Corvettes of the UNSC || Halo Ship Breakdown(s)

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hey people Mark here for another compilation of ship breakdowns today covering the little guys the ones oft forgotten about in discussions of Halo lore the Corvettes now before I begin I think there's still some confusion on what ships I'm going to be covering all of them if a ship is in the Halo Cannon assume it is already on the list I will get to it UNC Covenant banished civilian Forerunner fret not children it will be done now unlike frigs of the UNC and destroyers of the UNC the ladder of which I've still got to get around to remaking I've never covered any of these before there's just enough info on all of them to make like a short video on each one but I figured instead of making like four three or four minute videos why not just make one long one is that a good idea I don't know anywh who UNC Corvettes are the smallest warships that are larger than a fighter often being used for either Fleet support or as guard Duty on the back line sometimes they also fill the role of space police car they were also immensely popular among human Pirates and rebel groups most likely because they could be manned by smaller Crews and are easier to Pilot than the giant hulking masses that are destroyers and carriers and cruisers and stuff not to mention that the Pirates have to get them somehow there would probably be more Corvettes just because they're cheaper to make and easier to steal because there are so many and they're so small it'd be really difficult for a for an any group to steal like a houseon class cruiser I'm sure they might have managed it somehow at some point but it'd be really hard there are a couple ship types that aren't quite Corvettes the UNC and CMA had a variety of Patrol ships shuttles and Cutters that were equipped to deal with with illegal Naval activity like smuggling and such one such example is the minitar class Patrol vessel and the UNC aradne that was lost with all hands not much is known about these things at all uh we just have this one image but the first genuine UNC Corvette is the sharp fin class escort Corvette these have only made one appearance so far but it was a Troy Denning book so there's a pretty good chance it'll at least be mentioned again the event in which it appeared was already brought up multiple times in Halo outcasts not much is known about them and we never get to see them in the flesh since you know book but what we do know is is that by 2526 they're pretty outdated rarely being used for anything outside of escort services for protecting civilian ships like those of the UNC commercial Fleet they're slow underarm but popular amongst Pirates and probably insurrectionists too for the reasons I stated earlier you can't undersell how much of a benefit it is for a ship to have a slip space drive after all but the only ship of this class we ever see is unnamed and it's given as a gift to a bunch of Castaway kids on the planet nether Admiral stanforth was hesitant to give them the ship not just because they're a bunch of like actual kids but because their immediate wish was to go live on the jungle Planet gaw known for its heavy insurrectionist leanings but a certain green mean killing machine convinced the Admiral to give them the ship because Chief is just a big old softy with a heart of gold in spite of all the child abuse next up is the makco class Corvette with a bit more info to discuss same story here there are no visuals for this thing but we know it measures in at 162 M making it the third smallest slip space Drive equipped warship in the entire UNC Navy I'm pretty sure beaten out only by the winter and Razer class Prowlers but I could be wrong weighing 28,000 metric tons The Mao class Corvette by kusan shipyards was introduced way back in 2388 and would become the most commonly seen Corvette in human space the only other ships we know of that are that old are probably the Osa and aita class frigates and of course the original Phoenix and Euphrates class Colony ships that left Earth these ships have seen everything from the domus diaspora where Humanity left the soul system and droves through the Insurrection all the way up to the human Covenant war and even took part in that a little bit there's small size made them a versatile choice and gained them praise but it's noted that Shipyard Personnel are not fans of them due to their Litany of maintenance issues the Armament is still surprisingly workable the thing about early UNC ships is that they were generally smaller and had no Max so something like the diligence class a 550 M long ship with a single Auto Cannon as its primary Armament could be considered a cruiser in 2433 but the mako's Armament seems to be a bit before its time with two Mark 40 Caster Naval autoc cannons two M4 42 Archer missile pods and two m870 Rampart Point defense guns for missiles and Fighters interestingly the entire Armament of the Mao would return on the much more advanced stridon class heavy frig developed near the end of the human Covenant War the mark 40 casters would be