Every Breaking Bad Episode RANKED

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foreign first episode and nearly 10 years since it concluded after I did my better call Soul ranking it only made sense to do a Breaking Bad one as well and after a full rewatch of the show for my first time in years plus another Soul rewatch for full measure it's finally time to do it my opinion on this show has changed a lot with this most recent viewing and some of the placements on this list may not be what you would expect I'm not including El Camino on here since it doesn't really fit and is worthy of its own video in the future obviously this video will have spoilers for the entirety of Breaking Bad as well as better call Soul so be warned with all that said this is every Breaking Bad episode ranked foreign [Music] number 62 down this episode is not really bad per se but it isn't exactly the most fun time of the world down is fittingly a downer episode where Jesse has to deal with constant failure while Walt has to deal with Skyler not wanting anything to do with him after the whole second cell phone debacle this episode continues the season 2 trend of a pointless black and white teddy bear cold opens which I just don't care for at all but we'll talk more about those later on Jesse is broken needs money from Walt but he only gives him 600 because he's a stingy then his parents kick him out of his house because he's such a screw-up I do like the scene of Jesse and his mum because he kind of sympathize with both sides of the argument [ __ ] [ __ ] then we have the scene where Jesse tries to rekindle his friendship with this guy from high school but he gets rejected there as well eventually he finds a new home in a porta potty meanwhile Walt tries to get Skyler to stop thinking he's a liar which doesn't work because he's a liar he takes his rage out on Jessie and they have a fight for the ages in brv Jesse wins and gets his money while Skyler gets judged for smoking while being pregnant just kind of a whatever episode honestly number 61 cancer man this episode is where everyone finds out about Walt's cancer and the ramifications of that Skyler tries to blame the chemicals while it worked with 20 years ago Marie immediately jumps into working out the best next move for him and hanker Shores and metal take care of a family if the worst happens which Walt doesn't seem to appreciate Walt isn't interested in getting treatment so Junior calls him out for being a [ __ ] this episode is the first time we see skinny Pete and combo who are very impressive Jesse's new product he tries to stay at his parents house for a bit but doesn't even manage to last the whole episode before being kicked out Jesse goes to Walt's house for a BJ and pays him four thousand dollars Walt takes his anger out of the infamous Ken wins who can't seem to catch a break from these sigma's messing with him and does an epic walking away from explosion moment number 60. bit by a dead bee Walt's genius plan to explain why his absence in the previous episode is to just get naked and go to the store it works for some reason and what gets sent to the hospital where he pretends to conveniently have forgotten everything that's happened since he disappeared Skyler doesn't seem to be satisfied with this explanation bro and the doctors aren't going to let Walt leave until they're sure he's good to go eventually he gives up and just tells the psychiatrist that he just left the house to get away from his annoying family he then somehow manages to sneak out of the hospital check on his money and then take a depressing bus ride back to the hospital without anyone noticing when he eventually gets home Skyler asks him if he has a second cell phone to which he pulls out another one of his unconvincing Liars Hank tries to interrogate Jesse who says that he was at the hotel just getting Wendy's from Wendy all weekend even though his car was found at tukur's place of a ton of money in it after Wendy vouches for him and Hector chooses to [ __ ] his pants instead of exposing him that life of no choice but to just release Jesse number 59 breakage Jesse is Keen to move out of his Port-A-Potty home and meets Jane for the first time while house searching Walt and Jesse are determined to get back to business after the tuko debacle since both of them have expenses and after some arguing about who gets to call the shots Jesse decides if they're going to use their own dealers to distribute the product instead of dealing with another tuko Jesse recruits for Dream Team a badger skinny Pete and combo to sling math for 2500 an ounce with 2000 going back to Jesse and Walt everything goes great until PD immediately gets himself robbed by spooge in his ATM Loving Lady Walt goes Alpha mode on Jesse and demand he deal with them Hank is in a bad mood after his detective skills get him a new gig at El Paso which for some reason he's not very happy about so he decides to take the day off and Brew straighta Brown instead which leads to him exploding in the middle of the night and making him also shoot Marie kind of just a whatever episode minus Jesse meeting Jane which is good number 58. open house this is often regarded as the worst episode of a show and it's the lowest rated one on IMDb apart from that other episode which we'll get to later the episode treats us to the return of one of the most important plot lines in the show Marie's kleptomania it's so crucial that the title of the episode is in reference to it when Marie going to various open houses to steal random crap eventually the real estate agent catches wind of what's going on and when she confronts mariva have a fight for the ages leading to her crying like a baby meanwhile Walt's mad because Gus installed security cameras in the super lab but Jesse doesn't seem to care as more interested in going go-karting Walt commits one of the most evil crimes in the entire show when he turns down Jesse's offer leaving him to go karting by himself and then back home to his 24 7 rager taking place in his house Skyler insists on getting a move on with their big car wash purchase but Walt isn't interested until she brings up how Bogdan insulted his manliness which sets him off and makes him intent on getting the car wash invo's Soul wants him to use the nail salon instead in a ploy to get bogged on to let them buy the car wash Skyler gets Souls Lackey to troll him into thinking he has contaminated water or something and he ends up agreeing to Skyler's offer of 800 Grand Tim Roberts visits Hank to get his input and verbatica case thinking that he was involved with some sort of meth super lab he doesn't seem interested at first but eventually he does start reading gal's notebook setting in motion his return to the Heisenberg case number 57 737 I know there's been a lot of early season two of the bottom of this list and that's because it's probably the least good period of the show in my opinion for opener of season 2 introduces us to the worst cold opens in the series the teddy bear flash forwards maybe if they mounted to something good it wouldn't be so bad but they kind of don't so they're just a chore to sit for a re-watch the episode proper starts off right where season one ended off with tuko beating that guy to a pulp and getting hyped over it after trying and failing to save the guy Walt calculates when he needs precisely 737 thousand dollars to cover his family's future which he doesn't seem to think is Enough Just A year later Walt gets home and tries to [ __ ] Skyler which is a little bit disturbing she just talks it up to him being stressed over the cancer Jesse gets a gun from a doghouse and lays out his plan to do of tuko since it's only a matter of time before he wastes them but Walt points out a bunch of cinema sins and doesn't think Jesse has her guts to go through of it anyway Walt has a better idea to poison tuko with Verizon by presenting it as their latest and greatest meth invention this kicks off the show long chekhov's ricin plot which doesn't end up being used on someone until the very last episode before they can execute their plan tuko ruins it by kidnapping both of them and taking them to a much better episode meanwhile Skyler is pissing at Marie over the whole stolen Tiara thing and when Hank tries to get her to get over it she unleashes an epic rant about how shitty her life is which and a gun acts out perfectly Marie also commits one of her most brutal murders of a show in this episode [Music] number 56 no Mass the first episode of season three introduces us to everyone's favorite assassins the Twins and also introduces us to the best character in the show angsty Walt hotter for heels of being dumped by Skyler the start of season 3 is all about him basically falling apart he seems to feel pretty guilty about the whole plane crash thing so he goes to burn his money but he quickly realizes how stupid that is and throws it into the pool of Insanity while Hank is helping him move out Walt tries to flex his half a million cash but Hank just laughs in his face because he knows Walt's actually a broke loser venipa's School Carmen tries to get Walt to say a few words about how the plane crash affected him but he instead launches into the spiel about how it actually wasn't that bad immigrant scheme of things and ends up just making himself look like an idiot Skyler visits him at his new bachelor pad and finally gets him to admit that he's a meth cook and doesn't say to hear him explain the difference between manufacturing and dealing drugs Gus tries to strike while the iron is hot and get Walt to start cooking again but he's too depressed to have any interest meanwhile Jesse's having a fun time at therapy planting flowers and after a session with a group leader where he revealed he ran over his daughter while drunk he decides to accept that he's responsible for Jane's death in the plane crash which doesn't seem to sit right with Walt for some reason number 55 kafka-esque Walt and Jesse are finally officially at work in the super lab with the cold open showing us just how efficient the whole operation is under Gus's watchful eye while weighing their latest batch Jesse does some number crunching and realizes about the 1.5 million dollars for each making a Pennies on the dollar compared to what Gus is raking in but Walt just brushes it off as classic capitalism with some delicious future hypocrisy to boot you are now a millionaire and you're complaining we effort and bled literally for this business and I will not throw it away for nothing I don't know what else to say it Mr White five million dollars is nothing Jesse complains about his new job of a support group with a pretty accurate depiction of the whole thing my boss is a dick the owner's super dick not worthy or whatever to meet him but I guess everybody's scared of the dude a place is full of Dead Eye douchebags the hours suck and nobody knows what's going on so in another meeting he tells us great story about his woodworking teacher back in high school and how he motivated him to make the best wooden box anyone's ever seen which he supposedly ended up giving to his mother Jesse decides to go full [ __ ] mode and gets Badger and skinny P to start coming to the meetings so they control all the recovering addicts into relapsing Saul introduces Jesse to the world of money laundering and offers him the once in a lifetime opportunity to own a nail salon since he's probably still salty that Mrs new win kicked him out all those years ago Jesse isn't interested though especially when Saul doesn't give him the laundering discount but he gave Walt previously meanwhile Walt finds out how Hank survived for twins Ambush and meets of Gus so he can assure his safety while also netting a cool 15 Milli year deal he goes drunk driving to celebrate and almost crashes into a truck Marie is fretting over Hank's extensive medical bills and suddenly Skylar offers to pay for them and comes up with this elaborate story where Walt made a ton of money gambling like a true Sigma male she says she was so good at lying because she learned from her best even though Walt was like the worst liar in the world whenever it came to Skyler number 54 38 snub this episode shows just how depressed everyone is about their situation with what buying a gun from Lawson in a desperate attempt to get rid of Gus but instead he's been replaced by Tyrus Walt tries going straight to Gus's house to get the job done but is stopped before he even reaches the door since Gus's FNAF security camera spying on him there was a bit of questioning as to whether the person calling Walt was Mike Gus or Tyrus and it turns out it's actually Tyrus which is weird because I'm pretty sure this is my only time we hear him say Walt's name in a desperate move he tries to convince Mike to join the anti-gus club but all he gets out of it is a couple bruises I also love the Wayfarer advert from Soul that's playing on the TV as well as Mike's reaction Jesse is probably at his lowest point after killing Gail and throws a 24 7 rager to distract himself he tries to keep it going for as long as possible but eventually everyone including skinny Pete and Badger leave Hank is in full mode constantly dismissing Marie while he works for his physical therapy only acknowledging her when disregarding his oh so Precious Minerals Skylar Scopes out the car wash and tries to make an offer to Bogdan but is shut down since he still has a hate boner for Walt after he insulted his luscious eyebrows number 53. a no rough stuff type deal the finale of season one wasn't originally gonna be for finale but thanks to the writer Striker ended up having to be and yeah you can kind of tell it's not a bad Episode by any means but it doesn't really have that finale oomph but it probably should have Jesse and Walter now in business of tuko and need to cook four pounds of meth to appease him even though they don't have enough sudo to make it so they decide to switch to a methylamine cook instead which means I have to steal a barrel of the stuff Jesse knows guys who can do it for them but Walt thinks they can do it themselves they end up executing the greatest heist in history stealing a barrel and slowly carrying it away even that idiot Hank knew that you should roll it instead but Walt later learns from this mistake him and Hank have a debate over the legality of things and Skyler is surprised when Marie presents her with an extravagant Tiara at a baby shower which he definitely acquired for legal means when she tries to return it the owner tries to get her arrested so she pretends to go into labor to get out of it like a true girl boss Walt and Jesse managed to get took over meth they promised now with the signature blue color thanks to the methylamine tuko thanks him by beating [ __ ] out of his henchmen when he tries to assert dominance who seemingly hasn't learned anything from the last time