Every Best Animated Feature Winner Ranked

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Schaffrillas 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
funding for Schafer illness is provided by Skillshare tuned until the end of the video to find out how you can try Skillshare absolutely free yes you heard me free it's an amazing deal you're gonna love it okay video time and the Oscar goes to shrek spirited away Finding Nemo incredible wallace and gromit in the curse of the where rabbit Happy Feet ratatouille wall-e twice Tori 3 huh those are all weird ways of pronouncing the lego movie also why did Paul Rudd look like Keanu Reeves in 2012 oh yeah the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature aka the law we didn't watch any of these movies just give it the Pixar Award sometimes the Academy gets this winner so right sometimes it gets it oh so wrong obviously not all Best Animated features are created equal so today I figured I'd rank and review all 18 winners as well as give my thoughts on whether or not I think they deserve the Oscar and what movie should have won instead anyway this is gonna be a long boy so let's jump into it I'm gonna play you a brief clip that perfectly sums up the quality of the movie brave here it is I could stop there but let's keep going brave sticks out like a sore thumb in the list of Animated Feature winners I feel like you can make a case for any of them winning in their respective years but brave is such a boring derivative mess and I don't think there's any justification for a beating wreck-it Ralph everyone dislike forget about that brave is just really bad it's a generic dumb story with a boring dumb protagonist couple with dumb side characters and no charm whatsoever they copied brother bear brother bear oh I want the spell to change me mom to paraphrase Will Smith Jeannie there's a lot of gray area in change me Mom Merida is the worst Disney Princess and Pixar protagonist by far that includes lightning mcqueen and mater and Dino Ladd this idiot constantly says it's not her fault that she turned her mother into a bear while also getting no repercussions for that whatsoever even Disney hates her well I may get lumpy give me a moose nail me I'm gonna react to you Japanese I know I'm thinking about it this scene was probably shade since brave beer the first ralph movie at the oscars I mean this movie is worse than Ralph breaks the Internet so I'll allow it turn around you idiots there's a bear behind you do you not hear it she's clearly looking over and taking notes from someone turn around and see the bear and also some awful humor that you might find in a ziti or DreamWorks movie like when one of the toddlers jumps into a woman's bodacious wisdom yeah that was a thing I think we can stop there to be honest happy feet is astonishingly awful [Applause] revisiting it I was genuinely shocked at what a complete embarrassment this entire film is I liked it as a kid but wow not only does it not hold up but it has some of the most annoying characters nonsensical story beats and least appealing animation I've seen in any mainstream animated film I guess I should start by being kind of nice the song covers are good I like Hugh Jackman's voice who doesn't sometimes the environments are really well animated a nice looking and honestly this movie is kind of saved by how utterly bonkers it is but that's about it the story bounces all over the place first it's about mumble struggling to fit in since he can't sing and he loves dancing and I thought oh that's nice it's a commentary on societies that place a person's self-worth on one particular Talent maybe this movie's all right but then it stops being that and turns into a movie about alien abduction where the aliens are humans who leave tags and garbage on animals then it's suddenly about religious zealots who are racist towards outsider penguins with Mexican accents huh then they've got to get this choking penguins of the alien humans so he can stop choking Dan and suddenly about the environment and a commentary on overfishing and it's too much this movie just piles plot points and underdeveloped themes on top of each other with no rhyme or reason the character design is garbage I legitimately could not tell mumbles girlfriend from his mother these penguins all look the same and they are not expressive in the slightest it made me miss the hyper expressive horrifying designs of shark tail if we're being honest these Mexican stereotype sidekicks are some of the most annoying characters I've seen in any animated movie to the point where I think I would have preferred five minions I really mean that the entire movie is also weirdly sexual and it's not like one or two jokes here and there it's like the entire purpose of a penguins existence is finding a mate and they do not shy away from the intimacy's of that I just honestly have so much more to say but I feel like this movie needs its own video it's just so bad this movie beat out cars and monster house for the Oscar despite being the weakest of this particularly weak Bunch even though DreamWorks had two perfectly good movies this year that one entire I also can't believe George Miller won an Oscar for this but he didn't get anything for Mad Max fury road that movie won six Oscars but none of them went to him his contributions to fury road are not nearly as award worthy as his work on one of the most scattershot insane genuinely terrible animated movies I've ever seen but it's better than brave because at least it's interesting I'm sorry to start out so negative but I didn't expect this to be as bad as it was let's move on before I lose my mind big hero 6 is still indeed a movie it's fine I really like the opening and I think it's a really compelling set up but once Tadashi gets blowed