Why Spider-Man 3 is My Favorite of the Trilogy

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He compares it to The Room

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/andrewdate 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
funding for Schafer illness is provided by Squarespace from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business more on that at the end of the video a wise woman named CEO rent key RN key Chaya ste RN Kerr who is a tomato Creek had this to say about the 2018 film Robin Hood is the film good oh definitely not it is a trope Laden visual mess with too much slow-mo and the - of terrible CGI it was a stupid dumb movie that I loved wholeheartedly spider-man 3 we don't really talk about this I'm gonna level with you guys the Raimi trilogy is candid um like even if you love these movies you gotta admit this is a dumb trilogy it has some uh neurotically great elements here and there but honestly I'm just not invested in this dopey faced weirdo his bland talentless sort of love interest is ham-fisted and ridiculous best friend or any of the exceedingly silly foes he beats up on a regular basis when these movies really set their mind to dramatic weight they hit it out of the park but that doesn't happen too often these movies are just pure comedy and half the time I don't even think the humor is intentional and that's the best kind of comedy spider-man homecoming despite being the most overtly comedic spider feature to date is also the least quotable that's no coincidence every other spider-man film spider-verse excluded has so many memorably dumb lines and moments that it's hard not to get invested in the sheer insanity of these films the amount of times my brother and I have jokingly said things like pizza time or it's about birthday time to blow out my candles or Peter give me your blood is just too much to count I love these dumb stupid gleefully absurd movies and no film better exemplifies the sheer insanity of this characters cinematic history then spider-man 3 if into the spider-verse didn't exist I would have no qualms calling this my favorite spider-man film ever made but unfortunately that movie is so uh neurotically excellent and fun that I can't with that said this movie is my favorite of the Raimi trilogy by far but and this is a big but it's definitely the worst movie if we're judging them on an ironic filmmaking and storytelling merits of the Raimi trilogy that is thanks amazing spider-man 2 so why do I love this movie so much if I don't think it's particularly competent well I don't know why do people like the room so much yeah I'm genuinely sorry if you clicked on this video with a desire for me to explain why this is a nun ironically great film because it's not I'm sorry but I'll be nice and start with some uh Nayana causative one thing I really respect about this movie is the fact that it isn't afraid to have an unlikable protagonist and I know what you're thinking but actually Peter is kind of unlikable even before he goes fully emo he clearly isn't emotionally intelligent enough to really console MJ and make her feel better about the bad stuff going on in her life instead he's all like well spider-man has problems too you know here's how spider-man deals with this stuff and that's a big no-no in trying to console someone let me explain to you how to console someone with information I you till eyes in my RA interview even though I probably won't get the position but I won't know into a few weeks after I record this so basically what you want to do is internally relate the other person's struggle to your own life in order to better understand what they're going through but keep the external conversation focused on them and their needs in order to let them know that they're heard and not alone so yeah relate your girlfriend struggles to being spider-man on the inside but don't bring that up when you're talking to her give her emotional advice related to her situation that you internally draw from your own experiences she doesn't want to hear about your spider boy problems right now idiot oh yeah Peter also inexplicably kisses Gwen Stacy in front of everyone at this festival no symbiote influence required also oh yeah when stacy is in this movie i kind of forgot gwen stacy was in any movie outside of spider-verse TBH basically peter is an [ __ ] even without the symbiote and I like that I like the idea that his ego is getting the best of him the symbiote merely enhances his egotistical traits without taking him over since he's still good at heart contrast that with loafer place who completely gives in to the venom ask to the symbiotes and goes full-on evil it's a neat contrast speaking of the Venom symbiote I think his design is fantastic my favorite aspect is when he's separated from Eddie Brock and he just grows into this horrifying stringing abomination it looks like something straight out of Coraline it's just so well animated so visually neat I also think the first 10 minutes set everything up really well with Peter given his usual