Building the MOST DESTRUCTIVE weapon in Space Engineers 💥

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in my last video we destroyed a planet and whilst it took a while we got there in the end however an overwhelmingly large number of people in the comments asked if next time I could do it in one shot destroy an entire planet in one shot now I didn't think this was possible and I'm still not sure it is however I am a man of the people and the people ask so they will receive so without further Ado let's have a look at how we're going to do this recap time in the last video we experimented with many different ways of doing damage to a planet and none of them were really up to scratch except for maybe crashing ships into planets that was very effective just not Planet destroying effective I know some people wanted to see me crash my death star into the planet in the last video so don't worry we'll be doing that later in the video so make sure you watch the end of the video to see that without a suitable base game solution I used the Motto Chris a while ago called railguns do explosive damage which as you can imagine makes railguns create explosions when they hit now what I'm about to show you might upset you but I need you to bear with me as this is very important and cringe not code gross get that out of my face see I told you it'd be upsetting now don't worry I know many of you are allergic to programming and code so I promise we won't dwell on it for too long we're only interested in two numbers on this page that being missile explosion radius and missile explosion damage my mod currently sets the explosion radius of a railgun to 250 meters I guess I don't actually know but we got to find out in this video as you can see below the base game railgun has an explosive radius of one the only weapon in the game that damages Train by default has an explosive radius of four the second number explosion damage is set in my mod by default to ten thousand the default railgun has zero explosion damage and the missile again the only weapon in the game that can damage terrain has an explosion damage of 500. increasing the explosion radius explosion damage or both should eventually allow us to destroy a planet in one hit if that's even possible and if not it will certainly make a very impressive explosion however there are two problems we need to discuss if I fire Starkiller Base by itself you'll see that the damage doesn't happen straight away in fact I'm pretty sure I can complete this entire section of the video before the damage actually happens when something very performance intensive is happening in Space Engineers the game slows down time to accommodate this if I open up the debug menu it allows us to see the simulation speed and here you can see that the game is running at about 0.2 or 20 percent of the normal game speed this means it can take a while to register the explosions from the railguns so as part of this I not only need to find a way to do the most damage possible we also need to find a way to do it in the fastest way possible so I thought of a very easy solution to this and that's quite simply use less railguns I'd imagine using one railgun that creates one big explosion would generate less lag and Starkiller base and its 400 railguns and thus 400 explosions I'd imagine each explosion needs to be calculated independently So in theory generating one big explosion the size of those 400 individual explosions should take a lot less time to calculate and won't set my CPU on fire but we will need to test so that's the case however speaking of the CPU being on fire as I mentioned we have two problems what you're seeing right now is the real world look finger reveal this is a thermometer that shows the current temperature of my office for Americans that can't read the correct temperature format basically this number here is above 22 it's already too hot and as you can see it's almost 28 degrees it's currently very warm in the UK and doing things that will set my CPU on fire like I do though blowing up an entire planet may start to raise the temperature a little so the question is which will happen first me destroying a planet in one shot or me dying a heat stroke let's find out and I tell you what if risking my life For Your Entertainment isn't worth a like on this video and a subscription to this channel I really don't know what is now on to the tests the first thing we need to do is ascertain which of these numbers explosion radius and explosive damage we need to raise in order to make the explosions crater bigger obviously with the aim of making the crater the sizeable planet so I will start by setting both the missile explosion radius and the missile explosion damage of the railgun to that of the missile launcher and solely raising either the radius or the damage to see what effect it has in order to work out what these settings are changing we're measuring the radius of the crates of the explosion crates the depth of the Creator the explosion creates and how long it takes to appear in game so with that said let's start with a radius of 4 and a damage of 500. so three two one fire so we have a tiny little crater did we go over here and we do slash GPS and we come over here we can see that it's roughly 3.5 meters and what I've done is I've created a nice little spreadsheet to track all of this so we're