TRIPLICATION! TRIPLE THE ITEMS! :: Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Mod Spotlights

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hey everybody welcome back to another binding of issac mod spotlight video we're looking at triplication which is a custom challenge made by the evil pickle and if I know a thing about evil pickle mods is that the good mods so what is triplication basically we're going to get triple the items but we're also gonna have triple the enemies it's that simple I've been loving doing the random custom challenges in the game and this is no exception I mean I can't really random this right here so I'm just gonna play a run that I want to play which is a cane run cane is slowly getting up there on my favorite characters in the game so we're gonna get a pop of fly here and a bucket of lard and then we're also going to get holy crap ok so the triple enemies is no joke that was indeed triple the enemies in this room now they're easy enemies for sure but it's still tripling it's still hard we get a leech we get stompy we get Virgo we get is triple of everything man I love it it's so good okay all right give me the triple the guppy item there's gonna be three of those guys aren't there maybe it's like a chance for things to be tripled when you go into a room I got no idea we're gonna play through this obviously and see what we can get I mean that was horrible but it worked out okay oh my god dude there's gonna be so many enemies in some of these rooms I'm actually like already completely frightened about this run there's so many flies oh jesus lord is gonna be frightening I love it though dude go check this out it's in the link in the description you can go play ah the same exact mod as me right now we're gonna be trying to play some more custom challenge mods over the next couple of mod spotlights just because these are really fun like I honestly really do enjoy these do we really need a high-gloss room the answer duck bosses are doubled - I want to go to the hush fight oh we can't go to the hush but it's all goes to mom okay double mom though that that's also frightening ah I'm sure we'll figure it out though we'll use this high-gloss rune in a room with a lot of rocks that I'm too lazy to step on all of them it's probably the best way of doing it uh he just spawned another one oh it's probably because this is replication we actually got to fight three bosses but at least he's nice and he doesn't put all three of them in the room at the same time you're too kind honestly I was just a slap in the frickin face that fight three bosses though do we get triple the boss items though if we do then this becomes pretty easy in all honestly I do think that maybe the difficulty is going to scale how we do the difficulty is going to scale in the wrong direction on this run I think we're gonna reach a point where we are getting more powerful than the game can handle because the club can't even handle me right now die Nana nanana Nana Tana nobody a Flo Rida person look Flo Rida is not good at literally anything he does but he's still an okay guy you know what I think of rap Flo Rida's not even simply close to the first person that comes to mind but he had a few bangers you know Club can't handle me is up they're here right haggle eyes y'all happy get two bombs out of it I'm happy you're happy we all happy what else did flo rida through i'm gonna be honest with you i'm struggling to find a single other Flo Rida song out there besides club can't handle me I know he did all their stuff but I mean this is beautiful right here when you have a club can't handle me who cares I'm not even saying the club can't handle me is a good song it's really not compound fracture is really good x-ray vision is okay and charming the vampire is God frickin awful so works out fine for me I'm going to very simply attempt to at least blow up some of these I know that I could just step on that's that's not the plan buddy if that's even your real frickin name Flo Rida speed up tears up speed down alright you know there's times where you're not gonna be three for three there's one thing's for certain we don't need HP on this run oh we got more HP the club can't even handle all of the HP that I have right now it also can't even handle me right now the sooner watching me I go around I'm gonna be on with you I don't have the slightest clue what he says in that next verse the club can't even handle me right now the sooner watching me I go all round it's like okay flo rida show a little bit buddy I always love songs that have lyrics that for the longest time you think that I is one thing but then you actually look up the lyric oh well I mean yeah that makes a lot more sense than hula blue it's like for instance my dad dated someone okay my dad is happily married to my mother but my dad dated somebody in the high school college probably college and that was back in the Stone Age when Electric Avenue was actually a song that people listened to and he said that this chick thought the lyrics to the song were you gonna rock down to electrical Bannu and that's one of those times where I'm sure when she found out it was Electric Avenue okay first of all if you've heard the song Electric Avenue you're gonna like there's no way you don't know oh that it's Electric Avenue I think that's one where they're pretty like they're pretty clear with what they're saying so that's why that story is funny but I when you think about it what makes you think that in any way shape or form electrical Bannu is what they're saying dark Prince's crown is not that good is what I'll say right now we do get the tiers upgrade from the screw and blood clot is not bad either either either Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers but uh it's okay the runs still good I'm having a good time because we're having a good time having a good time you're a shooting star crashing by like Lady Godiva he's got a role role old there's no stopping me he's burning through the sky 200 degrees this room is absolute BS please we were moving at the speed of light and then we got hit with a crappy room nnnnnn it don't stop me now okay dude some of these rooms are like they're screaming what is this room do screaming piles of BS dude the cries of the unknown echo in the distance it's freakin horrible okay we find