Top 25 Most Stupid Moments in Game of Thrones

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Bobby B Do you like fast and furious?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pradeep23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
in regards to the 10th anniversary of game of thrones a lot of people have been coming back to reminisce over the highs and lows of the show i'm someone who has notoriously pointed out a plethora of heartbreaking flaws that plagued the show and i wanted to make a ranking video that instead of looking at the best moments looks at the worst moments for this list i'll be diving into the depths of utter stupidity so sit back and relax as i take you through what i think are the 25 most stupid moments in game of thrones number 25 the first line of season 8. before going into this i had a handful of honorable moments i could easily contend for the 25th spot but i think the first line sets a perfect precedence for what you should expect from season eight that's terrible writing ensurings that don't even understand the characters they're writing for anymore ah yes this is a show of comedy now the game of thrones sitcom a show where the two smartest characters are making [ __ ] jokes instead of intellectual conversations that ooze dramatic tension also for this list i don't want to include a lot of dumb lines and i think stupid or illogical actions within the story carry much more weight than just a line of dialogue but this line i think is so stupid that it damages your expectations for the season as a whole number 24 the defenseless citizens of winterfell hiding in the crypt when the enemy can resurrect dead people i'm putting this kind of low on the list because i'm partially giving the benefit of the doubt that this was just a massive oversight but i'm sorry jon snow did not mention at any point during the war council that the night king can resurrect dead people isn't that the whole point of a war council to discuss the different powers and advantages that the enemy will use to their benefit you're my council council speak sense to this honorable fool and it seems like resurrecting dead people is their primary ability so wouldn't it be smart to discuss that and how they would use it but nah let's just move everyone into the crypt because it's a safe place it's like hey let's go hide in the graveyard during a zombie apocalypse but overall this was a very easy solve it required jon or bran to use the small short of brain power they have left the night king is obviously after bran so all they really had to do was evacuate the weak people here number 23 daenerys losing even more for fleet during the attack on casterly rock the reason why this is so stupid is that this happens right after they lose a large portion of their fleet in the prior episode through their surprise attack on the greyjoys you would think that this would make daenerys even more aware and hesitant to use her fleet but in the next episode i guess he just forgets about the iron fleet and they get counter-attacked also by looking at the map it makes no sense at all to use your fleet to transport the unsullied to casterly rock they have to travel through so much hostile waters that it practically makes it a guarantee for them to run into the iron fleet here i know it would take a long time for army to march to castley rock but at the pace the season was going they would make it there in half a day especially since dany went from dragonstone to highgarden with the dothraki in half an episode for the spoils of war number 22 gendry being able to run all the way back to the wall without dying this is pretty straightforward gendry a man who has grown up in the south and who has never seen snow in his life is somehow able to run the entire distance they traveled in a day without dying like excuse me do you know how hard it is to run in the snow let alone running for the duration that gendry managed to do this is basically just an example of terrible writing where david and dan try to include danny to save jon's expedition if they are going to go that route then why not have bran help with a raven to monitor their situation when anything goes wrong brian can just immediately inform daenerys but bran doesn't actually use his power so oh well number 21 varus telling jon that he's committing treason if varys has done any research or has even been paying attention to what john has been saying and what his ideals are he should know that jon snow is an honorable man so why the hell would jon snow ever support going against danny here at this point in the story she really hasn't done anything wrong to warn jon snow to want to flip on her like hey can you betray danny right after she helped you defeat the night king please so varys is just pulling a massive hail mary and asking john to be the king instead of danny is just idiotic he's basically signing his own death certificate at that point a master of whisperers is going around telling everyone he's committing treason give me a break david and dan surely buffoons can write anything better than that oh wait it only gets worse from here number 20 euron teleporting to the beach to fight jaime i know 21 was pretty bad but this moment is so mind-bogglingly stupid that it's like kicking you on the ground when you already have food poisoning from the bad writing the bells was a terrible episode and this is basically the cherry on top euron stumbling around that cliffside corner with his smug face just made me want to turn off the episode out of all the places to swim euron chose that exact spot at the exact time jaime was there what a magical coincidence that led to one of the best scenes from the episode wow at the very least they could have given us a half decent action scene but nah it was just an incoherent mess like the rest of the season