narration and preparing a Mary Jane and then that pan up to Harry with his goofy binoculars and his balcony seat is just so great Harry is set up so well as this movie's man attacking this based on the events of the previous two movies I really can't wait to see how they follow up on that and then there's the actual on ironically best scene not only in the movie but the entire trilogy the birth of Sandman like wow the CG here is stunning and the sequence itself runs the gambit of every emotion from shock to sadness the determination and resolve it could really just be its own short film it's that good I'm honestly not sure if the humor counts as a non ironic positive because honestly I can't tell what's supposed to be funny on what isn't spider-man 3 is a comedy riot not only because it tries to juggle ten different plot lines in one movie but because it portrays all of them in such a stupid yet ultimately endearing way it's not amazing spider-man 2 which does the same thing but also pretends to be this great serious superhero drama this is a comedy and it knows it it's baked into every aspect of this movie like those cookies with nuts in them this movie works because it's so stupid so now I'm gonna break down every single character and plot line in this movie that I feel like talking about give me a break it's like - I am okay I want to get to bed [Music] [Applause] like I said the previous two movies perfectly set Harry up to be the main villain of this movie best friends turned bitter enemies the ultimate battle get it I have failed you Harry I have failed you everything looks like it's going according to plan and bad CGI yellow base guy your old pal questioning max here who is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ like yikes I think spider-man one looks better than this but whatever the fight is honestly still fun in spite of this in fact I think it's funner wait that's not a word I think it's fun of her there we go it's a really creative aerial setup where Peter isn't in costume he's gonna lose the wedding ring he wants to propose with and they go through these alleyways and I'm totally on board even if Harry isn't get it he's not on board cuz cuz cuz he fell off his board get it I honestly think this moment with Peter is concerned about Harry and doing CPR and everything after their fight is great there's still friends and this is a really sad moment as a result but then spider-man 3 plays its first trap card Harry has amnesia presumably because Sam Raimi wrote himself into a corner by having this fight take place so early and he didn't know what to do with Harry after Peter Peter so Harry after two movies building up to his big reveal as the new Goblin is now Peter and MJ's dopey friend for the next hour of the movie while new plot lines just kinda happen around him that is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard I'm sure I won't have to revise that statement later in the video but like I mentioned before Peter and MJ are having relationship problems and I know why that could possibly be yeah that kid knows what's up so MJ calls Harry and they dance in the kitchen for some reason then she rejects his advances and leaves this saddens our deuteragonist and he goes around his mansion to sulk for a couple of seconds then he stares in a mirror and gets a vision of Willem Dafoe which somehow unlocks the entire memory he lost when he bopped his head in an instant so now Harry has his memory back through sheer bad screenwriting despite the fact that he only lost it in the first place through sheer bad screenwriting you know the one thing I still on board yes oh you poor poor soul buckle up so Harry's grand villainous plan is the mess with Peter by blackmailing Mary Jane into breaking up with him then telling Peter that he's the other guy that she's dating why beers just gonna kill you now remember the last time you nearly killed you and he wasn't even ready for that fight I know Willem Dafoe told Harry to strike at the heart or whatever but I think that means kill Mary Jane not caused a wedge in their relationship and don't say Harry wouldn't do that to one of his best friends he's a maniac also Harry does a magic trick where he disappears as a truck goes by which is maybe the silliest thing this trilogy has ever attempted to make me believe you know when this movie came out if you were to tell me that in 10 years this guy would go on to play Tommy Wise oh I would 100% believe that it makes perfect sense how's the pie so freakin good you got any nuts so yeah Peter under the influence of his new emo powers mutilates Harry cuz I guess they didn't expect that somehow so now Harry's out of the picture again that was easy [Applause] keep the first 10 minutes in the opening fight just with better CGI because yikes then Harry can still get hit and lose his memory or so we think what if Harry was faking it knowing that he can't defeat Peter head-on and needing to readjust his strategy he can be a mysterious benefactor who manipulates one of the other villains into helping