going to say the destruction happened almost immediately so we can put zero in the Creator width is 3.5 meters they create a depth we'll go to the bottom of the crater I'll do slash GPS again that creates a marker here then we're going to fly up to roughly in line with the ground so I'll do is I'll just smash my face against the ground and go forward and we can see that it's roughly 3.5 as well and just for anyone curious the temperature has now crossed to 21.8 degrees right so that's all done so let's double the radius of the explosion to eight and keep the damage at 500. so firing in three two one right so this is definitely a bigger explosion so let's do what we did last time get to the edge and do slash GPS and we see that the radius is around 6.5 times the destruction was once again zero let's go down to the bottom of the crater do slash GPS player Mash our facing to the ground and fly over to the middle of the crater and that seems to be 4.4 we've also only gone up 0.1 degree which is nice so let's next change the radius to 16 and again keeping the damage at 500. here we go three two one once again that appeared to happen immediately and that's definitely looks like a bigger crater once again slash GPS so this is about 10 meters increase of depth it's about 8.5 and the temperature is now 28.4 so we've only got a 0.2 this time so it definitely seems that the explosion radius as you can probably imagine increases it but let's check if the explosion damage also increases it so we'll reset the explosion radius back to four which is what it was initially and then we'll start increasing the missile damage starting with increasing the missile damage to a thousand so firing in three two one oh so that's definitely smaller but it was definitely also instant so once again get down to the edge it's nice GPS over to here it's 3.5 and we've seen that number before let's have a look at the depth and it seems to be roughly B 2.5 so 2.5 which is smaller created depth actually but that could just be I don't know if there's an r d with explosion sizes and our temperature is 28 by for those who are curious now we're going to increase the explosion damage to 2000 firing in three two one that once again appeared to be instant oh is that slightly bigger it is bigger interesting 4.2 that appears to be crater depth is 2.4 so it's actually less than last time which is interesting again this 4.2 I'm wondering if there's a variance on the size of explosions maybe the angle I hit made a different size and the temperature is still 28.5 oh maybe it won't get any hotter and finally the final test of this unless the results are inconclusive they don't look like they are so far explosion radius told before and explosion damage will be four thousand they're firing three two one I think we can draw on a conclusion here 4.1 and the depth is 2.8 and finally we have the temperature which is 28.8 which as you know is still going up so conclusions it appears that explosive damage has little to no effect on the size of the explosion and thus the size of the crater created by the railgun shots and explosion radius seems to have a pretty much one-to-one correlation with the size of the crater generated after the explosion so it seems the setting to mod on the railgun is explosion radius it seems there is some variance in the size of the explosions but roughly as we doubled the exposure radius we got about double the size of the crater that was generated afterwards so now that we've ascertained which settings we need to modifier on the railgun we next need to work out whether it's better to use more railguns or less railguns so we have Starkiller base versus a single railgun so whilst I'll be measuring the size and the depth of the destruction created by the explosion here I'm primarily interested in how long it takes for the damage to actually happen I've changed the railgun settings to explosion radius of 50 and explosion damage of 5000 following on from our testing in the previous part so let's see if less is more starting with Starkiller base and its 400 railguns in order to be a fair test I will aim both weapons directly at the center of Mars and I have my phone ready to time how long this takes so firing in three two one and that happened in three seconds actually it's much faster than I was expecting okay let's go down and measure the explosion so due to it be multiple shots it doesn't appear to be a very even explosion you can see that we have this bit here so I'll measure from the center of it which is about here the slash GPS as we were doing before we fly up mash my face into the ground and fly forward it appears that the depth of this crater is around 51.9 and if we do the width of Slash GPS and that is 92.4 and for those curious the temperature is now 29.2 degrees so I'm looking forward to hitting 30 yay so I don't actually need to reload the world for this one so I can show you the creators side by side so here is the single railgun at the same settings as Starkiller base three two one fire the destruction actually happened pretty much instantly actually now as you can see that has made a significantly smaller hole however I'm expecting the depth to be roughly equivalent so the width is about 22.8 and the depth is 25.8 so whilst there was a small delay for about three seconds for Starkiller base it wasn't that long and in fact I'm actually