up everything kind of goes downhill the superhero stuff is just really dull and uninteresting and I forgot how much I hate TJ Miller and literally everything he's in he's the comic relief in this and I wanted him to die in every one of his scenes I also still think the villain is dumb so much of the movie suspense hinges on its twist villain but when it's the most predictable obvious thing in the world how do you expect me to stay invested I will say I like the contrast now hero and Callaghan deal with grief they both become okay with killing people because of how much their grief has consumed them with Hiro realizing it's not what Tadashi would have wanted the problem is that Callaghan is so inexplicably bloodthirsty and one-dimensional that it's comical wanting to avenge his daughter's death while not caring about killing everyone around him like he's only mad at Crais right as cosmonaut puts it this is a full-on ERJ be evil robot jeff bridges his motivations don't make logical sense but we got a fight a super villain who's destroying everything so whatever who cares I will say the one thing I love about this movie is baymax he's adorable and funny and huggable but like that's a given overall I was kind of bored the characters were lame the superhero stuff was lame I remember when I first watched this movie right around the scene where they all attacked that pigeon I just thought to myself this company released The Incredibles a movie that's better in every conceivable way 10 years ago and yeah that says it all I think among the nominees that year everyone I know says How to Train Your Dragon 2 was better I haven't seen it yet but you know what I agree or at the very least the winner should have been the lego movie one of the best animated movies of the decade which the Academy and all their divine wisdom didn't nominate that was their mistake I've gone on record saying that frozen is in fact a good movie and like yay guess I still think that but there's some real hot garbage in this one honestly let's start with the good stuff I really really like Anna she's spunky and funny and filled to the brim with personality I loved seeing her and I Eva tell you about the world being tested over and over and I also loved her interactions with Kristoff their chemistry is pitch perfect Olaf is also really funny honestly he's very self-aware for a comic relief and he has some great lines I've been in pill any time these three share the screen it's a blast I also think half the songs are bangers let it go is let it go there's a reason it's so popular it's great when you remove it from the context of the story but I'll talk about that later love is an open door is a jam I love the opening title song for the first time in forever is solid and the reprieves is really good okay that's all the good stuff that comes to mind half of these songs are real bad I've always hated do you want to build a snowman it's just annoying and terrible from a musical perspective in summer is whatever the rock troll song is atrocious and so totally inappropriate given the context of the story the rock trolls in general or pointless and stupid you should never take something for granted I hate Hans as a twist villain obviously but I also hate the stupid red herring villain and stupid chicken dance but far and away my biggest issue with this movie is that Elsa is an awful character this is such a huge issue for me that I cannot go into it here I already have a full video plan for this topic we'll get to it eventually bottom line is this movie works just barely because the chemistry between our central threesome is so strong and I enjoy them together but it's got a lot holding it back I didn't watch the wind rises but I'm gonna take a wild guess to deserve the Oscar that year over it's alright moving on up is cute I really like up but up is not automatically a masterpiece based on the first 15 minutes alone once that's over you're left with a decent kids movie but not much else don't get me wrong there's a lot to enjoy here the score is probably the best of any Pixar movie it's absolutely soaring and gorgeous to listen to Doug is a really funny companion and I left quite a few times at his jokes and I don't know it's cute like I said the characters are fine the journeys fine everything's pretty much fine but this movie has always been overshadowed by its opening and I wish people would stop doing that and just consider the movie as a whole a lot of it is just kind of fluff it doesn't really have the same theme attic cohesion as a lot of other Pixar movies or hell even Shrek 2 I don't know I just don't really see the connection between the promise carl made to take his wife to Paradise Falls and the promise he made that is a random little kid to protect a giant bird creature the villain is decently intimidating and he works for what he is but he's nothing incredible and neither is the movie really it's a good enjoyable family-friendly adventure but that amazing opening promises so much more yeah if you watch my video about 2009 and animation I think you know which movie I believe deserve the Oscar this year fantastic mr. Fox is well fantastic and it's a little upsetting at the first Best Picture nomination for an animated movie in almost 20 years went to this instead of Wes Anderson's stop-motion masterwork you know at least it's cute Finding Nemo is a good movie that's really about it it's never really been one of my favorite Pixar films I mean the underwater world is stunningly gorgeous especially for 2003 and the character designs are great too I forgot what good animated fish could look like Thank You Shark Tale there's a lot of great emotional beats and character growth for Marlon and Nemo and honestly Marlon is really funny Albert Brooks delivery adds a ton to