him take down Spidey kind of like how he worked with Doc Ock in the last movie can you imagine how impactful of a reveal it would be if Sandman or venom had peter pinned down and harry walked in and said I never forgot Peter now that would be a great twist villain but no Harry is very little importance to the overall plot and is inexplicable and he's just one of the few things about this movie that I can't get behind but I'll tell you what I can get behind everything else about Harry in this movie he's so cartoonish and incompetent and brooding and he flips allegiances so frequently that's hard to follow his dumb ass but that makes for such an entertaining campy antagonist he's not as good as his father but he's getting there he has a stronger motivation at least he's just real bad at planning like like real bad but that's okay I love him anyway he's doing his best and I appreciate him for that little goblin Junior hey speaking of which you'll get your rent when you fix this damn door hey hey you don't have to raise your voice [Music] email Peter is my favorite character in the Raimi trilogy by far and he's the objective best I know this because my brother and I did a smash bros tournament featuring all of the cinematic Spider characters that we could find suitable spirit vessels for now I know what you're thinking so I'll address it the reason penny is Ludwig is because windy is too hideous I don't care if the windy community comes at me for that one lovely does way more adorable anyway the final battle of this tournament was regular tobey maguire peter played by pitt facing off against emo peter AKA dark pit now yeah dark pit 1 so they're emo Peter is the supreme best character Sam Raimi ever invented this whole thing was something of a science experiment and I am something of a scientist myself it all starts when Peter and MJ are doing their thing in this web right here with an alien meteorite crashes right next to them and neither of them noticed which I mean sure I can buy it I mean it's not like one of them has super senses or anything so this thing rides on Peters scooter and then just kind of chills in Peter's apartment for the next hour of the movie waiting for Sam Raimi to give him his cue to infect Peter is real dumb though to be fair it's not as dumb as that spider from the ps4 game which latched on the mary-jane for like hours without biting her then it latches on the miles and bites him after like five seconds anyway peter has a dark suit now and he's all like this is something else yeah it's not something to be concerned about at all no siree so at first Peters time under the symbiotes influence is actually kind of compelling he fights Sandman and murders him violently with water cuz he'd kill Uncle Ben now all the sudden more on that later also his hair is dark and evil now and he wears dark mascara I think but after aunt Mae is all concerned that spider-man doesn't kill people he's like you're right damn what the hell was that thinking and he locks the symbiote suit away so now that's I had the picture for a good portion of the movie are you taking a pattern here but then Harry does the big dumb thing I mentioned earlier with the wink and the pie so Peter does the dark suit once again and murders him now emo Peter is out in full force and what is easily my favorite scene not only of this movie but of the entire Raimi trilogy like I don't understand the hate here I really don't it does its job perfectly Peter is still a dork but now he's a cocky uninhibited dork with no sense of self-awareness whatsoever this is the kind of ridiculousness that I wanted to see from this dopey idiot the whole time before this all we really had was pizza time which was a famine compared to this three-course five-star 11 out of 10 bonafide beats they meet he dances in the street to the disgust of various women he sits at Jameson's desk with an unprecedented era of cockiness he casually demands that the landlord's daughter who went through the trouble of baking him cookies he tells her do it again but this time I want some nuts this is the wildest funniest sequence I have ever seen in a superhero movie and it gets wilder I was debating on giving the dancing its own segment but it doesn't need to be arbitrarily split up with Homer cut away from Odysseus's journey just as he was being enticed by the siren song why well there you are the dance scene is the culmination of Peters utter insanity we're not watching the breakdown of some exalted King or something we're watching a breakdown of a dweeb who's lost all of his inhibitions and the result is kind of Awesome okay let me set the stage for you Peter is bringing Gwen Stacy to this jazz club I'm like good for Peter he's really doing a good job raising his confidant link so that the next time you encounter Sandman and the Metaverse he'll have a strong enough persona that also isn't weak to the sand element I respect his desire to raise his confidence with Gwen Stacy the newspaper lady and especially the landlord's daughter she bakes cookies with nuts