"Discipleship" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Awesome Teaching)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord has made and we're rejoicing and we're glad in it was celebrating another day that our Lord has afforded us to privilege and the opportunity to see and I'm so grateful today for your presence wherever you are in the world that you've joined us from around the world and I give again my shout out to all of our brothers and sisters around the world I'll be praying for you today and I pray that our God will give you strength and comfort for the days ahead I'm going to be teaching today from the topic the subject the theme of discipleship and that I've done sound exciting to you but there's some exciting things about it about this size should that apply to your life and I pray that you'll stay tuned in and join us and apply what you learned today to your life have a marvelous day god bless you hallelujah bless your name Lord you're worthy worthy to be praised where is it be glorified worthy to be honored father we humble ourselves before you we declare our need for you without you with nothing we pray today in the name of the Lord as we pray from one another we pray for each other pray for you God to step in and work miracles in the life of my brother my sister not only do we pray for the persons whose hands we hold we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who join us on the Internet speak to them God most profound way and we pray today God that your perfect world would be manifested in our lives we would see your hand see your glory father put a hedge of protection around this place bind and rebuke every demonic and distracting spirit save somebody that needs to be saved reclaim a backslider that's smitten cause the person who's unsure to get assurance that the Saints be edified when it's all said and done let your name get the glory in the armor we thank you ahead of time what you're going to do and say and we counted it's done in Jesus name Amen and a all right you can be seated [Music] I'm coming down on the floor y'all know what that means what does that mean Bible study it means we're looking in the Bible through the Bible I'm teaching the Bible since you don't come to Bible study look at your neighbor say we got Bible study since you ain't been there I'm teaching on something that I already taught the Bible study people if you already been to Bible study and like you ain't heard it but just that's just a handful y'all teaching to the rest of y'all Amen what one of these days I'm gonna be able to teach Bible study at Bible study on Tuesday and the majority the members will be there a lot of the members will be there it might not be in my lifetime [Applause] but I'm teaching tonight today this afternoon about discipleship I know you're not excited about that y'all responded about the same way the first two services responded to it they might have been a little bit better cuz I got this monkey on my back on evangelism and discipleship that I can't shake I went to bed planning to teach them another thing today and woke up this morning and the Lord say you ain't done and I don't know about y'all but I believe in obeying what the Lord tell me to do I'm going to tell you right off the bat I'm going to tell you some stuff you ain't gonna like matter of fact I'm gonna piss some of y'all off that's a biblical word pisses look it up in the King James Version P is s ETH piss it is that's actually the world look it up it's in there I'm using a biblical King James terminology yes I want to talk about discipleship if I had said I was talking about prosperity y'all will be o best y'all be worshiping the Lord but when we finish talking about it I'm hoping that you understand and see the benefit of learning and applying this to your life okay let me first of all tell you what discipleship is I want to give you some definition of what it is because it's important that you know what it is discipleship is a process of helping other people reach their god-given potential helping people become everything Christ wants them to become if the truth be told wherever you are in life somebody helps you to get there you did not get there on your own you did not pull yourself up by your own bootstraps somebody helps you somebody prayed for you somebody taught in you somebody opened up an opportunity somebody poured into you somebody taught you somebody corrected you somebody did something to help you and some of you are still having that process because this hypership you is something that goes with you for the duration of your life it's not something you do then it's done it you check it off it's something that's a part of your life for the rest of your life as long as you live there's always something else for you to do to be developed in and that's what discipleship is and I I believe that God wants us to be two things his two things number one I believe the Lord wants us to be discipled and number two God wants us to be disciple and he wants us to have people in our life to pour in us and he wants us to have people to whom we are pouring into their lives so everybody should have somebody teaching you and everybody should have somebody that you are teaching Amen pastor I can see what kind of services are gonna be right now I got five points and the twelve o'clock crowd has told me time after time after time after time take my time I intend to take my time I rushed through the eight o'clock service I rushed through the ten o'clock service I'm gonna take my time at the twelve o'clock so I'm telling y'all you're not gonna like me but I don't care I'm gonna get this monkey off my back today I'm gonna get in your grille I'm gonna fence some of y'all y'all gonna go y'all definitely go home talking about me today because I am not holding anything back at this 12 o'clock crown here's five points here's number one discipleship is a mandate from Christ it is a mandate from Christ a mandate it's a command it has instructions it's a challenge in Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20 Jesus is been raised from the dead he's on his way to heaven and before he departs he gives this mandate he said go therefore and make disciples of all the nations somebody say of all the nations that's what he said make disciples of all nations what does that mean that means that we're supposed to be making disciples of all nations go ahead pastor you're so deep that means all people black white Hispanics Asians whatever we're supposed to be making everybody we're supposed to be deciphering everybody who's