Every Game of Thrones Episode Ranked — The Wojcicki Cut

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hi this is a censored re-upload of a video i originally published on the 17th of april 2021 which was the 10th anniversary of game of thrones premiere if you want the full story behind why this version of the video exists i've made a short chronicle of the circumstances that you can find in the cards or in the description below though beware that it does spoil some of this video there are also some non-sensorial changes made in this re-upload which i cover in that video as well with that little bit of housekeeping out of the way enjoy the video ten years ago on this day something incredible began after many teething issues and allegedly horrendous false start and over five years of conception the first episode of hbo's game of thrones aired lighting the biggest pop culture fire of the decade and while it would be dramatic to say that television changed forever a recounting of the history of drama television will never be complete without this ambitious adaptation of a veteran kooks magnum opus very few pieces of media could ever hope to define a decade as strongly as game of thrones did the 80s had cheers the 90s had seinfeld the 2000s had to ruin my analogy and when i think of television in the 2010s or fuck it just about the decade in general i think this i did warn you not to trust me i think this i think this rape car you made it hard i think this and this and this the lannisters and their regards but unfortunately i also think all of these things i never really cared much for them innocent or otherwise you want a good girl but you need a bad pussy a finger in the bomb danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and euron's forces lisa dickon this is your legacy you're the one with the magic breastplate stretcher so it's obvious to most that game of thrones saw a variance of quality over the years in celebration of the show's 10th anniversary our quest today is to track that variance and place each of the show's 73 episodes in some order from worst to best hopefully we'll come across some help along the way this list was determined by an extremely rigorous method judging each episode by how much i liked it keep in mind that this is simply my own opinion and therefore indisputable fact okay no seriously i want to think about these as purely television experiences in isolation from anything else which means that for the first time in my adult life i don't give a care about those darn books i'm here to judge each episode against its own brethren all we're asking is how well crafted each episode is how well each episode communicates a good story i guess so if an episode has a great scene that is retroactively ruined by you know season eight i'm not gonna take marks off of that episode cause that'd be that'd be dumb get comfy because we're in for a long haul starting from the worst and working very very slowly up to the best let's begin every game of thrones episode ranked number 73 the bells to quote myself from almost two years ago fuck now i know it's cliche to hate the bells but consider that it's also cliche to hate the taste of dog shit there's good fucking reason to sum up the issues with the bells in two statements would be extremely reductive but there's 73 of these to get through so bite me firstly none of the characters are acting like themselves and secondly nothing makes any sense long established characters bend over backwards to suit the plot's need as does the very concept of logical cause and effect even the character moments that sound fine on paper fall flat because everything leading up to them is utterly baffling all the beauty in this episode is achieved through great contrivances and contempt for the audience most plot points could have gone any other way and this gargantuan waste of human effort would have been markedly more worth the approximately 15 million dollars it cost to produce that's enough money to paint the entire white house with chanel number five in case that was on your bucket list the only halfway good moment is sandor getting past this guard and everything else is actively broken we all know in our heads that this is a terrible episode but if you actually go back and watch it experience it feel its story corrupting your bones man is it utterly insufferable on a moment-to-moment basis we simply haven't the time to dissect every issue with every episode so for completely abandoning the portrayal of so many main characters and failing to uphold the story's core tenets at a moment so critical as the narrative's climax the bells earns the esteemed title of the worst ever episode of game of thrones congratulations oh it sounds like the fire bending's back on number 72 the iron throne boring bland empty pathetic there's nothing here following the uncaring and cataclysmic climax of the bells the iron throne is the sad flaccid remainder we are left to deal with while we ponder what terrible life decisions we made to wind up in bed with this show in the first place the showrunners decided it would be neat to end their production with one big character drama lacking any semblance of character heightened dramatic moments that could have been heart wrenching if only the characters involved were you know themselves if your series leaves people writing fanfiction set after its ending then at the very least you've probably done an alright job because people want to continue telling stories about your characters or the world they live in but game of thrones ending saw everyone and their nans writing fan fiction replacing its end trying to rewrite the way the series concluded yikes sure some other big shows have had controversial endings but i can't think of anything that saw this many people attempt to fix it the only good thing that came out of this shit stain of an episode was the huge number of people who realized they could write a better story than this major studio production to regale your memory tyrion finds his siblings corpses next to a clearing and completely destroys one of the series best lines duty is the death of love and yes grey worm teleports and the dragon inexplicably understands abstract symbols it's never seen before and john uses a random dagger instead of longclaw and there's so much other dumb shit in this finale but still the worst scene of the episode and perhaps the entire show is this one it honestly makes me weary to revisit gendry isn't even mentioned as a candidate for king even though he's right fucking there chadmiur is incomprehensibly shot down as a loser davos tells eunuchs to start families yara forgets about her brother and it's all in service of making bran king for no reason i can't imagine any of the people involved in this episode were happy with it the show had been declining in quality for years at this point and i wasn't expecting a satisfying end by any means but the iron throne still found a way to break me i was ecstatic that so many people used this episode and this season as a creative outlet but it left me completely unmotivated dejected spiraling this thing i'd loved for so many years and devoted countless hours of my attention to it had rotted beyond recognition before my eyes my video about this episode is the most successful thing i've ever made but i could never chase that success because what was the point of talking about this show anymore there was nothing more to say it was dead and so was i this episode annihilated my creative spirit for the better part of a year and for that it's somehow only the second worst episode of game of thrones it was also nominated for the outstanding writing emmy by the way get around that number 71 the long night every single thing that happens in the long night is stupid in at least two separate ways if you're wondering why the battle is so nonsensical it's because benioff and weiss couldn't comprehend the possibility that the people in charge of this thing might not be as woefully incompetent as they themselves are the white walkers were the show's biggest threat introduced in the very first scene seven seasons were spent developing the conflict emphasizing its importance and building to its climax no matter how stupid the rest of this show gets you thought this most major of plots must have a satisfying ending now idiot gets sucked in yeah nah turns out that it wasn't even that important and it ended in a way that satisfied none of the build-up the looming threat the apocalyptic catastrophe all it meant in the end was a convenient way to dispose of some characters we didn't need anymore the lighting issues and associated contempt for the audience would have been more than enough to put this episode in the bottom ten but then they had to go ahead and completely butcher the story too so many plots and character arcs come to a head here and as with the bells they all collapse in a floundering mess at the last hurdle john's involvement in the battle that concludes the story he's been central to for eight years is negligible at best the notion that political squabbles distract from existential apocalyptic threats turns out to be not an issue aya is shoehorned into the resolution for honestly no reason beyond benioff and weiss's weird obsession with maisie williams god knows what the fuck was supposed to happen in the crypts like why are scenes that are necessary to explain how characters got where they are left on the cutting room floor also like the bells there is a non-zero amount of beauty in this episode but drama television is ultimately a narrative medium and the story is the most important element production facilitates storytelling the most elaborate set piece the most intricate long shot the most explosive visuals the most exciting choreography sure it can all be impressive on a technical level but it has no chance of resonating with an audience unless it all rests atop a compelling story and being able to fucking see helps as well how anyone could even for the shortest moment dare to consider comparing this feature-length omni shambles to helm's deep is fucking unfathomable to me for causing immense eye strain in tens of millions of viewers and squandering one of the longest buildups in television history the long night goes down as one of the worst disasters put to screen and the third worst episode on my list and the fourth best on tv guides are you fucking kidding me why would you throw your sword you idiot number 70 the last of the starks if the bells was where the train crashed into the side of an orphanage it's only because the last of the starks saw the train veering angrily off the tracks in the first place probably due to confusion over speeding past the end of the line the pacing of this episode is frankly bizarre by this point all the stories had been rolled into literally just one plot with two sides so the show could no longer indicate the passage of time by jumping to a different story as was its formula for the better part of a decade so this feverish episode is forced to carelessly leap from one contrived story beat to the next with nothing to space out the events call it a scramble to set up for the bells or whatever either way this episode is an outlandish comedy of errors obvious solutions to simple problems are routinely ignored by supposedly smart characters for the sake of getting the plot where it apparently needs to go which is about as antithetical to gurm's method of plotting as you could get it's blatantly obvious that this episode was produced on what surely amounts to a first draft or near enough to make no matter while danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and euron's forces like this is the kind of dumb fucking issue that a revised script couldn't possibly suffer from imagine feeling the need to explain your simple ass ikea flat pack plot in these dumb fucking post episode breakdowns and then only offering surface level post hoc explanations how little of a shit do you have to give about your creation the biggest tv drama ever that not only do you let this fever dream of a scene make it to the air but you also completely failed to come up with any clarifications for it for breaking my brain in eight different places the last of the starks goes straight in the bin it stinks it stinks it stinks number 69 nice the dragon and the wolf as if the terribly constructed death of littlefinger wasn't enough the dragon and the wolf also offers such great hits as robert's rebellion was built on a lie and there is no conversation that will erase the last 50 years and ladies and gentlemen i'm confused and i cannot serve two queens and maybe it really is all cocks in the end and you're the strongest person i know and look we don't have time for all of them as i do faintly recall saying that most lines in this episode are fucking dumb credit where it's due though it does have this and boat sex this episode is a great demonstration of the show's growing lack of pacing and payoff the lack of care given to the script the culmination of the season-long conflict between sansa and arya is well it's resolved off-screen and leads to an unearned victory over peter a once thrilling character who is now a nothing villain the incredible twist of viserion being revived by the night king was spoiled in the previous episode cersei's pregnancy was similarly told to us earlier for no real reason jon's parentage was told to us in the season 6 finale and the twists that did happen in this episode are total bananas apparently it was the night king's plan to destroy the wall with the undead viserion even though according to the showrunners themselves that was an opportunistic grab was anyone surprised by this by the way like what the fuck else did you expect to happen aren't the season finales of this show supposed to have like big surprising twists i guess that was an expectation they couldn't just leave unsubverted all of this said i think the biggest pitfall of the fire lizard and the doggo the penultimate season's conclusion and the last episode we would see for almost two years is that absolutely nothing interesting happens in the huge arse meeting between almost all the important characters and many unimportant characters nothing really changes hands cersei is offered a truce which clearly benefits her and she reluctantly accepts it even after jon refuses her terms for no reason like give us anything to work with cersei takes tyrion is collateral why not or demands peter as a hostage or a bannerman or something because she knows he's in winterfell the last time cersei had all her enemies in one place something happened in spite of the consequences that should have come yet this time nothing and god knows why bran waited until sam got to winterfell before he told anyone the thing about the people but fuck it this episode has the dialogue pacing and direction of an 80-minute video game cutscene and for that the dragon and the wolf can piss right off number 68 winterfell ah the subject of my worst video they took an extra year to make season eight and they came back with this how embarrassing this episode is so empty winterfell might just be the most forgettable episode of this show the only somewhat decent course in this overpriced and undercooked meal is the drama revolving around sam his father and brother and his feelings about daenerys executing them and even that is contingent on him somehow making it from old town to winterfell without hearing about the invading dragon lady executing one of the foremost lords of the kingdom must have traveled with his fingers in his ears oh and i guess bran chose not to tell him too anyway there's a bunch of reunions in this episode and for the most part they're thoroughly underwhelming again the sam thing works alright and there's a lot going on in this scene but of course jon's parentage has already been revealed to the audience twice so the grand reveal is robbed of most of its emotional intensity the audience knows crucial information that the relevant character doesn't know this is dramatic irony and lord knows it's an effective literary device but you have to ask yourself what tension or complexity does the story gain by revealing jon's parentage to the audience before john himself knows he's named king in the north after the first reveal which is pretty irrelevant because it has like nothing to do with his parents and boat sex happens after the second reveal which like okay so the audience knows he's fucking his aunt great i don't see how this is worth losing the weight that this scene could have had as with the dragon and the wolf the reveal in winterfell was pointlessly spoiled earlier in the show and those are just the problems with the best scene on offer the rest of this thing is so fucking flimsy i'm getting ready to yell jenga is that a thing is that how you play jenga ned umber is sent to a gruesome and futile death so that he could do a spooky jump scare and not accomplish anything when