Game of Thrones - Top 10 Best & Worst Changes from the Books

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Game of Thrones best and worst changes from the books now you haven't read the books right I read the books twice before you picked one alright relax how many times twice twice through it okay well you then you're a nerd there are two [Music] so best-in we're change well I mean this is all over the internet people complaining about the changes yeah I'm very indifferent with a lot of the changes unless it's like dramatic but some of the stuff it's just logical to change or to have an adjustment I'm not like a nitpicker like where it's like one little change I'm not gonna go crazy that like I'm the same way I'm yeah it just it is what it is the books of the books the show was the show but they couldn't have included Renly speech oh you can't give a brother a peach you say he rides into battle on the back of a giant direwolf they say you can turn into a wolf himself when he wants they say can't be killed do you believe them no my lord anyone can be killed I would say my second this is probably my second favorite range from the books are en time when they're conversations these scenes are incredible between these two characters just so great to see a young great actress like Maisie Williams with the old veteran Charles dance to compete with him just the cat Anna characters - like they're both fed they're both great but like the characters a player's so great - they're very similar characters in a way yeah they are time one even says you know you remind me of my daughter but better and in my opinion I think when Aria goes to Harrenhal in the books it's kind of a mess I would say even the jaqen H'ghar storyline in season two was better than the books it was such a great change to change it from her interactions with Roose Bolton to Tywin because you have the conversation of where they're talking about their fathers she tells time when my father died from loyalty Tywin asks her what do you think about Robb Stark do you believe the rumors that he can't die and she says no everybody can die and she grills him she's grilled cheese and him and he's like and I love that part when he tells her the story about King Haran King Herod built a castle that can withstand a march from a million men and then Aegon just came through with the Dragons and burnt it all down a million men could have marched on these walls and a million men would have been repelled then an attack from the air the Dragon Fire harren and all his sons roasted alive within these walls and arias even spittin like hey don't forget about the sisters was Visenya and Rainey's and time was like oh yeah I'm sure I remembered that I also think she's the only character in Game of Thrones whoever made Tywin Lannister laugh most girls more interested in the pretty maidens from the songs junkie flattens in their head most girls are idiots huh yeah kind of see like she kind of grown up and away cuz we know Aria she was still like youngest daughter of nege still young but we see them talking like grown-ups like that like on their level and then it makes sense how if she was be able to be such a survivor going forward you think she's the smartest Stark she's probably the most resourceful and ever before but who are we hmm we have no names no family every one of us is poor and powerless and yet together we can overthrow an empire well the sparrows like in the books are great too but I never felt when I was reading it when you're reading Circe's chapters you still like it's still Cersei to you in the show they make her out to be her own protagonist are you rooting for her in her own subplot and it's just amazing writing it's also the benefit of watching these characters on film rather than just seeing them from Circe's perspective like you said it's still a Cersei chapter but these characters in the show they almost take over the whole damn Kingdom and one thing about them is that they're so damn hateable that they made the fans root for Cersei yeah they made the high Sparrow he's such a prick he's so condescending but he acts like he's so innocent I like that too how they're able to take I think this goes with it more than like a separate changers Tommen being older you're able to see it and manipulate him he's not a young boy where he's not sitting around safe playing with sarah palance which maybe we could I got a couple more scenes of that right yeah lead or sir pounce but that's not mean the worst changes but the manipulation of the high Sparrow at a time were you absolutely there were points or I hated Tommy more than Joffrey which is it right I wanted Joffrey to come back and just kill these guys yeah like where's Joffrey I need Joffrey to come wipe these guys out like I hated Tommen just because it's such a different way you know the way they manipulated him to make him become so pious to become the pious king and to be fair we don't know how it's going to end in the books but I think what we have compared to the books this yes and John Jonathan Pryce two absolutely incredible so good the only other thing I remember him from his Pirates of the Caribbean is Keira Knightley's dad don't you look lovely marriage agrees with you can we bring you anything to eat or drink I wish we had some wine for you it's a bit early in the day for us Marjorie is another character that in the books you don't see the story from her perspective there's rumors about how she's seductive she's kind of a femme fatale character but in the show you see she was only the only one to really