in them when you get her to rank 7 which healed the ESPY of everyone Inger party best confidant ability by far can you tell I've been playing too much persona 5 lately so Peter and Gwen and Oh No look out Peter it's will up to fall behind you is back with the grave so Mary Jane is about to sing but Peter being the endlessly entertaining [ __ ] that he is upstages her with some smooth jazz on the piano he's honestly really good though I'm sure if Jameson were here this would not quite be his tempo but anyway we go from piano it's a boom quick jump and now he's dancing drinking swinging flying it's just a kid described in words how goofy yet at the same time strangely compelling this is this is a man fueled by bitterness towards his and this is the outlet he lets it all out through I can't process this level of insanity and is punctuated not only through that random gust of wind that blows Gwen's hair back but also through the words absolutely incredible music to my ears you better not think I'm being sarcastic here I mean every word this movie has so many problems but emo Peter is not one of them he is the highlights oh and also he's called out in his horrible behavior and he ultimately rejects the symbiote after he accidentally hits Mary Jane so that's important too so ends emo Peter who is as far as I'm concerned the true main antagonist of this movie the one who mutilate Sandman hairy people with somewhat sympathetic elements and motivations one could argue it's the symbiote but I personally think Peters egotism and selfishness combined with the symbiote made for one compelling hysterical and ultimately fantastic villain rest in peace emo Peter I'll continue to defend your honor and dumb YouTube videos that everyone would dislike for stating a controversial opinion oh god why did emo Peter have to leave us I come before you humbled and humiliated to ask you for one day I want you to give us a villain who's at least half as campy and entertaining as emo Peter oh you'd like that wouldn't you wow that was fast so everyone loves that new venom movie that I haven't seen everyone also agrees that it's awful but they love it anyway it's so bad that it's good yep Stouffer race plays at a pretty decent jerky jockey do for the majority of this movie when he merges with the symbiote and becomes venom whoo boy you want to know why his transformation is hilarious because when the venom face which admittedly looks fun i rana CLE great is peeled back he's the exact same character listen to his dopey voice trying to be menacing it's adorable I like being bad it makes me happy see if I recall correctly willem dafoe was playing two different characters in the first movie Norman and the Green Goblin had distinct voices and personalities one was a shrewd businessman you know how much I sacrificed the other was Gilbert Godfried this guy is the same soft-spoken jockey Zoo 24/7 and it's hilarious so is his dialogue oh my spider-sense is tingling if you know what I'm talking about that this leads us to the final battle oh yeah Sandman is here too I forgot I don't have a lot to say about Flint Lockwood honestly he has a logical motivation which is more than I could say for Norman or Otto and even though he has no personality at least his powers are really cool and his relationship to Peter is well-defined eventually but yeah I always found it weird that Uncle Ben getting shot was never shown to us so I'm okay with this retcon that same man was responsible but the actual way it happens was so dumb apparently Flint Lockwood has uncle Benjamin at gunpoint his partner ran into him and that caused him to accidentally pull the trigger what so Peter tells him I forgive you and I guess we're cool now good we're cool yeah no don't put this guy in jail or anything he's fine we talked out our differences just like that tyrannical dictator white diamond we just talked to her and she's fine now I don't want to make a video about that guys please don't make me okay wait a minute wasn't this segments supposed to be about venom man this review is just kind of jumping all over the place with no rhyme or reason it kind of reminds me of a certain superhero movie what movie could that be I don't know Suicide Squad probably so sandy gassed and dark pit have MJ trapped in a web duct at sea because sam raimi is literally incapable of writing the climax that doesn't revolve around MJ being in danger how about you put literally anyone else there the landlord's daughter Betty Brant bruce campbell jameson harry's butler anyone else speaking of Harry's Butler he delivers what is without a doubt the funniest stupidest most inexcusably incompetent moment in the entire trilogy he is too busy sulking to help Peter who's always been a great friends he's still mad that Spidey killed daddy Dafoe but then the butler comes in and he's like actually sir LeBlanc need the peace your father came from his own glider what how did Harry not know this did they not do an autopsy why did the butler wait two entire movies to tell him this I thought this would be