supposed to be helping pour into everybody why is that important because in the church world church people tend to like people who look like them [Applause] thank all five of y'all for that rousing amen and I appreciate it church people I've been to church all my life I was raised my mother bought me to church as a small kid and I've been in church all my life and I've been remember the First Baptist Church Bernard since I was a little kid this is my only church I've ever belonged to in my life I know how church people's is and I know that church people like they like the people who look like and act like and meet certain criteria you know we we like people to look like church people we want people to come to church that look like church people but Jesus didn't say go you therefore and disciple all the church people oh that was major right there yeah y'all missed that point right there he said all nations that means we have to disciple everybody and what I've been trying to tell our church I've been to I've told y'all this multiple times people don't start coming into this church they don't look like us [Music] and we have a responsibility to love on them and to pour into them amen we have a responsibility and a mandate it's a mandate from God to disciple them and they're gonna and some of them are not going to dress like you want them to dress they're going they're gonna have piercing and different colored hair and their eyes gonna be funny colored that they stuck in their hair today they're gonna have a piercing in their eyes and their nose and lying all around their ears and their tongue gonna be pierced and they lip gonna be pissed and tattooed all over and we are commanded to this now what does that look like it looks like when a when a young lady comes in here who who looked like she going to the club come on y'all know what the club look like the twelve o'clock crowd know what the club look like why you're acting like I don't know what the club look like some of y'all came here straight from the club she dressed like a hoochie mama is that the word or is it how which word is it that I should be using she dressed hoochie mama huh ho cheetah whoo cheetah ask a hoochie to ask Lassen know what I ain't heard that one before don't say it well he wrote it down Oh a hooker that the word you wrote there okay okay well anyway I'm making a point because some of the mothers are the older people I shouldn't say mothers but some of the older people in the church would would grab them and pull them to the side say you can't come in here dressed like that that's not what we're gonna do because you know why you don't know what their story is that might be the best dress they got it might be the only dress they got they don't know they ain't been taught Danny been discipled so we called the Sutter to criticize them and tell them they can't come in here they can't sit certain places and all of that instead of telling them that what we should do is engage in their world what we should do is spend time with them and maybe hold up for you clap I want you to clap when I say this I don't see if you won't clap when I say this maybe what you need to do instead of being critical to them won't you take them shopping keep those who will clap and keep clapping let me see the people waiting yeah that's what we got to do because if the truth be told y'all shouldn't be came to church today I'm gonna I'm gonna unload everything that I didn't get off at to a 10 to 12 it's coming to you cuz the truth of the matter is if the truth be told if the truth be told the only reason you really getting on her cuz she dressing like that is you man cuz you've outgrown the ability to just like get yourself they can't handle the tube up in here though yeah because if you could dress like that you would how you know we would try to just like that pastor cuz grandma I want you to take the spandex off let's take the spandex off grandma [Applause] what a point in my making I see at what point am I making I'm asking y'all a question I'm the my point is we have to disciple all people spend time with them foreign to them that's a mandate from the Lord it's not a suggestion Jesus is not into suggestions he's not into options he said I'm gonna said go therefore and make disciples of all nations then he says baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit that means immerse them into the presence and power of God that's what that means immersed him into the person of who Jesus is and who his father is and who the Holy Ghost is and then he says this in verse number 20 he says teaching them go therefore he says teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you teach them the stuff I've shown you that I've commanded you to do you teach them that's what we supposed to do teach them what he has commanded us and then I like this he says this here's his promise here's a promise on the tail internet if you do that he said lo I am with you always even to the end of the world oh I love that right there it is a promise from God and God makes his promise and what he says when we get to the end of your life when you get to this if you do this I will go with you all the way to the end of your life I like that because I don't know how y'all feel about it I need God with me all the way to the end of my life I need him every minute every moment every second of my life I need him to open the door that only he can open I need him to answer my prayers and his promise is if you keep if you make my agenda your agenda he said I'll go with you all the way to the end of your life whoo that's a dust profound right there that's a promise from God if they're low I'll be with you always to the end of the world and so we have a commandment to make to make disciples that's what we're called to do of all nations his point to point to means being a disciple is more than just believing what does that mean being a disciple is more than just believing because people say they believe but being a disciple is more than just believing you a lot of people believe the devil's believe I'm a shaded in a minute just because you believe don't mean anything a disciple is not just a believer of a disciple is a doer say that a doer church people churches are full of people who come to church and walk out the door and don't change he didn't hear the teaching of the word he did instructions of the word hear the message and go out and they never change there's some people like that on your own go ahead look up and down the wolf so you can see the hood they come they get it they hear it but they don't