ed and tormund somehow arrive at last half at the exact same time after the huge zombie army had passed through but they still beat them to winterfell in the next episode theon rescues yara in what amounts to a formality with no explanation the incredibly important golden company is introduced and cersei speaks directly for the audience i was told the golden company had elephants there's this cheesy fucking aladdin roleplay wish fulfillment garbage we could have replaced with anything and fuck this episode is pointless on a series rewatch god forbid you could safely skip most of this jaime arrives at winterfell at the end that's all you need to know for wasting my goddamn time winter fell bad number 67 unbowed unbent unbroken you may not have expected to see season 5 appear so early on the list but that's just because you've forgotten how utterly dreadful unbowed unbent unbroken truly is the opening of this episode is the longest continuous segment of the show where nothing happens it is so boring i as time at the house of black and white is literally unremarkable i've got nothing to say about it the next scene has at least something with tyrion telling jorah his father is dead but it doesn't really go anywhere before we're snapped back to arya to learn more confusing inconsistencies about the faceless men we return to jorah and tyrion being captured by slavers which is a fine scene but it took 19 minutes for anything to actually happen in this episode and the rest of its run time does little to redeem this peter exchanges some plot holes with cersei before things presume being boring aside from doran and arya being epic the conflict at the water gardens is an insane comedy of errors that can only be laughed at so many times and constitutes perhaps the second worst fight of the show's run the queen of thorns arrives in king's landing to throw down with cersei and that's fine but the subsequent inquest of loris tyrell is fucking abysmal oliver makes no sense and his knowledge of a birthmark on a highborne lord who he squired for being counted as solid evidence of his affair with loris is just terrible writing do better and to cap the episode off we have santa's wedding complete with wifely duties it's tasteless and disgusting and the only good thing about it is that alfie gets to show off his chops you may think it's strange to place this one below the majority of season seven but i would definitely rather watch those episodes than this one through exposing my birthmark unbowed unbent unbroken has to scrub the floor for five minutes number 66 beyond the wall when this episode first aired i was convinced that it could not be topped and yet of the seven episodes that came after beyond the walrus six of them are worse than it to begin describing the issues with this brainless zombie of an episode i would have to wait who the fuck is that my name is alt schwift x and season 7 episode 6 is the one that broke me this is the one where jon and his pals go on a zombie hunt beyond the wall a random collection of incongruent characters with nothing in common but high q ratings band together on a suicidally dangerous journey deep into enemy territory on foot all so they can catch a zombie so they can bring it all the way back south to show cersei to convince her not to attack them when they go all the way back north to fight the zombies there are so many reasons why this plan is terrible but it could be its own 73-part video but when the plan goes predictably terribly jon asks daenerys for help by sending gendry on a multi-day ice marathon to then send a raven south asking daenerys to fly north to save them while jon and the boys sit and wait surrounded by the dead for days the game of thrones show has always had a loose relationship with time and logistics and common fucking sense but this is the moment they completely jump the shark with a plotline that has no consistency with the tone or context or logic of this world this doesn't feel like a grounded political drama it doesn't even feel like a dark mysterious fantasy it feels more like a marvel superhero movie with the cool fun heroes making cool fun quips about cocks dick cock while they fight faceless hordes of morally unambiguous bad guys the whole farcical plotline is a blatant contrivance to get one of daenerys dragons killed so that next episode the night king can use this dragon to break the wall of course this raises questions like how did the night king know that daenerys would come was this a trap is he a green seer like bran can he see the future he sure as fuck didn't see arya coming in the final season and why did the hound see this mountain in a vision why did benjen stark return just to fuck off again why did they walk all this way instead of flying or at least riding a horse in this episode beric says the living fight the dead it's good guys versus bad guys and we don't need to understand any more than that the show tells us to stop thinking don't expect the mysteries and politics and relationships to make sense just shut up and clap for the dragons and yes the dragons look great the effects are great the locations music acting are great but the story feels so contrived arbitrary and empty that the rest has no meaning and shit that's just the jon storyline at winterfell arya and sansa have this maddeningly frustrating pointless artificial conflict like it makes sense that there'd be some tension between sansa and aya but in the space of three episodes arya goes from a heartfelt reunion with her sister to literally threatening to kill sansa and wear her face as a mask it's so bizarre and out of character and over the top but apparently that's the best the writers could come up with to keep the stark sisters busy this season all the worst aspects of the final season with nonsensical contrived character conflicts and unexplained underwhelming white walker bullshit was all foreshadowed here in the penultimate episode of season seven okay look great segment but you'd better never try to upstage me again for all the things that guys just said i'm gonna wear beyond the walls face as a mask [Music] number 65 the spoils of war between the unceremonious dismissal of mirror reed the miraculously underwhelming reunion of aya and her siblings and the jewel between her and brienne that nobody asked for the spoilers of war cemented winterfell as the place where characters go to die peter get out of there this episode is off the fucking walls liberating great big tits you can bury your face in missandei and daenerys are giggling schoolgirls littlefinger is doing random shit just to see what happens cersei is trading debt for different debt and the lannister army is stretched thin for no fucking reason here look at these inconsequential drawings i know nothing about there's a reason that my video on this episode is the borderline experimental feverish meltdown it's what i had to do to make any sense of this trying to critique this episode is like playing chess with a pigeon a weird fucking way to spend your day the majority of this dog's breakfast is built around the wacktastic battle at the end because every episode's gotta have a big battle in it that's what game of thrones is about and yeah it looks pretty cool except for when drogon's wings don't push the smoke and when they clip through that tree yes i'm gonna be that critical because for fuck's sake if the visual spectacle is all you have then you'd better be damn sure it's at least visually plausible when held up to any level of scrutiny for spoiling what happens in the spoils of war the spoilers of war gets a barely coherent analysis number 64. stormborn i would be nice to this episode but that's not me stormborn pisses me off to no end this one features sideshow mel showing up to bring jon snow to dany's attention for prophetic reasons that are never really explored which leads to a linguistics lesson that is not only wontonly out of place but also gobsmackingly irrelevant for a language that dany has spoken longer than missandei has in a show that regularly makes egregious areas about its own languages that don't get corrected just saying if you want a character to plausibly call out an inconsistency when it's relevant to the plot which this isn't really by the way maybe previously demonstrate that consistency is important maybe anyway that's that line but it shows exactly how opportunistic and unplanned every little beat in this part of the story is this line comes out of hammer space essentially to accomplish the arbitrary task of steering the plot in the right direction it's shit writing nymeria also appears from hammer space in a bonkers scene that again is not only irrelevant but actively detrimental this is what should meet the cutting room floor not the resolution of the entire ayah sansa conflicts and hotpie tells us she's hot fuck me season 7 blows everything to do with dany is insane especially her conversation with varys john beats up peter for some reason davos seems to think that tyrion is a hoopy fruit qyburn is being cute when asked about military strategy randall makes no sense he was a fucking targaryen loyalist we almost get some yara yuri before well every episode's gonna have a big battle in it that's what game of thrones is about but the citadel isn't too terrible and you know what this scene's pretty hot for showing me jacob anderson's ass stormborn is honestly higher on the list than it should be number 63 the door everyone's entitled to an opinion so if you really like the door i can't do a damn thing about it not what i intend to but i can voice my utter confusion at that opinion it has one scene of note and beyond the shock of the first viewing that scene has scant little of value on offer it's not as though some grand mystery had been made of hodor's condition and this is the epic reveal no really it's just a plot point for its own sake hodor had remained a fan favorite this far into the series in no small part due to the writer's inability to make him say terrible dialogue but honestly looking back on the series bran fucking with his mind is just some weird anecdotal footnote the real insanity and enormous issue with the scene comes into full view when you realize that deadass time travel is introduced for literally just this moment it's briefly alluded to an oathbreaker so that's something but it's about the only redeeming thing the door has going for it and it's from a different episode summer is dismissed with about as much care as leaf is the three-eyed raven is nothing even rhaegar's actions make no sense and fuck i'm looking forward to destroying this episode in its own video as for the remaining 40 minutes of the episode it also is terrible in fresh unique ways the king's moat strikes me as a lazy insult to those who have read feast and makes for a thoroughly underwhelming moment even divorced from the source material euron publicly admits to kinslaying and nobody cares peter offers sansa an army and she refuses because she's so smart and brienne doesn't arrest or murder him for some reason there's more boring shit at the house of black and white the bloody hand is a good reprieve a fucking love richard e grant danny exiles jorah for a third time but she likes him this time for some reason marine fucking sucks and we meet the essential priestess kinvara for the first and also last time she knows random shit about varys and it's all very mysterious and ooh but it's fucking hollow empty and directionless sansa sends brienne away to deal with the blackfish again a very weird plot point that just serves to put everyone in the right place for the one scene they're building to you can't just put this shit in the same series as gurm's masterfully crafted interacting plots you gotta do better than that man while its lows aren't quite as low as those of seasons seven and eight after getting over the artificial shock of its climax the door is sorely lacking in any highs for going nowhere with a crazy idea the door sits snugly below the next entrant but man it's a close one why does a cave have a door number 62 battle of the bastards yes i know i get it it looks very good you don't need to tell me i've seen it you know what else i've seen though the rest of this fucking episode battle of the bastards unfortunately begins with the siege of meereen an embarrassingly rushed conclusion to the marine conflicts which the writers desperately wanted you to forget about as soon as possible my reign has just begun she leaves in the next episode she puts daario in charge like it's just fucking awful i'm willing to bet a lot of you completely forgot about this battle the sons of the harpy just get dario and the dothraki just mow them down like an unkempt lawn and that's fucking it the flagrant dismissal of the sons of the harpy is enough to put this episode in the depths of this list but wait there's more later the greyjoys show up to be lectured at by tyrion who is at his most unlikable hypocritically judging theon and making shit up about their interaction in season one yara and daenerys become allies because they are both girl boss queens and yara is completely cool to end huge facets of the ironborn culture to secure the alliance have you seen the iron islands how the fuck could this place survive independently without raiding and that's just meereen at winterfell there's sansa's unthinkable refusal to cooperate with jon which they somehow thought would make the arrival of the knights of the vale a twist what ramsay decides to meet jon in the field even though there's literally no need like man it's well directed but the whole thing lacks any suspense the tactics of the battle make no sense according to people who are smarter than i am people got mad at the kid for not zigzagging and like man it just pisses me off when that kind of surface level observation is what becomes a mainstream criticism like rhaegar's wig or the starbucks cup like sure that stuff could have been fixed easily but what's more important is the consistency of the writing and i guess davos finds the burnt stag fucking whatever so why isn't this ranked lower well you and rayon single-handedly lifts this episode from the bottom 10. the show's last good villain makes watching this one more enjoyable than the preceding entries on the list he gets a fittingly gruesome send-off though the perpetrator's arc seems not at all influenced by her having committed this horrendous act basically this shit's fucked up but it wouldn't be right to blame this episode for its lack of impact for insulting my height back in season 1 battle of the bastards gets to play with my dogs number 61 eastwatch beginning with the impossible survival of jaime and bronn structured around tyrion's batshit plan to bring a white to king's landing and concluding with the assembling of the avengers eastwatch is one big scramble to get all the pieces in place for beyond the walrus and the season finale and boy does it feel like a scramble teleporting is at a record high littlefinger is at his most pointless and davos is at his most senile last time i was here you killed my son with wildfire given the intense emotional conflict between tyrion and davos that could have existed in its place this might be the most insulting line in the series the only compelling beat of this episode is cersei learning that tyrion was innocent of joffrey's murder oh and the crap meat that gives you a stiffy of course beyond that we get bronn and jaime's resurrection jon's storybook moment with drogon jorah's incredibly timed arrival on dragonstone the beginning of sam's miraculous continental journey with straws up his ears and cersei being mad at jaime for doing literally nothing despite their amicable reunion in the previous episode sansa and arya clash over bad vibes mainly nothing in particular huh weird i thought bran was dead i thought bran was dead the tallies get baked there's an extremely dumb meeting or three gendry gets dragged kicking and screaming back into the plot and jorah doesn't fucking murder tyrion oh well the scene at eastwatch itself is passable if not too predictable but it's nice to see all of these characters connections explored albeit briefly for bringing a reddit meme into canon i thought you might still be ruling eastwatch gets annulled by the high septon what does annulment mean whatever the fuck we want it to gilly number 60 book of the stranger despite harboring the genesis of tormund's obsession with the big lady book of the stranger sucks in a few major ways much of this episode is spent dwelling pointlessly on the high sparrow and his unsubstantiated philosophy leading to scenes so inconsequential i can't believe they would waste jonathan price's time like that i'm so sorry papa he's just talking about fucking shoes for minutes at a time and it's as though this is all building to something but man it fucking isn't though honestly king's landing at this point in the show is just tedium the first stark reunion occurs at castle black