The Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul Universe (2008-2022) TIMELINE EXPLAINED! FULL UNIVERSE RECAP!

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hello everyone I'm Justin and this is a full timeline recap of the Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Universe if you end up enjoying this video and want to see more from us then make sure to click that subscribe button and click the Bell to know anytime we upload a new video the release of better call Saul's series finale a few months ago also brought an end to what's in our opinion the greatest television Universe of all time after about 14 years so we think it's time we took a look back at everything that went down in the 11 Seasons across Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul as well as the Breaking Bad movie El Camino in Timeline order going through the events year by year but if you haven't watched some or any of Breaking Bad Better Call Saul or El Camino then make sure to check them out first as they'll each be linked in the description before continuing on with our timeline breakdown of it to begin let's jump back to 1992 as Jimmy McGill's out running a scam with his best friend Marco growing up in Cicero Jimmy had gained a reputation for expertly conning people out of their money even being given the nickname slip and Jimmy but he eventually got himself into some trouble after defecating through someone's sunroof and is now facing charges of property damage and assault as well as potentially being labeled a sex offender so he calls his brother Charles McGill the co-founder and partner of respected Law Firm Hamlin Hamlin McGill for help he and his brother have never really seen eye to eye with Chuck very disappointed in his brother's life choices but still Chuck agrees to help get him off but only if Jimmy promises to completely straighten out his life and so he does and says goodbye to Marco and Cicero to move to Albuquerque New Mexico where Chuck manages to get him a job in the mail room at hhm there Jimmy meets and Builds an intimate relationship with one of their interns Kim wechsler as he really starts putting his life together even being welcome to dinner by Chuck and his wife Rebecca and by 1997 Jimmy motivated by Kim and Chuck's passion for the law ends up becoming a lawyer himself taking an online course at the University of American Samoa to pass the bar in hopes of actually working alongside his brother but his hopes are dashed when Chuck's partner Howard Hamlin the son of hhm's co-founder George Hamlin informs him that the board has decided against hiring him so Jimmy quits the mail room and starts up his own practice as he struggles to get his law practice off the ground chuck begins struggling to keep his marriage together and ultimately he and his wife life split and Things become more Troublesome for Chuck a couple years later as he begins feeling symptoms of a rare condition called electromagnetic hypersensitivity disorder which forces him to step away from the firm on an extended sabbatical from then till 2002 he stuck inside his house with all electrical appliances turned off while Jimmy looks after him and brings him anything he needs from the outside world since leaving the mail room Jimmy is still yet to really gain any traction as a lawyer mostly doing garbage public defender work but it looks like he might finally get his big break when he lands a meeting with Craig Kettleman the County Treasurer being accused of embezzling one and a half million dollars and his wife Betty unfortunately though they decide against signing with him and instead sign with hhm considering them a real firm following his failed meeting with the kettleman's a couple of skateboarders attempt to scam him out of some money by making it appear he'd hit them with his car but Jimmy knows the scam when he sees one and doesn't fall for it but their attempted Khan does give him an idea that could use their combined powers for good and proposes the skateboarders run their scam on Mrs Kettleman so he can swoop in and be the hero and they can make some money out of it so they agree but the day of the con the driver Just Hits him so they follow after her and realize they hit the wrong car with it actually being the car of an old Mexican lady who turns out to be the grandmother of tuko Salamanca a high-ranking member of the cartel and after the skateboarders call his avilita abyssnatch he knocks them out and brings them and Jimmy out to the middle of the desert Jimmy tries explaining how this is all a big misunderstanding but it looks like tuko is going to kill them anyway luckily tuko's partner Ignacio Varga AKA nacho allows Jimmy to be let go believing his story about the kettlements but the skateboarders are only let go after Jimmy successfully manages to talk tuko down from killing them to just breaking their legs not too long after this Jimmy's met at his office by nacho looking for more information on the money the Kettleman stole so he could seal it for himself but Jimmy offers him no help claiming he's a lawyer not a criminal so nacho says he'll do it himself which prompts Jimmy to anonymously call the kettleman's later that night and warn them that they might be in danger but it appears his warning was no help as the next morning it looks like the kettlemans were kidnapped with the cop's Prime Suspect being a nacho who'd been seen outside their home by their neighbor nacho claims he hadn't gotten the chance to do anything yet though and threatens Jimmy's life if he isn't able to fix this and after visiting the kettleman's home Jimmy begins to believe the kettleman's hadn't actually been kidnapped but instead went into hiding following his phone call and made it look like a kidnapping the cops don't buy it but Jimmy does find one person that agrees with him that being Mike Ehrman Trout the parking attendant at the courthouse he used to be a cop himself and claims he'd seen something like this before so Jimmy goes out looking for them and sure enough he finds them camping not too far from their home along with the one and a half million dollars they'd embezzle he tries convincing them to come back and turn themselves in but although they agree to come back they instead offer him a chunk of money to keep quiet about it which he eventually accepts and with the return he's able to get nacho released and go back to focusing on his career now with a bunch of money to work with and he begins specializing in Elder Law his services are also later called upon by Mike as he's been brought in for questioning as part of the cop's investigation in the murder of two police officers Hoffman and fenske the former partners of Mike's son Matt who was also murdered around a year prior he doesn't need Jimmy's actual Legal Services though and just asks for his help in stealing one of the cops notepad to which Jimmy reluctantly agrees and pours coffee on the cop's suit and allowing Mike to grab his notes from which it's confirmed that they have no evidence proving that the two officers were actually killed by Mike turns out during his time on the force Mike was a corrupt cop unbeknownst to his son who idolized him so when his son later joined the force and started facing pressure from Hoffman and fenske to accept bribes he refused forcing Mike to reveal his corrupt pass and convincing him to accept but they still weren't sure they can trust Matt and decided to kill him anyway so Mike eventually tracked them down and got his comeuppance also seeking Jimmy's Services now are the kettlements who've decided to fire their attorney at hhm Kim wechsler after she tried getting them to accept the deal and admit they're guilty although he and Kim haven't been intimate since their time in hhm they do still seem to care a lot about one another so instead of taking them on his clients Jimmy asks Mike to help him steal the money so Kim can hand it over to the D.A as part of the deal that reduces correct sentence from 30 years to 16 months following this Jimmy goes back to working with the elderly and realizes one of his clients assisted living facilities Sandpiper Crossing is overcharging them so he starts putting together some evidence with the help of Chuck and it appears to be a Big Time case but Chuck says they won't be able to do it on their own and suggests handing it over to hhm to which Jimmy reluctantly agrees under the impression that he'll at least be able to finally join the firm but although hhm agrees to compensate them for bringing them the case with 20 of the final settlement Howard still refuses to hire him so Jimmy says he'll just work on it himself until later that night when he notices a call from his phone to Howard and realizes that it was actually his own brother that didn't want him working at the firm and Chuck confesses this to be true claiming Jimmy isn't a real lawyer I know what you were what you are people don't change you're slipping Jimmy and slipping Jimmy I can handle just fine but slip and Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun so Jimmy agrees to hand the case over to hhm tells Chuck he's now on his own he then returns back home to Cicero where he reunites with his best friend Marco and the two spend the night running scams just as they did in their past but when they head out the next night Marco suffers a heart attack and passes away resulting in a heartbroken Jimmy returning back to Albuquerque where Kim's managed to get him a job at the firm partnered with hhm on the Sandpiper case Davis in Maine but just as he gets to the meeting he decides the law isn't for him anymore and declines their offer he's later Tracked Down by Kim who hopes to change his mind but he claims he's done playing by the rules and proves how fun life as a con man is by having her join him in scamming a stockbroker into buying them 50 shots of tequila although skeptical at first Kim actually appears to have a lot of fun and their excitement leads to them hooking up and rekindling their relationship but still Jimmy does eventually decide to go back to being a lawyer and accepts the job at Davis and may meanwhile Mike as a means of providing for his son's wife Stacy and her daughter Kaylee has begun working a job as a body bodyguard for nerdy pharmacist Daniel wormald who's been exchanging pills for cash with nacho Varga but as Daniel starts bringing in some money he decides to spend it on a bright yellow Hummer and upon seeing the car mike quits the job believing it'll draw unwanted attention so Daniel goes to the deal alone which of course turns out to be a bad idea when nacho appearing to just be admiring his new car looks in the glove box and finds a document with Daniel's home address on it which he later robs of all his pills as well as his baseball card collection and the latter prompts Daniel to stupidly call the police who end up finding the hole in the wall where he'd been keeping the pills and bring him in for questioning so Mike meets with nacho and threatens to inform his partner to go of a side business if he doesn't give back the cards so he does and Mike then calls in Jimmy to help lower the cop's suspicion