I Bought All the Gear I Used as a Kid–does it sound any GOOD?

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today i seek out the gear that raised me the gear that i used as a developing young guitar player it's gonna be a stroll down memory lane and maybe some of you share the same gear that i used when i was first starting out playing guitar i would say about 13 to 15 is the age range that i am recalling and trying to locate amps petals maybe even a guitar why you ask well it should be entertaining i have this oral vision of what these things sounded like i recall the sound of a line six spider amp on the insane setting sounding like absolute sonic bliss this gear is nostalgic maybe i'll even end up purchasing something that i used to own who knows could have gone through the circle of life in the guitar world and made its way back to me i'm gonna be using ebay or reverb or whatever platform allows me to locate my long lost gear and i invite you to leave a comment down below your cherished piece of gear that not necessarily got away i mean there's a reason we moved on from some of this gear it maybe wasn't the greatest but it holds a special place in our hearts so what is that piece of gear for you let me know let's get started all right the first thing i'm going for is the line six spider three i think it was a spider three ah nothing what about just spider maybe it's not spider three oh that's it spider four is that it let me see i don't think that's it i think it was a spider 3 that i had let me check ebay real quick line 6 nope that's not it either so spider so it wasn't a spider 3 because i need to see the insane setting yeah the 15 watt one doesn't have the insane setting so i gotta get the the 75 watt i suppose yep that's the one 75 watt spider two okay now we search local pickup only oh man all right this is the best i can find i'm gonna offer them i charge 50 bucks for shipping so about a hundred bucks for your line six spider that you're clearly never gonna use i will review the offer i will submit the offer all right so that's the amp that i always use now the pedal that i used to use all the time pretty much boss were the pedals let me go through the boss website and see if any of these jog my memory oh the dynamic wall that is absolutely a pedal i had so much fun with all right we're gonna go to reverb boss dynamic i'm gonna try and find a used one so that way maybe it was once mine what the heck 400 why is this 400 sellers open to offers doesn't say like anybody famous played it um i don't think this person's gonna have much luck selling that for 400 bucks all right this one looks pretty good i am going to make an offer how about 50 bucks oh not 501. please all right i'm going to go with the guitar now there's no way i'm going to be able to find the brand that i had because i don't even remember what brand but i just posted this throwback thursday picture that i found of when i was like 14 and i had a nylon string guitar yeah it does it just doesn't even have a brand on the headstock so i couldn't tell even if i tried yeah look at that hair by the way pretty nice huh you know this one looks just like it uh let's see 135 shipping that not this one wash burn still shipping 50 shipping that's a lot more reasonable yeah we are gonna go with this one listed two months ago i'm about to make your day let's go ahead and buy it music go around in minnesota all right so i got my old amp my old guitar pedal an old nylon string i think the last thing that i can remember influential and essential to my development and enjoying music was a line six pod uh i used that all through high school and i brought to college and used it it was my first introduction into recording guitar into my computer man i can't thank line six enough for all the innovation they made now i definitely can't remember if i had a pod or a pod i think i had a pod xt i remember there was a setting on it called uh streets have no name like the u2 sound and then there was also a steve vi kind of sound in there really just like an expansion of the insane setting on the spider but it was a lot more nuanced there were so many more tones to explore and precepts that was the coolest part about the pod is all the presets that just exposed me to different guitar sounds this looks like it yeah this was it i think it's still going for a couple hundred bucks it's not not cheap local pickup only come on you guys are killing me with the local pickup about this one comes with the power supply all right let's buy it and 15 shipping see that's some reasonable shipping right there if my offers don't get accepted then i'll just pay what they're asking so we won't go through that the next time you see me i'm gonna have all this gear and we're gonna test it out about one week later all right everything has started to arrive at my home we have the dynamic wa can't wait to use this bad boy and i have to show you this pedal i actually bought it after i stopped filming that first segment because i forgot about it honestly maybe the most important pedal of my guitar development stage because it has a built-in drum looper and it has all this other awesome stuff and maybe some of you will recognize it maybe a lot of you won't but this is an awesome guitar pedal as far as i can remember the korg ax-100g look it has a volume slash wah pedal it has different preset selections and effect selections and this is really kind of like a precursor to the line six pod xt for me and again the most important part that we're gonna get into with this pedal is the drum loops oh i can't wait i haven't heard those since i was 15. we have here we've got my old trusty bean hot xt and i thought this was kind of funny line six adapter brand new then of course we got this bad boy the nylon string um not the best quality instrument kind of feels a little bit like it came from toys r us but i think that is pretty much the same kind of feel that my old nylon string had when i was a kid so we'll see what i can get out of this thing and i'm still waiting on the line six spider amp it's supposed to be here today so i should be able to loop that in hmm it's