GUESS WHO'S BACK, BACK, BACK :: Modded Isaac: Rotation Streak :: 3

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[Music] hello there everybody welcome on back to the modern rotation streak it's Kane day the day of Cain Cain's a character here's the seed a 0 X 3 T 4 33 I'm not gonna make a sentence there's too many numbers someday we will get the most beautiful sentence on this side of the nuthouse but for right now you're gonna like my nose sentences and you're gonna deal with it uh hey guys doing I'm doing good Kane is a good character I enjoy playing as Kane for a multitude of reasons first of all four point two zero damage blaze it excellent starting damage on a character starting with paper clip ah one of my favorite trinkets in the game also very good um shoots out of one eye looks dope with an eye patch these are all just personal things uh but all still the same Kane's a good character I like Kane a lion and there's a lot of opportunities to break a cane warm run wide open having brother Bobby's not one of the ways that we're gonna break a cane run wide open I'm gonna be honest with you but um I mean hey it's a good start I suppose there's a lot of items that we want to look for is Cain and a lot of things that you should know about Cain for how to optimize this play first of all anything that is impacted by luck you automatically have an advantage as Cain because he starts with a higher lock upgrade because of having luck foot so you want to uh you want to do your due diligence on things that require luck trying to make sure you get some lucky things going satisfy now whether that be arcades or just items that you know are impacted by a higher luck stat these are all positive things for your run so feel free to focus fire on those another great thing about Cain another great item is really going Guppies tail you know Cain is the kind of character where you probably want to go devil deals over angel deals even though he starts with some some lower HP done some other characters in the game but he benefits so greatly from an item like Guppies tail because having practically infinite you're gonna break and you're gonna make me cry so I'm being a little bit cautious here yeah I mean that's a really really lucky dodge is what I'll say about that and I will go in here and grab this rotting flesh and I will enjoy it for sure what are you osteo sarcoma it literally just it takes HP off of you I'll tell you that right now I'm assuming that eventually it does something odd depending or it's literally just an item to rip flesh off of you that seems a little bit unsightly if I'm being honest you know what I'll bite maybe this item is literally just a bone that hurts you I will continue to use it I will give this item its due diligence and I will see if it actually is this bad um it seems to be this bad but we'll see what happens obviously we would very strongly like a devil deal on this floor but I feel a little spooky right now in terms of our our run here this is not the greatest ever but a devil deal guppies tale changes everything having infinite golden chests that you can open forever because the paperclip is just it's too good to pass up man there's so many good items in the golden chest pool you know crits head Guppies head Abel you know so any good items that were listening right here so I will do what we can on this run we're looking for I don't know some good items cuz right now we're we're striking out I mean there's a heart that we can use to tear stuff off our flesh there's Bob's brain good item I mean I do I'm not being facetious is it is a good item I like this item got to be a little bit careful with it but Bob's brains got good intentions and we will use him to the utmost of his ability but boy oh boy um this isn't exactly the start that I wanted I was looking forward to a possible steamroll type run today and so far unless our devil deal ends up being you know straight from the health of heaven itself then we're looking at a little bit harder run then maybe I so expected here we're not doing revelations obviously because this run is on thin ice is what we'll say and not even the thin ice that's in the revelations floor is it's it's literally just it's a sketchy run so well do our best obviously bevel deal here is vitally important to our run but even still like some items we just can't take if given them cuz you don't have the HP to do so unless you give me a red heart here and then and then we're good but honestly I would prefer you just give me a spirit or a spirit heart or a calcium bones equals power it is technically a bone heart Wow it's friggin ghost baby this really blows I'm just gonna be real with you this really blows um I'm gonna go against what I said I I don't want to take that I mean that that's just a crappy item for us to waste our HP on if we're playing smart but and then it's not what we want to do here I'm really tempted to look up what this bone does because I'm not about to just like tear HP off myself for the entire run for no good reason you know if there's something that it eventually does then feel free I will do it but I may look this up I and see what he does the let's first grabbed this