surprising how quick that was because when I was using Starkiller base before on the settings the models on by default it was taking a very long time to do anything so what we're going to do is we're going to set the mod back to those settings and then we'll do a second test with Starkiller base and a single railgun to see what kind of difference it makes so starting with Starkiller base 400 railguns explosion radius of 250 and explosion damage of 10 000 and without further Ado three two one wire as you can see in the top left the Sim speed has dropped and our crater hasn't been generated yet so when our Sim speed gets back to one we'll see the Creator generate anyway but oh there you go so that took 18.82 seconds so let's get down there so this is a radius of 180.9 and the depth appears to be roughly 163.6 by roughly I mean that's exactly what it is the temperature is now 29.4 so last time Starkiller base took 3.2 seconds to generate the damage and our single railgun took zero and the single railgun happened pretty much instantly so now cycle are based with the increased values has taken 18.8 seconds so let's see how the single railgun now fares so three two one fire oh and I don't even need to time it it happened as soon as it hit the ground and in fact the crate is not actually that bad compared to these bigger one the radius is 95.3 the depth is 134.7 and the temperature is now 29.5 so whilst on paper Starkiller base is bigger it's not by a lot the depth is the main thing we're interested in because the depth is how far it penetrates through the planet and one railgun nearly had the same depth as the 400 from Starkiller base and not to mention the biggest Factor the time so each single railgun pretty much affects the planet immediately as soon as that shot hits the ground whereas Starkiller base the bigger we make it the longer it is taking to make that explosion happen so it seems to me in order to make this process the fastest and most efficient we want to be using one railgun and just increasing the damage of that single railgun to ridiculous degrees the only Advantage we really get for using more real guns next to each other it's a bigger width for the crater but that doesn't help us as if we want to destroy an entire planet we want to be going deeper not wider if we built let's say a thousand wide railgun radius you might take off the skin of the planet you're not going to get down to the Core or even through the planet to completely destroy it so friendship ended with Starkiller base single railgun is my new best friend what we're going to do now is quite simple I'm going to point this railgun at the center of mass and then I'm going to suddenly increase the explosive value of the royal gun until we destroy this entire planet so for this it's an explosive radius of 250 and an explosion damage of 10 000. there you go it's now hit and just like that we have our explosion I'm pretty confident we've already done this test before but I'm more than happy to put the information in the table again just to prove that our method so far is correct as we have been doing all this time slash GPS there's a waypoint on my feet I fly over to the other side of the crater and land and get roughly the opposite side which is about here and that gives us 94.4 go to the depth we're expecting it to be around 130 do the good old face smash or slightly off the center but 132 that's roughly right and then finally uh we're still around 30 degrees although I don't think it's getting that much hotter at the moment right so let's increase our explosive radius I've now increased our explosive radius to 300. one thing we should actually work out at the end of this video is what that actual radius represents right so let's point this at the center of the planet and three two one fire oh there's a better lag then I didn't time it but it wasn't that long we'll say a second so that's 115.4 for the radius which is definitely bigger than last time and the depth is roughly 150 so it's 150.6 so based on this I'd assume that the explosion radius is actually the explosion diameter as half of the explosion radius seems to be roughly that half the depth of the crater so the full width would be the diameter and then half the width would be the radius so misleading name so in theory let me work this out I want to destroy a planet in one shot or at least this planet the explosion really should be to be 2 000. no that would only destroy half of on it that would be four thousand all right let's start going up in bigger increments I'm going to move the explosion radius to 400 and you may fire when ready I took 6.4 seconds to register that judging what we've seen so far this should have a depth of roughly 200 meters and a width of something I'm not really sure how that adds up so the width is 147.5 and the depth should be roughly assuming we are correct around 200. oh it's a little bit over 223. oh it is getting a lot hotter though right let's bump it up another 100 to 500 explosion radius right three two one fire that's interesting that's not registered the impact it's definitely doing a knockback from an explosion you'll see my camera gets jutted about and I can see inside my head but it's not doing the voxel damage let me reload the game right we're back get right up close and personal that's not good okay let me do some experimentation right I have