he tried to back to a co-op tuko says he'll save him next week ending the episode on a pleasant note number 52 ift Walton Skyler's divorce back and forth reaches a stalemate with him moving back in and her calling the cops on him but they can't make him leave since he's just hanging out so Walt does get to move back into the house but Skyler isn't going to make it Pleasant for him making him sleep on the floor and piss him a sink Skyler goes to a divorce lawyer therapist and tells her about what's a drug dealer since they have attorney client privilege she obviously recommends that Skyler Sue Walter make the divorce official but now she has doubts Walt justifies his criminal activities by saying the money will get the kids for college and whatnot and she thanks him for it by [ __ ] Ted she drops the news on Walt when she gets home finally revealing what ift stands for Jesse isn't having much of a better time with him repeatedly calling Jane's phone to hear a voicemail until Saul interrupts to get him to ask Walt to start cooking again Hanks in a mood After he finds out he's wanted back at El Paso and takes his anger out on a bunch of randos at a bar and abuses his status as a cop to get away with it basala monkers have a meeting with Gus to complain about how they want to kill Walt but Gus vetoes it since he needs him for his business Hector's probably so done with Gus's [ __ ] at this point since he knows he killed Lalo but it's not like he can say anything about it number 51 Abiquiu this episode is sandwiched between the fly episode and half measures and as such often gets forgotten when discussing the show which is a shame because there's some pretty great stuff here like Skylar meaning Saul for the first time since she wants to be sure whilst doing his criminal stuff properly pretty much every line of dialogue is seen as just hilarious and Saul begins his mission of trying to get every character in the show to buy the laser tag play supposedly owned by Price Skyler is an interested bow and decides they should buy the car wash Walt used to work at instead she also offers to be Walt's money launderer and when Walt tries to shut her down she reveals she never signed the divorce papers meaning that they would have spousal privilege much like Jimmy and Kim did meanwhile Jesse continues his epic plan to make all the recovering addicts of his support group relapse and when Pete and Badger start to feel bad about it he decides to show them how a true Alpha operates by hooking up with Andrea but when he finds out she has a kid he suddenly gains a moral compass and calls her a terrible mother thankfully Andrea thinks he's cool so he doesn't end up fumbling the bag things get extra interesting when Jesse realizes her brother is the kid who killed combo he does some detective work and finds out that the methos guys are selling is blue which means they're part of gotta's squad Hank's being to Marie as usual when he finds out he's going to be released from a hospital claiming he isn't gonna leave until he can walk again Gus invites Walt over to his house for a playdate where he cooks whatever this is and makes some remarks that would incline us to believe that Gus's kid is like Walt but if you've watched my video analyzing Gus then you were nobody just lying about it to make what relate to him more since there's zero other mentions of Gus's supposed kids throughout both Visio and Better Call Saul this episode also has the last appearance of Jane in a flashback to when they went to the vagina Museum number 50 Gray matter this episode formally introduces us to Walt's former Associates Gretchen and Elliot when he and Skyler go to Elliot's birthday party Waltz an insecure little baby and gets flustered when someone asks him what university he teaches at and this is the first time we get to really see the magnitude of his ego and pride when Elliot offers him a job back at gray matter so he can afford to pay for his cancer treatment now any normal person would jump at this opportunity especially since it's the kind of work while it's supposed to be passionate about but the idea of someone else helping him is just so insulting that he would rather cook meth instead Walt comes home to the family waiting for him with the dreaded talking pillow where they say their thoughts on Walt refusing cancer treatment Hank wants him to get it Junior just wants him to die and Marie sides with what wanting to die on his own terms which makes Skyler pretty mad meanwhile Jesse's trying to get back into the meth game with Badger instead of Walt since his attempt to get a real job was an epic fail but their cooking yields less an ideal results leading to them having an epic fight scene Walt changes his mind and decides to get cancer treatment and when Gretchen calls him to accept their money he dismisses her and goes to Jesse's house to get back on the meth cry mind number 49. 51. this episode has one of the most bizarre cold opens where Walt decides to sell his Aztec for a whopping fifty dollars and gets a new whip for himself and then for junior as well while dated dubstep music players Walt continues his season 5 Arc of being the most annoying guy in the room by being a Skyler on his birthday basically forcing her to make his bacon into a 51 like she's supposed to after she seemingly tries to drown herself in the pool of insanity Hank and Marie take the kids and Walter argues with Skyler about her not appreciating his Sigma lifestyle to the point where she says she's just gonna wait for the cancer to kill him this scene along with all the other Skyler Saiyans early in this season is just uncomfortable to watch honestly meanwhile Lydia's methylamine guy gets busted by the feds meaning Jessie has to go collect the barrels instead but when he's getting it with the forklift they discover a GPS tracker under it Mike immediately assumes Lydia's in kahoots with the cops so he heads up to Wacker but Jesse doesn't think that's very nice of him for an episode directed by Ryan Johnson this one doesn't really stand out compared to his other two episodes number 48. Madrigal this episode continues dealing with the Fallout of season 4's ending with Madrigal being investigated for its connections to poyos and Gus Peter Schuler finds out about this and decides he'd rather end at all on the toilet than face for consequences we're introduced to Lydia who's anxious about Mike's 11 guys who could pose a threat to him she tries to subtly suggest offering them but Mike isn't keen on the idea since he has something of a moral compass speaking of Mike he's basically the main character of this episode with his plot line taking up the majority of her run time and Walt slash Jesse being relegated to a couple scenes Jessie's all paranoid that Verizon Siggy he supposedly lost is gonna turn up somewhere so Walt being the nice guy that he is goes over to his house to help look for it when they do apparently find it Jesse cries like a baby about how he was almost gonna kill Mr White over a simple misunderstanding and Walter uses this opportunity to float the idea of getting back to business they approach Mike with their plan but he isn't interested since he knows Waltz just a recipe for disaster they decide to get going without him though and while brainstorming potential lab locations with Saul He suggests that maybe they should move on and get real jobs whilst two Sigma to entertain the idea though since he's a burke [ __ ] Mike's called into the DEA officer a sit down with Hank and gomi where they taunt him over finding Kaylee's Nest Egg although he manages to avoid saying anything incriminating a suspicious call from ciao leads Mike to discover one of his former colleagues killed him and is being paid by Lydia so he decides to pay her a visit at her extravagant house and is about to cap her but stops when he realizes he needs a new source of income number 47 bullet points this episode like other early season episodes is all about laying the groundwork for plot lines to come whilst still Ultra paranoid that Gus is going to stuff him out at any moment and his fear isn't helped by Hank coming dangerously close to connecting the dots of Gale and the Walt Whitman book thankfully Hank is an idiot and doesn't see the truth literally spelled out for him Walt goes to Jesse's party to make him feel bad about it and then he goes to Seoul to complain about how shitty his life is and Seoul brings up Edvard disappearer for the first time but Walt isn't quite desperate enough to need him yet meanwhile Skyler is trying to prepare Walt so they can tell Hank and Maria about his supposed gambling addiction and this scene where they're going over Skylar script is just hilarious with so many good lines I'm weak I am out of control I mean this whole thing makes me look like crap to be a warts in all story worlds That's How we'll sell it and we both look bad oh well how do you look bad exactly and where is the I slept with my boss bullet point I can't seem to find that anywhere you might look down at the floor with remorse what you don't have to mean it you just stare down at your feet well okay then uh I'm gonna maybe I'll tear up a little you're gonna cry On Cue I said I don't know maybe when you dab your eyes you're gonna do it with your right hand or your left just an idea one tier two tears how many this has to be convincing I especially love how paved Walt gets when Skyler makes it seem like he's supposed to be regretful about what he's done and he drops the Old Reliable providing from a family line that he likes so much and why and why am I so ashamed do I really need to answer that I was and am providing for our family when they do end up telling the rest of the family about it they seem pretty impressed Mike is fed up of Jesse's party hard lifestyle so he complains about Gus about it and then takes him for a drive so they can bond with each other there's also this awesome scene where Jesse impresses a chick with his Sonic racing skills number 46. I see you this is kind of like a half bottle episode just two episodes before the real bottle episode after Hank's Grizzly encounter with the twins the family sits around the hospital for the whole episode complaining about how crappy everything is Walton Jesse are set to officially start cooking the super lab after a hilarious scene where Gail gets fired what's up Foreigner I can't believe it's my replacement oh Jesus when Jesse gives Walter news about what happened to Hank Marie obviously blames the DEA guys for taking Hank's gun right before he was ambushed and Ben starts blaming Walt as well since he supposedly bought weed from Jesse which is just stupid Gus gets a call from Bolsa who's on to him and plans to get the true from a twin who's still alive Gus deals with it by sending some poyos over to the hospital to distract everyone while Mike gives the guy a lethal injection much of a satisfaction of everyone else you piece of [ __ ] also calls Gus again to complain about the federalis harassing him and ends up getting killed by them while Gus listens meanwhile Jesse's boarded the lab waiting for Walt to get back so they can get to work and meet their 200 pounds a week quota and gets caught acting goofy by Victor number 45 Mars this episode is all about getting Walt back into cooking again with Gus pulling his ultimate chip to convince Walt questioning his masculinity after introducing him to the super lab Walt still won't commit to cooking again since his family life is rapidly deteriorating as a result of it but when Gus asks him why he cooked in the first place Walt says it was for his family Gus gives Walt the ultimate alpha male speech about how a man provides for his family and since Walt is a delusional idiot this is enough to finally get him back in the saddle before this there's also this hilarious scene where Walt berates Gus for pretending to accept Jesse's supposedly inferior product just to get Walt to cook again acting like his ego wasn't heard at all by it that you believe I have some proprietary kind of selfishness about my own formula some sort of overweaning Pride I suppose that you think simply overwhelms me clouds my judgment but it doesn't absolutely not Walter meets of Saul and Jesse to triumphantly mock him with his three million deal with Gus and so being the money-grabbing loser that he is immediately ditches Jesse to get a ride on Walt's dick Jesse retaliates by Smashing Walt's windscreen for the 16th time meanwhile Hanks deep into his RV investigation trying to find the one better gas station chick told him about in the previous episode and embarrassing himself in the process he manages to eventually track down the RB that Jesse bought slash stole which we see in the cold open he also continues his so long the Arc of being a captain Marie because he's too manly to talk about his feelings Walt finally relents him a divorce Feud of Skyler but now that she's seen the money she's too greedy to sign the papers herself even though she's still rooting tedema regular and enjoying his heated flaws number 44. shotgun this is the episode where Mike and Jesse become best friends which is probably due to Mike actually being Jesse from the future it's kind of funny how the cold open of this episode makes it seem like it's going to be some super tense action-packed thing with Walt frantically speeding around thinking he's about to get killed and then the rest of the episode is just Mike and Jesse driving around in silence they're picking up random dead drops all over the city and Jesse thinks he's there to be Mike's bodyguard which makes him a bit triggered you are not the guy you're not capable of being the guy I had a guy but now I don't you are not the guy not entirely sure who Mike's guy was and Better Call Saul doesn't exactly make it clear who it was closest I can think of is like nacho but even bat stretching it it definitely can't be Victor because it's pretty obvious Mike never liked that anoint to be in with Walt has to do with cooking by himself and gets mad because he sucks at driving forklifts him and Skylar finalize for car wash deal and when Skyler hears his voice message from a cold open she gets turned on by it and they have sexy times in the bedroom while doing their last pickup some shady guys show up so Jesse takes matters into his own hands and smashes into them with Mike's car we later find out that it was all a setup by Gus to make Jesse think he's an awesome badass lastly there's this hilarious scene with her family has dinner at Hank Marie's place where Walt gets drunk and when Hank says Gail was a genius he tells him that he was obviously just copying someone else's work and Heisenberg is actually still out there my favorite Walt moments of a one where he acts like a complete idiot and this one might just take the cake so to my eye all this brilliance looks like nothing more than just simple rope copying probably