rein in Joffrey the way that she was able to manipulate Joffrey and then manipulate Tommen this was one of my favorite characters in the show and I was really sad when she was killed off yeah you really saw her come come into her own you're not just seeing it through Circe's eyes of course you just think also she just hates her because she feels threatened by her what she does in the show but you don't see it from Marjorie's you don't get to see what Marjorie's actually do and planning like here talks with Olenna oh yeah some of the best scenes Olenna - and then yeah in the show I think you really put both of them in there they're just the way they're planning their base they're playing the game - I mean I'll be 1c there - with the best player see Littlefinger Varys and Tyrion but they're playing the game just as much as anyone they're setting their family up as well once Joffrey gets well first friendly then Joffrey and then Tommen they make a lot of smart moves yeah and I think some of the best scenes are is with Alana's sparring with some of the major players the first scene that she has with Varys it's the only time where Varys isn't getting the last word in this conversation she's she makes Varys bite his tongue same thing with Tywin I don't care what people believed and neither do you as an authority on myself I must disagree same thing with Littlefinger and of course she owns Cersei and every scene we need each other I wonder feel the worst person I've ever met the certain age it's hard to recall but the truly vile do stand out through the years and the scene with the sand snakes in season six yeah it's like you look like an angry little boy shut up are we just changing this to uh I think I think Elena was the better change you don't fight with honor no he did I mean the branagh Tyrion stuff made me really like Tyrion even more remember in the first season I wasn't really sure how I felt about Tyrion new to the character I'm new to the show Lannister's aren't supposed to be it sets you up we not supposed to root for Lannisters but his back and for for bran it just right off the bat these two actors had great chemistry and I think that's in the books he's kind of just disappeared after Tyrion is accused of Joffrey's murder but in the show they liked him so much that they paired him with Jaime even though that season is controversial for the Jaime and Bronn storyline Bronn is still one of the best parts of the show he's funny he's a great swordsman he's got a great voice brother oh brother kills one of my favorite scenes it's the benefit of doing it on film where you get to explore this character more because he's not going to be a point of view character yeah you sell sword yeah they was named Wilco Johnson played Ilyn Payne right unfortunately he passed away so they couldn't have that aspect of Jaime training with Ilyn Payne like he does in the books it was this great idea to put Bronn into that character right he'll get his left hand back because those those scenes are funny that he just kind of crackles at him he doesn't want anyone to tell Yeah right it's kind of fun to do a jab but bran like so I don't tell anyone's I go well you pay too good like yeah yeah right and there's a awesome scene in the books though cuz he kind of does disappear and that's something I don't like but he names his wives bastard son Tyrion right after Tyrion gets accused of all that and it just drives her to get crazy and it's still funny he's such a troll yeah it's it's amazing and those actors hate each other in real life oh yeah I heard that does loyalty mean nothing to you it means everything to me and yet here you stand and yet here I stand I haven't seen a lot of people mentioned that Jorah is better in the show cuz I think he kind of goes under the radar but for me the way I read Jorah in the books he's kind of this sulking brooding uncharismatic character he's kind of perverted to the way he comes on to Daenerys he's very charismatic in the show he's charming he's a great swordsman he's one of the most complex characters even from the stuff that we don't see all the stuff with his wife to where he ends up in the beginning of Game of Thrones I think he's a much better character in the show a lot of it comes down to like on screen it just makes everything better and I think that uh Ian Glen does a great job with the character as well much more handsome in the show like you actually come on Dan ask come on hit a shot yeah and the book sees more described as he is like he takes on his sigil the bear big hairy brooding guy balding I think his chemistry with Daenerys is better on screen with Emilia Clarke when they castrated you did they take the pillar with the stones I've always wondered have you do you spend a lot of time wondering what's between my legs I mean we've talked about this on several occasions the scenes between Littlefinger and Varys are just gripping probably the best written scenes I would argue in the entire show because you really get what Game of Thrones is about with these two characters especially since they've changed Varys in the show but the quips the wittiness the the intelligence it's all on display when these two characters are in the same scene and the actors who portray them Aidan Gillen and Conliffe Hill incredible both Irish they're both kind of perfect for the roles if you think about it perfect casting yeah their conversations it just adds so much to their backgrounds where and it doesn't really give much away they were very subtle it's very it makes you makes you think more and you wouldn't