this character but the thing is I've never been a huge fan of dory or the tank gang some scenes are kind of drab and uninteresting there's more gross-out humor than I remember which is a little jarring for Pixar and like I don't know it's just not as tightly made as some of their other move but is good deserved it's win against brother bear for sure yes I'm moving on welcome to the zoo [Music] Zootopia is a cinematic disaster because at one point you can see these moles walking out of mousies but they're clearly holding target bags zero out of ten garbage movie you should be ashamed of yourselves Disney no but seriously Zootopia is pretty good I remember not being the biggest fan of it the first few times I watched it I mean the nudist colony scene was um not exactly my cup of tea I found some of the action scenes pointless and tedious especially the Train battle at the end I think this problem was heightened because they actually kind of peaked with that rodent chase towards the beginning of the movie and nothing else really topped it even though this is the best overall movie of the twist villain trilogy it does have the worst twist villain and overall I thought the racial tension between prey and predators was kind of hit or miss sometimes it's really on the nose or bizarre to the point of being comical like when Judy explains that only bunnies can call other bunnies cute well like there are a ton of cute animals it's not like you own that word that was a little weird but then there are other lines and exchanges that really strike a chord you're not like them oh there's them no now that is powerful same thing when there's that mother on the train who brings her baby closer to her when there's a tiger next to them just small moments like that which really make me sad every time I see them but in a good way the racial tension stuff is mostly well handled and I like how it's not a one to one allegory for the real world but rather a good way to teach about the dangers of prejudice and stereotyping it's also a really funny movie Nick and Judy are great characters with a great dynamic and I really like a lot of the side characters as well I wish the story was a little tighter that Shakira song they keep playing is genuinely really bad and overall I'm not really into anthropomorphic animal movies that much but it's a really good movie and of course I think Moana should have gotten the Oscar instead that's my favorite Disney movie I mean come on sorry big fat wolf coming through time to add a little extra commentary to this well I strongly disagreed that Milano should have won the Oscar instead see topia I feel like that I should clear up some things regarding to what James said first of all while I agree that Bo weather wasn't a good twist villain she wasn't really a bad one either I mean come on I think there are other twists villains are more summer-like Johnson Smith of shopton Smith and corporate okay fine she was an awful twist felon but I still like her regardless shut up try everything wasn't really that bad either but sure cats have the gloriousness status a song glorious with a cinematic masterpiece of 2017 that is rock dot also regarding the whole thing about Judy saying that bunnies don't like being called cute the directors of Zootopia firing are rich Moore once stated that they think it's more of Judy's personal preference and I'm just gonna put the whole thing here since James stole made to keep this commentary as brief as possible anyways that's all I have to say feel free to disagree we all if you want but I just felt like it is all out oh wait there was this uh one thing I forgot to mention these are not moles James they are in fact are tick shrews I know that part was clearly satirical but still do your research on animals for once you've piece of [ __ ] when I first started this project Rango is the only best animated feature when their I had never seen before and I have to say I was really worried at first because the first half-hour or so was kind of boring I was not into the slow pace at all and Johnny Depp's voice was really starting to get on my nerves I thought to myself oh god please don't tell me this is gonna be another Happy Feet fortunately it wasn't despite its weak start Rango really kicked itself into high gear and became an incredibly engaging mature artistic Western the story isn't amazing but what's really striking about this movie is the animation with one exception I think this movie has the best animation out of anything on this list there is something so striking about the lighting the textures the character designs and the environments that makes this such a visual treat it's not laugh-out-loud funny but there's a lot of quirky moments to the point where the tone coupled with the visuals almost reminded me of a Wes Anderson film and since there's no Wes Anderson films on this list it's nice that I can at least talk about something of the same ilk the other neat thing about this film is that it is decidedly not a kids movie there are so many guns and murder and mild swears and dark themes and it's kind of refreshing to see a movie take the medium of animation and make something adult oriented that isn't a full-on comedy I don't think I would have liked this movie as a kid but I'm glad I can enjoy it now I like Kung Fu Panda 2 but I'm glad this movie won it's nice to see such a bold risk that mostly paid off being rewarded I get the feeling I'm only gonna appreciate this movie more and more with time so maybe it'll find itself higher on this list in the future oh that's a nice one the granddaddy of all Best Animated Feature winners the one that started the whole thing let's pause for a moment of respect shall we so Shrek is a good movie despite what the memes and the merch and the spin-offs make