and yeah it's pretty nice i like how they brought together the two who cared the least about each other sansa tries to convince jon to fight but i'm tired of fighting which is fair enough brienne tells davos that she killed stannis and then she just walks away because her arc this season is all about doing whatever she wants and never facing repercussions marine as per usual is dreadful somehow tyrion's proposed transitional period for abolishing slavery is perceived as unproductive but the bigger problem is that the writers clearly don't know what to do with these characters in this plot and the actors don't seem convinced of it either marine in season 6 is filler and this is one of the worst examples of it theon decides that instead of complete servitude of the abusive ramsay he's gonna live his life in complete servitude of the abusive yara osha's death is also fucking awful brilliant actors but they can only lift a rushed concept so high they so desperately needed to clean up these loose ends that they just did whatever they had to back at castle black the pink letter is a frankly embarrassing adaptation that lacks any of the weight it does in a dance with hang on i'm not supposed to talk about the books read the books damn it anyway this letter can fuck right off and soak in its mates so many things could have been going on in this scene but all that happens is jon gets pissed off enough to fight against ramsay the super daario bros track dan into vase dothrak and the comedy of errors leads us to this awful final scene with all the cows in the big fire and it's all just terrible even if the rest of the episode wasn't a boring mess which it is this egregious scene which is honestly shot like shit would shoot it pretty far down the list getting into it would take too long so for now i'll just say that for making daenerys completely fire proof with no explanation the book of the stranger has to listen to me talking about shoes for like five minutes number 59 dragonstone shall we begin fuck you dragonstone sucks arya shenanigans at the twins are a great setup for the incoherent wild ride that is season seven it was cool that they returned to cold opens for season premieres and i will grant that it was good to see aya doing anything for once strange that she got to the twins before king's landing though that's kind of wacky anyway she meets some guy and i really just don't care the only good scenes are sam's shit montage coupled with the introduction of slughorn and sandor dealing with the past the rest is pretty shit jorah is a full-time jump-scare artist now brienne blames podrick for trying his best even though he's pretty good euron sucks as a villain but at least cersei's got a neat map winterfell fucking sucks now as the only interesting person present has decided to sit this season out sansa has decided to become the worst character the episode ends with daenerys capture of dragonstone because of course stannis left it undefended and there are no other more strategic points to stage an invasion from for fuck's sake it only makes sense if you're just gonna burn king's landing right ed lets bran through the wall kinda just because he seems legit and like man season seven is just exhausting fuck i'm glad i've made breakdowns on each of these episodes because summarizing them is such a confusing nightmare for completely wasting billy possible thwaites cameo dragonstone gets to empty my chamber pot number 58 no one if jaime and bronn's ludicrous fight with the sand snakes in season 5 is when game of thrones jumped the shark then what arya gets up to in no one must be when it backflipped over a megalodon having survived a dip in the filthy fucking canal immediately after several stabs to the general abdomen area the one other person ironos in the city who happens to be an unregistered nurse chronic domestic abuser heals her up just in time for her to participate in a cartoonish foot race including a moment a bit too close to to be ignored the long-awaited showdown between noted bullshit antagonist the waif and noted bullshit protagonist arya strunk takes place in the most dramatic place possible off-screen then arya announces to jaqen that she has finished her arc great thanks goodbye thanks for the most bland generic empty pointless plot this show saw meanwhile sandor goes on a killing spree and meets with the beric hood varys leaves marine just before its attacks but i guess that means nothing we'll just waste time with an awful tyrion scene i guess the siege of riverrun is resolved which contains one pretty good scene but also a lot of dumb shit including the blackfish's heroic last stand and death taking place in the most dramatic place possible off-screen the king's landing plot goes nowhere slowly with tommen banning trials by combat to ensure that nothing exciting could possibly happen qyburn spoils cersei's big surprise for us the awful fucking siege of marine begins and though it sees one of the show's stupidest plots finally concluded no one is still doomed to endure fondly brawn right number 57 the queen's justice by a sizable margin the most well-crafted episode of season seven the queen's justice is still quite shite carried by two standout scenes unfortunately it is dragged down by you know all the season seven going on around those scenes to get the good out of the way cersei's vengeance against ellaria is completely chilling and perhaps the last chance lena gets to really do cersei things and atlanta's death and confession is well contrived still well written enacted like the steps taken to get jaime and elena in this room are dumb as fuck but once they're in there it's pretty damn good i also want to commend this episode's title which stands out as being quite clever and applicable amongst a bunch of episodes whose titles aren't now to get into the bad john on dragonstone fails to deliver in a number of ways davos is randomly a creep and for some reason we're not telling people about jon's resurrection melisandre has a random fucking conversation with varys before dany completely misses the point of having jon come over in the first place euron parades through king's landing and delivers excuse me it's rude to interrupt cersei is cersei for a bit before the insanity with the iron bank is established jon tyrion and daenerys take turns yelling about their problems you lost two brothers as well i thought bran was dead it's just so easy to get all this shit right and they didn't peter is extremely confusing just for a bit of fun then bran comes to winterfell and emotes jorah is cured of greyscale and okay that's not awful i just started feeling better that's pretty good but then we get to the mental battles of this episode because every episode's gotta have a big battle in it that's what game of thrones is about both casterly rock and high garden look like trash no fucking clue how euron ambushed them and so quickly too the tyrell army can't hold a castle long enough for reinforcements but jon can chill out on a random frozen lake for eight years waiting for dany i guess so yeah these battles kind of piss on the fire that was starting to burn here for being the final episode of the show to not have arya stark the queen's justice sits above the rest of season seven but not all of season eight number 56 a knight of the seven kingdoms the best episode of the final two seasons 13 episodes a night of the seven kingdoms still only made it to 18th on the list much as the trial of jaime lannister is a lackluster mess it is decent character work for brienne to vouch for him to convince sansa the ensuing tension between daenerys and jaime is never revisited fuck knows why he killed her fucking father and she never brings it up again but it's good for the moment tyrion is finally held accountable for his many missteps but this also goes nowhere it's as though kog'man is trying to sear the story in a more rational consequence-driven direction so perhaps with him at the helm this story could have actually had a somewhat decent conclusion alas this episode was generally derided as being filler which is simply not the case it fits the format of a few other episodes with pieces moving and interacting to establish the background for a moment of spectacle contemplative episodes mainly structured around singular dramas like you in or you die or mockingbird those episodes however aren't confined to a single location and don't have to deal with a billion plots coming together all at once those are big hurdles to jump and the episode stumbles headfirst into them my favorite is this scene with everyone huddled around the battle map like you can literally see that there are too many characters here with too much unsettled beef between them you can draw lines between a bunch of different combinations and probably very quickly write a scene more deserving of air time than the lunch lady davos scene with shireen's ghost who we never see again though it is riddled with the same issues of latter dragon's show saved perhaps for the frantic pacing a knight of the seven kingdoms also has a non-zero amount of character spirit and heart jenny's song brienne's knighting sansa and theon's reunion this is all pretty compelling cockman understands these characters and for that this episode stands above its malformed brethren but still below all of the you know good episodes for a glint of sideboob and a guzzle of milk a night of the seven kingdoms sits above the rest of season seven and eight which is kind of like being the fastest out of a family of sloths number 55 home a slightly faster sloth but still riddled with awful diseases home sees the return of bran to the show because things weren't vague and pointless enough without him we also meet euron which great did we even need euron couldn't balon have just done all these things there was rising tension between him and yara anyway i don't know just seems like we threw away a character we were already a little familiar with for someone brand new for no real reason anyway theon rolls his plot dice and decides he needs to go to pike immediately fuck knows how he plans on getting that done ramsay kills his entire family giving ruse a silly little death scene for some reason davos is suddenly ride or die for jon tyrion meets the dragons which i hate because it led to a lot of people talking about one of my least favorite theories but whatever i guess it's not that terrible king's landing is slow as fuck the best it's got going for it is this dick measuring between jaime and francis and it's all just so pointless and meandering that i struggle to consider how anyone can call a knight of the seven kingdom's filler and not this to cap it all off we have the resurrection and haircut of jon snow nullifying any significance the previous season's finale had as he is relatively unchanged by the experience so why is it higher than the previous episode on my list it's close but this one has good old ramsay being good old ramsay and the theon sansa farewell is pretty touching albeit a little silly for these reasons home rises just a smidge closer to the top of the dumpster number 54 blood of my blood the only good thing this episode has going for it is also the only good thing that happens in braavos aside from mace's singing and that's the bloody hand play that arya watches everything else in blood of my blood is dull at best from boulder frey's cartoonish unveiling of edmure tully as his prisoner to the mind-numbing revelation that benjen stark is alive and contrived to the excruciatingly boring return to papa's shoe sermon rumor gilead horn hill is a little cute and i love listening to james faulkner's voice is you getting back at me boy but randall's relative mercy to sam for breaking his oaths and bringing a wild linger to his home is mildly inexcusable sam's defiance and the theft of heart spain isn't bad but it makes promises for the story that aren't ever fulfilled ace tyrell marches an army into the middle of king's landing to no effect but at least he makes a neat speech so much time is dedicated to this boring as fuck religious uprising just for it to be snuffed out without any clarity but don't worry we'll get to that soon jaime's dismissal from the kingsguard just so we can deliver him to clean up riverrun later is fucking dumb and good lord don't get me started on inspiring daenerys speech number 43 after she happens to locate her dragon hiding behind a rock she names literally the entire dothraki horde her blood riders which again promises plot points that are never delivered on she echoes drogo's epic speech from you win or you die but it never hits the same intensity or passion but hey sam's mum is nice and we get to see joffrey die again so it's not all bad for giving richard e grant some scenery to chew on blood of my blood gets to ride a horse up a staircase wait how the fuck did he do that number 53 oath breaker but glidus jon's back and we see arthur dayne fight alice it gets hanged this episode is pog town and you should be the mayor no don't be don't be weird like that earthbreaker smells and it smells of rushed setup we need rickon around for episode nine quick throw him in at winterfell we need time travel to be a thing for the door quick have brand get past ned's attention we need to give davos a reason to dedicate his life to jon snow oh they didn't actually set that one up we need arthur dayne to seem like a big deal even though he's only been mentioned once i don't know just give him two fucking swords who cares for some reason howland saving ned's life is considered dishonorable this is war baby anything goes the old dude pulls bran out of the flashback for no reason whatsoever so the whole scene feels super random like why the fuck were we here in the first place sure the jewel itself is a spectacle to behold but it's total whomping bollocks bran has heard the story a thousand times yet somehow we never have vasedothrack is nothing like season 1 for some reason varys blackmails a sex worker which is shockingly one of the least boring scenes in marine but don't be too impressed by limboing under a 7-foot bar the small council scene is actually kind of fun which earns oathbreaker a few points though they're quickly thrown away by tommen's chat with the pope and rocky's training montage do you like how they gave rickon no lines because the art parkinson's voice had already broken undead jon's short-lived coldness and indifference is an interesting development that i really enjoy and i can't blame this episode for completely dropping that facet of his personality however as vengeance for ollie i'm going to put oathbreaker's head through the dryer also sam's on the ship what kind of god would have a pecker that small number 52. the broken man i do like a cold open i do like the hound i do like ian mcshane i do like edmure i don't like whatever the fuck this is supposed to be having defined an order of assassins the broken man sees arya brazenly and smugly galloping around braavos before enduring the ultimate vibe check the waif should have gone for the head but honestly arya should die from this shit either way i fucking hate this scene and it's mutual the high sparrow continues to soak up screen time but this bout of boring sparrow scenes is probably the best simply because margaery shows the slightest glimpse of actually scheming at all jon's adventures rallying the north or lackluster the scene with the wildlings is the best of them because one one and there's some notion of jon as a religious figure he died for us except it's not really framed that way and it's entirely abandoned for the other scenes i guess lyanna called sansa sandra that's pretty cool and lady sandra is a bolton also a landister lannister sandra landista's continued resistance to using peter's army infuriates me but hey blackfish you guys like the blackfish right you like the blackfish completely ignoring the motto of his house awesome uh what else you know i guess i like the episode's title being woven into sandor edmure john and theon oh yeah theon i have mixed feelings on this scene but mainly it's filler that only serves to remind you where they're going this is a weird episode so for being so ballsy as to shove the hound in our faces the broken man can go for a lovely open wound swim through a disgusting canal number 51 the winds of winter i wish i could watch those first 23 minutes for the first time again production wise every moment from the first tolling of the bell to tommen's death is undeniably jaw-droppingly gorgeous though i had been disillusioned by the show for some time already and bored mindless by the plot leading up to this climax the opening sequence of the winds of winter completely captivated me tommen's death is as far as i'm concerned the last truly beautiful moment of game of thrones it was this dramatic suspenseful musical avalanche that saw a beloved character briefly return to sinister form finally i was watching the show i fell in love with again i could