Evans Gambit by Paul Morphy Himself

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hello everyone and welcome back to the good stuff we are continuing the Paul Morphy saga in the first American chess congress although this game in particular is not a part of the matches in the first American chess congress although in the semifinals morphe did the face theater or littenheim but this is a game that was played as a friendly game probably while they were waiting for for the games to begin one of the two games morphe played against liftin hind before their actual match now the reason I decided to show this before the actual match is because of the opening that was used I don't have to tell you which opening it is now because I'm sure you know and well it's just a just a very exciting game and it really shows you what a will what an exciting opening the Evans gambit DMS gambit is now a Theodore Lipton Hein and he moved into the United States in 1851 and already in 1856 he became the strongest member of the New York chess club and now he is a 1 year after that here in New York playing against Paul Morphy himself so let's see how the game went morphe opened with e4 with E 5 Knight to f3 Knight to c6 and the Bishop to c4 the Italian game is on the board Bishop to c5 now the jogo piano and of course b4 morphe goes for the Evans gambit as you always should when someone plays the Joko piano so Bishop captures on b4 best in those days and still considered best capturing with the knight has has the downside to put it best if you capture with the knight and whites let's say goes c3 you go back then white has d4 now the main difference here is if you capture with the bishop and then after c3 you don't have to go to c5 where your bishop is if you if you capture with the night so basically if you capture with the night you only have one line which is not all that great for you and if you capture with the bishop then you have plenty of plenty retreat there should be 5 Bishop c5 Bishop d6 Bishop to e7 and all of there all of them have their merits but in this game Bishop to c5 was played so pretty much the same as if Knight characters was played we have castles by morphe postponing the form for a moment we have castles and now Knight to f6 and here with black castles black is out of the woods definitely but morphe is not about to let that happen so here b4 and this position is a perfect example of how wrong can the Evans gambit go for for the black pieces now you have to make a move here for black you have to notice that you still haven't played d6 so that that is a bit of a problem your Bishop is under attack and you have to do something about it so best here not Bishop to e7 but actually Bishop to d6 you should keep an eye on the e5 pawn but in the game he captures on d4 was played and this is already quite troublesome for black here more if it continues with C captures on d4 d5 although it looks appealing it really isn't because of d5 and now if you go into trades captures captures and now captors on g7 rook the g8 and rook e1 check black can block with Bishop to e6 and black is fine here problem is after Bishop to g5 by white youth that you can retreat Bishop to e7 so really it's it's not a problem for black black is even up in development here and you you can't really allow a move like d3 so why it's gonna have to waste a move and it's gonna be perfectly fine for black so after this he captures on d4 morphe plate c captures on d4 and now you'll see where the problem is Bishop to b6 is played but you don't really have a better Square for the bishop for example if here just be five wins material if Bishop to e7 it's not much better still just be five and now if d5 like in the line we've just shown captures here already attacks another piece so why a black just loses a piece so after C character Sun be for now littenheim played bishop back to b6 but now it's it's it's a it's quite different because e five is now a good move there is no bishop to go back to east 7 after that Bishop to g5 attack as we've shown so here D Phi was played and yes they go into the similar line like we've just shown eke a present of six D captors and c4 f captors and g7 roadblocks and now rook to e1 with Czech and this is the problem if you tried the same idea Bishop to e6 now Bishop to g5 is pretty because there is no better one c5 to block this so you'd have to move the Queen and now after you move the Queen the black king is stuck in the center you cannot castle and you can go to f8 due to the pawn so here probably Knight c3 I just push away the Queen Queen moves and then just d5 is crushing so not much you can do here so after this rook to e1 check least in Holland doesn't go for Bishop to e6 he instead blocks with the knight in 97 and now Morphy air continues piling up pieces on that night Bishop to g5 not threatening to just capture it and win the game so Bishop to e6 blocking the rooks attack tonight and now Knight to c3 continuing further development but also threatening d5 which will again be overwhelming for black and you could block it with c6 but then just Bishop to f6 keeps the pawn and and keeps the tension with the black King stuck in the center it's not gonna be it's not gonna be easy to get out of this it will be impossible if Morphy of course plays the best moves but after Knight to c3 liftin Hein did not play c6 he instead played Bishop to a5 pinning the night if the knight who was then the rook is captured but to Murphy this is child's play he just