see this in the books because it would be impossible moreso Varys than Littlefinger to have a point of view chapter for these characters because it would spoil so many things if you got a little finger point of view chapter in book one all those surprises from feast for crows or Storm of Swords would be ruined so it's great that we get to see these characters interact but you could see that there's a little rivalry in the books but it's on full display in the show do eunuchs and the phantom [ __ ] next time you think about naked girls when you feel an inch the genius of Game of Thrones is that they introduced a villain that was as hated and evil as Joffrey and then he became one of the most iconic villains of all time he dies and in the same season they introduced a villain who's probably more hated and more iconic than Joffrey in a matter of a year he usurped Joffrey as the most hated villain on TV I mean Joffrey he always got the sense like you know how like troubled and sick he was but he would let all the people do his things for him he's more of a sociopath yes but like Ramsay he's a psycho Randy he was in the dungeons just tormenting Theon real reeks Arie I'm reek it's just it was pretty brutal to watch and you don't get that in the books it's hinted at you see it you get Theon and uh he's already reek he's yes grey hair he's you get to see the transition into the recharacterize to ramsay like he's still I kept it like it's still like a psychopath piece of [ __ ] bad guy in the books but we get to see more of him in the show I mean it's kind of weird like saying they get to see more of that stuff is good but the way he does it he's so much more clever he's a better fighter in the books and it adds more to the villain character and uh the books is just more versus just a psychopath that loves to torture people and he's on his major as he is in the show by season six he's the biggest villain yeah sure it's like a psychopath and all that it's more ambitious she's more is a plan he's smarter is more clever yes you know playing his own game in a way that's probably the biggest difference between him and Joffrey is that Ramsay knows what he's doing Joffrey is a little whiny [ __ ] the other difference is that I know people who like Ramsay there there was a small section of Game of Thrones fans who actually enjoyed the character he was almost like the Joker of Game of Thrones know the difference with Ramsay is that he's actually killing and hurting people that we love he added to the story rather than just having all this senseless it made you hate him more and that's that's good when you want to watch like a show you want someone to root for right root against yeah hold on I would wanted some Valyrian steel come with me are you I'll take you to safety safety where the [ __ ] at her Auntie near he's dead a mother's dead a father's dead her brother's dead Winterfell is a pile of rubble there's no safety you dumb [ __ ] you don't know that by now you're the wrong one to watch over her Brienne in the show was someone that had her ups and downs I would say throughout the series but I think one of the strong points of season four and Brienne zark posts Jamie was the showdown with her into hounds it's similar to the books where after you talk about the post Jaime arc where she's given the sword and Jamie tasks her with finding the stark girls the showdown between her and the Hound and first of all the speech that the Hound gives to her about Arya that there's nowhere to hide and then they just Duke it out it was dirty was grimy it was cheap shots there was you know it was like the out grabbing the sword and oh my oh that was such a great scene it was like those old cartoons gramma jeez when it's like the ball and everybody's fighting no talking about that and then it turns out that the Hound comes back and he survives but you know you got to give Brienne some credit she took down one of the best fighters in the jail that's her cuz he's changed to the hell and he sees a different man when you see him for like seeing that he goes back to grab the accent right yeah he changed for like those 20 minutes how many times have you seen him before twice I think the opening scene and oppressors son the way that they've handled them in the show they've made them so mysterious so evil and I think the night's king himself is the best villain that the show has ever done and he's been in like three episodes but they're so mysterious and they're so evil and you know that they're lurking behind the shadows and they haven't fully exposed the threat yet but I think in the show they've handled them better because we've seen these these momentary glimpses of the true power of the White Walkers I agree that like when you see less of something it adds to it more but I think in the book it's it's too much less yes it's soo less you get yet like I said I only seen him a handful of times in the show but even the times every time you see him it's like a jaw-dropping oh my god moment when the scene with Sam yeah every time they're on the screen they absolutely just just waiting it on the edge of your seat you want to see what's going on because you want to like oh we're finally seeing them let's see what they're doing can we like I only get some more do they tease it just a little tease it tease it tease it and it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger like the mystery surrounding them right and when that showdown happens the Song of Ice and Fire Dragons versus walkers it's going to be that much better because we've been patient