breathe what an exhilarating masterful scene so why is this episode 51st on the list and not like 10th everything about this sequence is perfect well everything except the writing but that would require getting too nitty and too gritty for this video i'll cover it in the piss take before too long i can and will dissect the writing of this scene and demonstrate where it falters but there's no need for that when i can just point to say the rest of the episode to justify its placement okay that's an exaggeration jamie being a prick to boulder frey is also fun to watch even though it's a little strange and this one guy at the citadel is fun even though it's insane they didn't already know about jr mormont's death when tyrion knew before he left king's landing and yeah look davos's rage at melisandre is also great i loved that girl like she was my own but that's it varys bamboozles elena in sunspear and like everything about this scene sucks but man it looks pretty and so does this scene where dany dumps dario for some reason i haven't talked about direction and cinematography much in this video but i just want to point out that miguel sapochnick makes beautiful things like just look at this and this and this whatever happens in house of the dragon i'm sure it'll be pretty frey pie happens and ayah kills the geezer before he even eats his sons what's the point the whole thing is cartoonish and laughable and i don't want to talk about it peter is weird to sansa but what else is new benno abandons brand and mira at the walrus where we learn that jon is actually the son of you know what isn't that important the reveal is so good they decided to do it two more times before the show ended he's named king in the north in the aftermath of basketball which is strange because john lost the battle is a bastard and surely many people would still see him as a knight's watch deserter especially given that he isn't referred to as a religious figure rallying behind sansa or robin or even peter would make much more sense but that doesn't take the wish fulfillment box whatever jaime returns to king's rubble just in time for cersei's equally nonsensical coronation the episode concludes with dany's amalgamated fleet swarming towards westeros complete with varys by her side because that makes sense so yes there's a lot to love about the winds of winter but there's also so much to hate i'm softer on it now than i have been in the past and perhaps that trend will continue but for now i'd prefer to watch any of the episodes above it on this list starting with very narrowly might i add number 50 the dance of dragons oh deary dearie looks like venison's on the menu tonight hope you like it charred the dance of the dragons is a strange episode off to a rough start with sir twenty goodman's incredible pyromancy eviscerating stannis camp you can't win me over with a smiler reference stannis doesn't correct davos when he says found the 20 men maybe less which puts the episode down a few pegs davos doesn't really push back when stannis tells him to fuck off allowing the thing to happen but not before shireen name drops the episode during her last adorable scene with davos then look it could have been great there could have been a way for this to be as tragic and heartbreaking a moment as baelor or the reigns of castamere i think the biggest missteps are stannis's involvement and the wacky plot beats that lead to his desperation in the first place and also you know the relative lack of impact it has for some reason jon's brought all the free folk to castle black from the north instead of sailing to the south side of eastwatch which is pretty fucking dumb jaime and doran try to address how silly this whole plot's been this is like the only halfway decent scene in dorne doran rocks obviously perhaps some super instead but the whole thing is soured by ellaria's childish behavior and the downright goofy circumstances that led us to this point and the sand snakes arya finds marin and that whole thing gets started it's not terrible set up for the finale but the way the show characterizes this insurance dude is pretty stupid i can appreciate all the production detail involved in dasnak's pit but i can also hate everything that happens in it they never really mastered how to make the dragon back shots convincing and it looks pretty awful here i'm not gonna go into how ludicrous the ambush is that's for another day for failing to make the most of a potentially unforgettable moment the dance of the dragons gets clobbered by the big dude number 49 the red woman diving headfirst into davos sudden undying love for jon snow's corpse the red woman starts season six down an appropriately weird and ill-conceived track after alisa thorne confesses to treason ed fucks off to look for tormund ramsay's grieving for miranda is quite frankly a brilliant moment of characterization for him sure he's a disgusting brutal evil monster but he also genuinely loved and cared for this woman and yet he's still a monster she's a good meat feeder to the hands this scene alone is enough to place it above what we've seen so far which is pretty lucky because this episode doesn't have much else going for it theon and sansa flee winterfell in the save by both brienne and continuity errors the fight is pretty fun but i truly hate what it means for brienne and how it demolishes the weight of her story pogdrick is pretty epic though that's fine and the oath to sansa is kinda cute cersei's grieving for marcelo is great because lena but it's undercut by the insanity going underway in dorne and in king's landing and in meereen oh god mesa means mother in valerian no it fucking doesn't you have the conlanger on staff why did this happen dany's fleet burns just so she has a reason to need ships later on the super daario bros track dany and even though the premise is dumb i rather like their dynamic dany's travels with moro are mostly just disappointing reminders of how cool drogo was always good to see arya beaten up a little of course alisa confronts davos and co which itself isn't bad then we learned that melisandre is old great for wasting alexander siddiq's time the red woman is good mate feed it to the hounds number 48 sons of the harpy you may think i've been harsh on meereen so to be fair to sons of the harpy let's keep an open mind and see what it has on offer oh cool a fan favorite badass gets an unearned unceremonious death this is only one step above an off-screen death you know we've also got celebrity power couple jamie and bronn arriving on dawn complete with talk to their hand cersei fucking predicting the future in a small council meeting lancel's fake ass headscarf peter somehow knows how to get into the winterfell crypts and his entire plan is either a drug-fueled haze on his behalf or an extreme contrivance on the writer's behalf stannis is the favorite to win but peter's allied himself with bruce for some reason ellaria has been ruined obara sand gives an off-the-charts cringy speech tommen and margery have a falling out over how much of a little bitch he is okay so that's not great but there's actually quite a lot to enjoy in sons of the harpy like tyrion's inquisition of jorah perhaps the last moment tyrion's intellect is actually used for anything slap the you are my daughter scene is beautiful and remember that i said i'm not docking points for future episodes ruining good scenes and you know what castle black is pretty fine in this one jon rejects mel's seduction out of his love for egret it's a shame that that gets dropped later the sparrow stacking peter's brothel is a little silly but it's good to see something actually happening in king's landing and much as i hate the scenes around these speeches i do quite like hearing about harrenhal and rhaegar for constantly flip-flopping inequality sons of the harpy gets stabbed in an alleyway number 47 high sparrow the incomprehensibly idiotic move of handing sansa to the boltons would be enough to plummet high sparrow down this list but let's see what else it's got for us king's landing is actually pretty alright with tommen's wedding can we break the record and this subtextually rich moment between cersei and margaery i wish we had some wine for you it's a bit early in the day for us the high septon has entirely the wrong taste in sex workers we get to see some old man butt crack but then the council meeting is fine it doesn't matter interesting conversation with the high sparrow before cersei sends a very confusing message to peter the trend of horrendously boring scenes in the house of black and white begins here so that's shit but at least we get some good one worders out of it what constant vagaries to establish mystery that neither captures my attention nor goes anywhere brienne's a dick to pod while they go around moat kaelin which just ugh but things get better when their talk turns to renly roose announces his rebellion to the crown for a laugh theon's fear of sansa is cool but peter's conversations with both roos and ramsay drill holes in my brain tyrion gets kidnapped at a volunteering brothel after failing to get it up qyburn does some spooky things in his spooky lab and this has all been pretty rocky why is this episode better than say the red woman ollie bring me my sword castle black this episode is an absolute machine stannis comes to jon with his winterfell offer which is great and then of course the death of janna slint is pure catharsis john taking charge just does something to me i guess no homo a little homo for handing me off to the house that killed my family i'm gonna give high sparrow my shoes number 46 the gift if i were to tell you that this episode's placement had nothing to do with tyene sandbags you'd peg me for a liar immediately this episode isn't better than high sparrow and yet here it is the gift is mostly baffling but there's some alright stuff in here like stannis refusing to burn shireen even though everything happens to stannis sam and ghost's rescue of gilly cersei's torment of margaery and of course the best scene by a wide margin eamonn's death i dreamed that i was old it's honestly great jamie and marcela have classic dad and teenage daughter energy the scene with the slavers is mostly cool but then tyrion gets himself out of the pickle by beating a guy up which is kind of weird john leaves for hard home that's fine but then there's like these crazy scenes with olenna with both the high sparrow and peter peter continues epitomizing the flimsiness of season 5 story alistar is weird lancel showing up to see cersei is one of the cheesiest things this show ever does and dany doesn't listen to her manstress advice alfie carries a scene as is tradition and jorah temporarily doesn't have greyscale for the duration of this scene the fight's alright but the tyrion thing is yeah i i called the episode baffling didn't i of course the bafflingist is what happens in the cells down in dawn so for giving me a taste of the dornishman's wife the gift is inflicted with the poison that activates only when it's relevant to the plot number 45 the house of black and white oh boy is this the beginning of a new exciting adventure for aya in an exotic locale the house of black and white sets a precedent for the house of black and white making no sense we don't want you okay we want you but then later on they don't want to oh my god brienne tries to take sansa from peter and it goes about as well as you'd think sansa tells her to go fuck then several men die for no reason at all great cersei receives a threatening package from dawn and she's decided it's so effective that she sets up the whole thing again so that jaime can experience it jamie just like randomly declares that he's gonna go get myself a kickstarting a plot i think we all know my feelings about he ruins bronze life for this plot by the way please stop ruining doran and ellaria please in meereen daario stabs a curtain because he understands fear mossador is a character and because he's an idiot dany executes him okay this all sounds pretty unconvincing but king's landing hasn't gone to shit yet with a fun council scene kevin is great and i guess the dwarf heads thing in qyburn's creepy lab is alright but mostly what carries this episode is again castle black i know s solis is racist stannis 1v1s john ahri the wildlings and there's the mormont letter and of course there's jon's election to lord commander of the night's watch for loitering on my doorstep i don't want the house of black and white wait yes i do wait no i don't number 44 breaker of chains joffrey's bloated corpse is one hell of an image to begin an episode with breaker of chains is largely framed around figuring out who killed joffrey and i think the best it gets is this scene with podrick and a cape where tyrion tries to figure it out he doesn't quite make it but it's still a fun one with a touching farewell peter kills dontos after sansa is delivered he was a drunk and a fool and i don't trust drunk fools okay so why did you include him in your plan when surely there was someone more reliable you could have had do this olenna and marjorie talk about their husband's deaths before we get grampy tywin counselling tommen over his brother's corpse and he invents orris the first for some reason i like the lesson he's teaching but the speech itself is a little wonky bit of bit of wonk on that one then oh it's this scene i keep forgetting that this actually happens and i'm pretty okay with that what a weird disgusting blotch on the show with no justification so yeah this episode is pretty good if you take this bit out but for some reason hbo didn't do that arya and sandor have a cute time meeting this little family i hope they can get along oh no the slayer sends gilly away good setup for later in the season stannis is super fucking mad at davos for releasing gendry but he's chuffed that joffrey is dead davos has no clue how to find money so it's lucky that shireen's reading lesson reminds him the banks exist oberyn explains bisexual energy to oliver but tywin interrupts and their conversation is great ollie gets traumatized and goes to the watch jon wants to root out the mutant ears it's a little contrived but not terrible the dick measuring at marine gets a special place in my heart as the first scene i ever saw but for turning bellows shit into daario's piss breaker of chain's mother was a hamster and its father smelt of elderberries number 43 the children if season five's dawn plot was the ceremonial shark jumping of this show then surely sandor clegane's leisurely stumble off a cliff in the children marks at least a short hop over a mid-sized dolphin let's start with the good though the aftermath of watches jon treats with mance and they remember their fallen before stannis attacks and is generally a badass jon stannis and mance together is fucking sick eamonn farewell's the dead melisandre is sus then john and tormund is pretty good too as he tells jon to take egret where she belongs tywin commands cersei to marry loris and she confesses the twin cess thing which is pretty epic i like quite a lot of tyrion's escape and arya leaving for bravos is exciting but it's fucking dumb that value my ghoulies is treated like a secret code of some kind daenerys training rhaegal and viserion works pretty well and i want to commend the dragon team for this scene but mom and of course qyburn and pycelle tend to gregor this is my laboratory this is my laboratory okay now the bad brand's arrival at the cave is fucking dumb and i hate it for reasons too plentiful to discuss right at this moment jojen dies i guess and strewn roger is our raven dude for just this moment brienne magically stumbles across arya the conflict with sandor begins over brienne's sword even though she has an explanation for it but whatever it's fight time every episode's gotta have a big fight in it again my disdain for this scene is too multi-faceted for this video so for now it's edited like us and makes little sense brienne wins for plot reasons and podrick loses arya just like all the other horses i do like sandors begging for death and arya's cold abandoning of him though i said i wouldn't be comparing to the books so i can't deride the children just for not including the taisha reveal and i guess the issues this poses don't actually eventuate for a while so for being such a complicated episode i'm gonna have to seek a second opinion for the children my favorite episode to film was actually there was one at the end of season four and it's when the baratheons arrive at the wall and that was my favorite because before then i'd only ever filmed with one person maximum at a time and i kind of just walked into the set and there were so many people and so many cast members and i'd never seen anything like it i'd never filmed anything where there were so many people with like extras and stuff and um yeah it was just really cool and i found out that there was a sweet band as well which was really cool as well