of someone else's work nice Genius of yours Maybe he's still out there number 43 rabid dog this episode is basically the hunt for Jesse who's mysteriously vanished after pouring gasoline all over Walt's living room Walt gets Saul's crew to try and find him but it's a fruitless Endeavor it's not until halfway through the episode that we find out what happened which is that Hank showed up last minute to stop him from burning the house down and manages to convince him to join the fight against Heisenberg when Walt gets home and finds out about the gasoline he tries to get it cleaned out unsuccessfully so makes up another one of his extravagant stories about how he spilled gasoline all over himself not even Junior buys it though thinking it was because Walt fainted or something they all go to a hotel and won't tell Skyla the truth about what Jesse's up to with this line of dialogue basically summing up their entire relationship he got upset over this something he thinks I did I did do it Skyler's fed up with Walter Canary and suggests they kill Jesse which won't act shocked by as if he's above doing that sort of thing back at Hank's place he makes Jesse tell the story of everything that happened from the start of a show onward and then comes up with a plan to get Walt to confess his Crimes by putting a wire on Jesse and sending him out to talk to him Gomez is also there and I'm a bit annoyed but we didn't get to see Hank telling about Walters Heisenberg since it probably would have been a really good scene but whatever we also see how Hank has become consumed by his need to take down world since he doesn't seem to care at all whether Jesse lives or dies when they go to execute their plan Jesse sees a suspicious looking guy who he assumes is a Hired Gun by Walt so he gets out of there and tells hanky is a better way to get him it turns out the guy was just a random and what really did just want to talk but now that he's out of options he calls up Todd to organize a hit on Jessie number 42 cornered this is the one with the I am the one who knocksane which is a classic example of people taking a cringe Walt moment and turning it into some kind of badass thing the Saints clearly meant to show how the pressure's getting to Walt so he lashes out as Skyler and Rambles about how cool he is and he even immediately looks ashamed after what he's done but people are stupid this is followed by a great scene where Walt officially gets the car watch from Bogdan with Mr eyebrows wanting to take his first dollar with him but while using semantics to keep it and then immediately using it on the vending machine there's also this hilarious scene where Walt's pestering Jesse about his field trips and Mike and he manages to correctly deduce Gus's plan to drive a wedge between him and Jesse but he acts so [ __ ] sure about it but he just comes across as a massive what is there something about you that I don't know are you a former Navy SEAL do you have to have your hands registered as lethal weapons register this all I'm saying this whole thing all of this It's All About Me when Jesse has to leave the lab to go hang out with Mike again Walt gets mad about it and pays some of the laundry workers to come down and clean the lab for him while he mugs the camera feeling pretty proud of himself until Tyrus arrives to ship them back off to wherever Jesse and Mike are scoping out some meth heads and Jesse uses his street skills to get into their house and when one of them has a shotgun he manages to knock him out with a bong which Gus finds out about and is apparently impressed by meanwhile Skyler's having a midlife crisis over whether she should stay with Walt or not and tries to let a coin flip decide for her but ends up just going back home anyway to find Walt got Jr a shiny new Dodge Challenger and because she's such a [ __ ] wife she makes a wall return it number 41 over this episode is filled with cringewalt moments since Skyler decides to throw a party for him to celebrate his remission when everyone gets Walt to make a speech he essentially says he low-key doesn't deserve to be in remission and then when he's drinking with Hank he gets jealous of Junior being so impressed with his Tortuga head story so he tries to get him wasted to punish him I guess then he throws a fit when Hank takes a bottle in front of everyone what tries to make it up to everyone by spending the next few days installing a new water heater and fixing all the rotted wood in their house Skyler and Junior don't seem to appreciate it though while he's at the hardware store he notices an up-and-comer meth cook trying to buy supplies so he gives him some friendly advice then he decides to activate epic badass mode and goes outside to intimidate the two guys while cool music players as far as epic Heisenberg moments go I do think this one's pretty good meanwhile Jesse and Jane get into a bit of strife when her dad shows up and she doesn't seem too keen on formally introducing him she makes it up to him though by drawing him some rule 34 art this episode also has another one of those teddy bear cold opens which I of course hate number 40 bug this is where season four finally starts heating up with Walt and Jesse reaching a literal Breaking Point while the cartel plot comes to an ultimatum Walt still stuck as Hank chauffeur to and from various Fring related establishments with him coming closer and closer to unraveling the truth Mike and Jesse are doing some routine work of a farm when one of their guys is suddenly sniped but Gus is on top of it and struts out to show his massive balls they're scene is kind of stupid but it does make sense since for cartels just taking pot shots trying to drop conflict Ted's in deep [ __ ] with the IRS because he's an idiot who refuses to pay his bills so Skyler comes to the rescue acting as a silly goofball to get them up his back which works but only temporarily Jesse visits Gus for a meal and has a perfect opportunity to poison with Verizon but he doesn't go through of it he assumes Gus wants for all clear to dispose of Vault and prove his loyalty like a top G but Gus actually wants him to come to Mexico with him to show the cartel how to make the blue stuff Jesse gets freaked out and tries to get Walt to coach him for the big exam but wants to stuck up about Verizon plan to pay him much attention eventually [ __ ] gets heated and they have a Brawl for the ages with Jesse managing to beat the 50 year old guy with cancer number 39 Caballo sin nombre this episode continues Walt's meltdown Arc that was started this season featuring classic scenes like him going Heisenberg mode on a random cop and getting pepper sprayed the scene where Skyler threatens him with a restraining order will get a restraining order ing order it's a restraining on a race here for strangers and of course for Famous Pizza scene where Walt comes to Skyler with an irresistible offer of a pizza for the family and even dipping sticks this whole plot line of Walt just completely falling apart is one of my favorites in the whole show and it peaks in another episode that we'll get to later meanwhile Jesse enlists Saul in a scheme to get his house back where he manages to buy it for 400 Grand instead of 8.75 a barrel asking for by bringing up a meth lab that used to be in the basement they're seen as classic soul Shenanigans at one of my favorites of his it also leads to this great moment where Jesse shows up as his parents are leaving the house and he gets to make a display of unlocking the door and dropping a Zinger for the ages the new thank you but an even better Soul saying is in this same episode where he visits Walt to give him a pep talk and make him feel better about Skyler ghosting him and this is one of like two scenes across the whole show where Saul really feels like James McGill especially if it's part afterwards where he gets in his car foreign I know it wasn't planned at all but this whole scene just hit so hard after watching Better Call Saul and knowing that Kim's been out of Saul's life for like four years at this point and after a decent interval of time well there are other fish in the sea you've been out of circulation for a while you'll be just amazed at what's out there Thailand the Czech Republic I mean those women are so grateful to even be here Walt gets fed up and decides to break into his own house since Skyler changed the locks while he's in the shower the twin shop to pay him a visit but it interrupted last minute by Gus sending his classic poyo's message thanks to Mike who was watching the house so yeah really funny episode number 38 cats in the bag the second episode of the show keeps up the quick pace of a pilot with Jesse and Walt deciding to terminate their partnership after they dispose of Amelia and crazy Aid only to discover that Domingo is actually still alive they do a coin flip to decide who should have the pleasure of killing him and Jesse wins Walt wants him to dissolve Emilio and hydrofluoric acid but Jesse can't be bothered trying to find a plastic bin big enough of her body so he uses the buff instead showing his resourceful thinking Walt's too much of a [ __ ] to do with Crazy 8 so it just makes him a sandwich instead Skyler hears Jesse's voicemail on the phone and does some detective work find his awesome website she confronts Walt about it and he says Jesse says weed dealer which Skyler seems pretty appalled by Walt kind of loses a [ __ ] at her about it but does so in a very nice manner what I need is for you to climb down out of my ass will you do that for me honey will you please just once get off my ass you know I'd appreciate it I really would Skyla pays Jesse a visit to intimidate him Heisenberg style which works pretty well Walt goes back to Jesse's place and finds out about his genius bathtub solution just in time for Emilio's remains to come crashing down through the ceiling this episode is also the one with a famous not my house line and we're gonna drive it over to your house my house yes your house we're gonna drive it over there and park it overnight and then tomorrow oh man not my house number 37 negro wire Azul Jesse's in a bad mood after witnessing the brutal ATM murder last episode but after Walt meets up with Badger and skinny Pete and sees how people are now afraid of Jesse because they think he's the one who did the crushing he goes back to his place and motivates him by comparing him to a blowfish the scene is just awesome and it's always great to see what give Jesse a pep talk that doesn't have some Sinister manipulation attached who messes with the Blowfish Jesse nobody you're damn right Blowfish you are a blowfish say it again I'm a blowfish say it like you mean it I'm a blowfish yeah [Applause] blowfishing this up Hank isn't having a fun time at El Paso with his colleagues being meanie heads to him behind his back when Tortuga's head shows up on a turtle they all laugh at Hank for being freaked out by it but they get their come up and swim a total blows up and annihilates all of them this just makes Hank even more freaked out though Jesse and Walt decide that they need more dealers and to start charging more once they Corner the market while Skyler goes to Ted's work to get a job he basically immediately starts playing the moves which isn't a good sign of things to come Jesse shows off his new TV to Jane which is enough for her to fall for him this episode also has the weird ass Heisenberg music video thing at the start which is intriguing to say the least number 36 crazy handful of nothing this is officially the moment where Walt becomes an epic badass when he shaves his head and starts blowing up buildings Walters unsatisfied with the rate Jessie selling their product and wants a distributor who can buy in bulk Jesse gets skinny Peter introduce him to tuko who's impressed by his meth but isn't going to pay for it up front and beats up Jesse when he tries to take the meth and leave meanwhile Walt started his cancer treatment and when his hair starts falling out he decides to just get rid of all of it which amuses Skyler and impresses Junior Walt takes his so-called meth and hustles over to tuko's Heidi hole to get his money back plus some extra for Jesse's pain and suffering everyone laughs at him for bringing more method to steal until Walt literally drops the ultimate one-liner this is not meth you ever seems kind of stupid but this whole show is honestly kind of stupid so it's not really a legit issue Walt succeeds in getting his money plus a budding business relationship with tuko and goes psycho mode in his car to celebrate meanwhile Hank does some digging and finds out that the gas mask he found was actually for Walt's school and it turns out that there's some other chemistry stuff that was also taken the DEA ends up arresting the random worker guy Hugo who was a bro to Walt earlier in the episode but Walt doesn't seem to care number 35 buried this episode is Walt's mad rush to hide evidence after Hank finds out about him mainly his 80 million dollar bet in the storage locker hewell and Kuby arrive to clear it out but not after doing a little love making on top of it Walt takes his seven barrels of cash out to where him and Jesse first cook together and spends the night bearing it Skyler gets ambushed by Hank who wants her to help him in the fight against Heisenberg but she isn't interested Saul proposes sending him on a trip to Belize but Walters disgusted of a notion even though he just killed like 10 people in 2 minutes a few months back when Walt arrives home from his excavation Expedition he has a little nap on the bathroom floor and officer turn himself in for Skyler but as long as she keeps the money Skyler isn't an idiot and no that ain't possible so she decides they should just lie low for a bit meanwhile Lydia visits declan's shitty meth lab to do some quality control which involves Uncle Jack and his married crew rocking up and executing everyone while Todd makes the moves Marie obviously wants Hank to go to the DEA with a news about world but he's rightfully embarrassed that he didn't notice the truth literally staring him in the face for over a year he decides he won't review anything until he actually takes walked down and when the opportunity appears to interrogate Jesse on the matter who was busy being in night time philanthropist he pays him a visit number 34. peek-a-boo this is one of Jesse's best episodes with him on a mission to get back the money and meth spooge and his chick stole from skinny Pete he sucks himself up with his gun and barges into their house only to find that they're not there but their five-year-old son is so he just kind of hangs out with his kid until the parents get home and when they do Jesse shows him who's boss of the kid gets him away apparently the money is in cyber's a random automatic ATM machine that they stole so spooge gets to work trying to open it