do anything with it James one let me read James one verse 22 through 25 but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves hear us but not doers matter of fact the scripture says if you were here and not a doer you deceiving yourself for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like a man observing his natural face in the mirror in a mirror for he observes himself goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was but he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty and continues in it I mean looks in the word and continues in it and it's not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the word look at this this one will be blessed in what he does if you look in that word and you apply it to your life you look in the one who says the law of Liberty is talking about the word and continuing it carry it on put it in place in your life and you're not a forgetful hearer but a doer he says when you go out you will you will be blessed amen what does it profit my brother if someone says he has faith but does not have works can faith save him no if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food verse 15 chapter two and one of you says to them depart in peace be warmed and feel but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body what does it profit thus also faith by itself if it does not have works is there faith without works is dead but someone will say you have faith and I have works show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works you believe that there is one God you do well even the demons believe in tremble you know what that means that means if all you do is just believe but don't do anything there's no acts no works to go behind it you're doing the same thing that the devil does you and the same company has the devil's cuz the Devils demons know that God exists but nothing changes about their life look at your neighbor say I hope you ain't like the devil being in that crowd look at him on the other side I hope you ain't in that crowd but what do you want to know oh foolish man that faith without works is dead if you have faith but no works your faith is dead God wants us to have the kind of faith that has works that goes along with it can I get an amen right there from somewhere there's got to be works that go along with it let me go on to my next point here's point three that I gave you got to write so in other words number one what did I tell you it's a mandate discipleship is amended they point to being a disciple is more than just believing you have to have works to go along with it and and what works am I talking about I'm talking about you taking the word that you learn and apply it in your life but I'm also talking about you taking what you've learned not only applied in your life but helping somebody else apply it in their life that's what discipleship is some of y'all are not disciple in nor are you a disciple you you're not helping nobody else or yourself woo number three when I talk about discipleship is not just a plan into your life it's also about helping other people important in their life discipleship but my point three if somebody said well what do I teach people here's 0.3 teach what you have learned now here's why I'm about to get in some of y'all's face I've been getting it all y'all face I'm really about to get in your face teach what you have learned second Timothy 2:2 show me that verse real quick second Timothy 2:2 since this and these things this is Paul talking to Timothy his son and these things that you have learned from him from me among many witnesses commit those to faithful men who will be able to teach others also he says learn what you need to learn and then you take it and teach somebody else that's what that means take what you've learned and teach other people that's what that this was doesn't mean teach what you have learned the problem I have is some of y'all been coming to church for a long time your is you you look like you ain't learned nothing Jesus is the model for us Jesus tells us that he took what his father taught him and he taught it to other people listen this this church here is a teaching Church we teach I end up the old Sundays entertaining you I end up here whooping and hollering holding my ear squawking [Applause] won't he do it you don't hear me I'm not critical to people who do it unless you do it but you ain't taught me nothing [Music] this is a teaching church we teach in this church every week Sunday after Sunday Tuesday after Tuesday we teach the Word of God not just on those days we got classes every day of the week we got classes at all times of the day if you want to learn the Word of God it is available to you if you don't know it it's because you don't want it look at your neighbor say you don't want it I'm stressed out for you all of you to come to this church Sunday after Sunday don't bring no Bible don't take no notes that's arrogant to me it's arrogant that you here's what you're saying to God when you come to church and I think I think I know the Bible pretty well I think I'm a good student in the scripture and I know I need to write stuff down but you ain't got no ink pen you ain't got no Bible you ain't got no paper you ain't even got no phone no iPad to even take notes and you say you a disciple you are in essence saying I got photogenic memory I can remember everything and I know you can't you can't you you telling God I don't care here's what you're telling god you're telling God not only do I think it's not important I don't want need to learn it and I'm not interested in learning it and teaching you to somebody else that's what you're saying I think in a at a bare minimum you should take notes so you can be able to teach somebody else maybe you don't need this right now maybe your life is so together you you don't need none of this right now you may not need it today but I guarantee you at some point in your life some drama won't come up and then you know what then when the drama come up now you want to have a meeting with the pastor I'm sorry the pastor's not available to you do you understand what I'm saying to you it's frustrating that you didn't taught and taught and taught up in his church for 29 years 29 years I've been trying to teach the word 29 and people come up with the drama and pain and circumstance and I said where were you when I when I taught on that where were you we gave you instructions not to walk down that road I know where you were sitting right up there in the church without your Bible and without notes and without intent or pads cuz you were