number 19 littlefinger giving sansa over to the boltons this is the only moment from season 5 that has made it onto this list the reason why i placed this over everything else so far is because of the significance of how stupid this decision was i talked about how this ruined littlefinger's character in my analysis on season 5 of game of thrones but i'll give a quick rundown on why it's so stupid firstly sansa just witnessed littlefinger killing lysa aaron so instead of getting closer to sansa and bonding with her littlefinger throws her over to the boltons and alienates her this inevitably leads to sansa not trusting littlefinger and her despising him which compels her to turn on him in season 7. also it doesn't really make sense for littlefinger to try and ally with the boltons given that the north hates them they don't have the support of the lannisters anymore and sanus is coming to attack them so ruining his relationship with sansa for a potential ally with the boltons was a terrible idea also by the way this was a change made by david and dan so i'm really not surprised number 18 john wasting time and not getting on drogon when they are evacuating beyond the wall for me this is a personal pet peeve this whole moment comes across as jon snow getting tunnel vision and wasting a bunch of time and because of that wasted time it appears as though jon stalling is the main reason why the night king had enough time to kill vasirion if jon just got on the dragon everything would have been fine but then even after jon wastes all that time killing whites he notices that something is wrong and is like guys we have to get out of here we know we're waiting on you you idiot then viserion dies and jon just stands there looking menacingly at the night king until he gets tackled into the water what the hell is going through jon's mind here is it really that hard to get on drogon this whole moment just comes across as being very forced so the night king could have enough time to kill viserion and so that jon could be left behind to then be saved by uncle benjen this entire execution was just so moronic and it easily deserves to be number 18 on this list number 17 jon being surrounded by whites and he somehow survives so this all happens when jon snow's dragon crashes and he's forced to pursue the night king on foot to which the night king resurrects all the fallen comrades which then surround jon snow in this instance jon snow should definitely be dead there is no question about that he's literally surrounded by dozens of whites also by the way this is what the whites were like in the beginning of the season they're literally running at the enemy and now they're just slowly walking at jon the plot armor here is so painfully obvious and the filmmakers just hide this by shamelessly cutting away and not even showing him cut down the dozens of lights david and dan didn't even have the decency of showing us a badass choreographed fight scene to show off jon snow's fighting ability to make this more believable but oh well i guess number 16 jaime charging danny at the end of the sproles of war and surviving this is another instance of plot armor but this time it comes with a larger dose of stupidity in what world does jaime think he can actually get close to daenerys while she's right next to drogon on top of it being a horse galloping and making a lot of noise this is by no means stealthy it's a straight suicide run you know it's bad when one of the most brainless characters in the show tyrion lannister is calling you stupid for charging dany it's honestly just ironic at this point that tyrion is calling jaime an idiot given all the stupid stuff he's done in season 7 which we'll get to later in the list but not only is his attempt at killing daenerys mindless he also happens to get saved at the last possible second did dany or drogon not see braun come in and save jaime how did braum somehow carry jaime out of the water with all of his armor there's just so much about this moment that doesn't make sense and it's just a terrible ending to an otherwise cool battle sequence number 15 john charging ramsay's army and surviving wow would you look at that another instance of jon having heavy plot armor what a surprise for this instance i think this is the first main example where game of thrones stopped being game of thrones it just became a more generic action fantasy show that threw out any sort of realism and logic and any sort of consequences for character actions like oh jon made a massive mistake and played into ramsay's trap well eh it doesn't matter he survives anyways and sansa saves the day this is where people stop believing that characters were actually in danger if you look back at past battles you fear for the well-being of the main characters because they have to outsmart the enemy to win but for battle the bastards david and dan resort to a deus ex machina that saves the day i would put this overall moment higher on the list but it honestly just gets worse from here number 14 jamie and cersei dying to bricks i was contemplating putting this higher in the list but it's whatever i guess they were going to die anyways it's just the way they did it was the most underwhelming way you could kill two primary characters in your story and honestly just feels like a massive joke literally every fan theory is ten times better than what happens jaime betraying and killing cersei nope they died to bricks arya killing cersei with the mask of jaime nope they died to bricks thank you david and dan for ruining these two characters throughout season 8 and not even having the decency to write a half that out ending for them number 13 cersei not killing tyrion when she hates him for this moment i'm referring to the ending of the last of the starks where cersei is about to have her archers kill tyrion and then she