I don't get it man I really don't come in here 99 bombs now there is something I can get down with happy with that let's go that we do have a room down here this bad boy and obviously like the bed's not gonna do much we can bomb the carpet and at least possibly get a crawl space it's not a crawl spaces and take it down to the next floor well well sleep in this you know what I'm gonna look up osteosarcoma and then see what mod it's from and what he does and I will pause the game here so osteo sarcoma Isaac and we'll see if it comes up um let's try eternal items mod I'm assuming it's probably in their eternal item mod so far so nothing is there actually like is there not a there not a wiki for this mod I guess not I'd really love know what the items do okay you know what I'm searching on my phone right let me just open up a browser and search on this bad boy uh osteosarcoma I would love to know what mod this is from let's try Revelations I feel like it would have popped off if if it was this I'm searching I just like a chant I don't want to have a scenario where okay it's not in Revelations which means that unless it's in straw pack which I don't believe it is then that means this is an eternal items okay it is indeed eternal items so let's let's check out I have the mod descriptions here we go okay osteo it's literally not in here hold up I'm scanning I'm scanning it's a slow and steady process for sure um if it's not in here then I'm actually just like confused osteosarcoma always charged if Isaac has three or less red hearts removes half a red heart and gives an empty bone heart with a 10% chance if Isaac has more than three red hearts removes three red hearts and gives one empty bone heart okay okay um I can work with that that that's actually not as bad now that I know what it's actually doing because we can stack up a good amount of bone hearts and bone hearts are good they're not amazing but what they're good yeah I don't know it's not as good as I maybe think it is bone hearts are one thing but I mean we need a lot of red hearts to get bone hearts this kind of just seems like one of those things that is not going to it's not gonna super benefit us in the end and now we're gonna now we're just gonna re-roll it anyway so free and Yolo man uh we are Cain with Guppies tail who knew that in the end we would get we also had the best rate of fire on this earth uh oh my god we had the stupid pill oh we're gonna do this crap again hog game we're gonna do this crap again sure dude okay let's dissect our run right now high rate of fire still base damage I'm fine with it that's fine Duffy's tail excellent this is literally like what we wanted and then couldn't get I mean this is a god tier scenario wake me up creates this menagerie um I mean it's it's horrible for us but we can make it happen it's gonna give us double items keep that in mind dude these first three runs of the street sure are testing me they want to see me die I'm telling you that right now they want the series to end after five seconds there goes my bone heart Oh flippin well honestly it's not like we really in the end care and the nice thing is we still have a crapload of bombs because once you get them losing pyro doesn't take them away so I mean in the end we all run got better by reroll encodings that matter you know ingredient you know we're gonna get an extra heart here pretty much shortly if I'm being realistic oh my god this is horrible oh my god it's actually horrible stop some of these rooms dude they're really bad and we're still an angel deal territory which is weird bombs are gonna be the lifeblood of our run right now until we can get all my lord don't even think about it game we also have shrink shot shrink shots not very good in my opinion people can say what they want about it but using it effectively is is not the easiest thing on this earth stop you stop - thank you give me good stuff you know what I'm fine with it I'm fine with it because it's a bunch of HP and it's hard to be mad at that fishing rod um gives extra consumables occasionally I'm fine with that not going to hell world also known as the tomb plus I am an adorable fisherman so it's hard for me to even be pissed about this I'm frightened man I'm frightened having no range and having this crap it's unfortunate because we got to get real close to our real bunch enemies but it is what it is we made our bed we gotta lie in it and I'm fine with that I'm a man of consequences a man of taking risk you can't live life if you don't take risks he says while crying under his breath it's it's still horrible um I'd love to try to open this chest nice not as nice mine all you explode thank you one more boy thank you let's fight it's this stupid boy he's not that difficult there's worse bosses out there I will use bombs to make his life harder he's actually got a lot of HP as man is tanking my bombs I'm trying to keep even the remotest semblance of a double deal chance alive right now you're dead thank you we actually got one that's insanely lucky give me the goods oh my god okay okay how is it gonna work though I'll tell you what uh first things first I take that I kind of want the golden maracas but I feel