um so that was one of my favorites to film thanks carrie i wonder what it's like to be that positive number 42 kill the boy barristan's dead dany goes all heresy emulating some random dudes because she feels like it wurmo likes missandei then dany agrees to open the fighting pits and marry his daughter marine is pretty loopy and kill the boy so let's see what else is going on tyrion and jorah sail through valyria where the stone men are i guess and they spot drogon before all this happens don't know how they made it out but jorah connington is an interesting development fortunately for this episode the rest of it takes place in the north castle black remains pog as fuck with some killer memorable moments kill the boy jon snow easy thing to say to a man in chains a targaryen alone in the world it's a terrible thing what sam talks randall with stannis before the king leaves which is all pretty good winterfell is okay it's not all good news in the north brienne somehow gets a message in without compromising her position but hey look at alfie go walder is pregnant and ruse gets a pretty cute moment with ramsay you are my son they're gonna defend winterfell together oh ramsay has evil sex with his evil girlfriend santa meets theon in the kennels which is a little dumb so for sparing me of more boring kings landing braavos or dawn bullshit kill the boy gets conveniently placed greyscale number 41 mother's mercy like any season finale mother's mercy sees a bunch of plots reaching some conclusion or turning point unfortunately because season 5 is a weird boring unfocused mess many of these beats come off as rushed unfulfilling or plain fucking dumb the best of them are clearly cersei's walk of shame which might be season five's best scene and the mutiny at castle black which saw enough time devoted to its build-up to be genuinely sensible and though throwing benjen into the mix was a little left field it isn't egregious by any means beyond this though there's i is gratuitous vengeance of cereal and subsequent blinding the culmination of a season's worth of boring nonsense and inconsistent motivations the conclusion of the dawn plot sees a touching moment between father and daughter before ellaria's extremely obvious plot actually eventuates for once the marini weenies try to figure out what to do for the next season and fail miserably varys fucking apparates next to tyrion even though i thought he hated magic dany doesn't have dysentery which i guess is for the best but she's weirdly encircled by a random khalasar because drogon hunky and cp oh and jon sends sam to the citadel which i guess makes sense following eamon's death but the worst part of the episode is the awful conclusion of the stannis story ramsay decides to meet him in the field for no reason bit of a trendy started there and king stannis baratheon the greatest military commander alive isn't even in formation when the battle begins i hate this sansa's escape and theon's redemption with miranda's death works out fine and i like how brienne is forced to choose between her oath and an acting vengeance friendly even though that's ruined in the very next episode stannis bravery is admirable but does little to counteract how laughable the scene as a whole is the cutaway execution is not only out of character but also bothersome from a narrative perspective for the watch this episode gets the bad pussy number 40 oath keeper maybe i just have a sour taste in my mouth from all the marine that comes after it but oath keeper's capture of the city just rubs me the wrong way there's graffiti written in common for some reason and the last shot with the pyramid and the banner looks like shit fortunately oathkeeper is done with marine within 10 minutes bronn bitch slaps jaime with his own hand which is pretty cool these scenes are alright for no reason peter tells sansi that he killed joffrey for no reason then also for no reason olenna tells marjorie that she killed joffrey but she actually had a reason she's more telling the audience than marge because why would you tell marge mad snake lock arrives at castle black janos tells alisa that nobody likes him and that he should get rid of jon which is actually decent motivation for letting jon go to crasters nice cersei is crabby towards jaime and gets annoyed when he says he wouldn't kill sansa marge meets tommen oh look at this kitty the scene is cute when you forget about the actors ages brienne's reward for reading a boring book is a fancy sword to help sansa jaime is cool but you know you could have helped sansa when she was you know there brienne also gets a podrick hooray jon gathers a few folks to take crasters back with him ed's a total trooper carl fucking tanner is great i was a fucking legend after bran's crew fails miserably at being sneaky some blue dude takes crass's last son to this crazy fucking ice fortress where we meet the night king whoa so none of the scenes themselves are actually terrible outside of marine but most things that happen in earthbreaker are questionable for introducing the true azor ahai to the show i'm willing to forgive earth keepers missteps so the last few episodes weren't actually all that bad because we're now entering the part of the list where things get good quickly placement of episodes is going to start to seem very narrow as the show's quality is more or less consistent from this point on but i had to give every episode a number so feel free to think of these as being in basically one big equal place if you want as the order they're in here can be down to petty preferences or arbitrary whims starting with number 39 the wars to come breaking the growing trend of beginning seasons with cold opens the wars to come falters early with its failure to account for cersei's fourth child in nike's prophecy which may seem like a nitpick but consider that this is framed as the cornerstone memory that forms cersei's paranoia which influences her every action this season there's no reason for it to not be accurate seeing as they altered other parts of the prophecy the rest of the scene is good but this issue is one of the chips that later form a large crack across the windshield of this show's integrity oh yeah tywin's dead so this episode is all about establishing the new order of things with tyrion exiled mance defeated the sparrows in the capital dany solidifying her rule of marine and peter on the go i guess tywin's wake is fun if only because of loris awkward small talk to cersei and kevin is back the return of lancel is fine too making use of past plot points to develop a mostly forgotten character in an unexpected way margery walks in on her brother doing a sex and it has issues but whatever tyrion's wallowing is fine though it's strange that illyrio isn't at illyrio's home varys outs himself as a targaryen fanboy raising pertinent questions one could reasonably call plot holes that aren't addressed until over two seasons later dany's kids have gone nuts but don't worry they'll turn out fine somehow also the unsullied brothel murders start i guess and finally we arrive at the death of mance raider great character great actor great final scene great send send-off for providing me with this clip i'm not going to push the wars to calm down a well number 38 hard home i know this one is a lot of people's mega favorite and here i am putting it basically in the middle of the list let me explain why i don't hyper love hard home well first let him explain why he does certainly one of my favorite episodes to film that whole experience of being down um by the quarry and being chased by the by the undead also when we were making it knew it was going to be like a really good episode because it was it was it came out of nowhere it was about 40 minutes or something with the usual sort of dialogue and ponderous interchange and then you know we went up to heart home and then this you know this white cloud disappear appeared over the hill and then just this onslaught this absolutely unexpected onslaught i thought it was really good because with a lot of things you don't see them coming in life and that was a little bit like that you didn't expect that suddenly at the end of episode eight uh 20 minutes from the end this huge massacre was about to take place so i loved that thanks ben he's totally right hard home the battle is an epic moment that just erupts out of a run-of-the-mill episode however i'm not here to review hard home the battle i'm talking about hard home the episode and run of the mill for season five isn't much to write home about so yeah it sits above the rest of season five for the battle but the rest of it still is season five you know like the scene in the pyramid where tyrion meets daenerys and jor is there too that's pretty dumb anella torturing cersei is okay but it relies heavily on lena's carrying ability there's more nonsense in braavos the waif is insane as usual sansa learns that her brothers are still alive not that one though roose holds counsel and ramsay sends his good friends to 20 goodman to deal with stannis either daenerys or the writers have no self-awareness during this conversation and i can't tell which then we get break the wheel which a lot of people like and i'm not one of them sam accidentally tells olly to kill jon while explaining how altruism works heart home itself has issues but those are for another time and i'll never dispute how strong this ending is but for tricking everyone into thinking it's a great episode i'm going to break hardhome's wheels and cut its brakes number 37 first of his name okay now we're cooking with gas first of his name is a good episode the one problem i have with it is taiwan declaring that the entire mining industry in the westerlands has gone dry which is this ludicrous plot point that is only ever lampshaded going forward besides that it's all pretty good dany makes the choice to stay in marine not knowing how boring it's going to be and her reasoning is good enough i guess with the rest of her conquests in slaver's bay already falling back to their old ways tommen's crowning is good fun the bloody gate is a thing and we finally reached lysa she's insane and it's great i'm not a fan of how this episode needlessly spoils that lysa killed jon arryn when that would have been much more dramatic a reveal two episodes later kinda tells of pacing issues to come brienne and podrick's relationship deepens a little which is great sandor mocks cerio for being killed by meron fair oberyn and cersei discuss their daughters and it's really good the showdown at crassus is actually really well structured now that we're actually here things go from completely antennas control to absolute chaos very quickly but it's all established in such a way that it maintains coherence thomas brodie sangster is great the lock deception is handled well and of course i love the boss fight rast is killed by ghost bran resolves to leave jon and go north and the wives burn down craster's keep pretty good ending to a pretty tolerable episode for being like not terrible first of his name gets a pat on that wait you didn't skin the rabbit you fucking idiot number 36 and now his watch is ended oh hello season 3 and now his watch has ended is a good episode but it's not great i try to judge each episode as isolated as possible but it's not lost on me that this one has the poor fortune of being sandwiched between two excellent episodes we're now at a point where to truly criticize the episodes i have to go into really finicky nitpicks like how joffrey says that raniere's remains are in the crypts beneath baylor sept even though it was built over 40 years after her death or like brienne chastising jaime's worldview as though she isn't also a pampered highborn and even those have asterisks attached to them which weaken the criticism theon tells some guy he's just met the incredibly sensitive information that bran and rickon are alive i guess that could have been better the rest is fine work jaime's torment shows his great pride and resolve varys has a sorceress ship to express from essos and susses out peter's plans for sansa joffrey gets a taste of popular praise cersei confronting taiwan about her prospects makes for a great scene i distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are varys cocks peter in a beautiful way and this dynamic between him and olenna is great girl talk with margaery and sansa is good shit it's all good shit man and then there's the mutinate crasters in sam's flight with gilly and her newborn the brotherhood interrogates the hound and dany bloods the unsullied early it's a good sign that an episode this relatively consistent is this far down the list for reminding me that this show was actually fucking phenomenal i apologize for the placement of and now his has ended there's just too many good episodes such as number 35 the old gods and the new nothing at all wrong with this one it just kind of blends into the background the focal point for me and the old gods and the new is harrenhal with some delicious grandpa tywin scenes peter shows up which is fun for arya tywin tells her about jaime's learning disability lamar and amery has to die jon with corin is alright too with the capture and failed execution of egret theon captures winterfell and then beheads roderick because he's an idiot osha later escapes with the boys wolves and hodor the riot of king's landing proves sandor's strange sense of duty and complicates sansa's perception of him cat returns to rob who is learning about anyway he puts bruce's boy in charge of retaking winterfell oops it's all pretty good but for stealing my dragons the old gods in the new get strangled to death off-screen number 34 garden of bones there's a bunch of fucked up shit in garden of bones like joffrey's torment of sansa and then these sex workers the horrifying torture practices at harrenhal melisandre's snaky shadow lad this battlefield amputation the garden of bones itself and marge's ice cream cone dress and of course the most scathing insult of the whole series ornament salt and smoke is your ham rob's instant googly eyes for talisa are a little strange as are the 13 but so much of this episode is great the tension building up to the battle of ox cross tyrion's rescue of sansa the genesis of grampy tywin cats hatred of peter and the futility of her trying to de-escalate the baratheon conflicts and yeah the realization of the fuckery melisandre is capable of the standout character this episode is tyrion not only for saving sansa and pooping on merrin the next time samoan speaks kill him but also for this incredibly fun quick and clever scene where he blackmails lancel however it appears that someone has pissed in hot pie's pants so for that garden of bones will have to be amputated very sexily though number 33 cripples bastards and broken things season one had to show up somewhere for the first time i guess cripples bastards and broken things is not a bad episode by any means aside from maybe camera work but it is the least good episode of season one after tyrion's so nice to bran he's a complete and utter susan to theon fuck knows why we meet sam well and janna slint shows up for the first time oh and gendry king's landing is mostly a fun ride with ned investigationating jon aaron's death but there's also this scene where mordain and sansa are weirdly alone in the throne room jory and jaime making chit chat outside robert's harem to give their fight next episode more weight and of course the death of fan favorite character sir hugh of the vale who we also met this episode peter is weird to sansa pai sells old and this one where cersei assesses ned is great i love vase dothrak but that's just me you know how i love a man who's completely delusional this is my army for capturing my brother in an inn cripples bastards and broken things might be getting a knife through the eye soon no that's not me number 32 the nightlands yep it's pretty good number 31 mockingbird in the aftermath of tyrion's trial the lannister boys try to sort out what's gonna happen we're reintroduced to the mountain this time played by half thor in a kind of weird scene where he's just hacking randos up much of mockingbird is brilliantly framed around tyrion trying to find someone to fight the mountain for him jaime visits him bronn visits him and after sand or exposits about gregor elsewhere oberyn visits tyrion for a truly epic conversation by condensing a few different scenes the two share in the book into one scene so much emotion and drama is packed into this one conversation i will be your champion it's such a fucking epic pog moment it would be great to end the episode on but it's called mockingbird and there's an even better moment waiting for us perhaps the last cool thing peter does lice's death is undercut by first of his name having spoiled to reveal that lysa killed jon arryn and yet it's still incredibly strong and dramatic the whole sequence at the eerie builds to this moment as does lysa's