some good news and I have some bad news the good news is I have found a way to destroy a planet in a single shot the bad news is it's not the way I've been testing the rest of the video to put it simply there seems to be some sort of inbuilt thing in space engineers that if there is an explosion over a certain size it doesn't register it but I can't seem to figure out what triggers that because I managed to get it to do the 500 radius once and I haven't been able to get it to do it since then however as I said I have found another way of doing it so let's take a look at that so there's a mod in the workshop that generates explosions in a way and doesn't use the default inbuilt explosion system there is a tool in the game called voxel hands which as you can see there's a box capsule whatever and there's a sphere and if I go down down to the planet and right click you'll see that I'm able to delete voxels so you can configure this you can go to a maximum size of 100 so then I'll go back out and if I uh project to voxel this will now project to the Vox in front of me you can actually see how big this is by right click you'll see after a second a section of the planet will disappear so there is a a mod on the workshop as I said that uses this to remove voxels from a planet rather than using an explosion which means it can bypass the maximum explosion threshold of the base game what is that mod nukes I'll say I don't like this mod for a reason I'll make clear in a minute and I have used this mod in the past I found it was quite buggy and it is still quite buggy now but it does achieve the purpose that we want so I'm going to show you two of them which is the nuclear missile launcher and the thermonuclear Warhead so if I place the missile launcher on our ship here and I'll just go into here and I'll equip it oh actually never mind you can't equip it don't know why I'll just put shoot once on the Hotbar so now if I press two it should fire a nuke and it's very impressive however in a second you're going to be absolutely deafened which is one of the reasons I don't like this mod however you will see this has made a sizable crater in the planet not as impressive the craters we were making earlier but it is definitely very impressive we can also grab our thermonuclear Warhead place that here go into here and disarm and detonate oh and get absolutely deafened God it is really loud anyway as you can see the crater this is generated bear in mind this is the crater for the missile it's a much bigger so the advantage of these is that we can modify them like we can modify the barrel gun these are mod configs that allow us to change the settings of them to make them bigger so what I can do is I can go into the setting whoa there past me did you forget that people are allergic to programming in code you can't be showing that on screen oh that was a close one if future me hadn't stopped past me there you wouldn't have been able to press the like And subscribe buttons below the video and we can't be having that can we anyway all you need to know is that I'm setting the explosion radius of all the nukes to 3000 which from our testing is around what we need to destroy a planet in one shot we should now in theory be able to take out the planet in one hit I say in theory I know for a fact one of these things doesn't work as I have already tested it if I get our missile launcher and for whatever reason the config settings don't affect this and I don't know why so I get into the cockpit equip it have it shoot once you'll see in a second whilst it'll explode and definitely again and it is very impressive we'll say the effects oh never mind I'm deafened the effects for this mod are absolutely awesome but you can see the crater is still the same size so you know however if you go down to the surface drop into our little crater here I can confirm that it does work with the thermonuclear Warhead we'll place this down here I'm actually gonna put a countdown on now as I don't want to be immediately deafened by it the start timer and we're gonna fly away and you'll see in a very interesting manner that this will destroy the planet now you'll see it just was it in an interesting as I was saying before the explosion rudely cut me off it will destroy the planet in a very interesting way inside this big dust cloud which if I zoom out in space you'll see that this dust cloud is massive it's like bigger than Mars itself because it's relative to the size of exposure you can see the edge of the dust cloud is over here and then this is where the big mushroom cloud would have been if I wasn't stood inside of it and if I fly to Mars now you'll see that um whilst is looking a bit translucent a bit ghostly oh a bit of it disappeared so the way voxel hands works is it slowly deletes the voxels bit by bit in order to not create lag so as you can see as I go near things they start to disappear so whilst our explosions happened you know pretty much instantly this instead deletes it bit by bit presumably to get around that cap so you can see you have like these um what they called in Minecraft the fire lands where you have these like corrupted like chunks and they get near them and then they disappear and this is because the planet is slowly disappearing so we go back out from space you can see that half the planet has been deleted so far they're now they're