you want to believe is it as good as Shrek - no but it's got its own special charm to it despite its very 2001 sensibilities I don't really find it all that dated it skews fairytales in a way that still holds up but it tells a very emotional mature love story that progresses pretty realistically as realistically as a three-day love story between a princess and an ogre can be anyway its sense of humor is very laid-back and natural in comparison the Shrek 2 which actively had a lot of jokes Shrek 1 sees a lot of the humor come from the interactions and the way the actors deliver their lines the casting for this movie still boggles my mind with how perfect it is and the story ends in a very emotionally satisfying way it's got a great message and a great way of delivering it did it deserve to be the first Best Animated Feature winner yeah I prefer Monsters Inc personally it's one of my favorite Pixar movies and I think it's better than Shrek by a fair portion it's a little disappointed this is DreamWorks one and only animated feature when they got without Armin's help since DreamWorks has made much better movies since that had the misfortune of going up against Pixar in their prime but shrek is still a satisfying if unconventional start to this category short and not so prestigious history check it out is fun or watch Shrek retold it might actually be better tbh don't answer that is too out of all the movies on this list inside out is the most I can't remember if this is a good movie or a bad movie since it's been forever since I've seen it I now no one has glaring problems movie on this list and yeah I don't normally care about plot holes that much but this movie has some really bad ones why don't you send the core memories to headquarters with the memory sucky thing they use to send the gum commercial up why do you need to wake up Riley you yourself said nothing bad can happen while she's asleep just wait it out on the train you impatient fools the amount of conveniences and contrivance is to make this journey as long as possible is kind of ridiculous so with all that being said I adore this movie who cares about contrivances when they allow for some of the most whimsical creative concepts I've ever seen in a movie there's this film set where they make Riley's dreams there's an abstract thought room where everyone becomes non-figurative joy makes a ladder of imaginary boyfriends so she can reach a trampoline grab sadness from atop a rain cloud and land on a window this movie is just an overload of creativity that's really more about the journey than the destination I remember the first time I saw this movie I cried during the opening yeah that's right the opening just the very concept of these emotions growing up with Riley and sticking with her through all the good and bad times got me really well emotional the characters are all really expressive and funny which is ode to the great cast in animation and writing I love bing-bong fear anger sadness the green one and especially joy she's one of my favorite Pixar protagonists by far I love the personal growth that she goes through by realizing the importance of sadness I love how well set up the conclusion is showcasing Joy's attempts to cheer bing-bong up or wake Riley up through sheer happiness only for sadness to showcase the importance of negative emotions it's okay to feel sad it's okay to feel angry it's okay to not be happy all the time emotions are complex and often interwoven in that often inter woven in ways that seem contradictory and this movie understands and expresses that in the most subtle mature way possible god this is such a good movie I think the plot holes are valid in this one and hold it back from being a true masterpiece but I love it nonetheless so did it deserve the Oscar nope not really inside out is great but come on anomaly say is an actual masterpiece if you haven't seen it please seek it out it's a transcendent cinematic experience this is just a really great Pixar movie one of their better ones in fact the plot was tighter this would be one of my all-time favorites but it's still definitely worth your time to check out when I started working on this video Wallace and Gromit the curse of the where rabbit was the movie I was most excited to revisit not only had it been a while since I saw it but it's Wallace and Gromit how can you not love it well I do love it the characters are wonderfully charming and entertaining the animation is really unique and impressive there's a lot of great jokes usually horror parodies make me roll my eyes into the back of my skull but this movie does it with such finesse and absurdity that I genuinely adore it the story is very simple which works well for Wallace and Gromit and allows us to focus on the bottomless pit of charm that is their world the ending dogfight is so hilarious and so inventive that I could watch it over and over I like the villain I think he's hysterical as well I don't even know what else to say it's just genuinely great it earned its win and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it okay let's get this out of the way there now that's out of our system I really love Coco I've talked about it semi extensively in the past and all the flaws I mentioned in maimana versus Coco video still hold up to the point where I can literally just play that part again for y'all no story flaws here and there a lack of real tension for a fair portion of the movie it rehashes a lot of elements from previous Pixar movies and I don't think it's all that funny which is kind of shocking for Pixar honestly though these flaws kind of pale in comparison to the absolute sense of wonder and all this movie creates I love the characters I love the songs I love how thoroughly engrossed in Mexican culture this entire story