and we've waited they're going to deliver because how can't they [Music] my favorite episode that the show has ever done hardhome to me in the books it's hinted at that there's his fight between the Nights Watch and the White Walkers but in the show we get to see it and the moment when Jon Snow is fighting the white Walker one of the four horsemen and he picks up that Valyrian steel sword he picks up a long cloth and it clanks against the eye of the White Walkers spear chills out just chills thinking about it right now it's the best moment the show is ever delivered it's incredible I remember when I was watching it and he create that I'm like no nobody was gonna die the whole time I'm like this is it this is where John dies and then when he survived them like he's never gonna die and then he died episode I know when he when he stops that blow it's I was going let's go let's go crazy and then he comes hits him right there cuz the look on the White Walkers face - he was shocked just a whole the whole episode not even that's a great moment but the whole build-up to everything the conflict between the watch and the wildlings you know come south of the wall we need to fight these guys or maybe they're beating the crap out of the slaughter bones and they have shouting for John everybody the speech that John gives the long night is coming and the dead come with it now clan can stop them the free folk can't stop them the Nights Watch can't stop them and all the southern Kings can't stop them only together all of us and even then it may not be enough but at least we'll give the [ __ ] a fight gets me hype everything I hear then it just gets dark and the snow comes and hold the dogs are barking what might be a better moment is when the night's king finally reveals himself when he walks on that dock and he's grilling Jon Snow and he slowly raises his hands and all those [ __ ] wake up chills thinking about it that's one of the most terrifying scenes in cinema history and it's just this one small moment there's no jump scares there's no music playing everything's just quiet all you hear is the footsteps of the night's king the two best moments that the show has ever done you can literally just put that on whenever you want and no matter how many times you watch it it's just always just as good and the look that Jon Snow and the night's king shared that they're staring at each other like it's gonna end with either one of us alive and hopefully the night's game does get the high Grinnell can't help yourself coming over this list I think this is the first thing that immediately just jumped into my mind we had to talk about it just doing I'm not just saying like one part of the door in one person I'm saying Dorne in general the only good thing about Dorne is Oberyn it's like like I said I don't mind changes but when you miss this basically exclude a whole set of characters and a plot that would have added to the show it just seems like a missed opportunity the Ariane storyline is completely disregard Dornish master plan that yes so it gives Doran so much more depth than character development and heads home so much whew X is just a book show her who's Dorian oh never that guy in the wheelchair who got said like I sucked in the books they kind of build him up like oh he sucks too is no idea what he's doing then it's finally revealed that he has this grand master plan to support the Targaryen z' that he sends his oldest son Quinton to marine to meet Daenerys and say let's form an alliance let's take the Seven Kingdoms together that's why I say the show should have been expanded to 20 episodes because Dorne could have been a show by itself they call the politicking they could have added another season like and the sand snakes suck oh my god it's so annoying it's too much I mean we like overand bastard daughters okay that's cool and it is cool in the books but it's just mr. more juice doesn't work I love the seat of sand snakes their plot to get a Marcela Crown Hernan area and all the plotting all the scheming they're playing their own game in Dorne just to reveal the massive planet just ah upset and Jaime and Bronn adorn it became like a buddy cop movie look at Jaime and Bronn and Doran you know they're they're sneaking around and then they're fighting the sand snakes even the showrunners like the way they got rid of them to was just like we know we [ __ ] them yeah the way they killed Doran in a Episode one of season six or Episode two it's like okay we're gonna move on from this I think just the worst part about it too is like how great Oberyn was in the show and paid reverse colic when I pull my blade your friend starts bleeding quite a lot I'm afraid so many veins in the wrist that's one thing they got right yes it was so great and then it is kind of [ __ ] on his legacy yeah go we don't we don't hurt little girls in Dorne oh I hated that and then ilaria sand what's the best way to avenge over and kill his family they love Marcel on the book no they want they want her to be the Queen that's their whole that's their plan be their plan a is to marry their oldest son Quentin to Daenerys but he's nowhere to be found he's replaced with trystane who gets stabbed through the [ __ ] eye so great great job dandy oh I'm gonna get pissed that areo Hotah Oh every year to get pissed as this list goes on you're a greedy [ __ ] you know that this is a character that had great potential as a villain because in the books he's one of those characters that he's very mysterious nobody knows where he's been for the entire series and then he kind of just