of Daniel which he does by convincing them the hole contains sexual Pi related Home Videos outside of this Jimmy's been handling client Outreach on the Sandpiper case and comes up with the idea to create a commercial to attract clients his boss cliff Maine says he's open to it but Jimmy takes this as an okay and just puts out his commercial created with the help of some college interns and and it proves to be a success we're releasing an ad without the consent of the board infuriates them and although they decide against firing him they do remove his ad Kim also catches some backlash from this since she was the one that convinced Howard to vouch for Jimmy so an attempt to regain their trust Kim reaches out to a bunch of old contacts with one eventually coming through as her old friend Paige now works for a big local bank looking to expand named Mesa Verde but this acquisition still doesn't do anything to help her standing so she begins entertaining offers elsewhere Jimmy meanwhile decides that working at a firm like Davison Maine just isn't for him so he goes out of his way to get himself fired since he wouldn't be able to keep his bonus if he quit and once fired he proposes the Kim of starting their own firm together Kim doesn't want to partner with him if he's not going to play by the rules though so she instead offers to work as solo practitioners but in the same office and he agrees so Kim hands in her resignation at hhm while still managing to keep Mesa Verde on as her clients but when Chuck gets word of Kim leaving and working alongside Jimmy he meets with Kevin Wachtel the CEO of Mesa Verde and Paige himself and convinces them to stay with hhm instead the meeting takes a lot out of Chuck so Jimmy looks after him for the first time in a while but while Chuck's unconscious he sifts through his study and finds the Mesa Verde files which he then takes to a copy shop to alter the documents changing the address of their new Branch from 1261 Rosella Drive Scottsdale Arizona to 1216. Chuck proposing the wrong address ultimately causes their hearing to be postponed for six weeks and for hhm to lose Mesa Faraday back to Kim and this slip up seemingly drives Chuck over the deep end as he begins putting space blankets all over the ceilings and walls of his home claiming the electricity is wearing down his mind so Jimmy worried about his brother's mental state confesses to altering the documents but it turns out chuck had been recording him the whole time and that this was all a ploy to get Jimmy's confession who he'd suspected was behind it from the start Jimmy's unaware of the recording though but eventually finds out about it through his old friend from the mail room Ernesto who'd been acting as Chuck's assistant since Jimmy cut ties with him and heard the recording while putting batteries in the tape recorder so an anger to manipulated Jimmy rushes over to Chuck's house kicks open the door and berates him as he pries open the drawer containing the recording before destroying it but once again this turns out to have been part of Chuck's plan when he reveals Howard and another of his associates are there as witnesses to Jimmy breaking and entering as well as destroying potential criminal evidence so the two meet later represented by Howard and Kim respectively for a mediation session and come to an agreement of only a Year's probation if Jimmy admits to everything but since sabotaging legal documents would result in Jimmy being permanently disbarred which is all Chuck really wants he and Kim have to put together a plan of their own throughout all this going on with Jimmy Mike had gotten himself a new job having been approached by nacho to kill tuko for 50 Grand as his addiction to Crystal Meth has made him even more erratic and unpredictable than usual but instead of Killing Him Mike took the smarter route and got him locked up by danking his car and taking a beating from him just as the cops arrive and with tuko also being caught carrying an unlicensed firearm it looks like he's going to be locked up for a long time but not too long after this Mike's met by tuko's Uncle Hector Salamanca another high-ranking member of the cartel who attempts to persuade him into telling the cops to firearm was his so tuko's sentence can be shortened Mike refuses at first but after Hector's twin nephews Leonel and Marco showed threatening his granddaughter's life he agrees he doesn't actually plan on ending things there though and sets out to kill Hector but before he can he stopped by an anonymous note telling him don't eventually the man who left the note meets with Mike and is revealed to be Gustavo Frank the founder of fast food restaurant chain Los Pollos Hermanos who's also an undercover meth Kingpin working alongside the salamancas and the cartel but although he and Hector work under the same boss Donald they've never seen eye to eye when Gus first got into the meth business he and his partner Max arseniega met with Hector Donald audio and Juan Balsa and during send meeting Eladio had Hector shoot Max in the head since he felt the two had disrespected him by secretly dealing under his nose Gus did eventually gain the favor of the cartel after becoming such a big earner but he secretly made a vow to force them all specifically Hector to suffer for what they did that day he won't allow Mike to kill Hector though since he believes he deserves a punishment worse than death however he has no problem with him disrupting Hector's business so Mike ends up getting the salamanca's original means of distribution shutdown which forces them to begin moving their product through Gus to the displeasure of Hector jumping back to to Jimmy as his hearing before the bar has come up and things look pretty bad at first after Chuck's backup tape is played but Jimmy claims he'd only said those things to prevent his brother's mental state from going off the deep end and that it was all a lie in response Chuck explains he's perfectly fine mentally and that his condition is a real thing but Jimmy believes he can prove it's all in his head and pulls out a phone from his pocket that Chuck hadn't reacted to it all Chuck sees through the scheme though and reveals the phone's battery had been removed but it turns out Jimmy had another trick up his sleeve when he asks him to check his breast pocket which is revealed to have the phone's fully charged battery inside that had been slipped into his pocket earlier by Jimmy's associate huel babineau an expert at pickpocketing and this Revelation prompts an angered and embarrassed Chuck to express all of his built up animosity towards Jimmy which effectively loses him the case and Jimmy is only disbarred for a year although Jimmy now finds himself with a bunch of free time on his hands Kim's work life continues to get more and more hectic as she tries to handle Mesa Verde all on her own and pulling all-nighters to get her work done nearly turns out to be fatal when on her way to a meeting she falls asleep at the wheel and crashes her car she doesn't end up with any severe injuries but nearly losing her causes Jimmy to rethink some of the decisions he's made specifically destroying the career of his brother so he goes to meet with Chuck for the first time since the trial and is shocked to see all the lights on and electronics running when entering the hall after having it proven that his condition was all in his head Chuck began his road to recovery gaining the help of a doctor and eventually even being able to go to the grocery store on his own but he's meltdown at the stand caused hhm's Associates to lose trust in him and in turn the firm as a whole so Howard suggested Chuck sure retire to which he refused so Howard no longer trusting Chuck himself instead just bought him out out of his own pocket still Chuck continued pushing forward in a seemingly perfectly fine by the time he's met by Jimmy who apologizes for everything and tries to make amends But Chuck claims there's no need to reconcile I don't want to hurt your feelings but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me that night following their meeting though Chuck quickly spirals out of control and appears worse than he's ever been as after not being able to sleep that night he begins tearing through the walls of his home to turn off any electricity that could possibly be on but the pain won't go away no matter what he does so Chuck no longer trusting his own mind kicks over one of his gas lanterns igniting a huge fire that kills him upon learning of Chuck's death Jimmy enters a nearly completely emotionless state but he's soon taken out of it after a meeting with Howard who expresses his guilt over Chuck's suicide leaving himself to be the main cause of it to which Jimmy agrees and seemingly places any guilt he may have felt onto Howard shifting back to the cartel side of things as Hector's grown angered and more impatient with his current arrangement with Gus so he seeks out a new business to distribute through and decides on Nacho's father's automobile upholstery shot but his father declines every offer they make not wanting to be involved in their criminal business so Hector threatens his well-being which doesn't sit well with nacho knowing he'll have to get rid of Hector if he wants to protect his father nacho puts together a scheme to switch out Hector's heart meds for sugar pills which he successfully managed to do so the next time he goes to use them which happens to be during a meeting with Bolsa and Frank his heart goes berserk and he goes into cardiac arrest as actors being rushed to the hospital nacho drives through a bridge and dumps the fake pills into the river but unbeknownst to him he'd been being watched by one of Gus's loyal henchmen Victor so during their next pickup at the Los Pollos Hermanos chicken farm nacho and his current partner Arturo are attacked by Gus and his men with Arturo being suffocated with a plastic bag by Gus I know what you've done from now on you are mine now with nacho working for him from within the Salamanca side of the business Gus is able to shift his attention to the creation of a secret underground meth lab for when he eventually Cuts ties from the cartel after finding a secure location for the lab with the help of Lydia rhodark Quail a business executive at the giant Corporation Los Pollos Hermanos is owned by Madrigal electromotive and who also has an out of session with stevia and I'm assuming you don't have Stevia never mind he brings in Mike to run the operation as well as some German Engineers to actually build it but to keep the job as low profile as possible the engineers must stay isolated during the building process away from their loved ones as the year progresses though this eventually proves to be too much for the head engineer Werner Ziegler who misses his wife so much that he decides to run off so Mike leads a search team to find him but as they head out they're unknowingly watched by the new head of the Salamanca side of the business Lalo Salamanca another of Hector's nephews speaking of actor although his original diagnosis was pretty bad he's now been nursed back to health with his