is it's just gorgeous Miguel is like Russell but better he's not annoying and he has determination towards a goal a lot of us can relate to following your dreams despite having to overcome a lot of pushback from the people closest to him I loved his dynamic with Ector I love how adamant he is to prove himself as a musician I love how the big reveal is handled with that fade out of the sepia tone flashback making way for a hard cut to the dim green light of a dark revelation it's so good honestly you know what my biggest problem with this movie is when Dante found them in the pit and Miguel got all excited Dante being the dope that he is should have accidentally fallen in then after a few seconds of shocked looks from Miguel and Hector that's when a male des and her cat dragon show up that would have been the funniest thing to ever happen in a movie for all time and it reeks of Mis potential as it currently is but that's what's great about Coco despite its problems the good elements are really some of the best parts of any Pixar movie the complex inner woven backstory of the family holds up so well andrey watches the characters and their journeys are incredibly endearing and this has without a doubt the best ending of any Pixar movie now you know what any movie on this list as well the emotional climax and the ending song are just some of the most magical experiences I've ever seen in a movie but I think what gets me the most is that shot of echt or walking on the bridge now wearing shoes for the first time in the film because he's been welcomed back into the family of shoe makers and the look of sheer joy and relief on his face is an expression for the Agis I will never not cry when I see it so the big question is did this movie deserve its Oscar win over the boss baby I've never been so humiliated in my life that's a tough one honestly I'll have to get back to you on that lolly is way better than I remember it being as a kid it's honestly stunning how well this movie works despite this massive shift in setting and tone about halfway through the first part on earth is as immersive and magical as movies get with wall-e going about his day enjoying Hello Dolly falling in love with Eve keeping her safe etc Pixar really mastered wordless storytelling in this section it's truly phenomenal and the fact that these two characters are so expressive and filled with personality despite being robots who can barely talk just blows my mind the second half while overall not as magical is the first still has its spectacular moments seeing Eve realized she has feelings for wall-e is beautiful seeing them dance throughout the vast purple ocean of space is beautiful the environmental message is really well handled and developed unlike some other movies the captain is a really sympathetic character and overall it's a tense exciting adventure the only real problem I have with this movie is the villain I said in my twist villains video that Otto was just a reflection of the ignorance of the humans who ruin the earth 700 years ago and that ignorant was the true main antagonist but Otto himself could have been more interesting he could have had some sort of internal conflict about humanity returning and trying to fight his programming I don't know for how well realized a three dimensional the protagonists are Otto just kind of feels like an obstacle there could have been so much more to him and it deflates the tension in a third act a little bit but not by much he's still a great obstacle and this is still an amazing movie definitely deserved its win even though I also really liked Kung Fu Panda check it out and enjoy the magic for yourself you guys divi me much like up Toy Story 3 is almost always ranked based on the power of its emotional conclusion I loved the ending just as much as anyone else for me the difference between this movie and up is the fact that Toy Story 3 is legitimately a fantastic film from beginning to end people like to rag on this movie for being too similar to the second one I don't see it I'm the same guy who thinks a new hope and the force awakens are too only distinct movies despite one copy and the others a narrative beats and it's the same thing here but less obvious so I don't have a problem with it if anything Toy Story 3 feels like an evolution in a natural progression of to its darker more heartfelt filled with a lot of tense moments and some great comedy to balance things out it follows up on the central dilemma of - what happens when Andy does grow up I mean listen to this besides when it all ends I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company for infinity and beyond whatever happens at least we'll all be together for infinity and beyond come on that's great cohesion I'm also a sucker for prison escapes I can't help it there's something so cool about seeing an elaborate plan to bust people out of somewhere coming to fruition and the plan in this movie is so creative and so entertaining that it's a blast Lotso is also a phenomenal villain again he's an evolution of stinky Pete but this is a case where the follow-up does something better he's really compelling and maniacal and I've always considered him one of the most hate about villains in any Disney movie to the point where I kind of wanted him to die at the end like he got off too easy for sure let's be real to wrap up I'm just really tired of people saying this movie is ruined by the existence of Toy Story 4 it really just goes to show how much people let threes ending overshadow the rest of the film 3 has great characters great jokes compelling drama a fantastic villain and despite its dark tone it's still a ton of fun it's a great chapter in an ongoing story that may or may not go down the drain will see very soon overall it's not as good as - I