and we back and we good I can understand and maybe the difficulty is going to still just totally fine maybe I was uh under estimating the power here I'll take mystery gift pop it out him thanks so much the poop is just you know it's the poop that's for sure we saw is right there in your crawlspace I'll give me a good item Oh triple shot I like it me likey it's triple shot good and people argue that I know one thing for sure triple shots fun and I'm going to enjoy having you on this runs gonna make a run more interesting I will pop this great ad no room bag though which is also very incredibly good we did not find our item room either we obviously want to go back for that three items is no joke I do realize that I believe yeah we have a double Bighorn in here and there's probably gonna be a third one that comes shortly after that's a lot of these stupid hands going everywhere and this is a fight that I never really wanted to here's the third one this is a fight I never really wanted to have tripled Bighorn the one that I actually like would rather just die and then do is triple stain if anybody can think of something worse than that I mean triple bloat I suppose is also up there triple sister this would be horrible because there would be six of them in the that would be awful this is a beautiful array of items right there question mark question mark question mark tears down I just slapped me in the face while you're at it might be more beneficial use of my time than popping those three pills I suppose everything comes in a threes huh that was only two pills though joke kind of lost all of its value right there our damage is like real freaking nice though and triple shots still fun we get ourselves of tears up which is exactly what I needed it's just what I needed I don't know I'm in a sing song a song song mood because I basically went to a lab and then jammed out in my car for uh five minutes driving from my apartment to campus place um buy buy buy buy in sync played some do the jitterbug buy oh lord I don't even remember who the hell wake me up before you go goes by besides the fact that I do it's by Wham it is Wham it is Wham yeah definitely Wham George Michaels awake me yeah before you go go don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo that's one of those lyrics we're only in the nine they're only in like seventies what the hell that song about only in the 70s is a lyric like that acceptable you know they're sitting they take a big hit from the bong and they go dude we should name the song wake me up before you go-go and then we're gonna ride oh yeah right what is this room and then we're gonna write go go with yo yo then they all went dude and then they went with it that's how I picture the writing of wake me up before you go-go goin I did just say gogo going wake me up before you go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go there's a lot of people are just like I don't even know what any songs are Tyler I was doing a lab rapport with my friend okay it was the lab that I just went to and at one point I brought out I got made a bad joke I put it on Twitter as well you can go follow me on Twitter link in the description made bad joke about how the band NSYNC has a I should not have taken that yet no one mom's knife it's gonna ruin my fun synergy by mad joke about how in sync has a little asterisk before their name so they're a pointer for those of you the no C language it's a bad programming joke I understand that I hated myself for even recognizing it but I brought it up to him cuz we take a programming course together and and I was like dude in sync is a pointer and he looked at me and he went who's in sync and my mind was blown oh my god dude what is this oh my guys like beautiful give me all the items now how the hell do you only get one a mystery sack period okay it's gonna say hell do you only get one item out of that you had to have gotten at least one other in there yeah you know what we're gonna rock Tammy's head but how the hell do you not know in sync bye bye bye bye bye and if you don't know anything like basically just try and find the Backstreet Boys if you know the Backstreet Boys you know insane there's a lot of 90s fanboys that are gonna scream at me right now all Tyler's at stole not true Backstreet Boys were so much better than in sync or then sync was ten times better than Backstreet Boys look bye I was born in the 90s not at a time you know where I actually knew what an incredible room right here I'm not actually in a time where I knew any 90s music because I would have been like - we did actually get the triple so service this is disgusting I I don't really care about in sync I don't really care about Backstreet Boys you can have your opinions I'll respect all of them but fact of the matter is I don't get she is Lauren [ __ ] no matter is I don't give a damn about any of that I do give a damn that people don't know who in synced it's kind of like you know if somebody called themselves an avid basketball fan okay and then they were like oh I really think that uh Oscar Robertson deserves to be in the top 10 all-time because the average triple-double in 1974 I actually don't know if that's correct but he ever do triple-double somewhere in there and then you'd be like yeah I mean Oscar Robertson is pretty good but I personally think the Michael Jordan is better and then them going oh who's Michael Jordan it's like I mean dude there's an issue here if you don't know who Michael Jordan is now why the hell do you know who Oscar Robertson is now this scenario kind of falls apart when I mentioned that my friend is also musically challenged and doesn't know any bands from beyond like 2005 but I'm not dude people that don't know in sync you've lost all my trust it's just like people that can't recite every word to Billy Joel's piano man sing us a song you're the piano man I'm gonna so do this sing us a song tonight because we're all in the mood for a melody you've got us feeling alright dananananana if you don't know every word you've just gone in my book sorry not sorry we can't be friends and if you're sitting here and you go Tyler what if I've never heard Billy Joel's piano man then do me a freakin favor right now close this video if you could still hear me then you've already like not followed the instructions close the video