while Jesse chastises the lady for being the worst mother in history while he's trying to drill the thing open spooge has a yelling contest with her until she eventually crushes his head with the ATM because she ain't no skank meanwhile Waltz in hot water when Skyler calls Gretchen about her supposedly paying his medical bills and she comes over to find out what the hell she's on about Walt has a one-on-one meeting with her where he refuses to tell her what's going on and acts like a baby about how they apparently force him out of a gray matter and a profiting over his discoveries the whole gray matter backstory is one of the most interesting aspects of Walt's character for me with how he left because of his pettiness and still holds so much resentment for it years later to the point where he goes on diatribes about it to both Jesse and Seoul any anyways Gretchen says she feels sorry for him and Walt gives an appropriate response [ __ ] you number 33. Blood Money the beginning of the back half of season five marks the start of [ __ ] rapidly falling apart Hank has finally figured out the most obvious thing ever and after having an episode while driving home goes back through his evidence to do some detective work and confirm his suspicions Jesse's in an altruistic mood and visits Seoul to give him his five million dollar payout that Walt dropped off last episode he wants half of it to go to Kaylee for time traveler and the other half to go to Drew Sharp's parents Walt gets wind of this and tries to give her money back to Jesse but he's wise enough to a fact that Walt definitely killed Mike even though Walt gets a shitty attempt at trying to deny it maybe he shouldn't have made it so [ __ ] obvious in the first place you are safe he's gone Jesse gives up on Kaylee and Drew and instead just drives around random neighborhoods throwing the money at people's houses later while Walters vomiting and Below since his cancer is back he realizes that the leaves of the grass book he idiotically left on the commode is gone and after checking his car and finding one of those tracker things that Hank had him use on Gus in season 4 he heads over to his house to confront him about it at first they both tried to play koi but eventually Hank just customer Chase and sucker punches him Walt tries to convince Hank to back down since his cancer is back and whatnot and when it becomes clever as a fruitless Endeavor he switches to Heisenberg mode to drop a swaggy one-liner may be your best course would be to tread lightly it's unknown how long the two of them awkwardly stood in the garage before Hank opened the door again number 32. problem dog Skyler makes Walt return the car he bought for junior in a previous episode but instead he decides to take it for a little Joyride in a random parking lot ending with him blowing it up Saul deals with the cost of his Shenanigans while Walt complains more about his situation with Gus Walt wants to hire a hitman to deal with Fring but since everyone in that business knows Mike he decides the second best option is Jesse he heads over to his place for another round of obvious manipulation and then makes him some rice into poison Gus with Jesse's immediately presented with several easy opportunities to kill Gus but doesn't want to do it because he's too much of a nice guy Skyler is ungrateful when Walt presents with fat stacks of cash to launder meanwhile Hanks deep into his investigation of the chicken man getting Flynn to drive him over to poyos to get his fingerprints and presenting the evidence of other DEA guys they don't seem convinced that till Hank shows him Gus's Prince were at Gail's apartment Jesse goes to the support meeting and not so subtly goes on a spiel about how he killed Gail AKA over problem dog and when he gets judged for it he calls out the whole acceptance thing as being a load of crap and reveals why he's actually there in the first place is to sell your that you're nothing to me but customers this scene is just great and probably some of Aaron Paul's best acting in the show number 31. Hermanos this episode focuses heavily on Gus finally giving us for big missing pieces of his character mainly concerning his past first for DEA has him come over for a grilling of why his Prince were at gal's apartment with Gus managing to spin up some story about how Gail wanted money and when Hank says there's no records of Gus living in Chile he just tells him to look harder Hank isn't impressed and gets Walt to drive him to poyos for some detective work and makes Walt stick a Tracker thing on Gus's car Hank is an idiot as usual and doesn't think anything of Walt's desperate attempts to get out of the situation he rushes over to Jesse's place to tell him they need to accelerate their Gus murder plan but Jesse isn't interested since he's in with the cool kids now Gus has a meeting with Mike over where the Hank is an issue and then drives over to Casa tranquila to troll Hector for a bit I know we take it for granted now but the decision to have Hector this random wheelchair guy from season 2 become an integral part of Gus's backstory is a genius and it's revealed and Miss scene why they got beef with each other when Gus and his boyfriend Max tried to pitch their meth business to Don Eladio and while Max is babbling on about how cool Gus is he gets capped by Hector this scene and the rest of the episode instantly shifts Gus's character from a cool bad guy to a way more complex character and Laser seeds for his epic Revenge just a few episodes later the writers tried to add more to Gus's backstory and medical soul but I think what we got in bisho was the right amount for Gus I think it's best for rest as left unexplained since it doesn't really matter anyway what I'm trying to say is we definitely do not need a gus prequel show or movie or whatever number 30 confessions this is the episode where things officially go from bad to worse for everyone Hank tries to get Jesse to help him with a Walt problem but he still has too much of a hate boner for Hank to do anything Marie tries to lure Junior over to the Schrader joint but Walt guilts him into stain by revealing his cancer has returned Walton Skyler gets sick of Hank being a nosy [ __ ] so they make a little video and give it to him during his very awkward Meetup back at home Hank and Marie watch Watts confession and realized that Hank was actually the villain all along but instead of turning himself in he decides to Double Down Walt and Jesse meet up in the desert for a little chat while Saul awkwardly stands there where Walt not so subtly tries the game to leave town Jesse finally hits back at him for being a manipulative but breaks down like a baby when Walt gives him a hug Jesse prepares for his new life in Alaska complete with a touch and goodbye from Seoul until at the last second he realizes Walt poison Brock and uh I have some problems with this I'm sorry but I just don't believe that Jesse in his current state would be able to make that leap from heel pocketing his weed to the cigarette thing from ages ago and the whole poisoning plot point is kind of vague in the first place but I'll talk more about that later it's not too bad though since it does lead to this killer scene where Jesse goes psycho mode on Seoul with some insane line deliveries from Aaron Paul you had him still after me that [ __ ] Mr White he flies the Brock he poisoned the bracket you you helped him Benny drives over to Walt's house to do some remodeling with one of the funniest Cliffhangers oh number 29 ABQ the finale of season 2 is a whole bunch of Awesomeness and one big blemish which I think is pretty obvious what it is this is where the stupid cold opens from across season 2 finally pay off and it's not really worth it honestly I do like the idea of Walt being half responsible for the deaths of loads of people kind of like a bigger stupider version of Howard's death being caused by Jimmy and Kim but it ends up just being played off almost as a joke in the end but other than that everything else here is really good with Jesse waking up to the unpleasant sight of Jane's rotting corpse leading to Mike coming into the show for the first time to clean up the place and give Jesse a pep talk meanwhile Skyler and Walt Jr are all excited about the cash coming in through the save water white website but Walt is less than infused Donald goes over to Jane's house to get a rehab Journey started only to find that it's already over Walt takes Jesse to rehab and then heads over to the hospital for some surgery and while he's all drugged up he lets it slip but he in fact does have a second cell phone confirming Skyler's suspicions forever season afterwards Skyler is eager to kick his ass out and the scene where she finally exposes him is just so satisfying I'm glad reveal out of the way relatively early in the show since Skyler's character becomes way more interesting once she has the knowledge of all's activities during this whole scene Waltz rocking this iconic pink jumper as well he sits by the pool thinking about how much of a [ __ ] up he is when suddenly the sequel to 911 happens above him number 28. Hazard pay this episode officially marks the start of one of my favorite plot lines for trio of Walt Jesse and Mike going into business together plus solve for added chicanery they all meet up at the Cathedral of Justice to set the terms with Mike handling the business end while Walt and Jesse Cook for goods Walt doesn't seem entirely happy with the arrangement they then go on a tour of potential lab locations including prices laser base and eventually Walt pitches the idea of using vaminos pest to cook inside people's houses I really dig the scene where Badger and skinny Pete go to buy the Roadie cases for the equipment where we see Petey's insane piano skills while badgers just annoying in the background molt and Jesse get the mobile lab set up and get to work segwaying into my absolute favorite cooking Montage in the whole show set to this Exquisite song by the Peddlers the visuals during this sequence get pretty funky and the music just goes so well with it this whole episode kind of feels like the Calm before the storm where Walter's at his Peak before everything starts falling apart him and Jesse are on good terms he's making mad stacks and everything's under control reality starts to set in a bit though when it comes time to receive their earnings the scene is just so funny with the money piles rapidly shrinking as the reality of running a business sets in the dynamic between Walter Mike is probably my favorite of any two characters since they both just despise each other so plainly that's a big part of why I love the first half of season five so much and when Jesse gets sick of it back and forth and just offers to take the money out of his share that's enough for Walt to back off since he's far too cool to accept charity meanwhile Skyler's down in the dumps with Walt moving back in and when Marie acts annoying as usual she decides to give her what she deserves I'm sorry please don't speak to me like that I am simply saying to you will you shut up shut the hell up shut up shut up shut up shut up stop shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up number 27 green light this episode is for Apex of Walt's meltdown Arc and it's honestly the funniest episode of the whole show so many Hilarious Moments to be found here starting with Walt trying to break into Ted's office to have a talk with him which goes about as well as expected let's talk I just want to talk that's all come on let's be men about this huh okay how about that hot I'm talking with Ted next time you'll open the door followed by Soul staging intervention for him which is cut short when Walt realizes that Soul had Mike bugger's house which causes of the two of them to have a little tussle while Mike acts as their marriage counselor then Walt has might take the bugs out of his house with some delicious hypocrisy to boot great line of work real upstanding field yeah I enjoy it and it gets even better still with the scene where Carmen tries to have a talk of him in her office and he tries to play the moves on her which doesn't seem to end well he's placed on indefinite leave AKA unemployment and meets up with Jesse while taking his stuff to his car did he just get fired no no no no sabbatical indefinite Walt isn't pleased to find out that Jesse's been cooking the product without him and gets all high and mighty about how it's his formula and so on he acts like Jesse's cooker's crap compared to his even though it's probably like exactly the same there's also this scene where Mike updates Gus on Walt's downward spiral and when he suggests letting him know that there's two Terminators on the hunt for him Gus quotes Mike from four years prior you want this guy to produce again why not just tell him you're the only thing that stands between him and an ax in the head I don't believe Fear To Be an Effective motivator I want investment you want to keep varging for the long run I don't think fear is a great motivator I decide to accept Jesse's meth in order to get Walt pissed off and back into cooking which ends up working exactly as planned in the next episode meanwhile Hank is in a foul mood because he has to go back to El Paso but when he finds out that blue meth is back on the street he immediately abandons it and rushes off to question some guy and eventually finds this chick who Jesse gave meth to at the start of the episode he uses his charm to find out that she got it from a guy who drives an RV this episode is the chief example of a show being a really good comedy and it's a big part of white season 3 is one of my favorites number 26 one minute this is basically Hank's episode in the spotlight with him losing a [ __ ] and gamer raging at Jesse after he got trolled last episode even though it was actually Walter did it so now Jesse's in the hospital and Hanks a machito with Jesse telling Walt he's going to ruin that bald career while Saul takes funny photos Hank realizes he has a moral compass and comes clean about his altercation and the DEA is left of no choice but to suspend him and take his gun Walt comes back to Jesse with an offer he couldn't possibly refuse to cook in the super lab with him for half of his free mil Jesse rightfully turns him down because Walton [ __ ] who ruined his entire life but then when Walt says his meth is in fact not garbage and actually as good as his own that's enough for him to change his mind this is probably the best scene of the episode Aaron Paul is just so good at playing a crybaby now that he has Jesse on board Walt calls up Gus to get rid of that pedo Gale and get Jesse on board which he thankfully accepts Hank is out buying [ __ ] for Marie and when he gets in his car he receives a call from Gus using the Ghostface voice filter to warn him about the twins who are currently