recovery mostly being aided by Gus as he wanted to make sure Hector would still be aware of the Torches he plans on putting him and his family through although he no longer has the ability to speak and is confined to a wheelchair he's still able to understand conversation and communicate using a bell given to him by Lalo who's been keeping a close eye on Gus on his behalf and after seeing Gus's crew all on the move he begins tailing Mike who heads to travelwire a money transfer office where Mike learns Werner had been as well as the spa resort Werner went to after he eventually notices Lalo telling him though and gets away by entering the a parking lot and clogging the machine with chewing gum so Lalo heads back to travel wire and kills their employee friend before looking through the security footage to see what Mike was doing there and figures out the spa resort Werner went to as well so he calls him pretending to be another of Gus's employees but Mike luckily makes it to Werner before too much information can be revealed still Gus is furious the Werner had escaped and nearly allowed the salamancas to discover what he's doing so he orders Mike to kill him and although he doesn't want to since he and Werner had become pretty good friends over the course of the project he reluctantly follows through with the order after covering up the purpose of their construction project as well as why they were searching for a Werner Ziegler Mike tells Gus he's out feeling great guilt over killing Werner which subsequently leads to him falling back on drinks night after night and getting into fights with the neighborhood Thugs who nearly end up killing him but the next morning he wakes up in Mexico under the care of Gus's personal doctor Barry Goodman Gus also arrives there later and reveals this place to actually be a memorial for Max as he attempts to persuade Mike to return to his employee rather than continuing his self-destructive Behavior claiming he needs a soldier in his war against the salamancas to understand stands his need for revenge and ultimately Mike accepts by this point Jimmy's one-year suspension had finally come to an end and all that was left was to go through a committee meeting to get reinstated but the committee shockingly denies him for being what they consider as insincere and Kim deduce is this is due to him not having mentioned his dead brother at all so at his appeal Jimmy plans on reading a letter Chuck left him in his will show how much he and his brother loved each other but just as he begins reading it he breaks down and gives a heartfelt speech about his and Chuck's complicated relationship which works in getting him reinstated but it turns out Jimmy had been acting the whole time and he still doesn't seem to care about his brother's death at all nor does he care to work under the name McGill anymore so he applies for a DBA wait Jimmy Jimmy what it's all good man during his year away from the law Jimmy had gotten a job at a cell phone store from which he began a side hustle of selling some of their drop phones to criminals for profit under the name Saul gunman and for his new law practice he believes these criminals could actually be great potential clients but since they don't know him as Jimmy McGill he'll now be doing business as Saul Goodman moving forward and it proves to be a success with him racking in more clients than ever but soon enough his new clientele draws the attention of some more frightening criminals such as Lalo Salamanca who he's taken to meet by nacho Nacho's been having a rough go at it as of late as Gus's frustration has continued to build thanks to Lalo's arrival who Gus has put pressure on nacho to gain the trust of threatening to kill his father if he isn't able to do so so nacho attempts to later following a poker game during which one of their dealers Domingo or Ocho Loco as Lalo called him after the mingle fell for his bluff while having a way better hand gets caught red-handed by the cops and arrested as they search throughout the rest of the building so nacho realizing this could be the perfect opportunity to gain Lalo's trust sneaks back into the building and just barely manages to salvage several bags of product following this Nacho comes Lalo's right-hand man and is subsequently filled in on his schemes against Gus with his current idea being to use Crazy 8's arrest to disrupt Gus's business hence why they meet with Saul Saul's hesitant to help them at first but after receiving a pretty big money offer he accepts and helps get Domingo a deal to work as an informant for DEA agents Hank Schroeder and Steve Gomez nacho of course tells Gus about Lalo's plans but Gus can't risk him knowing there to be a rat in his ranks so he allows some of his guys to get caught as well as seven hundred thousand dollars after completing this job for Lalo Saul hopes to be done with anything cartel related but Lalo makes it clear they'll meet again so in the meantime he uses his cartel wage to gain leverage with his other clients although Jimmy's law practice is thriving Kim has once again begun feeling dissatisfied with her current situation with Mesa Verde after her accident Kim realized that she couldn't handle all of their needs on her own so she joined another big firm schweikart and Coakley which in turn allowed her to spend more time doing public defender work which she found to be much more enjoyable but her issues with Mesa Verde begin again when in order to build a new call center they have to force an old man Everett Acker off his land so cam not liking the idea of kicking an old man out of his own house for some big Bank instead comes up with a plan using Jimmy's conning expertise and hasn't become acker's lawyer helping him delay all of Mesa verde's attempts to build their call center Kevin Wachtel won't back down though so they put together an even bigger scheme involving Jimmy creating a bunch of anti-mesa Verde commercial but after her boss Richard schweikart starts suspecting she's working alongside Jimmy in favor of Acker and not her own clients Kim decides to pull the plug so Jimmy meets with Richard Kim Kevin and Paige to make a deal but instead of making said deal he goes through with their original plan and successfully cons them into moving their call center elsewhere Kim's Furious that he went against her wishes but he claims he only hid it to protect her legally still it looks like this may be their breaking point until she shockingly suggests they get married but only to prevent any more secrets since they'll have spousal privilege and Jimmy agrees so the two head to the courthouse the next morning to make it official and although they do seem happy to be married it makes it clear that there can't be any more secrets no matter how badly Jimmy doesn't want to tell her but directly after this his legal services are once again called upon by Lalo Solomon after Lalo gave the DEA information to disrupt Gus's business Gus put together a scheme to get Lalo locked up having Mike impersonate a detective to anonymously bring police information on who killed the travel wire employee the cops then tracked Lalo down and arrested him although under his fake identity Jorge De Guzman so they don't know they have a member of the cartel in custody and so Lalo called in Saul to help get him out on bail so he could head back to Mexico before they learn of his real identity and later Jimmy's met at his apartment by Mike who informs him that the people he's working for also want Lalo to head to Mexico as even in prison Lalo proved to be a thorn and Gus's side after sending for nacho to blow up New Mexico's Los Pollos Hermanos Restaurant so Jimmy manages to get in bail although it's unfortunately set at 7 million dollars balalo says he can make that work and offers Jimmy the job of retrieving the money to which he agrees in exchange for a hundred thousand dollars he then meets with the cousins near the border and retrieves the money before driving off but on his way back he's ambushed and robbed by what appears to be a rival gang but before they can kill him they're suddenly taken out by a sniper in the distance revealed to be Mike ehrmintraut who'd been keeping an eye on the money drop that we didn't expect a shootout to go down Jimmy appears traumatized by what just happened but is able to collect himself as the two start heading back in his car until it quickly breaks down so they have to push it over a cliff before moving forward on foot eventually making it back to Albuquerque after an excruciatingly long walk upon his return Jimmy hands in the money and gets Lalo bailed out claiming his car just broke down so he had to walk all the way back meanwhile Gus finds out that it was actually Bolsa that set up the hit on Jimmy but leaving Lalo's imprisonment would end their Feud although Jimmy promised to no longer keep anything from Kim and did tell her that he was going to make the pickup for Lalo he believes it's best for her not to know what actually went down and six with the same story he told him but she quickly gets an idea of what really happened after finding his coffee cup with a bullet hole in it and nearly losing Jimmy makes her realize what's truly important so she drops Mesa Verde and leaves Striker and Coakley to focus all of her time on pro bono work meanwhile Lalo begins his trip back to Mexico but stops after seeing Jimmy's Car in a ditch with bullet holes in it and instead heads back to confront Jimmy at his home he repeatedly asks him to retell his story hoping he cracks but before he does Kim interrupts and fearlessly questions Lala who admits he'd seen Jimmy's Car so Kim comes up with a cover claiming that in New Mexico if you leave a car on the side of the road someone's gonna shoot it up and claims that he needs to get his house in order instead of relying on a lawyer he barely knows to do his bidding solo leaves and finally makes his way back to Mexico while Jimmy and Kim hide out at a hotel for the night with everything that's happened Kim still decides to go to the courthouse the next morning for her clients and while there she's met by Howard who'd fallen into a deep depression for a while carrying the guilt of Chuck's death but has now managed to get back on his feet as hhm has begun thriving once again in an attempt to make up for the wrongs of his past he met with Jimmy earlier and offered him a job at hhm but this rubbed Jimmy the wrong way so we just started messing with Howard by throwing bowling balls at his car and sending prostitutes during his business lunch so now Howard confronts Kim about this and suggests that Jimmy's behavior is not only damaging to himself but to her as well as he believes it was Jimmy that caused her to drop Mesa Verde and this assumption angers Kim who claims they're perfectly fine and that she makes her own decisions while Kim was at the courthouse Jimmy went over to Mike's house looking for more info information on Lalo and after displaying his fear of losing Kim Mike informs him that Lalo will be dead by the end of the night with nacho now having become Lalo's most trusted associate Lalo decided to bring him along