Breaking Bad Universe TRIVIA FACE OFF - Beat Rice VS HN Films

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hello everyone and welcome to the Breaking Bad Universe trivia Showdown I'm your host Johnny Cooper joined today with two contestants to determine who the real Breaking Bad Universe expert is and get to the bottom of who is the better YouTuber on the left we got hn films known for his Breaking Bad Universe content hello it's me hn films I'm very happy to be here on this special day and on the right we have beet rice also known for his Breaking Bad Universe content hello everybody I'm beat rice I make good videos now here are the rules each one will take turns answering the questions if they answer correctly they get two points but you only get one point if you ask for multiple choice if the person gets it wrong the other has the chance to steal a point but if they get it wrong they lose the point the stealing person can ask for multiple choice if the other person didn't we have 60 questions from the hen films and beat rice fan bases to go through I've read through them and wow I wish y'all the best of luck tons of these are very specific and I doubt the people who worked on these shows even know the answer to any of them are yall ready we need to decide who's going first me or beat rice I say that since this was your idea I think hn should go first all right Cooper hit [Music] me question one according to his book comedy comedy comedy drama why did Bob agree to play solul again okay wow we're starting off with this no I've read this book I have it's um I know the answer I think but I want to be specific so give me the multiple choice a because it was a good role B his children talked him into it C they added another zero to his paycheck and D he was contractually obligated to uh his children talked him into it that is correct yes question two what Improvement did Bob jokingly suggest during the Insiders podcast episode on the finale uh hit me with multiple choice a Saul dies B Kim kills Saul and ends with a shot for shot Recreation of the final shot of Breaking Bad C Kim hand Sola shaved spoon implying he will escape and D it was all Saul's dream as Bob wanted it to be a parody to Dallas's Infamous twist I'm going to say I I I don't know the answer to this this is a complete guess but I'm going to try to get into Bob odenkirk's mindset I think he would find it funny if Kim W uh gave Soul a spoon at the end of the episode that is correct I knew it let's go Kim in the cigarette scene which I'm assuming remains at the end oh yeah yeah when she hands Jimmy the cigarette with her other hand this is just one shot Peter this is one shot is a spoon a metal spoon uhh with a slightly serrated edge and we know he's going to dig out that's the beginnings that's the beginnings I like it of the end question three in the better Cal episode switch when Jimmy drinks from the cucumber water tap Mrs nean is that how you pronounce it calls him a dirty monkey in Vietnamese Thomas schn revealed she originally called Jimmy something else in Vietnamese that won't that wouldn't be allowed on air originally she called Jimmy a uh I made multiple choice a [ __ ] B soggy [ __ ] C [ __ ] D drunken [ __ ] um I'm going to go with drunken [ __ ] the answer is simply [ __ ] question four what was Ed galra's code for people who want it to disappear like the entire thing yes like verbatim everything [ __ ] multiple choice a I want a Alcatel 2008 AC vein pump for corus of environments B I want a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract pressure Pro Model 60 C I want a dust filter for a Hoover Max multi-surface Pro Model 77 D I want a dust filter for a Hoover Max multi-surface Pro Model 60 uh B and that is the right answer that is 1.4 rice Beed you just call that number and you leave a message you tell them that you need a new dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract pressure Pro Model 60 I wrote it right on there he'll call you back in 5 minutes okay question five when Ed calls the cops on Jesse and they arrive they ask Ed to describe Jesse he lies about his appearance and makes up distinctive thing about him what was it uh he had a tattoo of a um it was [ __ ] a ear piercings b a tattoo above his eyebrow C red and black dyed hair D bushy beard uh yeah it's for tattoo above his eyebrow I can't remember if he actually said what the eyebrow was I think he does but yeah that is the right answer one point for H in films had a tattoo over his right eyebrow interesting a large insect question six Gordon Smith is known for being one if not the best better call saww writer but what did he originally start off as when he was working for breaking bed okay yeah hit me with a multiple choice a editor B director C assistant to Vince Gilligan and D office production assistant I don't know cuz I feel like assistant of Vince Gilligan that feels kind of almost like nepotism to just let him on to the next show I'm going to say assistant production manager yeah that is correct I knew that is another point for beet rice let's go question seven in craw space during the scene where Jesse is in the tent in Mexico looking after Mike the doctor reveals that Jesse has an allergy