getting closer you'll see that as I get in get close to a bit so if I just Pace myself in can I interact with the terrain as it deletes no straight through like it's not even there but it seems like the explosion has happened and the visuals of the game are just catching up although this is solid oh no I've fallen through okay this definitely isn't solid it does look really interesting actually it's a shame that the lighting thing in space engines where it doesn't light inside of a planet because I'm sure this would look really interesting to look at as it's slowly deleted whilst we're waiting for this to happen I would like to say if someone can find a way to either lift that explosion cap or get around it I would love to know as I feel it'd be much more satisfying to destroy the entire planet in one explosion even if it did take ages but I'm not gonna fuss if no one does find this as this does work as you can see and as I did destroy the planet I guess that means you're obligated to destroy that like button and subscribe button below this video right oh wait I've just realized oh no oh no so scratch what I was saying and it looks like the explosion radius wasn't big enough and whilst it hasn't finished deleting itself yet it's very clear that we're gonna end up with a flat plate of Mars so I will probably have to redo this but I'll show you what it looks like when it's finished and I'll generate another explosion to wipe out the entirety of Mars in one shot right so there you go that's it all unloaded so that's our new Mars so it is just a flat plane it's like perfectly flashy I'd expect it to be like is it concave or convex but it's actually just flat anyway I guess I better increase that explosion radio say right so increase the explosion radius by a thousand which should easily encapsulate the rest of minimars so let's get my Nuclear of thermonuclear in fact we'll head out what I'll do this time is I'll show you what it actually looks like from space and hopefully if I'm far enough away I won't deafen myself all right so let's get a nice camera we're gonna need to be a hell of a long way away we're probably gonna need to be like here I think so let me arm this and I'm going to start a countdown and we're just going to look at Mars light up like Supernova I guess oh it's just it's just engulfed in a white ball of fire look at that oh look at Mars this is just a massive oh there goes my ears that's incredible I just wish it wasn't so loud and there's no option to turn it down anyway if you start getting close to Mars you can see parts of it are starting to disappear the whole front plane is just vanished I just wish there was a way to expedite this process doesn't seem to take that long actually considering the fact it's like 33 degrees in here that's so I didn't realize it was 33 I knew it was hot 33 is quite a lot and people be like oh zero why'd you only upload like once every three weeks ah it's because I have to go to hospital afterwards for my heat stroke right we're getting to the end the bottom of the planet is just in our sights how how does that even happen ah okay be right back I'm just gonna blow up the planet for a third time yay get one of these bad boys place it here go down to it go on to here um start countdown zoom out really far let's go back here it's gonna blow up and destroy the planet yay I do love that it engulfs it in like a white ball of fire though that is pretty cool then the big fire Cloud comes out and in a second I get deafened now little zero is going to stand here and wait for the planet to disappear third time's the charmama right here we are nearly at the end Olympus Mons probably the last thing standing of minibars could this be it could it finally be over just a bit of Planet left this isn't actually here I don't believe in the lies the Jedi I think that's it one shot one kill as promised so as I promised at the beginning of the video and multiple times since then I will now as many people requested crash to death star into Mars for your enjoyment and whilst that's all that's happening I'm just gonna give a special thanks to my supporters the Wildcat QWERTY the pro burger image917 at the key Summit tarantula fudge Pascal rolling Red Sky Death Valley Dave and darker matter the support from my supporters is very important as it helps keep the channel going when I can't make videos If for example I have heat stroke from sitting at a boiling hot room whilst blowing up planets all day if you too would like to support the channel you can do so by clicking the links and descriptions or you can like this video And subscribe to this channel for more space engineers content I'm gonna be honest I really don't know what you guys expected
Channel: Zer0's Legion
Views: 339,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, engineers, space engineers warfare 2, space engineers tutorial, space engineers guide, space engineers survival, space engineers beginner, space engineers first day, space engineers ep 1, space engineers new player, space engineers tips, Space Engineers Tutorials, Space Engineers ships, Ships, space engineers warfare, warfare 2, space engineers battle, railgun, space engineers railgun, Weapons, space engineers weapons, Challenge, space engineers update, Automatons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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