arrogant you only got to say nothing I told you I was getting in your grill you ain't got to like me that's you gotta you gotta make an adjustment okay all right let me go if Oscar killed I'd be a dead man right now I'm just trying to tell you that the information is available for you that we've we're making the deposit it's important that you make note of the deposit and have it available for when you need it when you need it for your own life and when you need it to pour into the life of other people number four I'm almost finished thank you I'm gonna you know why I'm gonna take my time second Kings chapter four I want to read this story to you second Kings four jot it down verses one through seven I'm gonna read this we just dam I tell you what it means let me give it to you listen to this story this is in 2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 1 through 7 a certain woman of the wives of the son to the Prophet cried out to Elisha saying your servant my husband is dead let me set the stage for you this lady was married to a man he was a student in the school of the prophets Elijah was to instruct her her husband dies and she goes to the Prophet and says my husband's dead she says and you know that the that your servant feared the Lord and the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves so her husband died and he left her in debt let me tell you something a good man will not die leave his family strapped with the debt I'm just throwing that in that's not that's extra that's not a part of the story that's the extra thing one morning when my when I died my wife gonna cry for about two minutes she got say he was a good man doing those two minutes he was a good man [Applause] oh yeah because I've made preparations I'm a prepper every good man ought to take care of his family when he leaves don't leave him strapped we got people dying and family only have enough money to bury them that's sad let alone live that's a side bar he has nothing to do what what I'm talking about but I felt the Holy Ghost told me to jump on somebody here that that can happen thank all five of y'all for that rousing information event important point so anyway her husband husband dies he's she's left in debt the debtor the creditor is coming to enslave her two sons so Elijah said to her what shall I do for you tell me he said what do you have in the house and she said your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil all I have is this jar of oil a jar of oil somebody say a jar a jar of oil okay go ahead then he said go borrow vessels from everywhere from all your neighbors empty vessels do not gather just a few and when you have come in you shall shut the door behind you and your sons then pour it into it pour it the oil into all those vessels and set aside the full ones y'all see that take the oil that you have gather all these vessels take the oil that you have pour it into the vessels point it and fill up the vessel that you have keep going go to the next go go here so when she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons who bought the vessels to her and she poured it out now it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said to her sons bring me another vessel and he said to her there is not another vessel salt the oil ceased this is a message to teach that as long as you have vessels to pour into the supernatural provisions of God will keep flowing as long you have that's what stupor into that's why this is a mandate from God God blesses our church cuz we keep finding vessels to pour in the vessels our souls and people who are broken and bruised and messed up injector and as long as we keep pulling into them and keep disciple in them the supernatural power of God will flow in this house I've been to church I grew up in church I've been to church all my life I don't know very many churches that are doing the kinds of things that our church is doing our church has made you into discipleship somebody say majorly into discipleship I know that it's majorly a word smite look it up you see if that's a word if it's not it's a good preacher word we are major into deciphering people we got a discipleship for men to cyber jet for women decided ship for couples of cyber ship for singles discipleship for people in finance the discipleship for children discipleship for youth I can go on and on we are major inter disciple what does that mean we're pouring what we have into the lives of other people and as long as we continue to do that God will keep the oil flowing would you talk about pastor yeah we just built the Family Life Center 25 million dollars look his neighbors they pay cash for that's oil we get my builder we get me we're working on building affect children's building for children they say it's gonna cost twenty five thirty million dollars we're gonna pay that for cash to somebody said we got some oil Kiki do you love me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have oiled somebody said we got oil and as long as we have people to pour into God will pour his oil in us and what he does with this house he'll do for your house if you do the same thing y'all not hear what I'm saying to you today if you make sure there's people to point to if you'll point into people's lives if you're taking your eyes off your own drama and you're helping somebody else God will see to it that the oil will flow in your life some of y'all will never get it I'm almost finished how many y'all will never get anywhere cuz it's all about you you're not pointing anybody else you don't care about nobody else you ain't teaching nobody else you ain't depositing and nobody else God ain't into people who all about themselves God's looking for somebody who's saying I'm willing to help somebody else y'all they got and then the last verse they put the last verse up there then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil pay your debt and you and your sons live on the rest y'all in here when I'm saying to you to that that's why God keeps blessing us because we made this a mandate for church and what he does for our church I said it quickly a moment ago let me say it again God will make it a man if you do it he will bless your life alright the amens are getting lower and lower in Lord y'all gettin tired let me give you this fifth and fifth and final point y'all got my first point what was that okay I'm gonna give you the fourth one what's number one it's a mandate number to more than just believe in number three teach faithful individuals let me teach you what you've learned and number four is that the power