shows up and he kills Balin Greyjoy and he does ad in the books he's probably in the show for an episode where he takes a throne and then he's like let's go kill my niece and nephew it's similar to Dorne where all the politicking all the infighting for the sea stone chair completely disregarded for one scene there was like seven people fighting for the throne for the sea stone chair I would try that like Victoria such a great character too so they kind of go by deny me you're on but you're on isn't doesn't look and seem like someone that you could tip your on in Victorian and put them together created the super Greyjoy he's kind of just like it kind of shows up makes a couple of dick jokes and he's like I'm the king and the book says that you know there hasn't been a king Smoot for hundreds of years there's never been a queen the dragon horn that's one of the things that we think they're going to just disregard even in the books we don't know if it works but it would have been so cool if they introduced this earlier that would have been a real threat is it yeah it gives them a fighting chance now we just think like oh is another guy who gets smoked by the [ __ ] dragons may win a battle or two on the sea but who cares yeah right who cares nobody cares about this character it's should have just left it the house of the undying change it's a one change where I think it was handled very well in the show for the budget for the time you couldn't have done all that happened in the house of the undying on TV but I wish they would have done more divisions that she experiences daenerys they're so important to the future of the show there's there's so many things that happen in the house of the undying that we could have went back and said oh that was a little bit of foreshadowing and even things that haven't come yet so Lake Worth was course course Wharf going the greatest city that ever was yeah I think they were both kind of dull involved the show and the books the house of the undying is something that fans still look back to to make their theories for the books and it's it's great because there's so much there it had some death you see see a little bit of Rhaegar you see a little bit of Robb you see you know yes the red wedding things Daenerys has no business seeing being foreshadowed she even sees a vision of her father telling everybody to burn down the red keep she sees a vision of a blue flower that kind of indicates the true parentage of Johnson Oh in the show they don't really hint that who Jon Snow's parents are so this could have been a great moment to foreshadowing where people could have looked back down and said oh okay that's what that meant I mean it's cool you get to see like Jason Momoa again as Khal Drogo but yeah that was cool in the show in general like the whole course is just kind of very dull now this is probably one of my more like nitpicky ones but I think it still deserves to be mentioned because the way the John's death in the books I feel was just a wave of emotions and it was just spectacular written yeah because I think you have more the buildup in the books with all the negotiations that he's doing with the wildling and when he gets the letter from Ramsay snow and there's also a hint of doubt of what happened to Stannis in the books in the show we know that Stannis died I think the pink letter in the show was good too well you don't know if it's from mance her status or right Ramsay in the books and in the show we kind of knew how he was going to come back and that he was eventually going to fight Ramsay in the books it's all up in the air who knows what's gonna happen I mean just the wave of emotions he gets this twisted letter from let's assume it's Ramsay but it's really open-ended the whole writing [ __ ] it's [ __ ] gut-wrenching it's [ __ ] disturbing it but it gets you it gets shot like excited it's a reader excited so Jon's ready to go south he's finally going south to try to take Winterfell and you get some wildlings going this ruckus going on there's chaos at the wall right now no one knows what's going on and then out of nowhere you should get said that smoke via the bed it was so much better like his brothers were crying it wasn't like a cool like - you could tell it hurt his brothers to kill him it wasn't yeah you could see where they're coming from the Nights Watch I've been fighting the wildlings for thousands of years this was a controversial decision but it's not as hate-filled right that crying's like we have to do it's for the watch and then the final word hats on ghosts well that's the thing that's well that's good to be uh number four will address that number four to me I can understand why the show didn't make all the Starks wargs because I think it would have been more confusing and I think it makes brand more unique it gives him that specific magical power but I can also understand why all the Starks should have been works specifically for Jon the way that jon is going to return in the books is incredibly clever the way that George has devises that he has this this white direwolf he names him ghosts and people believed that he warped into ghosts and that's how he's going to come back that they're going to fix his body and then he can work back into John yeah it's incredible yes I'm blown it's amazing and I think the best thing about it in the books too is that it's not no one they're not all easy Rob conflicting with himself Rob has a very strong conviction he has to remind himself that he's not a wolf like he says that I think a couple times but no one knows like