what is this allergy Peay nuts no a [ __ ] what is it aren't we doing like the thing where bead rice can like steal the the question or I am the crawl space expert here so I should know this I'm trying to I'm trying to think back I can't be hit with a multiple choice if I'm stealing the question right no and if you get it wrong you'll lose okay point oh Jesus uh okay I give up you want me to tell you the uh correct answer yeah yes OS missum what what what how were we supposed to guess that no complication other than an allergy to oh wait don't say Ary question eight what song does Chuck and Jimmy sing during Jimmy's party in season 4 episode 10 that is probably dude The Winner Takes It All by ABBA all right yep that that is correct that was that was so easy what the [ __ ] meanwhile I get stuck with what allergy does [ __ ] Jesse have question nine aside from Walter White what other character does Brian Cranson portray in Breaking Bad he plays a like one of her party members at Jesse's big rager in season 4 that is correct question 10 in Breaking Bad which of these flavors of Ben and Jerry's is one that Todd offers Jesse in the episode grenade State uh hit me with multiple choice a Chubby Hubby B Cherry garciaa c americone dream D soued Caramel Core um I think I remember I think it's I think it's a maricone dream that is correct yes we had some Ben and jerries there's peanut butter cup and maricon dream question 11 how many yeps were said when Kim and Glenn were making love I'm going to a multiple choice a 5 b 6 c 7 or D 8 I'm going to say five in correct it is I get yeah well seven yep yep yep yep yep yep yep question 12 in what episode do we see Ted beniki for the first time ooh uh [ __ ] I don't uh hit me multiple choice ay season 2 episode 1 737 B season 2 episode 5 breakage C season 2 episode 7 negro and aul D season 2 episode 10 over I'm going to say oh I think it's uh C that is correct question 13 in the episode of fun and games when Kim is gaslighting Chell how long ago did she say she saw Howard using drugs at work definitely multiple choice a one year ago B 1.5 years ago c 2 years ago or D 2.5 years ago I want to say it was 2 years ago the correct answer is 1.5 years ago oh my God yeah she says a year and a half ago it was about a year and a half ago question 14 what Infamous person does Uncle Jack compare to Walt's prison hit plan in gliding overall yeah I'm definitely going to need multiple choice a DB Cooper B Jimmy hafa C Osama Bin Laden and D John wazy uh DB Cooper H do you want to take this I am feeling slightly confident about two of them but I'm not confident enough so I will pass a this one is easy it is C Osama bin all right yeah I thought so yeah no DB Cooper I know somebody gets compared to DB Cooper no that's Saul calls Walt DB Cooper when he first meets him should I uh call the FBI and tell him I found DB Cooper and the person who asked this question says glory to 10 films thank you whoever that is that better not be one of my fans I'm going to be [ __ ] pissed question 15 what is the name of the species of tarantula that Todd keeps after shooting Drew sharp okay I swear they don't even say this in the show but I'm going to need that multiple choice hey Doo this month dude I can't even pronounce any of these B no just don't even bother because I'm not going to know any of them so I'm just going to say it's c see Goliath birde eater and that is wrong beet rice do you want to take this no question 16 Kenny tells Neil he believes Jesse will break free from his harness so he and Neil make a wager of a certain amount of money how much did they bet uh definitely multiple choice a $30 B $10 C $50 or D $1100 50 that is correct yes all right question 17 Lo takes nacho to his home and they meet Lo's family what name does he call Nacho as he introduces him to his family I'm going to name a multiple choice a Varga b ignasio c nacho Varga or D nacho ignasia that is correct yay question 18 what are the name of the element that formed stylized title of the show ooh okay multiple choice please cuz I might know this a Barum and barium B Barum and bismuth C burum and bromine or D bromine and baron uh Pro mine Imperium that is correct nice question 19 who is the last character to say [ __ ] in the Breaking Bad Universe um are we talking chronologically or uh chronologically um either way I would need to be multiple choice a Kim Wexler B Jimmy McGill C Jeff or D Franchesca litty oh my God what were the options Kim Jim Franchesca Jimmy Jeff and Franchesca this is a good question um I'm going to say Jeff that is correct wow it is Jeff I swear does he say it when he's on the phone to Jean in Waterworks I think so it's either that or in nippi I'm pretty sure dude what the [ __ ] I know it's awkward right but you don't have to call me dad yet question 20 when Jack Welker's men open fire on Hank and Steve Gomez what weapon is Kenny using definitely going to be multiple choice a M16 assault rifle B AR-15 C AA12 shotgun or D AK47 uh just going to go with a trid and true AK-47 damn it hey Chen do you want to take this I have a pretty good idea but I [Music] won't question 21 what is the fake name Mike uses as a private investigator in the episode Wexler V Goodman