here can you help me open this [Music] thank you thank you very much for your assistance howard you've done well in your first unboxing what check this out little pick holder they built into this thing oh i remember those light up lights oh that brings me back well you know where we're going [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay a little bit more uh grainy than i remember unbelievable insane i guess i should say amount of gain that's definitely still the same sounded a little better to my uh 14 year old ears though i remember another setting the red insane setting i believe it it turned on like was it the phaser or the course uh [Music] [Music] [Music] that is ridiculous it's like some weird wait is the phaser doing that let me see no so insane is just like this baritone sound like this octave down the red insane setting i totally forgot about that but now i instantly remember it's almost like a ring mod i remember the green metal was a pretty usable sound [Music] man that's fun oh i'm probably that's what i was playing at that age too i don't know where that came from something just possessed me to go to drop d it's like there's some mojo in this amp sweep echo i vaguely remember that sound [Music] not sure what line six was thinking on that one of course flange who could forget this sound this is like the zack wilde sound [Music] man that's awesome well let's move on to the next piece of nostalgic gear shall we hey that's the old oh funky all right let's see if i can find any of my old a minor [Music] all right there's a slight issue some of these patches just aren't working [Music] that one works fine this one just doesn't work what do you know you bought something on reverb and it doesn't work oh this is so disappointing you're tainting my memory of my beloved petal sounds pretty cool so weird how some of them just aren't working whatever oh the flanger come on laser works fine yeah like this is supposed to control this is supposed to be like an expression pedal so it's supposed to dial in some of the vibrato all right if the drum machine doesn't work i'm gonna lose my mind it works baby [Music] this doesn't really sound like reggae i'm trying to remember [Music] i remember this beat this sounds so [Music] [Applause] stupid [Music] [Applause] all right um maybe shouldn't have uh uh what the hell it was fun just getting back to my roots um i don't i don't think i'm gonna use this pedal again though good while it lasted glad it was my life but um it's going on the shelf let's see let's see oh ej clean i remember this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that sounds pretty awesome why did i ever get rid of this thing let's keep going oh i remember this one oh this is a song that i played constantly all right i'm not even gonna go past that that's uh that's not great sounding let's keep going i'm there lead i don't even remember john mayer being a thing back then slow dancing [Music] kind of disappointing the eric johnson clean one was awesome ah i could see how that would be absolutely delightful at 15 years old that is just a wall of milky goodness oh this is it solo 100 [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i remember i would add delay to this and i think compressor two just to make it even more squishy oh my that's it you know line six delays i think might be my favorite like that digital just super awesome especially in headphones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude that's the sound no i got little tinglies all over all right this bad boy is one of the first petals that just really got me excited about guitar pedals let's see if i can remember how i liked this one [Music] that sounds so ugh this pedal is awesome man i can't believe i haven't owned this one forever why did i get rid of this have i said that already in this video i seem to recall using this with distortion too let's hear how that sounds [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what that kind of sounds like [Music] baby [Music] neat all right finally we come to this um this guitar is having a little trouble staying in tune to be quite honest so we're gonna see what i can get out of it honestly like i said i used to strum on nylon strings playing like [Music] so i didn't exactly play this thing how you were supposed to which is song's pick so i don't know maybe i would play something like this now [Music] um maybe i'll stay around fifth fret and below i remember hearing this song when i was really young and i had no chance to play it but it was always kind of like one of those songs i was like one day i'm going to be able to play that it was mediterranean sundance by aldemeola [Music] and as you can see the the metal or nylon or whatever is on this string is kind of coming apart so i don't know how long this guitar has left but one of the first songs i ever learned i don't know who it's by or if it even is a song it might have just been an exercise but this is one of the first things i ever played on the guitar [Music] pretty complicated for the first thing i i definitely remember playing that though like when i first picked up an acoustic guitar and i started learning chords and strumming patterns and stuff i immediately was drawn to finger style stuff and that's translated and kind of brought me where i am today pretty much anything i can play with the pick i can also play with my fingers um and that's pretty sweet i think every guitar player should be able to do that so uh that concludes the journey down memory lane my nostalgic guitar gear what's your most treasured piece of gear or that piece of gear that got away maybe it's on ebay thanks a lot for watching this video it was a fun one to make i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 1,805,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: line6, line6 pod xt, line6 spider, line6 spider 2, line6 spider ii, line6 spider 2 review, korg ax-100g, boss auto-wah, boss dynamic wah, nostalgia, nostalgic guitar gear, old guitar gear, vintage guitar gear
Id: 6IXubJi3v_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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