like this is gonna be some kind of dope shot so the firmament it's all Matt we get all of them I can't get to it okay here's the deal you fight the angel okay that thing brought it like closer to me now I don't understand this item but we're gonna roll with it for right now um please drop the key if it a lot of guys drop a key okay you drop the key is not the key I needed though no I mean I mean we can't it's so good what we can boy angel deals are they're amazing on this run this thing does like great damage when enemies are in it is that what's going on yo it's actually lit this item is great I'm very conflicted with everything in life the games try to break me in food is all this boils down to keys if only I had them before can I get a joker card somewhere on this floor now I'm just begging for for weird crap I'm gonna take a sip of water I don't know where this runs going where did it come from where did it go where did my run go cotton eye Joe then Anna Nana now man any will open it why not sure dude double enemies in here why not one in doubt one in Rome do as the frig top Romans did I guess yeah just if I can get everybody inside my weird little ball it's a weird item I kind of really like it all right it does pretty standard damage but it also acts as a massive orbital and then the more that you use it the more it gets closer to you spare change no we got a stick you got to stick with Guffey's tail paperclip this this is not a choice it is a requirement for the run for us to succeed I do think that we're still in very good shape on this run I want to emphasize that we have good stuff rolling here no you know what no no I don't need it we just want to make sure we have keys when we go into uh pardon me we wanna make sure we have keys when we go into our angel deals now I could try and find the secret room in super secret room they've got to be around here dude where the hell are they is it up here there's an awkward place for a Seagram on the third floor yeah okay the d- one dude this items a whack-job - it just does random crap I mean this is a very abortion birth the item I don't care for it but who knows I mean it could randomly drop items for me so I supply supposin poggle whatever why not honestly I can look that up in here - I'm pretty sure that's another I'm looking real quick not the time matters but I will freeze it here d- one I don't I don't see it in here it might be a straw panic or revelations then because it is not in da here at the current moment but let's go down 15 minutes for three floors we're not gonna say too too much but that that's horrible um our run itself is okay okay very small boy right there the run itself is okay I'm not gonna talk crap on the run right now I got time to talk crap on the run later though if we continue to not improve then obviously there's room to talk crap on it but I'll tell you what that this weird spherical bulb of life is it's really useful for these rooms because we're able to deal a lot of damage to many enemies at one time and holy mantle is also just like very very much so worth it I knew like look your boy loves modded items as much as the next guy we're streaking we're trying to win a streak you can't just willy-nilly take minded items for fun on a run that is like severely hurting in terms of damage and just overall goodness you've got to take what you can and that includes holy mantle I mean it's a top item in the game you have to take it people will be mad at me for it I guarantee you they'll go old Tyler where is the the wacky Tyler they used to take the weird items all time who didn't care about winning where's that Tyler not my Tyler hashtag not my Tyler uh you don't understand I'm a streaking man we turned over a new leaf I need to streak to feel at home I mean that definitely sounds weird it's like I'm gonna make it everywhere let's talk pizza you guys want to talk about pizza toppings I'll talk about pizza toppings ah let's go first my favorite pizza okay there is a pizza place nearby to me that allows you to do like make your own pizzas like make your own personal pizzas and I always do it's their their standard crust which is a bit of a flatter crust we can talk about that look at that dude basically a year in that room because of the B negative one so already has given us an item in the form of fates reward I'm not angry in the slightest but uh they have like all hi hello why hello there mr. cricket I'd be in my head cricket ama be I'ma be imma imma imma be my head I'm taking hits there's actually too many enemies in this room I'm gonna be honest too many lost my double-deal chance excellent would you fart off for four seconds thank you take the UN baby scissors can go to hell I know let's get the hell out of here God dude that room sucked but uh the gay I have like a set set normal pizza crusts that they do they don't have a lot of choices there I mean it'd be awesome if they had better choices but you're not gonna find a whole lot of pizza places to do like different kinds of crusts unless you're talking like super gourmet pizza places which they have their place let me tell you but for the sake of this conversation but let's stick with your standard normal