mean that's one of the best sequels ever made but it deserved its Oscar win and hell even its Best Picture nomination why not it's a beautiful chapter in the most iconic animated franchise of all time and I'll definitely be revisiting it more and more in the future alright time to break out the TU list you got the good movies you got the really good movies and then you got the masterpieces if you haven't watched these shame on you and then you get the big boys these movies are some of my all-time favorites they are the reason I love animation and film as a medium so let's get it started ratatouille is an absolute delight of a film this is hands-down the most underrated Pixar movie of all time every scene in location is dripping atmosphere from the cold isolation of a sewer to the sensory cornucopia of a food cellar nearly every frame of this movie expresses such an exquisite feeling of wonder and joy but aside from the atmosphere this movie just feels the most sophisticated out of Pixar's entire catalog it genuinely feels like a smart indie movie made for adults from the PEI scenes at the dialog to the humor that's the magic of Brad Birds writing his Pixar movies even the weaker one have dialogue that feel like they were written specifically for adults but can still be followed and enjoyed by children most Pixar movies as good as they are feel like they were written primarily for kids with adults also being able to enjoy them this movie is the inverse it fully immerses itself in the language of cooking the rich beauty of Paris the nature and deconstruction of criticism and the importance of following your dreams it seems like a simple message but the way this movie develops it and represents this theme through multiple characters is just fantastic this movie has story structure problems I mean Remi doesn't talk for a solid 30 minutes in the movie and maybe one or two subplots could have been cut to tighten the script a bit but at the end of the day I don't even care this movie absolutely soars due to a wonderfully realized world great characters a rich mature story and some of my favorite scenes in any film let alone animated film I have a soft spot for Persepolis but of course ratatouille deserved its Oscar it's a masterwork that Pixar has not topped since and I hope more people really start giving it the respect it deserves it's such an incredible experience and you should watch it right after this video is over yep it's that good spider-man into the spider verse should not even be a real movie i'm shuddering at the amount of effort it must have taken the craft every inch of this incredible world brought to life in the most gorgeous style of any animated film i've ever seen if all 3d animation looked this good I'd almost be okay with leaving 2d animated films behind forever please no no I said almost this movie's fluid I papi and visuals which make every character an action beat leap off the screen is honestly just a small piece of the amazing puzzle I'm not one to lavish gorgeously animated movies with praise if I don't find the story or characters compelling fortunately spider-verse swings past this issue with a mature well-written story that strikes a perfect balance between levity excitement genuine heartbreak and for lack of a better word magic this is that rare movie where nearly everything works to an amazing level I laughed out loud at least a dozen times on my 6th viewing of the movie the emotional beats choked me up every time the action is so fast yet so fluid and easy-to-follow make you for an experience that's enthralling smart funny and unlike any other movie that's ever been made I bought every single thing about miles from a struggle with adapting to a new school and his spider powers his connection to his dad and uncle his relationship with Peter be everything when he finally masters his powers it feels like a genuine triumph it makes me want to get up and cheer in a way that so few movies have ever done honestly I still can't believe this exists it's just an instant classic and I have not been able to stop thinking about it obviously it deserved this win the fact that Ralph breaks the Internet was in the same category as it is embarrassing check it out if for some reason you haven't seen it already because animation this inventive mature hysterical and powerful deserves to be rewarded I also highly recommend checking out cinema winds video on the movie which highlights so many amazing little details that I could never fully go into but I did want to mention my personal favorite detail not only is Miguel in this movie but he's the guy who shot at Gwen's dad in her dimension now that is attention to detail Congrats spider-verse you retro actively made Coco better now I can say for sure that it's better than boss baby and deserve the Oscar thank you and good night [Music] this is it chief the peak of computer animation and superhero movies this is my favorite Pixar movie and I don't think it's hard to see why it has one of the smartest scripts I've ever seen in any movie period just like ratatouille this is a movie made specifically for adults with the added bonus of being enjoyable for kids there is not a second of this movie that feels like it's talking down to its audience every scene is conveyed with a striking sense of realism despite the fantastical superpower is being displayed every emotional beat in interaction works Bob and Helens struggling marriage is portrayed so realistically almost uncomfortably so at certain times there's just so many lines of dialogue in this movie that I want to print out and frame somewhere I love Edna's rant about capes and how it comes back in the ending speaking of which a syndrome is such a fantastic villain in every way campy hilarious and kind of pathetic yet legitimately