of God flows when you pour into others the power of God flows when you pour into others that's what number four is you pour to others God's power flows through you and in your life here's my fifth and final point understand that everyone will not stay with you [Applause] now this is an important point to understand because when you start teaching people the ways of God people don't reject it they're not going to accept it and I don't want you to get frustrated or upset or mad because people you care about and you point to and they reject you or they walk away it goes with the territory and I knew she understand I've been to pastors Church for 29 years 29 years this coming two weeks I celebrate 29 years of being the pastor here and there's a lot of people who started at this church that left that started with me or came or during the course of those 29 years a lot of people started a lot of people have stayed but a lot of people have left and it's difficult when you love and care about people and you pointed them and you take your time then you look up and all of a sudden you don't see them anymore and I and I want you to understand that that's that's going to happen to you it goes with the territory so anticipate it in Luke chapter 4 just chapter diversity I'm not gonna read it but in Luke chapter 4 Jesus told a parable I'm sorry Luke chapter 8 and I said for Luke eight verses for Luke eight verses four through 15 jot it down Jesus tells a parable in Luke 8 about a sore goes out as sow seed and some of the seed fell on stony ground some fell among thorns and some fell and blossom but it died down because it got choked in all these different things but out of the four different types of soil only one soil did the seed land and produce fruit that that remained only one which tells me out of the four different types for different seeds he threw down or four different types of soil only one survived only one produced that's 25% if you pour in the four people but you get one of them to win to be successful one of them to go on and do something with their life one of them to go to maturity you have been successful so don't get frustrated don't get mad it that's that's the but that was so helpful to me when the Lord spoke that to me I got discouraged when I saw people disappearing and I didn't see people and I wonder what happened to this person what happened to that person why didn't I hear no more yeah I'm gonna cry with that person and sacrifice to that person now they're gone and God took me to this passage and when he took it to me it spoke to me to let me know if I can get 1 out of 4 I've done well in john 6:66 job that verse down john 6:66 here's Jesus preaching and teaching and doing all kinds of stuff and in john 6:66 it says from that time many of the disciples went back and walked with him no more y'all mr. grace about to shout let me tell you what this means if people decided not to walk with Jesus and he opened up blinded eyes he made lame people to walk he bought the devil dead back to life if they've chosen to stop walking with him she you know they ain't gonna stop walking with you so don't get upset don't be frustrated don't get upset oh man it goes with the territory tell you maybe it goes with the territory some of y'all have stopped walking with me and you still you sittin here but you ain't longer with me looking at me out the corner of your eyes you rolling your eyes you got attitude it's ok I anticipated that a great deal y'all wouldn't receive this it's ok God already prepared me I'm already prepared I'm throwing out see [Applause] look watch this watch this look watch this watch this but you notice only about 1/4 of them reached up the ground do you hear what I'm saying you did don't get frustrated goes with territory these are principles that will transform your life and make all the difference in the world amen father in the name of the Lord Jesus I thank you for the truth of your word I'm grateful I thank you I give you the glory and I pray that you make us disciples make us fishers of men and disciples to help people become everything you want them to become help us to be disciple and help us to be disciples I pray father that you would this ingrain that in our hearts and minds in Jesus name father I ask that if their persons here today who are unsaved who have not accepted forgiveness of their sins if their persons here today who have back slid and are out of fellowship with you that you would draw them the person's here today God who are not sure waiting on spend eternity give them the courage to come and those who are here today Heavenly Father who are already saved but they need a church to be covered by and to be connected to this is the place you called them to come please give them the courage the bonus and the obedience to get up and come now in Jesus name we pray amen go ahead look at your neighbor and talk to him and ask him you fall in anyone at all superiors going to ask your name are you unsaved are you backslidden are you unsure do you need a church home if you fall in any one of those categories get on up and make your way down here as quickly as you can if anybody falls in that category right now would be the time don't put it off don't delay it don't debate it don't let the enemy come deceive you but make your way here right now and say yes to the Lord anybody in that part [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] - early [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right give it on a shout for all these souls here today [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord I am so proud of you the person standing behind you is a counselor they're going to take you into a back room sit down talk would you find out why you came help you take the steps to go to the next place and your life will never be the same again all right I'm gonna pray for you let's pray father I thank you for each and every person that has come forward today I know you know their names and their stories I prayed about the power of your presence and might you would transform their lives change them give them faith to believe in a heart to repent I pray Heavenly Father that you fill them all with the power of your presence in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 32,612
Rating: 4.7650695 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Discipleship, Amazing Teaching, Awesome Teaching, FBCG, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.
Id: AV29-GDXa9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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