doesn't all of a sudden literally at the beginning of the season she sends braun to go and kill tyrion and jaime then later on she has the chance to kill tyrion and then doesn't like why not i'm honestly very confused throughout the whole story she's hated no one more than tyrion and it's not like she's against killing her own family or anything given that she killed her uncle kevin during the great sept explosion it's just this whole drama of will she won't she kill tyrion is very stupid it partially makes sense for why she didn't kill tyrion at the end of season seven because she was manipulating him but here in season eight she doesn't have a reason to not kill tyrion so yeah i guess i'm happy elephant lady is very consistent here number 12 jaime saying he never cared for the innocents with one line david and damn were somehow able to ruin an entire character to be honest i never really cared much for them innocent or otherwise like do they even watch their own show or even read the books i feel like any viewer of game of thrones regardless of writing experience could have done a better job than writing that line all you literally need to understand is jaime lannister's motivations and what drives his character to put this simply david and dan jaime killed the mad king and sacrificed his honor to save king's landing and the innocents so what he now has never cared about the innocents literally the only reason why i could see damon and dan writing this line would be to make jaime more edgy for whatever reason this is honestly very hard to try and figure out because it's so idiotic so i'm just gonna move on number 11 the dothraki charging into the whites this may not seem as bad as the catastrophic line that killed jaime's character but this whole moment with a dothraki doing a leroy jenkins charge into the whites is on another level of idiocracy first of all in the war room briefing before the battle jon says this you can't beat them in a straight fight so why the hell do the dothraki charge here did daenerys just change her mind off screen or something did all the dothraki suddenly get hyped up when melisandre lit up their swords and they decided to charge in that moment there's just a lack of answers here the only thing that makes sense is the whole spectacle over logic conundrum that the later seasons ran into just don't worry if this actually makes sense because oh it looks cool number 10 tyrion's plan to extract a white from the north and show cersei this plan is an absolutely horrendous idea first of all tyrion should know that cersei is very selfish and in practically no scenario which she helped the good of the realm cersei knows that if the undead army exists they will severely weaken daenerys army and then the tide would be more even so why is tyrion and everyone else so hell-bent on trying to convince cersei that the undead exists i mean technically she already knows that the undead exists through qyburn resurrecting the mountain so why risk so much to potentially and most likely not get her supports the goal of this plane is so devoid of logic and the way in which they carry out the plan is even more devoid of logic if you really want to lead an expedition north then why not take the dragons north quickly abduct one of the undead and then return to the dragon apparently everyone just assumed that they would somehow capture a white without the entire army noticing like oh there's no possibility that the night king will pursue us in that event they should have all been killed but oh wait i forgot plot armor yeah it's also kind of funny that the whites wait for the ice to re-freeze even though they can technically swim but i'm getting off topic here so again this is just a stupid suicide mission that accomplishes nothing number nine arya getting stabbed multiple times wading through a dirty river and etc etc she somehow survives so for the prior points of plot armor the characters generally didn't get injured and were mostly left unscathed but here arya literally gets rolled and stabbed multiple times that alone would definitely kill the average character in the earlier seasons of the show on top of that she most likely infects her wounds by traveling through a river with a bunch of stab wounds i think kal drogo would like to have a word about his death after that bs and then arya just walks around the city bleeding out and then happens to find the actor she's been stalking who happens to know how to patch her up oh my god how the hell is arya still alive it's hard to really care about these characters anymore in dangerous situations because if they can survive that then they can basically survive anything which basically happens later on when arya should have died multiple times during the fall of king's landing it just ruins the tension within these action scenes when it becomes very apparent that our heroes are unkillable number eight everyone in winterfell being surrounded by whites and surviving this was really the only thing i was looking forward to in season eight the hope of actually having a good action set piece where a lot of characters die because honestly what's the point in having plot armor at the end of a story but i was unfortunately wrong literally everyone within winterfell was somehow unkillable the audacity that david and dan had to show samuel on the ground being hugged by whites and somehow surviving just made me lose it the entire execution is abysmally devoid of any form of logic ah yes these characters can somehow fight off hundreds of whites and even when looking up close you can see that the whites are intentionally not killing the characters if sir barristan one of the best swordsmen in game of thrones couldn't fight off like eight sons of the harpy members then i highly doubt any of these characters can fight off a horde of whites especially