on his trip to Mexico looking to get him a promotion in the cartel hierarchy but as we know Nacho's still working for Gus so when the planned hit comes to fruition Nacho's the one who causes the distraction and opens the gate to allow Gus's Hitman in balalo proves to be a more formidable opponent that they had thought and manages to take them all out before faking his own death by killing a neighbor that beared a resemblance to him and burning his corpse back in Albuquerque after returning to their hotel Jimmy and Kim began jokingly discussing ways they can mess with Howard until it eventually got more serious with Kim suggesting to potentially destroy his career so they can finally get Jimmy's share of the Sandpiper case he warns her that she won't be okay with what they'd have to do but she seems even more ready for what could come than he is with all the cartel believing Lalo's dead their top priority is finding nacho who trusted that he and his father would finally be set free to start new lives after opening Lalo's gate but it turns out Gus was never planning on letting him go believing he would always be enough other loose end to worry about and nacho eventually realizes this but agrees to do whatever Gus wants as long as his father is kept safe and Mike promises to make sure Gus keeps his word so they retrieve nacho and bring him back to the U.S where he's brought before Bolsa Hector and the cousins to confess that he'd been working for Alvarez the head of a cartel in Peru but he then shifts off the planned script to defiantly confess to Hector that he was the one who put him in a nursery home and caused his stroke before suddenly breaking out of his zip tie with a broken shot of glass he'd secretly grabbed earlier and holding both side at gunpoint he then takes a look at Hector then looks at Gus and lastly looks out at Mike watching from a distance before shooting himself in the head meanwhile after faking his own death Lalo had called Hector to inform him that he's still alive and plans on returning to kill Gus but Hector instead suggested he find proof of the lab so they can cut out gusts without getting cut out themselves so Lalo headed to Germany where he found Werner Ziegler's wife Margaret Ziegler who then led him to one of werner's men from the construction of the lab Casper who he tortured into telling him where the lab was being built before now making his way back to the U.S hiding out in the sewers as he waits for the right moment to enter the laundry which the lab is underneath there he once again calls Hector to fill him in on what he's learned but notices that someone's tracking the call with that someone being Gus who'd realize Lala was still alive after a meeting with Hector and Balsa who was hoping the two would finally call a truce but based on Hector's confident smile Gus knew there was something else going on Lalo of course knows it's Gus listening in so instead of telling Hector his real plan he tells him that he's going back to his original plan of just killing us which sends all of Gus's men and most of the laundry security to Gus's home throughout all this Jimmy and Kim had been setting up their scheme against Howard at first subtly damaging his reputation by convincing Cliff Mane and some of his other associates that he has a drug addiction as well as Jimmy impersonating him to make it appear he mistreats prostitutes until Howard learned of their scheme and sent a private investigator to follow Jimmy's every move Kim also feels that she's being followed but it doesn't appear to be Howard's pi and after confronting them she's met by Mike ehrmintrell who informs her that Lalo's still alive so he's having his men watch over her and Jimmy in Casey shows up and asks her to just pretend they aren't there to which she agrees and also decides to not tell Jimmy about for now but going back to Howard's Pi it turns out he's actually secretly been working for Kim and Jimmy so the photos he was bringing into Howard were set up by them and eventually their big plan comes to fruition during a mediation between sandpiper's lawyers hhm and Davison Maine with the pi having brought in photos that convinced Howard that the mediator for their meeting judge casemiro was being paid off by Jimmy to make sure the case was settled also on the photos was a sticky substance that dilated Howard's pupils so with him throwing out wild accusations with no evidence since the photos were later swapped out by his Pi without him knowing and him appearing to be on drugs Cliff is forced to settle later that night Howard confronts Jimmy and Kim at their home about their elaborate scheme and expresses his disappointment in the Life Kim's decided to take On Believing she had greater potential than this they try to get him to leave multiple times but he refuses and continues berating them until suddenly Lalo Salamanca enters the room and shoots Howard in the head he then gives Jimmy his car keys a gun and an address to which he wants him to go and kill the home's owner but Jimmy instead says Kim should do it and Lalo not really caring who does agrees so Kim begins making her way to the home and as she does Lalo ties Jimmy to a chair and tells him about what happened at his home thanks to Ignacio Varga and since nacho introduced him to Jimmy he no longer has any trust in him either Jimmy tries to plead that he knew nothing about what Ignacio was going to do it wasn't me it was the guy balalo just puts a gag in his mouth and exits the apartment Kim meanwhile has made it to the home and gets ready to kill its resident but right when the door opens Mike shows up behind her and grabs the gun out of her hand before shoving her inside of what turns out to be the home of Gustavo Frank upon learning that Lala was at their apartment Mike heads over there with a squad of his men but all they end up finding is Jimmy still tied up and alone while back at fringe's house Gus who's still hiding inside his bunker calls Victor and asks for the phone to be handed over to Kim curious as to why Lalo sent her and Kim replies that he actually wanted to send Jimmy originally but he was able to convince him to send her instead this leaves Gus confused not understanding why Lala would voluntarily change his plan and quickly realizes that this was all just a diversion as Lalo has actually made his way to the laundry Gus arrives there soon after with a few of his men but they're quickly shot down by Lalo and Gus has then forced to gunpoint to give him a tour of the lab as he records the whole thing now having gotten everything he needs out of Gus Lalo looks to kill him but before he can gust Stomps on a power cable which brings the lab to complete darkness and Sprints towards a gun he'd previously hidden inside the lab in case of a scenario like this the two engage in a shootout through the darkness until Gus runs out of bullets and when he turns the lights back on it's revealed that he landed a fatal shot with Lalo smiling as he dies Mike and his men then clean up Howard's body before taking him to and burying him underneath the lab beside Lala with this all appearing to finally be over although they're never told whether or not Lalo's actually dead Jimmy and Kim try to go back to life as it was per Mike's advice but the guilt proves to be too much for Kim to handle and she decides to retire from being a lawyer she also comes to the realization that her and Jimmy staying together is not only bad for them but for everyone around them so she tells him she loves him one last time before leaving to put an end to their romance over the next several months Jimmy completely transforms himself and really begins leaning into his Saul gunman Persona now living in a very expensive house and sleeping around with prostitutes as his law practice has continued to gain more and more traction thanks to his known previous association with Lalo although he appears to have no care for what he'd gone through in his past when set to meet with Kim for what looks to be the final time so they can sign off on their divorce he seems shooken up and saddened but once Kim enters his office he reverts back to the Carefree Saul gunman Kim's completely taken aback by how Jimmy's handling everything and outside she displays her displeasure when being approached by a local drug dealer Jesse Pinkman whose partner Emilio koyama is looking to hire Saul as his lawyer so Jesse asks her if Saul's really worth the hire to which she responds when I knew him he was around four years later Emilio actually ends up getting caught while cooking meth by previously mentioned DEA agents Hank and Gomez and although Jesse manages to escape out the window he ends up getting recognized from inside the dea's car by his former high school chemistry teacher Walter White a few days prior to this Walt had been celebrating his 50th birthday with his family and friends including his pregnant wife Skyler his son Walter Jr born with Cerebral Palsy and his brother-in-law Hank whom during said celebration showcased a news broadcast covering the seven hundred thousand dollars he'd recently seized from a small time meth lab and this large amount of money caught Walt's attention as he's been struggling to make ends meet even whilst working two jobs as a high school teacher and cashier at a car wash under his exploitative boss Bogdan Hank recognized his interest and offered to take him on a ride along sometime which Walt eventually agrees to a couple days later after suddenly collapsing to the floor while at work and being diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer resulting in him quitting his job at the car wash though he's kept his diagnosis hidden from his family for the time being this brings us back to the moment who spots Jesse from the back seat but instead of turning him in wall tracks him down later that night and suggests they partner up you know the business and I know the chemistry although hesitant at first Jesse ultimately agrees and the two begin using a used RV to function as a mobile meth lab they take it out far into the desert and cooked their first batch which Jesse describes as the best he's ever seen and looks to sell through his associate Crazy Eight who's no longer under the salamanca's employ and has established himself as a solo drug dealer taking advantage of his relations with the DEA turns out he's also the cousin of Jesse's former partner Emilia and it appears that he was actually the one who ratted him out but he's managed to get him out on bail and convince him that it was Jesse who snitched so the two threatened him into taking them to meet his cook and once there Emilio recognizes Walter since he'd been with the DEA when he got busted so they looked to kill them but Walt's able to make a deal offering up his formula in exchange for their lives instead of showcasing his formula though Walt creates an explosive poisonous gas that incapacitates crazy hate and kills Emilia so they're now left with the responsibility of killing Crazy 8 so to decide who has to do it they flip a coin and it lands on wall while spends the next day trying to find a good reason not to kill the