pizza places but I then proceeded to get I'll do like an ER bread dressing you know so a marinara with a lot of a lot of spices and herbs basil oregano you name it I'm putting it in there then follow that up with a layer of fresh mozzarella follow that up with you could do a little bit of spinach depending on how you're feeling during the day you're feeling like a healthier pizza you put a little spinach on there if you're not feeling healthier then you tell the spinach to screw off and you call it a day um but then in terms of veggies I put banana peppers I don't know why I'm this bad at the game what the hell am i doing dude I at that point I just took the damage to get it over with but that was a horrible room we have a lot of money we should go to the shop um but veggies banana peppers red onion banana peppers are like the key to a good pizza and you're not gonna know this until you try it and maybe you don't like peppers or you just don't like banana peppers which I get it the kind of an acquired taste is more of like banana pepper is normally come in a pickled form so if you don't like you know vinegar then banana peppers are not gonna be for you really but I love pickles in general and a pickled buddy in a box why not dude a pickled banana pepper delicious in every way shape and form I love it yeah I need a Bible honestly um why not man why not if you're gonna go all-in might as well go all freakin in give me double the negative 1 1 d 100 whatever crap this garbage is why not go for it but uh any other veggies you put on there maybe I'll sometimes do like zucchini ribbons just cuz I like zucchini mushrooms I forgot about mushroom mushrooms are vital vital pizza topping and then I'll usually put they have like House meatballs that they make so I'll put those on there kind of as a protein for me like and this is where I'm going to be a little bit controversial I don't really care for pepperoni like it's okay if I'm gonna eat pepperoni here's how I want it I want it on a cheese board with like five different kinds of cheeses would you not do this please with five different kinds of cheeses and you know some some fresh fruit maybe some figs some baits one of those and then you had like basically I'm saying I want it on a kutari board but um I don't want that item so basically don't take it if I can get a black run on this board one the better this room can go to hell well I'm starting to we're feeling this a little a world others still guy right there but we're okay extra cheese we're finally getting a nice key economy going 67% chance with double deal we need the angel deal dude they're just way too good we're gonna end up with Sacred Heart of Godhead if we keep on getting angel deals I cannot botch these up they're too valuable for our run the possibility of getting one of those items grog apiece head now puts us one step closer to guppy like literally it we're one step away from copying no complaints from Tyler and another doop chest another duped chest he can't stop duping them I like that a lot I have the D 100 Eve negative one not keep on saying D 100 D negative one is still a bit of an enigma to me but we'll figure it out as we go it kind of like it oh my lord it does our things actually just like turning into more things as I speak dude what the hell they keep on splitting in the more people I'm tired of the people I lose myself deal chance old time oh I apologize for my intense salt a second ago thanks for the full health but if you could bring back my devil deal chance that would be lovely thanks God bang dude sure give me alcohol that's not all go dad's juice but it is alcohol it's just not the alcohol I thought it was BFF make it bigger it's a massive boy okay please do double the damage now it appears to be doing double the damage I'll get back to pizza shortly this is a pressing topic do I have the best item in the game is that what you telling me cuz it appears to me yo I'm actually falling in love with the D one negative one I can't actually say the name of this item properly it occasionally just gives me a massive amount of beautiful things oh my god this is melting BFF spherical sphere of goodness is legit no friggin devil deal can't help but notice what the crap was that okay we got some weird garbage going on in this run I say garbage because I'm not positive it's positive say that 10 times fast so weirdo run dude um pizza toppings meatballs are fine that's what I normally would do on my pizza of choice but you are welcome to do you're welcome to do chicken on pizza I mean there's a specific line of pizzas that we can talk about that that use chicken you know really if you want to do like a barbecue chicken pizza that's the good stuff I mean I highly approve barbecue chicken pizzas are delicious but if we're talking like standard somewhat Italian pizzas that that was my go-to pizza right there that I just said a little bit of fresh basil on it also goes a long way I mean really just fresh basil on anything goes a long way but this is another room that I would like to go straight to hell thank you thank you there's some weird shots going around I think I might be my buddy that's in a box okay rune bag is so good