mental state across the first season and the shock satisfies without fail because this plot is actually significant looking at you the door so it sounds like i love this episode why is it all the way up here i mean the rest isn't awful it's good but few episodes can remain this cool for the whole run time castle blacks is a compelling exploration of strategy in preparation for the upcoming battle that's cool the hound kills an old guy and arya kills raj marine sucks and melisandre is naked without the necklace and not ancient so for giving up on the gravy mockingbird gets to go skydiving number 30 the north remembers it always struck me as a strange decision to open season 2 on joffrey's name day tourney but i guess the north remembers does this to establish what things are like at the season's prime location joffrey's cruelty continues sansa's will has been crushed and dantos exists but then tyrion's arrival is a reprieve from all the horror tyrion's time as hand of the king begins here and i love it thoroughly the comet ties together a lot of this episode and i kind of wish they'd steered into it even more daenerys struggles with her ragtag khalasar refined the watch arrives at crasters i've always loved mormont's speech to john here and of course we meet the one true king poor crescent rob interrogates jaime and sends alton to king's landing greywind is a good boy he sends theon to treat with balon too oops i've always loved how the end uses joffrey's massacre of robert's bastards to remind us where gendry is on the road with joran and aya for slapping me in the face the north remembers could be put to death number 29 dark wings dark words for an episode where nothing happens a lot happens in dark wings dark words catelyn learns that her father and sons are dead not realizing that it's just a prank bro she later makes one of these things and tells talisa the sick baby jon story which people have opinions about it contextualizes her intense guilt and further complicates a relationship that saw literally one scene of screen time wow that's actually really cool karstark is pissed that they're going to river run for hosta's funeral which is pharaoh jaime and brienne meet old mate who later sells them out which eventuates after a pretty decent fight on a bridge joffrey is stylish as fuck and between this scene elena's excellent introduction and brienne's chats a lot of this episode is weirdly about renly cool we meet jojen and mira i've always loved that the first thing jojo does is pacify summer it's a great indication of what his demeanor is aya and ko are captured by the brotherhood and guy is a bro and later they bring in sandor who recognizes arya some stuff happens north of the wall i guess for introducing two powerful queens to the show darkwing's dark words gets tortured by my bastard number 28 two swords continuing the trend of cold opens for season premieres two swords starts season four strong reforging ice is brilliant resourceful storytelling so it bothers me that when these two swords are reunited in seasons to come no point is made of ice being made whole again when tywin gifts one to jaime there's no talk of bright raw which is strange because it is in the show canon he wants his son out of the king's guard as though that's a thing tyrion greets the dornish which serves for a great non-intrusive introduction to dorne and to oberyn as he's not there he's busy wrecking shit up at a brothel and this is exposition heavy but it's good shit adding more depth to established events and making use of a fantastic performance we meet new daario tyrion fails at consoling sansa shea is confusing and i hate her and a cersei spy overhears her cersei's mean to jaime now with new hand but her resentment is understandable jaime does nothing about santa which is a shame because this was going so well the thens really aren't that intimidating jon goes on trial and gets to be all sassy to janus which is great eamon lets him off the hook because he's a chad brienne introduces herself to elena and margery as though she wasn't kingsguard to marge's husband joffrey looks dapper and accuses jaime of being non-pog dany wants to look at dead children we remate dantos which is fine again some resourceful storytelling and then the obvious best moment i understand that if any more words come pouring out your susan mouse i'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room yeah it's pretty awesome still don't know what the fuck a lummy is though for singing a song i don't like too loudly two swords will be dismissed from the king's guard number 27 a man without honor while the titular line is explicitly in reference to jaime a man without honor is one of the most applicable titles of any episode jaime of course but then there's theon and sandor zaro and perhaps even rickard karstark or joffrey which is incredible because he's not even in this episode jaime even alludes to ned stark's apparent wavering honor i just love the deep reference of the title anyway it's real good except there's some to lisa going on and look man it's not just because they changed it from the books she genuinely poses problems for the show independent of the source material anyway theon's incompetence and horniness leads to bran and rickon's escape which is kind of the through line of the episode as we return to the hunt later and end the episode with the crisped bodies i really like the way this is played the most attentive of viewers will notice what happened but if you're not watching with a magnifying glass then you'll go through the same emotions lewin does the most important part of this is that we don't see the boys alive until the end of the next episode when lewin finds them at this point the show knows how not to spoil its own plots looking at you first of his name and also beyond the walrus cat's argument with rickard karstark after jaime kills his son is fantastic and i similarly love cat's treatment of the king slayer and gag him there's also a pointless quaithe scene so that's that's kind of weird for killing its own cousin a man without honor is forced to love a monster oh i also love this tyrion and cersei scene okay i'm done number 26 the climb i really like how this episode keeps cutting back to john's ascent of the walrus because it's an exciting plot but probably not exciting enough to be one continuous segment right so it can start out setting up everything in the north and tell a contained story in a single episode about the climb which leads to this beautiful ending framed around peter's metaphorical climb chaos is a ladder tywin and olenna's fight over who married to makes brilliant usage of the show's decision to roll willis garland and loris tyrell into one character instead of naming him to the king's guard as an act of good faith it's a threat cersei and tyrion share a shockingly amicable scene about joffrey mandenmore and jaime the phrase give rob terms for an alliance and edmure takes one for the team after his uncle bullies him a little theon plays who am i with ramsay somehow not realizing that he literally is the bolton sigil the elephant in the room is melisandre's excursion to the riverlands to give gendry edrick storm's plot the stannis plot and the arya plot get momentarily fused with little care i know that she's vaguely magical but some grounded explanation of how she tracked gendry would have gone a long way at least they make the most of it by letting her speak with thorus and beric about resurrection not that it really matters in the long run then there's the closing eyes thing which is later misappropriated as foreshadowing for arya killing the night king which of course i hate so for being a well-structured episode forced to endure one ugly stain it's always gonna be an uphill battle and sometimes the climb is gonna have to lose number 25 the prince of winterfell given that penultimate episodes are often largely dedicated to single events those that come before them often bear the burden of setting the stage for the finale the prince of winterfell accomplishes this with flying colours for a remarkably action-free episode the drama building towards the battle at king's landing and the climax at winterfell carries it phenomenally the standout scene for me is tyrion braun and later varys trying to plan the city's defense with this fun little through line of how to pronounce this maester's name chevrolethan chevrolet xvaltische and ending with tyrion's declaration of using pig shit but lewin spotting osha at the very end is too sweet to not get a mention the beginning of jaime and brienne's relationship is good fun karstark's rage is great arya's mad rush to find jaqen as tywin leaves harrenhal is i mean she still could have named him anyway but i guess she's all about instant gratification here damn kids in their ipads stannis intends to name davos his hand in this fantastic scene jorah wants to leave carth but sticks around because he loves dany gren finds the dragon glass at the fist you see what i mean when i say this is laying all the seeds for an epic finale corrin lays the seeds for jon joining the free folk tyrion plays along with cersei thinking roses is whore and unfortunately talisa shares her backstory and rob is a bonehead for killing all the ravens the prince of winterfell is doing more favors for valar morghulis than for itself number 24 the laws of gods and men tyrion's trial is pretty fucking sick and the more time devoted to it the better because the laws of gods and men doesn't quite know how to handle anything else okay that's an exaggeration but really how else am i supposed to react when shirtless ramsay snow keeps an entire platoon of ironborn at bay and i know she announced it quite a while back but still the prospect of yara sailing from pike to the dreadfort is fucking ludicrous and then after all that she gives up pretty damn easily baffling scene good speech though if daenerys is staying in marine to learn how to rule then why is nobody telling her how terrible a job she's doing poor his dar and his stars dead dad stannis and davos kicking it up in braavos is great and it's a shame that this is salado's last scene tywin forges jorah's pardon oberyn and varys have an interesting go of it that's quirky some other shit happens then it's trial time baby and yeah it's good you thought shay was gone but the twist is she's not gone incredible jaime bargaining with tywin is great as is the final speech of course horrible idea but man it's fun in the moment isn't it for burning my goats i should have let the laws of gods and men kill you all number 23 misa marred by the imagery of its final scene misa is still pretty fucking good that's mother in ghiscari by the way not valyrian after a coder to the red wedding including rob now with grey wind's head we get one of my favorite council meetings that there are so many memorable quotes here is indicative of how well handled this drama is any man who must say i am the king is no true king i'm not tired and while i am a big fan of monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies it doesn't carry so well seeing as only rob has died recently and not balon this also affects stannis confidence in the gendry leeches which i count as a bit of a problem but there's more good before there's more bad with one of my favorite lines in the series i've always loved how the ratcook story about violating guest right cuts directly to walter and ruse this scene itself leads directly to ramsay with his shaky sausage so many memorable moments in this one though i've never liked how he pulls the name reek out of thin air bran meets sam and gilly but they take some convincing before letting them through the wall varys tries to get rid of shea and while it doesn't work i can still thank him for trying i love the cersei tyrion scene where she's sympathetic to sansa arya kills a man jon gets shot by his girlfriend jaime finally returns to king's landing and man what a day this is for cersei sam and then jon arrive at castle black and eamonn sends ravens across the realm one of those ravens makes it to davos who tries to convince stannis to let gendry go but if you want something done you do it yourself that all sounds pretty fucking great but for sending me my son's dick in the mail mesa gets this weird white savior vibe going on i really don't like that last scene probably the worst of any season yeah i'm i mean any season number 22 second sons sandor tyrion stannis and of course the mercenary company itself second sons makes the most of its title though i must prefer michel kriesman's daario to ed screens this episode offers the character a strong introduction daenerys wants unloyal sell swords on her side okay but getting past the premise the rest of the plot is pretty good i quite like this first scene where miro treats with dany prendal did nothing wrong rip arya gives killing sandor a crack before he tells her where they're actually going which is a cute way of keeping us up to date with the rob plot the stark lannister wedding is such a fucked up circumstance but they still make it pretty cute putting tyrion at perhaps his most likable and so my watch begins always good to see joffrey put in his place the convo between stannis and davos is great fuck knows why melisandre had to put a leech on gendry's dick that's messed up dude the ending while pretty disconnected from the rest of the episode is still well built and pretty fucking hype for taking away my wedding stool second sons will be fucking its own bride with a wooden cock number 21 lord snow you know for just the third episode of the show lord snow has so much shit going on with ned and king's landing we get through a bunch of introductions cat's dagger investigation is a great avenue for learning about peter and varys and sure we can learn about renly and barristan later on oh we made cereal too he's pretty cool and at the wall we meet well everyone but most importantly eamon j or alicer and joran fuck i love yorin dany's power balance with viserys begins to shift we see the world from the top of the walrus a few times which is cool robert gets to be a champ jorah exists and tyrion takes a very tall piss i don't really have much more to say about this one other than it's just super solid i make the rules here not every episode needs the same treatment for living in the eye of a blue-eyed giant named macumba lord snow gets to braid my hair and talk about girl stuff at jahaka at jahaka number 20 the mountain and the viper i was thoroughly perplexed when nobody i asked told me that this was their favorite episode but i guess the mountain and the viper's hype doesn't pull it all the way up to the top some components just seem a little out of place i'm not going to go too harsh on egret sparing gilly during the molestown attack because i guess she has sympathy for the baby she knows gilly is a named character maybe in total the attack provides a decent prelude to watches marine is weird mote kaelin is good and at the area i love that sansa holds power over peter momentarily seeing her genuinely outplay the lord's declarant is great barristan receives tywin's forged pardon of jorah from some random kid and everyone just goes along with it he tells jorah before he tells dany but then when jorah gets to dany she already knows yeah marine is weird loose ruse legitimizes ramsay which is cute and then he also lies about how big the north is arya and sandor for some reason turn around when they learn that lysa is dead as though sweet robin wouldn't be just as accepting of her okay i'm starting to see why the one scene doesn't carry this episode and i don't need to tell you about gregor versus oberyn you already know how sick it is but i do need to tell you about the cringy scene before it where the showrunners used tyrion and jamie's mouthpieces to dis orson scott card as petty revenge for his criticism of the show yes that's why they invented orson lannister and that's why he's slow as they put it it's kinda disgusting for raping my sister murdering her and killing her children the mountain and the viper could have been fucking excellent but i'm gonna have to play it number 19 winter is coming hard to think that it's been 10 years what a way to start a series you know exactly what you're in for from just the first scene fantasy that fucks from the very first moment this thing takes itself seriously is willing to be patient to make the most of its plot and dude the main character's first real action is beheading a sympathetic boy in front of his pre-pubescent son winter is coming understands exactly what it needs to do and it does it extremely well i just love how the episode introduces all the relevant characters and plots and facets of the world in tandem with one another for example ned's reluctant execution of will shows us the kind of guy ned is the place he holds in the world and the overarching plot of the whole series well all but three episodes and the next scene characterizes four