manga but he's ultimately forced to commit his second murder after noticing Domingo had stolen a broken piece of plate dropped earlier and intended to kill him with it he then riddled the body and returns home and upon his return He informs his family that he has cancer a few days later Walton Skyler attend his former best friend Elliot's birthday party during which it's revealed that he and Walt had actually co-founded their own scientific research company gray matter Technologies after graduating college at that time wall had been dating his lab assistant Gretchen but while on vacation with her and her family he began feeling inferior to their wealth and decided to break up with her as well as sell as share of the company for five thousand dollars well since then Gretchen and Elliot had formed a relationship and are now married while gray matter is now worth billions of dollars they've appeared to make amends since though and at the party Elliot even offers wal a job at the company but he declines upon learning Skylar had told him about his diagnosis and believing his offer to be charity which he refuses to accept while instead continues cooking with Jesse to pay his medical bills but convinces Skyler they're being paid by Gretchen and Elliot although they've got plenty of product cooked up Jesse is struggled to sell as much of it as Walt had hoped so he suggest they sell it wholesale to a distributor and Jesse's friend's skinny Pete claims to know just the guy having shared a shell with tuko Salamanca who by this point had gotten out of prison and began running the family meth business so skinny sets up a meeting between him and Jesse but rather than pay for their product tuko just beats him within an inch of his life and steals it which prompts Walt to step up in his absence under his criminal Alias Heisenberg meeting with and threatening to go by creating a fulminating Mercury explosion which gains his respect so he agrees to form a partnership with them but before their next meeting Walt and Jesse are forced to change up their formula as pseudos in short supply so they begin using methylamine instead giving their signature Blue Sky its color which makes no difference to tuko and their agreed exchange goes as planned until tuko's associate NoDoz talks out of line prompting tuko to suddenly beat him to death with his bare hands this sudden act of violence makes Walt and Jesse rethink their partnership and the two make plans to kill tuko with Walt processing Caster beans into ricin so they can poison him when the opportunity presents itself but before they can gain set opportunity eternity tuko kidnaps them with plans of taking them to Mexico so they can continue cooking for him while he lays low from the cops as he'd been forced on the run after nodo's body was found by the DEA along with his other associate Gonzo who was crushed and killed by a car while trying to hide nodoz's corpse while waiting for his cousins to pick them up tuko puts together dinner presenting them with the perfect opportunity to poison him but they don't realize he's seemingly brain dead uncle Hector who's been under his care since Lalo's passing is aware of what's going on until he uses his belt to warn tuko who then drags Jesse outside and points an assault rifle at his head but Walt's able to distract him long enough for Jesse to whack him in the head with a rock before grabbing and shooting him in the stomach with his own gun before they can finish the job though they see a car in the distance approaching the home so they find a place to hide but the car turns out not to be that of tuko's cousins but to actually be Walt's brother-in-law Hank Hank gotten shown up expecting to have a shootout with tuko though but rather was actually looking for Walt whose family had grown concerned after he'd gone missing for a few days and after learning from Skyler that wall had apparently been buying weed from Jesse Pinkman which Walda told her to lower her suspicion of his criminal activity Hank went looking for Jesse and eventually tracked down his car surprisingly in the possession of tuko who was bleeding out against it still Hank managed to kill him and Walton Jesse are able to excuse their disappearance so they get back to cooking under their own employee and create a team of dealers in the form of Jesse's friends skinny Pete combo and Badger things go pretty well for a bit but soon skinny gets robbed of some product by a couple of meth heads so Jesse tracks them down and demands they give him his money but the only money they still have is in this giant ATM they stole and don't know how to open and things quickly get out of hand while they're trying to open it as the couple argues constantly and eventually the woman decides she's hurt enough and crushes the guy's head with the machine Jesse's pretty shaken up by this but this turns out to be a good thing as people on the street are under the impression that it was Jesse that crushed that guy's head in so they're able to begin expanding their territory just as they begin their expansion though Badger ends up getting caught by an undercover cop so to get him off Jesse suggests they hire Saul Goodman referencing how he managed to get Emilio off twice in the past when they had him dead to right seriously when the going gets tough you don't want a criminal lawyer right you want a criminal lawyer so Walt meets with him pretending to be Badger's uncle but it doesn't go how they'd hoped with Saul planning on having Badger take a deal with the DEA and tell them what he knows about Heisenberg who the DEA and more specifically Hank have been trying desperately to track down so they kidnap him later that night giving Saul PTSD from that shootout in the desert years ago whatever this is but we please don't do it in the desert anywhere but the desert upon arriving there and being held at gunpoint Saul immediately believes they've been sent by Lalo as he's still unaware if he's truly dead no it wasn't me it was a nazio he's the one but he quickly realizes he's not in any actual danger and eventually agrees to partner with them as he later gets Badger a shortened sentence by running a con on the DEA and subsequently begins laundering their money not too long after this Walt undergoes some tests to see if his treatment had reduced the size of his tumor and although he won't receive the results for another four days he doesn't believe they'll be good so he convinces Jesse to to get one last Big Cook in over said four days but when they eventually make it back after nearly getting stranded in the middle of the desert Walt's shocked to learn that he's in remission and although it seems to be delightful news for his family he appears frustrated by it throughout all this going on in Walt's personal life Jesse has added someone new into his that being his new landlord Jane who also happens to be a recovering drug addict still the two quickly started dating and began to fall in love but the good times are put on hold as their crew once again finds themselves in some trouble this time with combo being fatally shot by a young boy sent by a rival gang to prevent this type of thing from happening again wall and Jesse look for a new way to move their product and Saul claims to know an honest to God businessman let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy turns out the guys he's talking about are Mike Ehrman trout who now also works at Saul's personal pi and Gustavo Frank but Gus seems skeptical about working with them so to see whether he can trust them or not he sets up a time deal requesting their product be brought to a specific location within the hour unfortunately they've been keeping their product at Jesse's house who's knocked out cold when Walt gets there in an attempt to ease his guilt over combo's death Jessie's been getting into even harder drugs specifically heroin introduced to him by Jane who decided to break her 18-month sobriety to join him in his Endeavor still Walt's able to find the stuff but just as he's about to leave he gets a text from Skyler saying she's in labor he ultimately chooses to complete the deal though making 1.3 million dollars out of it and misses out on his daughter's birth feeling this is Jesse's fault he refuses to give him his half of the money until he cleans himself up and around the same time Jane's father Donald finds out she'd broken her sobriety and tries to break them up so they decide to Blackmail Walt into giving them Jesse's share of the money and begin making plans of sobering up and moving away together although they do still look to finish off the drugs they have left after handing over the money Walt heads to a nearby bar and sits down next to who we recognize to be Jane's father although Walt doesn't know that at the time the two end up having a conversation about kids and how difficult it is to take care of them and this conversation prompts Walt to go back to Jesse's house so they can make amends but when he gets there he finds them both passed out once again until suddenly Jane begins overdosing Walt goes to help her at first but stops in his tracks and instead watches her die believing it's what's best for his hold on Jesse the next morning a heartbroken Jesse finds her dead beside him so he calls Walt who then calls Saul who then sends Mike to clean the place up and tell Jesse what to say for when authorities arrive and her death ultimately leads to him entering himself into rehab as Waltz expected also greatly affected by Jane's death is her father who took some time off of work following her passing with him being an air traffic controller but after a few weeks he decides to return to his job this turns out to be a bad idea though and his grief proves to be too overwhelming as he inadvertently allows two planes to collide into one another resulting in an explosion that kills 167 people adding on to to this whole Waltz dug himself into it turns out his lies have finally caught up to him as skylers learned that Gretchen and Elliot haven't actually paid a single penny of their medical expenses and after putting two and two together she realizes that Walt must be a drug dealer so she kicks him out and asks for a divorce leading to him ending his business relationship with Gus and quitting the meth business altogether in an attempt to save their marriage but his attempts to reconcile are constantly shut down and Skyler even begins having an affair with her boss Ted Beneke in response Walt attempts to have an affair of his own with the principle of the school he works at Carmen but he swiftly shut down and fired Jesse meanwhile has completed rehab and although Walt stepped away from cooking Jesse's decided to start back up again on his own following what he believes to be a successful cook he meets with Walt hoping he can set up a meeting for him with Gus but Walt refuses outraged that Jesse's attempting to sell what he considers his product so Jesse has Saul set it up instead but when making the transaction with Victor he's only paid half the agreed amount as Gus had the other half delivered to Walt Walton meets with Gus as he'd expect which allows