approaching him because of their most incompetent Hitmen alive Hank manages to easily dispatch of one of them and almost gets murked by the other but he decides he'd rather get shot of her face and finish her job in a timely manner that last scene makes this episode an instant classic and the rest of it ain't half bad either still think the twins are lame bro number 25 mandala this episode kicks season 2 into ultra high gear with the introduction of Gus the murder of combo pregnancy Shenanigans and more Jesse calls up Walt to give him the news that combo was shot by some kid but Walter's too much of a bonehead to even remember who he is they go to seoul's office for some marriage counseling and when he finds out how much meth they have on hand he tells him he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy who can put them in touch with a mysterious businessman with big plans Walt and Jesse go to the top secret meeting place but Jesse is high from his fun times with Jane and leaves in a hurry when Walt complains to Saul that the guy didn't show up he's told the deals off but goes back anyway and harasses Gus until he finally emits that he is in fact the guy he criticizes Walt for working with a dumb idiot but Walt says he's for Alpha in the relationship and manages to convince Gus to buy his 38 pounds of product Jane introduces Jesse to heroin which causes him to fly up into the sky and destroy the ceiling meanwhile Skyler discovers Ted's tax fraud but doesn't do anything about it because she's too horny for him she continues working and suddenly she feels her pregnancy being fast-tracked at the same time Walt gets a message from Gus that he has to deliver the meth in an hour for a cool million and rushes over to Jesse's acting like a crazy lunatic to get the goods all this combines for a perfect storm where Walt finds out about Skyler's fast approaching baby while grabbing the meth leaving him with a decision either be there for the birth of his daughter or miss it and make fat stacks of cash this is such a great moment and of course he chooses to make the deal because he's in the Empire business not the baby business number 24. hajili [ __ ] gets serious this episode with Hank Jesse and Gomez executing their plan to get Walt while he runs around like a headless truck trying to find Jesse Todd tries to impress Lydia with his not so blue meth but she doesn't seem very moved he gets a call from Walt wanting to set a meeting with Uncle Jack since he's decided he needs Jesse killed but killed nicely their only condition is they want Walt to cook for them which he eventually agrees to Hank and Gomez go to see hula at a safe house where they troll him with a photo of Jesse with his brains blown out so he'll tell them where Walt hid his money unfortunately all the info he has is that they put it in a van which doesn't have GPS Walt visits Andrea to try and lure and Jesse which doesn't work at all Skyler and Junior are working up a car wash when Saul shows up with Junior being utterly Starstruck Saul just wants to know where his boy huel is thinking that Jesse got rid of him Walt receives a photo of his money and then gets a call from Jessie who tells him he has to get over their Pronto before he burns it all Walt drunk drives it Breakneck speeds out to the desert while confessing to like everything he's ever done because he's an idiot he doesn't realize he's been trolled until he arrives and when he sees the SUV rolling up he assumes Jesse sent a squad to kill him so he calls up Jack to get over there and save his ass at least until he sees Hank get out of a car he does a terrible job at trying to call off a Nazi assault and finally emits defeat Hank gets to slap the handcuffs on him and gives Marie a call to make it as obvious as possible what's going to happen to him right on cue the Nazis roll up and start shooting the [ __ ] the last 10 minutes of this episode are just so tense and it sets up all the dominoes to get knocked over in the next episode number 23 buy out after their train Heist had a little hiccup last episode The Crew has the pleasure of disposing about kid and deciding what to do with Todd Jesse obviously wants to fire him but Mike and Walt would vote to keep him on but not without a very Stern warning Mike decides that the DEA [ __ ] watching him has become too annoying and decides to leave for business while Jesse decides to do the same after hearing Walt talk about how distraught he is over what happened to the kid even though he's whistling about a caramel world like some [ __ ] cartoon character Walt finds out they're planning to sell their shares of a methylamine and lodges into a diatribe about how it's worth 300 million and Jesse sadly out for pennies on the dollar AKA 5 million Jesse later calls him out of his [ __ ] since you know Walt only needed barely three quarters of a million and Walt starts complaining about how he sold out his share of gray matter for a thousand dollars even over company is now worth billions apparently a thousand dollars and five million dollars are the same thing to Walt so he doesn't listen to Jesse's attempts to reason with him which gets interrupted by Skyler coming home Walt forces Jesse to stay for dinner and it leads to one of the most captivating scenes in the entire show Walt snakes have been of operations to try and steal the methylamine but Mike is one step ahead of him and forces him to stay there with him all night so he doesn't do anything stupid I wish we got to see more of what I'm sure was a riveting night of conversation between the two but alas we don't when Mike leaves to deal with some DEA Malarkey he ties Walt to the radiator so he doesn't escape he escapes Mike comes back from his meaning with Saul to find the methylamine gone but Walt is another one of his genius plans so that everybody wins I put this episode so high because I just really love the conflict between betrio and any solo Mike and Walt scenes are always a riot number 22. Live Free or Die the first episode of season 5 jumps right into the wacky hijinks with Walt Jesse and Mike teaming up to destroy the incriminating evidence left in the wake of Walt's murder spree and as much as I would love to tell you about why this episode is so [ __ ] cool I think it'd be best if I hand things over to one of my colleagues that's right he's back hello everyone Johnny Cooper here you might remember me as the dude who went on and on bashing on poor old nippy but not to worry this will be the complete opposite Live Free or Die is my favorite season opener in Breaking Bad it is the start of the Heisenberg Trio we get a cold opening that leaves us with many questions and Ted returns after finishing face off viewers wondered how Vince and the writers are going to manage to top off such an incredible Arc that's been built up for Seasons that of the Rivalry between Walter White and Gus Fring the entire episode is a Showcase of the consequence of everything from the end of season four just because the big bat is dead doesn't mean his entire Empire goes away overnight Live Free or Die establishes the rise and fall of Heisenberg's Empire which is my favorite Arc of the entire show starting with a Flash Forward that depicts the fall of Heisenberg where we see an older wrinklier Walter wide with a full-on head of hair messy beard and a wedding ring celebrating his 52th birthday who now goes under a different Alias Mr Lambert giving us a huge hint that this is like a one-year time skip since we've never seen him celebrate his 51st birthday yet you can tell by this Flash Forward that Walter is on the run from the law as he's going by a different name and is no longer living in New Mexico they've now given us a tantalizing glimpse of how the series will end and this is a writer's way of hooking us back into the show and giving us a reason to tune in every weekend to see how Walter gets to this point Walter buys a machine gun from the gun stealer whom we've seen Walter buy guns before in an attempt to kill Gus we have no idea what he's going to do with it and who he's going to use it on and at the time neither did the writers these [ __ ] were just making [ __ ] up as they went along the build up to these flash Words which there are two ran over the course of two years and it worked the payoff was so epic and gave us one of the best finales in television which is why it aged very well Bravo Vince it's so interesting seeing Gus's former henchman Mike coming back to New Mexico after finding out his boss was murdered and knows exactly who did it but is stopped from killing him since they have to work together to destroy the evidence that has footage of him Walter and Jesse being in the math lab in Gus's laptop which is now in the hands of the DEA so now they have to deal with the beginning of the ghost-free aftermath as the three put their heads together and find a solution to destroy the laptop this episode had some hilarious scenes that reminded me so much of the earlier Breaking Bad episodes oh yeah we're boned well oh you know how they say it's been a pleasure it has it you're gonna put on your black leotard and go dangling on a clothesline it's a building full of Cups what else do you need to know and why in the hell am I talking to you I love seeing Walter Jesse and Mike interact and having to form an alliance due to the decisions that both Walter and Jesse made over the past two seasons they have such an interesting Dynamic that it made me so sad that it only lasted for like seven episodes Walter and Mike argue about how they shall do it and Jesse comes up with a magnet idea which is genius it foreshadows Jesse being the one who plants a train Heist which is cool and shows us how much more competent he is than these two old Eggheads at times then we jump into the actual heist where we see Mike Irma trouting all over the camera Walter and Jesse Drive the magnet equipped truck alongside the wall outside the evidence room as we see the Magna disabling the guard's computer confusing him and slowly seeing the items inside the evidence room drawn to the wall damaging almost all of it including the computer Mike questions of the plan worked and Walter smugly responds egotistically however it turns out the laptop with security footage on was encrypted and Gus is dead and therefore in no say to divulge the password so there was no risk of the footage on it incriminating anyone which means the evidence lockup attack was for nothing further not only does it not solve any existing problem it creates an entirely new one as the police discover details of Frank's offshore accounts a knowingly opening a new can of worms that will bring down the Heisenberg Trio meanwhile Skyler is informed by Saul that Ted had an accident caused by huel and QB in fear he promises not to tell anyone about what transpired and the situation with Ted is now resolved Walter gets into a big fight with Saul over allowing Skyler to give more than half a million dollars to the man she was sleeping with attempting to cut ties with Walter Walter backs him up into a corner and threatens him by the end of the episode Walter drops one of the creepiest lines ever it's the beginning of his descendant to True villainy Skyler is now fearful of Walt after he tells her it's over she already knew that he was in the drug business and recently got quite a rude awakening that he may be involved in murder but the fact that she is absolutely sure now that he is capable of doing such a deed as her permanently changed the way she views him in every way number 21. sunset continuing for trend of destroying evidence this episode follows Walt trying to get rid of the RV before Hank gets to it Jesse is completely oblivious to Hank's investigations and is in fact working on starting up his own business with Badger and skinny Pete Walt begins working at the super lab and meets Gail who immediately starts sucking up to him luckily for Walt Hank calls him up to explain his theory about the RV being a mobile meth lab giving Walter a head start to dispose of it he goes to get it destroyed but Jesse finds out and drives over to it bringing Hank right along with him so now they're stuck in the RV while Hank tries to bust in and this is one of my favorite scenes of a whole series the first time watching I just had no idea how the hell they were going to get out of his situation Joe is there to help out by questioning the legality of what Hank's doing and Jesse tries to assert his rights too but when it becomes clear he isn't going to budge Walt takes drastic measures to get him out of there by calling up soul to game to troll Hank into thinking Marie is in the hospital Hank drives off like an idiot leaving Walt and Jesse to destroy the RV in one of the saddest death scenes of a series elsewhere Gus gives the cousins for all clear to kill tank which I'm sure will work out great for them we're now entering the top 20 and business where the episodes start to get Next Level good pretty much everyone from here on out is a 10 out of 10 and the placements really just come down to minor differences in Petty preference so without further ado number 20 and the bags in the river this was the episode that got me hooked on this show the main Crux of the episode revolves around Walt trying to muster up the courage to kill crazy eight and the way it plays out is just incredible first Walt tries to come up with reasons not to kill him which doesn't seem to convince himself then after he faints while bringing him food he tries to get to no Domingo so that he can be convinced to let him go they bond over baby cribs and whatnot and the writing here is just so good it finally seems like Walt's gonna let him go until he looks at the broken pieces of a plate and realizes that there's one missing it culminates in whilst having to strangle him to death with a bike lock which is just so depressing and pretty crazy considering this is only the third episode of the show and even with this really dark scene there's still wacky Shenanigans to be had like Walt chasing Jesse around and trying to flush his meth down the toilet well Heil Hitler [ __ ] there's also Hank trying to show what Junior that weed is bad for you since Skyler had a miscommunication with Marie which led her to thinking Junior was doing weed when Skyler was actually talking about Walt we also get to see Gretchen and Walt from when they're in University and it's all shot in Shadow so you can't tell that Brian kranson is 52 years old almost as good a solution as the incredible young Jimmy wig from Better Call Saul number 19. end times this episode sets the stage with a final showdown against Gus with Walt and his family officially being Open Season the family is shipped off to Gus's house after the anonymous tip last episode leaving Walton his own to come up with a plan Hank sends Gomez out to the laundry to try and find evidence all while Jesse