upgraded to Mark 55 casters but the strien still makes use of the now 200-year-old m870 ramp parts and m42 Archer missile pods I mean there's a few more weapons on the Armament but for that you can go see the frigs video to click up in the top right for that I wonder why this is and if the strident is somehow comparable in con ruction to the Mako I mean the Mako is named after a shark and the strident is really sharp this is a Flawless line of logic leading up to the beginning of the human Covenant War the UNC would finally decide to retire this Corvette due to its Litany of maintenance issues but it would still remain in use among insurrectionist groups like The aidonis Rebels which was one of the more well equipped any groups the surviving Macos would be pushed to the back line alongside the Hillsboro and other ships that were ill equipped to fight the Covenant the UNC Pony Express what a great name is the only named example of AO class it was on Earth during the final battle for the planet against the Prophet of Truth during Halo 3 and the book ghosts of Onyx Lord Hood offered the ship to Blue Team minus Master Chief because they needed to get to the shield World Onyx but Lucky them they stumbled upon the much faster and better equipped bloodied Spirit which was a covenant cpv class destroyer I did a video on those a while back if you're interested and good thing they took that one instead because Upon A Ral to Onyx the bloody Spirit was overwhelmed and crash landed on the surface after being attacked by Sentinels guarding the Planet I think if they had been in a 200-year-old 160 m Long human Corvette rather than 1,664 M long shielded Covenant heavy Destroyer they probably would have been obliterated and master chief would be the only surviving member of blue team because he was either on Delta Halo or Earth at the moment anyway a cool old ship named after a terrifying animal look at this thing that is a monster it does not belong on Earth or in real life ah the quintessential UNS C Corvette for many including myself when I think of UNC Corvettes I think of the Gladius in fact when I think of sci-fi Corvettes in general I think of this ship but that could just be me the Gladius class heavy Corvette is 243 M long and weighs 36,000 metric tons manufactured by tansek AB they are the first on the list to explicitly be plated with the unc's signature titanium a armor built specifically to be used by the UNC rather than the colonial military Authority this is one of only two Corvettes to house a Mac C outfitted with an extensive sensor Suite the Gladius uses laser and radar scanners for tracking and detecting targets and fills the niche of Fleet defense crewed by only 15 people the Corvette carries no troops obviously and is armed with a single 20 da1 C2 Mac two m58 Archer missile pods and six m870 Rampart Point defense guns these have more Point defense than any other Corvette in the entire UNC as far as We Know by 2490 which is when these guys would have had to have been introduced by uh because they have a Mac and only carriers had Max before then these ships would be outgunned by the popular larger ships of the era by quite a margin but when it came to chasing off Rogue pirate banss from isolated UNC assets they often succeeded and so they typically laid low when they needed to using their tiny sensor profile to do so when engaged in Fleet battles they would as stated perform Fleet defense Maneuvers using their point defense and missiles to protect larger ships from Fighters plasma Torpedoes and missiles and join in whenever called upon by their escorts to help out where they could now the L of a coil gun is not the deciding factor in the power of a uh coil gun like the Max on UNC ships but it does directly affect the strength of them somewhat generally shorter Max would be constructed with smaller weaker magnets and less of them and so we can surmise that the Gladius is less like its own warship on a Halo Battlefield and more like a mobile coil gun battery as Corporal Hot Pockets discussed in my video on the epoch class heavy carrier the largest UNC coil gun batteries the mark 15 breakwaters are like three Gladius minus the manuver maneuverability these would be seen most often as a part of battle groups assigned to the inner colonies and once the Covenant arrived they were if you were looking at it from the any perspective more outgunned than they already would be against the UNC we know of one Gladius class heavy Corvette the UNC Sean blue the ship engaged two mutet pattern Covenant storm Cutters in orbit of new Carthage we don't know the outcome of this but if I had to guess let me just say I love how this thing looks it has the perfect size and shape of a Corvette in my mind reminds me of the fractal sponge version of the Imperial Lancer class frig not to be confused with the UNC Lancer class but we we'll get to that the scol class missile Corvette yet another example of one that I think everybody knows and is probably the first on a lot of people's minds when it comes to UNC Corvettes also manufactured by tansek AB the scult was 258 M long and