took me either the Goomba would have too much speed and Escape From Me Not Enough speed so it didn't make it to the platforms not enough height so it also didn't make it to the platforms or I'd end up making a mistake with my inputs but after literally hundreds of tries I managed to go fast enough for the Goomba to reach the platforms and not fall through but slow enough that I was able to swallow the Goomba again before it bounced out of my reach once you've gotten that far you just have to spit it into the corner of the rotating platform and time your kick flip well enough to bounce up to the ledge honestly I'm not sure what I did right several times I got up but couldn't grab the ledge because I was facing away but this time somehow Yoshi changed Direction in midair to grab the ledge I don't even know how that works all I know is I'm taking it once we finish our dinner date with our Goomba friend we have a little breather the next section doesn't pose any major problems for once it's actually pretty peaceful until we make it up to this pole I wasn't sure what I was gonna do but turns out there is a way past this as well when you release a pole with the R button you get a little bit of the momentum you were climbing the pole with if you were still moving up when you let go it's pretty tight but a near Perfect Pull release can get you up here safe and sound I wonder if I could have gotten one of the volcano stars and lethal lavalaye with this technique the next Gap is really scary you have to make it to the pole then let go and hope Yoshi successfully grabs the ledge Yoshi's not good at grabbing moving Ledges but it does work eventually once you're past this one final set of elevator platforms you have one final obstacle in Your Way the final pipe is on top of this irritating set of Ledges you can get up onto the ledges but grabbing the edge of the pipe doesn't seem possible good thing there are some convenient Goomba trampolines right here we do have to spit them into the perfect spot and nail our timing but we can bounce our way up to the final pipe that way and finally meet Bowser face to face Bowser doesn't have any cruel tricks left to pull on us now that we're fighting him one on one we made it past the most Relentless Gauntlet he could possibly throw at us so the worst thing he can throw at us now is shockwaves that are mildly tricky to dodge this fire breath's even nice enough to give us a Mario cap to fight him with compared to the stage we just went through throwing Bowser around felt like pure stress relief in no time at all we give him our final thoughts on what he just put us through and send him packing for good then we grab this giant star that counts as zero Stars Peach probably comes out of the window and credits roll this challenge is officially complete eight and we even managed one of our optional objectives although we couldn't find a way to free Luigi in the end I guess King Boo's gonna have his way with Luigi forever alright I had another outro written but I just wanted to thank anyone who watched this far from the bottom of my heart this is the longest video I've made after all and it's been the most difficult challenge so far in terms of the actual challenge itself and the process of turning it into a video don't worry I've got ideas for future videos and they'll definitely come out faster than this one maybe even another undertale run inspired by a comment I received my favorite part of the Run was probably when dry rolled in the different strategies I had to use for each star but there were plenty of contenders for that spot someday I'll see if I can find a challenge that Tops This one hopefully with your guys's help I'll manage it if you've actually watch this far you're probably a fan so I'll plug some stuff here I have a Twitter that I haven't used for a while it's a little dusty but hey I should try using it more often and I also have a Discord server where I'm a little more active and you can find links to both of those in the your description anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed the video Hit clip into the cars to see more weird challenges like this and throw Bowser into the Subscribe button if you want to keep up with whatever weird things I end up doing next until then I'll see you guys next time on the reptile Rumble [Music] thank you
Channel: NovemberJoy
Views: 46,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, how, to, live, commentary, novemberjoy, novjoy, november, joy, can, you, beat, can i beat, is, it, possible, super, mario, 64, ds, jumpless, no, jumping, abc
Id: FG2y6Q49gEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 47sec (4307 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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