I like that we've gotten so many items from the t- one dude Craig its head Guppies head now a rune bag hard to be mad you can die please thank you hey you gonna die if you want to you can leave your friends behind because your friends won't die and if they don't die well they probably have been dead for a while Ben oh no no no no no hi don't do that these are the annoying ones that charge you so be a little bit posh Josh yes I really am trying to get to my angel deal that I have a damn near a hundred percent chance of getting but this is mom floor so we actually we need to make sure we get our item room first and the item room is still like vitally important let's be honest here it's two free items because of this duped garbage hi this shouldn't aim the item 3d glasses dude would have been so much better of a name hoggle eyes sure why not honestly what are you analogous it's like really good actually don't mind me and algae's rune is uh happily welcome as is our secretive room right here but in terms of like different kinds of pieces you know there's pieces for different for different times okay and I brought up the BBQ chicken pizza which is fine yo this is actually our trip into a boss or rush a so I will happily do that mystery gets is also dope but pop it outside our shop please and give me a cardboard robot no I'm gonna stick with the d- one because i feel like in some way shape or form it has some funky braking opportunities that I want to experience champion belt is good as well mr. me steal that crap for me if you can thank you wait you got teared that Nader not good okay take pardon me there it is I was like wait a minute where's my B negative one I want it back we've got it well these different pizzas for different occasions obviously like if you're going for the straight Italian then and then you do your your mozzarellas and also anybody that is prone to any diseases due to flashing lights just look away until I say to stop because mamma mega will actually give you seizures if it hurts my eyes I know it's hurting yours so fair warning to you but um I'm also totally fine with the barbecue chicken pizzas I'm totally fine with if you want to do see I've even had a fruit a fruit pizza it was primarily strawberries on the pizza uh it was strawberries balsamic chicken um a couple other things but like that brings you to the obvious question that you all want to know which is the pineapple on pizza and here's my thing okay I genuinely don't have anything against pineapple on pizza it's just I don't like pineapple so I lean away from the pineapple on pizza thing because I don't like it not because I think it's a wrong thing I'm perfectly fine with the idea fruit on pizzas insanely good actually it's not something that you'll you should knock until you try it because there's something about like the sweet and juicy take this there's something about the sweet and juicy it combined with I actually had a feeling this was gonna happen the sweet and juicy combined with the like heat like the hot and the crunchy of the pizza crust you you get this really really nice combination I take the wafer I take this guy I take this guy and then I'm not gonna take the rosary because I don't want the Bible biron we can't get in the boss rush gosh darn it is there anything I care about on this floor I mean realistically no so I think we just go this is our run guys right here um obviously we're banking on one more angel deal here but I wouldn't consider that to be a likely scenario just because it'll only be a 67 percent chance at most on the next floor but boy if I can get one more I still I have a dream dude that that I should have saved the birth row or something way better why would I use it right there that's such a crappy use of birth row but uh we have some mad opportunities if I can just get in one more angel deal we've seen so many angel deal items there's so many good ones and Godhead Sacred Heart is sitting there waiting for us and if we can just get one of them I'd be a happy camper and hopefully they spawn in is to completely No thank you see you in hell hopefully they spawn in is two completely different colors so then we can get both of them because that's kind of how it appears the engine gills are working is two different colors is uh on soos just pop it two different colors is giving you all of those items kinda it makes sense when I say it in my head you'd pick up on it if you were in my head but you're not in my head but my navel on pizza is okay that's my final statement it is an okay thing to do pineapple on pizza just don't give it to me a Hawaiian pizza can be good I've had it before it can be good I just don't like pineapple so it leads me to usually kibosh it but if you got like a good smoked ham or something on that pizza absolutely dude that that crab can be delicious and good Hawaiian pizza I'm trying to think I've actually had some weird pizzas in my day there's there's this little place that on and I have been where they do they have a bunch of like weird pizzas and we did a Mediterranean pizza that had lamb tzatziki sauce cucumbers on it was basically a euro on a pizza which you maybe like Tyler that's weird it was