reopen the video I'm so gonna kill myself right here turn into dank Judas and we're also going to allow bumbo to go get every coin this man could ever want in that other room if that's a year Arun we're about o son of a gun anyway don't listen to Billy Joel's piano man come back tell me that's not an anthem for the average American man it's just it's such a beauty many you don't know that I actually do play piano I have in a very long time simply because it's pretty difficult to fit a piano in an apartment I understand their keyboards yes I'm not paying for a keyboard right now in my young expensive college career but I used to be able to play Billy Joel's piano man I'm sure you can just picture me jamming out on piano singing us a song you're the piano man a fantastic song I really do encourage everybody Billy Joel any of his stuff only the good die young banger big shot none no you had to be a big shot did ya banger uh one of the bangers are there there's so many bangers scenes from an Italian restaurant I I already said only the good die young but it's still a banger all my life for the longest time a whoa whoa dodo for the longest time banana oh oh whoa whoa I wonder if Golden Horseshoe gives a chance to have six items I have no idea I'm just gonna go down I do still want to kill myself I would prefer to do it on a dealio with the belly Oh Oh wake me up before you go-go but uh we'll see what happens there's still a long run ahead of us and by that I mean we're literally on the last floor of the run it's kind of uh you know that's okay I will say I was pretty correct here now we did get like some pretty good items but I feel like the difficulty of this mod scales are negatively exponentially I think it does get pretty easy over time but this doesn't change the fact this is a pretty fun mod to play solely because you just can collect some weird funky synergies and who doesn't love weird funky synergies because I'm gonna be honest with you I love weird funky synergies these are all bad I will take them because I care about the well-being of the items but they're all bad I'm also probably gonna do boss rush just because why wouldn't I we got don't have black poop you think I give a damn about black OOP I've loved die right here so just like it's gonna be really difficult for me to die at this point what was that room did anybody just see that that was too many of those dudes I am gonna kill myself to come back with like four more damage than I have right now will it make any impact whatsoever on my run in all honesty probably no it's also gonna ruin by the old to battle chance but I'm honestly down a mat bound I'm gonna fight mom I still don't know if he's gonna be toward it does appear like there are there are another there's another door over there it's a yeah yeah there's one gun but this is weird I'm gonna be honest with you I don't like this there's one more after this isn't there no we're done okay we'll take this take the negative take this go in here take these kill yourself on the fire say goodnight to life come back to life as thank Judas pop the guys come in here anything of value I mean the zodiac maybe did I really just take dark for a freaking bum friend out of all those yes I did don't insult my buddy bum friend don't worry I hate him as much as you do it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect everybody deserves respect okay respect your elders I'm your elder probably not though most of you are probably older than me except for you Dylan I see you you're you're 12 you should not be watching the binding of issac yet this game is morbid and you've been warned doing okay why am i doing boss rush I am mainly it's to artificially extend this run because it's a 20-minute run and I know how you people feel about videos that are less than 20 minutes and I want to make sure that we have have enough content for you guys to not scream at me that I'm only choosing mods that artificially keep the run to a normal length and therefore I can create more which then punches out more videos which means more views which means more money for me that's not in the slightest what I'm trying to do I just wanted to play the triplication mod I blame it you know the clown thing from the new movie Tyler it's actually based off of a book by Stephen King I understand my friend that's a great book I've never read it we're gonna get that's not the spawn transformation I think we already got this one transformation anybody got a clue of how the hell we get out of here it says you only need to go to Mom's foot but I've broken the matrix so down I go will the run ever stop nobody knows at this point I think I maybe did actually break the matrix and we're at a point where I mean the runs just gonna go on who knows we might have a trophy at the end of this floor and what do I know we're just gonna play I'm here to play Isaac and get paid and I'm all out of money is dim-bulb the best Rinka for us the answer is absolutely and then bald was great we can't actually keep it uh keep it active but we're going to do that instead and then the basically popped Annie's head as soon as we enter the room and then we have it ready to go it's like a pretty good strategy a did I just shorten strategy to strat after freaking Lully got these PAH no other guppy items though there are about 65 pills in this room and a bunch of them are speeds ups speeds ups speeds ups blink rune I will pop Guppies paw I will take Tammy's head I still think Tammy's head is the better item for us it's a mad amount of damage Plus let's be honest like we already beat the challenge so anything we do right now is just extended extra it's time I'm trying to Phil is all so whatever I do here I mean I'm not doing any wrong decision I've already made enough right decisions for today this room is very strange Bombo go ahead buddy eat them coins enjoy all right infested infested don't think so buddy the following there's gonna be like 16 fallens in this room I love having multiple enemies that split into multiple enemies I do love that it gave me three deal with the dental items that's pretty dope I mean sure head on down hey I don't know if this is just bugged and it's supposed to end or what but I kind of like the fact that it's continuing makes my life a lot easier to artificially extend runs most of time I wouldn't