the best time to tell you the truth I took a grenade to the face dude while email Peters walk and the dancing are the peak of this movie's insane tone this is the peak of this movie's insane storytelling nothing matters anymore logic doesn't matter motivation doesn't matter give up trying to find a coherent flowing narrative and just enjoy the ride now that his little problem is all sorted out Harry shows up to help Peter and he's all like need a hand Superfriends a couple minutes to go and have been so bad either what are you gonna do fire your Butler dude but yeah overall this finale is pretty good Sam man is a menace venom is an unhinged monster Peter beats him through the power of ear rape and little goblin jr. makes a sacrifice play and dies in the same way as his father like poetry sort of they rhyme it's a nice dramatic conclusion that ties everything up sorta and ultimately concludes Harry's art some of the CG on Sandman isn't great and it's kind of poorly rendered but honestly the bad CG in this movie isn't a problem for me because the movies already so campy the tone and atmosphere the movie goes for is enhanced by the dated effects by contrast something like black panther which is a legit racial drama for a good amount of the time is made worse by its unconvincing effects they don't jive with the tone here when looking at the effects and goofy performances and the insane story we're laughing with the movie not at it in fact that's a great summation that I should have saved for the end of the video damn it everyone who's watching this hit yourselves in the head and Ganon Aegis oh you forget that quote okay got amnesia good though I should probably recap the entire video just in case you forgot too much okay a wise woman named crn Kerr once set all right so we've touched on every single aspect that makes this film so goofy almost I didn't mention Bruce Campbell or the always excellent Jamison since they're funny parts of the movie that are clearly intended to be funny and they succeed also Peter and MJ have relationship problems but nobody wants to hear about that TLDR Peter is an egotistical unhelpful [ __ ] and MJ despite being a lot better still isn't perfect but anyway all the elements that I talked about sound kooky enough on their own right oh oh man let me run you through spider-man threes order of operations when it comes to these plot lines it makes things at least five times more insane than they were previously so it starts with a simple reintroduction Peter is being Spidey MJ's on Broadway despite her lack of talent and Harry's juicing up to be the new Goblin so far so good then the Venom symbiote lands and attaches itself to Peter scooter ten minutes into the movie remember that now afterwards were immediately thrown into a scene where escaped convict Flint's heart glom goal goes to see his daughter before getting on the run again alright fine seventeen minutes in Harry and Peter are fighting sounds am i right there's no reason to delay their confrontation so Peter beats him he's brought to a hospital and then we're given Sam man's origin story Flint Lockwood stumbles upon a particle accelerator and despite this massive shift in weight they fire it up anyway there's a change in the silicon master it's probably a bird it'll fly away when we fire it up I'm sorry what bird is that big oh yeah big bird it was probably him yeah he'll fly out no problem so Harry has amnesia meaning he's a background character from the next 40 minutes and Sandman is born right after so at this point you're like okay Sandman is the main antagonists not Harry look at you sam raimi subvert e-mart hey wait a minute why's this guy with no connection to our hero the antagonist instead of the guy who was built up for two movies I don't know we'll see so we're thirty minutes in and Peter saves Gwen Stacy from this runaway crane who is gwen stacy i don't know some lady in peters science class also she's dating this reporter guy who just kind of strolls into the frame here they share one scene together also she's the daughter of the police chief they share no scenes together so next is the scene with Jameson which establishes Peter and Eddie Brock as rivals who ultimately don't interact that and the movie shifts to MJ's perspective suddenly as she's fired from a musical after one night that's not how Broadway productions work but okay MJ and happy Harry go to the spider-man festival he kisses gwen stacy but then some coarse rough irritating substance wise by peter is finally gonna meet and fight the main villain 50 minutes in which is like okay i guess the movie still on track a lot going on but we got our fight on so it's okay peter and MJ then have a fight as he's trying to propose and I'm totally on MJ side in this scene but before we can really reflect on Peter being a bad boyfriend he's called in to the precinct now an hour into the movie we find out how the main villain is connected to Peter because he shot Uncle Ben and all this took place in spider noir universe apparently so Pete goes home really