that's what he means but he you could tell that he's been having these dreams and that he's been conflicted arya has the wolf dreams she's the one that pulls out her mother from the river through Nymeria and i don't think she 100 cent knows what's going on either but then you get the through the dreams you get the wolf pack and how there's my mirrors leading this massive wolf back through Westeros and it's very subtle but with John like John figuring it out is awesome he's not as strong as bran but they had that connection they still had the connection in the show but not to that extent you think if there was one character that they should have kept him a warg it would be John yes just keep John Award but he's kind of not he doesn't really know how to control it like you said this is another change that I can understand because I'm not the biggest Lady Stoneheart fan in the books because I think it does take away from the red wedding I think it makes it less impactful because she just returns but George I think George was trying to show how revenge can turn people into monsters well it's a totally different character from Catelyn so I don't think it takes away from it that much because it's not Catelyn it's Lady Stoneheart this is so much mystery surrounding that like how much of Caitlyn's left what is she gonna do when she sees her children and they see her like this and she just as his murderous rampage to kill anyone that had anything to do with the red wedding there's a lot of theories to that she's working with a couple of people in the north maybe Howland Reed to sit John on the throne because Catelyn was one of the people that was witnessed to Rob's will that made John the heir to Winterfell it also would have been really cool visually just to see a [ __ ] crazy zombie just beasting on everybody in the show the reveal would have been amazing for people who didn't know it was coming right I'd rather have that fall on Lady Stoneheart as just having that fall on her than giving it to all your Sansa having to take up that moniker because it's it's ever good to be the same it's not gonna be the same but also like I don't you don't want to put that on Ari or Sansa either just to become vicious ruthless you'd rather have it give it a Catelyn and then let our in Sansa they still can be vengeful and seek revenge but not to the extent that Lady stoner does yeah cuz it not and it ends with such a great cliffhanger too with a Jaime and Brienne guess she was on a contract but she did not have to be well I think it's it's her arc suffered because they didn't include Lady Stoneheart that the Lady Stoneheart cliffhanger at the end of feast for crows where she gives Brienne to choice you can go kill Jaime for me or you can hang she has to choose the person that I made this vow to or the person that I love in season five what does she do she kind of sits around and looks at a candle looks at a window it's like I think I think the biggest part of the change is not having that payoff with Lady Stoneheart cuz really in the book she doesn't do much either just looking around for a girl 3 and 10 and or burn hair hit ya with projects usually she's really not doing much but the payoff with the lady Lady Stoneheart stuff that sets up something even better in what show will never see they just decided to I guess fast forward brands are past the Lady Stoneheart or just a completely different storyline and in season 5 I mean you couldn't think of anything for her to do and they'd rather sit by a light all season and then miraculously find Stannis in the middle of a battle and kill him Lee I think is lazy she's not the only character to suffer in season 5 I just don't know what D&D were thinking with this I mean it kind of dumbs down Littlefinger it puts Santa in a situation where she spent all these seasons being tormented by Joffrey finally get her away with that she's finally being built up she's understanding the game she's becoming confident she looks like a completely new character when she dyes her hair black and then they go and marry her to Ramsay Bolton you can't even talk about what happened to her in that season because it's so disturbing and controversial I just I don't I don't understand it it's I never I said Dorne was I think this is the worst change probably it's it's makes no sense it really doesn't because I understand like you're trying to build Ramsay up as evil but you don't have to do that you know he's evil already from what we seen with Theon we've seen enough and this doesn't make him seem more evil this was just but the orc senses good late like you said a Joffrey like how she's been all through this before and he finally see her overcoming it in her own with a little finger in the veil and then he just bring her right back down again it dumps down the Littlefinger character because in the books he set up sounds of perfectly to be in a position to take back Winterfell with with him supporting her but in the show she just completely doesn't trust him anymore because of this miscalculation in the show it's kind of like it's over for him I mean instead of like finding something over sanso to do to help build like she's already came back in such a strong way and already seemed to start her learning started to play play the game a little and instead of adding on to that where you can actually Littlefinger could basically create a monster and Sansa where she's playing the game now she's this new player and she eventually will little finger a little finger like I think that's something I'll be set up in the books you