intimidating at the same time it's only fitting he gets this movie's most iconic line and with everyone super no.1 I also love how this movie is one of Pixar's most emotional and it doesn't feel like it's even trying to be there's no scene like the opening of up or Finding Nemo or the end of Toy Story 3 where they try to tug at your heartstrings you're just taken in by the rich themes and incredibly strong relationships between the family members it feels effortless which again is the magic of Brad Birds writing dude I don't even know what else to say it's just flawless I'm very passionate about the other two movies it won the Oscar against in very different ways but come on it's The Incredibles every time I watch this movie it just gets better and better and I have no qualms calling it my favorite animated movie ever made wait why is it not number one [Music] let's be honest you knew what number one was gonna be before you clicked on the video spirited away is not a movie it is an ethereal immersive unforgettable experience that leaves you a changed person by the end from the moment I first saw this movie I knew that it was a masterpiece and the best animated film I had ever seen but for the life of me I could not figure out why the plot seems really basic at first right Chihiro and her parents find some food they eat the food they become pigs now she has to get a job cleaning a bathhouse and wacky hijinx ensue it doesn't seem special on paper so why was this movie speaking to me in a way that no other movie had before well I think I finally figured it out so allow me to attempt to describe my feelings about this movie even though words could never really do it justice spirited away is a movie about growth Chihiro starts the movie out very sheltered and scared of everything but through struggles hardships smiles and tears she matures into a confident young woman who helps not only herself and her parents but the people around her it is through her unwavering compassion that she saves her oh and no face setting them both free in the process every victory she achieves feels earned because the movie takes its time to establish the perils and wonders of the world she now inhabits and when I say establish I don't mean through needless exposition the movie simply shows us one of the most creative beautiful endlessly expressive fictional worlds ever conceived and moves forward with the confidence that we can pick up the rules of this world as we go along just like the main character does this makes for an immersive experience that never talks down to its audience there is no villain in this movie just real people with easily understood relationships and emotions the sheer power this movie can convey through raw simplicity from Chihiro pulling garbage out of a river spirit to sitting in a field and breaking down crying as the weight of her situation overwhelms her - sitting on a train and being overtaken by the serene ripples of the water and the spirits passing by you know what nothing I could ever say could do this movie just it's just magic pure unfiltered real-life magic if you haven't seen it just watch it and then you'll realize why no other movie could have topped it on this list The Incredibles is just barely my favorite animated movie the one I drop everything to re-watch in the most regular basis but spirited away is the best there has never been and probably never will be anything quite like it and there's something very special about the only traditionally animated film on this list being the best one of them all if you want to make something as incredible as Miyazaki or Brad Bird one day or if you simply want to learn how to make your own video so you can offer a rebuttal on why brave and happy feet are cinematic masterpieces there really is no better place to start than Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes in design business and more as someone who never paid attention in school and still doesn't to be honest I found Skillshare an amazing way to learn all sorts of things due to the short easily digestible lessons helmed by really engaging instructors Premium Membership gives you unlimited access so you can join the classes and communities that are just right for you whether you want to fuel your curiosity creativity or even career skill share is the perfect place to keep you learning and thriving I highly recommend creative nonfiction write truth with style with Susan Orlean it taught me quite a lot about writing and it's helped me reframe the way I structure my video scripts but wait a minute mr. shave what is this gonna cost me you ask oh that's the best part my friend not only a skill share super affordable I mean an annual subscription is less than $10 a month that's pretty great but the first 500 of my subscribers to use the link in the description will get a two month free trial do you hear me free for two months it's right there in the description don't Donnell cuz you think oh it's probably taken by now I won't bother no man there's five hundred spots go claim yours right now join more than 7 million creators learning with Scotia air right now in the nineties I was in a very famous tea [Music]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 5,454,835
Rating: 4.8016987 out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Best Animated Feature, Shrek, Spirited Away, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Wallace and Gromit, Happy Feet, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, Toy Story, Rango, Brave, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Inside Out, Zootopia, Coco, Spider-Verse, Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks
Id: suVoydO-ssM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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