uh it's dive clock that is correct oh good holy [ __ ] my name is Dave Clark I'm a private investigator he uses it in um breaking bad as well inspector Clark inspector Dave Clark like Dave Clark 5 question 22 what is seen playing on TV in the retirement home in season 3 episode 9 but they don't specify from what show so I'm guessing probably Better Call Saul cuz that's where the most retirement happens um hit me with a multiple choice a bell book and candle B Diagnosis Murder C Matlock or D the night of the hunter um diagnosis murder you want to take this hn no the correct answer is the Knight of the hunter question 23 how many words does a Chuck m Gil shinery rant consist of ending with the sentence you have to stop him multiple choice play a 153 B 169 C 184 or D 171 uh I wasn't listening anyways I'm going to say it's B do you want to take the speed rice um uh C for chicanery it is D 100 71 question 24 which character from this list did not appear in all of these better call saw breaking bad and El Camino a asack Ry B Ed Galbraith C Ira or D Walter wde okay so I know the vacuum repair guy and um Walt appear in it asack Ry I yeah I'm going to say asack Ry okay so beet rice got it wrong damn it and do you want to steal this hn uh yes it is Ira that is correct yeah Remy was one of those guys who you can see um with Suzanne Ericson in the background on the TV when they're talking about oh is that how he's okay yeah question 25 who was skinny P to held that knife Point by um it's uh spooge and his lady or is it am I meant to say which one specifically that is correct it is SPO and his partner yes question 26 which of these better Cal original characters also appeared in El Camino a Kyra hay B officer Baker C Mrs nuan D Clarence so these are the people that did appear in alino as well okay I'm going to say d that is correct lence he's the big boy yeah yeah question 27 Brian Cranson and Aaron Paul showed up as bartenders for who birthday party oh I sold on Instagram um give me multiple choice a Jimmy Kimmel B Drake C Vince Gilligan or D weird out Yankovich uh is it Drake that is correct it is Drake yes question 28 when did Walter get his goatee ooh okay yeah hit me multiple choice a season 3 episode 2 B season 2 episode 10 C season 3 episode 3 D season 2 episode 13 okay I don't think it's anywhere in season 2 cuz I remember him having the mustache but I think it's season 3 episode 2 damn it hen do you want to take this yes it is season 2 episode 13 that is correct oh really okay he just has it after his um operation I think I may just keep this question 29 what movie does Hank tell wallt Jr he got on Blu-ray part of the movie movie parallels this episode uh it is heat that is correct nice wow hey I picked up uh heat on Blu-ray you want to watch with me later question 30 who is the breaking bad and better CA music composer uh Dave Porter that is correct nice question 31 how many people died on flights Wayfair 50515 and J wait what and jm21 the other planet crash into okay um give me for multiple choice a 187 B 167 c72 or D 208 um I want to say 172 incorrect damn that the final death toll now stands at 167 question 32 what is the first episode of Breaking Bad in which wall junr does not appear uh multiple choice please a great thrilled B better call SA c one minute or D fly I don't think it's fly cuz I feel like it had to have been way earlier um I think Better Call Saul that is correct nice question 33 chronologically who is the first person to die on screen in the Breaking Bad Universe I would like the multiple choice of this one a Emilio coyama B Ruth G C Max uh I can't pronounce his last name so you know Gus's boyfriend D Marco um surely it would be Ru McGill no oh be Rice's going to steal that one uh so it's the first person to die chronologically right okay I feel like itd have to be Max it is Max yeah I don't know what I was thinking it's defin that was like 1989 or something question 34 which actor from the Breaking Bad Universe was in Ace Ventura Pet Detective ooh give me multiple choice please a Marius Stan B Jonathan Banks C Mark margulis or D David Constable uh David Constable no incorrect Chen you want to steal this no thanks the correct answer is C Mark Margolis really okay question 35 when was better call s's winner released uh we talking the exact date the exact date yeah give me the multiple choice a October 12th 2018 B November 2 2018 C October 2 2018 or D October 8 2018 was the first one October 12th yeah October 12th I'm going to go with I'm going to go with that one incorrect rice you want to steal this uh no thanks the correct answer is D October 8 question 36 what is the name of the man who Jimmy and Kim scammed in a bar in the episode Bali High oh shoot do I have to say his first and last name or just his first name just his first name okay Ken incorrect what hen you want to take this yeah you're thinking of switch oh right there's another guy who wants Kim and I don't know his name so I won't be stealing it the correct answer is C Dale okay yeah I never would have guessed that Dale Cooper for himself question 37 which non- maincast character appears the most in the Breaking Bad Universe ooh um so when you say non-main that means they can't be