and Tyrus are in the lab underneath but he comes up empty-handed because he's an idiot Jesse gets a call from Andrea saying that Brock's him a hospital and when he goes to have a ziggy and realizes the rice and one's gone he deduces that it was stolen by huel when he visited Seoul earlier of course he's right but when he goes to confront Walt about it he gets gasoline into think he was actually Gus since we all know Walt would never stooped to such levels to get what he wants this scene between the two of them is just so damn good in fact Brian krantz's acting here might be a bit too convincing since Walt is supposed to be lying out of his ass throughout the whole scene now is probably a good time to talk about my grievances with a brock poisoning plot mainly how we just have no idea how Walt actually managed to poison him in the first place like did he get Saul to do it or did he sneak the berries from the lily of a valley into his lunchbox or something [ __ ] and if so how the hell did he do that I get why they didn't show it since we need to keep an audience in the dark for the plot twist at the end of Face-Off and it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but it's always annoyed me regardless anyways now the dream team is back together and they go to execute their plan by having Jesse lure gust of a hospital while Walt makes a bomb in his kitchen unfortunately Jesse makes it too obvious that he wants Gus dead and he wisens up to what's going on right when he's about to get in his car or maybe this bird flowing by told him about it number 18. box cutter what a hell of a way to start a season right after season three's Cliffhanger Jesse gets captured and taken down to the lab where Walter Mica and they all get to sit there and wait for Gus to come visit Walt tries to talk himself up while they wait and eventually Victor gets sick of him and decides to try his hand at cooking the blue stuff since he's apparently watched him do it so much that he knows the entire recipe when Gus eventually rolls up he doesn't say a word and just struts over to get changed agonizingly slowly while Walt Rambles on and just when you think there's no way out for Walton Jesse he randomly slashes Victor's throat instead even Mike is shocked but Jesse is out of [ __ ] to give since it'd be a pain to dig up a lab to Chuck Victor in that hole with Lalo and Howard they instead dissolve him with the acid which is honestly a way better method of disposal I guess Gus and Mike just didn't know about it back then Walt and Jesse go to Denny's with their new drip for a nice meal with Walt thinking Gus is going to get them the first chance he gets and Jesse just deciding to go with the flow this entire plotline for every episode is just so tense and I kind of wish it was the entire episode since the non-lab scenes aren't anything to write home about Skyler doesn't know where Walt mysteriously vanished to so she goes to his condo to look for Clues except she can't get in so she calls up a locksmith to Gaslight into letting her in only to find nothing this scene is pretty funny though meanwhile Hank still being to Marie and needs her help to do a poopy unfortunately he doesn't have Tony the toilet buddy to encourage him number 17 dead Freight most of the episodes in this top 20 are full of drama dialogue Intrigue and other nonsense like that and while those are all well and good sometimes what you really want is badass action dead Freight is just awesome with the gang putting aside their boring meth Empire plot to go rob a train together first off there's this great scene with the Motley Crew forces Lydia to prove her innocence by calling up the DEA to report the tracker in the barrel of methylamine while the boys listen in for a bug that won't put in Hank's office earlier right when it's starting to look like Lydia betrayed them after all they hear that some schmuck did put the track on the barrel so it turns out she's in the clear Mike still wants to waste her because he's a dick so she offers them a way to get an ocean of methylamine From a Train Mike thinks there's no way to do the heist without killing the crew but Walt seems pretty eager to go through of it since the alternative is going back to a pseudo cook Jesse has another of his genius ideas to just Rob the train without them knowing the trio plus Todd put the plan into action plus Bill Burr acting as patroller blocking the Train the whole Heist is filmed and edited so well and while there are some more impressive action sequences and better call soul I think this is my favorite across both shows it's clever it's tense it's just cool especially when the Good Samaritan arrives to push kuby's truck off a road and the train starts moving with Todd and Jesse still on it and just when you think they succeeded and it was all just a fun little Adventure the kid shows up to ruin it thankfully Todd takes care of him number 16. pilot the first episode of a show is everything you could want it wasted no time setting up our protagonists and all the side characters the initial conflict is born and then it's off to be racist for a high octane meth cooking Adventure this is the longest episode of a series and it packs so much into that one hour run time it's kind of crazy we go from Walt sitting around eating veggie bacon at the start to him murdering people with explosive [ __ ] by the end of it the very first scene immediately hooks you with Walt driving around in his knickers and recording his message to Skyler and Flint Jesse's introduction is equally exciting with him jumping out his window naked when you think about it everything that happens in this show is really Hank's fault since he's the one who showed Walt how much money there is to be made him a meth business and taking him on the ride along where he recognizes Jesse and later blackmails him into cooking with him Jesse introduces us to Crazy a and the one episode Wonder Emilio who wouldn't make another appearance until 14 years later in the second last episode of Better Call Saul this is a good time to talk about the cinematography on the show which is pretty great Breaking Bad was shot on 35 millimeter film and it gives the show this delicious grainy look that fits perfectly for the vibe of it and pretty much every shot has a slight handheld shakiness to it which I'm less crazy about I do think Better Call Saul has a much better presentation but the clean digital footage with more locked off shots and smooth camera moves suits that show more than it would this one both do their jobs effectively even if I do prefer soul and behold we're also introduced to the first of many meth cooking montages something that gets better and better as the show progresses this is easily for best episode of season one for me and thanks to it we eventually got to witness some of the best characters on TV like Daniel wurmold and Tony the toilet buddy my favorite scenes are actually in my favorite episode and that would be the pilot episode episode one uh it just really set the journey for all these characters to to evolve and to grow and it definitely set the tone for the rest of the the season the rest of the series um and just the cinematics of what we shot in the big scale of using New Mexico landscape to me and Austin's back to episode one number 15 Gliding Over All the mid-season finale sees Walt trying to tie up loose ends after idiotically killing Mike now that he's the only vote left he visits Lydia to get the name of Mike's guys Evan hires Uncle Jack to dispose of all of them in two minutes this scene is just brutal with most of the guys being stabbed repeatedly at one of them getting the pleasure of being burned alive all set to a nice upbeat song while Walt stares have a window like a cartoon super villain Hank finds out and isn't too happy about it and reminisces about his old job with Walt Lydia manages to extend her use by date by proposing a business plan with Walt to ship his product to the Czech Republic so him and Todd get to work cooking a [ __ ] ton of math over the next three months in one of the best montages of a show set to the very appropriate song Crystal Blue Persuasion eventually Skyler gets bored of laundering for money and shows Walt the fruits of his labor a giant pile be enough to have a nap on Walt decides it's probably time to call it quits and visits Jesse to give him his 5 million and reminisce about the good old days so everything's back to normal everything's happy-go-lucky until Hank goes to take a dump and finds for Walt Whitman book won't idiotically left there ending on one of the biggest Cliffhangers in the show thankfully these days we don't have to wait a year to see what happens next it only took Hank Five Seasons to figure out who Heisenberg is but at least he got there in the end number 14. salud this is where Gus's Revenge plan has been brewing for the past two decades finally comes together with him heading to Mexico with Mike and Jesse to settle some cartel disputes first Jesse has to prove his worth by cooking up the blue stuff while everyone watches and after getting berated for not knowing how to synthesize some acid he takes control and calls her lab crew out for having such a disgusting setup and tells him that no cooking is gonna happen until all the contaminant has been cleared much like Walt Wimber was contamination by superlep Jesse's cook turns out to be almost as good as Waltz so they go to Don eladio's to celebrate Gus brings along a bottle of zafiro and Neo that happens to be the same one Jimmy and Kim took a liking to except his has the little side effect of making the entire cartel drop dead thankfully Gus had the foresight to vomit in the toilet beforehand so he can strut out and take in the sight of Donna lario falling in the pool this whole sequence is just so satisfying to watch play out and the shot of Gus walking outside and seeing the Carnage of a music of a background is hard as [ __ ] meanwhile it's Flynn's birthday and is gifted an awesome car from Skyler although he doesn't seem to entirely appreciate it cause he's an ungrateful Walters and bear for the festivities so Junior drives over to his apartment where he finds me crying like a baby over how Jesse beat him up later on Walt tries to get back on Flynn's good side by telling him about his father who had Huntington's disease and Brian cranston's acting here is top tier Junior doesn't really care if Owen leaves Saul calls Ted over to his office to give him the good slash bad news that his great aunt bergat has passed and left him a precise amount of money he needs to pay off IRS so he immediately takes her money and buys a new car because he's an idiot Skyler tries to make him see reason and admits of money actually came from her but Ted is still too stubborn to do the right thing the Walton Skyler scenes in this episode are really good but the spotlight is all on the Gus plot and it's nice to see that he got to complete his big Revenge Plan before he gets blowed up by Hector a few days later number 13 grilled in what was originally supposed to be the finale of season one grilled sees for short-lived tuko plot come to an explosive end with him kidnapping the meth cooking Duo and taking them out to his vacation home in the desert every scene with these characters in this episode is incredibly tense but this being the first big moment where you're left wondering how the hell Walt and Jesse again get themselves out of this situation they almost get lucky when Jesse tries to convince tuko to try their latest meth ricin invention but he loses interest when Jesse mentions chili powder as the secret ingredient they managed to sneak it into a scrumptious burrito instead but Hector isn't quite as senile as he seems to be and exposes him by ringing his Bell non-stop until tuko figures out what's up things eventually escalate to tuko throwing them out of a house and putting a big gun to Jesse's head but Walt interrupts him by dropping a pretty badass revelation we tried to poison you because you're an insane degenerate piece of Filth and you deserve to die if I managed to bait to go up and try to get out of there but Hank shows up a perfect time to have a heated Showdown with him this is really tuko's episode in the spotlight and it's a great send-off to one of the most memorable characters which is impressive considering he was only in four episodes the only reason this episode is here at number 13 and not like top five is because the non-tukocentric plot lines are just kind of whatever with a Marie and Schuyler going around putting up missing posters while Hank tries to find Jessie which is what ends up leading him to two Colombian number 12. better call soul this is officially where the show gets good and it's thanks to none other than slip and Jimmy himself I know we take Saul Goodman for granted at this point but I kind of forgot until my most recent watch just how funny he is like literally every line he has is some sort of Zinger and they're all bangers Academy hire you right out of the womb you guys get younger every there are laws detective have your kindergarten teacher read them to you right go grab a juice box have a nap go on ah here we go public masturbation I don't get it what's the kick why don't you do it at home like the rest of us with a big flat screen TV 50 channels of pay-per-view in a Starbucks that's nice she better act in an epileptic courthouse is that like the one your mom works at is she still offering the two for one discount after watching Better Call Saul the show not the episode it's almost jarring seeing him here with how much more depth was added to him throughout that whole show I guess this is a good moment to talk about how much I just love Saul's office as a location the inflatable Lady Liberty the blue carpet for constitution wallpaper it all just comes together so well to create something memorable and iconic plus his car is cool as hell this episode is also retroactively made better with Breaking Bad the episode not the show having additional scenes that take place during this episode mainly the RV scene which is kind of pointless and the mic scene which recontextualizes the entire thing with soul wanting to work with what despite Mike's rightful objections but enough about that the episode itself is just a whole lot of fun with Badger getting arrested and Walt plus Jesse turning to Soul to get it all sorted out the initial scene where Badger gets arrested is classic with him taunting the guy for being the worst undercover cop ever until he gets pulled in by a chicanery the scenes of Soul meeting Mr Mayhew and later being kidnapped are both Kino with random throwaway lines turning into key characters years down the road no it wasn't me it was ignancio he's the one follow didn't sent you who oh thank God oh Christ Souls came to get Badger off as the usual wacky Shenanigans we've come to expect from