was originally built to fill the RO of a frig and when it did it was considered state-of-the-art replacing the aging aita and Osa class vessels which were presumably also frigs as Firepower dramatically increased in the 249 90s with the manufacturer of new ships and the increased prevalence of spinal mounted Max these were demoted to Corvette much like the diligence that debuted as a cruiser and fell to the station of but a humble Destroyer sculls were the most common ships used for training UNC Navy recruits as well as the backbone of the CMA fleets leading up to and during the height of the Insurrection they're known for being reliable and well-armed capable of punching above their weight class and are outfitted with yet another comprehensive sensor Suite but despite all this they rarely saw use during the human Covenant War due to their low speed and low slip space viability this would be a huge problem as a smaller ship you'd be expected to be able to evade when you need to get out of the way of something big but against the Covenant even larger UNC ships spent a lot of their time running away they just had to these didn't see much action against the aliens until all the better UNC ships had been burned away in the early and middle years of the war once the backline became the last line the Armament consists of a single M50 guardhouse Auto Cannon 2 m58 Archer missile pods 2 m44 Aries missile pods and four m870 Rampart Point defense guns the Aries missiles interestingly enough are only found on ships that eventually became obsolete the unnamed light Destroyer the diligence the Hillsboro the M50 guard house only appears on the scult as far as we know and that's pretty much all we know about the ship that has been given a beautiful beautiful look by the immensely talented Jacob Stokes of sins of the prophets over at chokepoint games responsible for all the artwork I've been showing on screen so yeah pretty cool and last but not least the Lancer class fast attack Corvette by kusan shipyards again I feel like this one would be a lot of people's favorites if it had like a good 3D look out there somewhere this is one of the most fighter esque Corvettes in the entire universe at first glance but it's actually the largest UNC Corvette that we know of at 341 M long the Lancer is explicitly described as the fastest warship available to the UNC at the time of its introduction the ship excels at hit-and run Maneuvers like smaller faster halber wolf packs before the Covenant arrived however l saw little use for a unique reason it was considered over armed and under ranged for most Insurrection era deployments but was found to be much more useful against the Covenant probably because the cuvies prefer to get up close and personal even in Space the Armament of the Lancer class consists of 1 15D 7 C2 Mac which it likely used in conjunction with its six lnt 450 Naval coil guns which are the true primary Armament rather than the Mac these have only ever been mentioned in relation to the Lancer class and their smaller magazine capacity means a typical St stry of Lancer squadrons is to dump rods I'm known to dump Rod myself wait no I just dumped a fat Rod dumping rods refers to the strategy of emptying their magazines early in an engagement before retreating behind friendly lines to replenish their stores rinse and repeat the Lancer also has four m390 streak two point defense missile pods in Li of any point defense guns these streak missiles are guided anti-fighter Munitions no doubt they could take out a missile or two of their own but that's not really the lancer's job I have a feeling the Lancer would be better equipped to evade a plasma torpedo than destroy it and besides that's more the Gladius or skols job mixed up my words here typically Point defense missiles are anti-missile missiles not anti- fighter missiles I meant to say that I'm sure they could take out a fighter or two of their own rather than vice versa you get it even with its increased viability the Lancer never overcame its limited Fuel and munition endurance and so many of the Corvettes were restricted to planetary defense or in Colony defense a fate that befell many of the Corvettes of the UNS he said it many of the Lancers were even stripped of their slip space drives because they just never left the systems in which they were stationed the free space being used for more crew Comfort quarters or ammunition storage space I know I said last but not least but there is one more human Corvette we know of within the Halo Universe and I know this video is Corvettes of the UNC but it's rare that we'd ever get a chance to talk about this on another occasion the planet I previously mentioned GA is unique among human worlds and that they are effectively completely independent from the United Earth government government even having its own Naval Defense Force with uniquely designed ships most of this Force seems to consist of GA Ministry of protection Patrol Corvettes now we know next to nothing about these things save for the fact that they had to have been built after the human Covenant War due to the