care I still actually don't care a short run makes life easier on me less rendering time everything about it's actually better but y'all liking long runs there's some of you that are like oh I like short runs because I'm the loser and don't have time to watch you but there's some people where long runs are their jam cuz there ain't no hollaback girl there ain't no hollaback girl I was a lot of mom hands we're old my run why not sadly no not today heard you say not today turn the music up put my windows down open now heard your voice there's no choice though winds are getting slower and I don't actually know any of the words to that imagination song from the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory featuring oh what the hell is that guy's name rest in peace but what the hell is that guy's name uh wow I'm actually totally blanking his name is on the tip of my tongue I promise you I not Meryl Streep oh why Meryl Streep was the first thing in Conan Diamond and Gene Wilder Gene Wilder all respect to the man gene himself that's a double it lives and didn't realize how much I never wanted to deal with that until this very moment we're not gonna do the hush fight cuz that actually scares the crap out of me so we're just gonna head bound instead and we're going to enjoy a nice land in Sheol that went extraordinarily well beautiful is that a year Arun it is a year rim what the Frick frack crack is whack do we do with a year of room I believe I believe I believe we are going to use it on the darkroom if that is a thing that we can do and stuff in things it probably is I mean we definitely can and if we end up getting uh if we end up getting triple those chests on the first room of the darkroom and then we end up having so that'll be four times three is twelve this 24 chests that end up being there you gotta imagine that we're gonna get Goffe out of there right the chance of not getting Guffey is like greater than you get like the chance of getting got B is greater than not getting Guffey in that scenario maybe I could just be totally wrong this was an abnormal number and ghosts in this room I don't like these dudes when there's not triple of them and that's a lot of these guys too it really helps that our damage is so freakin good right now I mean 23 damage is pretty legit triple poly cephalus makes me want to commit these guys also are not high on my list of things I want to deal with any of these tears ups speed up what a Vyasa - I don't think we can get a greater tears up and we already hit or a greater speed up than we already have take those take this is not anywhere close to a Seeger room I don't even know why I placed a bomb and just run on back we know we're going this way I mean we're literally right here hello my friends bang bang beautiful and Satan time so this is going to be a lot of fallens no there's gotta be one normal Satan fight it's kind of fine by me I'm being honest beautiful and down we go I'll take my speed up and leave and now it's time to hear our lives away pray for triple chests and no triple chests double chest instead deal devil dead cat it's actually a must and then we're praying for one more gothy item no Gups no gups ripperoo ski tears down I'd really do not desire that in the absolute slightest I mean not gonna lie this room is actually just complete utter BS why you're actually kidding me right is this how these rooms are gonna go they're just gonna be actually physically impossible because this is gonna piss me off really fast if that's how a lot of these rooms go I will say what an amazing pick up by having piercing shots now triple monstro to where there were already two in the room fun fun and fancy free for sure I'm going to black rude I have nothing to black room I picked up all those items I suppose that is my bad sure I will black room those I got a speed up triple Mega fatties also real poor boys there's like ten of them in this room anybody got there is actually like 15 mega fatties in this room you this is just like a moving prey kind of scenario there's no there's no way to ensure I don't die this is yeah just what I thought I'd seen everything the 15 mega fatty room that takes a freaking cake buddy holy viñoly this many Dark One's is also horrible it's less horrible but it's still real bad I want a per throw and then I want two per throw up looking at those two items I should take mom's eyeshadow because it is a tear to lay down it did not affect our tear stat at all and pardon me cool real happy about that I love beans beautiful 15 little horns cool Chinese and freaking dark rooms brutal man there is some brutality going on here it is the triple stain that I wanted it's too bad we're gonna freakin destroy them before they even have a chance to bite us the beam well it would do to Lally do it allow the gallery what a day where should I use perthro uh in then we got rid of all those items I will just keep her throw triple wretched this might not be horrible except for that part where I'd passed away slowly it could have gone worse Tammy's head and piercing shots is saving my ass just want to point that out proptosis is incredible perthro those I'm in tech two is a really bad idea so I think the correct move is to pretend that that's not a thing and not take it I hate this room as well this chest was a lot sketch I was having a nice day and then six little Bighorns showed up in this room I was having a nice run nice day before coming down to the chest this crap got difficult darkroom whatever that is it's all the same it's oh the same the only the leaves will change every day it seems we're wasted away I love how much it melts enemies though all right take a dog tooth get this show on the road double lamb it's a double freaking death on a stick you tried so hard and got so far but in the end it don't even matter that was the triplication mod a lot of fun I enjoyed it you can go enjoy it too by looking at the link in the description down below thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy remember smack that like button I'll see you guys next time bah bah [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 70,178
Rating: 4.6854334 out of 5
Keywords: video, games, indie, gameplay, commentary
Id: yuYnRobbqfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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