more important characters while introducing us to sigils and house relations and symbolizing the other overarching plot of the whole series the struggle for the throne and both of these plots are further elaborated upon as the episode goes on before it ends with a thrilling shock introducing the show's love of dramatic endings god damn everyone's introduced so effectively as far as missteps go i can only really think of the early spoil that jaime and cersei had nothing to do with john aaron's death and maybe the nature of daenerys wedding night for cutting jon snow's hair winter is coming is banned from climbing no climbing number 18. valadohiris mmm a delicious cold open sam is a total screw-up mormont four tells the apocalypse credits roll fuck yes valardo hiris knows how to kickstart a season john mistakes tormund for mance they're both excellent and jon's supposed motivation for joining the free folk is great cersei and bron are in the same shot for i think the only time ever wow davos finds rescue salad or chastises him and later on he tries to kill mel for pushing the dead sun button you'd think maybe he'd continue to hold a grudge against the guy who actually organized his death but whatever time heals all murdered children i guess sounds like a charmer rob takes harrenhal imprisons his mother all good and we meet qyburn wow tyrion demands casterly rock from tywin which is kind of weird as is tywin's respect for his father the resulting beat down is great though marjorie's orphanage shenanigans are also a little odd but whatever dany arrives in astapor kraznitz is great and barristan motherfucking selmy is back to save kelly from the manticore and though the warlocks are never mentioned again i love ian mckelleny and it's a great reintroduction to the character for killing my son fellow dojairis isn't all that bad number 17 the ghost of harrenhal usually a moment as striking as renly's death is what ends in episodes so i commend whoever decided to use this moment to begin the ghost of harrenhal rather than end garden of bones this decision allowed the entire episode to follow on directly from renly's death chasing the repercussions around the realm loris's grieving is great and i really wish they'd stuck with his love for renly rather than throwing him in bed with oliver in just one season's time tyrion and cersei i don't want to say celebrate but they discuss the ramifications in one of these end-to-end brilliant king's landing scenes wherein they also talk about how to defend the city lancel the beaten dog tells tyrion of the wildfire cersei's making which sends the imp to helene for just such a fun scene king's landing is so goddamn fun stannis struggles with his kinsling theon meets dagmar and they sneakily come up with the plan to steal winterfell as they leave pike tywin's council is great i love the tension at the end with arya and then jaqen tells her the deal with the names gendry is hot and then the tickler goes for a tumble jon really really wants to go with coron and jeor submits drogon is adorable and the dothraki debate on how to steal the golden peacock is some hilarious levity quaithe is weird and pointless and qarth is kind of just slow and strange brienne's vow to cat and the surrounding scene is awesome for listening to a twisted demon monkey the ghost of harrenhal yep it's pretty good number 16 the king's road if a first episode has the unenviable task of gaining the viewers attention the second episode then has the even harder job of maintaining it after getting it's one pretty uneventful scene out of the way the king's road fills its run time with emotion backstory action and fallout i've always adored the entire mica incident for being a microscopic prelude of how the entire stark lannister conflict is going to play out over season one cersei will lie cheat and manipulate to protect her family ned will struggle with sacrificing his honor for his family aya will keep strong sansa will be pacified joffrey will be a loose susan and innocent people will die other standouts are danny's little self-contained story of finding agency by pleasing drogo little fucked but i guess that's par for the course cat goes through a lot too bonding with cersei getting sliced up and leaving for king's landing jon and aya are adorable but things go south for both of them quickly tyrion is reinforced as being just a whole lot of fun in this episode and for burying its face in my tits the king's road gets slapped in the face three times you can't number 15 the pointy end oh this one's germs right into the action the pointy end kicks off with a fucking massacre and follows both stark daughters through the aftermath of ned's failed coup by mordane by cereo aya makes it out securing her first kill and sansa doesn't and so cersei's extremely complicated relationship with her takes form rob goes to war his meat is bloody tough as his hodor's cock cat is fucking livid but gets to see her son again i guess tyrion shares his goat and makes promises you can't possibly keep tywin thinks it's funny kevin's here at castle black there's the whole thing with the whites after jon has a go at killing thorny dany meets miri drogo's a fucking badass and so for dismissing me from its kingsguard i'm going to cut through the pointy end like carving a cake what an episode my favorite scene on a personal level was being able to tell joffrey and cersei where to get off whenever i stormed out of the palace i certainly enjoyed doing that number 14 the bear and the maiden fair oh this one's germs this episode is so heavily focused on love and sex the bear in the maiden fair explores the love triangle of jon egret and orl rob's growing love for his now pregnant wife all the things marjorie learned from her mother sansa and tyrion's inability to love one another tyrion's increasingly difficult relationship with shea theon's lust is tortured out of him both metaphorically and literally jaime and brienne's relationship sees a huge turning point he didn't have to save her even osha's little backstory focuses entirely on her feelings for bruni it's fucking incredible how tightly knit this episode is around romance it's almost as fixated on one idea as the episodes that take place at a single location but it's not all birds and bees joffrey gets huffy at tywin which has nothing to do with love but it's still great we could arrange to have you carried you are being cancelled at this very moment dany meets with rasdale and takes all his shit lamar is sulking about gentry almost falls into the episode's theme but not quite and then she's captured by the hound just to keep us on our toes the thrilling conclusion with brienne and the titular bear while still great is a little off thematically which makes sense seeing as it was originally intended for a different episode and wasn't written by gurm for selling my only friend into slavery the bear in the maiden fair gets kyburned number 13. what is dead may never die forget about the rest of it the sheer cleverness of tyrion figuring out who cersei's mole is is more than enough to earn this episode its spot what is dead men ever dying is awesome the only scene i'm not fully on board with is shay's anger with tyrion mormont's dire speech to jon and reveal that he already knows about craster's practices really puts into place how dark this story will get we meet brienne and margery as cat comes upon renly's camp to begin the fruitful military alliance between him and rob just kidding just have sex with your wife dude come on it's easy there's some greyjoy family drama as theon is super pissed at yara and balon has no respect for theon what a susan king's landing is a lot of fun as there's an awkward family dinner and tyrion finds shay a safe place as sansa's handmaiden before this gush-worthy scene oh it's so great i love love love how annoyed peter gets at tyrion yet he still works with him to get what he wants the conclusion of tyrion's plan pycelle's capture is awesome cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats no no no no no goats half man we'll make do season two is just full of levity and wit yoren is a badass who provides the genesis for arya's list and he goes down like a rock star that is if rockstars went down with swords in their throats in the chaos amory's men cause arya frees jaqen and such and we end on poliver gouging whatever the fucker lommy is also lewin is cool for just being so cool what does dead men ever die can replace victarion number 12 walk of punishment ramsay kills his own men just to convince theon that he's really on his side what a fucking mad lad walk of punishment is such a fun episode just a happy jaunty romp where a few people get murdered some slaves get tortured edmure gets a mill and jaime loses his sword hand and therefore his entire identity and it's all capped off with an appropriately cheery rendition of the bear and the maiden fair a lot of people were not fans of this credits tune but i think it plays a big part in creating one of the show's best endings the last scene is so horrific with what's about to happen to brienne being interrupted for jaime's surprise mutilation it could shock you frozen and then this tune just starts slapping along and completely breaks the tension i think it's the best way to get audiences asking whoa what the fuck just happened as opposed to the more straightforward approach of cinematic orchestral instrumentation the rest of the episode is also crazy good i'm not the biggest fan of gruff uncaring blackfish and the way he and rob treat edmure but it's not like it doesn't make sense for them the small council scrambles for chairs in the tower of the hand and tyrion is named master of coin i love his witty dueling with peter and of course the rod god finally becomes star of the show dean charles chapman is yet to take form as tommen so for now he plays fact or crap about rob with talisa which is weird but i guess it serves to give the lannister boys some character before they're murdered for blowing my ears off walk of punishment gets something that'll help it remember number 11 valar morghulis opening with tyrion's recovery from the blackwater value mcghoulies is a keen demonstration of this show's ability to handle aftermath and consequences a skill whose degradation was a key factor in the program's decline tywin accepts the handship peter is granted harrenhal joffrey sets sansa aside instead securing the tyrell alliance with margaery even just the first scene is completely packed with big changes to the status quo similarly varys sets up roz as a double agent stannis isn't giving up theon gets completely reamed after a captivating monologue and a very pog speech i love lewin's plan for theon to take the black that's his answer for everything won't get you out of this one old man tyrion's lost all his power in spite of his accomplishments but he hasn't lost his unlikely gang of friends ah brienne cuts down some hanged men and absolutely demolishes some stark soldiers proving to us that a she's a girl boss and two her loyalty truly is solely to cat speaking of cats trying to convince rob to not be a gigantic moron it's not necessarily an error but rob making one of the biggest boneheaded decisions to marry to lisa even with his mother's counsel is rather questionable it does make for a notable shift in circumstances though the payoff for daenerys snail-paced plot in season 2 is a very busy finale with the confrontation and visions at the house of the undying and the fate of zarrow jon's plot also reaches a perfectly timed conclusion with the epic coron jewel and arrival at nance's camp jaqen encourages aya to go to a terrible plot in braavos but she needs to mill around for about two more seasons first so he does the face thing and fucks off lewin's death always gets me more than i think it will it's so damn tragic and then as though it couldn't get any more exciting the others march on the fist valium ghoulies is a fucking packed finale that only misses out on the top 10 simply because there aren't enough numbers below 11. for breaking its betrothal to my daughter i'm gonna massacre value my ghoulies in about a year's time number 10 you win or you die while i would love to describe to you myself why you win or you die is such a brilliant episode i much prefer the way carmine from red team review put it when i asked him about his favorite episode um my choice is also season one episode seven you win or you die it's the episode where um it ends off with littlefinger going i did warn you not to trust me oh i love that fucking actor so much oh god a lot oh that one throne scene what has everything you'd ever want in like game of thrones betrayal blood lies dece like it has the whole royal backstab a game of thrones app like it has everything you could possibly want also in the same episode the brilliant introduction of charles dance is tywin lannister where jamie comes in is trying to talk to him and he's just cutting the stag up and it's just oh such a great goddamn like you know oh so good so good i believe that's also the same um episode where jon snow and samuel tarley swerve their oats which also a great scene as well also the episode where drogo commits to invading westeros and it's also the same episode where you know cersei's like when you play the game of thrones you win or you die and uh um i just uh it's such a good you know episode in general and especially that last one that's how you end a fucking episode yeah dude one you're not it's that's how you end it greatest episode dude fucking loves his little finger hey i don't have too much else to say he's completely right you win all you dies framed around the fallout from robert's death and it's fucking brilliant end to end as are all episodes in this top 10 the final 10 minutes of this one are just so much fun to watch between drogo's speech and ned's coup what a cliffhanger what an ending for reducing conflicts into two outcomes i'm gonna tear up you win all you dye's favorite piece of paper number nine a golden crown is it just because i love harry lloyd is that the only reason this episode made it so high well yes but actually no a golden crown has so much more going on and you know how much i love titles with multiple applications king's landing the eerie and vase dothraksy brilliant bubblings of the slow boiling plots the previous five episodes had been cooking ned finally puts two and two together viserys earns his crown and bronze cool too i guess even scenes that seem tiny in scope compared to ned declaring warren the riverlands oil tyrion's trial are consistently crafted like roz's departure from winterfell osha's introduction joffrey's gift and of course my favorite show-only scene across 73 episodes here i stand viserys got review hype the only faltering i can smell in this episode is robert's hunt which george himself isn't too happy with either it's not terrible narratively it just sticks out rather sorely in terms of world building for not fighting with honor a golden crown gets this pretty necklace because i love it so much number eight kissed by fire the fifth episode of season three kissed by fire definitely didn't need to go so hard like everyone would have understood if it was just another episode you know nobody would have had anything against it but fuck that kiss by fire says i'm gonna go all out and so it did opening with the hounds drive by wombat we're set up for success from the get-go barrack's revival is fucking awesome and the hound's victory is just one more little way the show gets to gut punch its protagonists arya is suitably upset and even more so when gendry intends on staying with beric and finally voices what gendry means to her i can be your family which is really touching jon and igrit's relationship escalates big time and it's all very cute and actually shot in the same cave as the brotherhood which i thought was funny at least in king's landing everything's just like good it all just works this scene between tyrion and olenna didn't have to be so well written but it is it feels like every scene in this episode is inspired by one particular scene and you know what i'm talking about perhaps the best written best shot best acted scene in the entirety of game of thrones jaime has a bath i can and someday will gush about this scene at length but come on just look at the time code of this video just the king's lair [Music] jamie my name's jamie it's so thoroughly excellent anyway karstark kills the boys and rob beheads him another great beat we meet celise who was fucking nuts we made shireen who is adorable and we meet grey worm who is kinda intimidating barry and jorah catch up loris meets oliver and my only gripe with this episode is that he's completely over renly and hops straight into bed with oliver who i think i've expressed i do not like to finish it off tywin announces two marriages of his children tyrion is to marry sansa and cersei loris but wait i don't want to you're my daughter oh fuck