him with them sending out a decoy guy to get caught on purpose and pass him off as Heisenberg kind of stupid but the way it plays out is just so funny with him sitting on the wrong bench so Walt has to send Jesse to get Badger to move while Walt does some chicanery to distract Hank just beautiful such an awesome episode number 11. crawl space this episode is mainly remembered for its last 15 minutes but the rest of it is equally as good the Mexico Boys arrive at Dr Barry save Gus and Mike can be saved from their imminent demise but the doc seem to care a whole lot more about Gus for Mike since Gus is the one paying for bills they fix up Gus pretty quick but Mike still needs some r r so they leave without him they just walk off by themselves which I find weird that Gus wouldn't have some sort of Transport waiting for him but I guess he wanted to get some exercise in Gus tries to approach the subject of cookie on his own but Jesse is still loyal to Walter even after their little altercation at his house they eventually get back to Albuquerque and Gus immediately beelines to the nursing home so he control Hector about destroying the cartel he tries to get Hector to look at him or while Jesse just kind of awkwardly watches meanwhile Ted is still being a prick about the IRS thing with him trying to give Skyler back for money she so kindly offered to him to pay them off Skyler decides she's done with Ted's Malarkey and calls up Saul to take some more drastic measures saw senses A team out to Ted's Place to intimidate him into writing a check to the IRS but Ted sees an opportunity to escape and takes a page out of Chuck's book by slamming himself head first into the kitchen counter Walter's still stuck driving Hank around and when their next destination turns out to be the laundry he takes a pager of Ted's book by slamming themselves into incoming traffic Hank talks us up to Walt just being goofy as usual and thinks nothing more of it and what gets a cool bandage out of it so it's all well and good eventually he finds out that Jesse is back and cooking without him so he runs over to his place to yell at him again and interrupts him playing sonico 6 with Brock who's somehow using a Dreamcast controller to play an Xbox 360 game anyways Tyra shows up to grab Walt and take him to the desert where Gus promptly fires him Walt tries to continue his tough guy act but Gus is out of [ __ ] to give and lays it out for him I will kill you I will kill your son I will kill your infant and then we arrive at the best scene of the episode and one of the best across the whole show soul is about to call Skyler to break the news about Ted when Walt barges in and Dan the acting here is just so good it's unbelievable now yeah yeah you understand there's no coming back from this sell this to that wife of yours and your teenage son I have got no choice need to call the DEA and you need to tell them that Gus has a hit out I think no you have to do it for me buddy I gotta go on living here though I'm way too comfortable in my winter just call you all anonymously I'm practically in the DEA family I go to their Christmas parties for Christ's sake they know me they know my voice they'll know me please you gotta do it for me I'm begging you anonymously oh God you didn't you didn't do the sex robot boys I did the tube and the whole thing the whole coal anonymously thing is a meme at this point but it doesn't distract them how dive a situation and how well Brian Cranston sells it you say whatever you have to say you just give me an hour to I need to collect my wife and kids okay just give me an hour and then you make the phone call he runs home to grab a 500 Grand he needs for his new vacuum cleaner and things get bad when he realizes it's not there the moment when Skyler says she gave it a Ted is just so funny when you look at it from Walt's POV so it makes sense that he would break out into a laughing fit like that maybe the best ending to any episode which is really saying something [Music] number 10. Aussie Mandy now I know what you're thinking the greatest TV episode of all time Perfect 10 rating on IMDb and here it is barely making the top 10 on my list so yeah this isn't my favorite episode but I'm not saying it's bad or anything like that I totally get why this is everyone's favorite since it's probably the heaviest episode yet in terms of major plot developments and seeing Walt's entire world fall apart around him is something we've been waiting for since the beginning the opening takes us back to a first episode back when everything was fine and dandy and at the same location where the characters Now find themselves Hank's last moments aren't exactly what he was probably expecting but it's nice that he held his ground instead of turning into a blubbering crybaby like Walt I can't even really tape a shot seriously anymore and you can thank the internet for that Walt idiotically lets the Nazis know that there's 80 mil buried in the ground eighty dollars so if I take all of it except for one barrel because Uncle Jack's just such a nice guy Walt decides that this is all actually Jesse's fault and takes his anger out on him by finally revealing that he let Jane die which further solidifies Walter's the biggest alive meanwhile Marie assumes everything is going great for Hank right now so she struts into the car wash to give Skyler a good news and also to make her finally tell Junior the truth eventually they get back home at the same time as Walt who tries to keep doing his usual everything's gonna be fine Spiel but Skyler assumes he murdered Hank he doesn't do a very good job at trying to deny it things escalate into an all-out brawl and even Junior gets involved before Walt finally realizes how much of a [ __ ] up he is he runs off and kidnaps Holly as well because reasons meanwhile Jesse has become a literal slave living in a Nazi cage which is kind of ridiculous but whatever later on Walt calls up Skyler to go on another Sigma male rant but eventually it becomes obvious he's doing it to clear her name because he's just such a nice guy he gets mad at Holly because he wants her mummy back and dumps her in a fire truck and then heads off to get a new vacuum cleaner so that's Ozymandias and like I said it's clear why this is the number one for so many people but for me the last few episodes of this list just speak to me more and at the end of the day they're all 10 out of tens anyway so who really cares number nine Face-Off the finale of season four is just pure awesomeness it's got it all suspense intense showdowns funny moments and one of the best plot twists out there right after his little bomb experiment failed Walt grabs it and takes it into the hospital which Jesse doesn't seem to approve of Walt needs Jesse to think of a new place to blow up Gus but he's interrupted by the cops Waltzing in to take Jesse away Walt runs off to get soul but only finds Francesca Instead This is honestly my favorite scene of the episode where Walt tries to do his Heisenberg finger Francesca but she's not having any of it calling him out for being a dummy and managing to convince the wall but he's gonna need 20 grand to fix the door he broke through so now he has to go on a detour back to his house to get the money and narrowly avoids being capped by Frank's goons along the way Saul meets up with Jesse who tells him about Gus's trolling of Hector and Sora laser info to Walt he realizes her two are enemies and Cooks up a new plan by having Hector go to the DEA to troll them and draw Gus's attention leaving him with no choice but to execute Hector before he supposedly rats him out the scene of Gus preparing himself to put an end to Hector is amazing with goodbye operate playing over it which just fits so well unfortunately for Gus the guy who he'd been planning to kill for the past 20 years got the upper hand in the end and he doesn't realize he's being trolled until it's too late [Music] huh [Music] the death of Gus is so ridiculous in a good way it's one thing I think the show did better than Better Call Saul in terms of the death of a main villain my friend who I was watching with somehow hadn't had been seen spoiled and his reaction was legendary Walt sets off on his Victory lap meeting up with Jesse and burning the super lab down Jesse finds out that Brock wasn't poisoned by Rison after all and it was actually some plant called Lily of a valley Walt drives off triumphantly after telling Skyla he won and then we see the background of a house and wait a second number eight say my name Mike's story comes to an unceremonious end this episode but we'll get to that in a minute Walt uses his Heisenberg charm to convince Declan to be his new meth distributor but conveniently leaves Jesse out when it comes to Mike and him retiring from a crew Jesse later tries to get his five mil from Walt so he can dip but instead is treated to another way for manipulation first of Walt trying to butter him up but then when bad doesn't work he resorts to basically saying who gives a [ __ ] we're gonna go to hell anyway LOL Jesse just gives up and leaves while Walt yells at him like a spoiled child he replaces Jesse with local child killer Todd and tries to tell Skyler about it but she ain't interested meanwhile Mike is enjoying his New Freedom by trolling the DEA by dumping all his criminal [ __ ] before they come to search his house but the fun runs out when his lawyer gets caught during his routine Hazard pay deposit thankfully Walt happens to be in Hank's office when he hears about it so he calls Mike to give him a head start on the cops Mike decides he rather abandon Kaylee for be caught so he runs off and calls Saul to get his emergency back to him Source too much of a [ __ ] to do it so Walt does instead with him also trying to get the names of Mike's guys in prison from him Mike tells him to get [ __ ] and rips into him about how everything went to [ __ ] ever since he joined the drug business it's satisfying as hell to see Walt get verbally demolished but it's also true that Mike's basically a huge hypocrite in this scene Mike makes for fatal mistake of hurting Walt's feelings and gets a bullet in the chest for it Walt suddenly realizes he could just ask Lydia for the names and tries to apologize which is just laughable but thankfully Mike shuts him up before he can ruin the moment anymore in the end Mike got killed by a bald loser and left his family nothing probably a bit unsatisfying after seeing all the [ __ ] he did throughout this show and Better Call Saul but I think it's what he deserved at the end of the day number seven half measures after finding out about Gus's connection to the dealer guys who got combo killed Jesse goes out on his own to get revenge he plans to use Wendy to get some rice and Lace Burgers to the dealers but when he tells Walt about his scheme Walters too afraid of getting in Gus's bad books to help him with it Walt's worried about Jesse doing something rash and Cooks up some half-baked scheme to get him arrested so he can calm down in jail maybe Walt's worst plan in the whole show Mike shows up at his house to send him straight and reveals he actually works with Gus fenney launches into the no half measures monologue which is hands down his best scene and not just visho but probably Better Call Saul as well Jonathan Banks delivery is just on point and thankfully Walt doesn't have any annoying interjections this ain't instantly took Mike from a cool side character to a fan favorite how to make a pimento cheese sandwich buy yourself some pimento cheese and some white bread you take two slices of bread and you spread the correct amount of cheese like so then you close and you're done Jesse manages to get some ricin off the internet somehow but when he and Wendy try to execute the plan Mike and Victor show up to take Jesse to the chicken farm where Gus gives him a stone talking to Jesse doesn't back down until Gus tells the dealers no more children so they Shake on it and everything's all good unfortunately it turns out they took the no children thing a bit too literally I'm seeing a lot of people say that Gus did really mean for that kid to be executed but I think it's more likely that it was just for dealer guys acting out because anyway Jesse finds out and heads off to get revenge even though it's a 2V1 but thankfully Walt comes to the rescue and murders both of them in Cold Blood ending on one of the coolest moments in the show run there's also this intriguing scene of Marie jerking off Hank number six full measure continuing right where we left off Walt waits in the desert to explain himself to Gus who isn't too pleased with his little hit and run Walt uses his facts and logic to explain why it isn't worth killing him and Jesse and they should just continue work as usual and Gus relents because he's a good boss on the condition that he gets to choose the next assistant Walt returns to work and lo and behold Gail is back who later gets visited by Gus to tell him about Walt's cancer and how he needs to master the Heisenberg recipe before he dies meanwhile Mike goes on a stealth mission to dispose of some guys who are messing around with Gus's operation and we are introduced to everyone's favorite character ciao they're seen as like completely unrelated to the rest of the episode but it's cool as hell so I'll let it slide after that he goes to Seoul to find out where Jesse is but Saul's too good a lawyer to let it slip at least until Mike threatens him their relationship sure has come a long way since the sticker days turns out the address Mike gets his bogus and Jesse's really hold up a Price's laser tag joint where he and Walt try to figure out what they're gonna do Walt decides their only option is to dispose of Gail when he goes to get the job done he gets caught immediately and dragged over to the laundry to be executed this scene where Walt begged for his life and then flips the table and Mike is just so damn thrilling and it's one of those few moments where Walt genuinely feels like a badass Church what the hell was that exactly you might want to hold off yeah why because your boss is gonna need me 63 53 Juan Tabo apartment six yeah even Mike is impressed unfortunately it's now up to Jesse to kill Gail leaving us on yet another painful Cliffhanger thank God I watched the show after it was over because there's no way I'll be able to wait a year after an ending like that I could barely hand over six weeks after planning execution number five Selena here it is the series finale probably the go-to example when it comes to any discussion on the best TV endings up there with Game of Thrones and house of cards for sure and yeah it is really as good as everyone says I actually do have more issues with it than most other episodes this high on the list but the impact is just so strong that it all just doesn't matter from the literal cold open in the car all the