surprisingly insanely good and I I would a hundred percent have it again if given the opportunity to we also got a Korean it was a Korean Paco pizza or something like that and it was just like teriyaki and sesame seeds and all these very very Asian type things that was also insanely good yeah it's weird because pizza while while having its origins in obviously Italy it's an incredibly versatile versatile food that you can end up making wacky pizzas of of every culture really and having them be like legitimately good that is a hundred percent not what I wanted game I don't want you like really I genuinely do not want you please do not ever give me a devil deal ever again in this life I want an angel deal man it's got so many good opportunities there knocking at the door you can hear them knock knock gonna freakin knock but sadly I know how this crap goes what are we ain't getting one cuz I'm worried simple people and they don't give things to simple people get out of here with that crap I just realized we're getting ruins cuz we have a room bag I'm a dumbass euro would be really nice to have for the chest but I'm sure we'll get one when we get one we finally turn this run around I mean we do have like pretty much full HP on this one partially due to the fact that the globe boy is insanely good partially due to the fact that we have insanely good array of like helper items on this one you know and then finally obviously we have one rate of fire a decent chunk of the time which is hard to complain about that in the slightest I'm gonna I'm gonna keep Paperclip for the sole reason of I still think there's a pretty good chance we get a gyro rune and we've already been to that C room and if we get a gyro rune and then if we get more ii-era runes and we can get a chest of gyro runes we're gonna be sitting pretty on that one so we'll try to swing that as we can hi you're dead hi I just realized so d- one dupes everything in the room so that's why occasionally I end up with a ton of enemies is because I'm duping the enemies am I this dumb or am I just an idiot cuz both same things here I don't want more red hearts either you can stop with the red hearts game I appreciate them but uh I'm a soul heart man I've just picked up an eternal heart I think no never mind no I picked it up dumbass are you telling me my drop box is full I don't care about my drop box at the current moment this recording has nothing to do with drop box nor is it a sponsor drop box probably wondering Tyler why are you still using Dropbox in 2018 it's because I used it a long time ago and I still have a lot of files on it so it's kind of at some point it's laziness factor I don't want to have to convert this crap over you're dead come on you gotta give me the angel deal mmm pretty please dude why is your graphic like very very messed up it's quite sad the absolute melt job due to global life come on not even surprised gonna be honest not even surprised Yarra hydrolyze my throat this is called Tyler recorded too many videos today and now he can't speak I'd take a simple water try thing is there any other like weird Pizza anecdotes I've had a lot of good pizza I suppose types of pizza is another thing on me personally I enjoy a a flatter pizza you'll not like full on flatbread because in my opinion like while a flatbread can be considered a pizza for me that am Pizza it is his own special beast call it a flatbread you know if I want a flatbread I'm gonna order a flatbread if I want pizza I wanted to have a little bit thicker crust on it but um there's still a guy here then there you are but uh I got nothing against flat breads like I said and there's a time and place for them but I like a little bit flatter crust not super thick but not as flat as a flatbread deep-dish pizza also delicious all you Chicagoans out there or New Yorkers you all got some great pizza I'll tell you that right now but the Chicago deep-dish I haven't been to Chicago but I would assume why did I do this myself I would assume that you know I've had deep-dish pizza I would assume that Chicago deep-dish is the best is the best so to speak I I look forward to my opportunity of having Chicago deep-dish sometime in my life because I will go to Chicago over time it is on my bucket list of places that I'd really like to go to so it'll happen in due time and when I eat your pizza I'm going to enjoy it immensely but um for right now I have to just bank on the fact that it's good stuff and I'll give you that'll be you know Isaac episode seven thousand seven trillion and fifty where we talk about Tyler's experience with deep dish pizza from Chicago that'll be the rotation streak number seven hundred so to speak the largest rotation streak you've ever seen in the world thanks for believing in me guys hope you're ready for the long haul to this series gonna last forever all right dude I'll fight double Isaac sounds like a bad idea honestly but I would like to just continue to do this crap that I'm doing where I just use globe of life to deal all of my damage to him it's actually too strong of an item when you have when you have BFS with it I'm very very content with how this run has ended so to speak but let's head on down