Gus the opportunity to present him with the now completed meth super lap and it proves to be enough to convince Walt to return to cooking Jesse doesn't get hired alongside him though as Gus didn't actually want to work with him believing he's just a junkie and instead Waltz paired with a man named Gail batiker who gusset originally planned to have work as his primary cook when first constructing the lab and the two chemists take an immediate liking to one another with Gail even gifting him a book from one of his favorite poets Walt Whitman while a frustrated Jesse decides to continue cooking anyway still working from inside the RV soon though the two are nearly caught in their Endeavor by Hank who throughout this has continued his search for Heisenberg and has now discovered the RV as it was caught on camera at a gas station where Jesse had sold the cashier's product which eventually led to Hank's tracking down combo's mother who revealed her son and Jesse had stolen her IV a while ago so Hank began telling Jessie who quickly led him to the vehicle but luckily for the latter Hank had called Walt earlier asking if he remembered seeing Jesse in possession of an RV during their past relay so Walt makes his way down there just before Hank and forces him to exit with the help of Saul who had Francesca call him claiming to be an employee at a hospital and convince him that his wife Marie was in a car accident his exit then allows them to destroy the vehicle but once Hank realizes he's been fooled he makes his way to Jesse's house and beats him senseless upon regaining Consciousness in the hospital Jesse expresses his plans to Walt and Saul of destroying Hank's career and life with a lawsuit so to cool him down Walt says he'll convince Gus to hire him so they can partner up once again although things seem to have worked out in a mostly positive direction Hank's life is soon threatened by the arrival of the Salamanca twins Lionel and Marco who had returned to the U.S in search of tuko's killer who they're at first told by Hector was Walter White just as they arrived to kill him though they were called Away by Gus who informed them that he needed Walt alive and instead shifted their attention to Hank since he's tuko's actual killer so the cousins now look to exact their Revenge but before they arrive Hank receives an anonymous phone call from Gus warning him of their planned attack which allows him to gain the advantage as he runs into Lionel with his car he still ends up getting shot twice by Marco who then looks to finish the job with an ax but this gives Hank just enough time to reload his gun and shoot him in the head a still alive but critically injured Lionel also dies later while in the hospital after Gus sends Mike to poison him and the cousin's actions lead to Juan volsa calling us and accusing him of being behind the hit but Gus had already planned against this and has Mexican authorities kill Balsa although still alive Hank is also critically injured and will need treatment in order to ever walk again but he and his wife Marie unfortunately don't have the money for it so Skyler offers that she and Walt pay for it revealing the large amount of money he's made but covering it up as the result of gambling and now having crafted this lie she allows him to return home and they begin working together as well as with Saul to launder his money through the car wash Walt used to work at that they've now bought Jesse meanwhile has continued going to his AAA meetings through which he's met a woman named Andrea a single mother with a son named Brock and whom he quickly starts dating as they spend more time together Andrea starts opening up about her family and the life her brother Tomas has taken on with him working as a drug dealer and she explains one particular traumatic incident in which he was sent to kill a dealer from a rival gang and Jesse quickly realizes that rival gang's dealer to be combo so he heads to that same corner combo was shot on and learns that Not only was it really tamash that killed him but the gang he works for is selling his and Walt's product meaning they're also working for Gus so he confronts Walt about this and Walt sets up a meeting between him Gus and the two dealers in which they agreed to no longer involve kids in their operation but instead of just letting Tomas go the two men decide to kill him so Jesse tracks them down and it looks like they're about to have a shootout until they're suddenly run over and killed by wall the next morning Walt's confronted by a furious Gus Mike and Victor but he isn't worried they'll kill him since no one else can cook meth as pure as his and ultimately they agreed to let him go back to cooking although he's once again forced to work alongside Gail at the behest of Gus Gail studies Walt's technique over their next few cooks and eventually feels he's able to replicate his formula which allows Gus to send the order for Mike and Victor to kill wall in an attempt to get out of it Waltz says he'll give up Jesse's location who's been in hiding since the incident but when they allow him to make the call instead of giving him up he tells Jesse that he has to be the one to kill Gail and hangs up Walden realized early on that Gus plan on replacing him with Gail so we worked with Jesse and Saul to figure out where he lived so that he could kill him first but as he was on his way to do so Mike and Victor picked him up so now Jesse has to be the one to do it and after making it to Gail's apartment he reluctantly does kill him and is only caught after the fact by Victor who takes him back to the lab as they await Gus's punishment but rather than killing either wall or Jesse he ends up killing Victor since he was seen by civilians when he arrived at Gail's apartment before telling them to get back to work witnessing Gus kill one of his most loyal employees stirs up a great load of fear and wall believing he could very well do the same to him so he privately meets with Mike who's also having a hard time stomaching Gus's murder of Victor to set up his assassination but Mike instead just beats the crap out of him soon Gale's death begins getting looked into by the DEA as he had lab notes in his apartment that documented the cooking process bringing Hank to the conclusion that he may have been Heisenberg also in his lab notes with an inscription made out to ww which Hank questions Walt about www be I mean who you figure that is huh Walter White you got me but Walt's able to explain that it's actually a quote from a Walt Whitman poem this appears to finally close the book on Hank's hunt for Heisenberg until later during a family dinner Walt drinks way too much wine compensating for the stress brought on by his current situation and after Hank refers to Gail as a genius he allows his pride to take over and claims Gail was likely just copying the real Heisenberg hinting he may still be out there Walt's current state worries Skyler fearing that he may be in danger but in response Walt claims he is the danger a guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me no I am the one who knocks this doesn't have the intended effect on her though and only makes her more afraid meanwhile Jesse having committed his first murder doesn't seem to really care whether he lives or dies and his drug use becomes more constant than ever so to prevent him from getting high Gus says might take him on a few ride-alongs during which he actually proves himself to be of good use and Gus begins taking a liking to him but Walt believes this growing relationship between the two is their opportunity to kill Gus so he makes some more rycin and has Jesse hide it in his cigarette pack to be used when the opportunity presents itself the next time Jesse sees Gus though he's taken to a meeting between Gus and another branch of the cartel overseen by a man named Gaff in which tensions begin to rise between the two nearly starting a cartel Civil War so to smooth things over Gus brings Jesse along with him to Mexico so he can teach them how to cook his formula and there he proves he's capable of matching Walt's Purity level on his own he's then brought to meet Donald who Gus gifts a bottle of tequila as a sign of good faith and takes the first sip to prove it's not poison but it turns out it actually was poisoned with Gus throwing it up in the bathroom and he finally gets his revenge on Eladio killing him and his men as they're making their exit though a surviving member of his crew Fires at them Landing a shot on Mike and with gusts incapacitated from the growing effects of the poison Jesse's forced to have a shootout with the man and manages to come out on top later once they're back in the U.S we learned that the man Jesse killed was actually the last remaining Salamanca other than Hector Joaquin Salamanca his grandson now the Salamanca name dies with you after his doctor Barry patches him and Mike up Gus Having learned Jesse's capabilities as a lone cook and wanting to get rid of wall proposes for Jesse to begin working for him alone and recently Jesse's been having his own problems with law as well had grown furious with him for not having killed Gus already leading to the two engaging in a brawl so he agrees to cook alone as long as Gus doesn't kill wall and Gus agrees later firing while though he still threatens to kill him and his family if he chooses to interfere with any of his business the next of which being to kill Hank who's begun looking into Gus's connections with Heisenberg who because of Walt he still believes is out there upon learning he and Gail had been in communication prior to his death Jessie meanwhile now having sobered up continues building his relationship with Andrea and her son Brock until one day Brock suddenly has a serious illness which Jesse believes to have been caused by the ricin after not being able to find it where he left it so he confronts Walt since he was the only one who knew about it but Walt's able to convince him that it had to have been Gus trying to trick Jesse into killing him so the two work with the man who hates Gus most Hector Salamanca and as Gus is most vulnerable when taunting him at his Nursery home and attach a homemade bomb to his wheelchair set to go off when he Rings his Bell so when Gus meets with him to put an end to the salamancas for good Hector sits off the bomb resulting in an explosion that kills them both Walton Jesse then burned down the lab and destroyed any evidence chasing Gus's operation back to them before renewing their friendship following Brock's recovery who it turns out hadn't actually been poisoned with ricin but rather a plant called lily of the valley that's revealed to be growing in Walt's backyard as he actually was the one who poisoned him working with a reluctant Saul who got killed to pickpocket the cigarette off of Jesse Mike who had been recovering from his wound he sustained in Mexico throughout all this soon learns of Gus's death and looks to kill wall but Jesse who he's grown a liking and respect towards is able to talk him down and instead they proposed that the three of them worked together Mike declines at first but