basically just tear down again and I mean even though she did come back strong now she's like help sled the Starks to help the battle and all that but he could have done that in a much better way she could have done the exact same thing and became a real leader by learning from Littlefinger in the Vale another one of my favorite characters in the books and the show he was but more so in the books as Barristan Selmy and the way they just kind of the best swordsman of all time he's so great oh wait he gets killed by a bunch of rich guys he's mowed down kicked him to the curb like for no reason what so the actor who played Barristan begged them to keep him and in the books he's still alive and well he's Lee and he's handed the Queen he's been leading the army he's they could have kept him and Tyrion they didn't have to replace his arc for Tyrion it made no sense just keep them both he's such like it's just so sad like he he's finally everybody says like I want to lead a ruler that's where I sit like who's worth serving ya ruler that I finally believe in yes and yeah and the conversations between him and Daenerys when he tells her about Rhaegar all the stories or the moments that they share great chemistry together he was like the father that she never had at least let him see Daenerys have success you know like way too soon he's a great advisor such a shock kill it was just for shock value like oh look another main character died if Tyrion back st. marys and Daenerys and that would have been a squad a squad even if like they change it to him dying in the pits cuz then he's there defending Daenerys he's not just patrolling and having some guys run upon him instead in the alley where he dies like nobody yeah at least school let him go out with some dignity like a hero give him an evening Daenerys exactly and in the books he still might die yeah and was it it's gonna be handled much better than it was in the show it was literally like they threw him in a back alley I mean we're more invested we had the point of views with him like he's more of a main character by the time Dance with Dragons comfortin long it just generally a good character yeah he's all I love Barristan and I'll never forgive them I hate the show I mean in most cases when the change has happened you get a little bit either combining of characters or they kind of keep some basic points of a storyline this one they just absolutely cut out completely and that's young Griff well to get a little backstory on young Griff apparently young Griff is Aegon Targaryen Rhaegar son during the sack of King's Landing barish saved him and they shipped him off into exile they put him under the protection of Jon connington which was regards best friend and they're kind of building him up to return to the Seven Kingdoms to take back the Iron Throne for his family but then in turn there's another theory there's a theory that he's not Aegon that he's actually a Blackfyre the exclusion of young Griff it takes away from the Varys character because it kind of makes varus's motivations unclear they contradict themselves yeah I would say it's the biggest point like I'm okay with the young Griff storyline in the books I know some people don't love it some people do you're exactly right it adds to Varys if it does turn out that he's had this plan all along and he actually making sure that he would actually be a good king had the close eye on him surrounded with people that he knew would raise him right he was essentially the pet project of Varys and Illyrio yeah so it makes more sense for into invest the coal country on him rather than the series or Daenerys because in the shell virus is kind of like all peace I just want peace but I'm gonna destroy everything if he has a personal motivation if he's connected to Aegon if Faris is in fact a Blackfyre himself then it makes more sense that he would have these motivations in the show excluding this it kind of weakens the character of Varys another thing too is I guess we talked too much talk all day about how much Dorne sucks but it also in Dorne this is part of their plan as well they adjust when they send Arianne to meet this Targaryen Prince is he a pretender or is he not and it just it I think we could both assume he's a Blackfyre I at first I'm always very reluctant very looking for God they did it but now I like it even more because if there is a black fire too it makes it more personal for him so let's let's bring it down Illyrio this is we think this is Illyrio son that Illyrio married the last survivor of the black fire line the black fires are descendants of the Targaryen 's there's just so much great history with the Blackfyre rebellion I can understand why they excluded it because it's a lot it's even people who read the book say this came out of nowhere in a perfect world like they could have expanded the show they've done the best of what they could actually what was feasible to do I think the show overall has done a good job of adapting the books when you write a book there's no budget there's no there's no production cost you can do anything that you that comes into your head and a lot of great ideas come into George's head they just can't put them all on film I love the show for what it is I like the books a little bit more [Music]
Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 3,036,052
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Id: exybIkDDfrY
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Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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