time to mail I'm gonna wait I'm in a way I'm gonna see if we get a year Arun in one of these first rooms come on no I had a dream I had a dream and that dream was yeah uh I had a dream the dream was yeah uh do I know any of the words to lay mrs. I had a dream no but I really really want i yeah raw I will also take that we do have Guffey so we're gonna get a crapload of items we might as well try to make this run even better I wish I could see my HP I haven't been able to for two floors the guy's room will we'll solve that issue but I suppose Lazarus's rags also solves that issue I don't need glia if we start the run as Kane I don't need to end his cane as long as I win the run although maybe maybe not you know what I'm actually I'm gonna hit a Penta with that cuz I don't know I want to do I want to know how he's doing it in his streak that he did I want to know if you're allowed to uh oh yeah he just started a gun I want to know if you're allowed to do that also I feel like I'm using the d- one very wrong somebody's gonna yell at me and be like Tyler you missed so many opportunities to completely break your run with the d- one blank rune could have been a year I probably shouldn't pop that like that I'll take larges it it's not great but I'll take it was I actually able to take a red heart I'll read that low on HP we're not that long I know we have eight red hearts or something like that so we're full up on them now but okay hold up this is a learning experience right here no I want you to want me I want you to do my chest the negative one I still think it is literally random and that's what we're experiencing right now okay you can stop doing that this is Midas touch it's gonna give us a massive damage up yeah up to twelve point eight hey Malik RIA wow that's a frightening one yeah that's a weird ball lense you know what we'll fight um we'll fight blue baby I am gonna end this one at mega satan just because it feels like that's the right thing to do i mean we have the keys but um let's fight this guy first we'll pop algae's on mega satan and since we never found a year ruin i mean what are the odds of rune bag not giving a year rune throughout this entire ordeal like for the lot of guy dude just give me one but uh that's okay that's okay let's open up these saw blade I like that a lot uh cool shoes got to go fast literally speed upgrade gasoline which is fire when I'm hit it's fire all the time okay these gears go around forever don't they you know what I kind of want these for the boss fight let's see how much damage they actually do what are you fecal free gas backwards is the one where shoots backwards we're gonna damage up from it blue guys hello blue guys don't see them often this run got very weird all of a sudden we got all kinds of whack job stuff going on here I'm a big fan I've got poopy boys and a glaucoma poopy boys good against us a tears up if we get hit kinda or in the poop popp bat crank flies I fell in a pit let's let's do this thing I probably should have taken farting baby but that's fine if I die here then frankly shame on me I should not deserve to play Isaac ah oh you know what we're supposed to be shootin our our ass backwards so but I mean realistically I have no idea what's going on in this room I'm just kind of walking around shooting crabs going in all directions I've just accepted it kinda I can imagine that having all of these gears like many of these gears all in one room would be boy it'd be something to have like a couple charges on that bad boy and have car battery I do have car battery don't I this is why it's doing more of them okay that makes more sense as to why this is so dang good pop algae's because we are basically in the homestretch of this one it's angel time which should be realistically just sitting on him and calling it a day and then you're gonna die and you're gonna enjoy it what a fantastic run um a sketchy reroll part way through there for sure I mean we didn't know how that was going to go getting red pill again but I'll tell you what it came out okay in the end and we cranked out a real solid victory so thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy them as always leave a like on the videos that helps me out a lot in the next episode we're gonna hop in as the next character in the streak which is Judas which is also a good character but one that is sketchy at the beginning so we'll figure that out next time thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys when I see you peace [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 12,071
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Keywords: olexa, wheel of isaac, revelations, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac revelations, isaac, the binding of isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, binding of isaac, the binding of isaac rebirth, revelations 2, revelations ch.2, revelations mod, the binding of isaac afterbirth plus, isaac revelations, lets play binding of isaac, isaac revelations chapter 2, binding of isaac revelations ch 1, binding of isaac revelations
Id: sxz2MtLXeVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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