inclusion of a single plasma turret in their armament alongside eight missiles of unknown Design This is super unique there are no UNC ships with plasma Weaponry none even the ANL class late frigate opted for powerful lasers Instead This would have been made possible by the booming scrap industry that permeated throughout the known Galaxy following the end of the human Covenant War we see it a lot on the planet Venia in the various stories in which it appears you can get all kinds of things on the inner species Black Market from Stealth Tech for your civilian freighter to an entire C pattern battle cruiser at one point though it's no wonder that an outer Colony specifically one with a vested interest in keeping the UNC out would splurge on some high-tech Weaponry to fit onto their ships even if it is directly stated that a fleet of these Corvettes would stand no chance against a UNC task force they would see any impediment to a hostile ueg takeover is a good thing the only ship of this class we know of is the gmop Esmeralda the flagship of the GAO defense Fleet a super cool addition to the lur I'd love to see more non UNC human warships in Halo that would be really cool there are plenty of Corvettes that we know of that are maybe one of these classes or perhaps a class we don't yet know that are never explicitly stated to belong to one there are no known Lancer class fast attack Corvettes but the UNC 2 for flinching is described as a fast attack Corvette in Halo contact Harvest although the Lancer distinction hadn't been introduced to the lore at that point the UNC Kalisto was a Corvette of unknown class that was the focal point of the Kalisto incident which was the key escalating incident of the Insurrection it's a bit of a long story but the Corvette was hijacked by insurrectionists and managed to take out two destroyers before it was taken out by Preston Cole via The Bold and daring Strat known as figing surrender he did a war crime like the UNC pig dog he is moving on the UNC alpino was a Corvette of unknown class that was destroyed by The Defenders of the sanctum which was a group of seven or so sangil that had hold up in a precursor Fortress with access to powerful planetary defenses another long story the UNC kalons or Chalin or however you pronounce this I don't really care was a Corvette that was a part of the home Fleet during the Battle of Earth the ship served as a distraction While Blue Team captured the bloody Spirit which was that Covenant Destroyer that I mentioned earlier and the UNC Glam organ was a Corvette that investigated the remains of the planet Onyx in the search of coat 051 who had sacrificed himself via manual nuke detonation to cut off any chance of pursuit of his Spartans Lucy and Tom and that's all the Corvettes we know of I know Prowlers are technically considered Corvettes with the exception of the point blank class which is a cruiser but I think Prowlers deserve their own video also there's a hell of a lot of prowers and trying to cover them all would make this a very long one indeed but yeah Corvettes they are some of the coolest designs in the entire UNC the ones that have designs that is between the Gladius scol and the Lancer there are no misses they all look sick as hell however they all seem to get pushed out for one reason or another the sharp Fin and Mako are very old and generally underpowered the scult is too slow and the Lancer has low ammo capacity the only one that seems to have eak out some persisting viability is the Gladius serving as more of a point defense Corvette than the heavy Corvette it's described as but Halo ships Stand Out Among sci-fi warships in that they are huge and generally overpowered so it makes sense that the Corvettes these ships that are pretty reasonable in scope by comparison really could not keep up especially once the cuvies enter the fry however I want to see a return of one of these or maybe a revamped post-war Corvette I mean once the humans get back on their feet or maybe one that was built sometime between Halo 3 and 5 if I were to write a Halo Trilogy H I would have a Corvette be the focal point it's perfect and everyone who knows a good character-driven Sci-Fi story knows what I'm talking about that elusive perfect size for a hero ship the capability for the audience to know the entire crew what what's the rosinante uh a Corvette I mean it's a Corvette class frig which is a bit different from how the UNC does things but you know what I'm getting at I'd love to see some Canon sharp Fin and Maco designs but if that never happens I wouldn't really be surprised an underrated and underrepresented class of Halo ship but that's all I've got you'd probably like and have seen my frigs of the UNC video by now if you've seen this one but it's uh uh it's right in your face probably probably up screen on screen right there peace
Channel: GammaCompanyMark
Views: 30,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 731C45wo9qQ
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Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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