that strong so for keeping all my sons in jars like a fucking weirdo kissed by fire gets revived at least three more times number seven the lion and the rose oh this one's germs demonstrating theon's fucked up servitude to ramsay and the daring beard on the handsome shark himself the lion and the rose is okay who are we kidding this episode is only here for its final scene but man do i love this scene and this scene widow's whale is such a terrible name for a sword of course joffrey would go for it tyrion dumps shea that's pretty heavy stannis is pog bran sees some shit to build some hype jack gleason knows that this is his episode and he fucking kills it what a performance there are so many interesting little interactions at the wedding not now mace lord tywin and i are speaking i love how you can see your lender commit the crime that's a great little detail loris flirting with oberyn is strange but jaime's conversation with him is good shit too imagine having the balls to talk back to jaime lannister like that and neither will you brienne doesn't even talk to sansa even though she's right fucking there so that's i i don't like that maybe that's why we're talking about this otherwise marvelous episode at seventh place and not third for turning the joy to ashes in my mouth the lion in the rose dies in its mother's arms fuck what an ending what an episode number six the wolf and the lion when the most celebrated game of thrones communicator on the platform asks if he can talk about the wolf and the lion in your video you dare not refuse so without any further preambling here's alt shift x ah fuck i read the memo wrong anyway here's alt swift x again my name is alt shwift x and season 1 episode 5 the wolf and the lion is a banger you've got the ned and big bazzer the bold being bros you've got bobby baratheon at both his most bombastic and heartfelt arya chases cats and overhears conspiracies catelyn takes tyrion to the eerie loopy lysa chucks him in a sky cell so jaime sticks ned's leg with the pointy end so many iconic moments and some of the best bits aren't even in the books like this scene with theon and roz that explores theon's insecurities and kicks off roz's season's long arc and this scene where varys and littlefinger circle each other trading barbs dripping with intrigue and mystery it highlights their rivalry as grand puppet masters playing strategic schemes high above the rest of the game of thrones in a way that's only alluded to in the books these are all great additions to the story bringing depth to the characters and clarity to the plot the big problem with the later seasons of the show is clearly that they run out of books to adapt and didn't know how to end the story properly but in the early seasons they were really good at adding scenes to the existing story and one of the greatest show only scenes is this one between cersei and robert for a moment the king and queen put aside their years of mutual hatred and share in their feelings of exhaustion and sadness and longing for what could have been it's a profoundly humanizing scene for two characters who were otherwise pretty horrible so many stories divide the world into good guys and bad guys but at its best game of thrones shows love and pain and hope on both sides of every conflict and invites us to see the world more complexly and with more compassion this episode's also got the bit with the breastplate stretcher bow before your king bow your shits [Laughter] i can't help but think that alt shift x would have done it better but thanks anyway for showing us the only clegane bowl we actually needed i'm going to shave the wolf and the lion's armpits number five baylor it still makes me sad what a brilliant tragedy so much of baylor is spent building up to just one event even most of the things that aren't kind of are like rob's speech after jaime's capture or jon's conversation about duty with eamonn which as i've voiced before is possibly the best scene in season one and it's got some strong ass competition jon gets longclaw too which gives a beautiful moment of boyish innocence and victory before all hell starts to break loose same goes for robb's smashing victories and hell the glimpse of hope sansa has when it almost looks like joffrey is going to give ned mercy we meet walder frey this episode too because apparently there wasn't enough awesome shit happening yet miri does all her magicky stuff jorah pogs up for dany and i've always loved joran popping back up to save arya and buy the seven what a way to send off your main character what a message to send to your audience for letting us think that there was still any room for hope baylor will be remembered as one of the greatest shocks in tv history for decades to come ned's death may just be the defining moment of game of thrones well it's either that or number four the reigns of castamere yep that's right fourth and honestly the reigns of castemir is moment to moment not as good as baylor but who cares about judging all the moments when you've got the one moment to dethrone them all it's hard to go past the red wedding it was just an extraordinary event and gobsmacking and kind of transformed the way in which people anticipated what you could possibly do with narratives thank you ian legend has it that benioff and weiss were mainly only interested in adapting game of thrones for this one scene and judging by the show's wavering quality basically straight after it happens it kinda makes sense but my god if it isn't worth it yeah i know they ruined the show i know it as well as any of you i don't care it was worth it all the bad pussy and fingers in the bum and mcqueens in the world it was all worth it for the red wedding so much of this episode and season and show is constructed around making the most of this one moment the show went on for five more seasons but man this is the real climax elsewhere jon is forced to out himself as a crow in this big confrontation that bran happens to be present for that's kind of cool aiya attends the wedding but not like that and dany sacks yonkai the jon shit is good and i like arya's coldness towards sandor but it all pales in comparison to how the episode ends as does everything else so though the rest of baylor is generally better than the rest of the reigns of castamere for uniting us all in grieving for fictional royalty it will be remembered as one of the biggest cultural moments of the 2010s though also i love how the credits are silent that's a big brain move right there number three black water oh this one's germs yeah i was surprised too i really expected it to be number one but here we are blackwater is incredible the first episode spent entirely in one location it really demonstrates the show's ability to maintain your attention for a whole 50 minutes of course the whole fucking episode is gripping and excellent so i'm just gonna have to point out my favorite bits of course the wildfire explosion is brilliantly built to across the entire season and is every bit as thrilling and horrific as it should be the terror and desperation in davos voice the moment he watches his son die followed by the most visually spectacular moment of the series yet would make it unforgettable on its own but then it's followed by stannis resolve to push on hundreds will die thousands i know that calling it epic isn't much of an argument when others could easily say the same thing about episodes i rated very poorly but the difference is how solid the story's foundation is and how true the characters are to themselves tyrion's speech as he rallies joffrey's men is absolutely pog there's a brave men knocking at our door let's go kill them sandor stopping by to save sansa on his way out is a super interesting moment and the cliff gets temporarily hanged regarding whether she went with him or not so that's that's interesting and of course mandan's attack on tyrion and podrick's southern saving of him happens so quickly and it's like whoa that just happened and like dude cersei's about to fucking kill tommen when tywin arrives that's heavy shit dude the last three minutes of blackwater are so loaded and frantically paced that it just grabs your ass and pushes it to the edge of your seat for providing me with spectacles so incredibly built up to blackwater yeah it's all right i guess number two fire and blood i love this episode hook this episode to my veins please i would love to explain at length why fire and blood is one of the finest episodes of any tv show i've seen but i would much rather let a seasoned veteran have at it so take it away preston i thought about it a bit and i i think my favorite is probably fire and blood which is episode 10 of season one they did a good job in recognizing some of the the high points of you know the novel game of thrones and then put them all in the same episode to create a pretty good ending like some some are built in like obviously like daenerys's story ends the game of thrones and that's an incredible scene probably one of the best chapters george r martin has ever written is daenerys 10 a game of thrones and so you know putting that to screen at the end of the season is incredible but they also take some things that wouldn't necessarily be the final scene of some characters and and make at the end rob being king of the north happens a little bit earlier than the end of a game of thrones happens but they kind of make that the the ending and so i just thought yeah i thought they did a pretty good job in like just having all of those beats happen at the same time to end on a big good positive note they did a good job in shifting john's story to being him leaving the wall it being a moment of change um that doesn't happen in in the books like he doesn't they don't leave until you know a chapter into a clash of kings so they they announced that they're going to leave but the knights watch going through that gate and having the the uh the voice over of saying we're going to find vengeance stark i thought that was really well done so you know they they hit all a lot of good notes they knew how to end the season and i thought you know i'm trying to think of a an episode that was done as well and i i can't really think of of one where the whole episode is just you know done you know kind of just perfectly like that thanks man love your work hashtag comet is a vulcan usually he's probably wrong about half of it but here he's right about all of it from its opening dealing with baylor's fallout to its epic conclusions of rob john and dany's stories fire and blood is for lack of a more dramatic term the perfect conclusion to game of thrones first season sandor saves sansa's life peter and varys get a delicious jewel in the throne room tyrion and arya are flung into wild new circumstances even the scene where pycelle is rambling to roz is really fucking good it didn't need to be but it is because fire and blood is perfect there are no episodes like this one for solidifying season 1 as a thorough masterpiece of television fire and blood should honestly be the top entrant on this list but it isn't because sometimes perfection isn't what you want sometimes you want hype i agonized over this for weeks all i could think about was what episode i would call the best the bottom 10 was obvious the rest of the top 10 pretty easy but ordering these last three episodes was torturous in the end though all of them are masterpieces and putting them in any order is arbitrary so i guess the agony was for nothing because it's all the same whether i end with black water fire and blood or number one the watches on the wall this might be the most controversial placing on the list and if you'll recall i put heart home in the high 30s but yeah nah watches on the ball is i i guess it's my favorite it's basically got everything blackwater has saved for the big explosion and it has what i consider to be more compelling emotional through lines the long night can fuck right off this is the helm's deep of game of thrones the action in the siege is so dynamic there's so many established angles that we get to view the conflict from fuck me it's just brilliant of course before we get into all the gloom and doom there's so much fun to be had in this episode is it so difficult to imagine that an old person was once more or less like you i absolutely adore this scene between eamon and sam where they talk about love peter vaughan is a total scene stealer and then it's immediately followed by pip open the fucking gate and it's it's just so cool to see sam so emotive for once yes well let's get used to it then the horn sounds and holy shit just look at that fire okay we're gonna run into issues if i list every scene i love because it's all of them but man it's so cool to see alice are confining in slash counseling john about what it's like to lead and conceding that jon was right about the tunnel this is a rivalry that had been brewing for four years but they're working together just this once because they know that if they don't they're fucked sam is waking the fuck up in this episode holy promise me he won't die i promise i will never die the only issue that comes to mind is how underdeveloped stir is like he gets more screen time devoted to him than small john umber or mandan moore but not as much as say i guess he's pretty well established as far as game of thrones mini bosses go weird and if stir doesn't do it for you then surely the kick ass torment alicer fight does to do this episode justice i'd have to do a far more detailed exploration of why it's so fucking brilliant but for now it just totally perplexes me how this one has gone by the wayside and so many lists i've seen if your hairs don't stand to attention when mag charges a grin i think we're just working on completely different wavelengths if you didn't make the pog face when you first saw the scythe come down from the wall what the fuck if you didn't die inside when jon held his dying love in his arms fair enough it's a bit much and i know not everyone likes igrit but i personally love it to pieces this episode is on par with the best of the best and strikes me as one of the best battles ever put to screen as a total experience just unto itself the watches on the wall is a complete delight from end to end i'm sure from a lot of angles it isn't the best i'm sure it has a lot of flaws i'm too blinded by excitement to see that's valid but just for this moment i don't care for a self-contained episode it tells its story so fucking tightly and it's so goddamn fun to watch i love the watches on the wall and i always will and it's my favorite episode of my favorite show so there you go and now my watch is ended there over and done with a big thank you to ben crompton kerry ingram ian mcelenny red team review and preston jacobs for their segments and thank you for watching the biggest video i hope i ever make and a big fuck you to alt swift x for interrupting me like that i want to point out that this is entirely my list i asked these folks to talk about episodes of their own choosing and they had no say on the actual order of the list it's all my fault so much of this show is so great in so many different ways that the top of this list is very tight for analogous reasons the bottom of the list is also packed the top five and bottom five were very clear to me and the rest took a bit of thinkering but hey if you have a different top 5 or bottom 5 or 10 or 37 or like you think that numbers 43 and 44 should have been swapped or something weirdly specific like that then go ahead and say so if you'd like to see me elaborate on season seven or eight i have videos addressing each of their episodes individually and my never ending got review series is tackling season one in more detail than anybody ever asked for i think i will have to do more detailed breakdowns of those top five to really show why they deserve those places thanks also to my highest tier patrons ugly here org blue mustard glenus involved hoverarm more moths samsum simcoe stay78 waffle wisdom mannery and andy you are all my little pog champs feel free to subscribe join my discord server or follow me on twitter because those things are free but don't feel free to pledge on patreon because that isn't free as i mentioned in the beginning i've made a short explanation of why this video was re-uploaded in the first place so if you're interested check that out in the description below cheers oh next time i have an idea like this punch me in the face subscribe don't subscribe don't mind does he all gonna die in the end and that's nothing to look forward to why there is it just let's be honest the dead are likely dull fellows full of tedious complaints see you later take care
Channel: Glidus
Views: 2,504,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glidus movie
Id: 6ENcuIwqhdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 42sec (7842 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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