upset and the symbiote finally decides to strike fifty minutes after its first introduced it waited that long to factor into the story this is the part where everything goes off the rails so Peter under the symbiotes influence tracks down Sandman and kills him ten minutes after we find out why Peter even cared about fighting him in the first place then he messes up his hair and emo Peter is born then Aunt May stalks him out of being evil I guess and he puts the emo suit away so now the movie doesn't have a main villain again it made Harry nice and it murdered Sandman so now what do we do well my friends now is the time for but like I said MJ rejects his advances and leaves he stares at a willem dafoe mirror and boom he's the villain again and he just picks up where he left off an hour ago in the movie when he first lost his memory okay so now Harry does his o spiel with the black male and the PI and the wink and the whatever so Peter immediately Don's the black suit and goes to murder him and that's it he's out he's out of the movie again after ten minutes Harry is an active antagonist for approximately 20 minutes of this two-hour 20 minute movie which to be fair is longer than venom gets now comes the best part of the movie with Harry gone the main villain is emo Peter it's beautiful it's about ten minutes of montage followed by dance followed by broody and introspection followed by emo Peter's untimely defeat he gets the symbiote off and it infects Eddie Brock at the one hour 44 minute mark in the movie perfect way to end and set up for a sequel that's not at all it happens and you know it now venom is the main antagonist and also Sam man comes back somehow and the two of them team up for some reason and they kidnap Mary Jane because we really needed that for a third time thanks now we have the final battle gets an underdeveloped villain and a non-existent Lee developed villain Peter tries to crude Harry he refuses his Butler says bro you Puff Daddy stabbed himself and then Harry shows up to help Peter but he dies and he blows up Sandman Thanos is himself into the afterlife Peter and MJ start repairing their broken ass romance and they all live happily ever after I think the end holy crap I feel like I'm gonna pass out does anyone have any ID proof it [Music] yeah spider-man 3 is my favorite it takes the sheer insanity that was sprinkled throughout the previous two films and it just goes all out with it spider-man 1 had a great deal of insanity thanks to Willem Dafoe's utterly baddie performance as the Green Goblin but the rest of the movie is just kind of standard and formulaic and not really that funny or compelling spider-man 2 meanwhile has good drama here in there and it really showcases the struggles of being a superhero plus the action is pretty solid but out for Molina's Doc Ock is pretty weak from a comedic and dramatic standpoint and a lot of the sillier elements of the story don't mesh with the serious aspects it's a good movie but it's kind of dour and depressing at times and it's not really totally consistent enough to be a strong dramatic picture it's the best overall movie of the trilogy but it's the one I'd least want to sit down and watch but spider-man 3 is everything I ever wanted out of a movie whose main protagonist looks like this it's bonkers not only in the stories it tells but the way it attempts to tell all of them within the confines of one movie I could give my steps on how I would personally fix this movie but that implies that the movie is broken and in my eyes it's not I already said how to fix Harry's amnesia which is the only major problem I have otherwise this movie is amazing just the way it is I could watch it a million times and never get tired of it so why can't I say the same for something like amazing spider-man 2 that's also cluttered and has too many villains of plot lines going on well it's quite simple really like I said at the beginning amazing spider-man 2 thinks it's an amazing superhero drama spider-man 3 thinks it's a comedy so while both of these movies are so dumb and baffling that it's laughable and the case of spider-man 3 we're laughing with the movie not at it that was a really good quote but you've never heard that before this is a movie with a lot of good intentions and a desire to tell a complex story about how egotism can ultimately consume a man and ruin his relationships and his life did it succeed [Music] [Applause] as far as I'm concerned yes after the unfunny nightmare that was Shrek the third it's nice to watch a summer 2007 threequel that was actually entertaining and fun and hey spider-man is pretty good at web design how did he get so good 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Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 1,706,241
Rating: 4.888176 out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Spider-Man 3, Sam Raimi, Venom, Spider-Man, Sandman, Green Goblin, Tobey Maguire
Id: fR-V1yukXB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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