sam the slayer actually let that sink in for a second samwell while lying down can take on a horde of whites while sir barrison can't even take on more than eight masters who have probably never touched a sword in their lives what a devastating joke that is somehow david and dan made the most intimidating antagonistic force in television seemed like an absolute joke within one stupid moment congratulations number seven jon not taking cersei's deal and ruining everything at the end of season 7. jon at this point in the story is basically just hard throwing in the episode before this he refused to get on drogon and should have died when he got tackled into the ice cold water and then he continues this hard throwing attitude by not accepting cersei's simple request of a truce and did not choose sides of the war in return the king in the north will extend this truce he will remain in the north where he belongs he will not take up arms against the lannisters he will not choose sides like okay that sounds pretty reasonable and is actually a good deal especially for the north cersei will help out in the great war against night king and then after dany and cersei burst each other and at this point one dragon can basically take out the entirety of the golden company and the lannisters let alone having another dragon and the full force of the unsullied and the dothraki at the time but no jon arny bentham is extremely horny and needs to help in the fight and deny the truce everything they did to lead up to that moment was literally for nothing the sirion ask room danny has two dragons anyways lol although this whole scenario was technically for nothing anyways because cersei was never going to help them but still from jon's perspective cersei was going to help and he threw that away from a viewer's perspective it's just extremely frustrating because it makes half the season feel pointless number six arya coming out of nowhere to kill the night king how poetic and perfectly logical a character who has literally nothing to do with the entirety of the white walker subplot somehow ends up killing the night king so poetic and no we can't have jon snow kill the night king his primary antagonist by the way because that just doesn't seem right she seemed like the best candidate provided we weren't thinking about her in that moment we hoped to kind of avoid the expected and jon snow has always been the hero the one who's been the savior but it just didn't seem right to us for this for this moment we knew it had to be valerian steel to the exact spot where the child of the forest put the dragon glass plate also by the way let's loosely connect this with a random line melisandre said to ary in season 3 that is so broad that it applies to arya killing literally anyone and in that darkness eyes staring back at me brown eyes blue eyes green eyes eyes you'll shut forever are you serious david and dan this is why you think arya should kill the night king god this is so stupid on top of the whole execution of the scene where ari just flies in like an eagle screaming it's just utterly nonsense talk about being an assassin in this moment if arya wasn't decked out with plot armor she would have been dead within a second given that the night king would have just snapped her neck immediately but hey don't think about that this is a great ending we're just being ungrateful number 5 john killing danny and not getting killed for it this moment is a little more broad and isn't extremely specific but not only did jon survive drogon the unsullied for some reason took him prisoner by the way this is in an episode where grey worm is killing lannister soldiers for breathing they're telling me this revenge field man who literally has nothing left but serving his queen daenerys would not kill jon on the spot for killing his queen literally the last thing he cares about dave and dan don't even bother giving us a scene where jon gets captured and hopes the audience doesn't question why they wouldn't execute jon snow on the spot for drogon i don't know what the hell happened there and i guess he was just sticking at the john by destroying the throne which in of itself was a really weird scene jon killed drogon's mother but hey screw it i think we'll be even if i destroy this chair that sounds about right also not only did jon snow survive drogon and grey worm but he also survived the dothraki the fact that the dothraki blood riders didn't even want to seek vengeance on jon is so painfully devoid of logic in season six daenerys named all the dothraki her blood writers and you would think that they want to avenge their call but hey don't think about it they just disappeared and went back to essos because they got kinda bored i guess number four sansa not telling jon that she has the support of the veil this may seem a little high considering the catastrophic damage some of the prior points have conflicted from their sheer stupidity but i think this decision that sansa made is single-handedly the second worst decision made by a character in the show so why the hell did sansa not tell jon about the support of the vale this seems like massive need to know information for a battle you had asked for my advice earlier i would have told you not to attack winterfell until we had a larger force or is that obvious when will we have a larger force we've pleaded with every house that'll have us the blackfish can't help us let me stop you right there john i feel your anger and frustration but for me it's entirely directed towards the mental lunacy that is sansa so you're telling me that you want to wait for a larger force when you literally have a larger force to attack with why is she not telling jon here it makes perfect sense to tell him in this moment what she doesn't trust him for some reason her brother and an honorable man okay i guess