eventually decides to join in order to continue paying off Gus's guys in prison they also began working with Lydia rhodark Quail who acts as their supplier of methylamine while Saul gets them a gig with pest company vamanos pest who allowed them to use the house as being bug bombed as mobile meth labs they soon run into some trouble though when Lydia notices a tracker on one of the barrels of methylamine but she's able to form a plan in which they can acquire a ton of it by robbing a train to help in their train Heist they bring in one of the pest control guys Todd Alquist and together they're able to steal 1 000 gallons of methylamine with seemingly no witnesses that is until a young boy named Drew sharp shows up on his bike resulting in Todd shooting the boy with no hesitation believing it was what's best for the team his actions pushed Jesse over the edge as well as Mike so the two say they want out and plan to sell their thirds of the methylamine to a rival gang for 5 million dollars each but instead Walt convinces their buyers to work for him as Distributors and buys Mike out of the business himself he refuses to buy Jesse out though believing they can make way more than 5 million but Jesse wants nothing to do with any of this anymore and just leaves without the money with his 5 million Mike plans to continue paying off Gus's guys but unfortunately during a money drop his lawyer gets caught red-handed so Mike's forced to leave his family and skip town but before he leaves he's met by a wall who has for the names of Gus's guys since they won't be paying them anymore but Mike refuses to give them to him Furious he put them in this situation to begin with so Walt decides to shoot him only to realize that he could have just gotten the names from Lydia as Mike dies from his wound upon receiving the names from Lydia who he also forms a business relationship with to expand outside of New Mexico Walt's able to gain help from Todd's Uncle Jack the head of a white supremacist gang who has Connections in prison to kill each of Gus's men simultaneously with no one else to worry about Walt goes right back to cooking now alongside Todd and for the next five months makes more money than ever before finally deciding to call it quits upon learning his cancers back now in retirement he begins spending more time with his family but one day while having Hank and Maria over Hank heads to the bathroom and discovers the Walt Whitman book Walt had been gifted by Gail inside of which he notices an inscription beginning with to my other favorite WWE and ending with fondly GB prompting Hank to flash back to that night he and Walt looked through Gail's lab notes and bringing him to the realization that Walt is Heisenberg Walt eventually realizes Hank's Discovery result in a confrontation in which Hank punches him in the face but he knows Hank can't arrest him without finding more evidence first so he hides his money with the help of fuel and Saul's other associate QB who put it in barrels that he then buries in the desert at the same location if he and Jesse's first cook speaking of Jesse after retiring from the business Walt decided to finally give him his five million dollars but by this point Jesse no longer wants what he considers Blood Money his guilt over the death they left in their path begins to really take a toll on him and his behavior becomes more and more erratic so with him cracking down on them Walt suggests he leaves town with the help of Saul's guy Ed Galbraith also known as Ed the disappearer who could provide him with a new life and identity and Jesse agrees Saul warns him not to get high before the pickup since the guy won't take him if he is but Jesse continues smoking anyways so Saul as he will pickpocketed from him as he leaves but this brings Jesse to the realization of what really happened to Brock so he declines to enter Ed's vehicle and instead storms back into Saul's office punches him in the face and forces him at gunpoint to tell him everything he then heads to Walt's house while no one's home with the intention of burning it down but is ultimately stopped by Hank who convinces him to instead work with him to take Walt down so Jesse tells him as well as Steve Gomez everything that's gone down over the past year on tape but in order to prove what he's saying is true they still need some physical evidence so they set up a scheme that convinces huel Walt's gone on a killing spree and learn Walt's money is buried somewhere in the desert before Jesse then sends Walt a photo that convinces him he's found his money and gets him to rush over to its location Waltz upon realizing it was a trap and believing Jesse's about to kill him calls in Todd's uncle and his gang for help but after seeing Jesse arrive with Hank he calls them off and allows himself to be put under arrest but Jack's gang decides to show up anyways and engage in a huge shootout with Hank and Gomez resulting in the latter being killed Walt tries to prevent them from killing Hank 2 even offering to give them all of his money but they instead just shoot Hank in the head and steal each barrel of cash but one before shifting their attention to Jesse who Todd suggests they bring back with them to find out what the DEA knows and they agree so they take him to their compound to be beaten and tortured but even after he's told them everything they decided against killing him since they and Lydia have been needing a new cook ever since Walt went into retirement and instead keep him chained up in their lab with the use of a Contraption built by their associate Neil can Jesse quickly makes an attempt to escape but he's ultimately caught in this attempt results in Todd heading to Andrea's house and killing her with a shot to the Head hey remember you're still a kid well meanwhile rushes back home to inform his family that they're moving out of town planning to get them all new lives but upon learning he killed Hank Skyler refuses leading to a fight over a knife that leaves her and Walter Jr frightened so he leaves alone being picked up by Ed who later picks up Saul as his relations with Wald have forced him out of town as well and the two spend the next couple days shacked up in the basement of Ed's vacuum cleaner repair shop before moving on to brand new lives while Saul moves to Nebraska and Walt heads to New Hampshire Jesse is still trapped in New Mexico although he does nearly find a way out as after a few months of slaving away as their cook he and Todd are left alone at Jack's compound while the rest of the gang is out water skiing and it just so happens that Todd needs his help with something so he brings Jesse with him to his apartment where it's revealed he had killed his housekeeper Sonia after she found his stash of money originally kept inside these old hollowed-out encyclopedias I want some beach cash on hand that's what Jack says so he has Jesse help him toss her out the window and load her into his El Camino before driving out into the desert and having Jesse dig her grave he then holds short funeral ceremony during which he runs out of cigarettes so he asks Jesse to grab a new pack from the glove box but Jesse instead grabs Todd's gun and contemplates whether or not to kill him with it but ultimately he decides not to worried of what would happen to Brock if he does meanwhile Walt spends the next several months stuck living in a cabin in the woods with his only connection to the outside world being his few chemotherapy sessions with Ed but a few days before his 52nd birthday he decides to leave the cabin and heads to a bar in the nearby town in which he calls his son's school and attempts to give him the last 10 million dollars still in his possession but he refuses no longer wanting anything to do with him Walt soon thinks up a different way to send his family the money though after seeing an interview on TV of Gretchen and Elliot in which they downplay Walt's involvement in the creation of their company so he decides to pay them a visit and has them put his money in a trust for when his son turns 18. threatening to have them assassinated if they don't he didn't actually hire assassins though and instead just had Badger and skinny Pete hold up some laser pointers but it works nonetheless and through Badger and skinny he learns that his product is still being sold prompting him to put together one last scheme beginning with him purchasing an M60 before heading to his old house to grab the ryzen which he kept behind a wall outlet he then interrupts a meeting between Todd and Lydia knowing she abides by a strict schedule and convinces them to let him over Jack's compound that night by making it appear he's desperate for cash and could teach them a new formula without the use of methylamine before he heads to the compound though he tracks down Skyler to apologize for everything and instead of Defending his actions as having been for his family he finally tells the truth and admits that he really just did it for himself he also gives her the coordinates of where Hank and Steve were buried so she can make a deal with the prosecutor if we're seeing his children one last time and heading to confront Jack and his gang they immediately look to kill him though so he comes at Jack's Pride pointing out how instead of killing Jesse he partnered with him which gets Jack to bring Jesse out laughing at the idea of them being considered Partners although wall may have initially planned to include Jesse in his revenge scheme after seeing what they've put him through he instead tackles him to the ground as he opens the trunk of his car which activates the mounted M60 direct to a rotating motor inside that fires through the wall of their Clubhouse and kills Jack's entire gang outside of him and Todd so Jesse finishes off Todd himself by strangling him with the chains around his wrists while Walt finishes Jack with the bullet to the head while then slides the gun to Jesse and gives him the opportunity to kill him but after seeing Walt had also been hit by the M60 he instead tells him to do it himself before making his way towards Todd's El Camino it's also soon revealed what Walt used the ricin for as Todd receives a call from Lydia and Walt answers to explain that he had slipped it into her Stevia earlier and the poison results in her death not too long after the call so with every loose end taken care of Walt watches as Jesse drives off before heading into the lab inside of which he collapses to the floor and is surrounded by police as he dies from his wound having finally escaped captivity Jesse makes his way over to Skinny's house and gains his and Badgers help in getting Todd's car off the street they also give him some food and a bed to sleep in for the night as well as letting him take his first shower in months and once he's all washed up he makes a call to an old associate old Joe who had previously helped him wallet destroy their RV but although Joe initially agrees to help get rid of Todd's Car upon learning the cops are tracking it he instead heads back to his junkyard so skinny comes up with a new plan willing to take some heat from the cops and says to