plays Knight to e4 he says ok you are welcome to capture my rook because if you do Knight to f6 is made since the knight now covers the d7 square but also the palm covers the f8 square the King has nowhere to go so this would be this would be a very nice checkmate so instead after this Knight to e4 move Layton Hein clears the f8 square for the king so rook captures and g7 but now it's not much better Knight to f6 check you cannot go to these 7 King to f8 displayed and not while you could pin the rook right away at just attack it here first rook the e5 first Morphy goes for a nice roof lifts attacks the bishop here we have c6 now the bishop is defended but now better up to h6 and now more fees attacking the rook here but lift and hand finds the Knights the f5 and it's quite the move attacks both the night ended the bishop on h6 so here best for more fees either Knight captures in h7 or just to gobble up this pawn but here I imagine there were there was some crowd around morpheus table in a table and the more if you wanted to impress everyone so instead he played rook captures on e6 which is which is very creative as you will see yeah so the knight is now protected and well what do you do here if you go for the bishop then rook to e8 Chuck just picks up the Queen so of course Lee tonight captured the rook but now Knight to g5 very impressive stuff by Murphy of course the rook is still pinned if the Queen captures night the night captures on h7 check pics of the Queen as the rook is stopping you cannot capture the night so here by playing this well attractive idea he allows a lift and hind a very creative defense he plays King to e7 and now he's he's threatening to run away with the King and well now you really don't have a better move than just to capture the rook which is what Morphy does Bishop captures and g7 with Knight captures and g7 and now Queen f3 bringing the Queen enter game and here you should really try something like either night at 5:00 either h6 you you push away the night maybe the tribe - up to d2 to kick away the night this way but the move that lifts and I listened Hein played is really a wild one he played Queen captures on d4 and it kind of does make sense the rook is under attack the knight is under attack the knight is attacked twice now by the king and by the queen but this move loses terribly so feel free to pause the video and find this move that punishes lifting time a little Hinds idea well I have a nice sip of my water so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting the move that Morphy played and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's rook to d1 this stops both threats Queen captures anyone but also Queen captures and f6 because if you capture on f6 now rook d7 check wins the Queen so King capture screen captures and have sex it's game over and another thing it's not that easy to move the Queen for example if Queen c5 now it's just Rock d7 check King to f8 and the Knight captures on h7 with mate with the this night covering the g8 square so not a lot of possibilities here for lift and Hine he played Bishop to d2 now blocking the attack on his queen but now morphe goes for a knight to g8 with check giving up yet another piece so morphe really feeling generous this game and you have you have to capture it if you don't capture it let's say go kingly 7 the Queen still goes goes to f7 with chair King the 6 now Queen East 7 check King d5 Knight f6 check you can go let's say King II five you don't have a lot of a lot of options here and now of course Knight of three check justa fix up the Queen and you are getting made it very quickly so instead listen Hine played rook captures here but it's not much better Queen to f7 chat with King to d8 and here more if he can play a lot of moves he could just capture the rook with check but he plays the calm Knight to f3 and shows littenheim that he should definitely resign here and in fact it was in this position on move 26 that Theodora littenheim resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here the Queen is under attack once you move the Queen rook captures here with check is coming then probably probably a checkmate will follow or if if black is able to defend you can just pick up the rock with checked and pick up the night then Allah a lot of ideas are possible so yeah a very impressive game by Murphy and even though there was a lot going on and there were some crazy variations a lot of them the game actually lasted only 26 moves which in those days for an Evans gambit it is is actually quite a lot but that's why I decided to show it before the actual match between the two of them in the first American chess Congress as III thought you guys might enjoy a nice Evans gambit game sure that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank mr. Vera Brian burns Adam Kirk Robert Keefer and Christian jobs for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check - on my previous video serum thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing the Murphy saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world the 20/20 candidates are almost here so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 346,879
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, paul morphy, agadmator morphy, agadmator paul morphy, morphy saga, agadmator saga, alphazero, magnus carlsen, AGADMATOR EVANS, MORPHY EVANS
Id: kWxZJK6KEp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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