jon is literally on the losing side of the war and with this information they could have easily won the battle instead though by sansa intentionally withholding this information she creates so much unnecessary conflict and almost indirectly kills jon actually if the show still had consequences for stupid actions jon should have died in the battle it also amazes me that jon isn't even angry at sansa for not telling him about the veil and how he almost died if anything he compliments her for bringing the veil you're the lady of winterfell you deserve it we're standing here because of you the battle was lost until the nights of the vale rolled in they came because of you this whole situation just comes across as very bad writing so dave and dan could justify the stereotype of the heroes losing a battle and in the last moment they get saved feels good man this show prioritizes stereotypes and action set pieces instead of logic number three danny snapping and destroying king's landing honestly to a certain degree the destruction of king's landing and the ending of the mad queen arc is a cool development but its entire execution is so painfully stupid like yay daenerys won the battle and has seized king's landing and they have surrendered yay wait what is that she's getting triggered all of a sudden and is losing her composure and is now destroying king's landing what for me what lacks heavily in this moment is an inciting incident there's nothing that really drives daenerys to go over the edge here what would make more sense would be for her to lose missandei during the assault on king's landing which would thus push her over the edge ideally though they shouldn't have killed sir barrison in season 5 and his death could have made her go crazy in season 8 but my point still stands for missandei the whole destruction because of this development seems completely unjustified and the audience feels extremely disconnected with daenerys striker biggest moment in the story this is why i think this stupid moment deserves to be within the top three because one stupid moment ruins one of the biggest turns in the show number two daenerys forgetting about the golden company and losing rhaegal to me not only is this extremely stupid but it's also the most insulting moment in the show's history you're telling me that daenerys forgot about the iron fleet right after beerus brought it up in their briefing are you actually kidding me this is david and dan's reasoning for killing rhaegal and then even right after killing rhaegal the iron fleet just becomes cross-eyed and misses daenerys when she gets even closer to the fleet also given within the context of the show this is the third time they get surprise attacked by the iron fleet so i guess daenerys just doesn't learn from her mistakes at all how hard would it have been to scout out the waters ahead of the dragons or even with a few spare ships also if you really need to kill another one of the dragons to make the battle more fair for cersei then why not just kill rhaegal during the long night i think it would have been a much better death scene if rhaegal fought the dragon at the end of the long night saving jon instead of jon just screaming at the dragon but oh well danny just kind of forgot about the iron fleet number one brand becoming the king i think without a doubt this is the number one most stupid moment in all of game of thrones the pure inconsistency of writing about how bran didn't even want to be lord of anything and then him all of a sudden wanting to be the lord of the seven kingdoms is in a different realm of idiocracy i can never be lord of anything i don't really want anymore why do you think i came all this way that's like jon snow constantly saying throughout the season that he doesn't want it and then in the end he says triumphantly he wants it then we have the whole who has a better story than brand the broken conundrum why the hell is tyrion electing a king off of the factor that bran has an interesting story tywin is probably molding in his grave from the pure mindless stupidity that is streaming from tyrion's mouth those are the qualities that actually make for a good king not a comatose vegetable who has literally no sympathy or empathy for anyone he is dealing with then we have the issue of bran having the most interesting story if tyrion actually took the time to listen to the story of other characters besides just bran then i'd assume he'd actually have other candidates to choose from it's just ironic that the quote unquote most interesting story comes from the character who is missing from an entire season of the show man david and dan you really outdid yourselves here with this scene thank you for ending the show in the absolute worst way possible in setting the fans on a journey of hatred for the final season of the show [Music] so yeah those are what i think are the 25 most stupid moments within the show you may disagree with a few of them or how i placed them but that's just personally how i would rank them if you enjoyed the video i would be down to do some other ranking style videos for game of thrones and i'm definitely open to suggestions have a great day and let me know what you think is the most stupid moment in game of thrones in the comments
Channel: Supercuts Delight
Views: 598,233
Rating: 4.8539414 out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, Top 25 most stupid moments in game of thrones, Top 25 moments, Top 25, Game of thrones ranking, Game of thrones ranking stupid moments, Stupid moments, Game of thrones stupid moments, GoT, HBO, Supercuts delight, Supercuts delight game of thrones, Game of thrones video essay, Jon snow, daenerys targaryen, season 8, Game of thrones season 8
Id: j3TQ3AJZBp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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