a main character in either show yeah okay um I'll take the multiple choice a Hector salamona B Steve Gomez C Holly wide or D Tyrus kid I want to say Hector incorrect [ __ ] really you want to take this the speed race no I'm going to pass the correct answer is B Steve Gomez damn he he must have been breaking battle lman question 38 in season 3 episode 4 sabrao what part of ly's body does Hector one Johnny Cooper I'd like to see your balls that is the correct answer yeah Leon I need to see you a boss okay well I'm question 39 who played Jeff in the season 6 better Cal episode nippy uh that would be Pat hey that is correct your favorite actor question 40 in season 4 episode 3 of Breaking Bad Hank wanted Marie to buy him uh yeah hit me with multiple choice a Fritos B Doritos C Che Cheetos d pitos uh Cheetos that is correct yes ch ch Cheetos yeah ch ch Cheetos ch ch sound Cheetos CH sound virtually impossible to confuse Cheetos with Fritos seems to me question 41 in Hector Salamanca in Gus fring's Showdown how many times does Hector ring the bell oh my God okay give me for multiple choice a 21 B 36 C 44 or d72 what was the first one 21 I'm going to say that incorrect you want to take this beat rice yes uh okay I'm thinking like per second like ding ding ding ding ding cuz if he goes like feel like he wasn't ringing it for that long I mean like I think it was like 10 or 15 I'm going to go 44 that is correct yes oh my God question 42 what reads in Jimmy's prison jacket in the last episode uh definitely going to need most multiple choice a mdj gel B wws SML prison C adx Mont Rose or d n MCA uh I have no clue I'm going to say B for beet rice incorrect hen do you want to take this um is it D no it is C adx Montrose okay jeez I didn't think it just H the whole thing on there question 43 what is the second episode in which Mike visits Caldera oh um I'll take multiple choice a RICO B pimento C Amarillo or D gloves off is it pimento incorrect [ __ ] be rice you want to take this uh I'm going to say Amarillo the correct answer is a RICO oh really it was I knew because it's when he goes to ask him for more jobs and I think the only job he has is the price job question question 44 who said the quote what kind of pizza do you like Jesse what kind of pizza do you yeah I'm definitely going to need the multiple choice a Mike irrad B Walter wide C sa Goodman or d Todd oh uh uh Todd yeah why did that take you so long that is correct I I didn't I didn't take I thought we were talking about like Breaking Bad I didn't account elino into my mind until now I'm picturing say where Walt's like trying to butter up Jesse with pizza he's like come on Jesse what kind of pizza honestly I think Mike offering him a pizza like like after Jane died he walks in and he's like hey man what a pizza well he does offer him uh one of the pimento sandwiches oh right he does pimo Cheese how's that sound that's when we first get out introduction to the pimento sandwich one of the most important characters of the show question 45 what year is listed on Walter White's Nobel priz collaborator award I did not know we had that award uh what's the multiple choice a 1983 B 1984 C 1985 or D 1986 jeez really wide range um I'm going to say 1984 incorrect beat rice do you want to take this uh definitely not the correct answer is 1985 question 46 what's the age difference between Chuck and Jimmy oh okay that's an interesting question um yeah hit me with multiple choice please a 3 years B 20 years C 8 years or d 16 years um I'm thinking back to the scene in um in the SE uh Lantern I'm going to say eight uh incorrect hen yeah I think um I I'm definitely not going to be able to get that but I'm pretty sure that saying in Lantern's just a bit wrong like [ __ ] is it really well like [ __ ] look at Chuck he looks like he's like 15 years old or what is it the correct answer is d 16 years it is yeah that's that's what I would have said I know why I didn't see it actually question 47 what brand of cigarettes does Jesse Pinkman have in Breaking Bad uh multiple choice please a maral borrow B American Spirit C camel or D Wilmington oh I want to say a but I swear I read something about it not being a real brand and Maro is definitely real I'm going to say the last one you are correct wow okay question 48 what was the episode where Aaron Brill was introduced ooh uh I have multiple choice a switch B cobbler C Amarillo or D Rebecca I think it was switch that is correct nice yeah cuz that's when he gets introduced to the um uh schwier and K question 49 what fake name does Jesse use when trying to enter the junkie's house uh definitely need a multiple choice on this one a diesel B burner C Smokey or D Captain Cook is it Diesel and you are correct hell yeah name's diesel would you maybe add some of the blue question 50 what color shirt was Marie wearing in Salon what the okay that cannot be fair the whole episode was in black and white I feel like this this has to be this has to be obvious honestly I'm I'm just going to I'm just going to slam DK I'm going to say purple incorrect what the hen you want to take this she's a fraud I is it black that is correct are you kidding me Betsy in black and white yes did she have purple on for real that