leave the El Camino at his house while Badger takes his car and drops it off near the border and Jesse takes Badger's car he and Badger then give Jesse the money they got for helping Walt earlier and Jesse heads off to Todd's apartment hoping he has some money still hidden in there he manages to sneak his way in and begins looking through his old encyclopedias but the money is no longer there and he's unable to find the money anywhere throughout the whole apartment as he's searching though he sees through the window of another apartment a news broadcast featuring his parents pleading for him to turn himself in and as his frustration builds it resulted in banging his head against Todd's refrigerator but when he does he hears something move within the door of it and discovers the money he's actually inside but before he can collect it two men and police jackets arrive so he attempts to hide as they search throughout the place he ends up quickly being found now forcing him to hold one of the officers at gunpoint while having a standoff with the other until he ultimately gives himself up not wanting any more innocent lives being taken but it soon revealed that these guys aren't actually cops but just a couple criminals also in search of Todd's money but their names being Casey and Todd's former associate Neil candy it looks like they're about to kill Jesse but he's able to talk his way out of it claiming he knows where the money is and that they won't be able to find it on their own so they allow him to take them to it and upon revealing its location he begins collecting a third of it aware that they can't kill him without raising suspicion of the place's owner so now having gained a good chunk of money he begins searching for Saul's guy Ed but can't remember the name of his shop luckily for him he ends up finding the red van and it arrived in to pick him up earlier parked outside of best quality vacuum which he then enters to attempt to convincing Ed to take him on the deal they agreed to that day but since he didn't show up for that original pickup if he wants his help now he'll have to pay double the price which would be 250 000 unfortunately Jesse only has 248 thousand two hundred dollars so in order to get the remaining 1800 he makes plans on confronting Neil before he does though he makes a call to his parents and makes them believe he's ready to turn himself in asking for them to pick him up while also letting them know that they're not at fault for the way he turned out but this call was actually just so he could lure them and the cops away from the house which he then sneaks into to steal the guns from their safe he then arrives at Neil's office who had just finished partying with Casey and some friends and asks if they'll lend him the 1800 he needs Neil obviously doesn't go for that and instead makes a bet putting up his third of the money for Jesse's third in a shootout like the Wild West yeah the wild west so the two stand off prepare to draw and the first to do so is Neil but before he can fire he's fatally shot five times as Jesse had another gun hidden in his jacket pocket he then engages in a shootout with Casey that ends with Casey being shot in the head for letting their friends walk taking Neil's money and leaving his office setting the place to blow as he does having gathered enough money he's finally able to begin a new life and decides to move to Alaska calling back to a conversation he had with Mike prior to them selling the methylamine who said if he was in Jesse's position that's where he would want to start his new life Saul meanwhile has successfully carved out a new life for himself as Gene techovic the manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha Nebraska Gene lives a much less luxurious lifestyle than Saul being in constant paranoia that he might get recognized and this eventually leads to him collapsing to the floor one day while at work and being sent to the hospital luckily no one there learns of his real identity so he heads back home calling a taxi to pick him up but inside the car he notices an Albuquerque Isotopes air freshener as the driver stares at him for an uncomfortable amount of time so he asks to be let out out and finds his own way home worried that the driver may have recognized him he calls out of work for the next few days and attempts to stay hidden but after finding no signs of him being followed or searched for he eventually goes back to work where during his lunch break he's approached by the taxi driver Jeff who says he used to live in Albuquerque with his ex and remember Saul's face being everywhere Gene tries to play dumb but Jeff doesn't buy it and eventually gets him to admit who he really is he and his friend buddy then exit and Gene goes straight to the phone calling Ed to once again receive a new identity but mid phone call he suddenly changes his mind and instead takes this opportunity to jump back into what he does best running cons so he meets with Jeff at his home having befriended his mother Marion earlier and offers him and Buddy a chance to make some cash to which they agree so they spend the next couple weeks preparing to rob the mall Gene works at with Gene teaching them the ins and outs of it while also befriending the night shift security guards to create an opening for it to go down and the robbery manages to be a success but although everything went well Gene doesn't plan to continue doing this type of stuff at least not at first he later talks on the phone with Francesca to touch base for the first time about what's gone down since he left and learns of Walt's death and Jesse's disappearance as well as all of his shell accounts being found by the feds although there is some good news about huel since he was let off after being held under false pretenses she also reveals that she'd received a call from Kim checking in on her and asking if he was still alive which raises Gene's Spirits so much so that he decides to call Kim up from her current office job at Palm Coast sprinklers in Titusville Florida but the call doesn't go the way he'd hoped with her saying he should turn himself in so he flips it onto her questioning why he should when she hasn't even done so herself after all that went down with Howard prompting her to suddenly end the phone call frustrated Gene decides to continue running Cons with Jeff and Buddy and begins working with them to count a bunch of Rich guys in bars with Gene getting them super drunk so that Jeff can arrive in his cab to take them home and give them water spiked with a drug that incapacitates them allowing buddy to enter their homes and Snap photos of all of their personal and financial information which they then sell to Identity thieves this goes well for a couple weeks until one night when Gene decide tries to con a man with cancer which leads to Buddy getting cold feet and not finishing the job so Gene fires him and has Jeff drive him to the home so he can do it himself but while waiting outside Jeff notices a cop car parked behind him resulting in him panicking and crashing his car the next day Gene calls up Marion so she can help get Jeff bailed out but she's suspicious as to why Jeff would call him and not her after getting arrested adding to her suspicion is the fact that she'd seen him yelling at buddy the night before in her garage so after learning he used to live in Albuquerque she instead searches up Albuquerque conmen and there she discovers that Gene is really Saul gunman so she calls the police and Saul is forced to go on the Run although he's quickly caught while hiding in a dumpster and things look pretty bad at first as the prosecution looks to put him away for Life plus 190 years and even brings in Hank's wife Marie but Saul is able to flip the story claiming he's just another innocent victim of Walter White knowing that their case against him would be in Jeopardy if even one member of the jury believes his retelling of things he's able to talk them all the way down to seven and a half years and is even able to pick a specific location for his imprisonment he wants one more edition added to their agreement though that being to receive mint chocolate chip ice cream every Friday so he begins revealing the truth of what happened to Howard Hamlin but it's of no use to them as the information had already been brought in by Kim following their phone call earlier Kim decided it was time she reveal the truth behind Howard's death so she caught a flight to Albuquerque and headed to the courthouse but for then heading to the home of Howard's Widow Cheryl and handing her a sworn statement detailing her in Jimmy's framing of Howard as well as his death and cover-up at the hands of men working for Gus Frank but even with her giving this statement to the D.A it's unlikely she'll go to jail since there's no physical evidence or remaining Witnesses shell could sue her for everything she's got though but Kim's willing to accept that she then tearfully headed home and looked to do some good offering her services at a free legal aid office but while there she receives a call from an old colleague Albuquerque district attorney Suzanne Erickson who informs her of Saul's capture and his plans of giving a testimony that will negatively affect him so she heads to Albuquerque to attend Saul's hearing who arrives in one of his trademark flashy suits but it turns out he doesn't actually plan on testifying against him and instead with her deciding to face the consequences of her actions he decides he should too since he's more responsible for anything that happened than she is and reveals the truth of his relationship with Walter White and even expresses his regrets for destroying his brother's life he then ends his statement asking to be called Jimmy McGill once again and his sentence is changed back to its original length things don't seem like they'll be too bad for him in prison though as he's able to form alliances with some of the inmates aware of his career helping guys like themselves and soon after his arrival he's met by Kim posing as his lawyer and the two share with smoke one last time before silently saying their goodbyes and that was our full timeline recap of the Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Universe if you enjoyed the video then make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and also let us know in the comments if you'd like for us to do more Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul content in the future thank you all so much for watching and I'll talk to you again soon
Channel: Chris & Justin: Film
Views: 805,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris & Justin: Film, Movies, Shows, TV, Netflix, Peacock, Hulu, Disney+, Paramount+, Marvel, MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: No Way Home, The Matrix Resurrections, Dead Meat, Scream, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, DC, DC Comics, The Batman, The Flash, Black Adam, Peacemaker, Horror, Action, Adventure, Star Wars, Recap, Recaps
Id: NknfRSfT6wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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