way to the last scene of a compound every moment is pure satisfaction I love just about every scene here so I'll just go over my favorites while to visiting Gretchen and Elliot to troll them and give him his money so they can deliver it to his kids is hilarious with him basically scarring them for life with his laser pointer chicanery I like this flashback dream thing with Jesse making his box that he talked about back in problem dog before the smash cut to him stuck in the Nazi compound I appreciate how [ __ ] up they made Jesse look in these last few episodes it brings more realism to the ridiculous concept of him working as a slave for literal Nazis Walton Skyler's last conversation is hands down the best scene of the episode with his confession that he did it all for himself honestly like making the entire show for me I did it for me I liked it is good at it and I was really I was alive he gives Skyler coordinates to Hank and Gomez's bodies which we know thanks to Better Call Saul that she managed to get a deal with the confrontation of the Nazi compound is on the exact opposite end of the spectrum with what saying screw it and just [ __ ] shooting everyone with his machine gun Contraption he's nice enough to save Jesse from a crossfire and he gets his revenge a moment by strangling Todd even though he brought him ice cream Walton Jesse's farewell look thing is cool but if I was Jessie I'd probably run back over on my way out and finally Walt's story ends where he was at his peak in a meth lab yeah you could argue things turned out too good for Walt and that he didn't deserve to win in the end but I think it was the right choice and the baby blue song is Pitch Perfect perfectly timed about last credit so which is better though this or sorghon it's sold by a wide margin for me there are aspects I think Felina does better but on behold I think Soul packs are much stronger emotional punch the only scene in Felina comes close to it for me is that I Did It For Me scene sorghon didn't have any machine guns murdering people though so I think we know which ones are really better number four days out before I started writing this video I thought for sure that this was going to take the number one spot because four days out is for a lack of a better word perfect it's like a time capsule of that brief period in the show where Walt and Jesse were on good terms just happily cooking their [ __ ] in the middle of a desert together the vast majority of the episode is just for two of them playing off each other and it's a joy to watch the Montage of a cooking session set to one by one by the black seeds is fantastic with some really great time lapse shots and some of her most iconic images of a series Walton Jesse's moment of celebration after they realized I've hit the jackpot as infectious but the episode really gets going when they go to drive off to Denny's but the RV won't start the double whammy of Jessie leaving the keys in the ignition and then later dumping all the water over the fire is painful to watch and it leads to Walt giving up and rambling about death and all that until Jesse shakes him out of it and gives him a pep talk for the ages saying they should build a dune buggy or a robot Walt's borian decides to build a battery instead and with the help of Jesse's genius science skills they're finally able to get the RV going again other great scenes include Saul laughing at Walt for having no money to order and the last scene where Walt is a gamer rage after finding out he is in fact not going to die in the next few weeks overall an instant classic episode about really solidified the show's an all-time great one for me number three Phoenix this has got to be my pick for the most underrated episode of the series because I feel like I never see anyone talking about it online this episode is amazing the whole thing is about parents and their relationships with their children and it all culminates in one of the most important scenes of the whole show Walt misses the birth of his daughter thanks to his greed but at least Ted was there for Skyler Jesse freaks out when he finds out the meth is missing and when he calls up Walt about it he just hangs up on him because he's a dick when Jesse confronts him about it face to face Walt refuses to give him a share of a cash since he'll apparently use it all to kill himself of drugs when Jane finds out about this she gets real interested since her dad's being a real pain in her ass almost calling the cops or no when he catches her and Jesse shooting the [ __ ] this scene where Jesse defends himself with a baseball bat is so funny Jane wants Jesse to get his money from Walter so they can move to New Zealand or whatever and blackmails him into bringing it to them there's this fantastic scene where Walt goes to a bar while he's supposed to be out buying diapers and coincidentally meets up with Donald himself they have this great talk about their families and Walt mentions his so-called nephew AKA Jess with Donald giving him some good advice family can't give up on them never this scene is just so [ __ ] good Walt goes back to Jesse to try and talk some sense into him and we all know how this Scene goes in my opinion this is hands down the worst thing Walt ever did letting an innocent person die solely for his own game the fact that he stopped for even a second to consider the notion of letting Jane die it's utterly reprehensible and it was originally going to be even worse yeah apparently the original script had while injecting more heroin into Jane to purposefully have her overdose which I'm glad they changed because that's just way too far even still the scene is just so shocking and the standout is one of the defining moments of Walt's character arc on a lighter note Junior sets up the save water white website but Walt is an ungrateful [ __ ] and complains us all about how he hates charity Saul apparently knows a Discord modern Belarus who can launder Walt's money through her website which whilst still doesn't seem very grateful for but yeah incredible episode best of season 2 R.I.P Jane number two fly did I really just put the filler bottle episode this was second best of Breaking Bad yes I did and it's because fly somehow manages to take all the boxes for what I want out of an episode of this show Ryan Johnson is our man of the hour here and he really directs the hell out of this episode there's so many cool angles and impressive camera moves that keep it interesting for the whole run time which is a feat considering basically the entire thing takes place in one location it's just a shame that Ryan never got the chance to direct A Better Call Saul episode since he was too busy ruining everyone's childhoods we all know how funny this episode is but it also has some amazing character Moments Like Jesse telling the story about a possum that was living under his aunt's house this whole monologue is like three minutes long and it's mostly just one shot slowly dollying in on Jesse and then it's immediately followed up by an even better monologue from Walt where he reflects on how much he's [ __ ] up and what the perfect moment for him to peace out would have been I feel like I don't need to mention Brian krantz's acting because we all know it's next level but I seriously think this episode might be his best work things get really heavy when Walt brings up the night Jane died and we met a father at Babar and all that he goes on a Rick and Morty spiel about how the universe is random and then comes insanely close to confessing what he did that night while Jesse's trying to kill the fly on a ladder you can feel the genuine remorse from Walter Miss scene which is such a sharp contrast to his demeanor when he eventually does tell Jesse the truth we also get to see how Jesse has grown with him accepting that it's not his fault or Jane's fault or anyone's except obviously we know that it actually is someone's fault I think this episode's connection of Phoenix is a big part of why I love it so much like you just heard me go on about how awesome that episode is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum you have the early scenes where Walter's trying to catch a flyer which are obviously hilarious and when Jesse shows up it gets even better with him being dumbfounded by what's obsession with one little insect but by the end of the episode Jessie is even more dedicated to destroying it than Walt with him getting to land for killing blow filmed in glorious Ultra slow motion I love episode of Television like that where just a few characters are forced to remain in a single location because there's so much opportunity to to reveal um character stuff and relationships stuff Empower Dynamics and shifting intentions and it's it's incredible because what it does is it reduces the size of of spectacle right you don't need giant explosions or you know beautiful gorgeous vistas of the new Mexican mountains uh the scale it gets shrunk down to this one room so that even even little moments become huge when he falls from the when he falls from the catwalk or whatever onto the onto the ground you know in another episode that could just be like a small thing but it was like this huge um horrible and hilarious uh moment so I love episodes like that and fly itself specifically was was exceptional I mean Ryan Johnson is just an incredible director so yeah can you skip this episode and not miss anything of note story wise yes but if you did you'd be doing yourself a huge disservice it's maybe the most memorable episode of a whole show and it genuinely might be the best as well except for one other number one Granite State it took me an insane amount of deliberating on whether this or fly would be my number one and while it would have been incredibly funny to put fly at the top of my list this episode is just too damn good to not give it the crown sandwich between two of her most beloved episodes I feel like this one gets overlooked by a lot of people it's all about our characters trying to deal with how [ __ ] everything's become after it all blew up last episode and it perfectly sets the stage with a finale this is the last time we see Saul in this show at least with him showing up at the vacuum place to get shipped off to Omaha but not before having to deal with Walt for a few more days this final conversation between the two of them is my favorite Soul scene in Breaking Bad and if we include better call solver it's definitely like top five he gives Walt one more bit of advice for Old Times Sake about how skylus [ __ ] if he leaves and he should stay in face for music the scene was already great when it came out but it's retroactively made like 10 times better by the fact that Saul's advice to Walt is exactly what he ends up doing in the end of his show you walk in with your head held high you'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center how bad is that Bob odenkirk's acting in this scene is so good and the last moment where Walt tries to pull his usual intimidation tactic and fails spectacularly is of icing on the cake one thing I do have to bring up is I always took the part where Saul says he'll be managing a Cinnabon as just like a random thing off the top of his head but Venom better call Soul that's exactly what he ends up doing like did he already know he was going to work at Cinnabon or did you just decide to do it because it sounded like a good idea when he randomly thought of it doesn't really matter it's just something I've always thought about this is also the first and last episode where we see Edward disappearo in the show at least and for just one episode Robert Foster really made his character a memorable one all this scenes with Walter excellent especially the one where he visits Walt and gets paid 10 grand just to stay an extra hour and he also has some of the funniest lines Wonder Emporium two copies I'm not much of a movie guy one thing I wish we got to see more of was the Public's reaction to the whole Heisenberg thing and we do get to hear some Snippets about it here with some newspaper clippings in Walt's cabin and a couple bits of info that Ed tells us Skyler's having a pretty miserable time as expected with a little visit from Todd to add to the fun and Jesse's living in hell he tries to escape but runs right past with cameras like an idiot which leads to maybe for worst death in the show I honestly think this took Jesse suffering too far like he was already working as a slave for literal Nazis did they really need to throw a second dead girlfriend on top of a trauma pile Walt eventually gets bored of his little goon caver goes to a bar to call up Junior who isn't too happy to hear his voice why are you still alive why don't you just just die just just die and so it looks like Walt's finally out of juice he calls up the cops and waits for them to come to him while he sits there drinking his dimple pinch that is until he sees something that triggers his precious ego Gretchen and Elliot slandering him on the TV the cops bust in moments later but Walt's already long gone the scene is without question my favorite in the whole show everything about it is just so purposely executed and it also has the most awesome use of a main theme song possible the last shot where it Dolly's over to the whiskey glass perfectly timed to the last few notes of a song gives me chills every single time best ending to an episode without question and granite state is officially my pick for the best episode of Breaking Bad oh thank God that's finally over now let's rank all the seasons I know for most people season five is the best but I really do love season three even though I do see a lot of you saying it stinks season one's always been the worst for me and season 2 is weighed down by its first half too much to put it any higher but if we were to Break season five into two halves like the way it was originally aired the ranking would look a bit more like this foreign I just want to say sorry to everyone who waited so damn long for this video I've been way more busy this year than I ever was last year so yeah the same guy who beat me to the soul ranking beat me again with this one so calmer I guess but hopefully my version was worth always as for how long it'll be until my next video we'll just have to wait and see so until then thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and all that [ __ ] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: HN Films
Views: 227,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad, breaking bad ranked, better call saul, better call saul ranked, breaking bad review, HN Films, breaking bad episodes, top 10 breaking bad, top 10 better call saul, johnny cooper 64
Id: yXMMA1taCWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 7sec (6367 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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