we just couldn't tell I think she may have uh Switched Off a purple at this point you know she's uh she's she took all this hard and rightly so question 51 in which episode episode did Jimmy receive the world's second best lawyer mug oh um that is oh it's early season 2 it is Koba and you are correct those are two points for hn films question 52 how many breakfasts were there in the entire Breaking Bad series all right I hit me with multiple choice a 16 B 19 c 25 or D 20 uh [ __ ] giggles I'm going to go with the most 25 incorrect H Chen do you want to take this is it just like scenes where a one or more characters is having breakfast I do not know I'm assuming so I'm going to say I will not steal that one the correct answer is D 20 question 53 how many episodes does Tuco Salam monka make in the entire Breaking Bad Universe um that would be I think it is oh oh oh um I'm just thinking in Breaking I said it in one of my videos how many episodes he was in okay I'll just go with what my got um six incorrect question 54 which of Gus's enforcers didn't die which one of his uh multiple choice a Victor B Diego C Nick or D Tyrus okay so I know Tyrus gets blown up Victor gets Shish kebabbed um what were the other two B Diego and C Nick okay I think Nick was the guy who got shot by Walt at the end of f I'm gonna say Diego that is correct nice okay question 55 what was Jesse's original name you mean like when they were first runting it uh they didn't specify in here so I don't know if that's like I'll I'll take I'll take them mod with Choice a Marcus B Andrew C Marion or D Jack oh I want to say Marcus because that's my name but I want to go with I'm going to go with Jack incorrect be rice you want to take this um I'm going to say Andrew oh really the correct answer is C Marion what okay all right is that real or a troll it is real I I I actually do remember this yeah what was it going to be a we no no that's not real it is real I remember oh my God you're right his originally his original name was Marian Allen DPR question 56 how many actresses played Kaye the time traveler ooh that's a really good question uh can I get multiple choice please a two B 4 C 5 or D 3 I'm going to say four four that is correct nice let's go yeah true I was going to say three but then I remembered Breaking Bad exist as well so it'll be four question 57 how many pounds does your bab in a waight um I'll take for bable Choice a 150 B 340 C 475 or D over 600 lb what was the second one 304 I'll go with that incorrect you want to take this speed R uh okay so is this before or after better call Sol or Breaking Bad excuse me this is uh Breaking Bad I'm I'm going to guess probably uh whatever uh C was 400 something 475 yeah that is correct oh [ __ ] I forgot that was one I thought just went from 300 straight to 600 my bad question 58 what is the final episode in Breaking Bad where Jesse's parents are shown IL Camino not included o okay uh multiple choice please a 3/02 Cabo B 407 problem dog C 304 green light or D 204 down cuz I remember he buys the house uh from his parents and uh kabo no final answer that is correct nice question 59 in Breaking Bad these is only one EP episode which is both written and directed by two different people who do not partake in writing and directing any other Breaking Bad Universe episodes nor contribute in any way in making the show what episode is it [ __ ] it's breaking bad cuz if it was better Co Soul I'm pretty sure I know what it is but for Breaking Bad [ __ ] I've written those [ __ ] names down so many times can I have a multiple choice a 210 over B 107 a no rough stuff type deal C 207 negro eul D 105 gry matter is it um negro eul uh [ __ ] that's just for director okay uh I'm going to try and steal what was the first one again uh 210 over I think I think it's I think it's gry matter that is correct oh that was my second guess [ __ ] me last question how much did it cost for the Filter Service ooh oh shoot um yeah multiple choice dude this is a craw spice question I know I was I'm trying to think a $120,000 b $125,000 c $150,000 or D $250,000 all right now this is as a crawl space connoisseur I should know this you should because otherwise I'm about to steal it yeah 120 vers 12 25,000 that's that's what's really I think it's 120,000 incorrect damn it it is 125,000 that is correct last quote I got on the deluxe was 125 Grand but you got four people to vanish it's going to be at least half a million [ __ ] craw space number one fan over here well it looks like hn films and beat rice are tied oh my God holy [ __ ] there is no winner well uh [ __ ] looks like we'll never know who the real Breaking Bad Universe expert is or who is the better YouTuber which is why I will let you guys decide in the comment section below who the real Breaking Bad Universe expert is thank you guys so much for watching and tune in for the [Music] [Applause] break [Music] [Music]
Channel: HN Films
Views: 12,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad, better call saul, breaking bad universe, breaking bad trivia, trivia, TV trivia, Beat Rice, HN Films, Johnny Cooper 64, El Camino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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